View Full Version : Bleach: Fade to White - Soul Society

2011-06-10, 06:21 PM
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to paradise, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Ten years after the devastating assault on Hueco Mundo, and ten years of Civil War on the very grounds of Soul Society. A vague sort of peace settled over the Rukongai citizens in general, that a former power vacuum has been filled by a new Commander Captain, one few knows about his power, but his influence and clout is definitely felt in every aspect of everyone's lives. Does it matter who sits on top in Seireitei? To the ordinary Rukongai citizens, there really is no difference to them at all.

But the tale does not concern itself with Rukongai citizens, or at least, not much or not yet. As the wind blows through the streets, intermingling with the sentiment of the ground, the joys and frustrations, the aspirations and despair, the living and the dying, flows into Seireitei, down the pristine walkways and through all Division barracks, what does its more powerful inhabitants know about the wind? What can they tell from its mingled scent? Do they have more to add to it, or will the take away from the wind until there is nothing but moving currents?

The wind moves around, driven by more gusts of air currents from Rukongai, until it reaches the 1st Division barracks, at the Commander Captain's hall. The various Captains stand in two rows, facing each other, with the Commander seated on his chair. Did he catch what was in the wind? Or is he so engrossed in the power struggles and ambitions that he lost what message the wind had just told him? Perhaps.

The winds of change have come.

2011-06-10, 07:22 PM
Makoto paces quietly back and forth and yet, a smile on his face the whole time. "They fight among themselves even now. The monsters of soul society are blind to our needs. They toil and pick away at those they can find. They hunt for you my children, they hunt for the Rebellion within their own walls. We walk through the hornet's nest." He stops in place, turning to the half dozen beings on the ground below his staging area. Their eyes blank and dead as they nod quietly.

Oh, so you agree with me, do you? Do you want them to burn as they left your homes to do? I will lead us from the underground, and Soul Society will be started anew. The world will burn, and we'll be the fire starters." The grin widens as the group again nods silently. Their eyes never leave the man, they never glance in another direction. In fact, they barely notice the goings on around themselves. A larger group scurries around the small group of what can only be described as zombies. They keep their distance, knowing full well that the beings before them were utterly under control, and yet something was just too vile about what their leader had done. Some Kido are forbidden to all shinigami, some are even hidden from the world, too horrifying to be taught or even mentioned. Makoto was a master of these dark monstrosities of magic. He had created this specific Kido, after defecting from the Seretei. The Gotei didn't so much as know the name of the Kido Makoto had been working on, using the souls of the Rukon as foot soldiers and spies.

"We'll bring the monsters to their knees. They'll be so busy watching their own backs, they'll never see the sword thrusting into their chest." A loud tap as Makoto's blade buries itself in the wood below his feet.

The winds of change were, in fact, blowing. And with them, the scent of horror. The putrid scent of blood and flesh. But the winds, they held off the Seretei. For now.

2011-06-11, 02:35 AM
The winds were blowing in Seireitei.

The man wearing the uniform of a Shinigami was painfully aware of this.

The winds were blowing in Seireitei.....

....and they were blowing away the young man's hat. On and on it tumbled, as if dangling from a maiden's fingers who held it just tantalizingly out of reach.

2011-06-11, 04:16 AM
"...and this concludes the reports from the 6th Division." Suzaku reads off a note card and ends her verbal report. The gentle gust of wind blows into the hall and Suzaku adjusts her scarf a little more.

The 6th Division's progress towards Kido research has been going very smoothly. The archive of forbidden kido now has counter-measures written and tested for every single one of them. Suzaku smiles inside, her division has worked hard, its a good time to give them another break and good food.

Taking a glance outside, it is good weather again, the endless blue skies decorated by fluffy clouds, it certainly seems to suggest that some measure of peace has returned to Soul Society.

2011-06-11, 11:13 AM
Third Seat Teruo addresses Captain Suzaku after she returns from the meeting.

Thank you for the break, Captain. I will take advantage of it if I can, but even so, I must know, is there anything else I can do right now? We both know I intend to become a Captain myself, and I want to prove that I can handle the workload, though if you feel it would be best for me to take it easy for now, I will glady abide.

2011-06-11, 04:07 PM
Keiko vanished almost as soon as the meeting ended. The Forbidden Kido research was certainly worthy, and would go far in the defense of Soul Society, but her own pet research had to be put aside for it. Now, finally, she could return to it.

The incantations that go into kido had always fascinated her. Upon reaching vice-captain, she finally had access to the resources to investigate them. What was it about these words that granted such power? They weren't necessary for the demon magics, but even a partial incantation added a great deal of strength to the final result. Where did they come from? Unfortunately, it seemed she would have to do much of the research herself. The histories, as far back as she could find, only recorded the incantations themselves, no origins or meanings.

Either way, she felt she was close to a breakthrough. Understanding the source of the words' power could be an incredible breakthrough in the development of new kido and new methods of casting kido. She just needed a little more time.

2011-06-11, 06:32 PM
Third Seat Teruo addresses Captain Suzaku after she returns from the meeting.

Thank you for the break, Captain. I will take advantage of it if I can, but even so, I must know, is there anything else I can do right now? We both know I intend to become a Captain myself, and I want to prove that I can handle the workload, though if you feel it would be best for me to take it easy for now, I will glady abide.

"A captain must know how to pace oneself, and above all, seek an equilibrium with the rest of his men in order to ensure that they have the energy to move together. But I do have one short assignment for you." Suzaku smiles as she reads some reports on her table.

"You have noted on your personal evaluation assessment that your Hakuda skills are somewhat undeveloped. Your assignment is to find someone to teach you. A captain must not only be a beacon on instruction, but should also be humble enough to follow the light set by others."

2011-06-11, 08:40 PM
Very well, Captain. I shall take my leave.

Akomaru Flash Steps to the Squad 3 barracks and knocks on the gate.

With many combat experts in this division, it should be my best hope at finding a master of hand-to-hand combat, if they'll agree to train me.

2011-06-11, 08:52 PM
Captain Toyozo Yushiro listened to the report quietly and paying a modicum of attention, the plume of thick smoke flowing out his pipe and rolling out of his mouth as he breaths wraps around him in its usual way but is blown away and dissipates by a wind that passes through the hall only to replaced by a large puff of Yushiro's pipe.

Moving slowly away at the end of the meeting he walks till he comes to a spot shaded from the sky by a tree but with a nice view, sitting himself upon the ground the Captain of the fourth division sneaks a quick peek around from under his straw hat, seeming to see nothing apparent to his eyes he unleashes a content sigh and relaxes visibly but breathing out another longer wisp of smoke and leans against the tree.

2011-06-12, 01:45 AM
The hat was possessed. He was sure of it. "No, No, no, nonono!" The hat drifted onwards, coming to a seeming rest in the middle of the street, only to be picked up by a cross-breeze to go sailing down a side street. Cursing under his breath Kaoru takes the corner and finds himself face to face with a shinigami. Literally.

"Oh, NONONO!" Kaoru tries to skid to a stop. But isn't completely successful......

Egads! A face to face confrontation with a potentially lasting Impact or perhaps blunt force trauma. Is it an npc? Is it a pc? Find out....next post? Hopefully? Open invitation :smallwink:

The offending hat, now lies contentedly on the road.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 08:21 PM
Keiji sits in front of a large group of Rukon children, beaming at their expectant faces as he pulls a small egg out from behind his ear to much cheering and shouting.

“Settle children settle, or I won’t be able to tell you a story!”

The entire crowd hushes low as the Captain stands, the egg disappearing in a flourish though not even a gasp escapes his diminuitive crowd.

“What shall it be today my lovelies? The Flower Princess and the evil Ogre? Or perhaps you’d like to hear about my trip to the Mortal World?”

The crowd groans at the last suggestion though it seems more of a practiced thing than any unwant on the children’s part.

“Tell us about the war!”

A tiny voice shouts from somewhere. Inwardly Keiji frowns but...his audience awaits. One does not keep an audience waiting.

“That’s a very long story little ones, wouldn’t you want to hear something shorter? Maybe something about a young warrior fighting dragons?”

A collective no arises from the mass before Keiji takes his seat once more. He tilts his hat back, sweeping his arm out slowly.

"This story children is about four young men, their love for the beautiful warrior they protected and the monster known only as the Empty One. I have a meeting here soon my lovelies so we’ll keep it to the second stanza. Does anyone remember the first?”

A young girl raises her hand, beaming though she’s missing the first sets of her front teeth giving her a lisp.

“Lord Tokuwa was struck down by the Empty One!”

The children all gasp though by now it’s clear the entire crowd wouldn’t notice if Keiji himself burst into flame.

“That’s right! The wicked Empty One crept deep into the very heart of the Lord’s domain and slew him without his retainers ever knowing the difference!! What a shock it was for them all! Several commited seppukku on the spot in shame but not the Four Braves! They would never succumb to the powers of evil and darkness until their Lords life was given it’s proper rest! The second stanza children is about the Brave Ikaru and his student the stubborn Hide. They walked the cold sands where the empty one dwelt, hunting for it like you’d hunt down a pig in the forest with spears and shields to protect themselves from the vicious Empty One.

But do you know children? There were no tracks left by the Empty One, and in their rage the Brave and his ward struck down the Empty One’s fellows one by one! They cut through hordes of the monsters, never tiring for the very hope of their Lords Soul rested upon their shoulders. For you see children, when you give someone your word you must forever make certain you are good for it. Don’t lie or brag, be honest and forthright with your words and never be made a fool by them. Live with conviction my beauties, women be fair of nature and demure while you young boys...”

Keiji trails off, pointing to a few of the local trouble makers.

“Stop pulling little girls hair, one day little girls grow up to be beautiful women and when the nice boys have pretty wives you’ll be stuck with pigs!”

The little girls and some of the boys burst out laughing as Keiji turns up his noise, making oinking noises though the natives grow restless as they tug at his pant legs.

“Yes yes...the rest of the stanza I know, I’m sorry. So demanding, you’re worse than the Commander Captain himself! Stop tugging on my pants please you little urchins or I’ll take you all back to your homes to learn manners!”

The crowd settles back to silence at the “threat” though giggles erupt throughout the listening group like steam from vents every now and then. Keiji stands, lifting his cane into the air with an ominous look, striking down at the ground.

“The Brave Ikaru had found the Empty One children deep in it’s lair and being the leader he alone knew it was his duty to go deep into the tunnel in which that hateful beast lived and strike him down. He waited as the rest of his men fell asleep but he was followed, for his ward the brave Hide knew of his masters plans and feared for his life. A warrior, children, loves his fellow warriors as you love your brothers and sisters. But there are times when the blossom of youth blooms and...you’d like me to skip the kissy scenes?”

The chorus of ewww is enough to make Keiji conceded the point.

“Yes yes of course, we’ll just say that Hide loved his master very much and was scared for his life. Ikaru was a very brave man but very foolish and prone to ignore his peers when they had better ideas. Pride is a very dangerous thing, even strong men like Ikaru can fall to it, and as he came upon the Empty One in it’s glory he shouted to it. “Beast! You have slain my Master and the Master of many other Masters, I am here now to avenge his death and release the soul you devoured!” but the Empty One only chuckled, shedding it’s wounded flesh like a snake as it rose above the Brave with a howl. Light emitted from it’s mouth, blinding and burning the Brave but still he stood to face the creature. It’s one hundred claws ripped open his flesh, it’s one hundred feet trampled him into the white sands of the cavern floor but yet the Brave Ikaru stood firm. There was no way to trample his spirit, no way to cut open his resolve. He rose his sword and with a shout imbued with his loss he struck the monster down across the face. The mask the Empty One wore to hide it’s shame broke and shattered to a thousand pieces, and the great beast fell silent.

But with his Duty finished dear ones the Brave Ikaru fell dead to the ground with a smile on his face. To this day, his student Hide is remembered not only for the one who carried his body back to the army lead by the three other Braves but as the youngest to receive that title. Hide was then known as Writer of Beautiful Words, the very story I tell you penned by his hand to remember the love he felt for his master Ikaru. But my dears I must be going, I’ll give you all a tour of Soul Society tomorrow if you’d like! We can get ice cream and I bet you Mitsuhide would just adore taking you to visit the Noble Houses. They have the best toys you know? Now everyone hold hands please, Hideyoshi Shirubaru stop biting dear sweet Eli won’t you please? She’ll cry and you’ll get in trouble.”

Keiji cracks a smile as the entire brigade scrambles to hold hands with the rest.

“Now then my sweets, remember what you say when we all go home? There are no good byes, only see you agains.”

The children parrot the statement as Keiji moves through the crowd, ruffling hair and discreetly handing out sweets that will certainly make the poor parents or at least those who watch the children have a nightmare until they pass out.

2011-06-12, 08:47 PM
Keiji sits in front of a large group of Rukon children, beaming at their expectant faces as he pulls a small egg out from behind his ear to much cheering and shouting.

