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View Full Version : [3.5][Prc][DONE!][Peach] You're beautiful, it's true !

2011-06-07, 10:59 AM
This is a Prc for the Ozodrin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153536) class by Owrtho (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=37721), many thanks to him for this wonderful piece of weirdness.

This is my second attempt at homebrewing here, so please, PEACH

Conceptor's Advice: consult your GM prior to using this prestige class, as some of its abilities may require additional work on his part (especially "Something Takes a Part of Me" and "Freak on a Leash"). Be also advised that though i limited the fluff about it, this class is meant to provoke physical contact of an intimate kind with others. You've been warned.

The Beautiful Freak


How gracefully you move.
Lost so alone,
wandering the twisted tracks of your,
discontented mind.
Shut away from the outside world,
feeling like one of a kind.

Skin like porcelain,
veiled behind your flowing ebony hair.
Intrigued i wonder: what goes on behind,
those piercing blue eyes and,
entrancing vacant stare?

safely locked away in your,
own secure domain.
With every ambitious note you play,
your heart speaks.
Like fate once again, our paths have crossed.
We are together against them, so alone.
Your unique my beautiful freak.


Naomi Hartnell

I once saw a talk show on TV, among the people present, there was this girl.
Waifish, pale skin, long red hair flowing, hiding parts of her face, a composure like i'd never seen before.

It was moments before she started to talk, that they mentioned this girl had a condition called "facial paralysis".
And when she raised her hair, I saw it, there was in this frozen face an expression like no one could fake.
Her traits seemed harmonious and well distributed, but the weirdness hearing her talk without moving her mouth at all....
That was chilling.

For this girl, and the souvenir of this moment, I give you, the Beautiful Freak.

Becoming an Beautiful Freak :
Characters embark on this path having already taken several ozodrin levels, so they are already used to feeling the effects of the Far Realms on our reality. However, as they come closer to obtaining the first levels of this class, their appearance subtly shifts, blurring the lines between their true nature and their worldly guise. Their traits seem more alien, yet more alluring at the same time. Their voices takes on a seductive tone, while the undertones echo with unspeakable murmurs. This has a tendency to reinforce their detachment from the people around them, creating an kind of deference in the people interacting with them. They starts to provoke both attraction and repulsion, turning heads both sides. The Beautiful Freak's starts his carreer (ie: takes his first level) when at last, the people he interacts with start feeling lucky that he deigns speak with them...

Abilities: Manifest Form, Feature (Mouth)†
Feats: Skill Focus(Diplomacy)
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Bluff 8 ranks
Special: Be a victim of the "Something takes a part of me" Special ability and survive or come back to sentience. Alternately, Ozodrin with the Uncanny Appearance (Ex) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11117455&postcount=599)† class feature.
† Class feature from the ozodrin

Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills: The Beautiful Freak class skills are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Any) (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis)

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod

The Beautiful Freak
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special
+2|Form Points, Features, Menacing Demeanor, Did you see that ?, Unbearable beauty (+2 CHA)
+3|You'll never see me fall from grace
+3|Something takes a part of me, Unbearable beauty (+2 CHA)
+4|Something takes a part of me 2, I'm a freak !
+4|Something takes a part of me 3, Feeling like a freak on a leash, Unbearable beauty (+2 CHA)[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Beautiful Freak gains no weapon or armor proficiencies.

Freaky bonuses: The Beautiful Freak has several abilities granting him or his allies Freaky Bonuses. Freaky bonuses are fear effects, and as such are negated when facing mindless creatures or creatures immune to fear.

They are not however, mind-affecting effects, and creatures immune to mind-affecting effects, but not to fear effects, are affected.

They stack with all other bonuses except morale bonuses. The following creature types have special beahviour regarding Freaky Bonuses.

Humanoids, Animals, Magical Animals, Monstrous Humanoids, Fey, Living Constructs are affected as described above.
Aberrations are affected only if the Freak's HD exceed the creature's CR, and event then, at half-strength, see below.
Oozes and Swarms, if not mindless, are affected, but at half-strength. Halve the Freaky bonus, rounding down.
Outsiders are normally affected, except for Farspawn creatures and creatures originating from the Far Realms.
Mindless Undeads are considered immune. Awakened Undeads are subject to this effect at half strength.

Form Points (Ex): The Beautiful Freak has a number of form points equal to 3 times its class level that may be spent on features.

Features (Ex): The Beautiful Freak's class levels stack with its ozodrin levels for determining what features and augments it has access to, as well as the number of feature granted attacks it can make in a round.

Menacing Demeanor (Ex): Ozodrin and Beautiful Freak levels stack for the purpose of determining the characters Intimidate bonus. Also the Beautiful Freak may make an intimidate roll once for every creature she meets. This is done as a free action and follows the same rules for using the Intimidate skill in combat.

Did you see that ? (Ex): Never seen someone so ... I don't know what but i've never seen it before.
This ability has no effect on game play, but everyone within sight of a Beautiful Freak experiences either attraction or repulsion. To randomly determine the effect, roll 1D20. A roll of 1 is violent repugnance (disgust), 2-10 is repulsion, 11-19 is attraction, 20 is strong attraction (lust). A DC 25 Spot check confirms that there is something strange about the Beautiful Freak, but the exact source can never be discovered. A side effect is that people around the Freak often have compulsive movements (like trying to get closer/farther, glimpse, look away, etc.), and artists frequently request him/her to model. Creatures immune to Freaky bonuses* are also immune to this ability.

