View Full Version : New Character! (to join OoTS)

2011-06-06, 11:58 PM
One of the guards from 793 will be a new character!

It all makes sense.... Belkar will die and will be replaced by a low level character. This person (the lizardfolk or human guard) will raise in levels rapidly (due to 3.5 xp rules and such).

I think one of the two guards will bring Elan his papers, thus running into the fight of Elan v.s Nale and Sabine.

The guard will somehow save Elan or Haley and possibly die in a dramatic fashion.... Causing Elan to persuade someone (Durkon or Tarquin) to raise him.


2011-06-07, 12:13 AM
I think Guy with a Halberd stands a better chance of joining the Order.

2011-06-07, 02:19 AM
This is it: I have the impression "New Character for the Order is going to be X" is on the to become the next thing that gets on the list of "banned topics".

After we saw quite some useful, semi-useful, or far-fetched theories we now see "Random Guard #23145 is going to join the order"-topics. If it has come this far, there simply cannot be much more to talk about in this regard...

Short answer: No, I do not believe this theory has any merit.
In regard to the intended joke, the actual topic of this thread: It's not my type of humour.

2011-06-07, 02:36 AM
Didn't you notice one of the guards was Sabine? :smallbiggrin::sabine:

2011-06-07, 02:37 AM

Flame of Anor
2011-06-07, 02:57 AM

Oh, by the way, Calar, in your sig, isn't it supposed to be "the buttery justice of Therin"?

2011-06-07, 03:43 AM
This is it: I have the impression "New Character for the Order is going to be X" is on the to become the next thing that gets on the list of "banned topics".

After we saw quite some useful, semi-useful, or far-fetched theories we now see "Random Guard #23145 is going to join the order"-topics. If it has come this far, there simply cannot be much more to talk about in this regard...

Short answer: No, I do not believe this theory has any merit.
In regard to the intended joke, the actual topic of this thread: It's not my type of humour.

Dude, the guys is Random Guard #23154, not 23145. I know they look a like, but there are some notable differences.:smallwink:

2011-06-07, 03:54 AM
Whoever the New Character is....they have to be a poorly built class and character level to fit in with the other semi-competent quasi-professionals that make up the Order of the Stick.......

2011-06-07, 05:11 AM
Poorly built?

Warrior X/Monk Y

This is assuming that he started out a warrior though :P

2011-06-07, 06:54 AM
Whoever the New Character is....they have to be a poorly built class and character level to fit in with the other semi-competent quasi-professionals that make up the Order of the Stick.......

Exactly, the replacement should be a parody of Guybrush Threepwood.:smallbiggrin:

Killer Angel
2011-06-07, 07:15 AM
This theory has, indeed, two merits:
first, the OP intended it as a joke... even if not my kind of humor. We've seen other bizarre theories, presented as if there was a real chance of happening.
And second, it could establish a precedent:

This is it: I have the impression "New Character for the Order is going to be X" is on the to become the next thing that gets on the list of "banned topics".

2011-06-07, 07:35 AM
I think that the new member of the order will be Speed Racer:

Since V cannot cast "Epic Teleport" anymore, they need someone that can carry them from one part to another, quickly enough. So Speed Racer is the best man for the task

2011-06-07, 02:06 PM
I doubt they'll bother replacing Belkar. The story is nearing the end. There's only one gate left after this one. If Belkar dies now or at Girard's gate, introducing a whole new character would be pointless, especially since there's several high level characters wandering around Kraagor's gate already. The Order isn't going to say "We need to replace our tracker" at this point. There's no "The team needs six people or the story is over" quota. They're going to note that they still have:

Hinjo (although he's doing ruling duties)
O'chul and Lein at the other gate (who both gained levels during the year long split)
The Elves
Girard, if he's still alive, will have an active interest in the final gate. (Extremely unlikely)

Not to mention any other member of the Scribble who might survive. (Or be revived in Dorukon and Lirian's case)

2011-06-07, 02:10 PM
You're under the mistaken impression Belkar's "death" will remove him from the story.

