View Full Version : Bleach: Fade to White- Hueco Mudo

Innis Cabal
2011-06-08, 04:16 PM
1. Don't God Mod

2. Don't Argue

3. Have Fun.

Take it away Frozen.

2011-06-08, 04:28 PM
A slight breeze blows across the dead desert, billowing up bone dust. Long-dead trees stand tall between the dunes, remnants from time no-one has seen. Only the crooked moon overhead can be used to tell the direction, as there are no visible landmarks - save for one.

A tower, piled from dozens, if not hundreds of slain Hollows, looming above the highest dune as their bodies are slowly eaten or disentigrate to dust. One does not need to wonder who might have done it, however, as the culprit is still present - a woman, dressed in white, sits on top of the piled corpses, swinging her legs lazily as she gazes to the horizon. She is diminutive compared to the bodies, almost looking like a little girl from the distance.

But what would a little girl be doing in such a place...?

2011-06-08, 05:59 PM
A figure flies across the dry, dusty sky.

...the hunger hadn't come back yet. But it would. She just didn't know when. And then, she'd go back to being eaten or eating.

Again and again. For now, though... Gabriella flew across the sky.

2011-06-08, 06:13 PM
In a city of towers, a landscape of vast canyons and valleys, high up at the central tower which commands an imposing presence over the other towers and looms over the landscape for miles, sits a hauntingly beautiful woman on a bloody throne.

Clicking her talons on the armrest, she sits restless. Something is drawing at her, pulling her, nipping at her abdomen like the familiar hunger pangs. Her smooth forehead creases slightly with a frown. Sensing the frown, the collective Hollow gathered before the throne quickly backs away a few paces, as if trying to get away from the source of her irritation lest they become her next snack. Why would these Hollow remain around her if they fear her so? Was it because she is too fast for them to outrun? Was it because they were somehow rendered incapable of leaving?

No. It is because the one who sits on her bloody throne, looking all human but Hollow features abound, was once a myth going around the rumor mill, if said mill wasn't a slaughterhouse at the same time. She is one of the living legends given form and appearance. Sticking with her would guarantee their survival against larger predators.

A Vasto Lorde, the stuff of legends, sits at her bloody throne with a frown on her beautiful alabaster face.

2011-06-08, 11:31 PM
A deep pulse of magnificent power pulses through the forbidden sands above a monstrous being. His reiatsu throws off the weaker hollows in the area, causing most to scatter. Yet in the night one remains, an adjuchas with something to prove, and a death wish to boot.

Another deep pulse and slowly a dark rumble tears through the ground, growing to crescendo before the sands erupts of its' own accord. In place of the white sands is a single being, smaller than many of the hollows that were once in place. The Demon of the white sands, a hunter of the greatest kind. A Vasto Lorde with no reason to hold back. The wind whips around the hollow, flinging sand against the white mask of the monster. A black cloak swings in the breeze before the monster disappears from sight. Soon his hand is thrust through the Adjuchas' chest, blood flowing freely. "I'm back."

After the quick meal, The Demon lays alone in the white sands, power pulsing through the ground below, warding off any who would dare come near.

2011-06-10, 01:31 AM
As the winds washes rivulets of bone sand upon endless dunes something else ripples beneath it. No soul would expect a being as large as the nearly invisible adjuchas to be so undetectable, and that is how Imitulpo likes it. He pauses as the winds calm waiting to move until the dust storms would cover both his passing and his trail. Still, he moves steadily toward his destination by a pull he finds irritatingly alluring.

He could smell the bodies from miles away, like the scent after a press of Gilliam have been attacking one another for hours. A battleground where he could find winners on which to prey or loser upon which to scavenge. That is, were he underground. There were no such smells on the surface, at least, never before... There was something else too, something he didn't understand, something which nagged at him like an itch, and he never itched.

The tower of bodies was a surprise when he spied it. First, only barely from faraway when he could only make out its outline. He paid it no mind until he that scent grew stronger. The hidden hollow dared to roll its eyes up off the sand and on top of the body revealing two spots still speckled like the sand, but nowhere near as well hidden as his skin. The sight made no sense, a feast in nowhere with nobody, and then he saw the girl.

White?! The girl wore white. She was not the hollow hunters who always wore black and carried swords. She wore no mask that he could see. Was she mortal? Her reiryouko was too strong, too old, too formidable. Was she prey? Now, that was an interesting question.

Imitulpo creeped as far forward as the wind would allow, but with a large distance kept between. He took one arm, preparing to sever it in case of danger, and stretched it to it's farthest length. As he did so, he formed a tiny pseudo mask on top of the tip and blended out the pattern which was camouflage against the sand. Slowly, a small snake-like hollow melts out of the background of the bone sand and grows a mouth. "Are you going to eat that?" he politely asks the woman in white.

2011-06-15, 09:33 AM
Getting no response from the seated figure on top of the pile, Imitulpo figures being ignored is safe enough for him. The snake arm fades back into camouflage on the bone sands, and grabs the nearest body. The corpse is quickly dragged back, underneath the sands, until it is below the octopus hollows actual body. Bringing his meal to his mask, Imitulp splits his beak and begins to feast.

It won't be long until one is consumed, and the adjuchas slithers closer to the tower of bodies. No point in letting a good meal go to waste. His arms reach out slowly for more meat.

*nom* *nom* *bump* *nom*

2011-06-15, 11:25 AM
Gitano watched the Hollow depart from a cavern in a nearby cliff face. The scowling white mask watched the female in white for some time after he departed, emotion incapable of showing on the Vizard Mask. Once he was confident the visiting creature had departed, Gitano made his move.

With a shunpo, he stood before the woman in white, making sure to keep his reiatsu in check so as to conceal the full weight of his spiritual presence. His voice was deep, smooth, and tainted by the reverb effect universal to Vizards. "Aren't you an extraordinary thing?"

2011-06-15, 11:38 AM
The woman in white glances down from the heights with a calm face just as the serpentine head disappears back underground. "No, thank you. I'm not hungry", comes the belated reply as she turns back to gaze across the sands. Another pathetic creature. Will they never learn?

Then, in an instant, the masked, stocky man is before her, and her eyes widen in shock. She stumbles backwards a bit, her body falling on her elbows. She stares at the newcomer, reaching for a dark grey piece of cloth next to her. It turns out to be a cloak - she pulls it over her shoulders as if to shield herself from the cold.

At the same instant, the octopus behind the sands can feel the haunting presense that had drawn him here vanish. It's like it was never there in the first place. The absence of feeling might make both him and the masked man to not notice that the wind has ceased as well.

"And just who are you supposed to be?", the woman asks from the man standing on thin air before her. It's bit of a comical situation - this close, it's clear that were she to stand up, she'd be much taller than the man. But as she sits, their faces are just on the same level. "Did you come here to die like them?" Fool.

2011-06-15, 11:48 AM
"Like my... Former associates? I came here with them, although I had different intentions than to make war with the Hollows of Hueco Mundo. Less hostile toward the natives, considerably more ambitious... Definitely more intelligent." Gitano pats the sheath at his hip, drawing attention to the blade stored within. He grasps the grip, drawing the blade slowly from the sheath as he speaks. "My zanpaktou, Horonigai, grants me a measure of power relating to the zanpaktous of others. Prior to coming across you, I had assumed that such capabilities would be without merit in Hueco Mundo. However, you have presented an... Unprecedented opportunity."

2011-06-15, 11:57 AM
The woman watches the man speak with wide eyes. Then she relaxes a bit, waving her legs playfully in the air. "Pardon me", she says, smiling faintly, "but I haven't got the slightest idea of what you might be talking about. War... with this place?" She points her palm towards the horizon, moving her hand as if to encircle the vast desert around them. "How do you make war with dust? With brooms and mops? You don't seem to be carrying any."

"Though you got me curious. What, pray tell me, is a Zanpakutou?" Gitano might notice that there's a long, segmented spear laying behind the woman on the back of a dead Gillian. Though she's otherwise unflinching at his hostile gesture, her right hand is slowly inching towards its shaft.

2011-06-15, 12:04 PM
"...I see. You were asking if I was coming to fight you. I assumed- Ah, but that would require telling a tale with too much backstory for a sane soul's attention span. To answer your question, I'm not here to fight you. In fact, it seems I can grant you a bit of self-knowledge." The Vizard had finished unsheathing the sword at this point, and uses it to gesture toward the spear in the fallen Gillian. "That is your zanpaktou. In my time travelling this desert, you are the first soul other than myself and my former comrades to possess such a weapon."

2011-06-15, 12:12 PM
The woman tilts her head to the side. "I see", she says, "my zanpakutou? Zanpakutou... literally, that means 'soul-cutting sword', doesn't it?" There's and odd glimmer in her grey eyes as she grasps the handle of the spear.

"I guess this does indeed have the power to cut souls", she continues, placing the spear on her lap, though watching warily at the unsheathed blade of the man, "but it's hardly a sword, don't you think? So why would you still call it such?"

2011-06-15, 12:20 PM
"Most zanpaktous taking the form of a sword. The common ground that gives them definition is the power to strike souls that you mentioned..." While the scowl of the samurai mask remained unaltered on Gitano's face, the woman would have no trouble hearing the smile in his tone of voice. "In addition, there's the strong connection the weapon has to the wielder's soul, a connection that it has been long assumed no Hollow could form. Yours is a once in a lifetime achievement, with the lifetime being that of all of existence."

2011-06-15, 12:34 PM
"Once in a lifetime? Oh, you flatter me", the woman chirps, "but it hardly sounds truthful. How come you have a Zanpakutou as well if no Hollow can have one? Did you steal it? You look and feel just the same as all the rest before you." Her smile fades and she glares piercingly into the eye sockets of the leering mask.

"So what makes you special? I'm afraid I don't quite follow. From where I stand... well, sit, I see just another lost soul."

2011-06-15, 12:44 PM
"Ah! Yes, so many decades having never worn the mask, and now to never remove it..." For a brief instant, the mask dissolves, giving the woman a glimpse at a smiling face with a thin gray goatee and hazel eyes. More importantly, the glimpse gives her a feel of a shinigami's reiatsu untainted by a Hollow's essence. "To make a long story short, my zanpaktou preceeded my mask."

2011-06-15, 01:08 PM
The woman raises an eyebrow, then starts shuffling to get on her feet. The man might notice her grip on her weapon has tightened a bit. We don't want you here.

"That is... interesting", she murmurs, "but if you did not have a mask, why did you bother putting one on? Why are you here, in this place, wandering aimlessly among Hollows, disguised as them, acting like them? What do you hope to gain from such a fruitless existence? Did joys of heaven get boring to you, perhaps?"

2011-06-15, 01:16 PM
"Do you know the difference between Hueco Mundo and... Heaven, you call it?" Gitano makes a sweeping gesture across the land around them. The gray sands, the black sky, the white moon... "One has color, the other has power. I have more interest in the latter, which is why I linger here. My zanpaktou alone is potent, but the combination of mask and zanpaktou is stronger than either seperately. I assume that you have reached a similar conclusion regarding your own abilities."

2011-06-15, 01:51 PM
"No, I can't say I know much of heaven", the woman answers, standing up and looking down on the man before her. "From what I've heard, it's supposed to be a much... livelier place than this. I wish to see it sometime."

"Combination of mask and blade, you say? I'm sorry mister, but I don't have a mask. As for power..." The woman shrugs, glancing over the man's shoulder at the desert. "Power is hardly useful for its own sake. This place may have power, but it has no purpose. So what purpose would you give it? What direction would you drive it to? What is you want? I find it hard to imagine one would concern himself with power if one already had everything they desired..."

2011-06-15, 09:12 PM
"What I want is simple enough: Victory. Victory over those who would fight me, victory over the institution that nearly robbed me of my potential... Mostly, victory over the lack of purpose you describe, as it afflicts more worlds than Hueco Mundo alone." Gitano spreads his arms out, as though showing off a massive display behind him. "I intend to create an army to not only unite Hueco Mundo, but conquer both Soul Society and the Mortal World, tearing the blinds off the mortals and the Unhollowed souls my former associates call pluses."

"While your unique nature denies me of certainty, I am confident that you would be a valuable ally in this pursuit." Gitano thrusts his zanpaktou into the sand adjacent to him, holding a hand out to the woman offeringly. "Would you join me? Or are you more committed to the purpose you have already found?"

2011-06-15, 09:14 PM
The woman in white glances down from the heights with a calm face just as the serpentine head disappears back underground. "No, thank you. I'm not hungry", comes the belated reply as she turns back to gaze across the sands.

At the same instant, the octopus behind the sands can feel the haunting presense that had drawn him here vanish. It's like it was never there in the first place. The absence of feeling might make both him and the masked man to not notice that the wind has ceased as well.

Imitulpo grabbed more bodies quickly, one with each arm, and began gorging himself on the feast of spiritual energy before him. A corpse with each arm was dragged into his mask as he hoped to eat as much as possible before he felt it unsafe to stay. As he moved past the dozenth or so body (an adjuchas like himself), the wind suddenly stopped. Imitulpo suddenly realized that so had the subtle reiatsu around the whole area. The octopus adjuchas slowed his eating, and he suddenly realised what a poor idea it was to stay in that spot, and continue to eat those bodies. The opportunity in no way outweighed the obvious danger, but why had he only realized that now? Still, now that he was here, there was less danger in taking some food while he left.

For a brief instant, the mask dissolves, giving the woman a glimpse at a smiling face with a thin gray goatee and hazel eyes. More importantly, the glimpse gives her a feel of a shinigami's reiatsu untainted by a Hollow's essence.

Hollow Hunter! Imitulpo began to grasp the full extent of the danger into which he had fallen. He looked toward the tower top to see a second figure speaking before a seated girl in white. He wore black, he was the hollow hunter, and he wasn't that strong. The octopus kept his own reiatsu hidden as he slithered out of the send and onto the body of corpses. As he did, his skin matched color to the dark, splotchy pile instantly, even matching a pattern of cracked and empty masks. Slowly and surely, he climbed up to get behind the lone shinigami. He looks like prey, and, perhaps, if I help the lady in white, then she will let me eat her kills. Best case, they will fight one another, I can kill the weakened survivor and eat them all. If a hollow made of mutable, temporary skin could get chills, then Imitulpo's current thoughts would bring them.

2011-06-16, 06:17 AM
Imitulpo's slithering seems to go unnoticed, at least for the moment. The woman in white eyes the strange Shinigami, before smiling and taking his hand. "Well, since you ask so nicely", she chirps. But as her cold hand touches the skin of the man, he might realize his attempts to conceal his power have just been rendered null. It's as if his soul is a glass of water, carefully poured to another cup and measured drop by drop.

"... but no matter how powerful, two people don't an army make. And to my reckoning, no army has ever conquered a word alone, let alone several. So what do you plan to do about that?"

2011-06-16, 06:54 AM

Gabriella feels something... strange.

Not Hollow. Out of sheer curiosity, she turns, and starts to fly towards the source of the reiatsu she's feeling.

2011-06-16, 01:23 PM
"I should probably explain the specifics of my zanpaktou's power." Gitano draws his zanpaktou from the sand after releasing the woman's hand, holding it out in front of her. If being measured had an impact on him, he didn't let it show. In being measured, it would be apparent that his power transcended that of a meer Captain. "Horonigai's first release power is to grant an individual access to the first release of their zanpaktou even if such would normally be beyond them. After I'm done using Horonigai's power, the zanpaktou revert to their sealed state. I suspect that I might be able to use my zanpaktou to grant such weapons to Hollows, as you have demonstrated that such is possible. I suspect the merits of such an improved state would provide incentive for loyalty if the newfound sense of direction does not. It's just a matter of finding subjects upon which to test my hypothesis."

2011-06-16, 01:34 PM
"Subjects? Well, why won't we find one right now?", the woman replies coyly. Then she aims her gaze to the sky, watching past the crooked moon. It's not known if Hollows have faith in gods of one sort or another, but Imitulpo might want to thank one now for his excellent camouflage.

Because, all things granted, a bone white target flying on a pitch-black, empty sky is easier to spot than one more Hollow among the bodies of countless others. The woman tracks Gabriella's flight for a moment, then grabs her spear and leaps down from the tower of piled carcasses.

"Come!", she beckons to the Shinigami, before sprinting forward, making her way across the sand with long steps. All the time, her eyes stay nailed on Gabriella's flying form as she hurries ahead to meet her.

