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View Full Version : Moss Monster, a Forest Dweller. (cr10?)

Dalek Zek
2011-06-09, 05:42 PM
Moss Monster huge pland (forest dweller)
Hit dice : 7d8+35 (66hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft
Armour class: 22 (-2 size, +1 dex, 13 natural) touch 9 flat footed 22
Base attack/grapple : +5/+18
Attack : slam +10 melee (2d6+5 + infection dc 18 (?) fort. )
Full attack : 2 slams +10 melee (2d6+5 + infection dc 18 (?) fort. )
Space/reach : 15ft/15ft
Special attacks : infection
Special qualities : damage reduction10/slashing, low light vision, plant traits, vulnerability to fire, infectious
Saves : fort +10 ref +6, will +2
Abilities: str. 20, dex. 12, con 21, int 6, wis 6, cha 4.
skills : Hide : +8 (+12 in forest)*, move silent +11
Feats: run (B), iron will, power attack, skill focus move silent.
Environment: temperate forest
Organization: Solitary, grove(4-7), park (8-15), forest(16-32)
Challenge rating : 10 (?)
Treasure: standard
Alignment: usually neutral evil
Advancement: 8-16 HD (huge), 17-21(gargantuan)
Level adjustment: -
* Moss Monsters get +4 hide in forest.

This large being looks like a small hill of mos. Beneath this moss however there is a thick bark like skin.
It moves slowly, but steadily, never resting. Arms, that seem like thick moss covert branches, swipe ad everything around it, rather it is living ore not. From where the head would be there is just the dimmest of a yellow glow where it’s eyes would be. Where ever it goes, animals seem to flee.

until all mebMoss Monsters prefer to attack from hiding, moving silently at there targets. They strike from nothing and keep hitting until all members of a group where hit at least once ore they them self’s are slain. If the targets run away, they will give chase.

Infection: Moss grows on the body wherever someone is touched by a Moss Monster, until they become Moss Monsters. Remove curse ore better is needed to remove each infection. If the moss is removed a another way (like cutting it of) it leaves a wound that dos not heal naturally and deal one damage each round and there is a 50% change the moss grows back. If it is not removed, it keeps growing over a period of three days after witch the process is complete and the target is a Moss Monster it self. After that, only miracle ore wish can restore someone. (Note that true resurrection dos not work, the infestation dos not kill you, but only transforms.)

Infectius : if you ingest any part of a Moss Monster ore inhale smog from a burning Moss Monster, you slowly are turned into one. This process takes three days and there is a remove curse ore better needed to remove the infestation. If it is not removed, it keeps growing over a period of three days after witch the process is complete and the target is a Moss Monster it self. After that, only miracle ore wish can restore someone. (Note that true resurrection dos not work, the infestation dos not kill you, but only transforms.)

2011-06-10, 09:34 AM
The DC of Infection should be 10 + 1/2 creature's HD + relevant ability modifier. This looks to be a Supernatural ability since you need a remove curse spell to get rid of it.

You need to decide what "Forest Dweller" means for a Subtype.

It is missing Size and Type. Looks like it is a Huge Plant (it has a -2 penalty to AC for size and plant traits)

Grapple has a +8 special size bonus for Huge creatures. Grapple is BAB + Str modifier + Special size modifier


Dalek Zek
2011-06-10, 05:44 PM
Thank you. I am working on the build fore Forest Dwellers. This is what I have so far:

HD : d8
Skill points : 4+int
+4 racial bonus to hide in forest
Bonus feat : run
Environment : Forest dwellers are completely dependent on the forest they live in, they either cant ore wont leave them out of there own will.

Also they have a similarity in there ability’s. They have two stats ad 6 and one ad 4. These are usually mental stats, but not always. (see further creatures)

But I am still working on this as I make more of them, so I might change some things of this still with further creatures.

Dalek Zek
2011-06-10, 06:12 PM
Quote: my creations

Also, I love the Fairy Godmother

2011-06-10, 07:51 PM
The HD comes from Type not Subtype.

Glad you liked the fairy godmother.