2011-06-07, 02:16 PM
I personally think that by the time Belkar dies it'll be sometime during the final gate sequence, so they'll be disbanded after that anyway.

2011-06-07, 02:45 PM
Honestly, Thog's got a better shot at joining the order. Hell, NALE has a better shot of being convinced too do it until after the Gates are squared away on the grounds that if existence get's erased he not only can't win or gloat, he can't even give monologs or needlessly complex plans!

2011-06-07, 03:11 PM
There's no need for a new character to join the OOTS at all. Everyone assumes Belkar will be replaced, but we have absolutely no indication that Roy or anyone else plans to replace him.

Gift Jeraff
2011-06-07, 03:44 PM
But then why keep him on the team at all?* As an extra tool to help save the world, right? Roy expects Belkar to die after they deal with Xykon. If he dies before that, then what?

Mind you, I don't expect Belkar to be replaced, but I think it's well within the realm of possibility.

*Yeah yeah, slitting his throat while he's asleep would be evil and hypocritical, and leaving him to the authorities might be too risky. But why not just team up on him while he's awake?

2011-06-07, 03:46 PM
But then why keep him on the team at all?*

Because Belkar is a sexy shoeless god of war!

(He's also the best character in the entire comic.)

2011-06-07, 06:14 PM
Hmm...I think Dalek-k may be on to something with the warrior-monk angle, but not as an actual member of OOTS. Perhaps an antagonistic ally like so:

"As the Order of the Stick heads off to locate the next Gate, they encounter some Deus Ex Machina like...a high-level psionic dual-class Ranger/Monk or the like. He is totally awesome and is always looking for his next opportunity to show off and earn more glory. Perhaps his very fists are enchanted with a double-strength Oil of Impact-ish enchantment, are Hasted, or are otherwise demigod-like....

He can out-fight Roy, is sneakier than Haley, can heal better than Durkon, is more destructive than Belkar, makes dramatic entrances (and exits) that leave Elan swooning, and even Vaarsuvius is left speechless (a feat in itself) at the psionic feats he can perform. His stats are almost superhuman.

Master Über (or whoever, and his possible entourage of "Überites") is Lawful Good to a fault: every bad guy must be utterly destroyed in the most humiliating manner so as to discourage the spread of evil like butter on toast. Perhaps those who don't meet his strict moral code could also be considered "evil." Perhaps he has his OWN bardic followers that play theme music, as well. The Überites could be followers, groupies, students, thrill-seekers or some mix, each with specific abilities and personalities (smurfish), or they are all innocuous cannon-fodder that frequently suffer from Über's activities, but hang around regardless or have a high turnover.

Either you love him or you hate him (Belkar feels both?). At first the OOTS is grateful for his assistance, but it quickly becomes apparent that this mixed blessing is more of a mixed curse.

He doesn't technically join the party, but pops in occasionally to save the OOTS from some overwhelming enemy. Perhaps he was hunting the very creature that threatens the OOTS upon their first encounter. Unfortunately, he hogs the XP (kill-stealer) and makes his exit before most PCs even get an action.

His zeal for danger and glory might also endanger the party, as he incites Demons into manifesting and is only slightly concerned for collateral damage. Vaarsuvius might be able to relate. Alternately, the party's attempts to keep up get them in a pickle by their own own choices, and they soon realize they need to ditch this guy. Sure, he'd be great against Xykon, but Roy doubts they'd even make it that far. Fortunately for the OOTS, Über becomes distracted (perhaps via argument or suggestion) and dedicates himself to some bizarre mission that takes him out of the main plot."

That being said, and knowing Rich's policy on accepting creative input, you may now neuralyze yourselves. Alas. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-07, 07:15 PM
I doubt they'll bother replacing Belkar. The story is nearing the end. There's only one gate left after this one. If Belkar dies now or at Girard's gate, introducing a whole new character would be pointless, especially since there's several high level characters wandering around Kraagor's gate already. The Order isn't going to say "We need to replace our tracker" at this point. There's no "The team needs six people or the story is over" quota. They're going to note that they still have:

We don't know that. We haven't even gotten to Girard's Gate, and that could take another 100 plus strips. We don't know what events between now and the end will happen. And as for introducing a new character this "late" in the strip, what about Tarquin aka the father of one of the characters and quickly becoming a major villain?

