View Full Version : Is this an alright custom wondrous item?

2011-06-06, 11:28 PM
So I was thinking of trying to cook up something for a character - a PsyWar who focuses on the Soulbound Weapon ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a).

His big weakness is that, to be honest, Call Weaponry, an ability that he needs to use every single fight, has a couple of pretty severe limitations - 1 round cast time and min/lvl duration (so he can't summon it beforehand and expect to have it by the time fightin' time comes around). I took a bit and thought up an item to help remedy the situation and was hoping I might get some comments/suggestions/criticisms on it:

Gloves of the Master's Call
Price: 500 gp
Body Slot: Hands
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint; (DC 16) conjuration
Activation: Move
Weight: —
These soft leather gloves allow the wearer to retrieve conjured items as if they were being drawn from the person of the conjuror.
When the wearer uses a spell or power that conjures an item, such as a Call Weaponry power, they may treat the act of conjuring
the item as a use of the "Draw or Sheathe a Weapon" action (Player's Handbook, pg. 142) and thus a move-equivalent action, or
part of a move action, accordingly. The caster or manifester must still pay all costs associated with the use of the ability, including
any material or power point costs. The Quick Draw feat applies normally to this use of the "Draw Weapon" action, though the
wearer continues to pay any associated costs of the conjuring for every draw. Only spells and powers of 1st level or lower may
be used in this way and may only conjure items of such size that they may be held in the wearer's hand.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Dimension Hop or Call Weaponry
Cost to Create: 250 gp, 10 XP, 1 day.

2011-06-07, 02:47 AM
I can't speak to the fairness of the item, but I will mention that once you hit low-mid levels (say, 5 or 6ish), I've been led to understand that Linked Power is the key to making Call Weaponry less annoying. You've got no shortage of swift or even immediate powers to link it to, so even though you're waiting a round (which you'd be doing anyway), you're spending a swift action (and your focus, 'fcourse) instead of a whole round. Just a thought.

If your GM lets you get away with the item, of course, good for you, but it's a little, well, specific. It just looks like "this item lets you ignore the annoying parts of Call Weaponry" instead of "this item has a useful ability that happens to be very useful to PsyWars with a certain ACF."

2011-06-07, 03:36 AM
As a DM I would allow it. It has a small price, but more importantly, it takes up your hands slot for magic items. Add a fluff description about how you comissioned a wizard or psion to develop and craft it for you and you're all set.

2011-06-07, 06:03 AM
That ACF only costs you feat and it doesn't seem like it was meant to replace a real weapon; more like a backup. The thing is even as a free action the weapon is underpowered and you're shooting yourself in the foot. That's the only reason why I wouldn't charge 6,000-10,000 gp or more for your item; it's only partially undoing a poor choice which in a sense is worth negative tens of thousands of gp.

Instead of band-aiding the problem with an item I'd talk to your DM about getting a different ACF or other method. Perhaps you have to pay for a real weapon yourself and then you link it to yourself. I think the magic item compendium has an affordable weapon crystal for that, or IMO it would be a reasonable ACF. i.e., "Your call weapon power manifests as an action equivalent to drawing a weapon and is linked to a specific weapon you own. This power cannot be augmented." I might make the power point cost scale with the weapon's total equivalent enhancement bonus (including enchantments) or some such.

2011-06-07, 08:19 AM
I'd allow it. It could only be used if you manifested Call Weaponry within its normal bounds, though, which is just not very worthwhile. Generally the best use of the Soulbound Weapon ACF is using Linked Power and tons of the Metapower feat to make your Call Weaponry cast at the start of the next round augmented to hell and back, and it's this usage that would be unaffected. I would not allow it if you changed to make it work with Linked Power, though.

2011-06-07, 09:29 AM
As a DM I would allow it. It has a small price, but more importantly, it takes up your hands slot for magic items. Add a fluff description about how you comissioned a wizard or psion to develop and craft it for you and you're all set.

That was the plan. =)

Just as an aside, I understand that Linked Power is really useful in this case and I had considered using it before, but I couldn't really fit it into my build, which is considerably feat-heavy and wants to always be psionically focused (so I'd have to spend another feat on Psionic Meditation too).

I'm playing up the flavor of the character being bound to this particular weapon a lot, so it will be his primary weapon pretty much all the time - it also happens to be his Item Familiar AND his Signature Weapon (Kensai) (not to mention being able spend 5 PP and get X Bane, where X is whatever I'm fighting is pretty neat).

At any rate, thanks a lot for the helpful comments! I brought it up to my DM and she had no problems with it, so that's good news. I don't really have a problem with the item being too specific, since he'd basically be commissioning it specifically for himself.

2011-06-07, 10:15 AM
I add my thumbs up to this item. It seems a relatively straightforward fix. Bravo.