View Full Version : Cipher's Game

Cipher Stars
2011-06-10, 07:26 PM
Jill Vaelenira walked along the side of the North Bridge in the city of Ashmole. Pitiful, pitiful Ashmole. She wouldn't be here if it was not for the cursed last words of her former master, who now lay in his grave, she'd be long gone to the east, a land of vast grass planes, and rising snow capped mountains ever present in the distance. That was where she was born, the kingdom of Ciesta. but no. She was stuck fulfilling a wish of a dead man. Which, in his ever present greed had been: Make me a God. Now she had trudge off four hours a day keeping an ear out for something like that. Complete waist of life. She couldn't even leave this damned tiny city yet! For some reason it was breaching the last words and if she continued she'd keep getting sick each day, eventually getting weaker and weaker until she died. She'd also loose all her special abilities she'd trained for from the Maid academy in the famed city of Hestiea.
She'd done her time for the day, so she sat on the edge of the bridge dangling her feet over the river below to watch the boats come and go through the water gates, It was always busiest at midday.

2011-06-10, 07:44 PM
Myrrturdin strolled merrily down the ash covered streets gazing happily at the beautiful sky overhead chatting idly with his neighbor. "yah, I'm afraid old Mr. Arnwald has-" when suddenly he notices the sad creature. :smallbiggrin:

Never one to leave someone to wallow in their sorrow alone Myrrturdin pointed her out to Uthmah and strode quietly over to the figure leaning on the railing beside her gazing out at the ash stained waters, calmly beginning to speak never once lifting his calm eyes from the silent river. "excuse me for the intrusion, but I must ask, for what is it that you grieve so?

2011-06-10, 09:48 PM

"Oh, poor little thing. Haps we put her out of her misery, good neighbor?" Uthmah looked at his neighbor, Myrrturdin, with a small grin. The glint in his deep, violet eyes showed how bemused and malicious he really was.

2011-06-11, 12:12 AM
Myrrturdin smiled back at Uthmah, he knew his neighbor had only the kindest of intentions, and refused to let the malicious gleam in the man's eye put him off, after all some people just look that way all the time when wearing a smile speaking of pure love of the world. "Perhaps we may ease her pains, but lets let the lass a chance to speak" Myrrturdin urged softly.

2011-06-11, 07:10 AM
Aleister is walking along the street to Myrrturdin's house when he spots him and Uthmah at the edge of the bridge "There you are i've been looking for you, we may have some work finally" Aleister calls out as he walks towards them, when he reaches them he notices a strange looking woman that they are clustered around "Oh excuse me miss, I'm Aleister at your service" he says to her with a bow.

2011-06-11, 05:10 PM
Kenneth was coming round a corner when he saw his three friends crowding around someone. He wandered over hoping one of those idiots hadn't got themselves into trouble, when he spotted a young woman who seemed to be the focus of their attention. "I hope you gentleman haven't been bothering this young lady." He mutters to Myrrturdin "You haven't been letting your compassion cause us any trouble have you?"

2011-06-11, 05:24 PM
"There you are i was just going to find you, i've managed to find someone willing to hire us, the pay isn't the greatest but we have only just started this mercenary gig so we'll just have to take what we can get" Aleister says when Kenneth joins them "Excuse us miss but my friends and i have to go" he says with another bow.

2011-06-11, 05:30 PM
Myrrturdin leans back towards Kennith whispering "Is there a way in existence to keep him from causing trouble?"

2011-06-11, 05:39 PM
Kenneth whispers back to Myrrturdin"Believe me friend you all cause me trouble, though some do cause it more regularly" he nods slightly in Uthmah's direction.

2011-06-11, 05:42 PM
"well at least he has his heart in the right place" Myrrturdin mutters back with a slight smile.

2011-06-11, 05:54 PM
"He has a heart?" Aleister whispers to Myrrturdin "I thought he was more of a rabid dog on a frayed leash"

2011-06-11, 06:11 PM
Myrrturdin leans over to Aleister and whispers "eavesdropping isn't a good skill to have, but of course he is like a rabid dog, but rabid dogs have just as big of hearts, only in a different way, I should know having treated one for a burn last weekend"

2011-06-11, 06:12 PM
Kenneth speaks to everyone keen to stop the whispering before Uthmah takes offense "So Aleister you said you found someone willing to hire us?".

2011-06-11, 07:36 PM
"Yeah they are waiting for us back at my house" turning back the girl "It was a pleasure meeting you miss and i hope you enjoy your time in Ashmole, as difficult as that maybe"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-11, 10:11 PM
Jill couldn't bring herself to care much, but was still taken back by the rudeness of the people. "Hey how are you" or "You look sad" Then turn around gibbering to themselves. Ignorant bastards. None the less they were obviously through with her before she even had a chance to make a some comment in return then proceed to ignore them. Flustered she hopped down from the bridges rather low railing and started to walk back to her room at the Grounded Swallow Inn. There was only two inns in the small city, The other however was a small hovel of a place unfit for the right hand aid to the previous Lord of HaSeon, The land of sand that rested across the treacherous waters to the west.

2011-06-11, 10:20 PM
Myrrturdin who had been calmly listening all the while for the girl to speak in her own time allowing a more casual atmosphere such that she wouldn't feel pressured to speak, now seeing her less than pleased expression he ventures "would you prefer not to talk about it?" as she begins to leave, a patient smile dancing in his eyes.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-11, 10:32 PM
Oh, so now I exist again do I? she thought to herself. Part of her defiantly wanted to ignore him as she planned to anyway. Another part nagged her to stop.
"I do not grieve, not every person sitting over a river is intending suicide." She said sharply. She was more hurt that they thought she looked sad, such a pitiful emotion to let into your mind.
"Though that person over there is probably thinking about it" She glanced at a man who set his bag down and seemed to be nervously looking down to the water below.

2011-06-11, 10:45 PM
"Ahh" says Myrrturdin "But had I thought that your nature I would not have come. Those who will die may die, and it would be no right of mine to stop them, and yet if they live on in pain it may be my place to provide an ear as a door to other options is it not?" Myrrturdin knew that in seconds he could easily bind the poor man, or even make the waters lovingly shelter him from threat, but were he to what would stop the man from starving himself in his restraints, or jumping into a volcano next time, and on a deeper level perhaps the man should jump, after all it was his choice. The girl on the other hand was new in town, and obviously burdened with woes that one shan't shoulder alone. In those same few seconds he could give what he could. After all his companions were all too eager with their adventure planning to mind him, and in truth the main reason he had agreed to come was that he was tired of seeing his poor brother shut inside year after year, and the poor boy had jumped so eagerly at the thought of leaving Ashmole behind...

Myrrturdin cntinued "Than again I will not force your step, if you wish to go I will no more stop you than I would the falling rain" than with the faintest of frowns he amended "no, it would be ash wouldn't it...or as I would keep a wolf from his prey"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-12, 12:13 AM
"Well that makes it all the better then doesn't it" She said sarcastically. "Your friends seem anxious to be somewhere, they don't seem to share your sentiment of stopping to break the schedule of a stranger." A look to the others made her amend her statement. "Unless they were trying to mug me" indeed, the others had faces only a mother could love. A stark contrast on the tiny bridge, Jill had been said to rival the legendary nymphs hidden away in the Endless Forest.