2011-06-08, 05:41 AM
We don't know that.

I'm pretty sure the Giant has said at some point in commentary that we are near the end? I don't have the exact quote in front of me but I was under the impression that we had only two, maybe three, books left to go.

2011-06-08, 05:51 AM
I'm pretty sure the Giant has said at some point in commentary that we are near the end? I don't have the exact quote in front of me but I was under the impression that we had only two, maybe three, books left to go.

Nope, the closest we have gotten was Rich said he had enough planned for six books and maybe three prequel books. It now looks like we will easily get a seventh and even an eighth book... but no one has ANY clue how close to the end we might be.

2011-06-08, 05:59 AM
Nope, the closest we have gotten was Rich said he had enough planned for six books and maybe three prequel books. It now looks like we will easily get a seventh and even an eighth book... but no one has ANY clue how close to the end we might be.

Really? I thought he said at one point that the story was more than halfway over? Maybe I dreamed this. Can't find it myself...

Huh. Well, I'm fine with a longer story. The more the merrier.

2011-06-08, 06:23 AM
3d6: I do not think your Über-character is likely. At this stage, he or she would overshadow the Order, and it is the Order that we know very well and want to succeed despite all their shortcomings, with no Deux Ex Machina or other kind of cheating. What you propose would not be good writing nor good DMing.

I do not think any new important character will be introduced before Kraagor's gate. We have Enor, Ganji, Tarquin and Malack- this is already 'too many new NPCs' (I'm sure TvTropes has a better name for it but I didn't check) introduced in a short time and I think Rich recycled Z'ddtri rather than introducing a new recruit because he's aware of it. If anyone will replace Belkar, my bet is it'll be someone we already know.

2011-06-08, 07:57 AM
Really? I thought he said at one point that the story was more than halfway over? Maybe I dreamed this. Can't find it myself...

Huh. Well, I'm fine with a longer story. The more the merrier.

No, you're right, it's in the commentary introduction for DStP. He says he doesn't know whether we're literally at the halfway point strip number wise (as in, there could be more than 1300 strips total when all is said and done) but the story was at its halfway point, and from then on there would be more resolutions than new mysteries.

Lord Bingo
2011-06-08, 06:38 PM
Personally I do not believe that Belkar will be replaced by another character, should he die before the end of the story. As have already been said, he is just about the best character -and certainly the most consistently entertaining one- in the story. To replace him with somebody new would invariably invite comparison and I cannot imagine anyone measuring up to the Sexy Shoeless God of War. Thus any replacement would be a disappointment.

As for how far we are story wise, while I love this comic I would like some closure sooner rather than later, and 500 more strips seems like too long to wait, in my opinion, unless the Giant speeds up the strip delivery. I wanna know what happens and how it all ends at least as much as I want to keep reading the strip for ever and ever and ever, but the wait is killing me!

2011-06-08, 06:46 PM
Pffft. No. thats the dumbest thing ever. Banjo will pick up the slack

Gift Jeraff
2011-06-08, 07:48 PM
Nope, the closest we have gotten was Rich said he had enough planned for six books and maybe three prequel books. It now looks like we will easily get a seventh and even an eighth book... but no one has ANY clue how close to the end we might be.You seem to have it mixed up.

In Paladin Blues, the Giant says:
We may end up with a total of seven, eight, even nine books total! And that's not even counting any additional original OOTS books. We already have one of those--On the Origin of PCs--with at least two more planned. One will tell the tale of Xykon, from his life through his death to his undeath, including how he met Redcloak and the Creature in the Darkness. The other...well, that's another year away, I don't think I'm ready to talk about it that yet.(Note: the Giant has said that Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is not the third book.)
However, in Don't Split the Party, he gives a more conservative estimate:
This book right here represents a milestone forthe comic: by the time you're finished reading it, you will have passed the halfway point of the story. Maybe not by page count; my tendency to run long may put more strips remaining than have passed, though I doubt it. But there will definitely be less compilation books forthcoming than have already been published, if you count this one. From this point on, there will be more answers than questions, more conclusions than mysteries, more resolution than set-up. At least, that's the plan. As in so many things, it may not work out exactly as I intended it.
My guess is 7 compilation books total, with Books 5 and 6 being slightly longer than the previous (3~10 strips longer), and Book 7 being significantly longer (~20 or so).

