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2011-06-06, 07:37 PM
So, here's how it begins:
Every year, people from every city who are at least 10 years old can decide to leave on a journey with their Pokemon or not. If they do, they receive a Badge Case from the Professor of their city and 6 Pokeballs In Couleroi City, where this RP begins, the Professor is a man in a wheelchair with greying hair and a similar beard. He has been stuck in his wheelchair ever since an unfortunate accident in which he mistakenly provoked a Gyarados and he was paralyzed while attempting to fill the Pokedex, which was created by Samuel Oak. There are a group of teenagers chattering excitedly in the square as the professor, known as Professor Cedar, is lifted telekinetically by his Alakazam onto the podium with a list of names.

2011-06-06, 07:40 PM
John stands near the podium waiting to hear the names announced.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-06, 07:43 PM
Brandon also is here, and he looks around at everybody else with interest. His net is currently resting on his shoulder.

2011-06-06, 07:51 PM
Kaley arrives at the square, joining the crowd and waiting for the Professor to make his announcement.

2011-06-06, 08:17 PM
Brandon also is here, and he looks around at everybody else with interest. His net is currently resting on his shoulder.

In the crowd, he spotss a slight girl with light brown hair and glasses standing next to another cheery-looking girl of similar hight with dark hair and an expensive raincoat. A tall blonde girl is giggling along with a handsome blond boy who appears to be her boyfriend. A short and devious-looking boy stands in a corner, holding a pair of Pokeballs as another boy with an aggressive snarl on his face is slumbed against a building, among many others.

The Professor grabs a microphone and speaks into it slowly yet enthusiastically.
"Welcome, everyone! I trust that all of you have your starter Pokemon?" Cedar says, his friendly gaze sweeping through the young trainers.
"Now, this Instigation is going to be a little different than previous ones. As some of you may know, I have decided to offer the Pokedex to the young trainers of this Instigation, so they may fill it in and learn more about Pokemon across the world, and maybe even add details of their own. While it is certainly not mandatory, I would be very thankful and many occupations involving Pokemon studies will see this as a major advantage. Now, without further ado, I will call you up by your last name. I will give you your Badge Case, 6 Pokeballs and, if you request one, a Pokedex."

(Can everyone who hasn't already done so post their character's last name, please?)

Viera Champion
2011-06-06, 08:29 PM
Ahhhh... Oh geez... I forgot my characters first name...

Aricolo is there too!

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-06, 08:33 PM
Ben is away from the main crowd, leaning against a building.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-06, 08:45 PM
Brandon Schmidt pats the pokeball his Nincada, Snips, is currently dwelling in. The aggressive boy is watched warily, though the sneaky one with two pokeballs gets a frown. Either one is empty, or he's stolen somebody else's pokemon. He'll glance around, looking for more bug nets and therefore the chance of him finding a new titbit about bug pokemon; the less there are, the less likely somebody will beat him to it.

2011-06-06, 08:51 PM
Not everyone here today is a trainer or a tame Pokemon, nope. A Zigzagoon, slightly chubby but by no means out of shape, scampers through the crowd, sniffing at people's legs for the delicious scent of berries. Around the Zigzagoon's mid-section is a cloth harness holding a little pouch, in which he stuffs pebbles, pieces of tinfoil, and other shiny items he finds on the ground. He likes shiny things. Yep.

2011-06-06, 08:54 PM
John Dresner walks over to where the girls are standing, his Ralts follows him as he walks.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-06, 08:55 PM
Riolu is next to Ben, also leaning against the wall.

Viera Champion
2011-06-06, 09:05 PM
Not everyone here today is a trainer or a tame Pokemon, nope. A Zigzagoon, slightly chubby but by no means out of shape, scampers through the crowd, sniffing at people's legs for the delicious scent of berries. Around the Zigzagoon's mid-section is a cloth harness holding a little pouch, in which he stuffs pebbles, pieces of tinfoil, and other shiny items he finds on the ground. He likes shiny things. Yep.

Zigzagoon may notice the bag Aricolo is carrying that is filled with berries!

2011-06-06, 09:06 PM
John Dresner walks over to where the girls are standing, his Ralts follows him as he walks.

Kaley is nearby. She turns towards him. "Hey. Is that your Ralts?" she asks, motioning towards it.

2011-06-06, 09:12 PM
John stops walking.

Yeah, that's my Ralts.

The Ralts moves to get a better look at Kaley.

2011-06-06, 09:15 PM
Zigzagoon may notice the bag Aricolo is carrying that is filled with berries!

Spotting his favorite trainer, Zigzagoon gets a running start and attempts to leap up onto Aricolo's shoulder. "Zig?"

2011-06-06, 09:15 PM
John stops walking.

Yeah, that's my Ralts.

The Ralts moves to get a better look at Kaley.

She waves at it. "I'm Kaley," she says, looking up at John.

2011-06-06, 09:32 PM
I'm John.

John says as Ralts stands next to him.

2011-06-06, 09:33 PM
"Arcana, Aricolo. Please come up to the podium," Cedar says, reading from his list.

Viera Champion
2011-06-06, 09:40 PM
Spotting his favorite trainer, Zigzagoon gets a running start and attempts to leap up onto Aricolo's shoulder. "Zig?"

Hi Ziggy!
He holds up an Oran Berry for the Zigzagoon.

Then his name is called. He looks around as he walks up to the podium and notices everyone's pokémon are out. He instantly feels bad that Lady Dana is still in her pokéball. It's a little late now though.
When he reaches the podium, he smiles at the Zigzagoon with the adorable little pouch on his shoulder. He then bows to the Professor respectfully.

2011-06-06, 09:44 PM
Hi Ziggy!
He holds up an Oran Berry for the Zigzagoon.

Then his name is called. He looks around as he walks up to the podium and notices everyone's pokémon are out. He instantly feels bad that Lady Dana is still in her pokéball. It's a little late now though.
When he reaches the podium, he smiles at the Zigzagoon with the adorable little pouch on his shoulder. He then bows to the Professor respectfully.
Professor Cedar hands him a polished silver case.
"Inside are spaces for each of the 8 Badges. After collecting them all, you may challenge the Elite Four and the Champion," he explains.
He then passes him a relatively small bag.
"Inside are six Pokeballs. Use these and any more you find to catch Pokemon, but keep in mind that you can only have six Pokemon with you at once and any extras you catch must be placed in the Pokemon Storage System. Oh, would you like a Pokedex?" he asks, holding up a dark green device with a blank screen.

2011-06-06, 09:50 PM
Ziggy happily munches on the berry, balancing on three legs in order to hold it with one paw. When the storage system is mention though, he gives Proffesor Cedar and Aricolo pointed looks. The point being that he has no intention of being stored, ever. Nope.

Viera Champion
2011-06-06, 10:12 PM
Ziggy happily munches on the berry, balancing on three legs in order to hold it with one paw. When the storage system is mention though, he gives Proffesor Cedar and Aricolo pointed looks. The point being that he has no intention of being stored, ever. Nope.

Aricolo giggles.
Don't worry, the only TGIF I'm storing you is my Pokédex, and that's only your info. Thanks a lot professor.
He says, happily taking the pokédex.

2011-06-06, 11:00 PM
Aricolo giggles.
Don't worry, the only TGIF I'm storing you is my Pokédex, and that's only your info. Thanks a lot professor.
He says, happily taking the pokédex.

The Professor thanks him.
"Alisson Baron," he calls.
The girl with an expensive raincoat walks happily onto the podium and he gives her a similar speech, as well as the Badge case and Pokeballs. She leaves with a bubblegum pink Pokedex.

((To save time, everyone just post whether or not they picked up a Pokedex.))

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-06, 11:10 PM
Ben chose to take a pokédex.

2011-06-06, 11:17 PM
John chooses to take a Pokedex.

2011-06-06, 11:20 PM
Kaley decides to take one as well.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-07, 11:39 AM
Lo chooses to take one as well, and is now itching to find new Pokémon to catalogue.

Soon she and Merrie are running about, climping fences to scout and generally-

"There is one!"

the Zigzagoon now known as Ziggy may find a blue-haired young girl and a Squirtle with sunglasses running toward it. They seem friendly enough, if grinning like maniacs can be considered friendly.

2011-06-07, 02:13 PM
"Zig!" Ziggy squeaks, leaping off Aricolo's shoulder and dashing through the crowd, weaving between people's legs and leaping over chairs in an attempt to avoid his pursuers. He thinks Lo is trying to catch him, and he's not gonna let that happen. Nope.

Still, Ziggy isn't in the best shape, so Lo and her Squirtle might be able to catch him. He needs to do some training. Yep.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-07, 02:20 PM
Most unfortunately for Zig, Lo and Merrie are both in excellent shape and are steadily closing in on him with no exhaustion in sight.

"Hey! Stay here, Zigzag!"

even people and chairs doesn't slow them down, the two delinquents weaving between the former and jumping over the latter.

2011-06-07, 02:46 PM
Ack! Only one thing for it. Zigzag/Ziggy leaps onto a chair, turns to face his pursuers, then leaps again, aiming to land atop Lo's shoulder.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-07, 03:01 PM
Lo's eyes widen at this but at the last second she reacts, trying to grab the Zigzagoon and pin him down. She's pretty strong for her size, although nothing compared to most pokémons. If she succeeds, she will do the most vile thing imaginable!

"How does this thi-Oh! That's how!"

That is, to try scanning Ziggy with her Pokédex.

2011-06-07, 03:10 PM
Zigzag is grabbed! Oh noes! He does the only thing he can think of, and sinks his teeth into Lo's hand, or tries to anyway, not biting hard enough to draw blood but with a definite threat to do so if he isn't released immediately. She better let him go. Yep.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-07, 03:42 PM
Ben watches the antics of Lo and Ziggy, and shakes his head. He then asks riolu to stand still so he can scan him, and riolu obliges.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-07, 04:06 PM
Lo laughs, a sound somehow completely devoid of spite and pity, and tries to roll over and hold up Ziggy.

"Aww, you're a cute one! Thinking Merrie won't kill you if you hurt a hair on me."

Ziggy may notice that the Squirtle has removed it's shades and is staring maliciously at the poor poor Zigzagoon. Assuming it works, Lo will use the distraction to try to scan him again. Should only take a second.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-07, 04:09 PM
Riolu notices the aura of the squirtle become menacing, and tenses to intervene if it tries to attack the zigzagoon.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-07, 04:12 PM
Brandon accepts a pokedex, and quickly scans Snips into it, taking the Nincada out of his ball to do so. At the moment, neither are paying much attention to their surroundings.

2011-06-07, 04:26 PM
Ziggy is lifted up. Which is probably going to hurt, a lot, because he's hanging onto her hand by his teeth. Just to prove his point, he bites a little harder, giving Lo a baleful, yet adorable look. Yep.

She probably manages to scan him.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-07, 05:04 PM
Lo grins and sits up very suddenly, putting Zig down as nicely as a hyper kid can.

"Aww, you didn't fall for it. I was even going to give you...This!"

She grabs a berry from her pocket and holds it up in front of Ziggy, jumping back up and skipping back a nanosecond later.

"But you tried to bite me, so you'll have to catch me first!"

She sticks out her tongue, Merrie mimicking her with a Squirtle-laughter.

It's probably worth noting that her coat still has sleeves, if that makes a difference.

2011-06-07, 05:15 PM
Nooooo! Ziggy runs after the fast escaping berry, doing his best to look absolutely adorable and heartbroken. If he gets close enough, he'll try to leap at Lo and grab onto her leg.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-07, 06:08 PM
Lo will run just outside his reach for a bit, teasing Ziggy with the berry, before deciding to finally stop and give it to him. Hopefully being allowed to pet him.

"Here ya go, sillyzagoon. I hope you like sweet, 'cause Merrie would pounce me if she didn't!"