2011-06-12, 12:37 AM
"Does it need to be made better? death is death, and if he chooses it than he is far more at peace with it's existence than most." Myrrturdin pauses as if considering something "than again I suppose if you had a busy schedule that I was breaking I could let you be... or if your schedule were less full you could tell me what is bothering you and I could avoid more loud bartering about the going rates for mercenaries, I mean for Njörðr's sake mercenaries?" Myrrturdin took a moment to pray for Njörðr's forgiveness before turning to the odd lady with those ever smiling eyes "so which'll it be?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-12, 01:13 AM
"Nothing is on my mind. I always sit there at this time to watch the boats. Been so for about a week." Jill lied on the first part, but she was never one to linger on a subject. Once distracted she forgot about most other things.Before she brushed him off again she felt a familiar tug in her mind and she changed her outlook. Sighing she continued.
"But if not just to spare you of the financial talk of mercenaries, I'll accompany you if you so wish." She brushed off the back of her red tunic noticing how gritty the railing was, about the same time as the man from before decided to take a nose dive leaving behind his bag.

2011-06-12, 01:21 AM

"One moment, please." Uthmah turns away from the group of huddled masses and walks over to the bags of the late man. Uthmah gathers up all his things and strides back to the group. "Now, I assume you'll be wanting your share of our first loot?" He drops the bag in the center of the circle and empties out its contents.

2011-06-12, 01:40 AM
Myrrturdin looked down at his own garb, once embroidered with a million dancing leaves, and now covered in vomit and worse from his career, but all the same he wore the old robe with the pride with which a king may ware his crown. Slowly he walked back over to the railing on the bridge to look out and the water. After a moment he prodded gently "so what's been about a week?" looking out at the dull grey sky. He reasoned she had been in town for a few weeks it couldn't be that, so it was likely what was bothering her.

Than hearing Uthmah he turns to watch his comrades with wary amusement. keeping an open ear for the troubled soul beside him.

listen check [roll0]

2011-06-12, 04:05 PM
Aleister waits for Uthmah to finish and listens with interest to the conversation between Myrrturdin and the girl.

2011-06-12, 04:20 PM

Seeing the girl's hesitation to plunder the things of the suicidal man, Uthmah speaks again. "What? Do you have a problem with this sort of thing? You might not be suited for us if you do." Moving the few items around with his foot, Uthmah frowns slightly. "It's not much, but it's still something."

Search check if necessary: [roll0]

Cipher Stars
2011-06-12, 05:36 PM
"Suited for you lot? My, the dreadful terror I now feel after hearing those words, stranger." Jill shot back, but cursing her instincts as a Nekochi she peaked curiously at what was spilled out before the group of almost monstrous looking humans. Her curiosity seemed unwarranted. It was nothing more then many papers, a book, a capped inkwell, quill, and a musty looking book with a flimsy looking string binding it shut. Back to the first intruder she answered his poor question.
"Sitting here of course. I've been sitting here everyday at midday for a week ever since I felt its where I should be as I first crossed this bridge."

2011-06-12, 05:43 PM
"Take whatever is valuable and leave the rest, the beggars and pickpockets can have it." Kenneth shakes his head at Uthmah I don't know why you bothered, a wealthy man wouldn't jump of a bridge.""He looks straight in the womans eyes "If you have a job for us start talking" He points at Myrrturdin "Or if you just want to talk to him, it can wait until tonight when we're at the inn. We already have people willing to hire us and we shouldn't keep them waiting."

2011-06-12, 05:52 PM
Myrrturdin picks up the musty book and pockets it without a second thought, saying a prays of thanks to the spirit of the poor man. Than turning he spreads his hands helplessly at Kennith's words he replies "Well I suppose it must be nice to know where it is you should be," Myrturdin smiles wistfully at this thought before his thoughts turn again to his brother and he adds "but that as it is not every branch is fit for nesting, I hope you chose yours well." his eyes cloud over slightly in thought before he startles himself back out of it.

2011-06-12, 06:11 PM

"I doubt any of you would have a need for these books or the writing materials so I'll keep these to forge- er write letters with." Uthmah quickly gathered up the meager pile and put everything back into the bag, which he then slung over his back. "Whelp, you don't have to join us but you do have to make your decision quickly because we're off to the inn." Swinging around, Uthmah began to walk away, assuming his companions would follow.

2011-06-12, 06:20 PM
"Uthmah stop! We have to meet our new clients at Aleister's house." Kenneth turns to the strange woman "Thats great, you feel that you should be here, care to pay us to find out why? without waiting for an answer "I didn't think so. Stop wastng our time" He turns to Aleister and gestures for him to lead the way.

2011-06-12, 06:37 PM
Aleister Leads the others to his house by the Colchester gate. "Just try not to insult the client when we get there" he looks at Uthmah and Kenneth when he says this.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-12, 06:39 PM
"why would I ever want to pay your ugly mug for anything? Where I'm from you'd be hanged for your insolence." That was to say if they ever made it into the pure blooded capital city that she called home only two months ago. Even being servant to the high lord put one in high standing, to also be a famed Maid made her status in the desert kingdom equal to that of the the lord's own royal children. Even in this horrid little kingdom on her forsaken quest she still held her title. You'd think she'd get use to being treated as a commoner even despite her looks here in this miserable kingdom twice away from her own, but at least she didn't strike those who did for they're impudence.
With a glare, Jill sharply turned away to carry on back to her room in the inn determined to ignore further insolence.

2011-06-12, 06:57 PM
Myrrturdin gazes hopelessly at the angry little lady. It always amazed him how easily everyone lost their tempers, and it certainly seemed to happen allot around him. Slowly he followed after Aleister smiling casually as he took in the scenery. Somehow wherever he went he still managed to find something beautiful about the scenery. As he gazed at an ash filled tree who's slender branches curved easily beneath the gathering ash he slowly pondered who this client may be.

2011-06-12, 07:09 PM
Kenneth glares at Aleister"I'll be civil if they don't waste our time."

2011-06-12, 07:21 PM

Uthmah followed Aleister down the all too familiar streets of Ashmole. He'd spent the past year or so there, living in the house given to him by his psychotic tutor. Since his 'graduation' from tutelage, Uthmah has spent his time contemplating the world around him. After a great many drunken nights in the local bar with his friends, Uthmah had come to the decision that he would take advantage of the world around him and make his own life as pleasurable to him as possible while he still had to live it. People became tools to him and even his closest friends were just ways to pass this sad life off as something it's not.