2011-06-16, 01:42 PM
"Good eye." Gitano is quick enough to follow, using shunpo to make up for the woman's earlier start and walking on air to keep pace. He holds his zanpaktou in a reverse grip as he runs, keeping his arm movements to a minimum to avoid inadvertent swinging of the blade. "I am Seifuku Gitano, by the way."

2011-06-16, 03:27 PM
Gabriella spots the two figures moving towards her quickly, and tries to pull up.

She's probably not going to succeed before they get there... mostly because she can't do Sonido.

2011-06-16, 03:29 PM
The Demon had since taken to walking the deserts. No sense standing in the middle on nothing, after all.

Soon he can see the tower on the horizon, brought forth by the smell of blood and the promise of an easy meal. As he sees the figures he stops to watch what will happen.

2011-06-16, 05:26 PM
The lady in white does not stop to answer to Gitano. There'd be time for introductions later. Her mind is fixed on one thing - her prey.

Unfortunately, while Gabriella might not be capable of flash steps, she is hundreds of feet above the ground and flying. As such, her speed in the air would easily rival or even exceed that of her pursuer. But the woman doesn't let that deter her. She has other plans.

As she reaches the spot below Gabriealla, she stops and raises her spear in salutation. She lets out a horrible, piercing shriek (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3VtzMxmPs0&feature=related) - an appeal to the death wish that governs minds of Hollows. A challenge to the white dragon - devour or be devoured. A slight hint of hope that maybe killing and eating the diminutive creature on the ground would ease the emptiness inside her, if even for a moment. Come on. Fight me if you dare.

2011-06-16, 05:55 PM
Gabriella struggles against it...

but she hadn't eaten in a while.

She turns, and swoops down towards the lady in white, perching close. Gabriella doesn't strike mindlessly, instead trying to let these two make the first move.

If her hunger will let her.

2011-06-16, 06:06 PM
The woman assumes a fighting stance as she sees the dragon is coming. Then, her form becomes but a white blur as she lunges at her foe almost too fast for eyes to follow. She aims her spear at Gabriella's breast, next to her right wing - even if the blow would not penetrate, she's moving with such speed and force that the impact should disrupt the dragon's flight, sending them tumbling to the ground...

2011-06-16, 06:51 PM
Gabriella is sent tumbling towards the ground- the blow does hit, and wounds her, but she's not nearly down, as evidenced by the flaming Cero she fires out of her mouth at her attacker.

2011-06-16, 07:34 PM
The flaming blast engulfs the woman - a look of horror passes in her eyes before the heat incinerates her.

... it's all a ruse, a magic trick to divert Gabriella's attention from the real attacker is now to her left. The white lady sends a crushing blow against her face with the shaft of her weapon, with enough force to crack her mask and send her crashing to the ground if it hits.

2011-06-16, 07:39 PM
In the relative emptiness and peace of Hueco Mundo, any displays of reiatsu, especially fights, would send ripples through the densely packed reishi particles that saturate even the very air of this place.

Sitting in her Aerie of Slaughter, Cuerva feels those vibrations weakly, her height, the design of the tower and the distance from the scuffle meant that it was between particularly powerful entities to reach her.

Rubbing her stomach, feeling a dull rumble, Cuerva dismisses her 'court' and flies over to watch the fight, from a really high altitude. High enough that her eyes can pick them out in decent detail, yet so high up that it might take another Avian to spot her.

2011-06-16, 08:12 PM
The octopus freezes as the black and white figures launch themselves off of the tower and off into the distance. Moments pass, and they continue to run off leaving him with the largest pile of food he has ever seen. Without dropping his camouflage, The adjuchas begins to feast as quickly as possible with all eight arms shoving the fallen hollows and menos into his mouth. He feels a swell of reiatsu come from the direction the two had run. It was strong, but it was also far. As long as they fought, he could still eat. He heard a strange cry, but it's call was familiar, nagging, and just made him want to eat the strange tower more.

Strangely, he felt a wave of heat, and Imitulpo turned his bulbous head, the body of a hollow hanging half out of his beak. He saw the large flash of fire, as he felt the struggle continue. He slurped up the rest of the body and continued to feast.

2011-06-16, 08:19 PM
Gabriella is sent crashing to the ground, and struggles to get up.

But she isn't dead yet...

2011-06-16, 08:36 PM
The woman in white stops in the air for a moment to look at the stunned Adjuchas stagger around. For a moment, the scene is pleasingly calm again, with Gabriella Reiatsu wavering and the woman not giving out any.

Then, she leaps down, plunging her spear at Gabriella's back near her hind legs. It seems her intent is to sever or at least damage her spine. Hopefully it'll keep the dragon from fleeing, or going anywhere else for that matter.

2011-06-16, 08:43 PM
Gabriella realises the intent, and manages to defend with her wing.

It gives a nasty wound, but that's better than permanent injury and all that comes after, right? "Damm it... just kill me if you want to. Don't damm well play with your food."

2011-06-16, 09:02 PM
"Ah... the beast can speak", the woman gasps with feigned surprise. She regards the torn wing, and nods with seeming satisfaction.

Next moment, she's standing on Gabriella's snout, one hand on her hip and another grasping her weapon, regarding the serpent coolly. Then she whacks Gabriella hard between the eyes with the blunt end of her weapon, with enough force to shatter her mask.

"You can come closer now", the white lady calls out to the Shinigami nearby.

2011-06-16, 11:15 PM
"I see my confidence in your abilities was not misplaced." Gitano approaches, flicking his zanpaktou nonchalantly to a forward grip. He examines the draconic Adhucha's body before turning his gaze on her face. "As for you, your demise is not our intention. The woman who just bested you is a unique individual. How one starts out as a Hollow, then later acquires a zanpaktou... Well, I don't know how she did it. I believe it's within my ability to provide an alternate route toward the same end. Would you be interested in helping to test this theory?"

2011-06-16, 11:38 PM
The mask shatters, revealing a quite beautiful woman, with red hair.

"The alternative at this point is pretty much dying, isn't it? You have one, you should know by instinct what happens when that mask shatters."

2011-06-16, 11:44 PM
Are they shattering that Hollow's mask? What's going on? Cuerva thinks to herself as she continues to circle in the air.

2011-06-16, 11:55 PM
The woman in white doesn't reply to the dragon's words, staying silent as she stands tall before her defeated form. The Mask - one of the two constants common to all Hollows, and marker to their sole univeral weak point, the head. For many, there isn't a more grievous wound than having it shattered, as if it was the source of their power. Indeed, one could very well say some Hollows are nothing but their masks.

To have it shattered, to have their pathetic face and nature revealed to the outside world; to make it clear they are but broken people; there's hardly a crueler fate. And this specimen, it seems, is not blessed with power of regeneration. It would never heal, and she would wither and die as an Adjuchas.

The woman turns her face slightly to look at Gitano, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. She's anxious to see what he will do.

2011-06-17, 12:22 AM
"Heh. When any other mask shatters, but now is not a time for semantics." Gitano moves as though to shift the small blade in his hand to a dual grip. As he does, black lightning arcs across the edge before it becomes an ebon silhouette, expanding in size to a daikatana as he secures his hold with both hands. Aside from the change in size, the only difference in the appearance of the blade is the number '107' written on the flat on each side. "This shall be an auspicious occasion. Past experience provides evidence that the passive activation I normally use isn't an option. As you mentioned, though, the mask is the spiritual core of any Hollow, and the zanpaktou is tied to the soul. Therefore..."

Gitano slowly brought the blade forward, the tip of the blade meeting the center of the draconic Hollow's mask with the lightest touch. The eyes behind his own mask can be seen to close, and the spiritually sensitive may get a sense of internal communion from him. The draconic Hollow can feel a strange energy coming from the tip of the blade. While not hostile, the power is notably active. "I honestly don't know if this will hurt."

Then, with a sudden twisting motion, Gitano pulled back his blade, and a weaponized piece of the Hollow's soul with it.

2011-06-17, 12:37 AM
Gabriella screams, as the piece taken takes the form of a katana with dragon images engraved along the blade, and a pillar of energy envelops the body of the Arrancar.

2011-06-17, 01:22 AM
Gitano observes the pillar of energy for a second before glancing at his katana's blade. 108. He looks toward the initial Arrancar, and once more a smile could be heard in his voice. "This is promising. I hope she survives."

2011-06-17, 01:29 AM
The woman in white watches impassively as the broken shards of bone slide from the dragons face and start to float upwards in defiance of gravity, fusing into the blade. Only a small fragment is left on the red haired woman's face. If the white lady knows what to expect, she shows no hint of it to Gitano or Gabriella.

However, after the conflagration of energy has raged for a while, she speaks. "Her mask won't be enough", she says. "I could cut off her wings and tail. They seem large enough. What would you think?"

2011-06-17, 01:57 AM
At that moment, the conflagation ceases.

It seems the wings and tail won't be necessary. They're already gone.

In place of the Hollow is a woman, with red hair, and tanned skin.

The only evidence of her essential Hollow nature is a Hollow hole just above her breasts... and a piece of mask still remaining, holding part of her hair back.

She's currently lying on the desert sands, breathing heavily.

2011-06-17, 02:02 AM
Gabriella screams, as the piece taken takes the form of a katana with dragon images engraved along the blade, and a pillar of energy envelops the body of the Arrancar.

Imitulpo was halfway done with tearing through a gilliam when when he felt something new. Something even stranger than before. This has been the most unusual night. He looked up briefly at the unending darkness and the small moon before realizing the humor of his statement. His soft body quivered with silent laughter as he shoved more food in his mouth. That was the first bite he didn't finish when his mouth hung agape at watching a pillar of reiatsu tear into that endless night. He felt something new this time, and this feeling was terrifying. The octopus grabbed one more body, that of an adjuchas, before pulling all eight legs together and leaping off the pillar of bodies. He was more concerned with distance than discretion, and his full reiatsu was revealed as he performed a constant stream of sonido leaps away from that horrifying light. He jumped until it was out of sight, and buried his body half in the sand. White specks formed over his skin as it turned a grainy consistency to hide his form. The feeling of being hidden up against a dune of bone sand was comforting, but not comforting enough to ease the disquiet he felt as he looked at where he came to see a tiny patch of blue sky.

2011-06-17, 02:16 AM
The woman in white glares at the naked woman. One could swear a barely audible "Hmmph." escapes her lips. Then, she lets her spear fall to the ground and steps forwards, crouching before Gabriealle. She grasps her chin with her left hand and lifts the former dragon's face so she can look into her eyes.

"Look at me", she demands. "Look. At. Me." She slaps Gabriella's cheek with her right hand and shakes her head slightly, hoping to get a reaction.

2011-06-17, 02:23 AM
Gabriella's eyes open, and she stares right into the woman in white's eyes. "You-

...I'm not hungry."

2011-06-17, 02:29 AM
"For the moment, you aren't."

The woman takes Gabriella's head to both of her hands, twisting and turning it gently, maybe checking for injuries left by the blow she struck against her head. Then she pulls her right hand back, and holds up three fingers.

"How many do you see?"

2011-06-17, 02:50 AM

There actually aren't any injuries.

2011-06-17, 02:57 AM
A slight smirk passes on the woman's face. Seemingly satisfied, she lets go of Gabriella's head and rises to a kneeling position, offering her hand to the newly-reborn Hollow to pull her up.

"Can you walk?", she asks. It's an approriate question - Gabriealla might have spend who knows how long in her serpentine form. Her new, humanlike body looks downright feeble compared to the mighty beast she used to be. It's hardly guaranteed she has the strenght or even the knowledge to stand on her own.

"Come on. Let's find a shelter. If we stay here, others will come in no time."

2011-06-17, 03:44 AM
Gabriella frowns, and tries to stand.

It's not a matter of her strength, it is, indeed, a matter of her simply not remembering walking on two legs.

Okay, not entirely accurate- she doesn't remember how. "I... I don't... think so..."

She instinctively reaches for her sword, frowning, and the other arm tries to cover herself... at least a little.

2011-06-17, 06:56 AM
Curiosity, and a direct sense of threat from the release of new-yet-familiar Hollow reiatsu forces Cuerva to act.

Dropping down from her hovering position at nearly the speed of sound, a boom explodes in the air as Cuerva slams down onto the ground, her feet on the newly transformed Hollow's sword. Strange, she wasn't carrying any sword, why is it here. Where are the rest of her masks? Cuerva regards with a piercing predatory gaze, pinning newly formed Arrancar down with another feet, taking advantage of its momentary weakness to ensure she goes not get back up again.

As the shockwave and dust clears, all the Shinigami with the mask, and the little girl with the spear could see, is a woman in her 20s, long blonde hair, alabaster-white skin, and three pairs of wings with the membrane rapidly fading away, leaving only three pairs of wing-bones that flex like arachnid legs. The mask covers this woman's face and reaches down her torso covering her like a corset, with her Hollow hole right where her stomach should be.

The spiritual signature and pressure from this newly arrived being is strong, very strong. The oppressiveness isn't just weighing down like overcharged gravity wells, but a sense of weakness that extreme starvation would induce. A mythical being, one of the rumored legends that none believes actually exist. A Vasto Lorde.

Once again her predatory gaze locks onto both strange beings. "I am Cuerva de Sangre, pray tell what you have just done with my Avian kin here." the emphasis on the "Avian" signifies enough that apart from the appearance of wings, there is no more extra kinship markers other than them being Hollows.

2011-06-17, 11:30 AM
"Empowered her, and more signifigantly eased the burden of her hunger." Gitano picks up the draconic woman's sword after switching to a one-handed grip with Horonigai, offering the blade to the wielder with the grip pointed toward her. He seems utterly unphased by the presence of a Vasto Lorde. "Evidentally the process, which before now was untested, is painful. As you can see, though, it is most effective."

2011-06-17, 11:45 AM
The white lady is forced to stumble back and shield her eyes from flying sand as Cuerva crashes before her. There's a hint of dissatisfaction on her face as she gets back up. As she does, it should become apparent to Cuerva that her observation of a "little girl" was a trick of perspective - the woman stands taller than her humanoid body.

While Cuerva's Reiatsu ruffles the woman's clothes and hair like a sudden wind, it shows no other signs of affecting her. Logically, it should not be so, as she looks just a human and is not exerting her own pressure at all.

"Get off her", the woman says plainly, stepping forward and shoving Cuerva's chest. She's seemingly fixated on shooing Cuerva away and helping Gabriealle get up.

2011-06-17, 12:11 PM
There's still something about that strange woman in white that just rubs Cuerva the wrong way. Unwilling to be touched the Vasto Lorde simply floats backwards before the woman can reach her.

Looking back at the Shinigami, she regards him warily. "What do you mean by empowering. And did you have a hand in that woman's lack of a mask as well?" she points at Alma.

2011-06-17, 12:26 PM
Releasing the newly formed zanpaktou where the owner could reclaim it, Gitano strokes the chin of his mask thoughtfully for a moment before answering. "I mean that she is considerably more powerful now than she was before. It can be tricky to notice, but having had plenty of experience in helping others improve their abilities I've developed an eye for it. Metaphorically, in this case. As for her mask... That's part of the process."

2011-06-17, 12:48 PM
"You mentioned something about the hunger being reduced. And I was referring to that woman. I've seen how she shattered this one's mask, ripped off her wings and you stabbing your Zanpakuto into her. Is she your creation as well."

2011-06-17, 12:53 PM
"I can't take credit for her, no." Gitano glances toward the original Arrancar, then back at the Vasto Lorde. Trouble with his having a mask was that his face was unreadable. "One could make the case that she is my inspiration, though."

2011-06-17, 12:56 PM
"Such a foolish question. Of course I aren't", the woman replies, clearly finding the statement distasteful. She glares warily at the Vasto Lorde. As Cuerva shuns away from her touch and off of Gabriealla, she kneels again besides the latter and hoists her armer over her shoulder, keen to help her up.

"I beg your pardon, Senõr Seifuku, but your statement of her being 'more powerful' is hardly accurate. Maybe in time, she will be. As of now?" She gives Gabriella a sideways glance. "She can barely stand. Lowest of scavengers on this forlorn plain could kill her now. We must get moving before they arrive."

2011-06-17, 01:02 PM
"You think so? A reasonable assumption, considering the condition she's in. However... Horonigai gives me a sense of the powers it grants." The vizard points his zanpaktou toward that of Gabriella, a smile coming to his tone of voice. "Tell me... Have you ever used your own zanpaktou's release while injured?"

2011-06-17, 01:16 PM
"What makes you think it has a release?", the woman quips. She doesn't say more, and Gitano might get the feeling she isn't about to either.