Unbearable Beauty (Ex): What, yes, but, no, i didn't mean to, wait, i'll do it, i promise, just stop looking at me with those eyes, please, i beg you...
The Beautiful Freak's signature ability, at every odd level, the Beatiful Freak gains a +2 bonus to its charisma score. He also gains new uses for the following skills :

Level 1 :
Intimidate (Cha) may now be used to Fascinate (as the bard ability) as a standard action. This may be resisted with a Will save.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Seduce any one person as a full-round action. This is the equivalent of a Charm Person spell, CL = Freak levels.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Command any one person as a standard action. This is the equivalent of a Command spell, CL = Freak levels.

Level 3 :
Intimidate (Cha) can now be used to Repel Persons as a standard action. Treat this as if the Freak had the "Turn/Rebuke Humanoids" cleric ability assuming the Freak level for the cleric level, and the skill roll for the turn attempt. All damage sustained is non-lethal.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Attract any one person as a standard action. The subject is allowed a Will save, if failed, the subject will approach the Beautiful Freak at his normal movement speed until he reaches a square adjacent to the Beautiful Freak, where he will remain flat-footed until this effect is broken or the subject takes damage in any form. A new check (both diplomacy and save) is required every round, but counts as a free action for the Beautiful Freak.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Demand something to any one person as a standard action. This is the equivalent of a Suggestion spell, CL = Freak levels.

in addition :
Intimidate (Cha) may now be used to Fascinate as a move action.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Seduce any one person as a standard action. It may also be used on any and all persons in sight as a full-round action.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Command something to any one person as a move action.

Level 5 :
Intimidate (Cha) can now be used to Punish any person as a standard action. This is identical to the Inflict Pain psionic power, ML = Freak levels.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Reward any person as a standard action. This is identical to the Induce Pleasure psionic power, ML = Freak levels.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Dominate Person as a full-round action, as per the spell, CL = Freak levels, duration is exactly one round.

in addition :
Intimidate (Cha) can now be used to Repel Persons as a move action.
Intimidate (Cha) may now be used to Fascinate as an immediate action.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Attract any one person as a move action.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Seduce any one person as a move action. It may also be used on any and all persons in sight as a standard action.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Command something to any number of persons within sight as an immediate action.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Demand something to any one person as an move action.

To affect a particular creature, the Freak's skill check must exceed the target 's Will bonus+ the Target's HD.

All the above effects are non-magical mind-affecting effects. For the purpose or targets, assume any creature affected by Freaky Bonuses*. Ask for GM's advice when in doubt.

All save DCs are calculated this way : 10+half of the related skill ranks+CHA modifier.

You'll never see me fall from grace (Ex): Have you seen that, that, that THING !?!?
The Beautiful Freak is so distracting to the eye and mind of those in sight that his mere presence disturbs their actions. This extraordinary effect comes from the fact that the Freak's true nature is starting to "penetrate" his guise, and as such, people who can see through the Freak's worldly guise, or who are familiar with the Freak's true nature are immune to this effect.

Against any and all other adversaries, the Beautiful Freak add his CHA modifier to his AC and saves as a Freaky Bonus*. He also adds his CHA modifier as a Freaky bonus* to combat maneuvers (bull rush, disarm, grapple, etc.) and opposed skill checks versus affected creatures.

Something takes a part of me (Su): I, and only I, can understand you, come to me...
The Beautiful Freak attracts and repels people, because deeply in their hearts, they wish to be as special as he is. He represents the perfect blend of bone-chilling terror and brain-twisting lust.

As a full-round action, he can use this ability on any creature standing flat-footed in a square adjacent to him. This is basically identical to the Devour† ability, except the Beautiful Freak does not eat its victims, but rather subjects them simultaneously to pleasure and pain (using any of his features to do so).

As per Devour, the victim must be grappled, but not necessarily by a mouth, and does not need to escape the mouth to end the grapple. As per devour any and all features can help in the grapple. The damage dealt is 1 point of Charisma each round for a first level Freak. At fifth level the Freak deals 2 point of Charisma each round.

Creatures reduced to 0 Charisma by this ability do not die. They instead fuse with the Freak's body, taking no space as they have been reduced to the simplest expression of themselves. They may attempt a special Will save (yes, even at 0 charisma) versus DC 10+1/2 HD+CHA modifier, each day at sunrise, to be released.

The Beautiful Freak may not have more creatures fused with his body than is indicated on the table (one at 3rd, 2 at 4th, 3 at 5th), and no effect my raise this limit over 3. Ever. When this limit is reached, the Beautiful Freak must release on of his victims before attempting another use of this ability.

Upon release, the creature must succeed on a Fortitude Save (same DC as before) or die instantly, if it is able to do so, or be otherwise destroyed and returned to an inert state.

Creatures who succeed on this Save may regain all lost charisma points but one at the rate of one per hour. On the other hand, "Borrowed" abilities (see below) and the last point of charisma need magical healing, by means of a restoration spell or equivalent.

If the creature ever becomes alive (or animated) again, it may now take levels in this prestige class.

With every victim fused inside his body, the Beautiful Freak may choose one of the following effects. All the choices (including ability, feat, skills, spells, etc.) are made at the time of fusing, and may not be changed. Ever.

For all abilities requiring them, assume CL equals the Freak's HD, Save DC is 10+1/2 HD+CHA modifier.

Gain an enhancement bonus to an ability score equal to the victim's ability modifier for that score.
May use a feat possessed by the victim, regardless of prerequisites.
May use three of the victims skills using the victims ranks rather than his own.
May cast 3 spells known by the victim once per day.
May use up to 3 spell like abilities of the victim, once per day.
May use one of the victim supernatural abilities once per day.
May use one of the victim's limited use or at will extraordinary ability once per day.
May use one of the victim's permanent extraordinary quality, the Freak's HD in minutes per day (ie a 12HD Freak may choose to use the troll's regeneration 12 mins a day). Activation/deactivation is a free action. Multiple uses need not be consecutive.