“Settle children settle, or I won’t be able to tell you a story!”

The entire crowd hushes low as the Captain stands, the egg disappearing in a flourish though not even a gasp escapes his diminuitive crowd.

“What shall it be today my lovelies? The Flower Princess and the evil Ogre? Or perhaps you’d like to hear about my trip to the Mortal World?”

The crowd groans at the last suggestion though it seems more of a practiced thing than any unwant on the children’s part.

“Tell us about the war!”

A tiny voice shouts from somewhere. Inwardly Keiji frowns but...his audience awaits. One does not keep an audience waiting.

“That’s a very long story little ones, wouldn’t you want to hear something shorter? Maybe something about a young warrior fighting dragons?”

A collective no arises from the mass before Keiji takes his seat once more. He tilts his hat back, sweeping his arm out slowly.

"This story children is about four young men, their love for the beautiful warrior they protected and the monster known only as the Empty One. I have a meeting here soon my lovelies so we’ll keep it to the second stanza. Does anyone remember the first?”

A young girl raises her hand, beaming though she’s missing the first sets of her front teeth giving her a lisp.

“Lord Tokuwa was struck down by the Empty One!”

The children all gasp though by now it’s clear the entire crowd wouldn’t notice if Keiji himself burst into flame.

“That’s right! The wicked Empty One crept deep into the very heart of the Lord’s domain and slew him without his retainers ever knowing the difference!! What a shock it was for them all! Several commited seppukku on the spot in shame but not the Four Braves! They would never succumb to the powers of evil and darkness until their Lords life was given it’s proper rest! The second stanza children is about the Brave Ikaru and his student the stubborn Hide. They walked the cold sands where the empty one dwelt, hunting for it like you’d hunt down a pig in the forest with spears and shields to protect themselves from the vicious Empty One.

But do you know children? There were no tracks left by the Empty One, and in their rage the Brave and his ward struck down the Empty One’s fellows one by one! They cut through hordes of the monsters, never tiring for the very hope of their Lords Soul rested upon their shoulders. For you see children, when you give someone your word you must forever make certain you are good for it. Don’t lie or brag, be honest and forthright with your words and never be made a fool by them. Live with conviction my beauties, women be fair of nature and demure while you young boys...”

Keiji trails off, pointing to a few of the local trouble makers.

“Stop pulling little girls hair, one day little girls grow up to be beautiful women and when the nice boys have pretty wives you’ll be stuck with pigs!”

The little girls and some of the boys burst out laughing as Keiji turns up his noise, making oinking noises though the natives grow restless as they tug at his pant legs.

“Yes yes...the rest of the stanza I know, I’m sorry. So demanding, you’re worse than the Commander Captain himself! Stop tugging on my pants please you little urchins or I’ll take you all back to your homes to learn manners!”

The crowd settles back to silence at the “threat” though giggles erupt throughout the listening group like steam from vents every now and then. Keiji stands, lifting his cane into the air with an ominous look, striking down at the ground.

“The Brave Ikaru had found the Empty One children deep in it’s lair and being the leader he alone knew it was his duty to go deep into the tunnel in which that hateful beast lived and strike him down. He waited as the rest of his men fell asleep but he was followed, for his ward the brave Hide knew of his masters plans and feared for his life. A warrior, children, loves his fellow warriors as you love your brothers and sisters. But there are times when the blossom of youth blooms and...you’d like me to skip the kissy scenes?”

The chorus of ewww is enough to make Keiji conceded the point.

“Yes yes of course, we’ll just say that Hide loved his master very much and was scared for his life. Ikaru was a very brave man but very foolish and prone to ignore his peers when they had better ideas. Pride is a very dangerous thing, even strong men like Ikaru can fall to it, and as he came upon the Empty One in it’s glory he shouted to it. “Beast! You have slain my Master and the Master of many other Masters, I am here now to avenge his death and release the soul you devoured!” but the Empty One only chuckled, shedding it’s wounded flesh like a snake as it rose above the Brave with a howl. Light emitted from it’s mouth, blinding and burning the Brave but still he stood to face the creature. It’s one hundred claws ripped open his flesh, it’s one hundred feet trampled him into the white sands of the cavern floor but yet the Brave Ikaru stood firm. There was no way to trample his spirit, no way to cut open his resolve. He rose his sword and with a shout imbued with his loss he struck the monster down across the face. The mask the Empty One wore to hide it’s shame broke and shattered to a thousand pieces, and the great beast fell silent.

But with his Duty finished dear ones the Brave Ikaru fell dead to the ground with a smile on his face. To this day, his student Hide is remembered not only for the one who carried his body back to the army lead by the three other Braves but as the youngest to receive that title. Hide was then known as Writer of Beautiful Words, the very story I tell you penned by his hand to remember the love he felt for his master Ikaru. But my dears I must be going, I’ll give you all a tour of Soul Society tomorrow if you’d like! We can get ice cream and I bet you Mitsuhide would just adore taking you to visit the Noble Houses. They have the best toys you know? Now everyone hold hands please, Hideyoshi Shirubaru stop biting dear sweet Eli won’t you please? She’ll cry and you’ll get in trouble.”

Keiji cracks a smile as the entire brigade scrambles to hold hands with the rest.

“Now then my sweets, remember what you say when we all go home? There are no good byes, only see you agains.”

The children parrot the statement as Keiji moves through the crowd, ruffling hair and discreetly handing out sweets that will certainly make the poor parents or at least those who watch the children have a nightmare until they pass out.

Out of the crowd comes an emotionless cry of "murderer!" before a woman barely in her twenties runs through the assembled people, an axe held high above her head and the same dead stare as the others. As she nears Keiji, she'll make a wild downward swing toward the captain. Screaming slander the whole time, and yet with a flat and otherwise boring voice. It's almost creepy the lack of true emotion she's showing.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 08:53 PM
Keiji side steps the enraged woman, placing a hand over her mouth as he rests a dress shoed foot on the haft of the axe with his considerable weight upon it.

"The children are listening...won't you think of them...before laying out my sins? Run along now children. Uncle Keiji has to make sure this woman gets to the hospital...she's very sick."

He makes a shooing motion at the children with a sweet smile as they flee without further urgings.

2011-06-12, 08:58 PM
Keiji side steps the enraged woman, placing a hand over her mouth as he rests a dress shoed foot on the haft of the axe with his considerable weight upon it.

"The children are listening...won't you think of them...before laying out my sins? Run along now children. Uncle Keiji has to make sure this woman gets to the hospital...she's very sick."

He makes a shooing motion at the children with a sweet smile as they flee without further urgings.

The woman takes a hand off the axe and makes a wild hook toward Keiji's ribs as she tries to twist the axe from under the dress shoe. Keiji can feel her mouth moving and the vibrations from her screams, but nothing can be actually made out from her lunatic cries.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 09:04 PM
The ground and axe under Keiji's foot disintegrates, unfortunately so does the woman's hand as a hail pitched wail fills the air. Keiji's hair ruffles only slightly though his eyes grow hard under the obscuring rim of his fedora.

"Attacking a Captain of the Gotei 13 is a crime punishable by death. I am sorry you lost your hand but it seems you've well and truly lost your mind my dear. I will do my best to make certain until you are well there will be no trial. The 4th can repair the damage I've caused you, but for now. Sleep."

Keiji uses what is probably more hysterical screaming to tap the woman's forehead, giving her a point black sho to the face presumably knocking her flat on the floor.

2011-06-12, 09:08 PM
The ground and axe under Keiji's foot disintegrates, unfortunately so does the woman's hand as a hail pitched wail fills the air. Keiji's hair ruffles only slightly though his eyes grow hard under the obscuring rim of his fedora.

"Attacking a Captain of the Gotei 13 is a crime punishable by death. I am sorry you lost your hand but it seems you've well and truly lost your mind my dear. I will do my best to make certain until you are well there will be no trial. The 4th can repair the damage I've caused you, but for now. Sleep."

Keiji uses what is probably more hysterical screaming to tap the woman's forehead, giving her a point black sho to the face presumably knocking her flat on the floor.

The woman doesn't move, not even a flinch as her hand disappears into nothingness. Her crazed wails, however continue, not about her hand but still about the now "lecherous, lying, stealing, murdering, womanizer" Keiji. The kido then lifts her from the ground, sending her backwards as the back of her skull crashes against the ground, finally silencing the poor woman.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 09:16 PM
Keiji sighs a little, shrugging a little as he settles his hat back on his head.

"Shatter the Ivory Tower and cling to the shards ye little ones, cast out the black ibis from the home of the fallen and bind forth the truth in flax barriers! Bakudo 4: Hainawa"

A long golden rope flies from his outstretched hand to cover the woman as a small butterfly hovers before his face.

"I am requesting a kido team and a member of the police forces to the 70th Distict of the Rukon. This is Captain Keiji of the Seventh Division requesting pick up of a mentally deranged woman. No damage to report, also send a member of the fourth. The woman is missing a hand for some strange reason. I think she ate it."

2011-06-12, 09:30 PM
Keiji sighs a little, shrugging a little as he settles his hat back on his head.

"Shatter the Ivory Tower and cling to the shards ye little ones, cast out the black ibis from the home of the fallen and bind forth the truth in flax barriers! Bakudo 4: Hainawa"

A long golden rope flies from his outstretched hand to cover the woman as a small butterfly hovers before his face.

"I am requesting a kido team and a member of the police forces to the 70th Distict of the Rukon. This is Captain Keiji of the Seventh Division requesting pick up of a mentally deranged woman. No damage to report, also send a member of the fourth. The woman is missing a hand for some strange reason. I think she ate it."

The requested individuals soon show up, beginning the processing and taking away the deranged woman. Comparatively normal all things told. The woman is soon carted away, into custody of the guards at fourth division.

In time, the Kido Researchers will break the enchantment controlling her, but all the prodding in the world won't get any information from her. Her mind is wiped clean, only the basics of development left. The perfect soldier, one with no emotion, no morals, no regrets, and no family. All she can give for pertinent information is that she was not taken recently.

Da Mongoose
2011-06-12, 09:41 PM
Mitsuhide jumps down from somewhere, peering at the woman before the rest appear to take her away, looking to Keiji quickly with a slightly concerned and bemused look.

"What was that...?" He spits, looking around quickly for any other crazy axe murderers. "That wasn't right. I get the feeling you don't actually know her?" He frowns, looking over Keiji briefly even though he knows he's uninjured.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 09:45 PM
"Just one of my admirers I suppose. I held an exhibit for the art I did when I had to spend six months in a personal cell for accidentally setting the Vice Captain's hair piece of on fire with a fire work. I made some of my most impressive art/music combinations on those walls with what ever came to hand...I was told it was one of the most distrubing things the whole Division had ever seen. Some even had nightmares afterwards. Anyway, I put it up for display...I suppose she just wanted to thank me. She wasn't actually screaming you see, she was composing the seventh bar of my "Throw Blood and Urine at the Wall in D Minor"...a stunning and riveting piece. You could say it killed at it's first showing."

Keiji smiles, trying to barely hold back a burst of laughter.

Da Mongoose
2011-06-12, 10:19 PM
Mitsuhide listens to Keiji's explanation with a slightly bewildered and bemused expression at first, though it slowly begins to degrade into an extremely unamused look, staring intently at Keiji as he waits for him to ever finish, slumping a bit even.

"That's not funny." He grumbles a bit, rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh as he looks around. "Seriously. That wasn't natural! You're not concerned about this at all?"

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 10:23 PM
Keiji smiles apologetically, patting Mitsuhide's cheek softly with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry...no that wasn't at all natural. I'm not sure what it was about but it bares looking into. Call the other Captains would you? I have to change out of this outfit...I'm not much in the mood for it anymore. Also look after the children, she may not have been acting alone...I'd hate for them to be hurt because of me."

He shrugs, slowly moving past the young shinigami.

"And when you're done, you can come and sit in the meeting instead of listening at the door. If you're going to worry yourself sick...at least be there to look at my smiling face."

2011-06-12, 10:46 PM
An unseated 6th Division member appears quickly, panting slightly.

"I have received a summons. Where is the injured captive?"

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 10:54 PM
Keiji motions to the new arrival, shrugging a little.

"Over there. Tell her I say green kumquat sillyball rifle scream. I'm sure she'll understand."

2011-06-12, 11:01 PM
Taking over the kido bindings with his own, the unnamed Shinigami performs some temporary first aid on the bound assailant. "What are your further instructions sir?"

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 11:08 PM
"Treat her well of course, like I said in my report she only really just rushed me screaming so I bound her up. She seems to have lost a hand so please do something about that...oh and the concussion. I was perhaps a little liberal with my kido. I am certain though in this circumstance it will be understood."

Keiji offers a bow, looking over at Mitsuhide almost as if daring him to speak up to the lie though has a pleasent enough smile.