2011-06-17, 03:12 PM
Gabriella reclaims her sword, and stands unsteadily, with the lady in white's assistance. "I... think I know what you mean...

It's odd... but a lot of stuff I know without having to be taught."

2011-06-17, 04:52 PM
Imitulpo stayed buried in the sand halfway when he felt something even stranger on the horizon. A new scent carried on the wind. It was the strongest hollow he had ever sensed, viscious, predatory, delicious. Yet, there was no fighting that he could sense. The danger was still greater than he could know.... but there was a chance the true danger was in not knowing. He began to use sonido to slowly jump back toward the fateful meeting place of hollow, visored, and arrancar. He remained hidden as he did so, and camouflaged against the bone sands. He only got close enough to make out four vague humanoid figures. Two he recognized, two he did not, but he intended to see how this ended one way or another.

2011-06-17, 05:11 PM
"Doesn't matter. Let's go", the woman states firmly, turning to leave, half-carrying Gabriella with her. She seems wholly uninterested in either hearing Cuerva's inquiries or answering them. Gitano could deal with her however he sees fit.

2011-06-17, 07:32 PM
"How did you end up in your current state?" Cuerva asks Alma coolly. "Teach me." it was a very neutral tone, not a request, and not a demand either, but a simple statement of fact.

2011-06-17, 11:26 PM
The Demon had since moved to the tower of lost souls, now a landmark in he barren wasteland. Placing a hand on the tower of bodies he smiles inwardly. "This... This should be kept." Then he leans his back against the tower and waits. He had a feeling that the others were using this as some sort of symbol. They'd be back.

This makes im completely miss the other hollow in the area, however.

2011-06-18, 07:36 AM
"Doesn't matter. Let's go", the woman states firmly, turning to leave, half-carrying Gabriella with her. She seems wholly uninterested in either hearing Cuerva's inquiries or answering them. Gitano could deal with her however he sees fit.

"All right..."

Gabriella doesn't want to fight a Vasto Lorde. Not now.

...not ever, to be honest. She doesn't... feel like eating for the sake of it anymore.

Looks like something decided to show mercy on me, huh?

2011-06-18, 05:22 PM
Cuerva is summarily ignored by the white woman. She keeps dragging Gabriella away, her back turned to the Vasto Lorde. "If you'd be so kind and bring my spear, Señor Seifuku", she requests - the Vizard might notice the segmented spear is still lying on the ground where the woman left it.

2011-06-18, 09:56 PM
Going to be boring as hell...so let's do something.

Not a being who has been ignored before, the spiritual pressure exerted by the Vasto Lorde increases twofold as the magnificent being blazes towards the woman in white with a kick aimed at her bottom.

2011-06-19, 12:55 PM
The spiritual pressure from the Vasto Lorde doesn't push down on the women long, assuming the raw power wasn't thwarted by the original Arrancar's curious spiritual finesse, as the Vizard had anticipated that a Vasto Lore would respond poorly to being ignored. The kick lands on the number 108, as Gitano shunpos into a position to parry and intercept. The blade is angled downward at a forty-five degree, and he pushes the Vasto Lorde back with an upward push and a shift of leverage to level the blade. "In a moment, dear. Our visitor doesn't seem very respectful of our newfound friend's temporary fragility."

2011-06-19, 01:29 PM
The woman in white keeps on walking as if nothing had happened. "Shoo her away, then. SHe's being rude. I'm not interested in her today." Steadily, her and Gabriella's distance to Cuerva and Gitano grows as she walks towards nothing in particular. "Here. This should help a bit", she murmurs to Gabriella, sharing her dark grey cloak with the newly-reborn Arrancar.

As soon as that happens, it feels like Gabriella isn't there either. Cuerva can see them, but there's no Reiryoku... nothing to tell they're worthwhile prey. Soon, they'll vanish behind a dune. A breeze, caused by Cuerva's own Reiatsu, no less, is already wiping away their footprints. Of course, Cuerva can fly - she could track them from the air. But if she doesn't, soon there won't be a clue the two were ever there.

Well, save for the spear still lying abandoned on the sand.

2011-06-19, 05:56 PM
The spiritual pressure from the Vasto Lorde doesn't push down on the women long, assuming the raw power wasn't thwarted by the original Arrancar's curious spiritual finesse, as the Vizard had anticipated that a Vasto Lore would respond poorly to being ignored. The kick lands on the number 108, as Gitano shunpos into a position to parry and intercept. The blade is angled downward at a forty-five degree, and he pushes the Vasto Lorde back with an upward push and a shift of leverage to level the blade. "In a moment, dear. Our visitor doesn't seem very respectful of our newfound friend's temporary fragility."

Resigned to let the two get away, Cuerva turns her attention onto the Shinigami. "Wings are a source of pride, the mark of a superior species of Hollow who are not doomed for the rest of existence to experience the dust of the ground. And you, a Shinigami are supposed to be our mortal enemies, yet your Reiatsu carries a strong undertone of our Reiatsu. Why do you condone the humiliation of a Hollow only to do strange things to her? Why is that Hollow so willing to mutilate another and yet offer extensive protection afterwards. What sort of game are you two playing?"

2011-06-19, 11:39 PM
"To the first question, the answer is simple: Your avian friend assumed our intentions were malicious, and suffered injuries as she was subdued enough to hear us out. Unfortunate, but nothing she cannot recover from." Gitano walks over to the abandoned spear, taking it with one hand and getting a feel for the weight, his favored arm still gripping the released Horonigai. "As for the second, you mistake the transformation for mutilation. In reality, what I did was a different means to the end she had achieved on her own. Perhaps she views your avian kindred as her ascended kindred? I cannot pretend to know her mind."

"As for what game we are playing, we play the game of conquest and politics. Hueco Mundo. The Mortal World. Soul Society. Three worlds, all with souls dormant and listless, waiting to be freed from waking nightmares." Looking toward the dune that the pair of woman vanished over, Gitano ascended skyward to stand on air to get a visual of them. Minding the Vasto Lorde for potential interception, he hurls the spear into the sands before them, with enough distance to avoid accidentally striking either. "The waking nightmare of Hueco Mundo is easiest to address: The practical demands of hunger. Ease it back to normal, and the holes in the souls become nothing more than reminders of tasks undone, dreams unfulfilled. I intend to forge from the awakened Hollows an army to conquer the Mortal World and Soul Society both, eventually awakening each of them through what means are neccesary."

2011-06-20, 03:43 AM
"And what you did is invoke a transformation similar to what that woman in white did for herself? Are you able to invoke it again? My hunger is legendary, even within the already elusive and perhaps non-existent ranks of my kind. And it is only the satisfaction of the hunger of curiosity that other hungers are kept at bay."

2011-06-20, 04:10 AM
Imitulpo slowly slinked forward and around the gathered beings whose power now seemed to boom out from them like music at a rock festival. He avoided the large one, leaning on the old tower upon which he fed. That might not be a source of food any longer. He turned his attention instead to the strange reiatsu's at that fateful meeting. They were too strong, and two had disappeared. Now, that hollow hunter and the new hollow were the only ones around.

The hollow's reiatsu seemed familiar. Something he had sensed a long time ago. It was dark and heavy, but still somehow light.... It wasn't until he got close enought that he saw individual dark shapes fluttering in that wicked oppressive reiatsu. They were feathers, black tiny feathers, and Imitulpo knew immediately. Cuerva del Sangre. This would be an interesting conflict to watch.

2011-06-20, 01:33 PM
"For you, I assume? The task is a challenge of the mind and spiritual power, I believe. I had to get the feel for her mask, and pull out the piece that would become her zanpaktou, making manifest power that would normally be impossible to access." Gitano slowly walked downward on air to meet the Vasto Lorde in the sands, holding his blade out toward her. The gesture wasn't threatening, thanks to a loose grip and a relaxed posture, but his steady pace made it clear he wasn't off his guard. "For one such as yourself, I suspect the process would take notable effort. However, such is well within my competence. Would you consent, then?"

2011-06-20, 03:31 PM
The lady in white picks up the spear as they walk past it. The two walk for a while, until they come to a crevice hidden between two dunes, leading deep underground. Sand is perpetually sliding over the edge and rattling into the abyss as the woman leads them to a narrow slope edging downwards.

Of course, Gitano is clueless about its location. It will be even harder to follow the two through the forest of fossilized trees the woman leads them into. Yhe Shinigami could worry about finding them on his own time.

Between the colossal pillars of stone, Menos Grande shuffle and moan - but they spare no attention to the pair that's diminutive in relation to them.

Finally, the woman brings Gabriella to a small cavern etched into the side of a stone barrier separating two larger caves from one another. "Sit here for a moment", the woman bids Gabriella and lovers her down a small stone... bench?

The woman walks into the dimly lit space and reaches for something with her free hand. There's a small click - and then a red light lits at the low ceiling, casting its glow on a small wooden door carefully fitted into the tunnel, with a round window of red and green glass.

The woman takes a key from under a potted azalea flower lying on the ground, placing her spear against the tunnel wall as she unlocks the door and shoves it open. She takes a peek in, reaches to the right, out of Gabriella's view. There's a scratching sound and she can see the flicker of flame - soon after the woman emerges, carrying an old storm lantern.

She tugs at a small, frayed rope outside the door, and the red light goes out. She steps back towards Gabriella and holds a hand out to her. "Can you stand by yourself now, or do I have to carry you?"

2011-06-20, 05:10 PM
Cuerva nods, after all, she has yet to meet a Vasto Lorde at all after all this time, she might as well be the only Vasto Lorde on Hueco Mundo. And if that is so, does it really matter if she wishes to transcend her hunger?

Cuerva stands at ready.

2011-06-20, 07:26 PM
"Most excellent." Gitano brings the tip of his blade to the center of the Vasto Lorde's mask, just as he had with her avian kindred. His eyes close, and she can feel a benign charge flowing from the tip of her blade into her mask, gradually spreading until the entirety of the symbol of her broken soul is filled. "I have reason to suspect that this will be painful."

Gitano whips back Horonigai, taking the zanpaktou of the Vasto Lorde with it.

2011-06-20, 07:48 PM
Gabriella nods, and stands somewhat shakily. "Yeah... I can stand."

2011-06-21, 12:24 AM
As well that Gitano pulls out Cuerva's Zanpakuto, because the explosion of transformed reiatsu erupts in the wake of Cuerva's mask exploding.

The roar of pain and anguish carries the undertone of triumph, as if the excruciating pain is both rejected and welcomed at the same time. The area 1 mile around Cuerva, where Hueco Mundo is known to have a level of reishi saturation even higher than Soul Society suddenly feels lighter than what the Mortal World provides. Even the very sand that Cuerva stands on and the area of effect dissolves and disappears. The sudden disappearance of reishi particles is so drastic that this explosion could not throw up any smoke or dust clouds.

The corset-like Mask below Cuerva's face remains the same, except looking drastically thinner but harder. The mouth-like shape that highlights the abdomen Hollow Hole sports longer and sharper fangs, but Cuerva's beautiful face can finally be seen as the facial portion of the mask disappears. The three pairs of wings, there the bones are left as the membrane disappears fades away too.

The amorphous mass of inky black reiatsu which Horonigai pulls out begins to screech and squawk, attaining the volume not unlike thousands of chainsaws running at the same time at maximum speed. As the shape slowly solidifies, it takes the form of a man-sized greatsword, the handle appearing to be made from crow beaks, and the crossguard way longer than swords of such size should have, in the shape of a pair of raven-black wings.

The interesting part is the blade. Not a broad-blade typical from oversized weapons, but a broad and thick 'blade' of raven beaks and feathers the color of the grey mass of a Garganta. Barely keeping the form together is a series of leather straps reminiscent of straps found on a falconry glove that spirals upwards, keeping the raven beaks in 'blade' shape.


Less bandages and a winged guard, but something like that.

The screeching and squawking stops as Cuerva stops screaming as well. The once-Vasto Lorde kneels on the crater, hugging herself as her body shakes, attempting hard to put up a strong front and stand up, but ultimately unable to. In the meantime, her Zanpakuto is actively drawing in Reishi particles from its surroundings.

2011-06-21, 06:45 AM
The ocopus adjuchas sits horribly still hoping no soul can smell the aroma of slightly roasted squid. The explosion of energy from Cuerva's transformation washed over Imitulpo paralyzing him in fear. He had never seen or felt such a thing, but now he knew what it was that he had felt earlier. He had a difficult time understanding what he saw afterwards though. He could still feel an awful power, but Cuerva looked weak, unable to stand. She wasn't even so much a bird anymore, just a fleshling like the shinigami and the others.

This is what the shinigami is doing. Changing masks to swords? What's the point? Why would Cuerva del Sangre let him take her mask, and her form? There were too many questions that he could not have answered without revealing himself to those two beings which filled him with so much dread. Imitulpo waited for the chaos to slow down, and then slowly continued to move around the two involved in their strange ritual.

2011-06-21, 10:54 AM
Gitano held his ground against the torrent with little more than shielding his eyes with his free hand. As the storm settled, it was apparent from his spiritual pressure that releasing the Vasto Lorde's zanpaktou took some effort from him, but it wasn't so much that he couldn't stand strong. As would be expected at this point, the number on his blade now reads 109. He gives the zanpaktou a knowing glance, then strides calmly over to the Vasto Lorde, holding out a hand offeringly. "I am Seifuku Gitano. Are you ready to rise up? You're the only one who can hold that blade, after all."

2011-06-21, 05:06 PM
Taking another second or two of rest, Cuerva uses sheer willpower to get back on her feet. "I am fine."

Looking down on her own body, noticing perhaps for the first time she's wearing only her Mask as a corset, Cuerva's reiatsu oozes our of her body, turning into a long black dress.

Glancing at her Zanpakuto, whose name automatically whispered right into the very core of her existence, Cuerva smiles, revealing human-like set of teeth and naturally white.

"Come." Cuerva holds out her hand as her Zanpakuto begins to twitch and shake, erupting into a massive swarm of raven-shaped Garganta bits that gathers around Cuerva as she straightens herself, willing more strength to stand up. Clenching her hand, the swarm flies right into her fist, forming back into its massive blade-like form. Stabbing the end into the sand, Cuerva leans on it for support. But upon grasping the handle, she looks much better already.

2011-06-21, 05:25 PM
Gabriella nods, and stands somewhat shakily. "Yeah... I can stand."

"Take the spear, would you?", the woman requests as she leads Gabriella inside. "Oh, and close the door."

The space that opens behind the door is like... like from another world. Outside, there's no hints of civilization, save for maybe few crude stone structures made by some of the craftier Hollows.

There surely aren't comfy red couches, like one the woman leads Gabriella to. "Please be seated." There surely aren't mahogany tea tables, with silver cutlery arranged on them.

There surely aren't candles, of all sizes and colors, some in colorful glass jars, some made to resemble animals or jolly old, bearded men. The woman moves to light them so Gabriella can see in the enclosed space.

There are wooden barrels and plastic canisters, filled with water. After ligthing up her hideout, the woman fetches a steel teapot and fills it from one of them. There are flowers, some fake, some dry and withering from lack of care, some still green and vibrant and filling the apartment with pleasant smells. There are maps, pictures and paintings of far-away places, of happy people and great cities, on the walls. There's an ancient longcase clock, keeping a ticking sound as it's pendulum swings left, right, left, right...

There's a crystal chandelier on the ceiling, swinging in almost the same rhythm - or maybe not. It's hard to say, but one gets such impression from its wavering shadow created by the multitude of flickering candle flames.

"What kind of tea woul you like?", the woman asks as she adjusts a small stove powered by liquid gas, waiting for the water to heat up.

2011-06-21, 07:20 PM
"As one would expect of a Vasto Lor- No, that was your title before. It's beneath you now." Gitano seals his zanpaktou as he sheathes it, murmuring thoughts to himself under his breath. He then shrugs, making a brief shunpo skyward and examining the surrounding environment for signs of the girls. "So, what's your opinion on my vision?"

2011-06-21, 07:34 PM
Gabriella enters, taking the spear as requested.

She looks around, surprised to say the least. "Um... I'm not sure... what sorts do you have?"

She then blushes a little. "Do you have some spare clothes or anything?"

2011-06-21, 07:38 PM
"As one would expect of a Vasto Lor- No, that was your title before. It's beneath you now." Gitano seals his zanpaktou as he sheathes it, murmuring thoughts to himself under his breath. He then shrugs, making a brief shunpo skyward and examining the surrounding environment for signs of the girls. "So, what's your opinion on my vision?"