I'm a freak !(Su): I've always wanted to be something else
The Beautiful Freak represents our own inability to cope with what we are, our need to change and become extraordinary. He knows it, and knows how to bring those desires to the surface, quite litteraly.

Once per week, for each creature met, the Beautiful Freak may attempt to realize the creature 's subconscious dreams about herself. This is requires one minute of relative quiet, and the creature to be changed must be in contact with the Freak for the whole minute (usually done by holding hands).

Such intimate contact with an extremely disturbing creature, and the weird feelings the target may feel require a Will save versus the Freak's Intimidate skill bonus. Alternatively, the target can be disabled or restrained.

Effects are shown on the table below, and last for a number of hours equal to the Freak's class level in D6.

During this time, the target creature "feels" weird to others, thus the NPC's initial attitude shall be adjusted to one degree lower when meeting the target.

I'm a freak !
1-2|You're a freak ! (creature uses the Freaks Intimidate bonus, augmented as per Menacing Demeanor, instead of his own intimidate skill)
3-4|So f*cking precious... (creature gains a 100% bonus on any prices negociated in her favour, or 50% discount on any buy/rent/salary prices proposed)
5-6|I wish i was precious... (same as above but, 50% and 25% respectively)
7-8|I want you to notice when i'm not around ! (creature gains an aura of 20 ft radius, granting allies a +2 morale bonus on fear and mind-affecting effects)
9-10|I want a perfect soul ! (creature gains two +2 bonuses which she can use on wisdom, intelligence, charisma, SR if any or will saves)
11-12|I want a perfect body ! (creature gains two +2 bonuses which she can use on strength, dexterity, constitution, reflex or fortitude saves)
13-14|I want to have control ! (creature can use bluff to Command, same as the Freak does, but using the freak's bluff bonus)
15-16|Couldn't look you in the eye... (creature may use Confusion, as the spell, once per hour, CL=HD, Save DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod)
17-18|You're just like an angel... (creature can use diplomacy to Seduce, same as the Freak does, but using the freak's diplomacy bonus)
19-20|Your skin makes me cry... (creature uses the Beatiful Freak charisma score-2 if higher than his own, otherwise grants +2 to charisma, but halve the modifier regarding the Intimidate skill)[/table]

Unless mentioned otherwise, all bonuses are Freaky bonuses*.

Yes, i know, radiohead's singing "I'm a creep" not "I'm a freak". Doesn't change the fact that this is exactly the fluff i wanted, and i apologize in advance to all radiohead fans. Also note that i didn't use Eels's "Beautiful Freak" because it was too sad for this, but the song is just as good as the oether. Look around for some Korn cameos ;-)

Feeling like a freak on a leash (Ex): What in the hell are you ???
The final ability of the Beautiful Freak lies again in fear and envy. Upon reaching Fifth level, his true nature and worldy guise fuse in a way that seems almost perfect. Almost...

The Beautiful Freak may now make use or her features and augments at any time, and is considered both in his worldy guise and true nature as he sees fits (ie : in the most beneficial way for him at the time).

Additionally, this allows the Beautiful Freak, once per day, to show the reality behind his freaky nature. This is an extraordinary effect that requires a full-round action, during which the Freak establishes a visual and metaphysical contact with his target(s).

Said target(s) are any cognizant creature(s) in sight of the Freak, and must make a Will save (DC = 12 + 1/2 Freak's HD + Cha Mod). Targets who fail their saves are affected by one of the following, depending on their save roll, compare the save roll dice to the following table (natural 20 is an automatic save and so isn't mentioned in this table).

Freak on a leash
1-2|A.D.I.D.A.S (target is afflicted with an unbearable sex-addiction, and will attempt to have sex with any available creature, using any means necessary, even going beyond the limits of his own stamina, going as far as to die trying, this is a nonmagical disease and can be cured, permanent until cured)
3-4|Got the life (target gains 1 hp every round, hps may go up to twice the target's hp until he/she/it dies, target is also afflicted with suicidal tendencies, this is a magical disease, permanent until dead/cured/dispelled)
5-6|Falling away from me (target is subject to a curse causing all relatives to lose one degree of social interaction every hour, ie : friendly NPC's become Indifferent after one hour, permanent until dispelled, remove curse also works)
7-8|Somebody Someone (every hour, target randomly changes appearance, GM's choice, effect is permanent until dispeled)
9-10|Blind ! (blindness, magical disease, effect is permanent unless cured by magical means)
11-12|Shoots and Ladders (target gains 50ft fly speed, but each round this ability has 1 chance in 8 to stop functionning for 1d4 rounds, and 1 chance in 8 of overfunctionning, GM's choice, permanent until dispelled)
13-14|Here to stay (target is paralyzed but conscious, permanent until dispelled)
15-16|Dead Bodies Everywhere (target gains a Death Aura of 20ft, all creatures in this area subject to negative energy take 1 negative energy damage per round, undeads heal 1 hp per round, target itself is immune to this specific negative energy damage, permanent until dispelled)
17-18|All In The Family (madness overcomes the subject, he enters a frenzied rage to kill his entire family, and once this is done, to commit suicide, this is a nonmagical disease, effect is permanent until cured)
19|Thoughtless (target is feebleminded, as per the spell, no save, permanent effect until cured)

Dispellable effects must be dispelled by a 5th or greater level spell/effect (ie : at least Greater Dispel Magic)

Non dispellable effects may be cured via Remove Disease, Remove Curse, Restoration or similar effects. It is also possible to cure mundane madness via mundane means (psychology), for rulings about this process, consult your GM.

