View Full Version : Troubled Border - Team One [IC]

2011-06-10, 03:42 PM
OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=202607)

Cast of Characters:
Chy|Gnome|Cleric|Roywynn Harnsplar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=303019)
Gray Mage|Human|Wizard|Farran Gaskel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=272940)
Ryu_Bonkosi|Human|Ranger/Fighter/Barbarian|Karen of the Black Lands (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=303320)
elver|Dwarf|Fighter|Elvering Snowblade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=303546)
Con_Brio1993|Human|Bard|Jet D. Ansfloor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=303167)[/table]
Commander Thomas Bartel was in a fowl mood this morning. Adding to the regular trouble of maintaining the fort and its garrison, as well as herding the huge civilian community that grew around it like algae, there was last night's murder. That was a first, a civilian murdered in Fort Hope last night, well, not the fort itself, but on the adjacent streets, close enough to home, and his guards' investigation had nothing to show for, except four suspects that looked anything but. Why grab those four? Who are they? pacing nervously about the room, he turned to his lieutenant, who was standing in the corner, hands folded on his chest, as if the whole thing didn't concern him.

Well, Sir, let me see, the lieutenant was jolted back into consciousness and began to check his papers, the Elf was sneaking down the adjacent street. We found a bunch of daggers. Clearly up to no good. That muscular, for lack of better term, lady, raised the suspicion of the guard when stopped for a routine document check. The Wizard, calls himself Farran, claims he's a member of our garrison ... do we have a Wizard in our employ, Sir, I forget? Anyway, better check it up than be sorry, don't you agree? Finally, there's the gnome. When asked for the location of her store, could not provide an answer. Listed her occupation as ... priest.

That's all you have?
Aye, Sir.

With one gesture of his hand, the commander sent the lieutenant back to his corner.

So, I guess I'm stuck with you as my only suspects. what do the four of you have to say?

Gray Mage
2011-06-10, 04:35 PM
Farran stands in the room, familiar in his shoulder, the lieutenant standing right behind him, clearly annoyed and not pleased to be in this situation. He had just reported for duty when this lieutenant, more like a buffoon in his opinion, had dragged him along with three others, blabling on about a "murder" and "suspects" and "suspicious activity" all the way to this room. Luckly for him Rawk didn't manage to peck him right in the face, as much as the hawk hated to be mishandled he managed to control him. Making enemies to himself in the first few minutes of his new job would be a poor idea... probably. He makes his best to be polite when he speaks, although he was never one to be good at hiding his emotions:

"Sir, if I may, Farran Gaskel, wizard. I was told to report to the commander of this fort startring today. Now, may I ask why am I a suspect of a crime I haven't even heard about?"

He then glances to the other "suspects": an elf guilty of bearing daggers in a town near a fort on the verge of a war, a girl, even if a strong one, without orderly documents and apparntly a store owner, or a priest, the man cleary had some difficulties in determining that. If their best shot at finding a murder suspect is stopping random people on the streets it's no wonder they're sending reinforcements.

2011-06-10, 06:15 PM
Looking around at the others in the room Karen sighed to herself. It figures, the one time she enters a town to help others she gets dragged into some ridiculous murder because of some 'papers' she seemed to not have.

Well, might as well stay and see where this is going.

2011-06-10, 06:37 PM
Roywynn-- or Fidget, as she was usually called-- sighed inwardly at the irritating detention and looked brightly up at her captors. Big people were so mean sometimes. She felt a little sorry for them. They must be desperate to catch the murderer, whoever they were, and they were just wasting their time by questioning -her-.
She'd just been minding her own business-- trying to find work at a hospital or a temple-- when she'd been accosted by the guards. She hadn't the foggiest idea -why-. Walking around armed with heavy armor stowed in her pack shouldn't be too unusual; this was a town caught on the edge of war, after all.
She wondered who had been killed-- the poor dear. She couldn't help them now... not yet, anyway.
Fidget pulled herself to her full 3'2" and said in a voice like a windchime:

A priest I am indeed, good sirs. I serve Pelor, god of sun and strength. My questions are many and my answers are few-- who was slain? Why am I suspected? And what mean you by 'When asked for the location of her store, could not provide an answer.'?

2011-06-12, 04:50 AM
"Sir, if I may, Farran Gaskel, wizard. I was told to report to the commander of this fort startring today. Now, may I ask why am I a suspect of a crime I haven't even heard about?"

I see; I received your transfer papers already. It's strange that we should meet under such circumstances.

A priest I am indeed, good sirs. I serve Pelor, god of sun and strength. My questions are many and my answers are few-- who was slain? Why am I suspected? And what mean you by 'When asked for the location of her store, could not provide an answer.'?

I think he meant all gnomes here are storekeepers, and he never met one that wasn't. But I like the questions you're asking. A measure of curiosity does seem to be in order here. He sizes you all, and continues.