A small hollow body flies toward the shinigami as he stands in the air.

"Beneath her, you say!? The true Vasto Lorde don't need you help for power." The words were bellowed from quite a way off and followed by the oppressive reiatsu of the vasto lorde. Twinges of guilt pull at Gitano, though not enough to really pull him into depression.

2011-06-21, 08:34 PM
Imitulpo creeps away further and further from the strange figures, from the questions, from the unknown. He doesn't bother watching the exchange any further. He had seen enough, and enough would get him far spreading that information among those adjuchas who make it their goal to know of such things. Of course, that is if he could get away without dying. The distance seemed to grow far too slowly than he'd like. He felt that especially as the masked hollow hunter rose into the air and looked around.

Then, another hollow approached, and he pushed out a reiatsu like a freight train. If Cuerva's tranformation cooked him, this new hollows power bowled him over. Tumbling down a dune, Imitulpo was overcome with the feeling of being caught. He felt shame, he felt exposed, and he felt weak. The feeling was strong enough for the octopus to abandon his stealth. When he finished rolling down the dune, he brought all eight legs beneath him. Imitulpo moved the legs in unison like the body of a fish, and each undulation making a sonido jump.

The bone dunes would pass beneath him for some time before his wits would return.

2011-06-21, 11:27 PM
"As one would expect of a Vasto Lor- No, that was your title before. It's beneath you now." Gitano seals his zanpaktou as he sheathes it, murmuring thoughts to himself under his breath. He then shrugs, making a brief shunpo skyward and examining the surrounding environment for signs of the girls. "So, what's your opinion on my vision?"

As power flows from Zanpakuto to Mistress, Cuerva regards the Shinigami with her piercing gaze.

"You want armies to play a conqueror, your abilities and knowledge on easing the hunger earns you great merit, but you are still a Shinigami. An alliance of equals can be achievable, but with you as the sole commander or leader above us would be impossible. As for armies..." Cuerva takes out a small bit of reiatsu from her dress and concentrates, forming into a long black feather made entirely from a black and hard material. Smiling, she passes it to the Shinigami.

"A gift, which with this, you are allowed temporary command over what forces I have in the Aerie, as long as you do not circumvent or override my standing and active orders. You are however not allowed to awaken any one of my people without my express approval."

A small hollow body flies toward the shinigami as he stands in the air.

"Beneath her, you say!? The true Vasto Lorde don't need you help for power." The words were bellowed from quite a way off and followed by the oppressive reiatsu of the vasto lorde. Twinges of guilt pull at Gitano, though not enough to really pull him into depression.

At the arrival of a very familiar but recently missed reiatsu, Cuerva's smile turns wider, holding almost an anticipation of something.

"Has twenty years of slumber finally bored you enough to rise up and travel a little?"

2011-06-22, 04:48 AM
Gabriella enters, taking the spear as requested.

She looks around, surprised to say the least. "Um... I'm not sure... what sorts do you have?"

She then blushes a little. "Do you have some spare clothes or anything?"

"Well, I have Darjeeling, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Keemun... these don't say anything to you, do they?", the woman converses casually. Eventually, she just picks one jar of tea leaves and pours them to the teapot without waiting for further confirmation. A pleasant smell soon joins that of the flowers. As Gabriella requests for clothes, the woman glances at her over her shoulder with a puzzled look.

"Clothes? Who for? I recall you being perfectly comfortable without them before we met. It's not like there's anyone to look but me." She carries the brewing tea to the table and pours it to two porcelain cups. "Would you like some sugar or milk? I might have a few lemons here too if I really look for them..."

2011-06-22, 06:47 AM
"No, not really... tea's just tea in anything I remember. Fragmented..."

She blushes a little at the woman's comment. "Yeah, but then I wasn't exactly... well...

Wasn't self-aware enough to even think about that. Also, dragon."

2011-06-22, 08:05 AM
"Ah... the beast is coy. How amusing", the woman quips, picking her own cup up with two hands and taking a sip, the storm lantern now on the table between them. She closes her eyes and stops to savor the taste, then opens them again to look at Gabriella. "Well? Are you going to drink it?"

2011-06-22, 08:21 AM
Gabriella, still blushing a little, picks up her cup and sips cautiously at it. "...who are you, anyway?"

2011-06-22, 08:34 AM
The tea tastes somewhat bitter, seeing it has no sugar in it, but it has a pleasant aroma reminescent of blackberries. However... as Gabriella tastes it, it feels like it's only half there - as if it could flow straight through her and fall on the floor. The porcelain cup likewise feels ethereal, and the warmth, dreamlike.

It's as if they're from another world.

"Does it really matter?", the woman asks, taking another sip. "I'm Aalto, Alma Aalto. Adress me however you feel proper. I don't care too much, as long as you're not too rude."

2011-06-22, 11:50 AM
"Now, now... Let's stay civil." Gitano rests a hand on the grip of his sheathed zanpaktou, turning to look at the new arrival. Although the snarling samurai mask is directed toward the Vasto Lorde, his words are addressed toward the Cuerva. "Would I be correct in assuming that there is history between the two of you?"

2011-06-22, 05:15 PM
"Just been around long enough to have heard of each other, and a tiny bit of acquaintance, that is all. One could not avoid getting around when one reaches a certain power and age, even if getting around is merely the result of others talking about you." Cuerva politely waves away the suggestion of a relationship.

Having some more time to regain a little of her strength, Cuerva takes Asesinato de Cuervo and slowly pushes it into her inky black dress and the blade disappears within it. Walking up and out of the crater, Cuerva takes a seat at the edge, being pretty nonchalant about the arrival of another old and powerful being.

2011-06-22, 05:46 PM
"Thank you for what you've done for me, Aalto."

2011-06-23, 07:23 AM
"Thank me? For what?", Alma asks. "I vividly recall tearing you from the sky and helping to reduce you to that helpless state. So don't thank me. Just consider us even for now... provided you think this small gesture is enough to make us even."

She pours herself some more tea. "So, what do you think?"

2011-06-23, 07:30 AM
"It's... nice."

Gabriella continues sipping.

2011-06-23, 08:53 AM
"Yes... but do you think you could subsist from food like that?", Alma asks. "You mentioned you don't feel hungry anymore. I can promise you that won't last."

2011-06-23, 10:15 AM
Imitulpo stopped racing when his mind did. That last hollow had a more noticeable effect on him than all the others. I wonder if the shinigami will seduce him with his words as well? It didn't matter. The octopus had knowledge that would be worth a price down below, and he would get paid for it. Still, he would have to find out where he was. A few small fingers on the horizon gave up their shape as he drew closer. Suddenly, he knew where he was near. Had he lips, they would grin. He may have found a quicker and more direct way to benefit from those secrets he now knew.

Jumping forward, Imitulpo got close before changing form to resemble a crab with bony potrusions for claws and a sharp heirro covering the body which hid his mask. It could take damage fairly easily, but any attackers would feel its abrasive sting as soon as they made contact. It didn't take long for the crab to make his first sonido jump catching a bird hollow in midflight. His claws killed it too quickly, and it served no better use than a quick snack. The crab moved forward ambushing an avian group of three. They all died in a squawking mess which provided another quick snack, two corpses, and the attention of the Aerie of Slaughter.

2011-06-24, 08:09 AM
Imitulpo's hunting brings attention from the Aerie just as he has predicted. A reddish Cero beam flashes downwards at an angle towards Imitulpo as another Hollow dives down from the sky, aiming an oversized fist, where the other arm is woefully underdeveloped, downwards.

Should the beam hit, it would hurt and immobilize the intruding Adjuchas, and even if avoided, might not avoid the downward punch in time. A force that would turn the ground beneath them into a crater.

2011-06-24, 08:46 PM
Six legs gave the octopus enough speed to Sonido away from the cero shot. The blow was another matter. He put his pseudo pincer in the way to deflect the blow. The bone pincer shatters from the force of the blow, and Imitulpo is pushed to the edge of the resulting crater. Rolling on his crab shell. He stands back up slowly. "Ah, I thought with Cuerva lost that the Aerie would no longer have any strong defenders. Guess I was wrong. Tell me bird, Are you the new master of slaughter?"
The blocking arm was mangled and useless. So, the crab looking hollow pointed the only claw left, and began gathering a mulit-colored cero. Dark red, with swirling darker bits as it grew, the spirit blast gathered slowly to interrupt the bird's next attack, but Imitulpo knew his words could do the most damage.

2011-06-24, 09:51 PM
The winged Hollow that delivered the punch has a hilariously tiny other arm that is waving around pathetically. "The Empress of the Dark Flight is away on her own whim. We are given orders that anything that is not Avian is fair game, and lunch."

Turns out Cuerva has the habit of roaming about and would instruct her followers to guard the place until her return.

2011-06-25, 01:40 AM
Imitulpo releases the minor cero from his fake claw. It is poorly aimed, but he didn't want this bird having the time to think. "So, you stay loyal to an empress even though she let a hollow hunter take her mask and wings? The slave of a shinigami still commands your life?" He prepares a sonido leap to keep distance between himself and that massive arm. Secretly, he watches that dangling arm, wondering if it is a weakness or a ploy.Though it is rarely the smartest who go punching in first.

" I suppose she will become Famished like the dark ones. I wonder how you will eat when she does not? Though, do your best to make me lunch, it'll probably be your last meal for awhile."

2011-06-25, 08:39 AM
"We do not question the Empress' decisions!" the other Hollow, the one with a long neck with a chicken's head and a chicken's body except with larger wings and three pairs of legs screeches as he fires his Cero just as Imitulpo fires his Cero, which is deflected by that really oversized fist from the other Hollow.

The Hollow with the fist bigger than his body size remains still though as if in thought.

2011-06-25, 09:09 AM
"Yes... but do you think you could subsist from food like that?", Alma asks. "You mentioned you don't feel hungry anymore. I can promise you that won't last."

"You mean I'll have to go back to eating souls?"

2011-06-25, 10:48 AM
"Unless you think you can make do with sand and stone", Alma replies and shrugs. "I'd advice you to not get your hopes up. Don't think this one event will set the rest of your afterlife."

"You do know your dead, don't you?"

2011-06-25, 05:34 PM
Gabriella gives Aalta a look. "Yes, I do. The way you phrased that... so it's just a lack of other stuff to eat?"

2011-06-25, 05:43 PM
"We do not question the Empress' decisions!" the other Hollow, the one with a long neck with a chicken's head and a chicken's body except with larger wings and three pairs of legs screeches as he fires his Cero just as Imitulpo fires his Cero, which is deflected by that really oversized fist from the other Hollow.

The Hollow with the fist bigger than his body size remains still though as if in thought.

"Then you will never rise higher than the slave of a slave." The words came from above the chicken hollow's head as Imitulpo perofrmed a sonido jump above him. That one good claw clamped around the long outstretched neck. In a surprse gambit, the body of the crab jumped directly over the chicken's head. All six legs made a grab and shoved the beasts masks up into the belly of the crab, where Imitulpo's real beak like mask opened to devour the chicken's head. "If you do not know when you are betrayed, then you will be dead!"

2011-06-25, 06:22 PM
As Imitulpo reappears behind the chicken-like Hollow, his punchy companion follows up behind the intruding hollow with another high-powered punch that sends him flying out past the boundary of Cuerva's territory.

Just as the two are about to advance towards the possibly knocked-out Adjuchas, a huge and majestic eagle-like Hollow with some humanoid features flies down from one of the towers and lands besides the two guards. They seem to be conferring and are not going to go after Imitulpo at the moment.

Several seconds later, the chicken-like Hollow fires a Cero into the air, as several more Ceros are fired into the air a second later as well. It seems to be a signal of sorts.


As Cuerva seems to be regaining her strength bit by bit, she notices with greater clarity from her position the firing of several Ceros from the location where her Aerie. No doubt it is a signal. But she is unable to go back for now, as she is still sitting on the sand awaiting a response.

2011-06-25, 06:56 PM
Gabriella gives Aalta a look. "Yes, I do. The way you phrased that... so it's just a lack of other stuff to eat?"

"As far as I know, yes", Alma answers, sips the last of her tea, and the rises to take the empty pot and the cups away. "All 'm saying is, just because you're free not to follow your instinct now, doesn't mean you have the option. Do tell if you stumble upon something edible that grows here."

"But again, don't get your hopes up."

2011-06-25, 07:32 PM
Imitulpo's spiky heirro bit back into the punching hollow's arm, but, like most of the octopus' tricks, it didn't do much to soften the blow. The punch sent him spinning away from the aerie. Darkness swarmed his vision as he lay on the bone white sand. It was comforting. Streaks of red split through that swimming darkness as he saw the ceros shooting into the sky. The adjuchas knew he was still in his crab form. He could camouflage and run. The danger of staying rose by the second. The two hollow were not stronger than he, but, still, he could not fight them while pretending to be something else. The third hollow seemed even more frightening than the other two. Any fight would be long and protracted. He also no longer had the upper hand.

Disappearance would be the better choice. Yet take no chances, and you win no games.... "She will only come when her new master has no further need of her." The crab hollow shouted as it struggled to its feet. Imitulpo made a show of weakness, but prepared a sonido jump with at least four legs in case of another attack. "Why should she answer the bird calls when she no longer is one? She is one like him now. No wings, no mask, when last I saw her I could on longer feel her hunger. Tell me, can you?"

2011-06-25, 09:19 PM
The Eagle-Adjuchas flies slowly towards Imitulpo's position, in a speed that does not suggest aggression as the two guardian Hollows return to their position hidden in the mass of towers.

"You talk a lot, for an intruder. Now tell me, why do you intrude, risk destruction and spout bull**** at the same time?"

2011-06-25, 09:23 PM
"Your flock seems aggitated." Gitano has apparently taken note of the ceros as well, and assumed that anything in the skies belongs to the Vasto Lorde with a bias favoring flight-capable Hollows. "Do you think they're ready to meet the new you?"

2011-06-25, 10:47 PM
"You talk a lot, for an intruder. Now tell me, why do you intrude, risk destruction and spout bull**** at the same time?"

"I am guilty of only the first two of your accusations. I intruded to eat, and I thought the risk to be much less after I saw that shinigami take the mask off your empress. I see the aerie still has strong leadership without her." Imitulpo stands now. He is still ready to try and run, but he knew his greatest opportunity was before him. Intelligence was its own weakness, and the truth is infinitely more debilitating than lies.

"I just watched a shinigami uses his sword to pull off Cuerva De Sangre's mask in front of my eyes. Whatever he did almost baked me in my shell. I am not surprised those guards thought me lunch the way I smell." Imitulpo shifts uncomfortably in front of the bird of prey's gaze. It is better to feign weakness than strength. "I just came here hoping for a snack. With such a drastic change, I thought the aerie would be shaken. I am surprised you did not feel what I felt. I watched her feathers disappear, her wings vanish. She looks like the hollow hunters now, like the Famished.

"It seems I was wrong to the think the avians would be weaker now that their empress was avian no longer. I probably have you to blame. It is obvious you wield much power. It must be much more now that your empress is hollow no more." He had hear that Cuerva was a sucker for sycophants. Hopefully, her underlings have hungered for it as well.

2011-06-25, 11:16 PM
"Your flock seems aggitated." Gitano has apparently taken note of the ceros as well, and assumed that anything in the skies belongs to the Vasto Lorde with a bias favoring flight-capable Hollows. "Do you think they're ready to meet the new you?"

"I do not care if they are ready or not. I founded the Aerie because I wanted a home to roost. They accumulated around me and willingly bent knee without my command. They stayed away from me, but will listen to my whims and desires. I protect my home from threats, they are not factored into the things I would defend. It is simply a state of mutual benefit that the Aerie grew around me."

Looking at the night sky, the clouds floating by roughly torn up by the beams of Ceros, Cuerva laughs.

"If they are not ready, they can jolly well leave. If they attack me, I will eat them. That is all."

"I am guilty of only the first two of your accusations. I intruded to eat, and I thought the risk to be much less after I saw that shinigami take the mask off your empress. I see the aerie still has strong leadership without her." Imitulpo stands now. He is still ready to try and run, but he knew his greatest opportunity was before him. Intelligence was its own weakness, and the truth is infinitely more debilitating than lies.

"I just watched a shinigami uses his sword to pull off Cuerva De Sangre's mask in front of my eyes. Whatever he did almost baked me in my shell. I am not surprised those guards thought me lunch the way I smell." Imitulpo shifts uncomfortably in front of the bird of prey's gaze. It is better to feign weakness than strength. "I just came here hoping for a snack. With such a drastic change, I thought the aerie would be shaken. I am surprised you did not feel what I felt. I watched her feathers disappear, her wings vanish. She looks like the hollow hunters now, like the Famished.