"While my Vice Captain takes care of the children I was assisting, you may call a Captains meeting. This may not seem important but...I suppose why the hell not? Everyone needs a little personal time. Tell them to bring their pajama's won't you please? I'll make s'mores and...oooh! I know, tell them to come naked. It'll be a naked slumber party! That has to be like...my top ten best ideas ever."

Da Mongoose
2011-06-12, 11:11 PM
Mitsuhide blushes as his cheek is pat, though nods quickly to the words.

"I'll check on the children first then..." He pauses as the unseated arrives and is delegated the task of calling the captains instead, immediately blushing darker and looking quite embarrassed as he's allowed to join as well.

"Y-Yes, Captain..." He mutters softly, though slinks off quickly before anything else can happen to embarrass him, moving off to find the children and make sure nothing has happened to him.

2011-06-12, 11:19 PM
The Shinigam begins to sweat profusely at the request. "Uh...perhaps another Captain would have more authority to call a Meeting...I will send the prisoner to an appropriate location."

With that he disappears with the prisoner.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-12, 11:35 PM
Keiji chuckles as the two flee, pulling out another hell butterfly, unlike the last this one will scream bloody murder until it's message is responded to.


Keiji shrugs, shunpoing as fast as he can manage which is quite fast to his office, doning his actual uniform before making his way lazily to the meeting hall though with his speed he does in fact reach the meeting table first. He sits himself down at the right hand of the seat designated for the Commander Captain, smiling as he lays out some paper and crayons in front of the CC's seat.

"Bring Eli."

Keiji fires off another hell butterfly to Mitsuhide.

2011-06-13, 02:33 AM
The stampede of people coming around the corner are nearly enough to knock Kaoru flat on his back, and so they would have, if he had not leapt straight up. Balanced precariously between the roof of the building and a lightpost Kaoru could only watch as the crowd below screamed through the intersection.

As Keiji disappears into Shunpo Kaoru Drops lightly to the ground. Stepping over to his still miraculously untouched hat Kaoru bent over to retrieve it, and froze. 'Reiatsu.' Half consciously, Kaoru picks up his hat and stuffs it into his belt. Wandering unerringly to the burn mark on the ground he stands there, allowing his vision to see past the physical. The whole area of the impact zone was a softly dissipating green that almost all of the Shinigami in Soul Society had felt before. "Azai Taichou. Sure is scary that its so strong just in an imprint." from behind his shoulder a voice answered his thoughts.

"You're not looking hard enough moron." Seated on a drum that wasn't there was a dwarf, his skin was the color of a ripe tomato, and his beard a bushy white. "Some Shinigami you are. Kido Corps my shiny red A..."

"That will be enough Sanpaa Kun." Kaoru cut off the dwarf sharply. The dwarf's glower deepened and he indicated the small crater again. "Look closely" Kaoru turned to face the crater once more and focused upon it. The remnants of Keiji's reiatsu were oppressively heavy, yet with distance they were finally beginning to dissipate. There! Trapped beneath the green weight a fleeting glimpse of another reiatsu's echo, this one a pale white that left a sense of cold upon the back of Kaoru's neck. He leaned in closer, trying to glean what knowledge he could.....


The hell butterflies message made Kaoru jump a clear foot, his senses firmly snapping back inwards. The Zampakuto spirit on the drum had vanished, Kaoru was alone with his thoughts again. "A meeting for the captains and officers eh?" Kaoru thought. "]Man...better get back to barracks. There's sure to be gossip about this.[/I]" Although Captain Keiji had a bit of a reputation it wouldn't do to be absent for an inevitable muster.

Ensuring that his hat was still firmly tucked into the belt of his Shihakusho, Kaoru walked away from the alley towards the sixth squad barracks. After all, it was still a beautiful day. And a slight breeze was blowing.

As a note, Sanpaa is the name of Thumper the bunny from the movie Bambi, and its literally a colloquialism, Kaoru refers to his Zampakuto spirit as "Thumper" in the same fashion that Ichigo refers to Zangetsu as "Old Man" its not the swords real name.

2011-06-13, 02:35 PM
From in the middle of the pillar of smoke that had made by Captain Toyozo Yushiro their is a slight yawn that is caught in the air as a hell butterfly becomes apparent to the Captain and slowly the captain got up and took the message.

The volume of the message caused the captain to raise an eyebrow but he calmly walks away to the meeting hall being lazily followed by a stream of smoke.

Reaching the meeting hall Captain Toyozo Yushiro falls into his chair, and looked around.

"Okay....What the hell?"

Followed by a long breath out and a wave smoke escaping the Captain mouth.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-13, 03:50 PM
Keiji smiles softly, waving at the first arrival.

"We have to wait for the Commander Captain! Then I'll tell you and everyone else what's going on. You're doing well though? Lung cancer not got you down?"

He chuckles, adjusting his haori on his shoulders.

"Of course, when you consider we're technically already dead..."

2011-06-13, 04:27 PM
Yushiro pulls a small bowl and two small packets out of a pocket. Placing the bowl in front of himself and opening the packets he starts mixing herbs in the bowl.

"I wouldn't know about cancer, since the way our bodies work it may not actual effect us, since our bodies are essential made of spiritual energy formed by our own will to remain as we were when we were alive."

Taking a pinch of the herbs from the bowl Yushiro pushes it into the end of his pipe, the smoke takes on a cherry like smell suddenly and the smoke seems slightly darker.

"Or you know some rubbish like that."

He says pulling his hat a little lower and leaning into the chair.

2011-06-13, 07:38 PM
Suzaku enters the meeting hall at a normal pace, standing at the doorway to take a look at how many Captains had arrived before sweeping towards her seat.

Taking out a small notebook, she continues her review of project schedules and upcoming test appointments until everybody else arrives.

2011-06-13, 07:59 PM
Makoto grins as they cart the casualty away. It had been such a great experiment after all, and he'd learned much about the Captain. Or so Makoto would think. It helped to have more than one ally, and many more than one "devout" follower, such as the woman who used the ax.

"Interesting... I'll have to hide myself for a while. And where else to hide than right in plain sight!?"

With a grin and a whistle he hands the nearest ally his haori and pulls on an old shinigami uniform and leaves through the door to his hidden rukon building and toward the Gotei grounds. The day was still young.

2011-06-13, 08:11 PM
Teruo continues to wait outside the 3rd Squad barracks.

Hmm... This may not be the best time, but I may as well keep waiting. Not many other options.

Da Mongoose
2011-06-13, 09:43 PM
Mitsuhide practically jumps out of his skin when the first death butterfly appears, trying to get rid of it before it startles any nearby children or others. He blushes and covers his face with a palm, sighing deeply in exasperation. He frowns a little when the second arrives, peeking through his fingers at it. He seems uncertain at the message, though slowly finds Eli again. He lifts the girl onto his shoulders, carrying her with him as he enters the chambers, glancing at Keiji uncertainly as he leads the girl over to him.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-13, 09:48 PM
Keiji claps his hands happily as he sees his Vice Captain and the young girl.

"Ah yes! And here she is! The Commander Captain herself! My dear you look stunning as usual!!"

Keiji stands, taking the giggling girl in his hands and places her in the Captain Commanders seat.

"Now then, if we could get all the Vice Captains here as well! That would be wonderful!!"

2011-06-14, 06:48 AM
Yushiro pulls his hat up looking confuised and then relaxed.

"Oh yeah I knew I had forgotten something."

Yushiro looks to the door and slowly back to the chair he is in as if he is counting the steps.

"Nah I will appoint a new Vice-Captain at some other point its to far to go and I am tired."

He says yawn pulling his hat back down.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-14, 04:14 PM
"I meant the Sixth Division's acting Vice Captain. This is a very important issue and we need as many of those who still remain in attendance."

Keiji chuckles though helps the little girl with her crayons.

"Would you be so kind as to call her Suzaku-chan?"

2011-06-14, 04:21 PM
"Why are you asking me to call the Vice-Captain acting Captain, Suzaku-chan, other than being very imformal I wouldn't feel comfortable calling the Vice-Captain acting Captain that till I knew her better."

He says somehow sinking into the chair.

"Can we get more comfortable chairs in this meeting hall."

2011-06-14, 05:13 PM
Without looking up from her notebook, at which her hand now moves rather quickly as she continues to work, Suzaku gives a warm reply. "She's on her way. No doubt trying to recover from that shocking Hell Butterfly. Oh and she's Vice Captain, not Acting Vice Captain."

2011-06-14, 09:48 PM
Keiko stumbled in, obviously out of breath.

"So sorry I'm late!" Her hair was disheveled, and in general she was much less put together than was typical. Obviously she had been taken by surprise and hurried over. "I was in the archives... deep in the archives. I came as quickly as I could." She took a moment to adjust herself, setting her zanpakuto back in its proper place, and took up her position just behind her captain. "Forgive me, I was... involved in my studies again." she whispered to her captain.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-14, 10:58 PM
Keiji grins as the final person arrives, slowly moving behind the Commander Caftan's chair, covering the young spirits ears with a sly wink to all assembled.

"How wonderful for you to join us Vice Captain!! Everyone have a seat now would you please? We've important issues to discuss! Before that though, does anyone have anything they wish to air out? Laundry, passive aggressive statements? No? That's wonderful!!"

He of course gives no time for anyone else to speak, quite on a roll with his one man show.

"Now then, I should thank everyone here for the new Commander Captain's sake, she's only seven after all. Such formalities aren't taught until you're eight. Though her crayon drawings are just astounding! Show them your drawings Eli like a good girl. These will be our new uniforms! I hope you all like puce!!"

He laughs though covers the young girls ears more fully as he looks up once more, fixing the entire room with his red eyed stare.

"I asked my Vice Captain to bring this young girl here for a reason of course. Look here...and see what it is we defend ladies and gentlemen. Today, while giving a very rousing rendition of the Four Braves, I was attacked by a citizen with an axe. Yes I'm aware the reports are probably wrong but you can just blame that on me being caught up in the moment I guess.

The thing is ladies and gentlemen she was very very vocal about why she was doing what she was doing. We've lost a lot of ground over the years in the Rukon....the Civil War did a good number on how credibility and trustworthiness. Still now...there might be elements of the old Exiles out there trying to turn them against us. We are in a difficult position that must be handled carefully if we're to maintain our grasp on the very way of life we seek to pretend.

And it is this girl ladies and gentlemen I'd like to use to drive the point home. She is defenseless...soft and unknowing of the darkness that pervades our land. Children though are not stupid. They'll learn in time what we wish to keep from them and resent us more for it. We cannot lie about what is going on...or else we'll lose the hearts of the people. That is my statement."

2011-06-14, 11:17 PM
Suzaku waves off Keiko's apology with a reassuring smile.

Listening to Azai's little theatrics, Suzaku suppresses a sigh. "We can stop all our efforts to track down the Exiles and offer no more hostilities to them, would they stop on their own end? Besides, even as children grow up, who's to say that resentment would not change again when they get mature enough to know why we kept things from them when they are young? Also, the Commander Captain isn't here yet, so before he comes in and does whatever he does, do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our current situation?"

2011-06-15, 11:39 AM
Very well, Captain. I shall take my leave.

Akomaru Flash Steps to the Squad 3 barracks and knocks on the gate.

With many combat experts in this division, it should be my best hope at finding a master of hand-to-hand combat, if they'll agree to train me.To say that one flash steps to the barracks of Squad 3 would be an understatement to the siege line that formed the Combat Division's territory in the Sereitei. While their loyalty to the Captain Commander was suspect, their loyalty to their duty as shinigami protected them from the inquisition that had snuffed other squads. That, and being bunkered in against siege by loyalists.

After a lengthy wait, a pair of guards leered over the parapet above the gate. One was a giant of a man with a similarly massive zanpaktou, while the other was a smaller gentleman with spectacles and a fencing blade. The former spoke up, his voice booming and irritated. "The Gatekeeper investigation is ongo- Eh? You don't look like Omnitsukido. State your name, rank, and business."

The smaller man spoke up, a softer voice that had a tinge of sarcasm to it. "If you'd be so kind."

2011-06-15, 11:47 AM
To say that one flash steps to the barracks of Squad 3 would be an understatement to the siege line that formed the Combat Division's territory in the Sereitei. While their loyalty to the Captain Commander was suspect, their loyalty to their duty as shinigami protected them from the inquisition that had snuffed other squads. That, and being bunkered in against siege by loyalists.

After a lengthy wait, a pair of guards leered over the parapet above the gate. One was a giant of a man with a similarly massive zanpaktou, while the other was a smaller gentleman with spectacles and a fencing blade. The former spoke up, his voice booming and irritated. "The Gatekeeper investigation is ongo- Eh? You don't look like Omnitsukido. State your name, rank, and business."

The smaller man spoke up, a softer voice that had a tinge of sarcasm to it. "If you'd be so kind."

I apologize for the interruption. I am Akomaru Teruo, Third Seat of Squad 6. My Captain wishes for me to strengthen my Hakuda skills, and I believed here would be the best place to look. Was my assumption correct? If not, I will gladly leave an stop troubling you.