Well, here's the thing. My officers are good at fighting the enemy, when an obvious one presents itself, excellent at keeping discipline among the troops, you know, army stuff. But when it comes to investigating a non-obvious conundrum, they tend to exhibit the mental capacity of an axeshaft. No offence meant to present company.

None taken, sir, the Lieutenant replies calmly, staring blankly into space.

Obviously, they just picked four random people off the street, to make it seem like they're doing something and aren't being completely useless.

Sir is very perceptive.

So, anyway, I'm going to let you go now, each to his or her devices. Unless ... he looks at you with a twinkle in his eye, especially minding the curious gnome, unless you want to take a look into this for yourselves. What do you say?

He leans toward the Wizard and whispers in his ear, In your case, Farran, this is not a request. I need someone competent on this.

Gray Mage
2011-06-12, 10:34 AM
I see; I received your transfer papers already. It's strange that we should meet under such circumstances.

"I agree sir. I assume you are commander Bartel then? I hope to be of use."- Farran says, finishing with a bow.

Well, here's the thing. My officers are good at fighting the enemy, when an obvious one presents itself, excellent at keeping discipline among the troops, you know, army stuff. But when it comes to investigating a non-obvious conundrum, they tend to exhibit the mental capacity of an axeshaft. No offence meant to present company.

None taken, sir, the Lieutenant replies calmly, staring blankly into space.

Obviously, they just picked four random people off the street, to make it seem like they're doing something and aren't being completely useless.

Sir is very perceptive.

So, anyway, I'm going to let you go now, each to his or her devices. Unless ... he looks at you with a twinkle in his eye, especially minding the curious gnome, unless you want to take a look into this for yourselves. What do you say?

He leans toward the Wizard and whispers in his ear, In your case, Farran, this is not a request. I need someone competent on this.

"As you wish, sir. I'll accompany those that wish to help us. But first, I'd need to know the details of the felony, like the victim and the location." Farran then waits patiently for the other's answers, still carefully examining them.

2011-06-12, 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Vladislav
I think he meant all gnomes here are storekeepers, and he never met one that wasn't.

Fidget is a bit taken aback and rather inclined to agree with the commander's assessment of his inferiors' cunning.

Originally Posted by Vladislav
So, anyway, I'm going to let you go now, each to his or her devices. Unless ... he looks at you with a twinkle in his eye, especially minding the curious gnome, unless you want to take a look into this for yourselves. What do you say?

Fidget hesitates but for a moment, thinking of her potential patients in need...

They are sure to have other healers in this place, but the unknown life-taker must be stopped before they hurt anyone else beyond repair!,

then smiles at the commander, bows, and says:

I am pleased to offer what assistance I might in this matter.

2011-06-13, 09:34 AM
"I agree sir. I assume you are commander Bartel then?That I am, well met.

He addresses you all:

So, here's what we know, and it's not much. The body was found by a drunk passerby in an alley behind Riverboat Daisy, (that's an inn, but I reckon most of you to be aware of that). Stabbed and had his pockets emptied. He was a harmless man, not known to be involved in any illicit activity. He owned a stall in the marketplace, where he traded ... well, I don't know actually what he traded, nor do I think it's important.

Why can't people just get a job to finance their drinking habit?! Anyway, I think he has family on a farm somewhere to the west; they don't know yet, I don't think anyone notified them of his death. And some friends in the market square. Also, maybe someone saw or heard something in the inn or nearby. Not a lot to go by, I know, but have to start somewhere.

2011-06-13, 12:43 PM
Fidget frowns and pipes:

To me that sounds a robbery gone wrong-- or a calculated slaying made to so look in hopes that seekers would so assume! Speaking to those who knew this unfortunate seems wise.

Gray Mage
2011-06-13, 04:54 PM
Farran silently listens to the report and to Fidget before speaking his mind: "I wouldn't be so bold as to think about any more complex theories then a robbery gone wrong at this moment, but I agree with Mrs. priest, checking the friends at the square would be what I'd do first as well."

2011-06-13, 05:24 PM
Karen frowned, how could anyone be so stupid to kill someone this close to a military fort. Also, what if this wasn't just a simple murder and theft? What if this murderer didn't just want his money but really wanted him dead?

Questions like this leapt from one to another in her mind.

Stepping forward Karen said,"I would like to see the crime scene, I might be able to track the killer from there."

2011-06-13, 07:58 PM
Very well, I'll leave you to your devices then. Don't forget to report to me on anything significant, or if I'm unavailable, to Marton, he nods in the lieutenant's directions.

He sits back at his desk, and begins to look at some papers. So, unless you have any further questions...?

Gray Mage
2011-06-13, 09:05 PM
"I actually have one question, sir. How violent is the city, usually?"- after the question is answered, Farran bows again and says - "I'll have a full report done as soon as possible, commander."

