View Full Version : Adapting "Sons of Gruumsh" To Eberron

2011-06-06, 04:31 PM
I'm not an Eberron expert but I love what I've read so far and want my campaign to be in it. I also want to run the Sons of Gruumsh module from Forgotten Realms. Any ideas how to adapt this?

2011-06-06, 05:50 PM
Gruumsh does not exist in Eberron, and there are no racial deities in Eberron either.
Furthermore, Orcs in Eberron are nothing at all like those in FR--they're mostly a druidic culture whose last major involvement in world history involved saving it from alien invaders from the realm of nightmares.

However, the plot of "charismatic warlord" and "ruined fortress" can easily be ported to the Mournland, and the orcs replaced with warforged, as a charismatic warlord is exactly what the Lord of Blades is. The only problems are that the Mournland is a very difficult place to adventure in for 4th-level characters, and that the Lord of Blades is around 12th level.

If you really want the orcs, you could set it in the Shadow Marches, where most of the orcs live. You can have a certain group of orcs being led by cultists of the Dragon Below or a Lord of Dust. That might be the easiest solution.

2011-06-06, 06:17 PM
One idea may be to turn all the orcs into goblinoids, and either setting it in Darguun or in Droaam. As AslanCross stated, orcs in eberron are quite different, a lot more about guarding the world than taking it over. Goblinoids on the other hand, could be persuaded by the dream of rebuilding their lost empire that once spanned the entire continent. Orcs and Goblins are pretty similar, so I imagine you could just use all the same stats, and just refluff the things that don't make sense. Droaam is a good place to set it, since it is basically a bunch of feuding warlords anyways, and next to Breland for a supply of missing scions. Or you could go to Darguun, which is more isolated, from the big 5, but already home to the goblins.