With that, Teruo bows deeply.

2011-06-15, 11:59 AM
"Your Captain..." The larger man looks toward his partner with a confused expression, and the pair disappear over the parapets for a moment. Hushed conversation could be heard, although it's difficult to catch the tone of their words, let alone the content.

The spectacled shinigami is soon looming over the edge once more, his gaze cold and judgemental. After a few seconds of this, a smile forms on his face that shows nothing but teeth. "It comes as no surprise that the Head of House Isawa would seek to expand the talents of her subordinates. However, we are engaged in siege protocol as part of an ongoing internal investigation for dissidents against the Sereitei. If you want to train with the Combat Division, you'll need to find squad members on patrol. Might I recommend the Zaraki District?"

2011-06-15, 12:05 PM
"Your Captain..." The larger man looks toward his partner with a confused expression, and the pair disappear over the parapets for a moment. Hushed conversation could be heard, although it's difficult to catch the tone of their words, let alone the content.

The spectacled shinigami is soon looming over the edge once more, his gaze cold and judgemental. After a few seconds of this, a smile forms on his face that shows nothing but teeth. "It comes as no surprise that the Head of House Isawa would seek to expand the talents of her subordinates. However, we are engaged in siege protocol as part of an ongoing internal investigation for dissidents against the Sereitei. If you want to train with the Combat Division, you'll need to find squad members on patrol. Might I recommend the Zaraki District?"

Very well, then.

Teruo Flash Steps to the Zaraki District, and begins asking around about Hakuda masters.

2011-06-15, 12:14 PM
Terou may have heard rumors about the Zaraki District being a step short of a lawless district ruled by violence and cruelty. In reality, it wasn't a step short at all, and there was a reason that only the Combat Division patrolled its streets. To come in so brazenly, asking around about masters of martial combat was practically begging for trouble.

Much to the third seat's favor, however, the patrols in the Zaraki Division were always vigilant against such trouble. A shinigami who's body was wracked by numerous scars shunpoed to his position just as a group of locals were starting to converge, and a trio of unseated quickly followed to warn them into dispersing. "First time in the Zaraki District, eh?"

2011-06-15, 12:28 PM
Terou may have heard rumors about the Zaraki District being a step short of a lawless district ruled by violence and cruelty. In reality, it wasn't a step short at all, and there was a reason that only the Combat Division patrolled its streets. To come in so brazenly, asking around about masters of martial combat was practically begging for trouble.

Much to the third seat's favor, however, the patrols in the Zaraki Division were always vigilant against such trouble. A shinigami who's body was wracked by numerous scars shunpoed to his position just as a group of locals were starting to converge, and a trio of unseated quickly followed to warn them into dispersing. "First time in the Zaraki District, eh?"

Indeed. Seems the reputation here isn't so far off. I'm not as weak as I look, but your help is still well appreciated. I am Akomaru Teruo, Third Seat of Squad 6, and I am looking for a Hakuda teacher.

2011-06-15, 12:39 PM
"Third seat of Squad- Did your Captain recommend you look in the Combat Division for your Hakuda Sensei, or was that your idea?" While speaking to Terou, the scarred man was visually focused on the gang being scattered by the unseated. The process involved a lot of chasing and yelling, but one of the locals with a tetsubo was deciding to be brave. "Hold that thought."

The scarred man asserted his reiatsu. It was enough to make it clear he was seated, and more than enough to render the soul with the tetsubo unconcious. The former rolled his eyes as he relaxed his reiatsu's pressure, turning his full focus on Terou. "You were saying?"

2011-06-15, 12:45 PM
"Third seat of Squad- Did your Captain recommend you look in the Combat Division for your Hakuda Sensei, or was that your idea?" While speaking to Terou, the scarred man was visually focused on the gang being scattered by the unseated. The process involved a lot of chasing and yelling, but one of the locals with a tetsubo was deciding to be brave. "Hold that thought."

The scarred man asserted his reiatsu. It was enough to make it clear he was seated, and more than enough to render the soul with the tetsubo unconcious. The former rolled his eyes as he relaxed his reiatsu's pressure, turning his full focus on Terou. "You were saying?"

She told me to seek Hakuda training, but I chose Squad 3 myself. I went to the barracks, and they recommended I see the Combat Division.

2011-06-15, 12:55 PM
((3rd Squad and Combat Division are one and the same. For simplicity, I'll have this guy act like he said Zaraki District.))

"...He would be on gate duty right now." The scarred man sighs and looks over the unseated as the wrap up the dispersal. "Unfortunately, with the investigation ongoing, our Division is a bit spread thin. We can't have any seeds of rebellion sowing against the Captain-Commander, after all. Our assignments are inconsistent, too... Of course, you could always go with Zaraki Training if you're feeling lucky."

2011-06-15, 12:58 PM
((3rd Squad and Combat Division are one and the same. For simplicity, I'll have this guy act like he said Zaraki District.))

"...He would be on gate duty right now." The scarred man sighs and looks over the unseated as the wrap up the dispersal. "Unfortunately, with the investigation ongoing, our Division is a bit spread thin. We can't have any seeds of rebellion sowing against the Captain-Commander, after all. Our assignments are inconsistent, too... Of course, you could always go with Zaraki Training if you're feeling lucky."


A risk I'm willing to take. Where do I go?

2011-06-15, 01:06 PM
"Heh. Anywhere in the Zaraki District that my squad isn't, and have your weapon out." The scarred man tilts his head toward the man with the tetsubo who had been knocked unconcious. "They aren't much when you lay down the reiatsu, but if it's a straight fight you're looking for, there are plenty of thugs around here looking to prove how tough they are by taking us shinigami down a peg."

2011-06-15, 01:08 PM
"Heh. Anywhere in the Zaraki District that my squad isn't, and have your weapon out." The scarred man tilts his head toward the man with the tetsubo who had been knocked unconcious. "They aren't much when you lay down the reiatsu, but if it's a straight fight you're looking for, there are plenty of thugs around here looking to prove how tough they are by taking us shinigami down a peg."

That should do it.

Teruo finds an empty spot and waits to be attacked. He has his sword out for now, but hopes to use it less and less as his unarmed skills increase.

2011-06-15, 08:53 PM
Suzaku waves off Keiko's apology with a reassuring smile.

Listening to Azai's little theatrics, Suzaku suppresses a sigh. "We can stop all our efforts to track down the Exiles and offer no more hostilities to them, would they stop on their own end? Besides, even as children grow up, who's to say that resentment would not change again when they get mature enough to know why we kept things from them when they are young? Also, the Commander Captain isn't here yet, so before he comes in and does whatever he does, do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our current situation?"

Keiko shrinks slightly at the long-winded speech given around a little girl. Times certainly were more dire than she'd expected so long after the end of the war. Certainly everyone expected there to be pockets of resistance here and there right as things ended, such was how wars happened. But this? For things to still be as bad as they were? "Excuse me, but even if we were to cease hostilities..." She hesitated, somehow still unused to having a voice among such people. "Do we even know why they are still fighting? It may not be something as mundane as their continued criminal state. Unless we know that... we may never bring an end to this mess."

Innis Cabal
2011-06-16, 12:42 AM
Suzaku waves off Keiko's apology with a reassuring smile.

Listening to Azai's little theatrics, Suzaku suppresses a sigh. "We can stop all our efforts to track down the Exiles and offer no more hostilities to them, would they stop on their own end? Besides, even as children grow up, who's to say that resentment would not change again when they get mature enough to know why we kept things from them when they are young? Also, the Commander Captain isn't here yet, so before he comes in and does whatever he does, do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our current situation?"

"I suspect they'd kill us all and be done with the whole mess of course, it's what I'd do were I in their shoes. I'd do it right now actually, while we all sat here. Not a single one of you would see it coming and I dare say the element of surprise would do all it needed to to get rid of you all."

Keiji smiles, shrugging though his tone is less then joking.

"But of course, that's not what's going to happen so everyone can be at ease. As to...what I'd do where I the one who really mattered in this issue? Why...I believe I told you already my dear. Kill everything and start over."

He slowly lifts a hand in the shape of a gun, pointing it at the young girl from above.


The little girl, up to now having had her ears covered merely giggles at the display.

"Just like that."

He then gently covers the girls ears again before nodding to the Sixth Vice Captain.

Keiko shrinks slightly at the long-winded speech given around a little girl. Times certainly were more dire than she'd expected so long after the end of the war. Certainly everyone expected there to be pockets of resistance here and there right as things ended, such was how wars happened. But this? For things to still be as bad as they were? "Excuse me, but even if we were to cease hostilities..." She hesitated, somehow still unused to having a voice among such people. "Do we even know why they are still fighting? It may not be something as mundane as their continued criminal state. Unless we know that... we may never bring an end to this mess."

"The Rukon citizens or our old friends? The first is of course they hate us. We treat them like garbage from time to time. Some districts more than others. The ones that get dumped on the most...will resent us the most. As for our friends...they hate us too...The reasons will certainly vary...but lets be honest here. We stayed and they left while a new person took command. They wanted themselves or...mostly just themselves to be the one in command. They hate us...because they think we turned our backs on them.

And they're right of course! We all did! Every single one of us here today turned our backs on petty little men and women to make certain Soul Society still stands. Even if we did the right thing we're all bastards, myself included. We're just as selfish as them...maybe more so. But! We're alive and we technically won...so lets all feel good about ourselves instead of wallow in filth for a day or two. After all...tomorrow the entire Rukon might rise up in rebellion. Wouldn't that be the perfect time for all our old friends to return and pay us a visit? I hope they bring cake. Red Velvet sounds good...or a cheese cake. Any cake I suppose. It doesn't even have to be a cake. A bucket of blitzes or a storm of struddle would be good."

2011-06-16, 08:06 AM
Yushiro sits their occationally moving in his chair.

"No matter how we try we can't effect what happens, let the exiled come to us, bring their cake if they must, I prefer lemon, but pushing them will only make it worse, also with the children its good they know now, to grow with something you dislike its best to do it as you grow up when your an adult its harder for you to excepte things like that."

Breathing out a long puff of smoke.

"Also on your idea of...shall we call it a 'total reset', it won't be that hard I mean heck a division can probably kick start something like that with no problem."

Lifting his hat he smiles lightly.

"But I will be damned if my division has to clean it up."

2011-06-16, 09:29 AM

Teruo groans as a knife slashes across his face, luckily creating only a shallow wound. He then punches the miscreant in the face, who goes down quickly...

Innis Cabal
2011-06-16, 02:00 PM
Yushiro sits their occationally moving in his chair.

"No matter how we try we can't effect what happens, let the exiled come to us, bring their cake if they must, I prefer lemon, but pushing them will only make it worse, also with the children its good they know now, to grow with something you dislike its best to do it as you grow up when your an adult its harder for you to excepte things like that."

Breathing out a long puff of smoke.

"Also on your idea of...shall we call it a 'total reset', it won't be that hard I mean heck a division can probably kick start something like that with no problem."

Lifting his hat he smiles lightly.

"But I will be damned if my division has to clean it up."

"Lemon? With all your smoke all you'll taste is ash if we give you chocolate!"

Keiji laughs loudly, glancing across the room.

"I suspect though, if I were to hit the "reset" as you so call it...you'd be the first I'd go after. After all, cut off the ability for my enemy to fix themselves and the rest fall like a house of cards. Hypothetically speaking. Of course I do not even edorse my own ideas...I am and shall always defend the mortal souls because really what else is there to do?"

2011-06-16, 03:54 PM
"And they're right of course! We all did! Every single one of us here today turned our backs on petty little men and women to make certain Soul Society still stands. Even if we did the right thing we're all bastards, myself included. We're just as selfish as them...maybe more so. But! We're alive and we technically won...so lets all feel good about ourselves instead of wallow in filth for a day or two. After all...tomorrow the entire Rukon might rise up in rebellion. Wouldn't that be the perfect time for all our old friends to return and pay us a visit? I hope they bring cake. Red Velvet sounds good...or a cheese cake. Any cake I suppose. It doesn't even have to be a cake. A bucket of blitzes or a storm of struddle would be good."

Keiko shifted uncomfortably. This all seemed too... aggressive. "These are the kinds of assumptions I take issue with, though." She regained her composure, knowing a steady voice and firm gaze would be necessary to be taken seriously in this company. "The Civil War itself was a shock to most of Soul Society, and immediately after, exiles were declared enemies, and many hunted down. I just can't bring myself to believe that all of the exiled, especially some of the former captains, left for such petty reasons. They weren't Captain Commander before the Civil War, after all, why abandon the power you have and risk execution after it?" She sighed, memories of those darker times returning. "I don't doubt that some desired power, or just hated who gained the power. And, I admit it's entire possible I am simply naive about matters such as this. Kido is my area of expertise, not politics. But when I think back on some of the gallant warriors who stood with Soul Society for so long but vanished after the war, I simply cannot bring myself to believe that they all simply wanted the seat to themselves."