He then waits for the others to speak their minds before turning towards them: "It seems we'll be working together in the imediate future. As I have said before, my name is Farran, and this is Rawk, my faithfull companion."- he says, indicating at the hawk on his shoulder-"It will be a pleasure to work with you, hopefully." He adds, under his breath.

2011-06-14, 12:12 AM
Karen looked into the boy's eyes for a moment, committing them to memory, black and cold, like hers. Looking from the boy to the gnome she locked eyes with hers of an electric blue. They were kind and soft in comparison to hers and Farran's.

After looking into the eyes of those she was going to work with she saw just a small bit of who they were. She then looked back at the Commander, waiting for his answers to her new companions questions.

The quicker this went the better chance she had to track the killer down.

2011-06-14, 10:02 AM
Not very violent. A drunken brawl here and there, mostly bruises, nothing serious, sometimes a barmaid or a courtesan will get more attention than she can handle, if you know what I mean, but murder? Never in my memory.

2011-06-14, 02:54 PM
Fidget realizes something important they've all overlooked.

What is the name of the man whose murder we are investigating? She asks the commander

To Farran she says:

Hello and well met, Farran and Rawk. I am Roywynn of the Harnsplars, but you may call me Fidget!

She then turns and peers up kindly at the tall, silent girl.

Hello, dear. I have not have the pleasure of catching your name.

2011-06-14, 02:59 PM
Ah, yes, Telim was his name, and the last name was ...

Anar, Sir.

Yes. Telim Anar.

Gray Mage
2011-06-14, 06:19 PM
It seems at least one of them has the manners to introduce themselves. he thinks, sarcasticaly. "So, where do you suggest we begin our inquiries, miss Fidget and the mysterious girl?"- he says, with a slight emphasys on the "mysterious".

2011-06-14, 07:09 PM
Karen turned to the two, and regarded them with a cold stare. "My name is Karen," she said in a dead pan monotone. "And it looks like for the forseeable futrue we will be working together." Looking back at the commander, "Can you take us to the scene now, the longer we wait the colder the trail gets."

2011-06-14, 11:43 PM
Take you? I'm sorry, you may have misunderstood, you volunteered to work for me, I don't work for you. The scene is, as I said, behind Riverboat Daisy. It's a well known inn, I'm sure you've downed a mug or two there before, and if not, ask around, you can easily find someone who did.

2011-06-15, 11:42 AM
"Very well," turning to face Farrun and 'Fidget', "I suggest we make haste, as I have already said the trail is getting colder as we speak." With that she turned and walked out of the room and then out of the fort. The sunlight of the mid afternoon met her eyes. Blinking it off she looked at the town and its people, "There has to be at least one person near by that can point me in the right direction."

2011-06-15, 06:12 PM
Fidget watches bemusedly as Karen marches out of the room.

Follow her we should, I suppose, Master Farran.
Master Anar's shop seems of interest; perhaps a business dealing went sour? The scene of his murder and his home also we must see.

Gray Mage
2011-06-15, 08:48 PM
"Very well then, miss Fidget, it's best for us to be going now. But please, there's no need to call me 'master', although I'm a fully trained wizard, I am not but an aprendice, still."- Farran says. He then follows Fidget out of the room, heading for the inn with them.

2011-06-15, 10:47 PM
It's a hot day, middle of the summer, and not a cloud in the sky. The streets are emptier than usual at this time of day, with everyone hiding in the shade. You find the inn with ease, and circle around it to the alley in the back. The narrow alley, barely 10' wide, is squeezed between the inn and a wooden building that looks like a lower-class residence. A toddler's cry is hears from behind a closed window. He doesn't like heat either.

The blood marks, still unwashed, between a dumpster and some old barrels, less than 20' from the inn's back door, make it clear where poor Telim ended his life, and the place where he was found was marked with an 'X' scrawled in chalk. [[The local phorensic technology isn't sufficiently advanced for an outline]]

The combination of smells from the dumpster, the bloodstains, and whatever has been kept in those barrels provides a unique olfactory accompanement for your investigation. What do you do now?

DM roll [roll0]

2011-06-16, 02:04 PM
Fidget, unfazed by the smells, surveys the scene with a slight frown on her elfin face.

What business brought poor Master Telim to the rear of the inn? Why did he not go in the front? Mayhap he sought something in the alley...

Fidget peers into the dumpster and the barrels, then looks carefully around the bloodstains.

Gray Mage
2011-06-16, 03:56 PM
Farran recoils when he notices the smell. Never before he has smelled something this foul. He does, however, his best not let it get in the way of his work, peering around and carefully looking to find any leads. "There must be something here to help us understand what happened, one does not simply walk to this out of the way alley for no reason. He must have searched for something, or called by someone.""- he says.

2011-06-16, 05:29 PM
Karen walked into market square. Some of the merchants had put up tarps to keep the sun off of them. Looking around she found the shop she was looking for, Field and Forest. Walking into the tent she looked around.