Theblue-haired girl grins at her new little friend, Merrie the Squirtle studying him curiously from her side.

2011-06-07, 06:23 PM
Ziggy munches on the berry, very much enjoying being petted. Really, she should have given him the berry in the first place, and he would have happily let her scan him. Yep.

Once he finishes his berry, he turns to look at Merrie. "Zigzag. Zig?*"

*"I'm Zigzagoon, but you can call me Ziggy. Who are you?"

2011-06-07, 08:25 PM
Bren runs down form the forest, saying
"Did I miss it? Can I still get a Pokewhatsit?"
He looks a little run down, and his murkrow fles behind him exitedly

(btw, totally out of character, how often do I have to visit a forum)

I'm new here, please don't kill me

2011-06-07, 08:48 PM
The slight girl from before walks up to Lo and Ben.
"Hello. I noticed that your Pokemon seem to be out, and I was wondering if one of you might want to battle me so I can add your Pokemon to my Pokedex?" she asks quietly.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-07, 09:03 PM
((Ben's not near Lo, he's about 30 ft. away))

2011-06-07, 09:07 PM
((Ben's not near Lo, he's about 30 ft. away))

((Oh... Well, since you responded first, she walked up to Ben.))

2011-06-07, 09:45 PM
"Zig!?*" Ziggy says, poking the girl's foot.

*I'll fight you, can I have a berry!?

2011-06-07, 10:25 PM
"Zig!?*" Ziggy says, poking the girl's foot.

*I'll fight you, can I have a berry!?

She looks at him quizically before eagerly taking out her Pokedex and scanning the Zigzagoon.
"Zigzagoon, the Tiny Racoon Pokemon. It is very restless and curious, wandering the land and scavenging for food. It plays dead to fool foes in battle."
She looks fascinated.
"Hm... Is it okay if I catch you?" she asks, knowing that Pokemon can understand human languages.

2011-06-07, 10:28 PM
Ziggy does indeed understand what she saying, and doesn't like it one bit, nope. He shakes his head furiously, waving one paw at her in a vaguely threatening, and more than slightly adorable fashion.

2011-06-07, 10:28 PM
John is walking around with Ralts following him.

2011-06-07, 10:30 PM
Ziggy does indeed understand what she saying, and doesn't like it one bit, nope. He shakes his head furiously, waving one paw at her in a vaguely threatening, and more than slightly adorable fashion.
She backs away.
"Um... Okay then, sorry.

She sees John and goes up to him.
"Um... Would you like to battle? I'd like to fill my Pokedex, see..."

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-07, 11:01 PM
((rewind a bit))

"Why not just scan each others pokémon instead of battling?"

2011-06-07, 11:08 PM
((rewind a bit))

"Why not just scan each others pokémon instead of battling?"

"Well, I'll need to get stronger if I want to find more Pokemon..." she explains meekly.

2011-06-07, 11:11 PM
Kaley draws a pokeball from her bag, clicking the frontal button with her thumb. It snaps open and, after a small flash of red light, her Vulpix stands in front of her. She scans it with her Pokedex, before storing the device in her pocket. She looks around the square at the diverse assortment of Pokemon and trainers around her.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-07, 11:13 PM
"Well, I'll need to get stronger if I want to find more Pokemon..." she explains meekly.

"Alright then."
He looks down at riolu.
"You ready?"
Riolu nods in response and takes a fighting stance.

(( and for now I deadtime))

2011-06-07, 11:16 PM
Sure, I'll battle.

John says as Ralts moves in front of him.

2011-06-07, 11:23 PM
Sure, I'll battle.

John says as Ralts moves in front of him.

((I'll assume she battles both of them at different times, then.))
"Okay then... Lotad, go!
The girl draws out her Pokeball and presses the central button.
A small blue creature with what appears to be a water lily on it's head now stands before her as she scans the Ralts.
"Alright... Lotad, use Astonish!"
The Lotad lowers itself to the ground and charges at Ralts.

2011-06-08, 10:24 AM
Ralts, use confusion before it reaches you!

Ralts begins to release it's psychic energy against Lotad.

2011-06-08, 06:00 PM
In the meantime, Bren has run down and quickly grabbed a pokedex and a starter. He throws out his murkrow, scans it, and asks "does anyone want to battle"

In the mean time, Snivy emerges from Bren's pokeball. Murkrow pecks at snivy, snivy dodges, and looks at murkrow disdainfully. Bren scans snivy and calls him back before she attacks.

Bren puts his hand on his belt, where there is another pokeball that is shaking restlessly

2011-06-08, 07:11 PM
Ralts, use confusion before it reaches you!

Ralts begins to release it's psychic energy against Lotad.
Lotad dodges out of the way but in doing so stops charging.

In the meantime, Bren has run down and quickly grabbed a pokedex and a starter. He throws out his murkrow, scans it, and asks "does anyone want to battle"

In the mean time, Snivy emerges from Bren's pokeball. Murkrow pecks at snivy, snivy dodges, and looks at murkrow disdainfully. Bren scans snivy and calls him back before she attacks.

Bren puts his hand on his belt, where there is another pokeball that is shaking restlessly
You don't get starters from the professor... Also, you can only have one Pokemon at this point.
Anyways, a tall boy with olive skin says that he'll battle Bren if he wants to.

2011-06-08, 08:50 PM
whoops, musta misread the intro. In any case, Bren sends out Murkrow, who hops about exciedly, waiting for an opponent

2011-06-08, 09:37 PM
Kaley takes out her map and looks at it, searching around for the nearest city (besides the one she's in now).

2011-06-08, 09:41 PM
whoops, musta misread the intro. In any case, Bren sends out Murkrow, who hops about exciedly, waiting for an opponent
See above. Assuming he accepts, the boy sends out Roggenrola and it stands up proudly.

Kaley takes out her map and looks at it, searching around for the nearest city (besides the one she's in now).

The nearest cities are Brunnaise City to the north and Bleugarde City to the east. To get there she will have to take a rather urban path near the sea, though wild Pokemon are commonplace if she strays slightly off the route. However, to get to Bleugarde City she will have to scale a massive mountain known as Mt. Rhodope, which has a precarious trail and is full of wild Pokemon. Most intimidating of all, it will be extremely difficult to return to Couleuroi City if her Pokemon are wiped out.

2011-06-08, 09:55 PM
See above. Assuming he accepts, the boy sends out Roggenrola and it stands up proudly.

The nearest cities are Brunnaise City to the north and Bleugarde City to the east. To get there she will have to take a rather urban path near the sea, though wild Pokemon are commonplace if she strays slightly off the route. However, to get to Bleugarde City she will have to scale a massive mountain known as Mt. Rhodope, which has a precarious trail and is full of wild Pokemon. Most intimidating of all, it will be extremely difficult to return to Couleuroi City if her Pokemon are wiped out.

She decides she'll start heading towards Brunnaise City. Taking one last look around her, she walks out of the square and towards Route 1. (I'm assuming; inform me if I'm wrong.)

2011-06-08, 09:57 PM
She decides she'll start heading towards Brunnaise City. Taking one last look around her, she walks out of the square and towards Route 1. (I'm assuming; inform me if I'm wrong.)

She makes it there unhindered.
The sea breeze rushes into her lungs as the sound of cascading waves fills her ears. She is now on a concrete path and to her left is a very grassy area with many trees and a handful of ponds.

2011-06-08, 10:01 PM
She makes it there unhindered.
The sea breeze rushes into her lungs as the sound of cascading waves fills her ears. She is now on a concrete path and to her left is a very grassy area with many trees and a handful of ponds.

Eh, why not? Kaley says to herself, looking to both sides before crossing the path and walking slowly into the grassy area, breathing in the fresh, sea air.

2011-06-08, 10:04 PM
Eh, why not? Kaley says to herself, looking to both sides before crossing the path and walking slowly into the grassy area, breathing in the fresh, sea air.

She almost instantly sees a Buneary feasting on a patch of grass. It sees Kaley and bounces up and down before turning to flee.

2011-06-08, 10:17 PM
She almost instantly sees a Buneary feasting on a patch of grass. It sees Kaley and bounces up and down before turning to flee.

She quickly looks around for any berry bushes nearby.

2011-06-08, 11:31 PM
She quickly looks around for any berry bushes nearby.

No nearby bushes have berries on them: It's too early in the season.
The Buneary begins to hop away...

2011-06-08, 11:34 PM
No nearby bushes have berries on them: It's too early in the season.
The Buneary begins to hop away...

Kaley draws a pokeball from her bag and throws it into the air, and her Vulpix springs out of a beam of red light from within the ball. "Okay Vulpix, use Ember!" she says, pointing at the Buneary.

2011-06-08, 11:37 PM
Kaley draws a pokeball from her bag and throws it into the air, and her Vulpix springs out of a beam of red light from within the ball. "Okay Vulpix, use Ember!" she says, pointing at the Buneary.

The Buneary is hit with the flames and bounces madly in pain. When it stops, it angrily faces the Vulpix and leaps with its fist raised to strike.

2011-06-08, 11:40 PM
The Buneary is hit with the flames and bounces madly in pain. When it stops, it angrily faces the Vulpix and leaps with it's fist raised to strike.

"Vulpix, dodge it!" Kaley says, drawing an additional pokeball from her bag. If Vulpix successfully dodges the attack, she'll throw the ball at the hopefully off-balance Buneary and attempt to capture it.

2011-06-08, 11:42 PM
"Vulpix, dodge it!" Kaley says, drawing an additional pokeball from her bag. If Vulpix successfully dodges the attack, she'll throw the ball at the hopefully off-balance Buneary and attempt to capture it.

Her Vulpix succeeds in dodging it and the Buneary tumbles to the ground. The Pokeball strikes it and it vanishes in a surge of red light. The Pokeball shakes vigorously twice before the Buneary comes flying out of it and hits the Vulpix square in the face with Pound.

2011-06-08, 11:47 PM
Her Vulpix succeeds in dodging it and the Buneary tumbles to the ground. The Pokeball strikes it and it vanishes in a surge of red light. The Pokeball shakes vigorously twice before the Buneary comes flying out of it and hits the Vulpix square in the face with Pound.

Vulpix stumbles back, and Kaley grunts frustratedly. "Vulpix, Ember again!" Flecks of fire shoot from Vulpix's muzzle towards Buneary. Meanwhile, Kaley draws yet another pokeball.

2011-06-08, 11:49 PM
Vulpix stumbles back, and Kaley grunts frustratedly. "Vulpix, Ember again!" Flecks of fire shoot from Vulpix's muzzle towards Buneary. Meanwhile, Kaley draws yet another pokeball.

The Buneary is hit by the barrage of fire and falls to the ground, attempting to struggle up to its feet.

2011-06-08, 11:53 PM
The Buneary is hit by the barrage of fire and falls to the ground, attempting to struggle up to its feet.

Kaley, starting to feel a bit bad for the Pokemon, gently tosses her pokeball at it.

2011-06-08, 11:58 PM
Kaley, starting to feel a bit bad for the Pokemon, gently tosses her pokeball at it.

The Buneary is struck once more by the Pokeball. The Pokeball then glows red and clicks shut in almost no time at all. Buneary is captured.

2011-06-09, 12:05 AM
The Buneary is struck once more by the Pokeball. The Pokeball then glows red and clicks shut in almost no time at all. Buneary is captured.

"YES!" Kaley exclaims, running over to the Pokeball and picking it up. "Hm..." she thinks, before clicking the frontal button. With a flash of red light, the battered Buneary pops out. "Er - sorry for beating you up... Here, this might make it better," she says, drawing out (after a brief pause to find one) a potion. She kneels down and sprays it on Buneary's wounds, which start to heal slightly. "So... I guess I better scan you now." She draws out her Pokedex and scans the Buneary. What are its details, WP (Nature, gender, moves, anything else of importance)?