After a hearing Kenneth's comment, Uthmah made a quick remark. "If they aren't worth our time, you'll just pick their pockets and make them worth our time, right Kenneth?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-12, 07:53 PM
Jill left the group of homely humans behind off the bridge and turned down to the inn. Once inside she scowled at the new group populating the inns dinning center. She'd almost forgotten how full it was at midday. Ignoring the jeers, shouts, and crude comments directed at her, Jill made her way through the closely packed tables full of repulsive males toward the stair case on the other side of the room. One drunken fool tried to follow her, luckily she didn't have to do anything as the Inn keeper dropped the heavy separation block between them barring access to the stairs. She had paid him extra to make certain non paying guests did not get passed to the upper rooms. Smiling at something finally going her way she went up to her room. Another she paid extra for, a room a small window at the highest point in the building. She had to come in normally, but when it came time to leave her more unique skills let her leave through the small window with ease. Her room was empty. She never needed to carry luggage around with her, she could call and send her items to and from her rooms in the Palace even from here.
With a sigh she sent all her items and clothing away to where they belonged withing the Palace and curled up for the day under the bed's cheap blanket. She'd done all she cared to today anyway. Perhaps she'd have more luck tonight in finding amusement.

2011-06-12, 08:08 PM
When they arrived Myrrturdin happened to be at the front of the group, so he opened Aleister's door and entered with the others. He had never really seen why people get so possessive over dwellings, and with his drinking buddies there weren't many secrets, even Carouse's existence was known to them, and their company helped keep him sane in his isolation.

... unfortunately the house was empty... again... why couldn't they get a decent client who didn't run off the second they turned their backs? Myrrturdin had a hunch that it may be due to Aleister's ... eccentric... methods of finding clients. "OK, OK, this is what, the twentieth ghost client you've brought s this week? OK, I get it you're eager to be on our way, but I've been thinking..." (well the truth was that it had been his brother chatting with him all night encouraging him to bring this up, but all the same) "We've had our gear packed for weeks waiting for one of these clients to actually want to hire us... why not simply travel to other towns seeking employment? you know leave early tonight or tomorrow night after we finish purchasing the last supplies we may need?"

2011-06-12, 08:38 PM

"What gear? Maybe you've had faith in this guy but I anticipated this and nearly preempted it by going straight to the inn this time. I have never felt that our adventuring was going anywhere. I lied when I said that I bought supplies just like the rest of you. Instead, I've been saving up for something that might actually be useful in getting me somewhere in this abysmal life." Uthmah said this in the manner that two bad parents argue about their child in front of him. In his eyes, he and Myrrturdin were taking care of Kenneth and Aleister, despite Uthmah being the youngest of all of them.

2011-06-12, 09:03 PM
Myrrturdin grins and replies in a mild tone "than that will be the gear you are to get, after all nature can provide us food if it needs to."

2011-06-13, 02:52 AM
Aleister ignores Myrrturdin comments and goes to sit down in a chair"Just wait the client will be along shortly, infact i think i hear them coming right now"

2011-06-13, 11:44 AM
Kenneth skulks in a corner waiting for the client to show up.

2011-06-13, 12:50 PM

Uthmah let out a clearly audible moan at the idea of humoring his companion for any longer. Nonetheless, he found a chair and pulled out the papers, quill, and inkwell that he had acquired. He had planned to write a short story or a poem in his downtime but instead, found something written on his papers. "What's this? Everyone, gather 'round. That dead guy had something." Uthmah proceeded to quickly read through the papers at a pace that he knew the others couldn't match. He laughed silently to himself at this as he quickly flipped through.

Decipher Script roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11199244&postcount=141)

2011-06-13, 04:40 PM
"Tch, looks like the clients not going to turn up" Aleister says looking annoyed "Myrrturdin the kitchens through there" Aleister points to a door "I don't suppose you could brew us one of your herbal drinks could you?" looking over at Uthmah "Anything interesting in those books?"

2011-06-13, 04:47 PM

After reading through the papers, Uthmah lost the sense of pleasure he had gained from watching the man take his own life. A magically imposed urge to end one's own life was somehow less amusing to him than a legitimate will to end one's own life. "That guy that killed himself" Uthmah paused for a second, rereading the important bits to make sure of what he was about to say. "He was urged to kill himself by some winged witch that he freed from a crevice outside the city limits." Stowing his ink bottle, quill, and paper, Uthmah stood up and looked at his companions around him. "I'd say that this is our first chance at adventure but I have a feeling that all we'll find in that crevice is ash."

2011-06-13, 04:58 PM
Myrrturdin finds himself somewhat intrigued and gets up to follow the others, pulling out the musty book the man had been carrying, and reading it along the way.

2011-06-13, 05:37 PM
"Who knows maybe we'll get lucky and someone rich will see us kill this thing and offer us a job" Aleister says getting up and following the others "Think we should go pick up your brother Myrrturdin?" he asks "This witch should have a hard time magically forceing him to do her will since he's so.. thick head" Aleister finishes carefully, cautious of who might be listening.

2011-06-13, 06:12 PM
"Sounds like a plan, lets grab pup too he could use a walk anyways."With this Myrrturdin makes a gestures as if pulling something from the sky and mutters something causing a bird overhead to suddenly reverse direction mid-flight to tell Carouse to come over with pup reminding him yet again to walk as on with a disease rather than sprint across town as he wished he could. Contented Myrrturdin continues on as if nothing had happened.

animal messenger

2011-06-13, 06:40 PM
"Well this will be more fun than wacthing the rest of you get drunk tonight, lets go" Kenneth strolls out the door expecting the others will follow him.

2011-06-13, 07:11 PM
Mryyturdin snorts over his book giving Kennith a shocked and amused glance. "Huh, like you'd ever out drink me? you may outlast the others, but when you can out drink me I'll but ya two barrels." Myrrturdin was a large man, larger even than Alister. It wasn't that he was laced with as much muscle as the taller man, or even that he carried more girth, but he was simply big boned, and in part due to his size, and in part to his mental focus he could easily out drink all his drinking buddies, and would often drink two or three times as much as them in order to become half as witless as them before helping to steer the four man mob back to their respective houses. Again Myrrturdin snorted in amusement before returning to his book, and finding that it still won't open he pockets it to try fiddling with it later.

2011-06-13, 07:55 PM
"Lets try and get this over with quickly, the Grounded Swallow has a new drink on sale tonight that i want to check out" Aleister says leading the way out the town gates near his home.

2011-06-13, 08:09 PM
Carouse meets them at the gate with an annoyed and somewhat fake sounding groan of pain, limp, cough, shaky hands, and any other symptoms that happened to come into his mind when he left that day. He only got out at most once a month, and only in the past half year since Myrrturdin's friends had learned of him. word was that he was getting better and that walking would bee good for him, but he made a point to save his trips for chances to leave the town where he needn't feign fifty different illnesses. "Took you long enough you lazy swine" he replied the instant that they were within earshot with a somewhat raspy, but all the same condesending tone. "I hope you all feel dreadfully miserable about making a young man wrecked with illness beyond your comprehension to rot out here in the cold while you fools loiter about."

2011-06-14, 11:05 AM
"Hi Carouse so lets get going shall we" after saying that Aleister begins focusing and after a few seconds a tall black horse with Ice Rimmed hooves and icy blue eyes appears in front of him "Ah whose a good boy" Aleister says while stroking the horses back before climbing into the saddle.