Affected creatures must make a second, identical Will save, if failed, the roll is again examined. If the roll is even, target is uncurably considered in love with the Freak, consider this a natural love, GM's advice and roleplaying are recommended. If the roll is uneven, target becomes the Freak's nemesis, and will seek by any means, even betraying alignment, faith, love or friendship to destroy him. Once again, GM's advice and roleplaying are recommended.

Any creatures that makes the first or the second Save is considered immune to this particular Freak's Freak on a Leash ability from this day on.

Feats coming for this Prc, also some other Prc's might be posted in the next days

Several edits this day, in response to Owrtho's and Epsilon Rose's PEACHEs, more to come

Several edits again today, in response to Owrtho's suggestions

Adopted the AoE idea, but reduced the daily uses for balance issues

2011-06-07, 11:01 AM
** reserved for Feats and Goodies **


Eye of the beholder :
Prerequisites :Did you see that ! †
Eye of the beholder allows you to reveal the little quirks in other people's behaviours and attitudes. With a full-round action, you can make a Diplomacy check (DC=targets HD+2xCHA modifier) you can influence an audience's reaction to a particular target, shifting their attitudes either one step up or one step down. The target may get rid of this by means of a standard Bluff or Diplomacy check, DC=your roll.

I want you :
Prerequisites :Unnatural Beauty (second stage aka Beautiful Freak level 3) †
I want you allows the character to express, by means of a single glance, a flick of hair, or a hand gesture, romantic or sexual interest towards a given creature. This requires a special Bluff check, allowed only when roleplay permits (GM's advice). Effects depend on the target's inclinations, as shown below.

If the target could be romantically/sexually involved with the character, they feel very uneasy, and apply a hesitation malus equal to half the character's CHA modifier to all social interaction skill checks.
If the target couldn't, the uneasiness is coupled with doubt, they suffer the same malus as above, but also apply it to their attack rolls, damage rolls (up to standard damage roll, ie: not vs fire, force, etc), and saves made versus the character or one of his abilities.
If the target belongs to a species, a culture, or any other organisations that may ostracize such relations, the target feels depressed, left out. Apply both precedent maluses, and apply the same malus to the target's intiative rolls. Also target is no longer affected by morale bonuses.
If the target IS romantically/sexually involved with the character (roleplay required), he instead gains an enthusiasm bonus equal to half the character CHA modifer to his intiative checks, save rolls, and skill checks related to helping/cooperating with the character.

† : Class feature of the Beautiful Freak


Inspirational illustrations, all rights reserved :


** reserved for Feats and Goodies **

2011-06-07, 01:45 PM
Well, the class and idea behind it is interesting. I might suggest taking a look at the ozodrin optional ability Uncanny Appearance (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11117455&postcount=599) (possibly also the Altered Guise feat that goes with it on the next page).

As for abilities.
The mind affecting part of freaky bonuses seems a bit off, but that's likely because I dislike seeing it on ex abilities since it doesn't seem like it should apply to naturally caused versions of many effects. Then again, that is likely better for balance.

Did you see that ?:
Even if it is a fluff ability it should still be given a mechanical effect, even if it is minor. An example might be giving a small bonus to diplomacy or intimidate depending on the result (such as 2 for the strong and 1 for the lesser types). It may also be a good idea to add a small middle ground (such as 10-11) that fails to notice anything and thus isn't affected.

Unbearable Beauty:
First, change uneven to odd (the former means not even as in not level, while the latter is used when talking about numbers that are not even). Well, I'm wary of it having +2 to charisma every odd level, given that charisma is quite useful to ozodrin and even more so to this class. Then again I'm unsure if it is actually overpowered (partly as I'm unsure of how powerful some of the other abilities are not being particularly familiar with spells and their power level).
It seems like it might be better to swap seduction to bluff and command to diplomacy, given that diplomacy can fit as asking for something, while seduction can often involve much more trickery as you make someone thing you are either more attractive than you are, or seem to promise things you never actually said you'd do (or weather you deliver on them or not being another issue).
As mentioned above I'm not overly familiar with the spells so am uncertain as to the balance of the ability.

You'll never see me fall from grace:
This could be to powerful, but I'm tempted to say it's fine. It might be better to add half charisma mod though given how high members of this class are likely to have theirs.

Something takes a part of me:
This seems much to powerful. It not only grants another ability the ozodrin can target with its devour, but one that is quite low for many monsters. It also doesn't mention how it works against creatures without a charisma score. The bonuses granted also seem quite strong given the ease with which they likely can be obtained (though mentioning those it may be good to specify on the last one if the time need be spent consecutively each day).
It also should likely not automatically kill the victim when they escape. I'd suggest allowing a fortitude save or the like to survive, and they must then spend time recovering as they naturally heal their charisma. Likely with the ability leaving some form of permanent change to their features that can't be healed naturally or magically (whether it grants a penalty or bonus I'll leave up to you, but given the other abilities of the freak it might be most fitting for it to have a small random table, or possibly have it based on the benefit the freak was using the creature to gain).

I'm a freak !:
This ability while interesting, seems unlikely to see much use if it can only be used once per creature and is even then a temporary effect. It doesn't seem overly powerful and may work to just give it something like having to wait a week before it may be used again on a given creature (counting from when it wears off).

Feeling like a freak on a leash:
Some of these seem a bit strong, though not overly so as they all have something that delays the death of the individual in question. Still you should mention how they can cure the non-magical ones. I'd also likely allow a periodic will save on the part of the All In The Family afflicted to delay for a round (if they pass they must try to make the save again the next round, if the fail they must wait till the Beautiful Freak's cha mod rounds pass before trying again or something similar). Also does the individual afflicted with Dead Bodies Everywhere also take the negative energy damage?

Keep up the good work.


Epsilon Rose
2011-06-07, 02:40 PM
Right, there's no all clear post but you seem relatively done, so... If you need more contiguous posts for the class tell me an I'll delete this...