2011-06-09, 12:10 AM
"YES!" Kaley exclaims, running over to the Pokeball and picking it up. "Hm..." she thinks, before clicking the frontal button. With a flash of red light, the battered Buneary pops out. "Er - sorry for beating you up... Here, this might make it better," she says, drawing out (after a brief pause to find one) a potion. She kneels down and sprays it on Buneary's wounds, which start to heal slightly. "So... I guess I better scan you now." She draws out her Pokedex and scans the Buneary. What are its details, WP (Nature, gender, moves, anything else of importance)?
"Buneary, the Rabbit Pokemon. It perks it's ears when it senses danger. These ears roll up and extend to inflict damage on opponents."
((Hasty, female, Defense Curl, Foresight, Pound, Splash))

The Buneary seems a bit more kind towards her after the Potion, but it still seems cold.

2011-06-09, 03:48 PM
Murkrow hops about exitedly at the sight of a new pokemon. Bren is wary due to type disadvantage but still calls out "Murkrow, use pursuit. Murkrow swoops down towards Roggenrola, hoping to hit something vulnerable.

Bren then yells to Kaley "Wait up! I want to go with you. We can catch and beat better pokemon together, and we both need more.

2011-06-09, 05:59 PM
Murkrow hops about exitedly at the sight of a new pokemon. Bren is wary due to type disadvantage but still calls out "Murkrow, use pursuit. Murkrow swoops down towards Roggenrola, hoping to hit something vulnerable.

Bren then yells to Kaley "Wait up! I want to go with you. We can catch and beat better pokemon together, and we both need more.

Er... Kaley's in a tree-laden location probably not all too close to Bren. She can't really hear or see him at the moment, so..

Earl of Purple
2011-06-09, 06:19 PM
Having added the Nincada to his pokedex, Brandon decides to move on, heading towards Brunnaise City since the terrain seems to be closer to bug pokemon's preferences. Snips, the Nincada, is currently following him rather than staying in his pokeball. Brandon is resting his net on his shoulder for the journey.

2011-06-09, 07:01 PM
Murkrow hops about exitedly at the sight of a new pokemon. Bren is wary due to type disadvantage but still calls out "Murkrow, use pursuit. Murkrow swoops down towards Roggenrola, hoping to hit something vulnerable.

"Roggenrola, Rock Blast!" the boy shouts.
Roggenrola immediately sprays a barrage of stones from it's mouth at the approaching Murkrow.

2011-06-09, 07:44 PM
Murkrow is lucky. Only two of the rocks hit, and Murkrow holds on with serious wounds. Murkrow continues to dive at Roggenrola, hoping the ability super luck will lead to a critical hit. Bren tries to scan Roggenrola, but it is too far away. He runs after them, hoping to scan Roggenrola or save Murkrow

(by the way, I didn't know that roggenrola had a mouth. That intendation has never actually been called a mouth, as far as I know. It also doesn't learn rock blast until level 14, which means the pokemon are at least level 11, so Murkrow knows haze. But maybe I'm just trying to be too game-consistent)

2011-06-09, 07:49 PM
Murkrow is lucky. Only two of the rocks hit, and Murkrow holds on with serious wounds. Murkrow continues to dive at Roggenrola, hoping the ability super luck will lead to a critical hit. Bren tries to scan Roggenrola, but it is too far away. He runs after them, hoping to scan Roggenrola or save Murkrow

(by the way, I didn't know that roggenrola had a mouth. That intendation has never actually been called a mouth, as far as I know. It also doesn't learn rock blast until level 14, which means the pokemon are at least level 11, so Murkrow knows haze. But maybe I'm just trying to be too game-consistent)
((There's a lot of leeway. This particular incident might be a bit of a stretch (7 levels or so.))

Roggenrola is hit and rolls backwards, but it's superior defenses keeps it standing as it leaps at Murkrow headfirst.

2011-06-09, 08:16 PM
Bren tries to call back Murkrow, but Roggenrola hits it and it faints. Bren puts Murkrow back, scans Roggenrola, and hurries off towards the pokemon centre. After Murkrow is revived, Bren buys 4 pokeballs, 3 potions, and an antidote. He then runs northward, staying in the grass looking for pokemon

2011-06-09, 09:06 PM
Bren tries to call back Murkrow, but Roggenrola hits it and it faints. Bren puts Murkrow back, scans Roggenrola, and hurries off towards the pokemon centre. After Murkrow is revived, Bren buys 4 pokeballs, 3 potions, and an antidote. He then runs northward, staying in the grass looking for pokemon

A Spearow sees him and angrily flies at him.

2011-06-09, 11:03 PM
Kaley comes back out onto the main path, her Buneary stowed in its Pokeball. She looks around for anyone else on the Route.

2011-06-09, 11:06 PM
Kaley comes back out onto the main path, her Buneary stowed in its Pokeball. She looks around for anyone else on the Route.

She sees a short boy with dark hair and a mischievious grin on his face holding a Pokeball. He sees her and walks up.
"Want to battle?" he asks in a suspicious manner.

2011-06-09, 11:07 PM
She sees a short boy with dark hair and a mischievious grin on his face holding a Pokeball. He sees her and walks up.
"Want to battle?" he asks in a suspicious manner.

"Uh... Sure, I guess. Two each?" she asks.

2011-06-09, 11:10 PM
"Uh... Sure, I guess. Two each?" she asks.

He nods and immediately draws a Pokeball.
"Go, Gastly!"
In a flash of red light, what seems to be a deep purple cloud of gas appears before him. However, soon a face with glowing crimson emerges from it.

2011-06-09, 11:18 PM
He nods and immediately draws a Pokeball.
"Go, Gastly!"
In a flash of red light, what seems to be a deep purple cloud of gas appears before him. However, soon a face with glowing crimson emerges from it.

Kaley thinks for a moment, remembering something her father taught her at a young age. Finally, she draws a Pokeball. "Go, Buneary!"
Buneary pops out of the Pokeball, looking oddly at Gastly. "Okay Buneary, use Foresight!" Kaley says. Buneary's eyes start to glow bright red, and it stares fixatedly at Gastly.

2011-06-09, 11:20 PM
Kaley thinks for a moment, remembering something her father taught her at a young age. Finally, she draws a Pokeball. "Go, Buneary!"
Buneary pops out of the Pokeball, looking oddly at Gastly. "Okay Buneary, use Foresight!" Kaley says. Buneary's eyes start to glow bright red, and it stares fixatedly at Gastly.

"Gastly, use Hypnosis!" he cackles and waves of energy flow through the air from Gastly to Buneary, likely making Buneary fall asleep.

2011-06-09, 11:26 PM
"Gastly, use Hypnosis!" he cackles and waves of energy flow through the air from Gastly to Buneary, likely making Buneary fall asleep.

Er... Well, technically speaking, it has a 60% accuracy rate. I rolled a d100 and got 91, so...

Buneary seems drowsy for a moment, but then seems to shake it off and puts on a determined face. "Buneary, use Pound!" Kaley cries, as Buneary rolls up an ear and jumps towards Gastly. At the last second, it will swiftly unfurl the ear to try and hit Gastly.

2011-06-09, 11:27 PM
Er... Well, technically speaking, it has a 60% accuracy rate. I rolled a d100 and got 91, so...

Buneary seems drowsy for a moment, but then seems to shake it off and puts on a determined face. "Buneary, use Pound!" Kaley cries, as Buneary rolls up an ear and jumps towards Gastly. At the last second, it will swiftly unfurl the ear to try and hit Gastly.

"Gastly, use Lick!" he says, now somewhat annoyed. His annoyance grows further when Lick does nothing and Gastly is hit with Buneary's unfurling ear.
Gastly wobbles momentarily and seems to be in great pain before forcing itself into the air again.

2011-06-09, 11:30 PM
"Gastly, use Lick!" he says, now somewhat annoyed. His annoyance grows further when Lick does nothing and Gastly is hit with Buneary's unfurling ear.
Gastly wobbles momentarily and seems to be in great pain before forcing itself into the air again.

"Good job. Use Pound again!" Buneary jumps the short distance between it and Gastly, attacking once again.

EDIT: Oh, and while this happens, Kaley remembers to take out her Pokedex and scan Gastly, if possible.

2011-06-09, 11:34 PM
"Good job. Use Pound again!" Buneary jumps the short distance between it and Gastly, attacking once again.

"Gastly, Hypnosis!" he yells at it.
It feebly conjures waves which rush towards Buneary as Buneary is just in front of it.
((If it succeeds, Gastly will be hit but then Buneary will fall asleep. I'll roll this time. I rolled 39, so Buneary falls asleep.))
Buneary then hits Gastly and it is knocked to the ground, unconscious.
"Ugh, you useless thing!" he yells at it as he returns it to it's Pokeball.
He draws another one.
"This Pokemon is way better! Go, Scraggy!" the boy exclaims as he unleashes a reptilian creature with tough yellow skin.


EDIT: Oh, and while this happens, Kaley remembers to take out her Pokedex and scan Gastly, if possible.

"Gastly, the Gas Pokemon. Its body is almost completely gaseous, and it envelops its foes and suffocates them."

2011-06-09, 11:43 PM
"Gastly, Hypnosis!" he yells at it.
It feebly conjures waves which rush towards Buneary as Buneary is just in front of it.
((If it succeeds, Gastly will be hit but then Buneary will fall asleep. I'll roll this time. I rolled 39, so Buneary falls asleep.))
Buneary then hits Gastly and it is knocked to the ground, unconscious.
"Ugh, you useless thing!" he yells at it as he returns it to it's Pokeball.
He draws another one.
"This Pokemon is way better! Go, Scraggy!" the boy exclaims as he unleashes a reptilian creature with tough yellow skin.

"Hm... Okay, Buneary, come back!" she says, drawing Buneary's Pokeball and returning it to the ball. She then draws another one. "Go, Vulpix!" The little red fox pops out of the ball, looking a little wary of Scraggy, but not backing down. "Ember, Vulpix!" Kaley says, as her Pokemon jumps up and shoots a mass of hot flecks of fire at Scraggy.

2011-06-09, 11:46 PM
"Hm... Okay, Buneary, come back!" she says, drawing Buneary's Pokeball and returning it to the ball. She then draws another one. "Go, Vulpix!" The little red fox pops out of the ball, looking a little wary of Scraggy, but not backing down. "Ember, Vulpix!" Kaley says, as her Pokemon jumps up and shoots a mass of hot flecks of fire at Scraggy.

"Dodge it, Scraggy!" the boy calls. Scraggy leaps out of the way of the flames.
"Now, Sand-Attack!"
Scraggy starts kicking wildly at Vulpix, sending sand towards its face.

2011-06-09, 11:51 PM
"Dodge it, Scraggy!" the boy calls. Scraggy leaps out of the way of the flames.
"Now, Sand-Attack!"
Scraggy starts kicking wildly at Vulpix, sending sand towards its face.

Vulpix lands on the ground, nimbly jumping to the side. Although its backside is hit by some of the dirt/sand, it goes largely unharmed. Kaley then orders another Ember.

2011-06-09, 11:53 PM
Vulpix lands on the ground, nimbly jumping to the side. Although its backside is hit by some of the dirt/sand, it goes largely unharmed. Kaley then orders another Ember.

This one hits with success, and the boy mutters something at it.
Suddenly, Scraggy whimpers in pain on the ground, looking extremely pitiful.

2011-06-09, 11:56 PM
This one hits with success, and the boy mutters something at it.
Suddenly, Scraggy whimpers in pain on the ground, looking extremely pitiful.

"Er... Is it okay? Kaley asks.

2011-06-09, 11:58 PM
"Er... Is it okay? Kaley asks.