2011-06-16, 07:09 PM
See, I have a dilemma here. On one hand, Farran had the better Search roll, but on the other hand, Fidget specified he was looking in the dumpster, which Farran did not. So which one of you found the next item? Eh, let's just say it was teamwork.

In your search, you come across a bloodied rag, tossed in the dumpster beneath some food leftovers. It looks like it was used to wipe the blood off a blade. Meanwhile, the back door of the inn opens, and a tired-looking serving wench, garbage pail in hand, gives one look at the well-armed motley crew rummaging though the garbage and ... drops the pail and disappears back into the inn, slamming the door behind her.

2011-06-16, 08:14 PM
Karen walked up to Farrun and Fidget, slowing after seeing the bloody rag. Taking in the sights and smells of the alley she crouches over the blood and the mess. Motioning to Farrun and Fidget she said, "I need you two to help me find some tracks."

Gray Mage
2011-06-16, 09:10 PM
Farran holds the bloodied rag in his hand. "Now look what we have here, the killed took his time to clean the murder weapon and dispose of the rag. This is looking as a predicted murder indeed."

When the back doors open and the wench comes out, he can only stare blankly at the door, even after the woman had returned to the inn. Letting a bit of his embarrassment show in his voice, he says: "I... suppose we should have mentioned to the owned that we'd be investigating back here. We should explain the situation before we leave, or the commander will have to investigate the issue of the three armed suspects rummaging at the trash of the inn."

After that, he'd do his best at helping Karen find tracks. He doesn't have much experience in that, but his methodic nature did help a bit in that regard.

2011-06-16, 09:25 PM
After half an hour of scouring the ground, you find a lot of footprints, none remarkable. Most may or may not belong to the inn workers dumping trash and drunken revelers "relieving" themselves. Eww. Just as you're about to give up, a single print from a heavy nail-studded boot is found.

2011-06-17, 02:12 PM
back when the rag was found (you guys went fast there!(spoilered for confusing temporal sequencing):
Fidget looks pensively at the bloody rag in Farran's hand. How do we know this rag to be the killer's? Blood there is, but Telim's it may not be. This is an inn, yes? They prepare bloody meat here? Have you any idea how we might match blood to blood? she nods in the direction of the bloody smear on the ground.
Fidget looks closely at the rag and then back to the smear.
No, nevermind, that's definitely human blood.

Gray Mage
2011-06-17, 07:26 PM
"I didn't think that the blood wouldn't be from the deceased. Anyway, that's one problem that has been solved. What should be our next step though? Try to follow thse tracks? Or maybe we should start inquiring at the inn?"

2011-06-19, 07:40 AM
Answers are offered by both paths, but while both here begin one leads away. Inquire at the inn, shall we?

Gray Mage
2011-06-19, 05:39 PM
"As you wish, miss Fidget. It will probably be best to enter through the main door, though. Shall you accompany us as well, miss Karen?" After hearing Karen's answer, Farran proceeds to the front of the inn, opening the door and going inside.

2011-06-19, 07:22 PM
Angry at herself for not being able to track the footprints Karen nodded at Farrun's question and walked into the bar after the other two.

2011-06-20, 02:13 PM
You walk around the building, under a colored sign of a mighty river ship that used to sail the Sheryl before a mysterious fire claimed it two years ago, and through the front entrance.

Business is slow this time of day, and there are only three customers. Two, of them, dressed in farmer garb, are discussing their business at a window table, while the third, a soldier of the garrison, judging by his uniform, is drinking by the bar. The serving maid, the one you saw before, is busy wiping the tables in preparation for the evening hours, when, presumably, business will be better, while the bartender is pouring the soldier a fresh mug. When done, he looks at you with a well-trained smile, can I serve you anything, ladies and gentlemen?

Gray Mage
2011-06-21, 03:52 PM
Farran chooses a place to sit by the bar, as far from the soldier as he can. He'd rather have the next conversation be heard by none other then they and the bartender. "A mug of ale will be fine, good sir. I'm new in town and I've heard wonders about this place."

When the bartender comes closer, Farran whispers to the bartender, paying close attention to his reaction to their intentions: "You could also serve us some information bout one Mr. Anar, recently deceased. You see, the fort's commander has asked us to personally attend to this matter."

2011-06-22, 10:56 AM
Oy, a sad business, it was. Old Telim was a good man, ne'er hurt a fly. Used to come here at least twice a week; not a heavy drinker, but some of his stories were quite entertaining. He traveled a lot, you see. It was Mathilda who discovered the body, he points at the maid, when throwing out garbage. Poor girl, she's still shaky. So, what do you want to know?

2011-06-22, 05:01 PM
Fidget follows Farran to the bar and struggles onto the too-high barstool.

I'll have the same, good sir.

and after he finishes answering Farran

Are any enemies of Telim's know to you? And where did he travel?

Gray Mage
2011-06-22, 09:33 PM
Farran drinks a bit of the ale, thinking about what has been said: "Just a few questions, if you don't mind. You say he travelled a lot, do you know for what reason? Was it work related? Where did he last travel to?"