2011-06-14, 11:31 AM
Carouse chuckles grimly "Oh so now you want to go, at your will my liege" Carouse gives a great bow to Aleister before continuing "Yet I fear your liege's horse is too slow, for it could never keep pace with me least you were to ride it dead, imagine such a mount outpaced by a sick man such as I" he reaches out to pet the mount "Oh fear not good steed, I'm sure it's not your fault you must carry such a heavy load, if only that load could contribute..." for the rest of the way to the cave Carouse continues to talk to the steed about all it's options, and of how it would hardly need to try to get a better alone, and ticking off endless lists of all the things Aleister could be doing for the mount that he didn't.

Myrrturdin walked towards the back of the group.

2011-06-14, 09:44 PM
Aleister approaches the enterance to the cavern on his horse them turns to look at the others "What now?" he asks.

2011-06-14, 10:37 PM
Carouse stopped talking to the horse and looked up at the rider as if he were asking if stone still stood and birds still fly. "Well" he begins speaking slowly as if to a young child "it was inside, we are outside", than forsaking the calm tone he finishes savagely "How do you suppose you could fix that, imbecile"

Myrrturdin suggests in a tone that suggests he just came to the conclusion "Mayhap I'll go in and poke around"

2011-06-15, 08:03 AM

On the long trek to the crevasse, Uthmah decided to take the time to look through the magically sealed book. He kept mostly to himself and walked near the back of the group, only occasionally looking up to see what was around them. With his nose in the book, Uthmah drifted into a world all too familiar to him. He was escaping this horrid reality and delving into a deep concentration. All of his focus was on the book and figuring out its secrets. Nothing could distract Uthmah from this book now and he had full confidence that his friends would not lead him astray in this state. They had all come to recognize when he did this, trying to accomplish tasks with his sheer force of will. It was his release and they knew it. Had they tried to break his concentration, they knew he'd most likely snap and start firing off spells every which way. No, it was best to leave him alone when he was like this, just wait until he finished his task.

In the spoiler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11212025&postcount=195)

2011-06-16, 03:46 PM
"Send Carouse to scout the cave and flush out what ever is in there while we wait here to ambush it."

2011-06-16, 08:05 PM
Carouse grumbles "You passed it you fools, here, you have to move the ash like this if you want to find a crevasse." Carouse quickly starts shoving ash around at break neck speeds (and since his is already broken he doesn't care) Soon Myrturdin commands the skeletal hound to help, along with various magical means of shifting ash all along their trail.

means employed


As he searches he finds himself walking right into it with his standard lopsided stride only to fall to the bottom with a dull thud. "Outch" Myrrturdin mutters to himself before getting up and dusting off. "I think I found it." he shouts up in a tone that suggests he hadn't just fallen fifty feet onto his behind... well honestly he had gotten worse climbing the hundred foot trees of his homeland in his youth, but somehow falling out of trees never stopped hurting. Myrrturdin pondered this for a moment before remembering the situation at hand and calling up "I said I found it!" As he calls up to his buddies who were still fumbling around in the dark up above Myrrturdin surveys the area. (If need be you can use the perception rolls that you ignored) :smallamused:

2011-06-17, 07:34 AM
Rideing close to the edge of the hole Aleister dismounts then looks down into it "There you are" turning he calls out to the others "Anyone got some rope?"

2011-06-17, 09:21 PM

"You act as though we need one." Uthmah says in a rather snide tone. He then muttered a few syllables, made a few hand motions, and leapt off the crevasse, pushing Aleister and Kenneth in front of him. As they lightly floated down the crevasse, Uthmah sought pleasure from the change in expression of his companions as they discovered that they would land unharmed. After they gently touched down, Uthmah took a quick look into the darkness and asked "Did anyone bring a torch or do I need to solve that one for us too?"

Cast feather fall from sorcerer side on all going into the crevasse, up to 9 people/companions

2011-06-17, 10:24 PM
Myrrturdin scrambles out of the way as the blackguard's mound comes down with the three (I hope you didn't forget that bit)

Carouse mutters something about how weak humans are before grabbing a few branches off trees to toss down if they needed torches they could light them themselves. As he did so Myrrturdin magically alters the rock wall to have a solid set of holds in order to make climbing in or out easy enough. Carouse than goes to sling the skeletal wolf over his back and he steadily makes his way down (just in case a climb check [roll0]

Than when he reaches the bottom he curses finding the two wood spirits holding onto his shoulders above where the wolf had been slung. Myrturdin promptly commands them to come down and to lead the way as he casts a spell to give him blind-sight 45' for the next hour and twenty minutes, guiding the forest spirits such that his comrades could simply walk between and behind the two green lights... why did he gt the feeling they'd be somewhat ungrateful?

Edit: Mayyrtudin also accepts his book back and pockets it :smalltongue:

2 uses of sculpt stone for the climbing holds
listening lorecall for blindsight

2011-06-17, 10:49 PM
"Don't worry i came prepared" I light my everburning torch.

2011-06-18, 04:18 AM
"I'll lead, follow me" Aleister says as he starts walking down the tunnel.

2011-06-18, 08:40 AM
Myrrturdin falls in behind Aleister, but keeps the two spirits before him, after all it never hurt to have something else there.

from the wood wose spell

A wood wose has an effective Strength of 2, so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds. It can trigger traps, but the 20 pounds of force it can exert is not enough to activate most pressure plates. It has a land speed of 15 feet and a fly speed of 15 feet (perfect). A wood wose cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll or a saving throw. It cannot be killed, but it dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks. If you attempt to send the wose beyond the spell’s range (measured from your current position), it ceases to exist.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-18, 08:00 PM
About half an hour later Jill discovered that she could not sleep. The racket below was just to much. She couldn't sleep at all and kept thinking about that black book those uglies pilfered from the dead man. She sighed and mumbled to herself, she didn't often have things like a mere book in mind, it must be related to the Last Words.
Reaching into thin air she plucked something into existence, a twig that forked out in the end forming a Y shape. Closing her eyes she focused through the twig. It took a moment but she managed to catch its location moments before it disappeared again, judging on its location she assumed it vanished from going out of range somewhere north of town.
Oh thats just great. she scowled. Taking a minute to think she almost decided it wasn't worth it but rolling out of bed she Retrieved her cloths again and pressed back through the loud beer filled men that were sorry excuses or a Sentient.

Outside of town she looked around the North end until she found the tracks of who she assumed was the group from the bridge walking through the ash. Almost turning back from the sheer waist of time this would be, she'd already spent her four hours dedicated to the Last Words. This was obviously related otherwise she wouldn't feel such a tug. But in the end she decided that waiting could have her trudging towards them for an even more annoying trip tomorrow.
The tracks led on for miles until she noticed an area that seemed to be clear( compared to normal ) of ash. the cleared area went on for sometime it seemed like they were looking for something, but she moved on until she found the end o the tracks. clenching her fists she stormed back towards the town, they must have found something and teleported or something like that. Non the less tomorrow when her times almost up and she needed four more hours of dedication the Last Words will tell her where to go to follow them. It'd be cutting it close thou- She shrieked a bit and discovered she had stepped into open air over a hole, reacting quickly pushed off with her still standing foot and connected with the other side.
How the hell did I miss that before? She glanced closer around the edges of the hole were multitudes of tiny runes. She couldn't read them, but she deduced it was some perception spell to hide the hole.
"This must be where they went." She quietly said staring down into the blackness, she thought she could see what she assumed to be spikes at the bottom. Looking around she saw a way down, a ladder worked into the side.