"It seems I was wrong to the think the avians would be weaker now that their empress was avian no longer. I probably have you to blame. It is obvious you wield much power. It must be much more now that your empress is hollow no more." He had hear that Cuerva was a sucker for sycophants. Hopefully, her underlings have hungered for it as well.

The Eagle-Hollow laughs out loud, its eyes still stabbing into Imitulpo's own with its predatory gaze.

"You assume so much. The Aerie of Slaughter gained its reputation by the Empress' willingness to not harm us Avians if we do not extend violence to her. The Aerie grew around her, she made no effort to do anything. She might rule, but only because nobody dares or is able to wrest control. She is the only Vasto Lorde we knew in existence, and that reputation alone has kept us safe. Her presence creates a society, where we all hunger to stand beside her, yet away from her. I am her Consort of sorts, but only because I had received challenges from my peers and bested them in our aerial arena. If she is weak, I will remove her. If not, nothing changes." He takes a step closer and glowers at Imitulpo. "And I am only allowed my position because she does nothing about it and I am fortunate that I did not end up on her plate. Now if what you say is really true, the Aerie will still stand. Its reputation, and the crude society we have here affords us order, stability and numbers that no wild gatherings of Hollows can achieve. So even if she dies, we will endure."

2011-06-26, 12:05 AM
"And I am only allowed my position because she does nothing about it and I am fortunate that I did not end up on her plate. Now if what you say is really true, the Aerie will still stand. Its reputation, and the crude society we have here affords us order, stability and numbers that no wild gatherings of Hollows can achieve. So even if she dies, we will endure."

"Then, you will endure as you say, o consort to the Famished. Allow this crab but a humble warning. The empress is no longer a vasto lorde. What protection that afforded you will soon be gone, and your reputation will soon be forgotten with what this shinigami is doing. I am only the first in a long line of scavengers who will test your strength. If there are things you must do to gather it, begin now." Imitulpo begins to slowly back away. The injured arm has regenerated by now, and the bone pincer is reformed by the octopus. Still ready to sonido jump away at any moment, he bids farewell, "I have seen and eaten enough here. Good luck."

2011-06-27, 02:35 PM
Chansa's smiled inwardly the entire time Cuerva was talking. Before he finally answers he stretches and yawns loudly.

"So you've heard of me then, chicken legs? I guess now that you flew the coop, I'll be taking my place as the King of Menos."

another short yawn.

"If I ever wake up, that is. Shall we go investigate your aerie? I've gotten you a mirror to hang on the walls."

2011-06-27, 05:20 PM
"Keep dreaming 'King of Menos'." Cuerva smiles with a really warm and liquid tone that mocks and exalts Chansa at the same time. Casting a cool glance at Seifuku, Cuerva nods. "I will be going back, to recover and enjoy the look on their collective faces, and savor the multitude of reactions to my new form."

2011-06-27, 05:50 PM
"Keep dreaming 'King of Menos'." Cuerva smiles with a really warm and liquid tone that mocks and exalts Chansa at the same time. Casting a cool glance at Seifuku, Cuerva nods. "I will be going back, to recover and enjoy the look on their collective faces, and savor the multitude of reactions to my new form."

"I'm the biggest menos around. No contest anymore."
With another yawn Chansa will follow Cuerva to the aerie.

2011-06-28, 05:19 PM
Cuerva shakes her head as she looks back at Gitano. "Chances are, there might not be much of an army waiting for you if the reception if poorer than expected. But I suppose more will come anyway."


Despite the banter going on, the sonic boom generated by Cuerva's movements, without the aid of Sonido creates a respectable explosion of the desert sand that brings the Empress of the Dark Flight back to her home in just under a second. And from the time where the mass of Ceros lit up the endless night till Cuerva's arrival was barely 10 seconds, and in any respects is a very very impressive reaction time.

The Aerie is strangely quiet however, beyond sensing the reiatsu of the guards around the towers, everyone else is within the towers itself, milling about.

Standing at the threshold of her territory, Cuerva waits for the guards to respond, and for Chansa to catch up with her speed, and maybe catch his breath at the same time as well.

2011-06-28, 05:33 PM
"As far as I know, yes", Alma answers, sips the last of her tea, and the rises to take the empty pot and the cups away. "All 'm saying is, just because you're free not to follow your instinct now, doesn't mean you have the option. Do tell if you stumble upon something edible that grows here."

"But again, don't get your hopes up."

"Still, it's a better situation than I was in before."

2011-06-29, 12:55 PM
Imitulpo felt Cuerva coming as he started to walk off. Just her willing to be at the aerie was a significant warning for the boom that followed. It provided an excellent opportunity. Bone dust flew up like a bom had gone off, and it washed the aerie in a short blinding storm. The octopus took advantage of the dust cloud to drop his crab form and plant his body against the dunes disgused as one of them. Pulling his reiatsu down to nothing, the adjuchas had made himself disappear. Slowly, with the pattern of the shifting dunes, Imitulpo crawled away from the Aerie of Slaughter. All those he was hoping to escape were on their way here, and Cuerva was in no way as weak as she appeared when he had run. Her speed seemed unaffected in the slightest.

2011-06-29, 03:00 PM
"Still, it's a better situation than I was in before."

"Well, if you feel that way", Alma chimes as she washes the dishes and places them to dry. Then she walks back to Gabriella and once again offers her hand to pull her up, beckoning to the shadowy corner of the cave.

"I have a bed ready if you'd like to sleep. You must be tired."

2011-06-29, 03:36 PM
Gabriella nods. "Yeah, I am a bit."

2011-06-29, 04:21 PM
Alma leads Gabriella to the bed. It's legs seem to be crafted to resemble small trees (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_B2bTHyJgyiA/TSJmm7BfvqI/AAAAAAAAAJE/Z74s--8vgkU/s1600/tree+bed.jpg), and they look like they could even be from the desert far above the pair, but there are some (maybe fake, maybe real) leaves on them and what seems to be a bird's nest hanging between their branches. The sheets are made of white, silken material akin to Alma's clothes, and the bed is large enough for two.

2011-06-29, 08:04 PM
"Nice touch..."

Gabriella will hop in the bed.

However, she does keep her sword close.

2011-07-01, 04:22 AM
The bed feels... strange. It lacks the ethereal feel of the other items in the cave, but the sheets and blankets have a presence of their own, as if they were alive in some manner. It isn't hard to imagine that they might spring into motion and wrap around Gabriella, smothering her.

Meanwhile, Alma takes of her shoes, placing them beside the bed, and her hairband and earrings, placing them on a nearby nightstand. She takes off her cloak, hanging it from one of the tree branches, and then lies down on the other half of the bed, placing her hands on her chest. "Sleep well."

2011-07-05, 06:26 PM
Chansa walks fairly quickly to he aerie, but it's easily noticed he's not over exerting himself. As he arrives he whistles under the mask and takes in the sights of one of the only structures in the entire dimension.

"Looks like the birdbrains know what they're doing after all. What's all this made of?"

2011-07-06, 04:49 AM
Chansa walks fairly quickly to he aerie, but it's easily noticed he's not over exerting himself. As he arrives he whistles under the mask and takes in the sights of one of the only structures in the entire dimension.

"Looks like the birdbrains know what they're doing after all. What's all this made of?"

"Hopes, dreams, bubblegum and duct tape." Cuerva rolls her eyes. Only idiots would use sekkiseki for building material to house thousands of weaklings.

"Where's that Shinigami...did he get cold feet?"

2011-07-07, 08:20 PM
Imitulpo crept far and away from the Aerie of Slaughter. Th gathering forces were too big of a dilemma for him to handle, and he hoped to find a better price paid for it down below the sand. When he had crept far enough away from the haphazard structure, the octopus dropped his camouflage. Pulling all eight legs behind him, the adjuchas looked like a giant fish as his legs pushed through the air. His body naturally flying as was its way. He found a fissure down into the forested netherworld of the dark dimension and floated down. The way would be long, but he sought out a small group of adjuchas. One he had never been able to infiltrate, and for which he had acquired a great deal of respect.
The path would be long dark and difficult. Perhaps he could find a small snack along the way...

Lord Syn
2011-07-08, 10:28 AM
Far, far off in the distance, a small black cloud forms on the horizon.

As the timeless time passes, the black cloud grows slowly larger.

Soon, sounds can be heard - distant, ephemeral sounds, barely discernable from the desert itself.

As the cloud gradually grows closer, the sound likewise grows louder and clearer. In time, the sound becomes a note, a hum, a droning vibration that can almost be felt as much as it is heard.

Another sound becomes woven into and through the sound of humming - a cry, a shriek, a scream of something inhuman and unearthly crying out in defiance, pain, fear, and finally despair before it is silenced once more, absorbed and overtaken by the droning hum.

No rain nor snow ever falls in this desert of the dead and the corrupted; this cloud is no cloud. The warning signs are clear to any who know what they predict - the Legion is coming, the Hell Wasps are here.

While the Swarm is still quite a long ways off, its wandering, meandering course seems to be slowly leading it closer and closer to the Aerie.

2011-07-08, 10:40 AM
Cuerva de Sangre - Aerie of Slaughter territory boundary

No sooner than Cuerva and Chansa reaching the boundary marker, the oversized-arm Hollow and the long-necked chicken Hollow lands quietly several paces behind Cuerva as the latter turns her back towards the Aerie in order to face the direction where Gitano remains, waiting for the Shinigami to catch up and visit her place.

"Mistress...Dark Empress...is that you...?" The bulkier guardian growls a question. And indeed, given the back profile of a figure of Cuerva's build and size is rare enough that there might be no other. Yet this figure sports no wings, and instead of walking around with a full-bodied corset made from the same substance of Hollow masks, with the tell-tale gaping hole at the abdomen. This figure is wearing an inky black dress made from reiryoku that blows down to her ankles, and without a Mask.

Turning around to address the voice, Cuerva smiles. "First time looking at me without my Mask and sporting an...extra layer of clothing. What would your reaction be?" she asks in a very quiet voice.

High up on one of the towers, the anthro-eagle Hollow looks on silently, shock in its eyes. What that crab-Hollow said was true, this is Cuerva but at the same time, not Cuerva.

"You have lost your wings Empress..." The long-necked chicken-Hollow tilts its head in curiosity.

"Indeed I have." Cuerva nods. "Are you here to execute me for no longer appearing as an Avian, or are you here to escort me back in?"

The two Hollows remain silent, thinking, musing, and perhaps plotting. Cuerva shrugs and turns back towards Gitano's position, wondering if he would ever come.

Lord Syn
2011-07-08, 12:02 PM
Whatever decision the two guardian Hollows might have reached, the matter becomes slightly less immediate as another Hollow, stationed above in the Aerie, spots something approaching from the opposite side. Something dark. Something fast. Something humming.

Snarling through its reptilian mask, the skinny, wiry Hollow shoves its way through the crowd of gawkers gathered to witness the scene below, getting punched and slashed a few times in return for its efforts. Finally reaching the edge of the view, the half-panicked Hollow leans over the side, inhales deeply, and shouts down to the scene below, "THREAT! THREAT TO NORTH! SOMETHING APPROACHES!!"

And indeed, something does - for as the black cloud draws closer to the Aerie, the true nature of the Swarm comes into focus, revealing dozens, perhaps hundreds of wasps approaching, dancing their secret language to each other and moving with the slow inevitability of the patient, if hungry, tide of darkness they are. No clear sign of aggression is evident yet - they are not charging, nor in any sort of clear attack formation, simply moving forward in their chosen path and direction. It's quite likely, in fact, that the Aerie isn't even their destination, but simply a landmark along the way that has attracted attention to itself merely by existing.

Whatever the reasons, however - whatever the motives, the fact remains that the Hell Swarm is approaching. Something will clearly have to be done about this.

2011-07-08, 07:05 PM
Cuerva looks at Chansa and smiles. "Wait here, it looks like something fun is happening." And looking up towards the gathered Avian Hollows, she smiles as she walks towards the direction of the Hell Swarm.

Walking at sub-sonic speed might not be accurate enough to be termed as walking, but Cuerva reaches the vague spot in the Aerie where the Hell Swarm would pass through. Drawing Asesinato de Cuervos from a miniature Garganta she had created within the inky darkness of her dress, Cuerva wonders about the coincidence that this Hell Swarm resembles her Zanpakuto in type so closely.

"I would stop if I were you, then again, I would not know how much sentience resides in a hive mind of this size." Cuerva addresses the cloud of insects.

Lord Syn
2011-07-08, 10:19 PM
At first, the words seem to have no effect - the Hell Swarm continues to approach the Aerie, growing focused on the sight of so much potential food. The presence of the Emperess of Dark Flight is clearly noted, but seems written off as just another individual - except that the Swarm, moving to invisible orders from whatever consensus might hold the reins, draws up to a distance of thirty feet from Cuerva and simply hovers there, as if studying this strange, unusual and new thing.

Cautious as it seems to be, the Swarm nonetheless is rather quick to move and act, and suddenly extends itself to circle around the Arrancar, with never a single drone flying any closer than the thirty-foot radius. In a few seconds, the Swarm makes two complete loops around Cuerva, a fourth moving clockwise while another flies anticlockwise - leaving fully half the Swarm remaining in front of her during the entire process.

Apparently satisfied with the initial examination, the Swarm's humming changes half an octave as the two 'arms' rejoin the central mass. Suddenly, in the same way that a random mass of splotches on canvas becomes a field of flowers, the droning, humming noise becomes...words. Rough words, harsh words, stuttering and monotone words - but words nonetheless.

HOLL-LOW. BUT NOT HOLL-LOW. NOT VAS-TO LORD. SOME-THING NEW. The Swarm pauses, apparently processing this information further, then 'speaks' again: THE NON-HOLL-LOW IS POW-ER-FUL. DOES THE NON-HOLL-LOW CLAIM TERR-RI-TOR-RY O-VER THIS PLACE?

2011-07-09, 12:50 AM
"The Aerie is my home. Whether I claim or do not claim, is nobody's business. As for the rest." Cuerva sweeps her arm to indicate the massing of Avian Hollows. "I did nothing to stop them from gathering here. But now, I do lay claim on them, if they will accept."

Looking back at the Avians, now her people. Cuerva raises her voice a little, letting it echo throughout the Aerie.

"I, Cuerva de Sangre, now officially lay claim to the Aerie of Slaughter and all Avian Hollows who will devote their entire existence to my command. Those who do not accept, are given leave to depart and never come back, on pain of death and consumption."

Turning back to look at Legion, shifting her grip on her Zanpakuto to a relaxed position, she smiles. "You are an amalgamation of vermin Hollow, forming a hive mind. While not strictly Avian, the ability to fly is not discounted. Will you join my flock, or are you here to present yourself as my challenger." Showing more teeth, Cuerva continues. "I had yet to test myself in this new form. What say you?"

The eagle-Hollow, landing onto the ground, his expression dark...and ambitious. "I will not submit to one who is not even Avian now, much less one without a Mask. That crab-Hollow who passed by speaks the truth, you have turned your back on Hollow-kind, a slave to the whims and desires of a Shinigami who has turned you into his toy! Cuerva de Sangre, as I am now the most powerful Avian in this Aerie, I challenge you to the authority of the Avian Hollows. And I will consume you."

Cuerva grins at the declaration and turns her attention back to the Hell Swarm. "I fight via proxy, since I will squish him like a pigeon all too quickly. If you submit to me Hell Swarm, you may fight for my honor and earn a place as my right hand, if you win against Gaarda."

Lord Syn
2011-07-09, 11:39 AM
The Legion seems to listen intently as Cuerva officially announces her claim of dominion, even somewhat muting the humming noise to allow her words to pass more clearly. There is also a slight movement in the Swarm at the sight of her smile, a very minor drawing-away of those Wasps closest to her that most would probably not even notice, and fewer interpret correctly. As a whole, the Swarm seems to consider Cuerva’s offer to join her side – but before an answer can be given, a new challenger approaches.

Again, the Legion seems to pay quite a lot of attention to the words of the eagle-like Hollow, appearing to note every detail presented – his appearance, his movements, his tone, every nervous tic and instinctive twitch. The thoughts of the Swarm are difficult if not impossible to read by any unfamiliar with the interpretive ‘body-language’ presented, but the increased humming and apparently agitated movements of several Wasps within the cloud suggest that the Swarm definitely is thinking about this situation.