As Kaley lets her guard down, Scraggy leaps up and punches Vulpix in the face.
((Sorry for the god-modding, but Faint Attack apparently never misses...))

2011-06-10, 12:08 AM
As Kaley lets her guard down, Scraggy leaps up and punches Vulpix in the face.
((Sorry for the god-modding, but Faint Attack apparently never misses...))

((It's fine.))

Vulpix is hit and jumps back, shaking its head slowly. "Hey! Vulpix, hit him with Ember!" she cries, angry at the boy and his Scraggy hurting her poor little Vulpix. :smalltongue:

2011-06-10, 12:14 AM
((It's fine.))

Vulpix is hit and jumps back, shaking its head slowly. "Hey! Vulpix, hit him with Ember!" she cries, angry at the boy and his Scraggy hurting her poor little Vulpix. :smalltongue:

It hits Scraggy again, but the Scraggy pulls up its roll of tough flesh and it only shows minor pain.
"Sand-Attack again!"
Scraggy kicks up more sand at the Vulpix.

2011-06-10, 12:18 AM
It hits Scraggy again, but the Scraggy pulls up its roll of tough flesh and it only shows minor pain.
"Sand-Attack again!"
Scraggy kicks up more sand at the Vulpix.

This time, the sand hits Vulpix's front, and it starts pawing the sand from its eyes.

2011-06-10, 12:47 AM
This time, the sand hits Vulpix's front, and it starts pawing the sand from its eyes.

"Scraggy, Low Kick!"
Scraggy charges at Vulpix, preparing to kick it.

2011-06-10, 03:35 PM
Murkrow seems cautious after the first defeat, but still Bren sais soothingly "Murkrow, use peck!" Bren intends to faint this pokemon, as he needs experience and already has a flying type.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-10, 03:38 PM
Route 1, To Brunnaise City

Brandon is walking through long grass, looking for pokemon. His net is resting on his shoulder at the moment, and he's followed by Snips, his Nincada.

2011-06-10, 06:01 PM
"Scraggy, Low Kick!"
Scraggy charges at Vulpix, preparing to kick it.

"Jump, Vulpix!" Kaley cries. Vulpix, trying to follow Kaley's command, jumps clumsily into the air, still pawing the sand out of its eyes. Although it dodges the kick, it lands awkwardly on the ground and stumbles towards the Scraggy-owning boy.

2011-06-10, 06:06 PM
Murkrow seems cautious after the first defeat, but still Bren sais soothingly "Murkrow, use peck!" Bren intends to faint this pokemon, as he needs experience and already has a flying type.
The Spearow is hit and is sent flying back.

Route 1, To Brunnaise City

Brandon is walking through long grass, looking for pokemon. His net is resting on his shoulder at the moment, and he's followed by Snips, his Nincada.
A Ledyba flies through the air playfully nearby, unaware of his presence.

"Jump, Vulpix!" Kaley cries. Vulpix, trying to follow Kaley's command, jumps clumsily into the air, still pawing the sand out of its eyes. Although it dodges the kick, it lands awkwardly on the ground and stumbles towards the Scraggy-owning boy.

"Scraggy, Low Kick again!"
The Scraggy charges at Vulpix and attempts to kick it once more.

2011-06-10, 06:06 PM
John sees that the Lotad stopped charging.

Ralts, use Confusion again!

Ralts will then attack with Confusion again.

2011-06-10, 06:09 PM
The Spearow is hit and is sent flying back.

A Ledyba flies through the air playfully nearby, unaware of his presence.

"Scraggy, Low Kick again!"
The Scraggy charges at Vulpix and attempts to kick it once more.

Vulpix is kicked in the rear and tumbles forward. Injured but determined, it stands up and faces Scraggy. "Okay Vulpix, Ember! You can do it!" Vulpix jumps up in the air and unleashes a multitude of fiery pellets at Scraggy, this one the most fierce yet.

2011-06-10, 06:09 PM
John sees that the Lotad stopped charging.

Ralts, use Confusion again!

Ralts will then attack with Confusion again.

The Lotad is lifted into the air and dropped. However, it then uses receives a command to use Atonish again.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-10, 06:17 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon notices the Ledyba, and gently pokes Snips to get the Nincada's attention before pointing it out. They'll sneak up on it and Brandon will try to get it in his net so it doesn't fly away before Snips attacks.

2011-06-10, 06:21 PM
Vulpix is kicked in the rear and tumbles forward. Injured but determined, it stands up and faces Scraggy. "Okay Vulpix, Ember! You can do it!" Vulpix jumps up in the air and unleashes a multitude of fiery pellets at Scraggy, this one the most fierce yet.
It is struck and is knocked down, motionless.
"Scraggy, Faint Attack again!" the boy cries.
Scraggy forces itself up and launches itself at Vulpix, striking it on the head.

((Once again, sorry for the godmod, but Faint Attack always hits.))

2011-06-10, 07:50 PM
Bren is exited in prospect of first victory. "Murkrow, peck again!" cries Bren

Murkrow dives with slightly less enthusiasm than Bren.
Bren begins to look for the next opponent in the grass

2011-06-10, 08:25 PM
It is struck and is knocked down, motionless.
"Scraggy, Faint Attack again!" the boy cries.
Scraggy forces itself up and launches itself at Vulpix, striking it on the head.

((Once again, sorry for the godmod, but Faint Attack always hits.))

Vulpix is hit square on and flies backwards, fainting.

Kaley curses, drawing Vulpix's Pokeball and returning it. "Good job, Vulpix. So... Go, Buneary," she says, less enthusiastically than before.

Buneary pops out of the ball, dozing in an upright position.

"C'mon Buneary, wake up!"

2011-06-10, 08:38 PM
Bren is exited in prospect of first victory. "Murkrow, peck again!" cries Bren

Murkrow dives with slightly less enthusiasm than Bren.
Bren begins to look for the next opponent in the grass
The Spearow is knocked unconscious.

Vulpix is hit square on and flies backwards, fainting.

Kaley curses, drawing Vulpix's Pokeball and returning it. "Good job, Vulpix. So... Go, Buneary," she says, less enthusiastically than before.

Buneary pops out of the ball, dozing in an upright position.

"C'mon Buneary, wake up!"

The boy grins excitedly.
"Use Low Kick!" he cries out in excitement.
Scraggy charges once more, getting ready to kick Buneary.

2011-06-10, 08:49 PM
The Spearow is knocked unconscious.

The boy grins excitedly.
"Use Low Kick!" he cries out in excitement.
Scraggy charges once more, getting ready to kick Buneary.

The sleeping Buneary is kicked in the abdomen and flies backwards into a tree. Although somewhat hurt, the hit seems to have woken up Buneary, and it stands up shakily. "Great, Buneary! Okay, use Defense Curl!"

2011-06-10, 08:50 PM
The sleeping Buneary is kicked in the abdomen and flies backwards into a tree. Although somewhat hurt, the hit seems to have woken up Buneary, and it stands up shakily. "Great, Buneary! Okay, use Defense Curl!"

"Finish it off with Low Kick, Scraggy!" the boy cackles, thinking that he has no chance of losing.
Scraggy runs back at Buneary, seeming quite confident as well.

2011-06-10, 08:55 PM
"Finish it off with Low Kick, Scraggy!" the boy cackles, thinking that he has no chance of losing.
Scraggy runs back at Buneary, seeming quite confident as well.

Buneary curls up in a ball, rolling forward, towards the oncoming Scraggy. "Now, Buneary, jump and use Pound!" As Scraggy gets within inches from Buneary, it jumps up and slams its ears down on Scraggy.

(Sorry if I'm godmodding, but it's very unlikely that it would miss at that distance...)

2011-06-10, 08:57 PM
Buneary curls up in a ball, rolling forward, towards the oncoming Scraggy. "Now, Buneary, jump and use Pound!" As Scraggy gets within inches from Buneary, it jumps up and slams its ears down on Scraggy.

(Sorry if I'm godmodding, but it's very unlikely that it would miss at that distance...)
Scraggy is knocked to the ground and stops moving.
"Faint Attack, now!" the boy calls.
Scraggy does nothing.
"Faint Attack!" he yells again as Scraggy continues to lie limp. Then the boy realizes that Scraggy is actually unconscious.
"Gr... I guess you win..." he says in annoyance, bringing Scraggy back into its Pokeball.

2011-06-10, 09:10 PM
Bren start searching for more pokemon in the grass
He is hoping for something useful he can add to his team

2011-06-10, 09:16 PM
Scraggy is knocked to the ground and stops moving.
"Faint Attack, now!" the boy calls.
Scraggy does nothing.
"Faint Attack!" he yells again as Scraggy continues to lie limp. Then the boy realizes that Scraggy is actually unconscious.
"Gr... I guess you win..." he says in annoyance, bringing Scraggy back into its Pokeball.

"Yes!! Great job Buneary!" Kaley says happily, offering a hug to Buneary. Although at first, Buneary seems unwilling, it eventually gives in and hugs its trainer. "Good battle, I guess," Kaley says to the boy, before returning Buneary to its Pokeball. "I'm Kaley, by the way."

2011-06-10, 09:18 PM
Bren start searching for more pokemon in the grass
He is hoping for something useful he can add to his team

"Yes!! Great job Buneary!" Kaley says happily, offering a hug to Buneary. Although at first, Buneary seems unwilling, it eventually gives in and hugs its trainer. "Good battle, I guess," Kaley says to the boy, before returning Buneary to its Pokeball. "I'm Kaley, by the way."
"I'm Evan," he says, deciding to ignore his disappointment at losing at the sight of Kaley.
He then walks back to Couleuroi City to have his Pokemon healed without saying a word.

Kaley can see the couple from earlier a fair distance in front of her.

2011-06-10, 09:27 PM
Ralts, use double team!

Ralts will then become surrounded by copies of itself that all begin to move, making it difficult to figure out which one is real.

2011-06-10, 09:27 PM
Murkrow preens its tail feathers in delight, and begins to strut through the grass. Bren decides this is not a moment to complain, and searches with Murkrow for an opponent

2011-06-10, 09:31 PM
"I'm Evan," he says, deciding to ignore his disappointment at losing at the sight of Kaley.
He then walks back to Couleuroi City to have his Pokemon healed without saying a word.

Kaley can see the couple from earlier a fair distance in front of her.

Kaley sees them, but decides to continue on down the path so as to not disturb them too much.

2011-06-10, 09:34 PM
Ralts, use double team!

Ralts will then become surrounded by copies of itself that all begin to move, making it difficult to figure out which one is real.

The Lotad charges in the direction of where it saw Ralts originally, ignoring the copies at the girl's command.

A male Nidoran leaps from the grass with his horn pointed at Murkrow.

Kaley sees them, but decides to continue on down the path so as to not disturb them too much.

She arrives at a fork in the road. One path cuts into a more arboreal route, the other keeps by the seashore.

2011-06-10, 09:37 PM
The Lotad charges in the direction of where it saw Ralts originally, ignoring the copies at the girl's command.

A male Nidoran leaps from the grass with his horn pointed at Murkrow.

She arrives at a fork in the road. One path cuts into a more arboreal route, the other keeps by the seashore.

Confused, Kaley decides to turn around, jogging back to the kissing couple. When close to them, she stops and speaks up. "Eh, sorry for interrupting, but do you guys know which way leads to Brunnaise City?" she asks, pointing down the road to the fork.

2011-06-10, 09:40 PM
Confused, Kaley decides to turn around, jogging back to the kissing couple. When close to them, she stops and speaks up. "Eh, sorry for interrupting, but do you guys know which way leads to Brunnaise City?" she asks, pointing down the road to the fork.

They break apart and look at eachother.
"Huh... I think it's left, but I'm not sure," the blonde girl says.
The boy stares at Kayley momentarily, then blinks.
"I think we should get going to Brunnaise City too," he says.
"Hey, is it okay if we go with you?" he asks.