Climbing down she pressed forward through the jagged tunnel, It was jagged and very uneven. there were few places where one could be sure their footing was stable so she turned into a cat and continued on with newfound grace, lighter frame and smaller surface area made the task quite easy.
Before she went mad, the tunnel opened up into a long stretch that was more like a hallway then a cave tunnel. Still following as her white cat form eventually noticed a group of people through the entrance into a room, they seemed to be surrounded by bones. Undead? or were they there before? Not taking any chances she remained in the unassuming form of the white cat and went into the room herself.
Bones littered the place. She made the connection that it was obviously a battle sight. spires of bones, and long spearlike formations spiked up everywhere, into walls, up from under tables, shot into works of art on the walls. Most unerving were the skulls. Three giant skulls nearby but not too close stared off into space. What could have those come from? Or were they a part of some spell like the spires and lances surly were?
In the far end of the ballroom sized room she saw a broken door leading down into darkness.

2011-06-18, 08:56 PM
As the cat walks in Myrrturdin sits kneeling in prayer with the Caretaker and Pup siting before him as vigilant guardians. Carouse may have prayed beside him, but for the fact that he took a more cynic attitude praying only when there was something to be gained from it, and otherwise disregarding it as useless ritual, and as he saw it humans had all too much ritual, and it only weakened them.

Again Carouse broke the silence "So why do we even care about the-" Carouse cut off abruptly as Myrrturdin shifted slightly. The big man almost never shifted when he prayed, even that time when he had broken his leg and kneeled on it the whole while. In fact he only ever did so when he knew something was there as a signal to warn those around him while he sat silently in prayer, after all what god couldn't forgive the slightest shift during their worship. Thinking back Carouse recalled that his brother had used some of his odd nature magic. He thought for a moment trying to remember what... he had made the steps in the wall... he had summoned the spirits before that, but after the wall he had... Carouse racked his brains, his memory had never been quite right since that time he took a slash into his head. He had hardly noticed at the time, but god he wished he could have dodged that blow ever since... ahh yes, something to let him see in the dark. So maybe he sensed something... Calmly he looked around holding his broken neck as if he were stretching it. Nobody ever really noticed his battle scars since he wore the odd robe to cover them, but they made convenient reminders of the ills of humans that caused them to stretch from time to time. spot [roll0] and before it rolls I'm gonna assume it fails, Myrrturdin still has blindsight, and sitting by the door notices the cat walk in, but you can hardly have a conversation in meditation.
Truth be told he hadn't expected to hear anything, but all the same it couldn't hurt to get the jump on them. With a sigh he calls out "Come on out, we know you're there. Only an idiot wouldn't notice you, you half brained twit of a mongrel."
Carouse being the only one to expect a fight readies a full attack action with a bloody wind spell to bash the face in on anyone that were to attack them that comes within range.

2011-06-18, 11:35 PM

Uthmah thinks to himself. "What is that monstrosity going on about now? It's impossible to focus on my spells with these fools around. I might as well put on my eyes and take a look around myself, then." Uthmah then rose, muttered a few indiscernible words, mimed a symbol or two, and then stood very still, his eyes now glowing blue in the poorly lit chamber. Scanning the chamber quickly, he spotted a few key things. His eyes alighted upon a ring, the skulls, and the cat lingering nearby. Making a flash decision, Uthmah decided to go for the ring first. Diving into a nearby pile of skull fragments, he had decided that with an item so powerful, it didn't matter if its effects were positive or negative. He needed that ring before the others could get their grubby fingers on it. Reaching the near-bottom of the pile, he ripped the ring out and stuffed it onto his finger immediately. When he neither grew to enormous size nor disintegrated immediately, Uthmah was slightly disappointed. He stood and asked the others "Why is there a cat down here???"


Cipher Stars
2011-06-18, 11:55 PM
Jill heard the question but ignored it, She came for their book yes, but this room was much more interesting at the moment so she continued to paddle through the skull fragments littering the ground. Many objects were everywhere, but few things seemed worth anything. not that she cared, She was not allowed to own personal objects not given to her by her master. It was fine though, having free use of her master's things. between that and the items her master gave her before he died she as good to go.
But that didn't stop her curiosity from bringing her to shuffle through piles of spilled paper, or stacks of books.

2011-06-19, 12:14 AM
Carouse looks exasperatedly at Myrrturdin "You warn me about a cat? good heavens man" But Myrrturdin was too focused in his prayers, and the mage was obviously busy... well cat or otherwise Carouse knew that his brother could look through the eyes of animals so he decided he was better off without the cat around. Briskly he pulls the cat up by the scruff of it's neck when he sees it going for the papers. He held it this way instinctively as all those years back in the grove had taught him how a mother cat would hold their kittens as such how they would not notices, and instinct would quell them into submission more easily. (yes curse me for having a druid all you want, but you pick up on that animals aren't to be taken quite as lightly) Gently the undead sets the cat down by the door and shoos it saying all the while "a cat, a cat of all things. Now you go along now or I'll have to rip your head off and feed your intestines to stray dogs before ritualistically consuming your corps in a nice little spell OK?" for this he uses a tone most commonly associated with telling a child to go to bed or be deprived a cookie, but it shows in his dull lifeless eyes that he would. He than sat there watching the cat unblinking. He knew that when he had the time for it (like now with those stiff necked magi sitting around) that if you starred in one's eyes long enough it would recognize you as the alpha and would leave you alone if you truly wished it. As the minutes passed he began telling it an insult every now and than:

your mother was a spiny necked rat
your first meal came from a sewage slop dumpster
you couldn't catch a flightless bird
you're so fat you must have rolled down here and can't roll back up
you look like a slime spawned rodent
It occurred to him that he was talking to a cat, but being inside with nobody to talk to but Myrrturdin and those on a sickbed for the last few years it struck him as a simple way to relieve boredom.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 12:33 AM
Jill let out a chain of curse words and something about the zombies mother being made of rotten cheese, which as a cat only sounded like a hiss. Her senses as a cat easily let her know he was coming even as she nudged over a particularly interesting looking book in blue dyed leather. When the zombie attempted to pick her up, she assumed the worse and attacked with a thought before running away. A mindless rotting zombie? even if it was with those evil men, or even because of that, what was it to do? Eat her? no way.

Still, Silent spell. Greater Disrupt Undead 8d6 vs undead (ray)
attack Roll(1d20)+15:
damage Roll(8d6)+0:
Total:35 damage
Movement: moved to other side of the room (60ft) (Told ya it was a big room didn't I?)
Also, you shouldn't say you auto do something relating to a character, NP or otherwise. It breaks the flow when you have to correct by adding what you do. :smallwink:

2011-06-19, 12:42 AM
yup, but all the same cats tend to be easy to do to as I said. :smalltongue: Plus if I overshoot I can always just add a different ending ay?
Attack of opportunity I guess than if I'm being blasted by anti-undead rays :smallamused: [roll0] damage [roll1] fort save DC 13 to avoid 2 negative levels

Carouse curses as the cat's ray burns him. "Stupid cat", than "Caretaker kill the cat, it's an enemy sorceress come to kill us all" Carous feel somewhat glad getting back at the cat, after all there is no such thing as pettiness to a thirteen year old for which Carouse would ever be.