As Cuerva speaks to the Swarm once more, there is a subtle shift within the mass that suggests at least half of its members are now focused directly on her, while the other half remain carefully aware of every movement this ‘Gaarda’ might be making. Again, the Legion does not answer immediately, but after a brief pause, the humming ‘voice’ makes itself understandable again.


With no other warning, a full fifty Hell Wasps fly free from the Swarm, rushing towards Gaarda with singularity of purpose, preparing to surround him and engulf him in a cloud of three-inch-long humming nightmares, each one ready to dart in and sting the moment the Hollow presents an opening.

2011-07-09, 09:29 PM
Yeah, so in my mind's eye... Gaarda looks a little like this... just hollowfied.http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcdmMc9UR117TAUTIW84BEWU3RUSEZb mlyMjA8CIV2ovKCLf60Xg
So, he will behave accordingly.

The beak on the eagle adjuchas mask splits into a grin at the swarms truncated words. "In your dreams, a**hole, you won't keep the aerie from ME!" Gaarda lunges forward with a quick sonido jump his beak in front of him. With the preciseness only afforded by avian sight and speed his beak closes as he takes one flap with his wings at the front of the separated swarm. A powerful microburst erupts in the air. The eagle is launched upward into the abyss of the sky and the wind drives 49 hell wasps down into the dunes as a flurry of dust kicks outward pushing against the collective observers.

In the air, one hellwasp is crushed as the adjuchas snaps it in half and swallows. He was able to catch the foremost slave wasp of the cloud just before dropping his bomb of atmosphere.

Lord Syn
2011-07-09, 11:22 PM
Forty-nine Hell Wasps are driven to the sand, their wings temporarily fouled by the dust and grit kicked up by the atmos-bomb. One Wasp buzzes loudly as it fights in vain to free itself, before turning into a convenient (or inconvenient, depending on viewpoints) snack.

Forty-nine fall, and one hundred rise to take their place. There is no evidence of wrath or injured pride in this – simply a cold, logical process from a mind absolutely certain of how this will proceed. One lost Wasp is nothing to the Swarm. Fifty downed Wasps are nothing to the Swarm. This is a minor inconvenience, nothing more.

The hundred move with surgical precision, dancing and twisting in an almost chaotic rhythm to a beat only within their own minds. They spread out around the airborne Hollow, the humming drone of their wings increasing in tempo and volume as they form a sphere surrounding their prey. The sound is insidious, worming its way through the ears and into the brain, like the gentle tak-tak-tak of a wristwatch as it swings before the eyes and fills the vision becoming the center of focus until there is nothing else to concentrate on and no other distractions for the sound itself is the only distraction and how could it distract from itself and it is getting very hard to think so hard so heavy wings so heavy eyes so heavy mind so heavy so easy to let go let go let go let go let go--

Whether or not the hypnotic Suggestion manages to work, however, the Legion does not stand idle. Even as the droning continues, several Hell Wasps lessen the vibration of their wings as much as they are able, running as close to silent as possible as slowly, cautiously, they move in behind Gaarda’s back, taking the calculated risk that the Hollow might not notice their approach before it is too late to prevent the closest from driving their stingers into the joints of his wings -- after all, there are more ways than one to ground a Flyer.

Through it all, the main body of the Swarm remains quietly watching, attentive to the battle raging above – and to the mysterious Cuerva, should the curious Not-Hollow decide to do something...unexpected.

2011-07-10, 01:02 AM
Below the battle, Gitano stood on the sands, patiently watching. It was hard to guess when he had arrived, as he was hiding his presence with a lower level bakudo before arriving, but he stood in the sand, watching the skirmish with great interest. "Yet another reason to wait. What interesting warriors these Hollows are."

2011-07-10, 04:57 AM
Gaarda hung lazily in the air waiting for the swarm to surround him before swinging his powerful wings around, slicing with the their scythe-like ends. A few wasps fall, but the sphere is unaffected. The eagle flips and rolls lazily trying to catch a few swings, but mostly trying to keep his eyes all around him. Cowardly bull**** tactics.... the adjuchas thought as the slow drone of the the wasps fell into his ears. His eyes searched for the source of the sound, but couldn't pick the wasps apart. His vision started getting fuzzy. His flying slowed... His mind sluggishly tried to tell him something. Something.... about... looking... wrong.......... place...........

The feel of stingers snapped the avians mind back into focus. A cry erupted from his beak. Half screech, half roar it drowned out the hum of the hell wasps. In a quick turn, Gaarda was facing the ground. Another microburst split the wasp sphere clearing out the space above and below the adjuchas, outlining the invisible column of air. In that downward drop, the eagle adjuchas raced down toward the heart of the hell wasp swarm. That is what his mind was telling him. That's where I f****n' need to look!

Lord Syn
2011-07-11, 09:24 PM
A scream, and the droning spell is broken; a burst of air, and the surrounding sphere of Wasps is scattered. As the Wasps happen to be quite a bit higher off the desert sands than before, this only serves to temporarily disperse them and give the eagle Hollow the chance to break free.

At the same time as the second batch of Wasps is scattered, however, the first have regained their composure and shaken off the dust enough to fly once more. As they happen to be at a notably different angle than the main Swarm – which, clearly, is the aerial Hollow’s primary target of the moment – it is less of an effect of the Swarm rising to meet him, and more of the forty-nine Wasps darting towards the point in the triangle where they are sure to intersect Gaarda’s fall.

Nor is the main body of the Swarm standing idle while their apparent doom descends upon them. Their choice of action, however, seems somewhat odd – instinctual, even, and hardly the sort of stratagem applied by an intelligent mind – as they seem to scatter outward in a ring from the center, moving to avoid the inevitable impact – and even more surprising, as the Swarm explodes outward, there remains a single, solitary Wasp in what was originally the dead center of the Swarm, simply hovering there as if completely unaware of the danger falling from above.

However, what one Wasp knows, the Swarm knows – and what the Swarm knows is that three of the Wasps managed to succeed in their assigned roles. Already, the poison of their stingers should be flowing through the avian Hollow’s system, spreading the paralyzing toxin with every beat of those wings. True, only three doses is hardly enough to completely paralyze a Hollow of Gaarda’s caliber, but it should at least be enough to have some effect – especially given that the point of injection, at the base of the Hollow’s wings, is such a vital location for an airborne creature...

2011-07-13, 08:41 PM
Gaarda's sharp eyes watch as the individual parts of the swarm break apart and scatter. His eyes look for something different, looking for the mind, the queen. All the slaves were as useless as dust, like all the hollows in the Aerie who meant nothing without Cuerva. The first fifty wasps who move to intercept cause the eagle to change course. With a flick of his wings, Gaarda pulls farther away from the intercepting swarm, and he aims toward the outer ring of the main swarm. "I am King of this sky!" The words burst out as the adjuchas opens his wings and disappears in a screech of sonido. The jump ends as the eagle appear just above that piece of the swarm he had been aiming for, and as he flaps a wind like a gale drives down and then out across the desert. His scythe tipped wings slice wasps out of the swarm, but his head seems distracted as his eye continually search for their master.

As the winds blow bone dust out from the flying melee, the sound of the impact seems normal to all but Cuerva who had seen Gaarda fight countless times before. He may be trying to hide it, but she knew the eagle had landed too hard. Harder than he would have ever wanted.

Lord Syn
2011-07-13, 11:47 PM
To all appearances, the Hell Wasps are incapable of showing any form of expression - insect faces aren’t exactly built for the task. Nor, it would seem, do they show much in the way of complex emotions – the dashing apart was simply a reaction to an incoming threat, not a measure of fear; nor have any of the attempts on Gaarda shown much in the way of actual anger or rage, instead feeling much like a predator species simply maneuvering to bring down its prey.

At Gaarda’s brave boast, however, it is possible that, were the Legion capable of such, it might smirk.

If the Legion has the capability of using Sonido, the Swarm doesn’t show it – nor, really, would doing so be all that practical. After all, the eagle Hollow is practically delivering himself right to it. As one mass of Wasps seems to be more of a target to the Hollow than the others, subtle changes happen to encourage this thinking. Taken individually, these motions are hardly worth noting – a shift here, a tighter grouping there, one Wasp moving towards the thickest portion of the mass – but taken together, it might just seem as if the Swarm is protecting this particular Wasp – although with one Wasp practically identical to the next, it’s difficult to see why they would consider doing so. This, of course, only makes the matter more of an issue - for why WOULD the Swarm be trying to protect one single Wasp, out of the countless hundred others?

As Gaarda moves in for the attack, the other branches of the Swarm likewise move in to converge on his position, indending – should they catch up in time - to surround and engulf him in a whirling, buzzing, stinging cloud of pain and paralysis. Of course, they have to GET there first, and at the speed he’s going, that might take a moment or two. While the rest of the Swarm plays catch-up, however, the targetted mass bears the brunt of the assault - two Wasps are shredded by the wings, then another three, as the gale-force winds make it difficult for the Swarm to stay together. Not that they're simply holding position, oh no - for with every swipe and slash of the wings, a half-dozen Wasps fight the winds to try and force their way to the Hollow, their stingers sharp and ready as they aim to deal him another few doses of venom, trusting on the poison's effect to deal with this annoyance in due time.

Meanwhile, one solitary, apparently ignored Wasp – the oblivious, inattentive, clearly-a-trap Hell Wasp who never moved from the original center of the Swarm...moves now, slowly flying over towards the mysterious Cuerva, careful to skirt around her rather discomforting Reiatsu as it does so. Circling quietly at about a ten to twelve foot distance, the single Hell Wasp settles itself down atop a small mound of sand-like bone dust, watching through the eyes of the miniature Hollow Mask it wears…

Yes, if it were capable of doing so, the Legion would probably be laughing.

2011-07-14, 01:45 AM
Gaarda's slashing rips apart the hive right underneath him, but the other wasps pull inward. He only get a few more slashes before the cloud begins to engulf him. He feels a few stings and begins hopping back. Keeping the cloud from completely surrounding. Still the onslaught continues. He cannot kill faster than they surround him, and the stings continue to prick. Frustration mounts in the adjuchas as he performs a quick sonido jump out of the cloud for a minute as it seeks to cover him again. He couldn't dare fly. He felt what those stings were doing to him, and he didn't want his opponent to see him weak. Not that the poison mattered once he killed this cloud's controller.

His eyes sought out the controller. The wasp that was different. Another few moments of swings and stings, and he saw one wasp land near Cuerva. A wasp with a mask. Half a dozen wasps were still attached by stinger to the eagle when he vanished. A sonido jump into the sky just past the cloud. The flapping of his wings carried him forward, but the resulting burst of air barely dented the mob of flying hollows. His once elegant flight had disappeared, and the eagle who was now in the sky seemed more a fish trying desperately to tread water. Still, only a few more wasps got to the adjuchas feat before another sonido jump pulled him into a desperate dive. Masked beak broke open to grab the one watching wasp, wings pulled in not even trying to avoid crashing into the sand. Viciously quick, Gaarda snapped his beak shut.

Lord Syn
2011-07-14, 04:00 PM
Gaarda might be feigning strength in the face of the onslaught, but what one Wasp knows, the Swarm knows. Fifteen stingers have thrust home in the Hollow’s flesh, and dozens more have come close. By now, the paralyzing poison must be burning. Granted, this is an Adjuchas and not a normal, everyday Hollow, but that makes little difference – eventually, the dosage will reach a critical point. All the Swarm has to do is wait.

As the Hollow flash-steps away from the central mass of the Hive, the Swarm nevertheless continues to assail him, some few faster members catching up with every pause in the flash-jumping. Only a matter of time, and the prey is clearly on the ru- -

--And then it becomes clear. Gaarda isn’t fleeing in terror nor trying to escape – he’s still trying to win. The Swarm quickly recognizes the direction in which the eagle Hollow is flash-jumping, noting with a surety what lies at the end of that path.

So. It seems there is some intelligence in the Hollow, after all.

Rising up as a wave behind him, the Legion prepares to swoop down and finish the job at last, giving in to the moment just enough to mock the eagle Hollow with more ‘words’, the sound near deafening as they ‘shout’,


The Adjuchas flash-steps – the Swarm descends – all too late, the masked Wasp looks up – the beak snaps shut - -

--and the Swarm scatters, Wasps darting in every direction away from the eagle Hollow and the crushed thing in his beak. Wild, uncontrolled, the Swam flails and dashes around without rhyme or reason. All focus seems lost, all cohesion broken. By all appearances, the matter is certain – the leader is fallen, the Swarm is lost.

A pyrrhic victory at best, as the paralyzing venom begins to burn inside, but a victory nonetheless...

2011-07-14, 08:28 PM
Loud screeching laughter peels through the air. Gaarda slowly rolls over in the dirt. The sand covers his wings, too heavy to lift him up. He can't stand, but he doesn't care... "The Aerie is mine! You lose B****! Go be a soul slayer's slave somewhere else! You lost!" the words drip with the adjuchas relief even as he lacks the strength to stand. He laughs at Cuerva standing so still by the dune. He laughs at the hell wasp swarm flying in a panic. His laughter echoes across the aerie, drawing a chorus of squawks from the hollows within. The sound draws memories from lives forgotten long ago of forests and jungles... even more so because of a certain constant buzzing...

2011-07-15, 04:44 AM
"You failed to comprehend how a Gillian beat you. Much less how this Hell Swam really works. If a single unit is so important, it would have evolved to be tougher as a necessity. But since the so called main unit is chewed up so easily..." Cuerva shrugs, as if waiting for Legion to reform itself.

"And as for you...taking hits like this with venom running throughout your system. I'd say you've lost. Now, if you want to leave with your dignity and life intact, you can go track down that crab-Hollow and kill it, or eat it. Or you can be eaten by the Hell Swarm, if it inclines to." Cuerva continues with a smooth grin.

Lord Syn
2011-07-15, 08:02 AM
The loud, screeching laughter drowns out the sound of thousands of wild, erratic Hell Wasp wings beating furiously through the air. Chaotic, uncontrolled, mindless, the Swarm seems broken as the individual members fly this way and that, their droning noise filling the air --

-- and then silence. Not a wingbeat. Not a chirp. Not a sound from the Swarm as each Wasp sits on the sand, each insectile head turned towards the fallen Gaarda, each Wasp simply...watching.

As Cuerva speaks, the Swarm remains silent. As she tells the Hollow how he has lost, the Swarm remains silent. Only once she finishes does the sound, so soft and low, of a single pair of Wasp wings begin. Patiently, slowly, a single Wasp, bearing the Mask and Hole of a true Hollow, flies over to land on the fallen Hollow's chest.

As one, the wings of the Legion begin to beat, rhythmically alternating between a low pulse and a high one, sharply and swiftly. And, as with the 'voice' of the Swarm, it suddenly becomes clear - the Legion is laughing.


There is a definite pause, both for emphasis and, perhaps, as a taunt. Somehow, the monotone voice sounds almost mocking as it 'speaks' again.


Not waiting for a response, the masked Wasp - the Primero of the Legion - suddenly stabs its stinger into the Hollow's chest, right above the Hole. Patient and methodical, it circles the Hole clockwise, pausing every few inches to stab again as it makes its loop.

The whole time it does so, the droning, buzzing laugh of the Swarm never ceases.

2011-07-17, 05:24 AM
The eagle adjuchas stopped laughing. As the primero of legion went for his second sting, Gaarda made a clumsy swing with this scythe wings. The wasp didn't even need to try and dodge. Still, those avian eyes looked at the victorious hollow with death in his gaze before rolling on his belly. Slowly, the defeated adjuchas has to crawl away, his belly in the sand. After a short distance and many stabbings, he released a screech, and a handful of avian hollows flew out from the aerie to join him. They must have been very loyal to follow him out as he was. As the mostly paralyzed adjuchas continues to crawl, one thought consumes his mind, "I will be back, I will kill all of you B******! I will be king of the F******* skies!!"

2011-07-17, 10:14 AM
Cuerva de Sangre - Aerie of Slaughter

Smiling at herself, she waves her delicate fingers at the gathering crowd gathering at the boundary of her territory, particularly at Gitano, Chansa and the Hell Swarm. Turning towards home she walks. A stately procession by the teeming thousands of Hollows of many grades, but all Avian, back to her home. Their home now.


Seated in her audience chamber, an expansive open-air stadium at the very top of the central tower of the Aerie. Cuerva de Sangre lays out her edicts and plans for the next few weeks. There is no fanfare, no ceremony, and no procession and rituals that are useless beyond ego-boosting. Had there been any challengers to Cuerva's right to rule, Legion's little display on Gaarda would be sufficient.