2011-06-10, 09:40 PM
The Lotad goes right through a copy. It seems that they all switched places.

Ralts, use Confusion again!

The real Ralts, hidden amoung the copies attempts to use Confusion.

2011-06-10, 09:46 PM
The Lotad goes right through a copy. It seems that they all switched places.

Ralts, use Confusion again!

The real Ralts, hidden amoung the copies attempts to use Confusion.
Lotad manages to dodge it.
"L-Lotad, Nature Power!" the girl stammers.
The Lotad spins around and shoots a beam of fire, a beam of ice, and a beam of electricity at the copies and possibly the real Ralts.

2011-06-10, 09:59 PM

They break apart and look at eachother.
"Huh... I think it's left, but I'm not sure," the blonde girl says.
The boy stares at Kayley momentarily, then blinks.
"I think we should get going to Brunnaise City too," he says.
"Hey, is it okay if we go with you?" he asks.

"Uh, sure; of course. So, which path are we going to take?"

2011-06-10, 10:04 PM
"Uh, sure; of course. So, which path are we going to take?"

They both shrug.

2011-06-10, 10:06 PM
They both shrug.

"Okay, well, let's go, then.." she says, starting to walk (presumably with them) to the fork. "Hm.. Do you guys want to just take the forest path?"

2011-06-10, 10:06 PM
The copies of Ralts disappear and at the same time Ralts is hit with part of the beam of ice.

Ralts, use Confusion again!

Ralts will attempt to use Confusion again, this time aiming it's attack very carefully.

2011-06-10, 10:16 PM
"Okay, well, let's go, then.." she says, starting to walk (presumably with them) to the fork. "Hm.. Do you guys want to just take the forest path?"

They both accept this idea.
They can see a Combee overhead playfully chasing after a Hoppip flying into the distance as they enter the path.

2011-06-10, 10:37 PM
They both accept this idea.
They can see a Combee overhead playfully chasing after a Hoppip flying into the distance as they enter the path.

I guess they go forward until they see more Pokemon or something of interest.

2011-06-10, 10:56 PM
I guess they go forward until they see more Pokemon or something of interest.

The route gradually gets more forested and difficult. As they arrive near a pond with a large boulder next to it, a Karrablast pops out from between the trees at them.
"Ah!" the girl exclaims, ducking out of the way.

2011-06-10, 10:59 PM
The route gradually gets more forested and difficult. As they arrive near a pond with a large boulder next to it, a Karrablast pops out from between the trees at them.
"Ah!" the girl exclaims, ducking out of the way.

Kaley takes out her Pokedex and scans the Karrablast.

2011-06-10, 11:04 PM
Kaley takes out her Pokedex and scans the Karrablast.

"Karrablast, the Clamping Pokemon. It evolves when it is in the same place as Shelmet."

2011-06-10, 11:09 PM
"Karrablast, the Clamping Pokemon. It evolves when it is in the same place as Shelmet."

"Oh, cool... Oh, I forgot to mention... My name's Kaley," she says, extending a hand to Julie and Luc each.

2011-06-10, 11:15 PM
"Oh, cool... Oh, I forgot to mention... My name's Kaley," she says, extending a hand to Julie and Luc each.

Julia and Luke introduce themselves as well.
"Look out!" Julia cries as the Karrablast charges towards Kaley.

2011-06-10, 11:16 PM
Julia and Luke introduce themselves as well.
"Look out!" Julia cries as the Karrablast charges towards Kaley.

"Ah! Go, Buneary!" Kaley says briskly, clumsily throwing Buneary's Pokeball into the air. Buneary pops out and lands in front of the Karrablast, ears raised.

2011-06-10, 11:21 PM
"Ah! Go, Buneary!" Kaley says briskly, clumsily throwing Buneary's Pokeball into the air. Buneary pops out and lands in front of the Karrablast, ears raised.

The Karrablast leaps at the Buneary, horn first.

2011-06-10, 11:35 PM
The Karrablast leaps at the Buneary, horn first.

Kaley orders Buneary to jump up and hit it with Pound.

2011-06-10, 11:36 PM
Kaley orders Buneary to jump up and hit it with Pound.

Buneary suceeds and the Karrablast is knocked to the ground, unconscious, by Buneary's ear.

2011-06-10, 11:53 PM
Buneary suceeds and the Karrablast is knocked to the ground, unconscious, by Buneary's ear.

Kaley returns Buneary to its ball, and they continue to walk...

2011-06-11, 09:05 AM
Bren decides this is not working and heads north, looking for something to battle off the main road

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-11, 11:17 AM
(timeskip battle)

Ben takes out his map. What are the nearest places to go?

Earl of Purple
2011-06-11, 04:59 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon notices the Ledyba, and gently pokes Snips to get the Nincada's attention before pointing it out. They'll sneak up on it and Brandon will try to get it in his net so it doesn't fly away before Snips attacks.

Repost as I think it got missed.

((If I'm not here when you reply, please reply anyway. If I am unable to attend the site for a long enough period and the thread's been fast enough I am unwilling to read through it all I will say so in the OoC thread.))

2011-06-11, 08:44 PM
Bren grows frustrated and yells to the sky "are the forces that be specifically trying to deprive me of anything to fight? What kind of awesome roleplaying character development must I go through to progress in the plot? Has the great all powerful (not to mention handsome) ruler of this world forgotten me?"

2011-06-11, 09:58 PM
(timeskip battle)

Ben takes out his map. What are the nearest places to go?
I'll go find that post from earlier, one second...
EDIT: Here it is:

The nearest cities are Brunnaise City to the north and Bleugarde City to the east. To get there she will have to take a rather urban path near the sea, though wild Pokemon are commonplace if she strays slightly off the route. However, to get to Bleugarde City she will have to scale a massive mountain known as Mt. Rhodope, which has a precarious trail and is full of wild Pokemon. Most intimidating of all, it will be extremely difficult to return to Couleuroi City if her Pokemon are wiped out.

Repost as I think it got missed.

((If I'm not here when you reply, please reply anyway. If I am unable to attend the site for a long enough period and the thread's been fast enough I am unwilling to read through it all I will say so in the OoC thread.))
The Ledyba doesn't notice until the net closes over it. However, when caught, it struggles madly and its wings emit a bizzare frequency towards Brandon (Supersonic).

Bren grows frustrated and yells to the sky "are the forces that be specifically trying to deprive me of anything to fight? What kind of awesome roleplaying character development must I go through to progress in the plot? Has the great all powerful (not to mention handsome) ruler of this world forgotten me?"

A male Nidoran leaps from the grass with his horn pointed at Murkrow.

((That was from earlier.))

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-11, 10:02 PM
The nearest cities are Brunnaise City to the north and Bleugarde City to the east. To get there she will have to take a rather urban path near the sea, though wild Pokemon are commonplace if she strays slightly off the route. However, to get to Bleugarde City she will have to scale a massive mountain known as Mt. Rhodope, which has a precarious trail and is full of wild Pokemon. Most intimidating of all, it will be extremely difficult to return to Couleuroi City if her Pokemon are wiped out.

Found it.

He decides to head to Brunnaise City, sticking to the road. His riolu walks beside him.

2011-06-11, 10:02 PM
Found it.

He decides to head to Brunnaise City.

Does he go through the tall grass or does he stick to the concrete path?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-11, 10:14 PM
Edited my post before you replied.

2011-06-11, 10:23 PM
Anyways, Kaley, Julia, and Luke continue on through the forest.

2011-06-11, 10:40 PM
Anyways, Kaley, Julia, and Luke continue on through the forest.

The path starts to become more twisted and chaotic, branching off in different directions and become covered in folliage.
Finally, Julia speaks up.
"Okay, we went the wrong way."

2011-06-11, 11:00 PM
The path starts to become more twisted and chaotic, branching off in different directions and become covered in folliage.
Finally, Julia speaks up.
"Okay, we went the wrong way."

"Yeah, I agree with you. Although, I'm not sure if we'll be able to find our way out too easily. Maybe we should just continue through? This forest can't go on forever."

2011-06-11, 11:13 PM
"Yeah, I agree with you. Although, I'm not sure if we'll be able to find our way out too easily. Maybe we should just continue through? This forest can't go on forever."

"Well, we'll probably get lost even more if we try to go back. After all, the path split a lot. But it's getting dark, so maybe we should set up some kind of camp soon. Hey, that's actually kind of cool..."

2011-06-11, 11:17 PM
"Well, we'll probably get lost even more if we try to go back. After all, the path split a lot. But it's getting dark, so maybe we should set up some kind of camp soon. Hey, that's actually kind of cool..."

"Well, let's keep going for a bit, and then I guess we'll set up camp or whatever."

2011-06-11, 11:52 PM
"Well, let's keep going for a bit, and then I guess we'll set up camp or whatever."

"Do not fret, little ones," says a voice from behind them.
If Kaley turns around, she will see a plump woman with red hair hobbling towards them using a large walking stick. A group of Leavanny and a Chansey follow her.
"Who are you?" Luke asks quizzically.
"I am Doris Persimmon, and I live in the forest. You appear to be lost, am I right?"
Julia and Luke nod.
"Have no fear, my cottage is nearby. You may rest there and depart in the morning."
Then she catches sight of one of Luke's Pokeballs.
"Oh, you are trainers?" she asks in a soft voice.
Julia nods.
"We were heading for Brunnaise City to get our first Gym Badge!"
"Well, if you want to defeat Terrance, I have much to teach you," she says.
She begins to hobble along a thin path.
"Follow me!"

2011-06-12, 12:12 AM
"Do not fret, little ones," says a voice from behind them.
If Kaley turns around, she will see a plump woman with red hair hobbling towards them using a large walking stick. A group of Leavanny and a Chansey follow her.
"Who are you?" Luke asks quizzically.
"I am Doris Persimmon, and I live in the forest. You appear to be lost, am I right?"
Julia and Luke nod.
"Have no fear, my cottage is nearby. You may rest there and depart in the morning."
Then she catches sight of one of Luke's Pokeballs.
"Oh, you are trainers?" she asks in a soft voice.
Julia nods.
"We were heading for Brunnaise City to get our first Gym Badge!"
"Well, if you want to defeat Terrance, I have much to teach you," she says.
She begins to hobble along a thin path.
"Follow me!"

Shrugging, Kaley follows her.

2011-06-12, 07:07 AM
This Nidoran(male) would make a good addition to the team. He sends out Murkrow "Murkrow, peck him" If it survives, it's strong enough to join his team

2011-06-12, 10:29 AM
This Nidoran(male) would make a good addition to the team. He sends out Murkrow "Murkrow, peck him" If it survives, it's strong enough to join his team
It is stuck by Murkrow, but stands up with ease.
It then leaps at Murkrow, pointing it's horn at him. (Peck)

Earl of Purple
2011-06-12, 04:35 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon is hit by the Supersonic and falls over, dropping the net and bruising his knee. "Ow." Snips rushes over to prevent the Ledyba from escaping, lashing out with the claw on his right forelimb (Scratch).

2011-06-12, 06:48 PM
It hits Murkrow, who goes in for another peck without Bren's permission

2011-06-12, 09:53 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon is hit by the Supersonic and falls over, dropping the net and bruising his knee. "Ow." Snips rushes over to prevent the Ledyba from escaping, lashing out with the claw on his right forelimb (Scratch).
Ledyba is cut and falls to the ground in pain.

It hits Murkrow, who goes in for another peck without Bren's permission

Nidoran leaps out of the way and tries to hit him with his horn once more.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-13, 06:04 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon scrambles up and throws a pokeball at the ledyba, crossing his fingers afterwards in hope of capturing the Five Star Pokemon. Snips is ready should the ledyba escape the ball.