(The skeletal hound moves 80 feet in a heartbeat towering over the cat, since Myrrturdin commanded the hound to obey Carouse as well Carouse can command it, though not command it.) (should we be rolling initiative? :smallconfused:

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 01:24 AM
The skeletal creature gets close to Jill, and she raises a mass of black tentacles from the ground that curl around its bony frame trying to find purchase.

bone dog triggers readied Black Tentacles

2011-06-19, 01:51 AM
The skeletal wolf attempts to resist the writhing tentacles snapping at the cat (if he gets free and the cat didn't include it's self in the area the wolf takes a 5' step to the cats right)


2011-06-19, 05:42 AM
"Calm down Carouse" Aleister calls out "Who are you and what do you want?" he asks the cat in a clearand steady voice.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 06:21 AM
Thinking clearly now that she felt safer behind the Tentacles that were holding the meatless dog in place, she was aware that the Zombie wasn't totally mindless after all. Though any fool who tries to grab at her is worthy of a blasting in her eyes anyway. maybe not that hard of a blasting, but still.
One of the others, the snobby one from the bridge, called out to her. Of course. She was a cat, they wouldn't recognize her. Maybe it would be better that way. Using her Telepathy she was able to answer despite being a cat at the moment.
"I was merely pawing through some interesting books when your zombie reached for me. I wasn't aware he wasn't mindless. or rather, not totally so. So I attacked back in assumption it was after more... less desirable impressions. Zombies, always with the biting you know?"

2011-06-19, 10:53 AM
Carouse's voice rings out with rage "Zombie? Zombie? Never mind everyone it's not a sorcerer, it's an imbecile, a thousand times worse, and a jumpy halfwit with spells at that." Carouse shakes his head "Cat, I am half tempted to show you yourself what being a zombie would feel like. Maybe than you could tell were that tiny brain of yours not to somehow further it's degradation first."

On a side note Carouse has Int 4 (he knows little, which isn't surprising with him ever stuck as a angry thirteen year old
wisdom 24 (he's damn good at thinking even if he doesn't know much)
Cha 12 (he can leave a fair impression)
just in case you thought there was some merit to the brainless zombie thing from his int.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 02:36 PM
The cat made a lighthearted noise that sounded amused.
"Zombies, Wights,.. Your all the same, that is to say daft rotting sacks of flesh." Jill always preferred skeletal minions herself. She seemed completely unworried about the zombie creep, or the others who seemed anxious to toss a spell around.

2011-06-19, 05:39 PM
Now Carouse was man, the cat obviously knew he was a wight, he hadn't told her, and yet she had still called him a zombie just to taunt him. sharply he drew his mind to focus. Converting s cure moderate to an inflict moderate to heal himself the wight slowly advanced (20') No moire playing with the kitten he thought sourly to himself.

[roll0] healed

2011-06-19, 07:52 PM

"Leave him alo-" "Ah, forget it. I'll just blast the b****" Uthmah impatiently thought to himself before firing off a spell. He swung his hand low as if he were bowling and shot a green bolt of acid out of his palm in the direction of the cat thing.

Cast Melf's Acid Arrow
[roll0] vs Touch AC
[roll1] damage
Damage continues for the next 3 rounds

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 08:22 PM
Jill all to easily ducked away from the Acid. These humans must be trying to taunt her to go lethal. She won't easily fall for it however. She sat down kitty style and lifted a paw and and and in a quick burst of light a Unicorn wither fiery golden eyes stepped forward beside her. It's name was Mele'Rizold, a friend of hers from the Palace grounds. Its Aura would be helpful against those savages.

Retrieved animal: Unicorn, same square as Jill (Being small while Rizold is Large)
Circle against Evil active, Jill now under effects of Protection from Evil, and evil cannot enter within 10ft of Rizold, thats about halfway through the tentacles.

Rizold saw the threats she assumed she was summoned for, but she knew Jill didn't like her acting immediately, so waited for a command, looking towards the cat expectantly. But it just looked at her and shook its head.
"I think theres been a misunderstanding, just be ready"
Rizold readied herself to charge anything that tried to threaten the two of them.

Readied Action, Gore. Trigger: Enemy within 10ft.

2011-06-19, 09:32 PM
Carouse steps up to the spell not yet entering, attempting to overcome the itthrough sheer bullheadedness
The skeletal wolf on the other hand continues to wrestle free trying to get a bite out of the cat.

grapple [roll1]
attack [roll2]

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 09:54 PM
The wolf failed to struggle free of the thick tentacles iron grip.


I dunno what your lil 6 roll was for.
Bridgars then, now. Burn&Jolly seem to be avoiding this struggle. who knows, they might enjoy watching your asses get kicked by a cat.

2011-06-19, 10:13 PM

"Nice mutt." Uthmah shouted before unleashing a torrent of lightning from his hands. "I like those heavily charred, their blood tastes funny."

Cast Maximized, Empowered Lightning Bolt
Sacrifice a 4th level spell slot from sorcerer for maximize and a 2nd for Empower

That's 90 damage with a DC 34 Reflex Save for half damage

If the line goes through allies, I move so that it doesn't. I don't have a map to describe it from.

2011-06-19, 10:18 PM
The skeletal dog continues to struggle and snap fighting with it's all


Carouse resigned to simply watching and cackles with childish glee as the lightening finally strikes the cat.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 11:00 PM
The meatless dog failed again to break free from the tentacles as the lightning tore through the unicorn, who disappeared back to where she came. As for Jill, She was use dodging faster things, and knowing she couldn't save the unicorn she rolled away as it struck, a moment to slow it seemed and her pure white fur was blackened a fair bit all over her tail.

dogs grapple failed, Unicorn didn't have much of a chance with its suck reflex, I rolled a 2 for my reflex failing, but still taking only half damage with improved evasion. electricity resistance 10 further nerfs your lightning down to 35 damage. 45 being half, -10 for 35 damage.

Poor Rizold she sighed mentally, That looked like it could take her weeks to recover from. She didn't care for much. But that unicorn was one of the not quite so small list of exceptions. Her tail burned some, but at least at the moment that would just be a tail, should she go back to her humanoid form she might not be able to sit easily for some time.
Angry now, the bastards cant seem to get she was trying to keep back, she raised a paw again and sent eight shards of bone off the ground hurling toward the lightning shooter. Circling red seals appeared on all tentacles and they grew in size, and sprouted spikes that dripped with acid. Immediately they started reaching out attacking all in range. (which is bigger now)

Meatless dog:

Maximized Tentacle Wrath 49 damage (30 slash, 19 acid)

Tentacles now provide total concealment passed 2 squares.

2011-06-19, 11:26 PM
Myrrturdin was getting uneasy, the sounds of combat carried across the room to him and finally he decided. He had probably prayed about an hour, maybe a little more, he preyed Njörðr would forgive him not preying more, but all the same.