2011-06-16, 04:17 PM
Makoto stands within the walls of Seretei, slowly pushing a broom along the floor. It helped to be a shinigami and have the uniform. And staying under the radar would allow him to pick up little pieces of information that would otherwise be unknown. People talked, after all.

Not above doing some hard work for a bit of information. It's good to be back though.

Innis Cabal
2011-06-16, 04:23 PM
Keiko shifted uncomfortably. This all seemed too... aggressive. "These are the kinds of assumptions I take issue with, though." She regained her composure, knowing a steady voice and firm gaze would be necessary to be taken seriously in this company. "The Civil War itself was a shock to most of Soul Society, and immediately after, exiles were declared enemies, and many hunted down. I just can't bring myself to believe that all of the exiled, especially some of the former captains, left for such petty reasons. They weren't Captain Commander before the Civil War, after all, why abandon the power you have and risk execution after it?" She sighed, memories of those darker times returning. "I don't doubt that some desired power, or just hated who gained the power. And, I admit it's entire possible I am simply naive about matters such as this. Kido is my area of expertise, not politics. But when I think back on some of the gallant warriors who stood with Soul Society for so long but vanished after the war, I simply cannot bring myself to believe that they all simply wanted the seat to themselves."

"There was no Commander Captain because he was assassinated...I hope you'll remember."

Keiji frowns softly, perhaps the only honest emotion he's shown this whole time.

"For sure, many stood against others trying to get power but in the end...we're all that petty my sweet. We're nothing but people who want to live to our fullest. The real hero's all died during the war, brave enough to stand against an enemy we all shared...and to cowardly to lay down our arms and suffer the consequences when our friends and family bared their swords against us for what ever reason.

If you wish to know my true stance, ladies and gentlemen. We must do away with the Central 46. The time for beuracracy is at an end and the time for action is -now-. The noble houses to, every last one of them needs to give up the power they've coveted for so very long. We must all hold hands together. Now. Or we'll all perish alone. Do you want to die alone Vice Captain Keiko?"

2011-06-16, 04:53 PM
Keiko's spirit hardened a little. Of course she knew the Captain Commander was assassinated, but it hardly seemed fair to implicate all the exiles in his death, though. Still, emotions would always run high regarding this particular subject, she could hardly fault the man his stance, considering all that happened... but when called out directly, she felt compelled to answer. "To be completely honest, sir, I may prefer to die alone than live under a tyrant. In that, the Exiles and I may have something in common." Taking a deep breath to collect herself, remind herself where she was and who she spoke to, she continued. "I suspect that another major upheaval in Soul Society is not something that would rekindle the Rukon's faith in us. After a Civil War where command was established by the sword, would this really do anything but make the Exiles' agenda more sympathetic? As someone who was once common, the common man would not see disbanding the Central 46 and the wresting of power from the noble houses as anything but another power grab."

Innis Cabal
2011-06-16, 05:09 PM
"One's tyrant is another's just and rightful king. Who are we to decide such a thing as simple beings. We who are graced with protecting are not graced with the ability to decern the hidden feelings of those we put in charge. All we can hope is that those we trust with the position will not betray that which we've bestowed upon them. Would you throw away your family and friends merely on the assumption a man or woman you feel is a tyrant has yet to prove themselves such? Even more so, if a system does not work...it will eventually be replaced by something else, we are beings that can live a thousand years or more...do we not have the time to wait and see if our trust is placed well?"

Keiji smiles softly, handing the child off to his Vice Captain.

"I believe fully...that the opinions of the Rukon and the Exiles matter as much as the spit in your mouth. We are the ones who stayed behind...we are the ones who have the power to change a sick and twisted cycle that has no hope of ending otherwise. Radical movements...however painful they are...have already been undertaken. Is there a point in stitching the wound shut when it's just going to tear open once more? Or should we rush out into the fray fully and maybe end up dead. It is a better thing defending what you love than to stand against that which you adore. I choose to fight my friends...and as the oldest member of Soul Society in this room currently I can tell you that the battlefield won't end even if we repair the place we live in. There will always be those who wish to set this world on fire for their own petty reasons.

If you wish to focus on healing...you'll only be caught in a position where your wounds remain when the next eager little monster comes to tear your walls down. A building only lasts so long...one must build the building for those inside, instead of building to weather every storm that is certain to come our way. We are not born as Shinigami...we are raised into such a position. But do note my dear that when we do raise to that station the first thing handed to us is not a bandage but a sword. We are born with the power to fight, to go aginst that very nature is to go against yourself. Reject that part of you and in time the voice of your zanpakuto will fade away and you will be nothing more than a glorified spirit...and when the fighting comes...only those very rare few whose blood lust is so powerful they don't even need a weapon will weather the storm you may very well be drowned in. But I've rambled on more than enough, and most of it is merely smoke up the collective rears of those present. The issue at hand is how do we handle the more...violent elements in the Rukon."

It's Keiji's turn to bring out his troll face, actually directing it not at the Vice Captain but Suzaku herself.

2011-06-16, 05:47 PM
Yushiro sighs slightly, pulling off his hat and rubs his brow then puts his hat back.

"Over all this reminds me of the old saying some old kook somewhere in this world said 'a river flows throw the world cutting its path carefully and purposefully, man came and create a river forcing the river towards the towns were him and his family need it rather than travel to it, in a storm the bank broke and the towns flooded and man drowned, the river flows as it wishers not for its amusement but because that is where it will go.'"

Sighing again the captain of the 4th blows a smoke ring.

"Or you know the simple thing of 'Only fools rush in'..."

Yushiro looks around.

"Can we get some tea in here?"

Innis Cabal
2011-06-17, 03:17 PM
"Not a bad idea...though tea will have to come later I suspect. If there's nothing else for anyone to say? Perhaps we can take this elsewhere and get that drink the dear 4th Division Captain wants so badly?"

Keiji smiles, running a hand through his hair as he gently sets his hat on the young spirits head.

"I think we've all be addressed on the situation, I suspect we'll all have a way to deal with it..."

2011-06-18, 01:14 AM
Suzaku taps her pen on the table as she closes her notebook.

"By the way Captain Azai, preliminary scans on the delirious woman who tried to attack you was discovered to have very faint lingering traces of reiryoku on her person, and definitely not yours. And tests confirmed that she has no reiryoku on her own. She will be sent to the 4th Division for further treatment before a decision is made on whether to imprison her or otherwise. But it does seem that this one incident is less of a precursor to Rukongai uprising, but more of an attempt to make it seem so, for various possible reasons."

Gently pinching the bridge of her nose, Suzaku continues. "As for what our exiled brothers and sisters are doing, all we need is access to records of the frequency of Pluses sent here from the Mortal World. If the numbers are more or less consistent with the numbers from before the messy affair, then it is safer to assume that our outside brethren are still holding onto their duty and executing them as normally as they can. We are given a sword yes, but the end of the handle does not kill, it sends innocent souls to an afterlife."

2011-06-20, 04:42 PM
"Oh yeah I forgot that. Its one of the reasons I don't like being a captian I forget the simple bits about this job."

Yawning slightly.

"We did have a reason for this meeting right?"

2011-06-20, 11:48 PM
"Oh yeah I forgot that. Its one of the reasons I don't like being a captian I forget the simple bits about this job."

Yawning slightly.

"We did have a reason for this meeting right?"

Suzaku shrugs. "Captain Azai send a shrieking banshee of a Hell Butterfly to call all of us and our Vice Captains to this meeting. I'm just waiting for the Commander Captain to show up and give him a good dressing down, if only because the messaging system is...louder than usual." and that comes with a smile.

2011-06-21, 09:15 AM
Several thugs rush Teruo in a row, but they quickly fall to a flurry of punches and kicks.

2011-06-24, 08:14 AM
Suzaku sighs as after a long time there is still no arrival of the Commander Captain. Perhaps he is sending a stern message to Captain Azai that his antics have have no effect on him anymore.

Giving the assembly a shrug, she pockets her notebook, nods at Keiko and leaves the Meeting Hall. It is about time for her appointment with Fumblefoot. That entity is a curiosity but his determination to master himself is highly admirable. Who knows? Besides Teruo who is growing into a splendid Captain, Fumblefoot might have it in him, and whatever power that is infused in him, to be one as well. Then again, the rest of the aspects of Captain-hood is not measured in specs and abilities. Only time will tell if they have the emotional, intellectual and moral fortitude to be one as well.

Dire Reverend
2011-06-24, 02:21 PM
Fumblefoot was in the new SRDI's office, drawing an overly dramatic picture of himself fighting a generic hollow. He heard the Hell Butterfly, and was assuming the meeting with the Captain would be put on hold a while, so he was taking a small break.

2011-06-24, 06:02 PM
Suzaku sends a Hell Butterfly to Fumblefoot to notify him that Suzaku is waiting at Bankai Measurement Chamber B07.

Dire Reverend
2011-06-24, 10:59 PM
"Interesting. That was a short meeting,"Fumblefoot said to himself. He walked over to the location mentioned in the hell butterfly. "Greetings, Captain. How was the emergency meeting?

2011-06-25, 12:11 AM
"Classified, but boring." Suzaku gives a tired smile. "Let's carry on with your training. Your Hoho is refined, your Hakuda is deficient, though through no fault on your own. But some research might yield results in the reinforcement of one's limbs with Kido. As for your Zanpakuto spirit materialization, how much more progress have you made thus far?"

Dire Reverend
2011-06-25, 01:48 AM
Fumblefoot thinks briefly about the limb reinforcement. "When I was created, one of the things the Ex-Captain tried was giving me a basic skeletal system, both with metallic alloys and organic material. As it turned out, my lack of bones helped me more than harmed me. We never thought of using kido to reenforce my limbs. What type of kido were you thinking of?"
Ever since the war, Fumblefoot stopped calling him Hideaki, usually referring to him as "The Ex-Captain."

"In the past, Stormblade and I have had personality conflicts, which must have been one of the things limiting my materializing, but I've matured since the war, and we seem to get along much more often. As for my current status with materializing, it has been inconsistent. Sometimes I can get him, other times nothing happens."

2011-06-25, 06:08 AM
"This kido exists, but has yet to be perfected, much less so for users who are only masters at either Hakuda or Kido alone." Suzaku takes a deep breath as she concentrates. Her fiery reiatsu begins to shine outwards, highlighting her frame.

"Shunko!" Suzaku calls out as her fiery reiryoku begins to coil itself around her body, especially limbs. It takes a pretty long time before the roiling chaos of spiritual energy to settle itself down, turning from making Suzaku look like a blazing fire elemental to a more subdued and controlled aura of flames.

But after 5 minutes, even attaining control of this technique seems to increase in difficulty, and Suzaku points at a nearby straw target and discharges the spell in a single bolt of fiery lightning.

"This spell works as how we would engage in Shunpo, but at the same time, through this unique spell visualization matrix and the right frequency of power, the energy will flow along your muscles and tendons, as well as your skeletal structure. Though because your bodily structure is unique, I might suggest you reinforce your body through reiryoku alone and run this spell's energies through that energy, instead of channeling it along your threads, which might not be able to handle this surge of energy."

Da Mongoose
2011-06-25, 07:25 PM
Mitsuhide in the meantime has remained quite quiet, his expression serious, severe even. He clearly listens to everyone and everything quite clearly though seems loathe to speak up at all. He takes the young girl when Keiji hands her aside, keeping his hands on her shoulders in a protective manner, though he looks a little awkward about it, clearly not entirely certain how good an idea it is to have the random child present in such a meeting, even if she doesn't seem to be paying attention to one cent of it, more interested in playing with Keiji's hat at this point than what he's saying about the Rukon.

His brows knit as Suzaka leaves, though as he glances around, he also seems to be concerned with the lack of presence from the Commander Captain. He leans in towards Captain Azai as he keeps an eye on everyone, murmuring discreetly to him.

"What now?"

Dire Reverend
2011-06-26, 04:48 AM
"Ah, have read a tinybit about Shunko. One thing that bothers me is that it damages your clothing. considering my skin is essentially a layer of clothing, I am not sure how well my body would react to such a technique." He pauses for a brief moment. "But what if I adjusted my skin and clothing to be kido-resistant…" he immediately takes out a pad of paper from the inside of his labcoat, along with a marker. "Kido… Resistant…Fumblefoot." he quickly places the paper and marker back inside his labcoat.

2011-06-26, 08:31 AM
Suzaku nods. "Precisely, so if you were to create a sheathe of kido or reiatsu around your body, and apply Shunko on that layer instead, it would avoid your fabric entirely."

Dire Reverend
2011-06-27, 04:37 AM
"No offense, Captain, but I do not know how exactly the Shunko technique would help me. If it is to create another method of protecting myself, I have recently developed a Reiatsu Amplifier, which I have been field testing for a while." He removes a small fist-sized black box from his sash, and hands it to Suzaku for inspection. "I created it myself using some data we recovered originally created by the Ex-Captain. When powered by using a small amount of spiritual energy, about the same as a regular Shinigami would use to protect their skin, it will augment the user's skin to make it a tiny bit stronger, and I have found that it is very inefficient. However, when tested on myself, the fact that the Amplifier had much less area to protect made it so that the amount of protection was much more dense. Now, when I use this device, I generally do not have to use any spiritually energy to harden my body, but I instead just power the Amplifier."