2011-06-08, 09:13 PM

So basically, a main character dies and is replaced by a nameless character.

Nimrod's Son
2011-06-08, 09:22 PM
My guess is 7 compilation books total, with Books 5 and 6 being slightly longer than the previous (3~10 strips longer), and Book 7 being significantly longer (~20 or so).
This seems the most reasonable estimate to me, given what Rich has said, though I wouldn't necessarily expect the remaining compilations to increase in length any further. Sure, it's been a trend with previous books, but DStP is already pretty huge; there has to be a limit somewhere. My money's on "another three compilations, all of which are the same length as/slightly longer than book 4".

As for Belkar being replaced, just no. There's absolutely no narrative need to remove Belkar altogether and replace him with a new face. This isn't a soap opera where Belkar's being written out because his actor wants to pursue new projects, this is a planned story and Belkar dying is a planned part of it. Replacing him would just be unthinkably bizarre, especially given that there's no reason why a dead person can't continue to be an active character in this particular universe.

2011-06-08, 09:25 PM
I agree, I'm sick of seeing 2308572305 threads about how Belkar is leaving the story and how some random character will replace him.

Flame of Anor
2011-06-08, 11:03 PM
I think that the new member of the order will be Speed Racer:

And of course Racer X: :xykon:

2011-06-10, 04:55 PM
How about Ranger with a flintlock rifle? (Bad Characteristics: Never bring a gun to a fight with a mage unless flintlock rifle has bayonet)

2011-06-11, 04:30 AM
How about Ranger with a flintlock rifle? (Bad Characteristics: Never bring a gun to a fight with a mage unless flintlock rifle has bayonet)

Better a gun mage from the Iron Kingdoms.

2011-06-12, 09:38 PM
Chaotic Neutral Gangsta Ranger (Love so much gold that it made Haley look like a nice person. With Blings and Blings and Blings)

2011-06-12, 09:46 PM
Why wouldn't Belkar be replaced? A main PC dies and...out of the blue here come his equivalently leveled brother, who the rest of the party hastily accepts as a new member.

2011-06-12, 09:56 PM
Hmm...I think Dalek-k may be on to something with the warrior-monk angle, but not as an actual member of OOTS. Perhaps an antagonistic ally like so:

"As the Order of the Stick heads off to locate the next Gate, they encounter some Deus Ex Machina like...a high-level psionic dual-class Ranger/Monk or the like. He is totally awesome and is always looking for his next opportunity to show off and earn more glory. Perhaps his very fists are enchanted with a double-strength Oil of Impact-ish enchantment, are Hasted, or are otherwise demigod-like....

He can out-fight Roy, is sneakier than Haley, can heal better than Durkon, is more destructive than Belkar, makes dramatic entrances (and exits) that leave Elan swooning, and even Vaarsuvius is left speechless (a feat in itself) at the psionic feats he can perform. His stats are almost superhuman.

Master Über (or whoever, and his possible entourage of "Überites") is Lawful Good to a fault: every bad guy must be utterly destroyed in the most humiliating manner so as to discourage the spread of evil like butter on toast. Perhaps those who don't meet his strict moral code could also be considered "evil." Perhaps he has his OWN bardic followers that play theme music, as well. The Überites could be followers, groupies, students, thrill-seekers or some mix, each with specific abilities and personalities (smurfish), or they are all innocuous cannon-fodder that frequently suffer from Über's activities, but hang around regardless or have a high turnover.

Either you love him or you hate him (Belkar feels both?). At first the OOTS is grateful for his assistance, but it quickly becomes apparent that this mixed blessing is more of a mixed curse.