2011-06-13, 06:24 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon scrambles up and throws a pokeball at the ledyba, crossing his fingers afterwards in hope of capturing the Five Star Pokemon. Snips is ready should the ledyba escape the ball.

The ball shakes a few times, but then it beeps and glows red. Ledyba is his.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-13, 06:39 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

"Yes! Now, what to call you, hmm?" He takes the ledyba out of her ball to scan her with the pokedex and assess her injuries. He'll also see if she has anything unusual about her which might point to a name.

2011-06-13, 06:47 PM
It misses Murkrow by a feather, who seems to be in a frenzy, it pecks once more as Bren trien to keep it under control

2011-06-14, 09:06 AM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

"Yes! Now, what to call you, hmm?" He takes the ledyba out of her ball to scan her with the pokedex and assess her injuries. He'll also see if she has anything unusual about her which might point to a name.
"It is very timid if it can't be in a swarm of others. It conveys its emotions with scents."

It misses Murkrow by a feather, who seems to be in a frenzy, it pecks once more as Bren trien to keep it under control

It hits Nidoran and knocks it back. Nidoran spins around and angrily pecks at it again.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-14, 11:09 AM
Found it.

He decides to head to Brunnaise City, sticking to the road. His riolu walks beside him.

This seems to have been missed.

2011-06-14, 11:27 AM
This seems to have been missed.

Ah, sorry.

Anyway, is he looking for a battle or does he want to head straight to Brunnaise City?

Also, I thought of a new sort of rule: Pokemon effectively level up once for each Pokemon they successfully defeat, unless they are far stronger than it.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-14, 11:31 AM
He sticks to the road, but will look around for pokémon.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-14, 03:32 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

"How about Dorothy? Do you like Dorothy? You could be Dot for short." He's watching the ledyba, looking for any sign that she doesn't like the name.

I can't remember what I call my ledyba when I get them.

2011-06-14, 08:49 PM
Bren manages to restrain it by grabbing its tail, and lobs a pokeball with his other hand

2011-06-15, 07:20 PM
He sticks to the road, but will look around for pokémon.
He can see the head of a Taillow sticking out from a tree next to him.

Route 1- To Brunnaise City

"How about Dorothy? Do you like Dorothy? You could be Dot for short." He's watching the ledyba, looking for any sign that she doesn't like the name.

I can't remember what I call my ledyba when I get them.
It glares at him, but he is likely aware that most newly caught Pokemon are resentful of their trainers.

Bren manages to restrain it by grabbing its tail, and lobs a pokeball with his other hand
The Nidoran is sucked into the sphere and the ball shakes only momentarily before glowing red and clicking.

The next morning in the surprisingly cozy tree fort, Doris gives them various fruit to eat. "Now, I have a chellenge for you all today. There are three of you, and I will use three of my weaker Pokemon. You will have to work together to battle my Pokemon, as they are likely stronger than yours, since you are new trainers. If you succeed, you will each get a present."

2011-06-15, 09:31 PM
He can see the head of a Taillow sticking out from a tree next to him.

It glares at him, but he is likely aware that most newly caught Pokemon are resentful of their trainers.

The Nidoran is sucked into the sphere and the ball shakes only momentarily before glowing red and clicking.

The next morning in the surprisingly cozy tree fort, Doris gives them various fruit to eat. "Now, I have a chellenge for you all today. There are three of you, and I will use three of my weaker Pokemon. You will have to work together to battle my Pokemon, as they are likely stronger than yours, since you are new trainers. If you succeed, you will each get a present."

Kaley nods. "Well, which of us should go first?" she asks Julia and Luke.

2011-06-15, 09:33 PM
Kaley nods. "Well, which of us should go first?" she asks Julia and Luke.

"Well, here are the Pokemon that I am using!" Doris says. She spins around once then throws three Pokeballs into the air and a Swadloon, Bellsprout, and Chansey appear.
"You may choose which of you will face which Pokemon."

2011-06-15, 09:36 PM
"Well, here are the Pokemon that I am using!" Doris says. She spins around once then throws three Pokeballs into the air and a Swadloon, Bellsprout, and Chansey appear.
"You may choose which of you will face which Pokemon."

Kaley scans each of them.
"Well, what are your strongest pokemon?" she asks Julia and Luke. "My Vulpix would be really good against that... uh... Swadloon.

2011-06-15, 09:51 PM
Kaley scans each of them.
"Well, what are your strongest pokemon?" she asks Julia and Luke. "My Vulpix would be really good against that... uh... Swadloon.

"Well, Luke's Machop will be good against Chansey..." Julia reasons.
"So that leaves my Koffing to fight her Bellsprout," Julia says with a tiny hint of dread on her face.
"Now now, don't be upset. If two of you win, all of you get a present. Now, how about we start out with my Swadloon against your Vulpix?" she suggests, turning to Kaley.

2011-06-15, 10:19 PM
"Well, Luke's Machop will be good against Chansey..." Julia reasons.
"So that leaves my Koffing to fight her Bellsprout," Julia says with a tiny hint of dread on her face.
"Now now, don't be upset. If two of you win, all of you get a present. Now, how about we start out with my Swadloon against your Vulpix?" she suggests, turning to Kaley.

"Sure, I guess," Kaley says, taking out a Pokeball from her bag; she throws it in the air and Vulpix pops out. "We're gonna battle, Vulpix! Are you ready?" Her Vulpix nods, facing Doris.

2011-06-15, 10:22 PM
"Sure, I guess," Kaley says, taking out a Pokeball from her bag; she throws it in the air and Vulpix pops out. "We're gonna battle, Vulpix! Are you ready?" Her Vulpix nods, facing Doris.

"Swadloon, go forth!" Doris says, and her Swadloon sort of hops forward.
"I'll allow you to make the first move," Doris says.

2011-06-15, 10:30 PM
"Swadloon, go forth!" Doris says, and her Swadloon sort of hops forward.
"I'll allow you to make the first move," Doris says.

"Vulpix, use Ember!" Kaley says, and Vulpix jumps forward, spraying fiery pellets at Swadloon.

2011-06-15, 10:49 PM
"Vulpix, use Ember!" Kaley says, and Vulpix jumps forward, spraying fiery pellets at Swadloon.

"Swadloon, use Protect, then Grasswhistle!"
Swadloon wraps its leafy arm around itself protectively as the flames bounce off it. It then makes a soothing sound which makes Vulpix drowsy...

2011-06-15, 10:59 PM
"Swadloon, use Protect, then Grasswhistle!"
Swadloon wraps it's leafy arm around itself protectively as the flames bounce off it. It then makes a soothing sound which makes Vulpix drowsy...

Vulpix falls asleep.

2011-06-15, 11:08 PM
Vulpix falls asleep.

"Razor Leaf, now!" she calls out to Swadloon.
Vulpix is hit with a barrage of sharp leaves.

2011-06-15, 11:12 PM
"Razor Leaf, now!" she calls out to Swadloon.
Vulpix is hit with a barrage of sharp leaves.

The leaves don't do very much damage, but Vulpix falls over. It remains asleep, however, as Kaley urges it to wake up.

2011-06-15, 11:21 PM
The leaves don't do very much damage, but Vulpix falls over. It remains asleep, however, as Kaley urges it to wake up.

"Hit it with Razor Leaf again, Swadloon!"
Leaves as sharp as knives fly from its sides at Vulpix.

2011-06-15, 11:23 PM
"Hit it with Razor Leaf again, Swadloon!"
Leaves as sharp as knives fly from its sides at Vulpix.

They do little damage, but Vulpix is woken up. "Great! Vulpix, use Ember!" Vulpix shakes its head, and then jumps up, shooting fiery bullets at Swadloon.

2011-06-16, 12:38 AM
They do little damage, but Vulpix is woken up. "Great! Vulpix, use Ember!" Vulpix shakes its head, and then jumps up, shooting fiery bullets at Swadloon.
Spoilered, as it is sort of a wall of text:
Swadloon is hit with the flames and falls to the ground, unconscious.
"Swadloon is extremely weak to fire type attacks, as you can tell," Doris explains.
"Would you like to go next?" she asks Julia as Swadloon is returned to its Pokeball.
She shrugs. "Sure."
She sends out her Koffing as Doris' Bellsprout leaps forward.
"Smokescreen!" she commands her Koffing.
Koffing spews a spray of smog and Bellsprout closes his eyes and flails.
"Escape the cloud and use Wrap, Bellsprout!" Doris calls out.
Bellsprout leaps into the air and wraps tightly around Koffing, squeezing tightly.
"Koffing! Try to shake Bellsprout off!" Julia cries out in distress.
Koffing flails about wildly, but Bellsprout just keeps gripping her more tightly.
"Bellsprout, Wrap again!" Doris calls out.
Bellsprout whips its other arm down and squeezes Koffing still more tightly.
"Try to use Smog to get Bellsprout off!" Julia calls out to Koffing.
"A very innovative tactic," Doris says, complimenting her.
Bellsprout seems to struggle in the Smog, but keeps gripping Koffing.
The stress then appears to be too much for Koffing, and it falls to the ground unconscious.
"Koffing, return," Julia says with sadness.
"Don't feel bad, dear. Bellsprout has received quite a bit more training than Koffing has. You are a very skilled battler."
She turns to Luke.
"Now, shall we battle?" she asks him.
He nods and grabs a Pokeball.
"Go, Machop!"
"Chansey, go!" Doris says as Chansey hops forward.
"Machop, use Focus Energy!" Machop closes its eyes and flexes its muscles, tensing itself.
"Chansey, use Metronome!" Doris calls out.
Chansey dances around momentarily, then snow forms around it and flies towards Machop, buffeting it momentarily.
"Machop, use Low Kick!" Luke calls out.
Machop leaps through the snow and kicks Chansey, which then looks deeply in pain and near unconscious.
"Keep going, Chansey! Use Metronome again!"
Chansey manages to pull off another short dance, but it just creates a magical shimmer around it.
"Use Low Kick again, Machop!" he calls out confidently.
His Machop kicks Chansey again and it slumps onto the ground, unconscious.
Doris returns her Chansey to its Pokeball.
"Good job to all of you. Now, I'll go fetch the eggs that you will receive as presents. I don't know how close to hatching they are, however."
Doris then hobbles off and returns with a trio of eggs.
She gives Luke a cerulean egg and Julia a pale green egg before handing Kaley a green egg with a vivid splotch of red on the top.
She then guides them out of the forest to where they were before, stopping occasionally to teach them about plants or Pokemon that they see, before eventually they arrive at Route 1 again.
"Farewell! Good fortunes against Terrance!" she says, waving at them.
Julia and Luke say goodbye to her as well as she waddles back into the woods.