Myrrturdin was generally a well minded man, and rarely lost control, but when he did he had a temper dark enough to stare down a god in it's own domain. As he took in the scene around him he easily stayed under control, but all the same a sort of intensity spoke in his voice. "Heel" he spoke the word in a level tone, but instantly the Caretaker stopped resisting, and Carouse followed suit. It was hard to determine which of them he had intended it for, but Pup merely punctuated the command with a happy little bark.Myrrturdin than starring the little cat full in the face he tells it in a a simple tone that brooks no argument "And you will unhand my dog and brother before I bring this cavern down on your head. And you," Myrrturdin gives a uncertain look at the magi "Why in Njörðr's name are you throwing around the forces of nature at cats when we still don't know what those things are?" He gestures to the skulls.

"Now" he said looking at the cat (assuming it had dropped it's magics) "Would you mind enplane to me why you are flinging around my pet and my brother, or shale I assume they were right in wanting to kill you?"
Ready action to actually drop the roof on her head if she fleas, doesn't end her spell, attacks, or overall displeases Myrrturdin... fun times ay :smallbiggrin:

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 11:38 PM
Jill wasn't kindly towards threats, but she knew what this would look like to someone just showing up, mentally at least. So she did drop the tentacles that disappeared into the ground leaving no sign besides disturbances in the bone shards everywhere that they were ever here.
But the zombie was down, and she didn't fear much from the trigger happy caster. He got lucky last time for sure... she thought. That coupled with the fact that her ass now hurt worse then the time she was Maid to a Half-Orc barbarian, she was pretty willing to stop fighting for the moment.
She couldn't speak as a cat, so she didn't know what the.... druid ... was thinking in demanding an answer. Who would demand a cat to say something?
"Meoow" She complained. Her Telepathy was a once a day thing... (She could speak normally to the unicorn)

2011-06-19, 11:42 PM
Myrrturdin shakes his head sadly before murdering a few magic words and replying "Mwe?" (or in other words "Sorry I missed that, come again?" in cat)

:smallsigh: silly cat making me use my one speak with animals spell

Cipher Stars
2011-06-19, 11:47 PM
"your pet over there tried to grab me... and your aware its undead yes? What was I to assume it was trying to do..." She said in cat. She felt somewhat smug and satisfied making him do some work to communicate with her.

2011-06-19, 11:55 PM
Myrrturdin had it in good mind that the cat could easily speak, and was having him speak it's language simply from natural feline haughtiness, but he listened with great care all the same acknowledging that if the cat chose to be a stuck up pain that was it's choice and he didn't feel like insulting it by saying so. "My pet tried to grab you?" He gives an odd look to the skeletal dog causing it to walk over to his feet as any carefree dog might. "I hardly believe the Caretaker would attack you less you threatened my life.... or I suppose my brother... as for her undeath I would hardly think the Caretaker would wish us to have left her corpse to rot all those years back, and to leave her cub untended... no, but I fail to see what you have against her" Myrrturdin, darn him, spoke in a reasonable tone as if it made sense, nearly draining the haughtiness out of the noble tongue of cats.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 12:08 AM
"Not the bony dog, the fleshy one" Jill gave the cats equivalent to rolling her eyes as if it was obvious who the "pet" was referring to.

2011-06-20, 12:13 AM
Myrrturdin looked troubled and glanced at pup "The fleshy one you say? Well I still wouldn't expect it from Pup, but... are you sure?"

Carouse was beginning to get annoyed again. "Why are you meowing like a cat over there, why not just kill the cat and be done with it?" Myrrturdin just shook his head and continued speaking to the cat "Please forgive his temper, it can be a bit short from time to time, but he really is a nice fellow"

Carouse was getting annoyed again, but he couldn't really take action bound as he was to his brother's word without further humiliating himself, so he did nothing.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 12:19 AM
"yes what ever then, the dog approached me funny." She said growing short on patience. "Point is there seemed to have been a misunderstanding, but now that your... awake I guess you can keep your pets on a tighter leash and we can all stop killing each other mm'kay?" She said the last part with a cute of a tone as possible, and with a blinding charisma such as hers it should be quite potent even as a cat to a human. It would surly make a little kid drop they're grandmothers bottle of life saving pills to pick her up for cuddles.

2011-06-20, 12:27 AM
Myrrturdin looks at the cat with a look more befit for a kid who wanted to quickly put it behind them that they had taken an extra cookie. "OK than I guess..." He reaches out across his link with pup to get the story and frowns "OK, in any case might I ask why a feline such as yourself may be wondering such a cavern at this time of night?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 12:31 AM
Myrrturdin looks at the cat with a look more befit for a kid who wanted to quickly put it behind them that they had taken an extra cookie. "OK than I guess..." He reaches out across his link with pup to get the story and frowns "OK, in any case might I ask why a feline such as yourself may be wondering such a cavern at this time of night?"

"Night? Its only mid sun fall. Thats about... three'o clock in people terms." Jill said. "And in case you didn't notice, its a lot easier down here then in the ash out there that I could barely see over if I was standing on two legs"

2011-06-20, 12:36 AM
"Yes, which is why I wonder why you would have traveled through the ash to this cavern, after all I would have noticed you had I passed you on my way in as I had before you entered this... 'room' I guess is a fare word for it..." Myrrturdin looked unsatisfied with the worn, but continued regardless. "Also you wouldn't paw through papers less you could read, and you cast a few spells back there... Might I inquire as to what form of cat you are?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 12:42 AM
"Of course I can read! hah, who doesn't know how to read?" She said with a kitty laugh.
"You've been in this room for a while I take it. There isn't much here." She said trying to make it sound like she's been here for some time previously.


2011-06-20, 12:49 AM
hmm, the thing I don't like about believing in personality mods is that there are so many circumstantial mods, such as that she appeared eager to paw around, and that Myrrturdin has certainly found interesting things, but He'll likely just accept what she says half believing it, plus I think I gave him some flaw to hamper his sense motive skill because he tends to take people at face value, so take that as you may.

Myrrturdin looks around the cavern, "perhaps that is so, and yet things value differently to different eyes, so maybe we shale find something yet. In any case I feel that I should first know what manor of cat you are, if for no other reason, than just to sedate my curiosity."

Myrrturdin is still resting his hand on the wall of the cavern, and while it appears no more than a casual position, he is still holding his magics in that hand to the wall.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 12:55 AM
Jill cocked her head to the side.
"I'm a white cat of course." Then gave a sad look to her tail. "Minus my blackish tail now thanks to that lightning rat over there"

Yes, you mean the Gullible flaw. your not playing your character to be very gullible :smalltongue:

2011-06-20, 01:02 AM
Hay, gullible and wise mix poorly, he is vary wise,, yet gullible none the less. :smallbiggrin:

there's also that fine line between gullible, and a complete idiot who can be convinced that a simple cat would, or even could learn such magic without noticing it... Myrrturdin is on the gullible side of that line. :smallbiggrin:

"... so you're a normal white cat that can take out two grown men and a skeletal dog?" Myrrturdin considered letting the magi determine how such an animal worked... after all it may help beyond helping him feel better about being man handled by a kitten... man, he would never let them hear the end of that :smallamused:

With a slightly disappointed tone Myrrturdin asked "Are you sure there isn't anything else, because I've seen more than enough cats to know you are special."