2011-06-22, 10:20 PM
The ale is rather bitter, has quite a bite to it, as both Farran and Fidget can attest. The innkeeper scratches his head at the questions. He travelled for his work; he is ... was a collector of rare herbs, did you know? Had a shop at the market square, probably is going to go to waste now. Where did he travel? All over. Not a forest between here and Kronburg that he didn't know. Was really into plants, you know, seems like he loved them more than his family. Was very excited whenever he found a new grove or a fresh meadow.

His last trip? Let me remember ... discovered some new flower. Couldn't stop talking about it; said it had "striking similarity" to ... uhm, something or other, but with red leaves, ... I think it was somewhere to the north... not sure.

He sighs. I don't know of any enemies. Although... two nights ago, someone was asking about him. Half Orc, mean looking; didn't like the sight of him.

2011-06-22, 11:10 PM
Karen looked up from her looking around the bar. "This Half-Ork, can you tell us more about him?"

2011-06-23, 12:43 PM
He leans towards Karen, and what would you like to drink, milady?

If Karen orders a drink
Well, Half-Orc as all half-orcs. Big, ugly, scar on his right cheek ... or left, I forget ... dressed like a hunter or woodsman.

He ignores her for a while, calmly wiping a glass behind the counter, then finally looks up and says, Yes. He then returns to the all-important wiping.

Farran realizes there are many unnatural methods to change a flower's color, and without further information to narrow it down a bit (or a lot), it's hard to reach any conclusion.

Gray Mage
2011-06-23, 01:00 PM
Farran observes the bartender quietly for a while. Then he takes a golden coin from his money pouch, flipping it down his fingers.

"I see, 'striking similarity' to... something. Would there be any way for us to help you, let's say, remember this something?" The hint of gold is apparent in Farran's not so subtle approach.

2011-06-23, 04:19 PM
Taking a seat next to Farrun, "Coffee, black. If you don't have any then just a mug of mead."

2011-06-24, 09:04 AM
Sure, coffee for the lady, he makes the cup with precise movements and slides it over the counter. It has just the right amount of milk (ie. none at all).

He looks at Farran, hand shifting nervously toward the money, going back and forth; Sorry ... I just don't remember. He had good stories, but I must admit I get busy sometimes and don't listen to every bit. Hey, his face lights with an idea, maybe you can find his journal. He kept a journal of his travels. Used to bring it here sometimes. Bound in brown leather.

Gray Mage
2011-06-24, 09:49 AM
The coin's movement stops suddenly. "This is a shame." - Farran says coldly, letting the coin slip out of sight through his fingers into his clenched fist -"This half orc, where could we find him? Also, what is its name and where is the deceased's store in the market place? We might have to take a look in it."

2011-06-24, 10:28 AM
"This half orc, where could we find him?"He laughs heartily. Look, you just came here and asked me a bunch of questions. Do I know you? Do I know where to find you? Did you bother to even introduce yourself? No.

So what makes you think that half-Orc gave me his name and address? What makes you think I know anything about him? And frankly, I like it that way. No need to meddle in my customers' business more than is needed. In fact, I'm not sure he even was a half-Orc. Might have been a regular Orc, just a bit less ugly, how's that?

After he calms down a bit, he answers the second question in a more businesslike manner, About the store, well, I think it's located on the east side of the marketplace, only herbs store in the area, has his name on the sign, can't miss it.

2011-06-25, 09:31 AM
Fidget smiles over the counter at the bartender.

Thank you for your assistance, good sir!

To the others she says

Perhaps we should visit the unlucky merchant's shop?

Gray Mage
2011-06-25, 10:14 AM
Farran takes another gulp of that bitter ale."Agreed. Better be carefull as well, this looks like premeditated, perhaps because of that flower. I have never heard of a natural flower with red leaves around here, something is up."

Farran then finishes his mug and waits for the others to do the same, paying the barkeep for the ale.

If they leave the bar soon, as soon as he's outside Farran reaches for one of his component pouches and casts Extended Mage Armor on himself, exteting it to Rawk: It is better to be safe then sorry, now that we are in deep on this matter and can't trust that barkeep to keep our investigation a secret.

+4 to AC to himself and for Rawk (sheet updated), the hawk familiar for the next 6 hours.

2011-06-25, 10:37 AM
Master Telim extensively traveled; the red-leafed flower he did say was found to the north.

Fidget pays the bartender as well and hops down from her stool with a great clanking of armor. She follows Farran out of the bar

2011-06-25, 12:18 PM
The sun starts leaning to the west as you arrive at the marketplace; trade livens up a bit, with merchants and shoppers no longer daunted by the sweltering heat, and you bump elbows with quite a few customers. After asking some questions, you are referred to Telim's shop, a small wooden structure between two similar stores; those neighbours are selling spell components and hand-carved wooden trinkets respectively; their owners make a token attempt to entice you inside, but don't seem to be trying too hard.