2011-06-16, 12:55 AM
Spoilered, as it is sort of a wall of text:
Swadloon is hit with the flames and falls to the ground, unconscious.
"Swadloon is extremely weak to fire type attacks, as you can tell," Doris explains.
"Would you like to go next?" she asks Julia as Swadloon is returned to its Pokeball.
She shrugs. "Sure."
She sends out her Koffing as Doris' Bellsprout leaps forward.
"Smokescreen!" she commands her Koffing.
Koffing spews a spray of smog and Bellsprout closes his eyes and flails.
"Escape the cloud and use Wrap, Bellsprout!" Doris calls out.
Bellsprout leaps into the air and wraps tightly around Koffing, squeezing tightly.
"Koffing! Try to shake Bellsprout off!" Julia cries out in distress.
Koffing flails about wildly, but Bellsprout just keeps gripping her more tightly.
"Bellsprout, Wrap again!" Doris calls out.
Bellsprout whips its other arm down and squeezes Koffing still more tightly.
"Try to use Smog to get Bellsprout off!" Julia calls out to Koffing.
"A very innovative tactic," Doris says, complimenting her.
Bellsprout seems to struggle in the Smog, but keeps gripping Koffing.
The stress then appears to be too much for Koffing, and it falls to the ground unconscious.
"Koffing, return," Julia says with sadness.
"Don't feel bad, dear. Bellsprout has received quite a bit more training than Koffing has. You are a very skilled battler."
She turns to Luke.
"Now, shall we battle?" she asks him.
He nods and grabs a Pokeball.
"Go, Machop!"
"Chansey, go!" Doris says as Chansey hops forward.
"Machop, use Focus Energy!" Machop closes its eyes and flexes its muscles, tensing itself.
"Chansey, use Metronome!" Doris calls out.
Chansey dances around momentarily, then snow forms around it and flies towards Machop, buffeting it momentarily.
"Machop, use Low Kick!" Luke calls out.
Machop leaps through the snow and kicks Chansey, which then looks deeply in pain and near unconscious.
"Keep going, Chansey! Use Metronome again!"
Chansey manages to pull off another short dance, but it just creates a magical shimmer around it.
"Use Low Kick again, Machop!" he calls out confidently.
His Machop kicks Chansey again and it slumps onto the ground, unconscious.
Doris returns her Chansey to its Pokeball.
"Good job to all of you. Now, I'll go fetch the eggs that you will receive as presents. I don't know how close to hatching they are, however."
Doris then hobbles off and returns with a trio of eggs.
She gives Luke a cerulean egg and Julia a pale green egg before handing Kaley a green egg with a vivid splotch of red on the top.
She then guides them out of the forest to where they were before, stopping occasionally to teach them about plants or Pokemon that they see, before eventually they arrive at Route 1 again.
"Farewell! Good fortunes against Terrance!" she says, waving at them.
Julia and Luke say goodbye to her as well as she waddles back into the woods.

Kaley looks at Julia and Luke. "Well, she was... nice, I guess."

2011-06-16, 12:59 AM
Kaley looks at Julia and Luke. "Well, she was... nice, I guess."

They both nod, then Julia breaks out joyously and hugs her egg.
"Yay! I have an egg now! Ooh, I wonder what it'll be?" she asks, cuddling it in her arms.
She then gasps.
"Ooh, I felt something move inside of it!" she squeals excitedly.

2011-06-16, 01:07 AM
They both nod, then Julia breaks out joyously and hugs her egg.
"Yay! I have an egg now! Ooh, I wonder what it'll be?" she asks, cuddling it in her arms.
She then gasps.
"Ooh, I felt something move inside of it!" she squeals excitedly.

"I wonder what mine will be..." she says. "Well, I guess we should head towards the city."

2011-06-16, 01:12 AM
"I wonder what mine will be..." she says. "Well, I guess we should head towards the city."

Luke nods.
"So, other than the Gym, what else do you want to do in Brunnaise City?"

2011-06-16, 01:23 AM
Luke nods.
"So, other than the Gym, what else do you want to do in Brunnaise City?"

"Well, I've never been there, so I don't really know yet. Why don't we just see when we get there?" she says happily, starting to walk down the path.

2011-06-16, 01:27 AM
"Well, I've never been there, so I don't really know yet. Why don't we just see when we get there?" she says happily, starting to walk down the path.

"Are you into contests too, or just battles? I know that I'm going to the fighting arena first," he says with just a hint of cockiness.
"You fight other people as your Pokemon fight."
Julia, who seems to be a bit more wary and less happy-go-lucky all of the sudden, steps in.
"I think we should check out contests first. They sound like a lot of fun."

2011-06-16, 01:42 AM
"Are you into contests too, or just battles? I know that I'm going to the fighting arena first," he says with just a hint of cockiness.
"You fight other people as your Pokemon fight."
Julia, who seems to be a bit more wary and less happy-go-lucky all of the sudden, steps in.
"I think we should check out contests first. They sound like a lot of fun."

"Sure, contests sound... interesting. Now, I need to use the bathroom..." Kaley looks around for any houses or public urination sites. :smalltongue:

2011-06-16, 01:55 AM
"Sure, contests sound... interesting. Now, I need to use the bathroom..." Kaley looks around for any houses or public urination sites. :smalltongue:

There is a nearby restaurant where trainers could stop if necessary.

2011-06-16, 02:05 AM
There is a nearby restaurant where trainers could stop if necessary.

"Good, there's a place. Someone come with me?" she asks, walking briskly towards the restaurant.

2011-06-16, 11:28 AM
"Good, there's a place. Someone come with me?" she asks, walking briskly towards the restaurant.

Luke comes with her, and Julia stays behind to take care of the eggs.

Oh, and I forgot to mention something earlier. After Swadloon was KO'd, Kaley's Vulpix glowed bright red and learned Quick Attack.

2011-06-16, 12:39 PM
Luke comes with her, and Julia stays behind to take care of the eggs.

Oh, and I forgot to mention something earlier. After Swadloon was KO'd, Kaley's Vulpix glowed bright red and learned Quick Attack.

((Well, normally - in the anime at least - the Pokemon suddenly demonstrates the attack, instead of the trainer just having to somehow know that their Pokemon learned a new move.))

Well, Kaley finds her way to the bathroom, uses it, and then comes out and washes her hands with lots of soap.

2011-06-16, 01:56 PM
((Well, normally - in the anime at least - the Pokemon suddenly demonstrates the attack, instead of the trainer just having to somehow know that their Pokemon learned a new move.))

Well, Kaley finds her way to the bathroom, uses it, and then comes out and washes her hands with lots of soap.

Then Vulpix, after the battle, shows Kaley its new ability by rapidly charging at a tree then smashing into it.

Luke meets her outside.
"Hi," he says.
"Should we go back?"

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-16, 02:09 PM
He can see the head of a Taillow sticking out from a tree next to him.

"Riolu, quick attack," he says.

Riolu bounds forward at a great speed, jumping up at the taillow and using a punch.

2011-06-16, 02:13 PM
"Riolu, quick attack," he says.

Riolu bounds forward at a great speed, jumping up at the taillow and using a punch.

Taillow is stunned and knocked back, but then retaliates with a Peck.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-16, 02:49 PM

Riolu takes a defensive stance on a tree limb, ready to retaliate any attacks.

2011-06-16, 03:17 PM

Riolu takes a defensive stance on a tree limb, ready to retaliate any attacks.

Riolu is hit with the Peck, as Taillow does not know what it's doing.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-16, 03:56 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon smiles at the ledyba. "Don't worry, Dot. We'll get to know each other over time. I won't hurt you. Wow, you're pretty, aren't you?" Brandon is fascinated by bug-type pokemon, and that comes through in his voice as he admires her.

2011-06-16, 07:30 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Brandon smiles at the ledyba. "Don't worry, Dot. We'll get to know each other over time. I won't hurt you. Wow, you're pretty, aren't you?" Brandon is fascinated by bug-type pokemon, and that comes through in his voice as he admires her.

The Ledyba seems rather flattered and seems a bit warmer to him.

((He can control Ledyba now.))

2011-06-16, 08:04 PM
Then Vulpix, after the battle, shows Kaley its new ability by rapidly charging at a tree then smashing into it.

Luke meets her outside.
"Hi," he says.
"Should we go back?"

"If you want..." Kaley says, looking at her reflection in a nearby mirror and briefly fixing her hair.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-16, 08:12 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

"Come on; I'm going to Brunnaise City." On the way there, he'll chat to Dot, telling her about his family, his friends and his life in general. It's mainly random talk, but it helps Dot get to know him. Or he thinks it does, anyway. Dot follows diligently.

((What are her moves besides Supersonic?))

2011-06-16, 08:35 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

"Come on; I'm going to Brunnaise City." On the way there, he'll chat to Dot, telling her about his family, his friends and his life in general. It's mainly random talk, but it helps Dot get to know him. Or he thinks it does, anyway. Dot follows diligently.

((What are her moves besides Supersonic?))

Pound, and that's it.

He catches sight of Kaley and co.

He goes back to Julia with Kaley. When they arrive, Julia is holding a small, adorable green Pokemon with a large leaf on its head.
"My egg hatched! This is so cool!"
The above only happens if they don't choose to look at a television in the lobby, where a woman in a downy blue down is talking to an interview host. They might recognize her as Ariel of the Elite Four.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-16, 08:39 PM
Does counter always hit its target?

2011-06-16, 09:39 PM
Does counter always hit its target?

((Not necessarily, but I'd say so in this case.))
Taillow is sent flying back and hits the ground, struggling to get up.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-16, 09:45 PM
Ben throws a pokéball at it.

2011-06-16, 10:10 PM
Ben throws a pokéball at it.

It shakes multiple times, and it seems like Taillow is his, but then it bursts from the Pokeball, looking worn. However, it seems almost too weak to move.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-16, 10:11 PM
He throws another pokéball at it.

((do the pokéballs get unusable if they fail like in the game?))

2011-06-16, 10:16 PM
He throws another pokéball at it.

((do the pokéballs get unusable if they fail like in the game?))

((It's broken open, so yeah.))
This one successfully captures the Taillow.
((It is female, knows Peck and Growl, and has a Naughty nature.))

2011-06-16, 10:53 PM
Pound, and that's it.

He catches sight of Kaley and co.

He goes back to Julia with Kaley. When they arrive, Julia is holding a small, adorable green Pokemon with a large leaf on its head.
"My egg hatched! This is so cool!"
The above only happens if they don't choose to look at a television in the lobby, where a woman in a downy blue down is talking to an interview host. They might recognize her as Ariel of the Elite Four.

"Wait, Luke," Kaley says, grabbing Luke's wrist. "Look at the TV; I think that's one of the Elite Four."
She watches the TV.

2011-06-16, 11:12 PM
"Wait, Luke," Kaley says, grabbing Luke's wrist. "Look at the TV; I think that's one of the Elite Four."
She watches the TV.

He was prepared to leave, but he stays behind and pretends to watch as Kaley grabbed his wrist.
This is what happens in the interview:
"... Can we see your Togekiss? I'm sure the audience would love to meet it," the interviewer, a man named Jason Green.
"Of course," Ariel says in a soft voice.
"Togekiss, darling, come on out!" she says, opening a Pokeball and releasing the peculiar Pokemon to receive lots of applause.
"Now, tell me Ariel. How did you get this marvelous Pokemon?"
"Oh, I first had my dear Togekiss as a little Togepi. After my husband vanished while in a piloting accident, I fell into a depression. My Togepi, which simply made me feel happy, helped me through the whole thing.
"That's very touching, Ariel," Jason says, sounding sincere.
"Now, why did you become a member of the Eltie Four?" he asks.
Ariel thinks momentarily, then answers.
"Well, as I was travelling, I caught different Pokemon from all the corners of the world. I think my variety is my strength, despite specializing in one type, as that is custom for Elite Four members.
"Well then, Ariel, I think the audience is simply clamouring for a battle. So, how about it? I'll call out a random member of the audience, and they can battle you!"
"That sounds lovely," Ariel says cheerily.
A drumroll is played as Jason opens a letter with the name of an audience member.
"Kynan Sutall, you are the lucky contestant," Jason says with enthusiasm as the audience cheers and whoops.
A man with black hair and a business suit walks onto the stage, seeming excited to be on camera.
"It's a pleasure to battle you, Kynan," Ariel says politely.
Kynan thanks her.
"Go, Vanillish!" he says, releasing the ice cream cone from its Pokeball.
"Then I'll go with Togekiss," Ariel says.
"Vanillish, Ice Beam!" he calls out to his Pokemon, and it shoots a ray of cold energy.
"Togekiss, dodge it and use Aura Sphere!"
Togekiss swoops out of the way and a blast of round aura shoots from its mouth, hitting Vanilluxe square in the face and knocking it out instantly.
"Wow, that was quite a battle!" Jason says as Kynan returns his Vanillish to its Pokeball.
"Oh, looks like our time is up, Ariel!" Jason proceeds to say.
Ariel thanks him and Kynan and shakes both their hands as the theme song plays and the camera zooms out.