The towers will be refitted to accommodate non-Avians, but confined to the lower levels of the towers. They will build themselves facilities that they require to train and grow as regiments and units fitting for an army.

The Avians will be divided into battalions, called Storm Legions, whose overall in-charge shall be Gitano, evident by the black metallic feather that can be worn as a badge. His authority can only be overridden by Cuerva or instructions through Legion from her. Legion shall lead the first Storm Legion, while the leaders for the other four will be decided later.

Quarters, facilities, and whatever is necessary will be constructed, building material will be mined from the mountain range that flanks the Aerie. Furthermore, the central tower shall be raised, with the first twenty stories be retrofitted into a wider space.

In a month's time, the Storm Legions will send their best squad forward, lead by Cuerva, for a brief incursion into the Mortal World, for food. At the end of her audience, she looks at Chansa and wonders what role would he like to play in this change.

2011-07-18, 05:23 PM
Cuerva de Sangre - Aerie of Slaughter

Smiling at herself, she waves her delicate fingers at the gathering crowd gathering at the boundary of her territory, particularly at Gitano, Chansa and the Hell Swarm. Turning towards home she walks. A stately procession by the teeming thousands of Hollows of many grades, but all Avian, back to her home. Their home now.


Seated in her audience chamber, an expansive open-air stadium at the very top of the central tower of the Aerie. Cuerva de Sangre lays out her edicts and plans for the next few weeks. There is no fanfare, no ceremony, and no procession and rituals that are useless beyond ego-boosting. Had there been any challengers to Cuerva's right to rule, Legion's little display on Gaarda would be sufficient.

The towers will be refitted to accommodate non-Avians, but confined to the lower levels of the towers. They will build themselves facilities that they require to train and grow as regiments and units fitting for an army.

The Avians will be divided into battalions, called Storm Legions, whose overall in-charge shall be Gitano, evident by the black metallic feather that can be worn as a badge. His authority can only be overridden by Cuerva or instructions through Legion from her. Legion shall lead the first Storm Legion, while the leaders for the other four will be decided later.

Quarters, facilities, and whatever is necessary will be constructed, building material will be mined from the mountain range that flanks the Aerie. Furthermore, the central tower shall be raised, with the first twenty stories be retrofitted into a wider space.

In a month's time, the Storm Legions will send their best squad forward, lead by Cuerva, for a brief incursion into the Mortal World, for food. At the end of her audience, she looks at Chansa and wonders what role would he like to play in this change.

"My.. Is that all? Seems with all your resources you don't have a mind to put them to use properly. I think I'll get going now, and since you'll be remodeling..." Chansa presses his hands against a wall and pushes rather hard, considering the grunt of effort from the hollow. A large section of wall falls and Chansa will soon follow it if not spoken to.

2011-07-18, 07:23 PM
"And your suggestion is?" Cuerva leans back on her throne.

Lord Syn
2011-07-19, 08:49 AM
The grim work of the Primero complete, the Legion regathers itself, seeming to bear no more interest in the fallen Hollow. What's done is done, and to the Legion at least, this one bears no more interest.

As Cuerva guestures for the gathering to follow, the Legion hesitates a moment. Being a massive collection of tiny insect minds working in conjunction with one another, it's difficult to describe the Legion's mental processes as 'thinking'; however, there is a similar form of mental analysis and deliberation going on in the Swarm, as the Legion considers the situation.

(Spoiler for length and complexity; consider it a glimpse into the Legion's mind.)

It would seem, the Legion 'thinks', that the unHollow and the Legion were not of the same mind regarding the fight - or rather, in the Legion's mind, the hunt - that just occured. To the Legion, the matter seemed clear - the unHollow is clearly strong enough that the Legion is unsure whether or not it could bring her down, let alone if the cost of doing so would be worth the reward, and thus there is no point in challenging the unHollow's domain and dominance.

However, the Gaarda was clearly not of the unHollow's dominion, by his own admission and her own. Combined with the (to the Legion, at least) inevitable outcome of such a fight, the matter seemed plain - the Legion would fight, and claim its prey, without concerning the unHollow.

Apparently, the unHollow had seen it differently. A part of the Swarm considers whether or not the unHollow might believe herself to now command the Swarm in the manner what once she commanded the Gaarda. This, in turn, leads to an equally important train of thought, as the Swarm considers whether or not it will accept such a claim.

The question is not a simple one, by any means, nor is it an easy one for the hivemind to consider. After several minutes of deliberation, contemplation, arguing, several moments of interpretive dance and even a brief fight between three Wasps - all the physical representations of what most beings experience internally with such thought processes - the matter is settled, for now at least.

Turning as one to follow the unHollow and her procession, the many 'voices' of the Legion combine to form a single sentence, so quiet that it is doubtful anyone not actually within the Swarm would hear it:



Gathered in the audience chamber with the rest, the Legion hovers quietly (well, as quietly as a swarm of winged insects can hover) as Cuerva speaks. It considers the plan as it is laid out, and its part in such. It would seem that the unHollow was impressed by the earlier display, to have accorded the position of leading the first Storm Legion to the Legion.

Sadly, the Legion lacks the sort of sense of humor required to appreciate that turn of phrase, but that's neither here nor there.

As the Plan is laid out, part of the Legion continues listening for details, while the rest begins considering and planning out the Legion's part in the whole affair. Intentions are put forth, discussed, debated and finally either accepted or rejected, as the Legion's 'mind' is made up. Several requests are queued up in its 'mind' for submission to the unHollow when the latter is finished with her briefing, as well as several plans that, if all goes well, would probably never reach her ears.

And then the wall falls down. Somehow, the Legion doubts that this is an optimal response to the situation at hand, but for the moment, it will hold its opinions to itself until action is required.

The Legion does, however, quickly rearrange itself to keep a closer watch of the proceedings. This should be educational, if nothing else.

2011-07-19, 09:39 PM
"And your suggestion is?" Cuerva leans back on her throne.

Chansa spins around in place as the rock falls to the sands. "My suggestion? You have all this muscle. You need to flex it. There's no point having all these toys with no one to play with. That's all there is to it. You'll rule a wasteland with an iron fist. Survival at the base." He steps closer to the throne and raises his voice.

"There's no point to any of this! Creating a tower and an army with no one to fight. You're like the schoolyard bully long after school's let out. You have all this 'power' but no one to exercise it on. You'll rot here with your army. My suggestion is simple. You need someone to rule over. Who better than those who scorn you with such fury? Kill the Shinigami leader, and no one will resist you. Why rule the wasteland with all creation can be in your sights?" He turns back and goes to the hole once more. "And when the time comes, I'll choose my sides. Until then I'm running solo. Don't expect any help from the King."

Lord Syn
2011-07-20, 02:12 PM
The quiet droning of the Legion suddenly crescendos into a roar of noise, before dropping in volume again. The Swarm, however, seems strongly agitated, judging by the almost chaotic dance of the Wasps within it. As it 'speaks', however, the 'voice' of the Swarm remains monotone and emotionless.


The Legion pauses for a moment, then continues - again in the same emotionless, monotone, droning 'voice' that seems to almost vibrate the air around it in subtle, yet discomforting ways.



The Legion then grows quieter once more, simply... watching. Watching every move, every breath, every tiny twitch of every muscle on Chansa. Waiting for the Demon's reaction. It knows this is a dangerous game it plays, but the Demon called into question the orders of the Queen, called into question her ability to plan, called into question her fitness to lead.

And the Legion serves the Queen.

2011-07-20, 05:41 PM
"Sleep has really dulled your mind Chansa, are you sure you are wide awake?" Cuerva gets up from her throne, though her Zanpakuto is nowhere to be seen.

"Attacking the Mortal World lets us gather humans for food, and at the same time deal with incremental increases in the wave of Shinigami that will come to defend them. Are you stupid to jump right into the hornets nest? The Mortal World will serve as a funnel to send them to us. By the time they decide to send larger and larger masses, the previous few waves we had killed and eaten would never add to their total strength."

2011-07-20, 07:23 PM
"More importantly, a lack of overt threat allows a power vacuum to continue to complicate matters in Soul Society." Gitano leaned against a wall after entering, having taken note of the more obstinate Vasto Lorde's return. He had his zanpatou out in a sealed state, examining the blade nonchalantly as he spoke. "With the last Captain Commander dead and myself having abandoned my post, there wouldn't have been a clear line of succession for the title of Captain Commander. Political infighting, an unfit steward, a divisive coup... Any would cause the Shinigami to nip and tear at themselves in the absence of clear guidance. Gives me more time to find volunteers, too."

2011-07-20, 07:30 PM
"More importantly, a lack of overt threat allows a power vacuum to continue to complicate matters in Soul Society." Gitano leaned against a wall after entering, having taken note of the more obstinate Vasto Lorde's return. He had his zanpatou out in a sealed state, examining the blade nonchalantly as he spoke. "With the last Captain Commander dead and myself having abandoned my post, there wouldn't have been a clear line of succession for the title of Captain Commander. Political infighting, an unfit steward, a divisive coup... Any would cause the Shinigami to nip and tear at themselves in the absence of clear guidance. Gives me more time to find volunteers, too."

Chansa looks at the group and shrugs easily, then heads to leave. "Just don't forget to strike when the iron is hot. Too much preparation can lead you to defeat." He yawns again and jumps from the hole in the wall, ignoring anything the others may say. As he lands, he picks up the large rock again and carries it off in the direction of the tower of hollows.

2011-07-20, 07:32 PM
Cuerva turns to look at Gitano, her eyes piercing into him, or rather, the new information he has supplied.

"If this is so, our assault on the Mortal World would undoubtedly proceed smoother than expected. What know you of the Shinigami ranks after the War? Did they manage to replenish the ranks of those who can release their blades?"

2011-07-22, 02:45 AM
Down under the sand, a small group of Menos Adjuchas gather in the bone white forest of the Menos. It is here many gilliam are formed as a strange attraction drives the hollows here to feast and slaughter until their wills are no more. A few of these fool hollows fell victim to a strange lion like hollows. It's main was strangely curled and bone white, it's mask looked like a beak and had eight curling lines coming from the eyes. Eyes that looked like the swirling depths of some inky black pool. The last victim was a watch guard for the sylvan adjuchas, and the hollow proved to be both snack and introduction. The lion hollow gave a prepared speech,
"Adjcuchas of the menos forest. I serve Imitulpo, and I do so because of what he knows, because of what he has seen. Cuerva de Sangra is a hollow no more. She has become servant of a shinigami who stole her mask. It seems the hollow hunters have a new plan to destroy the hollows. Now, they make us one of the Famished. It seems they will take the Aerie of Slaughter, but not all hollow will submit to the cursed maskless. There is an opportunity for those strong enough to capture the Aerie for themselves. We want to help that be you.
Why you ask? Well, that is simple, you have a mass of gilliam nearby and wooed to your control. Your forces are possible unmatched in Hueco Mundo. Take them and strike while the Aerie is in disarray. There is even a place to stop and feed them on the way. Enough food for all the hollow of the forest.
What is in it for myself, for Imitulpo? Revenge, the Aerie has long refused us non-winged hollows and we have waited for the day we can sink our masks into the soft flesh of every bird-brained hollow in there."

The group thought, and deliberated. An armored adjuchas with a shell covering back and both arms speaks for the group. An agreement is reached, the forest adjuchas will gather their gilliam and march on the aerie, but Imitulpo and whomever serves him could only join if he deals with a persistent nuisance. A shinigami who still got rid of the hollows the old fashioned way. So, the lion walked out to the edge of the forest of menos searching for a lost shinigami standing between him and a veritable army.

2011-07-22, 04:08 PM
"What insights I can offer are purely speculative, I'm afraid. I parted ways with the Shinigami during the counterattack into Hueco Mundo." Gitano glanced upward in apparent thought, his mask and tone of voice making it difficult to gauge his true manner. "Since they often depended on me to facilitate training, at least within my squad, I speculate that their ability to replenish the ranks is somewhat lacking."

2011-07-22, 07:15 PM
"We will find out for ourselves when we attack the Mortal World in a month's time." Cuerva nods.

Lord Syn
2011-07-23, 10:41 AM

The 'voice' pauses, as the Legion apparently switches mental tracks for a different thought. When it continues, the 'voice' is less full of pride and boasting, but still confident.


2011-07-24, 08:23 AM
"Speak." comes the cool reply.

Lord Syn
2011-07-24, 08:33 AM
The Swarm draws itself up (if such a phrase is applicable) to face Cuerva directly as the Legion does as commanded.



2011-07-24, 09:49 PM
A Hollow corpse falls to the ground, fading into nothingness. Akemi sheathes her sword. Around her, the bodies of many bleeding and dying Hollows try to pull themselves from the ground, but they can't. Slowly and deliberately, Akemi walks toward one. She stares down at it with a broad smile on her face. "Hnh. There have been more of you lately, haven't there?" Her foot rises and falls on to the creature's neck. It chokes and sputters for a moment. "Goodbye. I'd tell you to tell your friends not to come back, but why bother if I could just kill them?" Her foot forcefully pushes down, crushing the beast's neck and its mask in the process, destroying it completely.

Akemi walks over to another. "Hnh. Maybe I should have left one of you in some condition to leave. No matter." She holds a hand toward its face. "Let's see if I've gotten any better at this. Hado 54: Haien." The purple orb glows, then flies towards the defeated Hollow. It burns it, scorching the creature and causing it to fade away. "Hnh. Not good enough. Guess I'll just need more practice." She walks to another Hollow. "Hado 54..."

2011-07-25, 05:52 AM
The Swarm draws itself up (if such a phrase is applicable) to face Cuerva directly as the Legion does as commanded.



"And would you require this 'follower'..." her tone makes it sound more like 'food' or 'host' "before or after our assault on the Mortal World? If you are eager, you may go ahead and pick and choose. The right to accept, or resist, is still theirs to enjoy." she smiles again, showing teeth.

Lord Syn
2011-07-25, 09:57 AM
When a Hollow, especially one as powerful as Cuerva, smiles with its teeth, it's always a good idea to think very carefully about one's next actions. True to the spirit of this advice, the Swarm pauses for a moment, clearly considering the Unhollow's statement.

TO BEST SERVE THE UN-HOLL-LOW, THE LE-GION RE-QUI-RES A SUI-TA-BLE SUB-JECT AS EAR-LY AS POSS-SSI-BLE, TO MAX-I-MIZE THE RE-SULTS. Having noted Cuerva's choice of tone for the phrase 'Follower', the Legion likewise seems to present the term 'Subject' as one would discuss raw components in a lab - or, perhaps, raw ingredients in a kitchen.

After a slight pause, the Legion continues. WITH THE UN-HOLL-LOW'S...PER-MISS-SION-- The word is clearly not one the Legion is used to forming, and sounds decidedly foreign in its 'voice'. -- THE LE-GION WILL SE-LECT A SUI-TA-BLE SUB-JECT. RE-SIS-TANCE IS NOT A CON-CERN.

The Legion pauses again, then adds carefully, PRO-VI-DED THE UN-HOLL-LOW ALL-LOWS THE SE-LEC-TION WITH-OUT...IN-TER-FER-ENCE.

2011-07-25, 11:41 AM
Cuerva looks at Legion, gaze not centered on any particular one of the swarm, but at the whole mass as one, lingering for a moment and then nods. "Do as you deem necessary."

Lord Syn
2011-07-26, 01:50 AM
THE LE-GION O-BEYS. With these last words, the Swarm collects itself together, then breaks off two smaller groups from the central mass before moving off.

One of the two small masses of Wasps makes a few circles in the air, then gradually finds for itself a convenient surface on which to land. Once settled in place, the miniature Swarm goes completely silent, becoming as immobile as blown glass figurines, save for the occasional slow, gliding flap of a wing here and there. Clearly, these twelve Wasps intend to remain in the Throne Room, or at least close to Cuerva for the time being. Interestingly, should one look closely enough, it would seem that one of the Wasps in particular bears a tiny white mask over its tiny white head, and what looks to be a small hole through the center of its abdomen.

The second small mass moves deeper into the Aerie, while the larger, central Swarm heads towards an opening to the outside - not a difficult task to locate, given the nature of the place. Upon reaching the outer perimeter of the tower, the large mass spreads itself out around the outer wall of the Aerie, forming what could be confused as an outer ring of dark clouds around the tower, about a third of the way up from the base. It would seem that, for the time being, this part of the Swarm is intent on making sure the 'Hive' remains safely guarded.