2011-06-27, 05:06 AM
Suzaku inspects the device and smiles. This is useful if it is fully refined. "Two-fold benefits Fumblefoot, firstly a well-rounded individual with special talents are better candidates to be a Captain and lead a Division. Secondly, if anyone were to underestimate a plushy body, they would be in for a surprise. Not to mention Shunko helps everyone else as well, particularly when speedy response is required. And with this device, you can run Shunko around the reiatsu armor itself, negating any risk to your fabric body."

Suzaku returns the device to Fumblefoot with a knowing wink. "I know that you are eager to take on the responsibility to rebuild the 12th, and your perseverance in Bankai training is a step towards that goal, this is why I'm helping you. A revived Division adds to the Gotei's strengths, which is why I am eager to get my 3rd speed up to standard, so that he could lead a Division as well."

2011-06-27, 04:37 PM
As Teruo continues to train, he begins thinking.

There was supposed to me a new 4th seat, wasn't there? Can't remember his name, though. Guess I'll have to introduce myself when I return.

His train of thought is interrupted by a fist nearly slamming into the back of his head, which he narrowly avoids.

Dire Reverend
2011-06-28, 07:44 PM
"I know that you are eager to take on the responsibility to rebuild the 12th, and your perseverance in Bankai training is a step towards that goal, this is why I'm helping you. A revived Division adds to the Gotei's strengths, which is why I am eager to get my 3rd speed up to standard, so that he could lead a Division as well."
Fumblefoot replaces the device to his sash. "Alright, exactly what do I need to do to activate Shunko?"

2011-06-29, 08:22 AM
"We're in this Bankai testing chamber because the energies of Shunko might get erratic. Firstly, I want you to activate that device, and then here's the formula for Shunko..." continues Suzaku as she begins to instruct Fumblefoot, at the same time calibrating the perimeters of the spell in order to allow a tiered-level of activation, or else the risks of learning would be too great.

Dire Reverend
2011-06-30, 05:38 PM
Fumblefoot activates the device, and for a short moment a thin layer of energy is visible surrounding himself. "So, I just activate the ability by calling out tbe technique's name? Allright, here goes nothing…" He spaces his arms and legs apart, and calls out the technique's name. "Shunko!"

2011-06-30, 06:01 PM
Fumblefoot activates the device, and for a short moment a thin layer of energy is visible surrounding himself. "So, I just activate the ability by calling out tbe technique's name? Allright, here goes nothing…" He spaces his arms and legs apart, and calls out the technique's name. "Shunko!"

Probably more than that. Maybe its the same process as a Shunpo, but the reiatsu is held back just barely before the technique's execution, and then forming the spell matrix of Shunko using kido principles and charging the energy through it. When both sides are fully charged and on the brink of release, release both at once.

Or something like that. Make it up on your own. Make it fancy. None of us knows how even Shunpo is done in the first place. :smallwink:

Dire Reverend
2011-07-03, 01:24 AM
Shortly after he calls out the technique's name, electric Reiatsu emanates from Fumblefoot's arms. "Hey, I think I got it!" His hold on the ability does not last, because after about five seconds, Fumblefoot explodes in a burst of electric energy.

After the electricity dies down, Fumblefoot's charred body is left motionless. He's still alive, just unconscious.

2011-07-03, 08:49 PM
Shortly after he calls out the technique's name, electric Reiatsu emanates from Fumblefoot's arms. "Hey, I think I got it!" His hold on the ability does not last, because after about five seconds, Fumblefoot explodes in a burst of electric energy.

After the electricity dies down, Fumblefoot's charred body is left motionless. He's still alive, just unconscious.

Suzaku quickly moves towards Fumblefoot and applies healing reiryoku into the plushie. Given how often he had to be patched up after all the countless kido practices, routine work like this is too easy.

Dire Reverend
2011-07-04, 01:46 AM
Only a tiny amount of healing Kido is required to heal Fumblefoot, with his lack of organs making it easy. However, while the spiritual damage was fully healed, physical damage to his body remains, mainly due to the fact that Kido does not mend clothing. He quickly reawakens.

"Thank you very much, Captain." He stands back up. "That certainly did not go as planned. I should be immune to my own Reiatsu, just like you're unaffected by your fire Reiatsu. He looks slightly disappointed.

2011-07-04, 05:25 AM
Only a tiny amount of healing Kido is required to heal Fumblefoot, with his lack of organs making it easy. However, while the spiritual damage was fully healed, physical damage to his body remains, mainly due to the fact that Kido does not mend clothing. He quickly reawakens.

"Thank you very much, Captain." He stands back up. "That certainly did not go as planned. I should be immune to my own Reiatsu, just like you're unaffected by your fire Reiatsu. He looks slightly disappointed.

"It takes a period of training to reach a refinement that allows you to truly meld with your Reiryoku, as do why we need to attain a certain level of rapport with our Zanpakuto to attain higher states of power. Take your time, and use less energy." Suzaku gently encourages Fumblefoot.

Dire Reverend
2011-07-06, 01:26 PM
"The relationship between me and my Zanpakuto has improved a lot recently, and I think that being on good terms with my Zanpakuto will help me attain more powerful abilities. When he wields himself, his Shikai is more powerful than my version."

2011-07-08, 01:39 AM
"Not uncommon, to face our Zanpakuto spirits in our Inner World and find an opponent much stronger with the same weapons. But for us who managed to reach the pinnacle of power a Shinigami and Zanpakuto together can reach, means that we still manage to find a way in the end. Do not give up."

2011-07-25, 10:27 PM
Fires and murders erupt without warning in the Zaraki East district, farthest away from the Shinigami who could contain them. At the heart of this chaos stand a man, a long pipe sticking from his mouth as he watches the twelve enraptured pluses kill those who would be their race. The grin on his face shows no remorse for the lost souls as the axes, knives, cleavers, and clubs eat through the life like so many hungry souls.

"Worm of a thousand heads, rear up and cast a vicious glare, inhale the land and the sky unto yourself, boil the blood in rage, let loose your brood, that they paint the heavens red of flame and the earth black of coal, and upon your foes,-"

Lord Syn
2011-07-26, 01:23 AM
77th District, North Rukongai – “The Monster’s Forest”
Manager’s Office, The Fox’s Den Tavern, Inn and Casino

“Sir, there seems to be a problem.”

In keeping with the style most appreciated by the common employee of the place, the office of the manager of the Fox’s Den is a shadowy, gloomy place, with the only lights in the place serving purely to enhance the overall intimidating feeling. At the moment, as they are designed to do, the lights hint at the overall shape of the man behind the solitary desk, while still managing to obscure all features save for the glint of the glass in his monocle. Elbows propped on the desk, the man sits leaning forward, his fingers intertwined in front of his mouth as he projects the image of a man thinking serious, dark thoughts.

"Continue," the man behind the desk says softly, his words directed to the much older servant in front of it.

“Sir,” the servant, or perhaps butler, repeats, “It would seem that someone has started a riot over in the Eastern Districts. There are reports of savagery, fires and even talk of revolutionists. It is quickly approaching the stage of being outright chaos, sir.”

The man behind the desk nods once; other than that slight movement, he remains perfectly still, a statuesque model of consideration and contemplation. In reality, however, this sort of situation is exactly the sort (or close enough) that the man has been waiting, even planning for. He struggles a bit to keep the smile from his face as he savors this brief moment.

This is not the time for idleness, however, and so he does not wait for long. Without shifting his position, he turns his eyes towards one half of a pair of giant, near-ogre-like brutes who stand to either side of his door. He speaks a single command, the command that both thugs have been waiting to hear.

"You may begin the operation."

Grinning, both thugs turn and walk out, leaving the man alone in the dark room.

As the thugs leave, the man turns his attention back to the gentleman in front of his desk, dismissing him likewise with a simple nod. Returning the gesture in kind, the older man follows the two hulks through the door, closing it behind himself.

Exactly ninety seconds after, the man behind the desk shifts to sit back in the chair, reaching under the desk to flick a small, hidden catch. As the lights in the room flicker back to normal, he lets out a faint sigh. Theatrics are all well and good, he thinks to himself, but give me proper lighting any day…

2011-07-26, 01:45 AM
The carnage escalates as a dozen Shinigami enter the fray, their kido and Shikai abilities wiping through the pluses with ease.

"-Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm."

Lord Syn
2011-07-28, 12:56 AM
Moving as a unit, the Shinigami initial-responders follow their training and quickly spread out to dispense what they would probably object to calling 'Seireitei-Style Justice' on the rioting mob. Shikai and Kido alike are called upon freely with, admittedly, little regard for distinguishing combatants from victims; in most of their minds, judging by their actions, the only difference between the innocent and the guilty is whether or not they are clad in the Shinigami uniform.

A few reapers prove to command air and water through their shikai, and work together to battle the flames of the burning structures. The rest, however, focus simply on the slaughter - and slaughter is exactly what it is, for against the trained swordsmen and sorcerers plying their skills, the rabble has little to no chance no matter how valiantly (or desperately) they attack.

Two Shinigami in particular hang back a little, the armbands on their biceps denoting both as high-ranking units, albeit lower than Seated Officers. The first, a wiry and fidgetty sort of scrapper, holds his bound, katana-sized zanpakuto restlessly as he says to his partner, "Itchin' for a good fight; been too long since we got to stretch. Eh, Jing?"

The second, denoted by the first as Jing, flexes his muscles and cracks his knuckles. A bear of a man, he reaches behind him and draws out his own bound zanpakuto, a long and heavy nodachi that he somehow manages to hold with little apparent effort. "Not a fight," he grunts. "Riot. Weaklings. Sheep, Ping."

Nodding sagely, Ping replies, "That's true, that's true,but sheep need a shepherd, right? And with all the fancy light-shows going around, prolly a kido-user too. So what I say, Jing, is we find this shepherd, and you know what I think we should do with him, eh?" He grins, a wild and feral sight beneath his wild and not-too-focused eyes.

The smile is returned by his larger companion, who growls, "To the wolves."

Nothing more needing to be said, the two Shinigami begin scanning the crowd, and surrounding area, for the figure most likely to be leading these rabble.


Meanwhile, on the northern edge of the fighting, a pair of giant, thuggish figures step out from the shadows, dressed far too well for this sort of area. Each wears a plain, unmarked, full-face white mask, hiding their features for whatever nefarious purpose they may have in mind as they scan the crowd with their eyes, looking one way and the next.

Finally, one of the two points to a particular figure - a fairly average-looking thug with a woodcutter's axe - and the other one, following his indication, nods a response. Moving quickly and surprisingly quietly for their size, the two ogrish brutes manage to slip up behind the man unnoticed.

The first grapples with the man, holding his arms at his sides in a tight bearhug while the second reaches into a pack on his side. Drawing out a strange metal tube with multiple protrusions on one end and a button on the other, the brute pushes the needle-end of the device against the hapless man's neck, and presses the button. The device lets out a sharp sound, a cross between a hiss and a bang, and the man suddenly jerks and falls limp. Dropping the man to his hands and knees, the two thugs fade back into the shadows to observe the results.

The victim isn't down for long. Whatever was done to him, the results happen fast. Barely twelve seconds after falling to the ground, the man struggles to his feet, holding his head and crying out in pain, only to be ignored by the rioters all around him. His eyes fly open, bloodshot - and, in fact, bleeding a little from the corners, as are his ears. The veins on his neck, forehead and arms begin to show, nearly popping out of his skin as he suddenly lets out a loud, almost animalistic howl.

Reaching down to pick up his axe, the tainted man suddenly rushes into the fray, axe swinging with a strength and vigor hitherto unknown to the man's frail and weak body. Wild and insane, the man looks unlikely to stop any time soon, unless someone does something quickly.

2011-07-28, 01:10 AM
Moving as a unit, the Shinigami initial-responders follow their training and quickly spread out to dispense what they would probably object to calling 'Seireitei-Style Justice' on the rioting mob. Shikai and Kido alike are called upon freely with, admittedly, little regard for distinguishing combatants from victims; in most of their minds, judging by their actions, the only difference between the innocent and the guilty is whether or not they are clad in the Shinigami uniform.

A few reapers prove to command air and water through their shikai, and work together to battle the flames of the burning structures. The rest, however, focus simply on the slaughter - and slaughter is exactly what it is, for against the trained swordsmen and sorcerers plying their skills, the rabble has little to no chance no matter how valiantly (or desperately) they attack.

Two Shinigami in particular hang back a little, the armbands on their biceps denoting both as high-ranking units, albeit lower than Seated Officers. The first, a wiry and fidgetty sort of scrapper, holds his bound, katana-sized zanpakuto restlessly as he says to his partner, "Itchin' for a good fight; been too long since we got to stretch. Eh, Jing?"