A wooden signs is hanging above the door, proclaiming:

Telim Anar

Exotic Spices & Herbs

2011-06-25, 12:59 PM
Fidget walks inside and looks around

spot check: 1d20+4

2011-06-25, 01:33 PM
The door swings open to Fidget's touch, and a picture of utter devastation opens before you. The inside of the store is completely trashed, with broken glass jars and scattered spices littering the floor. Scraps of paper fly out in a small vortex as the door opens, then slowly settle on the floor. Many drawers are open and their contents are spread on the floor.

right in front of you, as you enter, you notice, inside some scattered yellowish powder, a footprint. It's a nail-studded boot.... not dissimilar to the one you saw in the alley

Gray Mage
2011-06-25, 05:26 PM
Farran politely, but fimly, turns the spell components seller down. He already possesses more then enough of them.

Entering the thrashed store, the disapointment of being too late is clear on his face. There were no attempt to mask the search on the store, and the resulting chaos makes him feel sick.

"It seems like someone has beaten us to here."- Farran says while he does his best to avoid stepping on the papers on the floor. But did they do their job correctly? - he thinks, while searching what remains in the drawers and the paper on the floor for Telim's newest finding, the red leaved flower, on the faint hope that the burglars missed it.

Search check: [roll0]

2011-06-25, 07:11 PM
Karen finished her coffee, thanked the bartender, payed and left with the others.
Upon entering the chaos of what once was a shop Karen looked around, "Make sure you don't step on anything, also refrain from touching anything if you don't know what it is."

2011-06-26, 10:29 PM
Opening the drawers reveals many different dried up plants and powders, but nothing with red leaves. The papers on the floor are obviously part of Telim's travel journal, as they detail dates, places and findings. You also find a leather binding tossed somewhere - they all obviously belong together.

As you try to gather the pages in order, it seems a couple are missing, related to a period of several days ago.

Gray Mage
2011-06-27, 10:51 PM
"No luck finding the relevant pages in here. Whomever broke in took it." He then turns to the others, "So, any suggestions on where to go next?"

2011-06-28, 12:43 AM
"It might not pan out but there is a shop on the corner of the market place, in a tent, called "Field and Forest". They sell wilderness supplies, check if they sold anything to Anar recently or if they knew anything about the plant. I will stay here and try to find something that might be helpful to find whoever did this. They might have left tracks behind."

2011-06-30, 07:22 AM
Fidget looks around, a bit dismayed.

What did poor late Telim stumble across?

She points out the bootprint on the floor to the other two.

The incidents two are related, they are, or this is a standard-issue boot!

Gray Mage
2011-06-30, 04:21 PM
"Yes, that might be usefull, if his latest notes that we posses do not show us any clue." - Farran says, reading the newest page, seeing if showed at least a clue, or a direction for them. Next, he tried to remember if he had heard of any meadow to the north. After all, he passed days in the library back "home".

Knowledge (nature) to see if he knows a meadow to the north,(possibly the one Telim last went to) althouh I figure this is a long shot. [roll0]

2011-06-30, 10:50 PM
Sorry, but not even such amazing roll will let you pinpoint a specific place with as generic information as "meadow to the north".

Gray Mage
2011-07-01, 05:19 PM
Sorry, but not even such amazing roll will let you pinpoint a specific place with as generic information as "meadow to the north".

I figured so. Well, it was worth a shot. :smallwink:

A disapointed expression crosses Farran's face, being evident in his voice: "No, nothing usefull, I am afraid. Miss Fidget, will you accompany me to that store, or would you rather stay here with miss Karen?"

2011-07-01, 07:47 PM
Fidget looks sadly around the ruined shop.

I will accompany you, Master Farran.

Gray Mage
2011-07-04, 04:08 PM
"Yes, let us move with haste then." Farran then turns to Karen. "I will be in contact in case we discover something."

On the way out, he whisperes in Rawk's ear: "Scout the north in a radius where we are still conected. If you find a plant with red leaves, respond with a happy emotion. If you find trouble, return to me as fast as possible. Now go, my friend, may the wind provide you to return swiftly and soundly." He then watches while the rawk flies away, he never liked to be distant from his familiar, but sometimes it was the best way to do the job.

Should I roll a spot check or looking for the plant is something so simple as to not need it?

2011-07-05, 10:18 PM
The bird flies away to the great outdoors. Speaking of which, the three of you arrive and the Field and Forest, a veritable outdoorsman paradise buzzing with shoppers, selling everything from tents to fishing hooks.

I'll make the checks myself, mwahaha.... I mean, I'll roll the appropriate checks for the familiar

2011-07-06, 01:55 PM
Meanwhile, Karen stays near the shop to look for a trail. It takes a while, but the yellow powder still stuck to the boot makes it a bit easier to track. She finds the trail leads in the direction of the garrison's main entrace; but the yellow powder only lasts this much, and as she's nearing the gate, the trail is lost amid many similar boots.