However, it is the last remaining set of Wasps, the second set broken off from the main Swarm, which seems to be the focus of the Legion's attentions. Moving with care through the Aerie, the mini-Swarm manages to keep the noise of its movement to a bare minimum, seeking - it would seem - to disrupt the current goings-on within the tower as little as possible. The Legion knows what it is that it is seeking, and the Wasps take a careful view of each figure in turn, flitting about this way and that, before ultimately rejecting one after another in their search.

The requirements are simple - it must be large, it must be durable, and it must be something the twenty small Wasps can safely restrain and incapacitate with their poisoned stingers, with a minimum of fuss - the Legion isn't looking for a fight, which would simply be a waste of resources. Again and again, a possible subject is studied, scrutinized, and finally passed over in the ongoing search.

2011-07-27, 09:43 AM
[Meanwhile, in Alma's hideout]

What do I really look like? Who is it behind this mask? Is there anyone...?

After a long while of undistrurbed sleep, Alma is awakened by the peacefulness of her surroundings. In a way, it's more distracting than noise, since she'd been expecting for the Shinigami and her new lackey to barge in any moment.

She glances to the side, noting that Gabriella is still fast asleep. Silently, she slips out of the bed, throws the dark cloak over her shoulders, puts on her earrings, hairband and shoes, and sneaks to some other part of the cave.

Where might Gitano be lingering? Had he maybe gotten lost? Useless fool.


When Gabriella wakes up, she might notice someone has covered her with one of the sheets. There's a pile of clothes on the bed at her feet - a white dress and a tunic akin to those of Alma's, as well as a dark grey cloak, dark grey socks and a pair of moccasins.

2011-07-27, 04:24 PM
Gabriella gets up, and gets dressed quickly, before hooking her sword into the belt of the clothing. She then throws the cloak on, before looking for Alma.

2011-07-27, 07:36 PM
The sounds of the forest of Menos were eerie to Imitulpo. The silence was astounding. He had gotten used to the random cries mindless hollows. The roars of hollow melees where the gilliam formed had become the defining boundaries of his hunting grounds. In this part of the forest, the hollows were silent. He could see there movements, from time to time, but only silent hollows remained. It was the natural order of things, the octopus supposed. The hollows would remain silent if sound attracted what killed all the hollows in this area. Silence was one of Imitulpo's tools as well. Perhaps, that is what unnerved him. In a place so silent, his own silence held no great power.

The thoughts of the adjuchas are interrupted by the echoes of sound. He could hear the death cries of hollow, and the sound attracted him. He moved forward until he realized that something was different. The menos melees were always riotous affairs caused by the raving bloodlust of creatures which had lost their minds. The result was often an unending roar of battle. This sound was different. It was spaced, almost rhythmic. Someone was killing with purpose, choosing targets, and executing attacks. He may have found his prey.

Imitulpo keeps his lion shape, but hugs the shadows. At the edge of his vision, he sees a small humanoid form shooting purple orbs into a throng of fallen creatures. Let's see if we can get this done easily... The lion opens the mouth of its strangely beak-like head, and a small, tight cero is fired at the ragged shinigami in the distance.

2011-07-28, 02:40 AM
Akemi shifts out of the way on instinct, and immediately holds out a hand in the direction of the blast. "Bakudo 9: Geki." Whatever beast was currently firing the Cero would find itself stunned and stuck in position. It would also glow red, letting Akemi see its position and unleash another barrage as she approached. "Bakudo 30: ****otsu Sansen." Akemi draws a yellow triangle in the air and sends 3 bars of light directly into the target, drawing her sword as she walks towards it. "Bakudo 26: Kyokko." And she fades from view, completely disappearing into nothingness.

Silently and invisibly, Akemi moves around the creature, moving towards it from the side and swinging her blade as it begins to free itself from its bindings.

2011-07-28, 03:45 AM
Imitulpo was surprised with the shinigami's reaction time. The cero fell far off mark, but the shinigami's witchcraft came quick. The initial paralysis was annoying, less so than the glaring red light. The octopus adjuchas hated not being able to control his appearance. He pooled his spiritual power into struggling to move only gaining some ground as he watched three bars of light fly at him from a distance. Panic welled in his mind as he pulled harder to free himself from the hollow hunters binding magicks. He was freed, but it was too late. Imitulpo shut his eyes and mentally prepared for the coming pain. The three arrows of light picked him up bodily and slammed him into a nearby fossil tree. Bars of light constricted his leonine limbs against the rock hard trunk. Imitulpo chuckled.

Sliding out of the kido shackles was child's play for the shapeshifter, and he was pleased to find the attack to be restrictive instead of destructive. The octopus retook his lion shape as soon as he was freed. He took a few steps forward to ascertain the location of his opponent, but she had vanished. He thought of investigating her position, but Imitulpo was a shrewd hunter as well. His bindings were not meant to facilitate the Famished's escape. The hollow hunter was coming to him.

"Hiding? I thought that all the cowardly Famished had left Hueco Mundo." His taunt was quickly retorted by a zanpakto cutting into his side. Blood poured from where the blade bit, and Imitulpo reacts in instinct. He quickly lunges toward where the shinigami seemingly appeared out of thin air, and seeks to bite with his powerful beak-like jaws. The shape shifter trusts his current form with its armored mane to keep that hated blade from dealing damage near his mask.

2011-07-28, 11:16 PM
Akemi shunpos away after her strike digs in, pulling back enough that the lunge is blockable with her sword, placing the blade in its maw. She throws the lion-like Hollow away and holds a hand out towards him. "Hado 32: Ōkasen!" A wave of yellow energy flies out towards the creature, filling the area with burning energy.

2011-07-29, 01:36 AM
The shinigami easily tosses the larger adjuchas aside, and Imitulpo's anger rises. This one is strong... and dangerous. It was clear this shinigami wasn't interested in listening to him. He leapt back as she summoned her yellow arc of energy, and imitulpo responded just as quick. A red orb of light formed from between his jaws, and the hollow's blast fired directly into the kido spell. Where the cero made impact the arc of light split, giving the adjuchas a moment to leap back further.

"You are a true hollow hunter, unlike the other Famished. Nothing like the masked shinagami above." The words are only spat out in a moment before the lion hollow vanishes in a burst of sonido. However, the lion does not re-appear nor does anything else. Imitulpo hugs the covered part of one of the fossil trees, using his camouflage to appear part of the tree, and suppressing his reiatsu.

The octopus needed time to think. This hollow hunter is much stronger than he expected, and he might not be able to win this fight. He mentally cursed his weakness. Too many enemies were pounding him lately, they did too much damage. He felt where he had constricted over the sword wound in his side stopping blood from revealing his location. He needed another way to turn this battle in his favor against someone he couldn't beat, and he was probably running out of time to do so....

2011-07-29, 01:49 AM
"Hnh. Masked hunters, you say?" Akemi sheathes her sword. "I am sorry. I have a tendency to kill first and ask questions later. Though perhaps you could have asked rather than sending these fools - " She crushes a dead Hollow's mask with her foot" - to find me. Perhaps we have something to discuss."

She holds a hand behind her back, muttering under her breath the incantation for the spell she plans to use. Her other hand hangs limply at her side, though every so often it seems to tense by reflex, ready to draw her sword again should the need arise.

2011-07-29, 02:34 AM
Imitulpo grins inwardly as the shinigami shows she can speak as well as fight. He slinks and silently into a covered position where he can retake his leonine form. He reforms the armored mane around his own mask out of four legs, and makes another four the limbs of the best shape. After insuring he was clearly out of view, the octopus turned lion sheds his camouflage before revealing himself from behind the tree. His words proceed his reveal, "Sent? Fools? Do you not understand where you are? No one sends these hollows. Here they are deaf to all but their own hunger. Besides, the only thing sent for you was me."

The lion's head has now come out from behind the tree and regards the shinigami with those ink blot eyes, framed by eight curly lines like a mockery of eyelashes. "I was sent mostly because of what I know more than how well I can fight, and reason is more deadly than any tooth or claw." The adjuchas walks slowly into view in a strange flow. His legs were tensed but less like a cat ready to chase and more like a spider ready to jump.

2011-07-29, 02:50 AM
"Hnh. These ones were sent. They had purpose. These Hollows were not like others who tried to claim a prey." Akemi turns to watch as the creature moves around her. "Perhaps what you say is true. But I have been here quite a long time. I'd say these few were acting very different from what I'm used to." She smiles at the Hollow before her. "Hnh. Yes. I quite like it here." Slowly, she draws her hand upwards a bit. "We can either agree to a ceasefire or fight to the death. I leave that up to you."

2011-07-29, 03:53 AM
"Ceasefire suits me better than death. If these hollows were sent here than it may be by those who wished me here as well. They like to think the forest belongs to them, and you seem to be an unruly tenant." Imitulpo keeps his distance. He didn't like the way this one twitched. He also finally had the time to take note of her ragged appearance. She did not wear the composure of the other hollow hunters of so long ago. She showed the wear, the tear, the unending struggle that is Hueco Mundo. I kind of like this one...

"More importantly, they want you gone before they will let me have what I want. I was hoping I could convince you to join your masked brother, and spend your time above with the Famished instead of wasting your time here lowering the food supply." The lion hollow stopped pacing the shinigami and locked eyes. His shifty black eyes locked on her dark green ones as he tried to read her intentions on her face.

2011-07-29, 04:03 AM
Akemi shows interest at the Hollow's words. She looks around among the dead Hollows and smiles. "I can see why this might upset you. But I am a predator just as you are. I simply do not eat my prey. If I did, would that not make me among your number?" Her hand moves to her heart. "I do not believe us enemies merely because I am a Shinigami and you are a Hollow."

When he mentions the other that she could join, however, she truly becomes interested. "Hnh. Who is this 'masked brother' you refer to? I have not heard of another here."

2011-07-29, 05:09 AM
The hollow hunters initial comments made Imitulpo chuckle. His laugh was a slow reverbating thing that bounced off the forest trees. "If you ate, you would not be one of the Famished. Though, we are enemies. It is not because you are shinigami. It is because I am hollow and you are delicious, but i am clever enough there is no wisdom in trying to eat you... yet."
The adjuchas appears to relax as the body of the beast leans back on the back two paws. His head tilts a little to the side, "I was speaking of the other shinigami. He wears a full mask, not pieces like you." His eyes shift to her worn collection of trophies. "The one who makes deals with hollows. The stealer of masks. The one who made a Famished from the most powerful hollow in Hueco Mundo." The lion stood up once more taking a slightly more aggressive stance. "Surely it is no coincidence that he shows up above the sands and you return below the sands near the same time. You were plotting to throw our dark desert into chaos."

2011-07-29, 05:24 AM
Akemi looks confused. "Were I allowed to choose, I'd rather be your friend than your enemy." She rips off a tuft of her hair and throws it to the Hollow. "And the last Hollow that got some of that actually found me rather rancid." Surprisingly, she laughs a bit.

At the mention of another, Akemi's eyes widen. "Hnh. Really? Do you not like this masked one?" She brushes the necklace absentmindedly. "It is merely coincidence. I've been here for far longer than it would seem. I have just been... busy for some time." She looks at Imitulpo kindly. "Were I to cause any chaos, I would cause them beyond the white walls in another land. Here I find peace, a proper environment."

2011-07-29, 09:23 PM
The lion squints his eyes, at least as much as possible. The floating part of his eyes flatten into two squiggly lines. He moved forward slowly and pulled out a short squat tongue to lift up the offered tuft of hair. It crunched in his mouth. It tasted like the sands of the desert above. As he chewed, those inkblot eyes changed shape as if slowly chewing over her words as well as her hair. The chewing stopped and the lion was still. Then, he swallowed.

"You are strange to talk of peace in this place. It is only the peace of a predator, the calm of awaiting prey. If you wish to be my friend, then know I had intended to deceive you. I have no love for those who sent me here, and I bear less love for the masked one up above. He takes the masks of menos and gives them bodies like yours, swords like yours, and they cease to be like us." The creatures head moves back and forth to match the emotion of his words. "He has done this to Cuerva de Sangre, the leader of the Aerie of Slaughter, and she has returned as one of the Famished to rule over the hollow. Such a thing... unnerves me. I have convinced those who live here to march against the Aerie providing for a nice melee with many delicious meals."

Imitulpo actually seems to settle somewhat. It surprises him that he can seem comfortable around a hollow hunter, though, he supposes they have much in common. "They tasked me with insuring you do not run amok and destroy what little hold they have here in the forest of Menos. I only wish to secure my place with them so I do not miss the feast."

2011-07-30, 03:45 AM
Akemi nods. "I will remain in my cave so long as Hollows are not sent directly to attack me, and any Hollows who are too weak and come seeing to devour me understand the rules of the world." Her posture seems to lose some of its tension. "If you would allow me, I will leave to the Sands above and not bother you any longer."

2011-07-30, 05:30 AM
The lion sits upon its haunches once more. "Then, leaving for the surface would be best. I will escort you out of the forest. A warning: we will be bringing a force up there to feast upon the Aerie. You may want to avoid any towers with many birds hanging about." Imitulpo considers for a moment, and then speaks once more.
"Memorize my mask, and my eyes, then we will never be enemies above or below the sand." He looks at the shinigami as if expecting her to respond. However, he holds his head very still. His beak like mask shuts it's splitting grin and his dark blots of eyes floating in the center of dark holes marked the mask as the center of eight curling lines that extended almost all the way to the edge of the mask.

2011-07-30, 05:38 AM
Akemi peers deeply into Imitulpo's mask. For a moment she scrutinizes it, memorizing its every marking and contour until eventually, she smiles. "I will remember this mask and these eyes until the day I die. Thank you for the warning, friend. I will take it to heart." She pulls away once she has stared long enough and relaxes, her hand resting naturally on the hilt of her blade. "Let us move, then. I do not like to stand too long in open spaces."

2011-08-04, 12:33 PM
Gabriella gets up, and gets dressed quickly, before hooking her sword into the belt of the clothing. She then throws the cloak on, before looking for Alma.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?", Alma replies as Gabriella sneaks into her vision. She's sitting at the table again, sipping tea from similar cups as before - there's one placed there for Gabriella too. "It seems our black-clad friend got lost on his way here. Which is too bad, I was hoping he'd pay a visit."

"What do you think, should we go looking for him?"

2011-08-05, 06:40 AM
Gabriella isn't sneaking! :smalltongue:

She nods. "I think it might be best to try searching for them."

2011-08-10, 10:43 AM
Alma finishes her breakfast and fetches her spear from a weapons rack near the front door. "Shall we get going, then? I have a hunch of where to look from. Mind your steps. We don't want any needless attention."

2011-08-16, 08:39 AM
Gabriella nods. "I know the dangers of the sands.

Where do you think they may be?"

2011-08-20, 04:14 AM
Alma smiles faintly. "Just follow me."

The woman in white opens the door, and leads back to the pitch-black caverns, carefully following the trail they used before. But when they get to the surface, she doesn't stop climbing; instead, she walks to the sky, as if ascending an invisible staircase to the heavens.

Once air starts to grow thin and the great pit is but a small black dot against the white sands, she stops, looking down at Gabriella. Then, she turns to gaze at the sickle of the moon, holding her hand out as if trying to pick it up from the sky. "Beautiful, isn't it? Have you ever stopped to admire it before?"

"Have you ever wondered what's there? Maybe, if one took the time, one could just walk there... but it's so unbelievably far away. It's hard to grasp from here... it seems so close..."

Alma closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. Though the visible world fades into blackness, her mind's eye can see further and clearer. In the distances, small lights flicker, some dim, some bright, like distant stars in the night sky. She looks for the brightest, lifting her spear to point towards it. "We'll start looking from there."

2011-08-21, 12:23 AM
"...never had the time. Constant hunting, or being hunted.

And I don't know. Better place than this?"

Gabriella looks in the direction Alma indicates. "Shall we get moving, then?"

2011-08-22, 03:19 PM
Alma lifts her spear against her shoulder, and begins walking. She seems to be in no hurry. "Have you heard that moonlight is supposed to be reflection of the sun? What could that mean to this place? Is there another side of this world, where it is eternal day? Do you think we would find such a place if we keep walking long enough?"

2011-08-24, 09:59 PM
Gabriella shrugs. "Maybe. I... wouldn't count on it. Anyway, wouldn't eternal day be just as bad as this eternal night? It'd be really hot, for one thing."