Moving on to the peach:

Abilities: Manifest Form, Feature (Mouth)†
Feats: Skill Focus(Diplomacy)
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Bluff 8 ranks
Special: Be a victim of the "Something takes a part of me" Special ability and come back to sentience.
† Class feature from the ozodrin

I can't help but feel you should drop the special requirement. It's not particularly likely to happen unless the players trying to make it happen in meta game (it's a slow death from an unusual creature followed by an indeterminate amount of time waiting followed by a res). It's also more than a little annoying.

Features (Ex): The Beautiful Freak's class levels stack with its ozodrin levels for determining what features and augments it has access to, as well as the number of feature granted attacks it can make in a round.

I could be mistaken but I think most ozodrin PrCs don't advance what augments you have access to as a tradeoff for PrCing out of ozadrin. Of course they also tend to have a special augment that they give you and advance, so take that for what it's worth.

Unbearable Beauty (Ex): What, yes, but, no, i didn't mean to, wait, i'll do it, i promise, just stop looking at me with those eyes, please, i beg you...
The Beautiful Freak's signature ability, at every uneven level, the Beatiful Freak gains a +2 bonus to its charisma score. He also gains new uses for the following skills :

Level 1 :
Intimidate (Cha) may now be used to Fascinate (as the bard ability) as a standard action. This may be resisted with a Will save, DC equals the Intimidate rolls.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Seduce any one person as a full-round action. This is the equivalent of a Charm Person spell, CL = Freak levels, Save DC=Diplomacy Roll.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Command any one person as a standard action. This is the equivalent of a Command spell, CL = Freak levels, Save DC=Bluff Roll.

Level 3 :
Intimidate (Cha) can now be used to Repel Persons as a standard action. Treat this as if the Freak had the "Turn/Rebuke Humanoids" cleric ability assuming the Freak level for the cleric level, and the skill roll for the turn attempt. All damage sustained is non-lethal.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Attract any one person as a standard action. The subject is allowed a Will save (DC = Diplomacy roll), if failed, the subject will approach the Beautiful Freak at his normal movement speed until he reaches a square adjacent to the Beautiful Freak, where he will remain flat-footed until this effect is broken or the subject takes damage in any form. A new check (both diplomacy and save) is required every round, but counts as a free action for the Beautiful Freak.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Demand something to any one person as a standard action. This is the equivalent of a Suggestion spell, CL = Freak levels, Save DC=Bluff Roll.

in addition :
Intimidate (Cha) may now be used to Fascinate as a move action.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Seduce any one person as a standard action. It may also be used on any and all persons in sight as a full-round action.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Command something to any one person as a move action.

Level 5 :
Intimidate (Cha) can now be used to Punish any person as a standard action. This is identical to the Inflict Pain psionic power, ML = Freak levels, Save DC=Intimidate Roll.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Reward any person as a standard action. This is identical to the Induce Pleasure psionic power, ML = Freak levels, Save DC=Diplomacy Roll.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Dominate Person as a full-round action, as per the spell, CL = Freak levels, Save DC=Bluff Roll.

in addition :
Intimidate (Cha) can now be used to Repel Persons as a move action.
Intimidate (Cha) may now be used to Fascinate as an immediate action.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Attract any one person as a move action.
Diplomacy (Cha) may now be used to Seduce any one person as a move action. It may also be used on any and all persons in sight as a standard action.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Command something to any number of persons within sight as an immediate action.
Bluff (Cha) may now be used to Demand something to any one person as an move action.

All the above effects are non-magical mind-affecting effects. For the purpose or targets, assume a person to be either a humanoid, or a monstrous humanoid with intelligence. Ask for GM's advice when in doubt.

The first problem with this is that since you're using skills to set the dcs they're going to be monstrous. Skills are extremely easy to boost especially when compared to saves. Especially when you factor in the free +6 to charisma you're giving them alongside everything else (which gets extra silly when you realize it also gives them more form points).

Also, the level 5 abilities are a bit crazy (at will [ex] dominate person with super dc) and I'm not entirely sure how the psionic powers work in regards to augments (or, for that matter, where inflict pleasure is from). That said, they don't really compare to dominate and since they have the same use restrictions and dc I'm not sure why you'd ever use them (-4 to attack vs. "be my slave")

Something takes a part of me (Su): I only can understand you, come to me
The Beautiful Freak attracts and repels people, because deeply in their hearts, they wish to be as special as he is. He represents the perfect blend of bone-chilling terror and brain-twisting lust. As a full-round action, he can use this ability on any creature standing flat-footed in a square adjacent to him. This is basically identical to the Devour† ability, except the Beautiful Freak does not eat its victims, but rather subjects them simultaneously to pleasure and pain using any of his features to do so. The damage dealt is Charisma damage. Creatures reduced to 0 Charisma by this ability do not die. They instead fuse with the Freak's body, taking no space as they have been reduced to the simplest expression of themselves. They may attempt a Will save (DC is 10+1/2 HD+CHA modifier) each day at sunrise, to be released. The Beautiful Freak may not have more creatures fused with his body than is indicated on the table (one at 3rd, 2 at 4th, 3 at 5th), and no effect my raise this limit over 3. Ever. When this limit is reached, the Beautiful Freak must release on of his victims before attempting another use of this ability. Upon release, the creature dies instantly, if it is able to do so, it is otherwise destroyed and returned to an inert state. If the creature ever becomes alive (or animated) again, it may now take levels in the prestige class. With every victim fused inside his body, the Beautiful Freak may choose one of the following effects. All the choices (including ability, feat, skills, spells, etc.) are made at the time of fusing, and may not be changed. Ever.