2011-07-06, 03:46 PM
Fidget looks around interestedly and turns to Farran.

Where should we start?

Gray Mage
2011-07-06, 06:28 PM
"We should start by finding anyone that knew the deceased. Maybe he had a friend that discussed things with him, or went with him to his travels, I suppose. If that doesn't work we could try plan B."- Farran says, while entering the market, looking for someone selling provisions or tools that Telim would have bought frequently.

2011-07-07, 03:41 PM
Well, there's plenty of iron rations and field equipment for sale. There are some Herbalist Tools as well, a special toolkit for collecting and preserving herbs, something that Telim might have used.

Gray Mage
2011-07-07, 06:23 PM
Farran walks to the herbalist tool seller, hoping that this time the outcome of the inquiries be of more favor to them.

2011-07-09, 09:02 PM
It's a grey-haired kindly halfling lady, who's currently busy examining and sorting her merchandise. When you approach, she looks up, barely visible behind the counter, then decides to step on a stool for better face-to-face communications, and asks how she can help with a smile.

2011-07-10, 11:36 AM
Seeing the guards, Karen moves towards them. "Hello, have you two seen a male Ork or Half-Ork that was big, dressed like a hunter and had a scar on one of his cheeks?"

2011-07-10, 11:58 AM
Fidget smiles up at the merchant.

Hello, mistress! Would you by any chance be acquainted with a master Telim?

Gray Mage
2011-07-10, 08:50 PM
Farran stands besides Fidget, glad that the gnome took the initiative on talkiing with the vendor.

2011-07-10, 10:19 PM
Seeing the guards, Karen moves towards them. "Hello, have you two seen a male Ork or Half-Ork that was big, dressed like a hunter and had a scar on one of his cheeks?"
Hey, look, a girl. Are you new in town, girl?
Bill, we're on duty, act professionaly. Ehm, what my partner means to say is that we're the guardinans of the garrison here and have no time for idle chat.
Right on, Jor.
Having said that, we have the Bearclaw Clan a bit to the south, and they come to town to trade their stinky pelts and stuff.
Yeah. But I don't remember anyone that fits this specific description, scar and all.
Some of have scars. Don't remember about cheek though.

Fidget smiles up at the merchant.

Hello, mistress! Would you by any chance be acquainted with a master Telim?
Oh, yes, he was one of my regular customers. Terrible shame what happened to him.

Gray Mage
2011-07-11, 09:05 PM
Oh, yes, he was one of my regular customers. Terrible shame what happened to him.

"Indeed it was. Now, me and my partner here were hoping that you'd be able to give us some assistance in finding the perpetrator. You say he was one of your regular customer. Did he confide in you his findings, or perhaps were he last went, miss...?" - Farran says, waiting for the cue of the halfling to introiduce herself.

2011-07-12, 10:37 AM
Frimple. Audelia Frimple, at your service. Just call me Audie. Yes, he did talk to me. I think he last went to Tipsy Hollow, it's an old dense forest to the north. I can draw you a crude map. Oh, and he brought me a sample, very unusual f...

At this point, the halfling's eyes round, and she probably took a split-second to regret climbing on a stool, as staying behind the counter would have protected her from the dagger that was thrown from somewhere behind Farran and Fidget, and streaked between them like a bolt of lightning, hitting Audelia straight in the neck. She falls down from her perch, collapsing on her back like a rag doll.

2011-07-12, 02:13 PM
There was little point to ask for more information on the Bearclaws, the views of guards would be misinformation about something like a wilderness clan. "Well thank you for the information," with that Karen turned and headed back to Fidget and Farrun with the information she gathered. The Bearclaws, if they are involved with this, what purpose could it serve to kill Telim? It had to be important if they were to risk relations and retribution from an army fort. This red leaved plant, what could it mean, and why couldn't they just obtain their own if they just wanted it? Unless it had some special property that they wanted to keep for themselves. The questions continued to swirl through Karen's head as she walked back to the market square.

How far away am I from the others?

Gray Mage
2011-07-12, 04:50 PM
Curses, have we been followed here? We have been far too careless.

He then turns to Fidget. "Is there anything you can do to save her?" - he asks.

2011-07-13, 09:30 PM
Fidget gasps in horror as Audie crumples. At Farran's words, she dashes around the counter, kneels with a clank, and checks her vitals.

Heal check to stabilize if possible (not quite sure how this works): [roll]1d20+13[\roll]
and then if she's still, you know, alive and in need of it:

She then taps her a few times with a smooth stick of wood she pulled from her backpack.

2x Cure light wounds: [roll0] I'm assuming caster level is the same as character level... not quite sure.

2011-07-13, 09:42 PM
As the gnome approaches the body, she sees droplets of green liquid running down the blade, mixing with the halfling's blood. Audelia's lips are already blue and swollen, and this can only mean one thing - poison. Fidget can ascertain that poor Audelia is quite dead, having succumbed to the venom, and no amount of healing will bring her back.