He doesn't technically join the party, but pops in occasionally to save the OOTS from some overwhelming enemy. Perhaps he was hunting the very creature that threatens the OOTS upon their first encounter. Unfortunately, he hogs the XP (kill-stealer) and makes his exit before most PCs even get an action.

His zeal for danger and glory might also endanger the party, as he incites Demons into manifesting and is only slightly concerned for collateral damage. Vaarsuvius might be able to relate. Alternately, the party's attempts to keep up get them in a pickle by their own own choices, and they soon realize they need to ditch this guy. Sure, he'd be great against Xykon, but Roy doubts they'd even make it that far. Fortunately for the OOTS, Über becomes distracted (perhaps via argument or suggestion) and dedicates himself to some bizarre mission that takes him out of the main plot."

That being said, and knowing Rich's policy on accepting creative input, you may now neuralyze yourselves. Alas. :smallbiggrin:

Surely, you speak of O-Chul?

2011-06-13, 01:05 AM
Why wouldn't Belkar be replaced? A main PC dies and...out of the blue here come his equivalently leveled brother, who the rest of the party hastily accepts as a new member.

That only happens because the PC's player rolls a new character. Belkar does not have a player.

2011-06-13, 04:04 AM
Belkar does not have a player.
Yeah, :smallcool:
Belkar is a player.
Sorry for the bad pun, I'm really, really sorry and won't do it again, EVER
And why would anyone want to replace undead Belkar? As long as he doesn't turn on the OotS, the OotS doesn't have to turn him (I won't do it again, for real this time :p). Sure, someone'll just have to learn control or command Undead, or ask Tarquin to provide them with a lifetime supply of magic scrolls for this purpose.

2011-06-13, 05:56 AM
I've had this theory of mine on who's gonna replace Belkar for a time now: Julia Greenhilt.

It lies in her interest to fight Xykon ("Didn't you say that the deevas said that defeat wasn't necessary? That 'You tried very hard' was good enough to enter Celestia?"), which could be a good enough reason to tag along the Order.

She's true neutral, which still isn't Good, but still enough different alignment-wise to be able provide colour to the Order. Especially in the rising drama where having a truly Evil character among the good guys would be odd.

She's an established character, with half an arc where she is an important character. She also has ties to Roy and Durkon.

Of course, there are several counterarguments, so I don't know if I really likes the idea:

She is very low leveled compared to the Order (studying for the first level last time we saw her). However, we have seen in the past (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0581.html) the giant circumventing such problems. (Speaking of which, shouldn't she have graduated by now?)

She's the wrong class, so she'd be an inferior Vaarsuvius, not a complement for the Order. (Unless she multiclassed or has spells from Vaarsuvius' barred schools... though the latter would be lame)

I've got the idea that nobody of the readers really likes her. Most are probably indifferent towards her since she hasn't made so many appearances, but those who care probably disliked her attitude enough to put her on the dislike-list. That would mean an uphill journey in "integrating" her to the story, and with few books remaining, people would probably get annoyed at the amount of attention she'd had to receive.

That's my two copper pieces. Trollcrap or not?

2011-06-13, 06:40 AM
That's my two copper pieces. Trollcrap or not?

trollcrap. You have clearly thought about it (which I commend you for), but a 3rd level wizard can't do anything significant in a level 15+ party.

2011-06-13, 02:27 PM
trollcrap. You have clearly thought about it (which I commend you for), but a 3rd level wizard can't do anything significant in a level 15+ party.

Agreed. Plus one of Roy's big motivations in the story (other than saving the world :P) is to keep the Blood Oath from falling to Julia.

2011-06-13, 02:55 PM
Why wouldn't Belkar be replaced? A main PC dies and...out of the blue here come his equivalently leveled brother, who the rest of the party hastily accepts as a new member.

following the YokYok/YikYik/YukYuk pattern, Belkar's brother would be named ...

Bilker? (not a ranger but a theif?)

Balker? (a slow-witted barbarian?)

Gift Jeraff
2011-06-13, 05:48 PM
Belkon, duh.

2011-06-13, 08:59 PM
Belkon, duh.

That's his cousin brainless.