For all abilities requiring them, assume CL equals the Freak's HD, Save DC is 10+1/2 HD+CHA modifier.

Gain an enhancement bonus to an ability score equal to the victim's ability modifier for that score.
May use a feat possessed by the victim, regardless of prerequisites.
May use three of the victims skills using the victims ranks rather than his own.
May cast 3 spells known by the victim once per day.
May use up to 3 spell like abilities of the victim, once per day.
May use one of the victim supernatural abilities once per day.
May use one of the victim's limited use or at will extraordinary ability once per day.
May use one of the victim's permanent extraordinary quality, the Freak's HD in minutes per day (ie a 12HD Freak may choose to use the troll's regeneration 12 mins a day). Activation/deactivation is a free action.

Two problems here:
First, how much cha damage are you doing? All you say is the abilities basically the same as devour (except it's not) and that they can use any feature. Does that mean that they can pick any feature and have it do it's normal damage as cha damage? Without a save? because that will get obscene really quickly.
Second, how and why are they making will saves? They're at 0 cha meaning they have no sense of self, in fact 0 cha is actually defined as helpless meaning they can't make saves. The fact that they automatically die if they manage to succeed on their save just raises more questions.

I'm a freak !(Su): I've always wanted to be something else
The Beautiful Freak represents our own inability to cope with what we are, our need to change and become extraordinary. He knows it, and knows how to bring those desires to the surface, quite litteraly. Once for each creature met, the Beautiful Freak may attempt to realize the creature 's subconscious dreams about herself. This is requires one minute of relative quiet, and the creature to be changed must be in contact with the Freak for the whole minute (usually done by holding hands) which requires a Will save versus the Freak's Intimidate bonus+1d20. Effects are shown on the table below, and last for a number of hours equal to the Freak's class level + 1D6. During this time, the target creature suffers from rejection, and NPC initial attitude will be adjusted to one degree lower concerning the creature.

I'm a freak !
1-2|You're a freak ! (creature uses the Freaks Intimidate bonus, augmented as per Menacing Demeanor, instead of his own intimidate skill)
3-4|So f*cking precious... (creature gains a 100% bonus on any prices negociated in her favour, or 50% discount on any buy/rent/salary prices proposed)
5-6|I wish i was precious... (same as above but, 50% and 25% respectively)
7-8|I want you to notice when i'm not around ! (creature gains an aura of 20 ft radius, granting allies a +2 morale bonus on fear and mind-affecting effects)
9-10|I want a perfect soul ! (creature gains two +2 bonuses which she can use on wisdom, intelligence, charisma, SR if any or will saves)
11-12|I want a perfect body ! (creature gains two +2 bonuses which she can use on strength, dexterity, constitution, reflex or fortitude saves)
13-14|I want to have control ! (creature can use bluff to Command, same as the Freak does, but using the freak's bluff bonus)
15-16|Couldn't look you in the eye... (creature may use Confusion, as the spell, once per hour, CL=HD, Save DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod)
17-18|You're just like an angel... (creature can use diplomacy to Seduce, same as the Freak does, but using the freak's diplomacy bonus)
19-20|Your skin makes me cry... (creature uses the Beatiful Freak charisma score-2 if higher than his own, otherwise grants +2 to charisma, but halve the modifier regarding the Intimidate skill)[/table]

Unless mentioned otherwise, all bonuses are Freaky bonuses*.

So, why is there a required save vs. a mostly beneficial ability? I could understand a save being required for trying to maintain contact against a creatures will, but that could easily be circumvented with some rope or a pretext and I don't really understand why their by now absurd intimidate skill is part of the equation. I also don't understand what is meant by "During this time, the target creature suffers from rejection" why are they being rejected, and by whom? I could understand what ever transformation occurs freaking people in general out, but most of the bonuses are social and at least two of them would be invalidated by that.
Finally (for this ability), I'm not sure who you're supposed to be using this on or when you're supposed to use it. Since you can't control the effect and many of them are drastically different you can't really plan how you're going to use it or even rely on it. Since it only last a few hours you can't just give it as a permanent/semi-permanent buff and hope it's something that comes up allot. And since it can only be used once per creature it'll probably be forgotten after approximately 3 uses (once per other party member in a party of 4).

[b]Freak on a leash
2|A.D.I.D.A.S (target is afflicted with an unbearable sex-addiction, and will attempt to have sex with any available creature, using any means necessary, even going beyond the limits of his own stamina, going as far as to die trying, this is a nonmagical disease and can be cured, permanent until cured)
3-4|Got the life (target gains 1 hp every round, hps may go up to twice the target's hp until he/she/it dies, target is also afflicted with suicidal tendencies, this is a magical disease, permanent until dead/cured/dispelled)
5-6|Falling away from me (target is subject to a curse causing all relatives to lose one degree of social interaction every hour, ie : friendly NPC's become Indifferent after one hour, permanent until dispelled, remove curse also works)
7-8|Somebody Someone (every hour, target randomly changes appearance, GM's choice, effect is permanent until dispeled)
9-10|Blind ! (blindness, magical disease, effect is permanent unless cured by magical means)
11-12|Shoots and Ladders (target gains 50ft fly speed, but each round this ability has 1 chance in 8 to stop functionning for 1d4 rounds, and 1 chance in 8 of overfunctionning, GM's choice, permanent until dispelled)
13-14|Here to stay (target is paralyzed but conscious, permanent until dispelled)
15-16|Dead Bodies Everywhere (target gains a Death Aura of 20ft, all creatures in this area subject to negative energy take 1 negative energy damage per round, undeads heal 1 hp per round, permanent until dispelled)
17-18|All In The Family (madness overcomes the subject, he enters a frenzied rage to kill his entire family, and once this is done, to commit suicide, this is a nonmagical disease, effect is permanent until cured)
19|Thoughtless (target is feebleminded, as per the spell, no save, permanent effect until cured)

Dispellable effects must be dispelled by a 5th or greater level spell/effect (ie : at least Greater Dispel Magic)

Affected creatures must make a second, identical Will save, if failed, the roll is again examined. If the roll is even, target is uncurably considered in love with the Freak, consider this a natural love, GM's advice and roleplaying are recommended. If the roll is uneven, target becomes the Freak's nemesis, and will seek by any means, even betraying alignment, faith, love or friendship to destroy him. Once again, GM's advice and roleplaying are recommended.