The second, denoted by the first as Jing, flexes his muscles and cracks his knuckles. A bear of a man, he reaches behind him and draws out his own bound zanpakuto, a long and heavy nodachi that he somehow manages to hold with little apparent effort. "Not a fight," he grunts. "Riot. Weaklings. Sheep, Ping."

Nodding sagely, Ping replies, "That's true, that's true,but sheep need a shepherd, right? And with all the fancy light-shows going around, prolly a kido-user too. So what I say, Jing, is we find this shepherd, and you know what I think we should do with him, eh?" He grins, a wild and feral sight beneath his wild and not-too-focused eyes.

The smile is returned by his larger companion, who growls, "To the wolves."

Nothing more needing to be said, the two Shinigami begin scanning the crowd, and surrounding area, for the figure most likely to be leading these rabble.


Meanwhile, on the northern edge of the fighting, a pair of giant, thuggish figures step out from the shadows, dressed far too well for this sort of area. Each wears a plain, unmarked, full-face white mask, hiding their features for whatever nefarious purpose they may have in mind as they scan the crowd with their eyes, looking one way and the next.

Finally, one of the two points to a particular figure - a fairly average-looking thug with a woodcutter's axe - and the other one, following his indication, nods a response. Moving quickly and surprisingly quietly for their size, the two ogrish brutes manage to slip up behind the man unnoticed.

The first grapples with the man, holding his arms at his sides in a tight bearhug while the second reaches into a pack on his side. Drawing out a strange metal tube with multiple protrusions on one end and a button on the other, the brute pushes the needle-end of the device against the hapless man's neck, and presses the button. The device lets out a sharp sound, a cross between a hiss and a bang, and the man suddenly jerks and falls limp. Dropping the man to his hands and knees, the two thugs fade back into the shadows to observe the results.

The victim isn't down for long. Whatever was done to him, the results happen fast. Barely twelve seconds after falling to the ground, the man struggles to his feet, holding his head and crying out in pain, only to be ignored by the rioters all around him. His eyes fly open, bloodshot - and, in fact, bleeding a little from the corners, as are his ears. The veins on his neck, forehead and arms begin to show, nearly popping out of his skin as he suddenly lets out a loud, almost animalistic howl.

Reaching down to pick up his axe, the tainted man suddenly rushes into the fray, axe swinging with a strength and vigor hitherto unknown to the man's frail and weak body. Wild and insane, the man looks unlikely to stop any time soon, unless someone does something quickly.

A loud whistle is heard from above, and indeed it won't take long to find the man responsible for this, high in the air above the fray. "Mark them with light, that they gaze in horror and that those loyal to you know the oncoming apocalypse."

The fray seems to be going bad for the rioters. Better to wipe the slate clean and get more followers than to have the possibility of them being captured. As the Shinigami hear the whistle, they begin to scatter. Moving at random away from the impending destruction. The controlled citizens make no such movements, oblivious to what's going to happen. They will be missed, but not by the kido.

2011-07-28, 09:39 AM
Hearing the commotion, Teruo rushes over, deciding that it's more important than his training.

Pierce through, Hidenki!

Lord Syn
2011-07-29, 12:55 AM
There is silence among the Shinigami for the space of almost two seconds, as the whistling sound - or more importantly, what it means - dawns on all of them. Then, like the runners at the firing of the starting gun, they quickly withdraw from the area, most considering the district already lost.

'Scatter' is a good way to describe it, yes.

Ping and Jing, however, do not turn and flee. At the sound of the whistling, both instead turn their gazes skyward, spotting the source almost simultaneously. Trading his grin for a scowl, Jing growls darkly, "Dragons."

"Like I thought," Ping replies, frowning up as well. "We've got a rogue kido user on our hands. Whaddaya think, Jing? Shinigami rebel scum?"

"Fool," Jing replies, gripping his zanpakuto. "Dead fool. Break the Moon, Mjolnir!" he suddenly roars, swinging the nodachi in a quarter-circle in front of him; at the end of the swing, the sword shines brightly before manifesting its shikai form as a massive, silver warhammer, the head of which is nearly half the size of Jing's own torso.

"Sounds right to me," Ping agrees. "Still, priorities - dragons first, eh? Let's get a bit of cover over here. Lend us your noble shell, Suppon no Mikado!" Raising his katana high overhead in a double-handed grip, Ping releases one hand and brings the blade down in a sweeping motion to his left, dropping his right hand at the same time. As he does so, the sword reveals its own shikai form, sliding back along his arm and enveloping his forearm; as the shine fades, the weapon is revealed as a wrist-mounted blade, a combination of metallic bracer and twin-bladed sword, engraved along the flat of the blades with a stylized snapping turtle's head. At the same time, a large, oval-shaped shield appears on his right arm, patterned to resemble the spined shell of, again, a snapping turtle.

Once the zanpakuto is fully formed, Ping tightens his grip around the shield's handguard, draws his arm back, and with a smooth pull and twist, flings the entire shield skyward above the pair. As it rises, the shield seems to grow in size, twisting and bending itself into a giant dome above the two partners to protect from the wrath of the kido-summoned dragons.

Under the shell, both fighters are grinning like madmen in anticipation.

2011-07-29, 01:50 AM
Hearing the commotion, Teruo rushes over, deciding that it's more important than his training.

Pierce through, Hidenki!

As the shinigami arrives, all twenty of the rioters immediately stop what they're doing and as on point at the newcomer, eyes dead in their sockets. The manner in which they move is reminiscent of a hive mind, every one of them moving at the exact same second. With a voice devoid of emotion or inflection they speak as one, not a millisecond of delay between their monotonous calls. "Run, Shinigami. Run or Burn with the wretched. The fires of hell have come to claim their own, and we are the torchbearers. Run for your existence. Run to tell the heretics of what their madness has wrought.


Above, Makoto finishes the kido slowly, every syllable clearly called out to the heavens, defying the gods to strike him where he stands. But no lightning rains from the sky to stop his destruction. No savior from on high descends to call him out for his behavior. The Shinigami and citizens alike alone in the world against a madman with great power and the insanity to use it. The power to move mountains or create them from the bodies of those too weak to flee. Those too quiet to call out to their destroyer. Too slow to evacuate. Around the battlefield the sky darkens, the storm clouds stretching for miles as the power is brought to bear. The greatest destruction Soul Society has ever known. This single instant would be passed down through legend and history alike. Makoto had already won. He had already brought the eyes of the Shinigami unto themselves. He had already made his mark, and the burned crater would scar the Rukon for years to come.

"The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle." His voice is hollow. A low rumble courses trough the ground, the shock waves going for miles as from the sky descend the harbingers of destruction. Twenty Seven all told, long creatures with a majestic beauty from their primal power. They claw at the clouds around them before dancing in the skies. Their electrified bodies sending arcs between them. And in the center of the madness Makoto stands tall. The dragons roar in unison, a sound that strikes fear into the very souls of the Rukon citizens who hear the mighty snakes.

"Hado ninety nine, Thundering Roar of the Fierce West Flight." Each word is uttered with a fierce finality, And immediately the dragons crash into the ground with speed rivaling that of the lightning itself. They fly into the buildings and those still left standing, where there once was a district now nothing but the ashes remain. As the dragons break the buildings with their might the sites erupt with such heat it reaches Makoto, singeing the haori on his back. The destruction can be seen for miles around as the Rukon citizens and Rioters alike are vaporized without a word.

All the while Makoto grins, his entire career has come to this moment, rushing to a crescendo to blow away any other masterpiece. It was his, and so he was proud of the damage he had caused. No longer would the be a Zaraki East, now all that remained was Ground Zero. Immediately, the rush of the destruction and the energy expenditure makes Makoto's air platform give out from under him, his body going limp as it falls a few feet, only to be caught by a young girl. Undoubtedly a Shinigami, and yet without the traditional garb in any sense. She wore a short dress, barely covering her mid thigh. The dress was intricate, and a deep purple color. Her arms bore white sleeves coming to her upper arm and her legs had stockings that matched all the way to the bottom of her hem. Around her neck is a simple black choker, matching the ribbons entwined in her hair.

2011-07-29, 08:00 AM
Isawa Suzaku - Zaraki East

Were it not for the massive energies of a Hado 99 spell raining destruction, were it not for the frenzied reports of her Gardeners and free clinic healers, were it not for the fact that she has left Fumblefoot to his own training. Suzaku would not know something terrible has happened.

Appearing with a squad of War Casters in a tiring Shunpo dash towards Ground Zero, but they were too late.

Clenching her fists in anger, she releases a fist and sweeps her arm over the desolate scene. "Search and Rescue. I'm taking over the recovery operations in this district."

With a disciplined "Yes Captain!" in unison, the well-trained War Casters begin clearing rubble, searching for the wounded and dispatching the quickly approaching healers from House Isawa towards the wounded. It would have taken far longer for the Medical Division to rush here, but drawing unaffected personnel in the clinics around Ground Zero will have to do until reinforcements arrive.

Suzaku begins to survey the wreckage, trying to take records of the reiatsu signature that performed this Hado spell, and to check against the records.

2011-07-29, 09:46 AM
Do you know who I am? I am Akomaru Teruo, 3rd seat of Squad 6. I have sworn a duty to protect Soul Society, and I do not intend to run away from that duty, now or ever. Get out of here while you still can.

Lord Syn
2011-07-29, 11:25 AM
Ping and Jing - 'Ground Zero', Zaraki East

In the remnant of the destruction left behind in the Dragons' wake, a single mound of ash stands higher than the rest, a small hill in the center of what is otherwise flat ash and dust.

As the echoes of destruction fade, the hill begins to shiver, then to tremble, as ash is shaken loose to reveal the large, spined plates of a giant snapping-turtle shell, at least fifteen feet tall and nearly twenty in diameter. As the last of the ash falls away, the shell ceases its vibrations, pausing for a moment. Then, on some unseen signal, the shell begins to crack, then crumble, and finally dissolves into falling dust and particles of shining reiryoku, which quickly gather around the upraised wrist and forearm of Ping, who waits patiently for the three or four seconds it takes for the shield to reform on his arm.

While neither he nor his ally are completely ignorant of the fact, neither do either slayer give full attention to the half-dozen dazed but relatively unhurt souls who also found themselves caught beneath the protective shell, and thus somehow survived the wrath of the kido.

The instant the shield is lowered, however, Jing raises his massive warhammer in the approximate direction where the figure flew in the sky...then lowers it, obviously disappointed as he sees no target. "Coward," he growls, before looking at Ping. "All right?"

The smaller shinigami nods to his larger friend. "Yeah, I'm doing just fine. It's a good thing Suppon likes the preferential treatment, or he might not've responded so quickly." Ping shrugs, as if the matter doesn't really phase him, then looks around. "Oh, and look, survivors. Guess this means we won, eh?"

"Works," Jing grunts and nods, then jerks his head towards the side, seeing movement. "Rescue team."

Ping follows his ally's gaze, spotting the arriving Shinigami, and nods as well. "Just in time for the clean-up. Guess we better say hello, eh?" He glances back to Jing, then raises an eyebrow as he watches the larger warrior bend down and scoop up a small figure in his massive arms - a child, a small boy in gutter-snipe clothing, barely older than eight if his features are to be believed. "Uh, whatcha got there, Jing?" he asks curiously.

Jing grunts, his gaze not leaving the child's face. "Kid. Hurt, still breathing." Looking up again, the giant of a man turns to his friend, then to the arriving cavalry. "Let's go."

Deciding to be satisfied with the odd explanation to the, to him at least, even odder actions of his partner, Ping simply shrugs his shoulders and follows behind the man, as they head towards the arrivals. "Hey!" he shouts on his way, "We got some survivors over here!"


Unknown Thugs, Zaraki East

Meanwhile, on the furthest northern edge of the battlefield, two men remain standing and hidden in the shadows, having survived the blast mainly through luck and being just at the ragged edge of the kido's effect. Silently, they continue to watch the proceedings, noting with some interest the arrival of more forces once the carnage has been somewhat halted.

The first man notices something on the ground several yards away, and elbows the second one to get his attention. As they watch, the body they had thought was dead twitches again, and again still. Both men's eyes widen a little behind their masks as they see, completely beyond their expectations, a scorched and burned hand reach out to grasp the fire-charred but still solid handle of a woodsman's axe.

Unable to draw their eyes away, the two watch in rapt fascination as the figure, hand locked tightly around the axe, slowly draws its arms and legs inward, forcing itself through obviously painful motions to its hands and knees.

A croaking, cracked sound begins to form in the figure's throat - a cough, which turns into a growl, and then into a slow, building scream as the figure somehow forces itself upright to its knees, sitting back on blistered and cracked heels as it screams with bloody rage towards the heavens.

Well now, the two seem to think as they watch, Isn't this interesting...