"Let's go now," Luke says.

2011-06-16, 11:23 PM
He was prepared to leave, but he stays behind and pretends to watch as Kaley grabbed his wrist.
This is what happens in the interview:
"... Can we see your Togekiss? I'm sure the audience would love to meet it," the interviewer, a man named Jason Green.
"Of course," Ariel says in a soft voice.
"Togekiss, darling, come on out!" she says, opening a Pokeball and releasing the peculiar Pokemon to receive lots of applause.
"Now, tell me Ariel. How did you get this marvelous Pokemon?"
"Oh, I first had my dear Togekiss as a little Togepi. After my husband vanished while in a piloting accident, I fell into a depression. My Togepi, which simply made me feel happy, helped me through the whole thing.
"That's very touching, Ariel," Jason says, sounding sincere.
"Now, why did you become a member of the Eltie Four?" he asks.
Ariel thinks momentarily, then answers.
"Well, as I was travelling, I caught different Pokemon from all the corners of the world. I think my variety is my strength, despite specializing in one type, as that is custom for Elite Four members.
"Well then, Ariel, I think the audience is simply clamouring for a battle. So, how about it? I'll call out a random member of the audience, and they can battle you!"
"That sounds lovely," Ariel says cheerily.
A drumroll is played as Jason opens a letter with the name of an audience member.
"Kynan Sutall, you are the lucky contestant," Jason says with enthusiasm as the audience cheers and whoops.
A man with black hair and a business suit walks onto the stage, seeming excited to be on camera.
"It's a pleasure to battle you, Kynan," Ariel says politely.
Kynan thanks her.
"Go, Vanillish!" he says, releasing the ice cream cone from its Pokeball.
"Then I'll go with Togekiss," Ariel says.
"Vanillish, Ice Beam!" he calls out to his Pokemon, and it shoots a ray of cold energy.
"Togekiss, dodge it and use Aura Sphere!"
Togekiss swoops out of the way and a blast of round aura shoots from its mouth, hitting Vanilluxe square in the face and knocking it out instantly.
"Wow, that was quite a battle!" Jason says as Kynan returns his Vanillish to its Pokeball.
"Oh, looks like our time is up, Ariel!" Jason proceeds to say.
Ariel thanks him and Kynan and shakes both their hands as the theme song plays and the camera zooms out.

"Let's go now," Luke says.

Kaley goes with Luke back to Julia on Route 1.

2011-06-16, 11:25 PM
Kaley goes with Luke back to Julia on Route 1.

He goes back to Julia with Kaley. When they arrive, Julia is holding a small, adorable green Pokemon with a large leaf on its head.
"My egg hatched! This is so cool!"

Now that the interview thing is over, this happens.

2011-06-16, 11:26 PM
He goes back to Julia with Kaley. When they arrive, Julia is holding a small, adorable green Pokemon with a large leaf on its head.
"My egg hatched! This is so cool!"

Now that the interview thing is over, this happens.[/QUOTE]

"Oh my gosh Julia, that's so cool! It's adorable!"

2011-06-16, 11:28 PM
"Oh my gosh Julia, that's so cool! It's adorable!"

"Hey, don't you have a Pokedex? Can you figure out its name for me?" she asks, giggling as it licks her face.

2011-06-16, 11:32 PM
"Hey, don't you have a Pokedex? Can you figure out its name for me?" she asks, giggling as it licks her face.

Kaley scans the Pokemon, meanwhile looking around for her own egg.

2011-06-16, 11:44 PM
Kaley scans the Pokemon, meanwhile looking around for her own egg.

"Chikorita, the Leaf Pokemon. It sense the humidity and temperature of the air around it with the leaf on its head. It enjoy sunny areas."
Kaley's egg is next to Julia on the ground, as is Luke's.

2011-06-16, 11:47 PM
"Chikorita, the Leaf Pokemon. It sense the humidity and temperature of the air around it with the leaf on its head. It enjoy sunny areas."
Kaley's egg is next to Julia on the ground, as is Luke's.

"Oh, well, that's cool. So, should we keep going?" Kaley suggests.

2011-06-16, 11:52 PM
"Oh, well, that's cool. So, should we keep going?" Kaley suggests.

"Yeah, probably," Luke says.
Julia is then jerked back into reality and puts Chikorita into a Pokeball, standing up.

By midday, they arrive at Brunnaise City, where the buildings seem to have a strong foundation and are low to the ground. The reason for this is that they had a massive earthquake thirty years ago, and they are cautious to ensure that less destruction ensues next time there's an earthquake.

2011-06-16, 11:57 PM
The copies of Ralts disappear and at the same time Ralts is hit with part of the beam of ice.

Ralts, use Confusion again!

Ralts will attempt to use Confusion again, this time aiming it's attack very carefully.

Oops, I didn't notice this earlier.
Lotad is knocked over ans sent skittering away, unconscious.


Earl of Purple
2011-06-17, 05:05 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Seeing Kaley and her companions ahead, Brandon smiles and waves his net, hoping to attract their attention. He'd run, but he doesn't want to put Dot in her ball so soon after releasing her and so she gets to know him better and doesn't know if she could keep up.

For Kaley and her freinds, he's an 11-year-old with green eyes and curly blonde hair, wearing jeans, a blue t-shirt, hiking boots and a wide-brimmed straw hat, carrying a bug net. The bug net is currently being waved enthusiastically to catch their attention.

2011-06-17, 05:08 PM
"Yeah, probably," Luke says.
Julia is then jerked back into reality and puts Chikorita into a Pokeball, standing up.

By midday, they arrive at Brunnaise City, where the buildings seem to have a strong foundation and are low to the ground. The reason for this is that they had a massive earthquake thirty years ago, and they are cautious to ensure that less destruction ensues next time there's an earthquake.

Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Seeing Kaley and her companions ahead, Brandon smiles and waves his net, hoping to attract their attention. He'd run, but he doesn't want to put Dot in her ball so soon after releasing her and so she gets to know him better and doesn't know if she could keep up.

For Kaley and her freinds, he's an 11-year-old with green eyes and curly blonde hair, wearing jeans, a blue t-shirt, hiking boots and a wide-brimmed straw hat, carrying a bug net. The bug net is currently being waved enthusiastically to catch their attention.

Kaley can't really see him, since she's facing the city, and entering it.
"Where should we go first?"

2011-06-17, 05:37 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

Seeing Kaley and her companions ahead, Brandon smiles and waves his net, hoping to attract their attention. He'd run, but he doesn't want to put Dot in her ball so soon after releasing her and so she gets to know him better and doesn't know if she could keep up.

For Kaley and her freinds, he's an 11-year-old with green eyes and curly blonde hair, wearing jeans, a blue t-shirt, hiking boots and a wide-brimmed straw hat, carrying a bug net. The bug net is currently being waved enthusiastically to catch their attention.

Kaley can't really see him, since she's facing the city, and entering it.
"Where should we go first?"

Julia turns around.
"Hold on, someone is waving at us."
Luke also turns around.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-17, 05:44 PM
Route 1- Just Outside Brunnaise City

Brandon hurries, carrying Dot in his arms. Snips is back in his ball. He's moving quickly, so he'll be out of breath when he arrives and unable to initiate conversation immediately.

2011-06-17, 07:23 PM
Bren checks his map. If there is a while to go till the next city, he'll turn back, heal up, and look for some human contact on the more urbanized area of the route. Otherwise he'll keep going forwards

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-17, 11:00 PM
((It's broken open, so yeah.))
This one successfully captures the Taillow.
((It is female, knows Peck and Growl, and has a Naughty nature.))

Ben just keeps it in there and continues to head to the city. Riolu is still walking next to him.

2011-06-18, 12:29 AM
Route 1- Just Outside Brunnaise City

Brandon hurries, carrying Dot in his arms. Snips is back in his ball. He's moving quickly, so he'll be out of breath when he arrives and unable to initiate conversation immediately.
Julia gives him a quizzical look and Luke just looks at him blankly.

Bren checks his map. If there is a while to go till the next city, he'll turn back, heal up, and look for some human contact on the more urbanized area of the route. Otherwise he'll keep going forwards

Ben just keeps it in there and continues to head to the city. Riolu is still walking next to him.

Brunnaise City is only about an hour away, but it's getting quite dark. He could stop at a hotel on the way if he chooses to stop.

2011-06-18, 06:35 PM
Bren sets off for the hotel with Murkrow looking ahead. Suddenly, Murkrow is startled. There's a person walking ahead, apparently very slowly. Bren decides to wait until he can see the person's face

2011-06-18, 06:43 PM
Bren sets off for the hotel with Murkrow looking ahead. Suddenly, Murkrow is startled. There's a person walking ahead, apparently very slowly. Bren decides to wait until he can see the person's face

((Who is this person?))

2011-06-19, 08:28 PM
(( trying not to godmod- that's your descision.))

2011-06-20, 12:52 PM
Waterpenguin wanted me to tell you guys that he's gone to Lillooet (a small town north of Vancouver). He may be back today; if not, probably tomorrow.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-23, 03:07 PM
Route 1 - On way to Brunnaise City

Lo and Merrie are running down the road, scouting out for trees, wild Pokémon or other trainers.

Anyone who sees them may be in for a small surprise as they'll see a young girl in a very oversized avy-officer coat and a Squirtle with some quite fancy shades speeding along the road.

2011-06-23, 10:46 PM
Route 1 - On way to Brunnaise City

Lo and Merrie are running down the road, scouting out for trees, wild Pokémon or other trainers.

Anyone who sees them may be in for a small surprise as they'll see a young girl in a very oversized avy-officer coat and a Squirtle with some quite fancy shades speeding along the road.

A Pidove hops about nearby.

His phone, or whatever he has, rings.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-24, 06:33 AM
A Pidove hops about nearby.

Lo and Merrie both come to a screeching halt as they spot the little bird Pokémon and look at each other.

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

The kid and turtle tries to sneak closer to the Pidove, Lo holding up her new Pokédex when she gets close enough to it.

-Pidove, the Tiny Pidgeon Pokémon. These Pokémon live in cities. They are accustomed to people. Flocks often gather in parks and plazas-


Realising she just gave them away, Lo waves cheerily at the Pidove.


2011-06-24, 03:45 PM
Lo and Merrie both come to a screeching halt as they spot the little bird Pokémon and look at each other.

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

The kid and turtle tries to sneak closer to the Pidove, Lo holding up her new Pokédex when she gets close enough to it.

-Pidove, the Tiny Pidgeon Pokémon. These Pokémon live in cities. They are accustomed to people. Flocks often gather in parks and plazas-


Realising she just gave them away, Lo waves cheerily at the Pidove.


The Pidove stares at her quizically.

(( trying not to godmod- that's your descision.))

Closer inspection reveals that it's just a man taking a Pokemon that looks like a finger puppet with eyes on a walk.

2011-06-24, 03:58 PM
Julia gives him a quizzical look and Luke just looks at him blankly.

[To Brandon]
"Er - hello..?" Kaley says, a bit confused.

Earl of Purple
2011-06-24, 04:06 PM
Route 1- To Brunnaise City

"I can't quite remember why I ran, but hello! My name is Brandon, this is Dot; I've just caught her. Isn't she gorgeous?" Dot is a ledyba which is currently in Brandon's arms.

Mina Kobold
2011-06-24, 04:08 PM
The Pidove stares at her quizically.

Lo grins at it and rummage sthrough her coat's pockets. Picking out a berry and offering it to the Pidove.

"Wanna berry?"

Merrie walks up next to them. greeting the Pidove.