Few problems here:
First, while you don't need to include an entry for a nat 20 you do need one for a nat 1. Since there's no predefined failure effect "[a] natural 1 [is] an automatic loss versus this effect" doesn't tell us much.
Also, the abilities could stand to be reorders and/or redone. There's a pretty big variance between the effects (lethal to blindness [which is mildly annoying, sometimes] to randomly changing appearance which could actually be beneficial but certainly isn't bad to an aura of death that activly hurts you).
The fact that you don't know if you're getting a love slave or a would be assassin (if they survive) when you use this is also sort-of annoying. Actually, the extreme degree of randomness in this (a once a day, once per target ability) is pretty bad. Every time you use it you have no idea what you're going to get and you only get that one shot so you can't replace it with something better latter or use it to sow chaos.

Lastly (at last), most of this class's abilities are rendered moot by immunity to mind effecting or simply not being a (monstrous) humanoid, which means for most parts of most campaigns you're stuck playing a watered-down ozadrin.

2011-06-08, 04:51 AM
Thanks to you both for the constructive criticism, you've pointed out quite a lot, so i'll rework this tonight and try to make it all better ;-)

2011-06-09, 04:23 AM
OK here is a modified version factoring in all the remarks until now.

I might suggest taking a look at the ozodrin optional ability Uncanny Appearance (possibly also the Altered Guise feat that goes with it on the next page).

I used the first ability as an alternative way to enter the Prc, which allowed me to address Epsilon Rose's concerns about the previous prereqs, thanks for mentioning it.

The mind affecting part of freaky bonuses seems a bit off

Lastly (at last), most of this class's abilities are rendered moot by immunity to mind effecting or simply not being a (monstrous) humanoid, which means for most parts of most campaigns you're stuck playing a watered-down ozadrin.

Yeah, i also think so, in fact i was thinking about using fear/morale bonuses, because they are in fact effects caused by how disturbed you are by the freak's combination of beauty and repulsiveness (is that a word ?), but BTR fear effects suck much more than mind-affecting effects... If any of you have ideas about this, feel free...

In the meantime, i reworked some of the targets's definitions to broaden them. I don't particularly mind the remark about a "watered-down ozadrin". I tried playing a Psion(Telepath) in a undead-only scenario, and that sucked big time, so i see your point. That's exactly what this class is, a nonfighting/noncasting PrC whose focus is social interactions, however freakish they may be ;-)

Even if it is a fluff ability it should still be given a mechanical effect

It is in fact a non-ability, just a roleplaying pointer for both player and GM. Think of it this way :
"You enter the king's throne room"
"Is the king disgusted or attracted by me (ie affected by Did You see That ?) ?"
"No, he seems unphased"
"Wow, now this guy is powerful ..."

I'm wary of it having +2 to charisma every odd level

Yeah, thought about that too, but the class has very little offensive capacity, and all-in-all it only brings a 3 point increase on the modifier, meaning a few form points, little advantage on skills, and slighlty better DCs to beat. Didn't seem OP to me.

It seems like it might be better to swap seduction to bluff and command to diplomacy

The first problem with this is that since you're using skills to set the dcs they're going to be monstrous. Skills are extremely easy to boost especially when compared to saves. Especially when you factor in the free +6 to charisma you're giving them alongside everything else (which gets extra silly when you realize it also gives them more form points).

Also, the level 5 abilities are a bit crazy (at will [ex] dominate person with super dc) and I'm not entirely sure how the psionic powers work in regards to augments (or, for that matter, where inflict pleasure is from). That said, they don't really compare to dominate and since they have the same use restrictions and dc I'm not sure why you'd ever use them (-4 to attack vs. "be my slave")

I reworked the ability to lower the DCs, clarify the workings a bit, reduce the dominate duration (maybe should require constant rolls), i still need to word in the psi-like effects (induce pleasure (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/induce-pleasure) is from a Dreamscarred Press book, hyperconscious), i'm considering the seduction/bluff swap at the moment, but i'll wait a day or two (need to clear my head and maybe look at it in a different light)

This could be to powerful, but I'm tempted to say it's fine. It might be better to add half charisma mod though given how high members of this class are likely to have theirs.

It is in fact the nymph's unearthly grace, a bit more complete (works on opposite skill checks and special attacks) but limited to creatures affected by freaky bonuses...
So i'm waiting until i find a better definition of freaky bonuses to rewrite this.

Something takes a part of me: This seems much to powerful. ... It also doesn't mention how it works against creatures without a charisma score.
It also should likely not automatically kill the victim when they escape. I'd suggest allowing a fortitude save or the like to survive, and they must then spend time recovering as they naturally heal their charisma. Likely with the ability leaving some form of permanent change to their features that can't be healed naturally or magically (...).

As a quick fix i heavily reworked this to lower charisma damage to 1 per round, 2 when 5th has been reached, to alter slightly the workings (doesn't require to the mouth feature, which brings in a new question about the prerequisites), removed the auto-kill (which changed the prerequisites), explained recovery, and added lasting effects... Now i need to refluff it because it sounds too mechanical, while it should be a terrifying fuse/merge effect (Thought about the movie "Society" while writing this..)