2011-07-29, 06:14 PM
Do you know who I am? I am Akomaru Teruo, 3rd seat of Squad 6. I have sworn a duty to protect Soul Society, and I do not intend to run away from that duty, now or ever. Get out of here while you still can.

"... Then Fall, Akomaru."The voices call in unison as they grin when the explosions begin raining down. An instant before the blast would hit Terou, a kido is thrown up around him, an invisible barrier. He can hear a sickening crunch as one of the rioters slam into the invisible shield, their head swung at an awkward angle and the smile still on their splattered face. Nearly every bone in the body is splintered, the force of the impact nearing that of terminal velocity. The body slides down the invisible barrier sickeningly, leaving a streak of blood and something slightly pink. Best not to dwell on that.


The young girl carries Makoto, a stressed and worried look on her pretty face. "If I wasn't there to catch you you'd be splattered on the site right now, idiot."

Makoto warily looks up at her before mumbling incoherently. All that can be heard fully are the words "Alive" and "Control."

"Save it. We need to get you to a senkai before that b*^%$# Isawa can track you. She's probably already started."

2011-07-29, 07:45 PM
Odd. Appreciated, but odd.

2011-07-29, 08:45 PM
Isawa Suzaku - Zaraki East (Ground Zero)

Hearing Ping and Jing's shouts of survivors attracts the attention of some Isawa Healers who runs promptly to their location.

At the heart of the explosion, Suzaku has already drawn the necessary ritual circle on the ground, at where the lingering spiritual power is still the strongest. "Bakudo 58. Kaku****suijaku (Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows)" where the circle starts to glow and numbers begin to spin around within. In three seconds she knows where the caster is, and a general direction he is heading towards.

Drawing her sword, Isawa disappears, leaving behind instructions to proceed for search and rescue and where she's going and a message for Fumblefoot to back her up.

2011-07-29, 09:03 PM
Isawa Suzaku - Zaraki East (Ground Zero)

Hearing Ping and Jing's shouts of survivors attracts the attention of some Isawa Healers who runs promptly to their location.

At the heart of the explosion, Suzaku has already drawn the necessary ritual circle on the ground, at where the lingering spiritual power is still the strongest. "Bakudo 58. Kaku****suijaku (Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows)" where the circle starts to glow and numbers begin to spin around within. In three seconds she knows where the caster is, and a general direction he is heading towards.

Drawing her sword, Isawa disappears, leaving behind instructions to proceed for search and rescue and where she's going and a message for Fumblefoot to back her up.

The pair of rebels duck into a building, the girl suppressing her power almost immediately while Makoto has barely any to speak of after his show of force. Once inside the young lady sets her fearless leader on a couch before rushing over to the door and locking the deadbolt with a heavy click. To the handle she attaches a red jumper cable, the black being attached to a metal rod embedded in the ground underneath. The shock would deter nearly anyone, but it would only be a minor inconvenience for a captain of the Gotei. She throws a rug out of the way and opens a metal hatch before grabbing Makoto and dropping him into the hole with a thud. He'd not be happy, but he'll survive. She pulls back the carpet before closing the hatch with a metallic crunch and sliding the lock into place.

Below the building is a dug out tunnel, which she easily follows in the dimlight through countless practice trips.

2011-07-30, 04:13 AM
The pair of rebels duck into a building, the girl suppressing her power almost immediately while Makoto has barely any to speak of after his show of force. Once inside the young lady sets her fearless leader on a couch before rushing over to the door and locking the deadbolt with a heavy click. To the handle she attaches a red jumper cable, the black being attached to a metal rod embedded in the ground underneath. The shock would deter nearly anyone, but it would only be a minor inconvenience for a captain of the Gotei. She throws a rug out of the way and opens a metal hatch before grabbing Makoto and dropping him into the hole with a thud. He'd not be happy, but he'll survive. She pulls back the carpet before closing the hatch with a metallic crunch and sliding the lock into place.

Below the building is a dug out tunnel, which she easily follows in the dimlight through countless practice trips.

Suzaku reaches the building almost immediately. Now for foes who run into buildings, it is typical to search every level. But when it comes to beings capable of masking their reiatsu, or their presence so quickly the option of searching floor by floor isn't a good use of time, especially when they are counting on you to search the building.

Suzaku blasts the door apart and accelerates the flames reaching through the building, in a quick flash the entire abandoned building is entirely up in flames. Taking two seconds to hear for any extra moments, particularly trying to escape the fire, Suzaku nods knowing that she was right.

Noting the trapdoor below the rapidly consumed carpet, Suzaku waves her sword at it as a gout of flame blasts through the door and through the tunnel with Suzaku speeding right behind it.

All the evidence seems clear, this isn't just some show off firing off a huge kido in a downward blast. A Hado 99 takes time to cast and distractions are needed. Judging from what scarce number of bodies found at the edge of the kido blast, the Zaraki residents were somehow in open revolt, distracting the Shinigami eyes at ground level. This is well-planned. And the caster has someone for an exit strategy.

Letting the gout of flame race ahead would melt as many traps as it is capable before dissipating, this would buy Suzaku more time to dash ahead. Whoever did this is surely planning for something at the next stop, and the more elaborate this is, the more telling of the organizational abilities of this enemy Soul Society shall face.

Lord Syn
2011-07-31, 12:00 AM
The two warriors, Ping and Jing, seem more than moderately enthused at the sight of backup arriving; while the larger man carefully passes the young child over to a more well-versed student of the healing arts than he, the smaller Ping guestures back to the small ring of (mostly) undamaged ground in the rubble, and the bleary-eyed, confused and frightened figures standing there. "A handful of Plusses--" he says with the relaxed sort of tone one might use to talk about a particularly useless but still minorly amusing dog, "--got caught under my shell. Who knows, maybe one of 'em saw something. You boys should probably have a look at the lot of 'em before they scamper off."

His mandatory good deed for the moment complete, Ping watches his larger friend as the trade-off is made, then watches for a little longer as the giant dusts himself off, before looking in turn to his partner's gaze. "Problem?" the larger man says gruffly.

"Not really," Ping replies easily. "Just caught me off-guard a bit. Didn't know you had a soft spot for little kids."

Jing pauses, seeming to consider his answer, then turns away casually and starts walking off, adding only a simple, "Had a daughter."

"Really?" his smaller companion asks, matching pace with him easily. "I didn't know you were a papa. Where's she at now?"

"Died." is the larger man's only reply. A very final one too, judging by the tone.

Keeping his replies to himself, Ping simply follows after his friend, silently digesting this new tidbit.



Away from the gathered forces, away from the bold 3rd Seat of Squad 6, away from the rebel leader and the hound at his heels, a lone and burnt and broken old man clutches his axe tightly in one hand.

Again, he breathes in deeply, and again, he raises empty, bloodshot eyes towards the sky, and again, he lets out a low, wracking howl through cracked and broken lips, a dry and swollen throat, and aching and painful lungs.

As the man screams his defiance towards the heavens, a strange red rash begins to show itself on his baked and peeling forehead. It seems almost to take a shape, but with the damage to the flesh beneath it, it's near impossible to make it out.

Suddenly, the apparently broken man leaps to his feet, torn muscles somehow tensing and flexing through what must be unimaginable pain. The man, however, seems oblivious to his plight, grasping his woodsman's axe in both hands and turning to face a direction chosen, most likely, at pure random..

Wobbling and shaky on unstable legs, the only sound the man makes is a heavy, cracked and wet gurgling sound that, in all likelihood, is his attempt to continue to draw ragged breath. And yet, something drives him onward, some unknown thread pulling him forward to an uncertain future.

From the way he grips the axe, however, one thing is certain - this otherwise uncertain future will surely be one of blood.

2011-08-04, 04:16 PM
Suzaku reaches the building almost immediately. Now for foes who run into buildings, it is typical to search every level. But when it comes to beings capable of masking their reiatsu, or their presence so quickly the option of searching floor by floor isn't a good use of time, especially when they are counting on you to search the building.

Suzaku blasts the door apart and accelerates the flames reaching through the building, in a quick flash the entire abandoned building is entirely up in flames. Taking two seconds to hear for any extra moments, particularly trying to escape the fire, Suzaku nods knowing that she was right.

Noting the trapdoor below the rapidly consumed carpet, Suzaku waves her sword at it as a gout of flame blasts through the door and through the tunnel with Suzaku speeding right behind it.

All the evidence seems clear, this isn't just some show off firing off a huge kido in a downward blast. A Hado 99 takes time to cast and distractions are needed. Judging from what scarce number of bodies found at the edge of the kido blast, the Zaraki residents were somehow in open revolt, distracting the Shinigami eyes at ground level. This is well-planned. And the caster has someone for an exit strategy.

Letting the gout of flame race ahead would melt as many traps as it is capable before dissipating, this would buy Suzaku more time to dash ahead. Whoever did this is surely planning for something at the next stop, and the more elaborate this is, the more telling of the organizational abilities of this enemy Soul Society shall face.

As the fire flies through the tunnel nothing is melted, nothing charred. It seems almost as if the tunnel was empty until Isawa comes to a fork in the tunnel, the wall ahead covered in metal which is red from the intense heat of the flames. The pieces of steel spell out a simple message: "Behind You."

Almost as if timed, the main entrance to the tunnel explodes from the force of the plastic explosives Makoto had stolen from the mortal world. Isawa would just have time to turn around before hearing the rumble, and now there would be no going back. As if on cue, two metal crossbow bolts fly through the air from the left passage and two more from the right. Holding the crossbows are a few more captured rukon citizens, though these make no noise. Their mouths sutured shut on closer inspection.

"That should slow her down a bit. Why the hell didn't you think of making this place better for traps, Makoto!?"

2011-08-04, 08:00 PM
As the fire flies through the tunnel nothing is melted, nothing charred. It seems almost as if the tunnel was empty until Isawa comes to a fork in the tunnel, the wall ahead covered in metal which is red from the intense heat of the flames. The pieces of steel spell out a simple message: "Behind You."

Almost as if timed, the main entrance to the tunnel explodes from the force of the plastic explosives Makoto had stolen from the mortal world. Isawa would just have time to turn around before hearing the rumble, and now there would be no going back. As if on cue, two metal crossbow bolts fly through the air from the left passage and two more from the right. Holding the crossbows are a few more captured rukon citizens, though these make no noise. Their mouths sutured shut on closer inspection.

"That should slow her down a bit. Why the hell didn't you think of making this place better for traps, Makoto!?"

The first few crossbow bolts have struck true, if Suzaku had not held the Bakudo spell Seki inside her. Now those bolts stopped upon touching that materialized shield and fallen harmlessly onto the ground.

"Bakudo 1. Sai!" Suzaku points and repeatedly casts the same spell at all the crossbow firers. To use any stronger Bakudo might mean to damage them, and the time spent rapid-fire casting has cost her the chase. Gripping that dull growing mote of anger into nothing more than a tiny flame, Suzaku uses Hainawa to round up the captured Rukon citizens. Perhaps there is still time.

Casting Bakudo 15 Kyomon to form a hemispherical barrier around the bound Rukon citizens, Suzaku speeds ahead faster than before, as if trying to make up for lost time.

2011-08-04, 10:34 PM
The first few crossbow bolts have struck true, if Suzaku had not held the Bakudo spell Seki inside her. Now those bolts stopped upon touching that materialized shield and fallen harmlessly onto the ground.

"Bakudo 1. Sai!" Suzaku points and repeatedly casts the same spell at all the crossbow firers. To use any stronger Bakudo might mean to damage them, and the time spent rapid-fire casting has cost her the chase. Gripping that dull growing mote of anger into nothing more than a tiny flame, Suzaku uses Hainawa to round up the captured Rukon citizens. Perhaps there is still time.

Casting Bakudo 15 Kyomon to form a hemispherical barrier around the bound Rukon citizens, Suzaku speeds ahead faster than before, as if trying to make up for lost time.

Isawa catches up to the two, Makoto leaning against a wall facing where she's coming from with a wicked smile on his face. "Hope you can dig, love." She should easily recognize him as a member of her own division, as well as his "assistant". They both defected early in the war with the hollows and have since been in hiding. He blows a quick kiss before being pulled into a swirling blue portal, nearly closed. If Isawa hurries she may be able to send a single kido through.

2011-08-05, 06:18 AM
Isawa catches up to the two, Makoto leaning against a wall facing where she's coming from with a wicked smile on his face. "Hope you can dig, love." She should easily recognize him as a member of her own division, as well as his "assistant". They both defected early in the war with the hollows and have since been in hiding. He blows a quick kiss before being pulled into a swirling blue portal, nearly closed. If Isawa hurries she may be able to send a single kido through.

Releasing Fuji Azami without incantation, Suzaku places her palm towards Makoto. "Bakudo 63. Sajo Sabaku!". A pair of chains made from yellow energies speed towards Makoto, attempting to bind him and pull him back out from the portal. Keeping her sword arm at the ready, there is no way Makoto could move so swiftly if at all after firing that spell.