View Full Version : [Pathfinder][Wip] Monk of Ten Brews (Peach?)

2011-06-09, 04:18 PM
Monk of the Ten Brews (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxPtqo6TmxERZTI0OWE2ZWYtOGI4Yi00OWRlLThiZTQ tMjE0OTg1NzNhOWEy&hl=en_US)

Skills - I'm not really sure If I'd even need to put in skills, since the player should have all the skills that would be class skills.

Proficiencies - Haven't put this in yet, but it won't change.

No, there hasn't been a full spell checker just yet or other quality control operations. Did change the Brew ability from Ex to Su though, simply cause alchemy is Su.

It is intended to be Internal Alchemist/Drunken Monk PrC, but its open for any alchemists. Anything other than a drunken monk though wouldn't make sense.. since it is all about drinking booze.

Some things I'm wondering.. Should it have full monk saves? Should mutagens or bombs go with the class? Since bombs are pretty much cut out and mutagen has a slower growth rate, maybe it should be a full "caster".