Sorry about that. That was 2d6 Con damage, and I rolled 11 fair and square. Guess what her Con was. That's right, 11. Unluckiest halfling in the world.

Meanwhile, Karen is back at the market, and in the vicinity of Field and Forest she runs into Lieutenant Marton. There you are, I've been looking for you. Commander wants a report. Where are your pals? Gather them and let's go.

2011-07-14, 08:47 AM
Fidget sighs, pats the poor halfling's shoulder consolingly, and stands.

Passed on, she has. Poison sheathed that dagger as surely as a belt-loop. May the Gentle Lady of the halflings guide her well to her rest.

Gray Mage
2011-07-14, 09:59 AM
Farran sights loudly, why does when they finally have a good lead this happens? Still, there must be a way around this.
"I see. Can you identify the poison? In case we find it in someone's possessions?"

I have a couple of questions, Vlad: is there a temple around that sell its services or a shop that sells divine scrolls? And what is the DC for a wizard to be a aware that a certain divine spell exists? I just want to have a reliable plan B in case the other leads lead to nothing. :smallwink:

2011-07-14, 02:37 PM
As the Lieutenant speaks Karen walks past him towards Field and Forest, indicating that Fidget and Farrun are in there. When Karen gets to the tent she enters.

2011-07-14, 11:07 PM
Damn, what happened here? The Lieutenant also tries to give first aid to the halfling, only to realize she's dead as a doorknob. Have you seen who done this? No? Well, captain wants to see you and hear what you have to report so far, so we better get going.

The other Field and Forest employees, shocked as they may be, begin to tend to Audelia's body as you get ready to leave.

At the point you'll report to the captain, we shall unite the two groups. Since this thread has three active players, and the other one only two, they will migrate into this thread rather than vice versa. Go you!

Gray Mage
2011-07-15, 10:04 AM
Farran answers to the liutenant without looking away from the body. "A murder has happened, liutenant. Poor girl got a knife struck at her throath. Yes, it is better for us to report this."

Before leaving he turns to the other employers. "Does miss Frimple have any next of kin? And do you know where the wake will be? I think it'd be the least we can do to her."

2011-07-15, 12:42 PM
Poor woman, she has a family at the Burrow, one worker says, referring to an area of mud huts on the south of the town, populated mostly by "small folk" - halflings and gnomes. I guess they'll take care of the burial arrangement, once we notify them.

unless someone has anything else here that needs taken care of ...

You follow Marton to a meeting with the commander. There, the three of you meet up with two new adventurers, apparently also tasked with the same mystery, a heavily armored dwarf and a charismatic minstrel; feel free to brief the Captain, and also introduce and compare notes w/each other.

I will be on vacation for a week, starting tonight. There will be internet, and I'll do my best to check on my games and respond in a timely manner, but it might prove difficult at times.

Gray Mage
2011-07-16, 05:32 PM
"Private Gaskel reporting, commander." Farran says while saluting. "I am content to say that we already have a main suspect, sir, along with other minor leads. A male half ork or full blooded ork, with a scarred face."

2011-07-16, 09:22 PM
After hearing the human the dwarf standed. That's the same we found, and we also learned Telim had been north and found some rare plant. He then turned to the human. hello there, the name is Elvering Snowblade, pleasure to meet you.

Gray Mage
2011-07-19, 11:25 AM
"Elvering? What a curious name for a dwarf. My name is Farran Gaskel. Were you two also investigating the murder?"

2011-07-23, 12:43 PM
That's right, these guys took us for suspects without any reason and then ofered us to find the culprit ourselves, we didn't discuss pay or reward but I imagine it will be great hehe.

2011-07-25, 10:32 AM
The Captain rolls his eyes at the last statement. Yes, yes, it will be great within the budget constraints. Now get out there and keep investigating, those vile crimes won't solve themselves.

Gray Mage
2011-07-25, 07:34 PM
"Yes, commander, they sure won't." Farran says with a respectfull bow.

Outside he turns towards the others, "Now, we should try to share what information we possess. Me and miss Fidget here - Farran says, indicating the gnome lady with his hand - " had a most solid lead thanks to a seller that was an acquaintance to Telin's, but sadly we were attacked and I am afraid to say she is no longer with us. What about you three?"

2011-07-25, 09:58 PM
Taking a step into some shade Karen Turned to face the others, "I may have tracked down a lead, the Bearclaw clan, apparently they live South of here and may know where the Ork we are looking for resides."

Gray Mage
2011-07-26, 07:34 PM
"Yes, this might be worth checking. Could you find the way to the tribe?"

2011-07-27, 11:53 AM
"I will need to ask around because south is a broad direction. If there isn't anything else I will start looking."

2011-07-28, 10:48 AM
You guys have a lot more info that we got, It'll be a pleasure to follow your lead.