I'm a freak !:
This ability while interesting, seems unlikely to see much use if it can only be used once per creature and is even then a temporary effect.

Longer duration, repeatable effect (once per week as suggested) should bring in the interesting side, also took Epsilon Rose's remark on the lack of fluff around the will save, and the rejection effect. Still some is lacking, but i'm feeling lazy at the time...

Feeling like a freak on a leash:
Some of these seem a bit strong, though not overly so as they all have something that delays the death of the individual in question. Still you should mention how they can cure the non-magical ones. I'd also likely allow a periodic will save on the part of the All In The Family afflicted to delay for a round (if they pass they must try to make the save again the next round, if the fail they must wait till the Beautiful Freak's cha mod rounds pass before trying again or something similar). Also does the individual afflicted with Dead Bodies Everywhere also take the negative energy damage?

Few problems here:
First, while you don't need to include an entry for a nat 20 you do need one for a nat 1. Since there's no predefined failure effect "[a] natural 1 [is] an automatic loss versus this effect" doesn't tell us much.
Also, the abilities could stand to be reorders and/or redone. There's a pretty big variance between the effects (lethal to blindness [which is mildly annoying, sometimes] to randomly changing appearance which could actually be beneficial but certainly isn't bad to an aura of death that activly hurts you).
The fact that you don't know if you're getting a love slave or a would be assassin (if they survive) when you use this is also sort-of annoying. Actually, the extreme degree of randomness in this (a once a day, once per target ability) is pretty bad. Every time you use it you have no idea what you're going to get and you only get that one shot so you can't replace it with something better latter or use it to sow chaos.

Took all of this into account and tried to rewrite to my best. I really like how this works out, in fact it is exactly what i was looking for.

This ability MUST have randomness, both in it's effects and consequences

In fact the target either sees, and feels, the most beautiful thing in their lives or the most repulsive, or both, and due to nature of this revelation/relation, their core being is turned inside out

Once this is done, what do you do with the most beautiful thing in the world ? You either worship it, or destroy it. Amazingly the same is true with the most horrible thing in the world...

Thanks a lot to both of you, this has been a good step forward, and feel free to bring it on :smallsmile:

Moose Man
2011-06-09, 05:37 AM
Why must you name things based on that song by Korn?

2011-06-09, 04:15 PM
Well, haven't reread the class yet to see all the changes, but thoughts I'd mention this.

Yeah, i also think so, in fact i was thinking about using fear/morale bonuses, because they are in fact effects caused by how disturbed you are by the freak's combination of beauty and repulsiveness (is that a word ?), but BTR fear effects suck much more than mind-affecting effects... If any of you have ideas about this, feel free...

One possibility would be to state that immunity to fear causes immunity to them, but specify that immunity to mind affecting does not (due to it being mundane in origin), though you may also specify that mindless does still prevent it.


2011-06-10, 05:00 AM
One possibility would be to state that immunity to fear causes immunity to them, but specify that immunity to mind affecting does not (due to it being mundane in origin), though you may also specify that mindless does still prevent it.

Very good idea, i reworked it and added some specifics per creature types.

I exchanged bluff and diplomacy as suggested, and reduced the dominate effect to last only a single round, therefore Epsilon Rose's "I'm your slave" now requires skill checks every round, and takes a full-round action. That should balance it nicely.

Also I added Sense Motive to the skill list.

Why must you name things based on that song by Korn?

I'll tell you but it's a secret :

Because, just like you find your own inspiration in manga and japanime, i find my own in music, mostly rock and metal ;-)

2011-06-10, 05:22 AM
On the freaky bonuses, you should state they are not mind affecting. Buy RAW, all fear effects are mind affecting, so unless specifically stated to be otherwise, people will assume these are as well (along with stating that immunity to mind effecting does not equate to immunity to fear). Also, I'd suggest against making undead immune. While mindless ones would be, that is already covered above, and awakened undead, due to still possessing personalities and the like (even if they are changed) would be able to feel attraction or revulsion (though it may be fine if partial as with aberrations, just without the HD to CR comparison).


2011-06-10, 05:27 AM
Excellent suggestions, update done.

Epsilon Rose
2011-06-10, 01:51 PM
I can understand wanting to keep "freak on a leash" random for fluff purposes, but by creating such a wide variance of possible effects you're making it almost impossible to use.
I'd recommend either narrowing the possible out comes, giving the freak some way to influence the result, or making it an aoe (with friend or foe detection).

I'd recommend the aoe (either as a burst centered on the freak or a cone). It's fairly easy to justify in the fluff (he's showing them his true form so anyone looking at the wrong time is going to get hit) and has the mechanical advantage of actually being useful regardless of the outcome (because even though one guy might hate you and have a death aura there's probably another who wants to defend you even if it means his life).

2011-06-17, 05:03 AM
I can understand wanting to keep "freak on a leash" random for fluff purposes, but by creating such a wide variance of possible effects you're making it almost impossible to use.
I'd recommend either narrowing the possible out comes, giving the freak some way to influence the result, or making it an aoe (with friend or foe detection).
I'd recommend the aoe (either as a burst centered on the freak or a cone). It's fairly easy to justify in the fluff (he's showing them his true form so anyone looking at the wrong time is going to get hit) and has the mechanical advantage of actually being useful regardless of the outcome (because even though one guy might hate you and have a death aura there's probably another who wants to defend you even if it means his life).

Adopted the AoE idea,but reduced the daily uses (5/day seemed a bit OP to me)

Also the friend or foe seemed a bit much, friends should know better than to look at that precise moment ;-)

All in all this seems finished, hope you all like ;-)

Will probably add a few goodies in the next day, but otherwise, on the the next project, called "The Thing-With-No-Form"