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 01:07 AM
Giving the cat equivalent if a snicker, she said.
"I wasn't aware took out two grown men. Just rude walking corpse and a trigger happy zapper. But the dog is obvious, felines will forever be they're superior." she added smugly.

2011-06-20, 01:16 AM
"Uh , Huh" Myrrturdin having a wolf companion and it's mother as his 'pets' is obviously a wolf man, but he allows the cat it's smugness before pressing "So than what manner of cat are you that allows you to do this?" Than interrupting the cat he adds "and this time don't dodge the question, I grow weary of holding death over anyone's head, and as willing as I am to accept your innocence I see no reason than why you should hide this, and I may find my hand slipping, after all I have already prepared magics to extract answers from the dead, and that may be easier." As patient as Myrrturdin was, this patience had a tendency to wain with those who would attempt to bring death on his brother, though admittedly given the circumstances he had been rather patient already, but what could he say, maybe the cat had a reason.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 01:23 AM
"I'm simply one hell.... of a cat" (Black butler parody). She said, but decided maybe it would be for the best to show her other true form he was already more acquainted with. Turning into a humanoid again she covered herself with her hands, clothing didn't transform with Nekochi. But she could Dismiss her items easily so it may seem so at first, until she transformed back at least.

2011-06-20, 01:27 AM
Myrrturdin looks rather taken aback, and Carouse smiles mockingly. Averting his gaze Myrrturdin pulls out his second robe and hands it too her. Than after she puts it on (I'm gonna do that assuming thing I'm always doing and assume she does) Myrrturdin gets a better look at her and says somewhat confused "you... sorry bout that... why are you here?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 01:35 AM
Jill did accept the cloak, and put it on. It would be quicker and a bit easier then dressing in front of them.
"I went back to my room to sleep the day off, didn't have anything better to do. But I couldn't sleep. Kept thinking about that dead guy's book." She went on.
"I tracked you here, almost fell down that hole mind you. tricky little thing. I became a cat for convenience. Its just as natural to me as this is anyhow, so I remained as such. Plenty of interesting books around, I got side tracked. Then that rotting undead over there approached a bit suddenly I acted before a normal undead would have had the chance to sink its teeth into me. It does seem a bit more intelligent then that though, now that my adrenaline's worn off and I see it more clearly."

2011-06-20, 01:46 AM
"Yes" Myrrturdin said through slightly gritted teeth "...That's my brother" Than after letting it soak in Myrrturdin continued "Oh well I suppose you're hear anyways now aren't you." Walking over to Uthmah "Well as the plan stands after this man checks out those " he gestures to the skulls "I will cast magic allowing me to ask four questions of each, any suggestions?" this last bit is directied at everyone, than suddenly Myrrturdin notices that he had accedently bound his brother in place. "Sorry bout that Carouse, act freely" Funny thing is that he actually looked sorry...

Carouse got up quickly enough to stand relativity close to Myrrturdin in order to gain the benefits of his healing.

Myrrturdin than lets out a soft humm that reverberates around the Chamber I need to pick spells to get rid of to see how much it heals, but at least everyone can up and walk now :smallbiggrin:

stone shape
summon nature's ally III
flaming sphere
animal messenger
to heal the wolf, Carouse, and Uthmah each 30, I could do another touch up, but at least this'll get everyone up and on their feet without me loosing my ability to cast. :smallbiggrin:

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 01:51 AM
"Why is he so... decomposed?" She asked. "You could buy him a shirt of Gentle Repose. Where I'm from they're all the rage and allow intelligent undead to mingle with the living. I've even seen a Vampire give birth once, they keep everything in functioning order" She withheld the tales of vampiric romance and nightly encounters of another sort then usual.

2011-06-20, 01:54 AM
"Hmm, well that would help, but that such spells don't work once the body begins to decay, and Carouse returned to us ... when I was young."

Carouse snarls "You know I'm right here don't you?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 01:57 AM
"Oh thats nothing a bit of corpsecrafting cant fix, touch it up with some necrotic healing, add the shirt and he's good to go. Its to late to save any organs for actual use, but he can very well look normal, if a bit greenish." To save organs the shirt would have had to been applied in the first hour or so of undeath, but it wouldn't be a total loss.

2011-06-20, 02:01 AM
"... and Might I ask where you learned so much of undeath?" Myrrturdin asked cautiously.

"Hay here's a funny thought, how about you don't talk about people over their heads."

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 02:06 AM
"I'm not as young as I look" She laughed. "For a human anyway". It was true, she may be well into the hundreds but she was still only the comparison to a young adult by her races standards.

2011-06-20, 02:13 AM
Hmm, well than onto the matter at hand, do you have any suggestions for the questions I ask, I think it better to wait until I have a solid idea what everyone would see best to ask before I do.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 02:17 AM

"Honestly? I don't think they're real. Look, they're all the same." She picked up a smaller skull and compared it as well. "See. I think it might be some sort of conjuration magic, but its odd that they're still here and haven't vanished."

2011-06-20, 02:24 AM
How so?

Oh and forgot when she was a cat, but I may as well do this now: cast power sight on the cat girl (reveals total HD disregarding things like negative levels that make it seam lower)

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 04:57 AM
I told you I need to know powers before anything, I even googled "Power sight" and nothing came up.

Jill raised an eyebrow. "How many people do you know with identical skulls? Everyones different in some way."


Jill shrugged. "Most spells disappear after a while. These would have to be pure and lasting creation spells, or at least as a side effect. Any magic or use seems to have left these bones."

2011-06-20, 05:59 AM
"Hello again milady" Aleister say with another bow "I'm glad to see that everyone has stopped fighting" he adds turning to look at Carouse and Uthmah "I have to say i was expecting you sooner than this but that ash is hard to travel in"

Bluff check to convince Jill that Aleister really did know she was coming.


2011-06-20, 09:58 AM

"Myrrturdin, if you want your dog to live, I suggest you get him off of me." Uthmah said in a very displeased tone. Looking around, he added "Where's that cat and why's there a naked woman here now?"

2011-06-20, 10:49 AM
Naked woman is dressed :smallcool:
With a motion Myrrturdin commands the skeletal wolf to return to him. "The cat happened to be an acquaintance, you remember the random girl from the bridge, don't you? Speaking of which we should probably introduce ourselves, I'm Myrrturdin, This is Pup" (the wolf barks consent "This is the Caretaker" gesturing to the skeleton


2011-06-20, 12:39 PM

"I'm Uthmah, not that it matters much. Where's that d*** cat?! I swear, I'm gonna kill that runt!" Uthmah growled as he stood up. His blue-glowing eyes had returned to normal after he was knocked out and this upset him greatly. Now, he had wasted two spells thanks to the cat.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 12:43 PM
Sense Motive happens to be her best skill :P

"Hello again to you too." Jill replied to the rude one from the bridge. The Zapper seemed to be coming to again, how unfortunate. She knew she brought him to the brink of death, So she felt she was fairly compensated for being electrocuted by his lightning. She wasn't one for introductions, but she humored them. "I'm Vaelenira" Only her superiors, or those her haughtiness felt were equal called her 'Jill'.

2011-06-20, 12:48 PM
As Uthmah raged about Myrrturdin finished up healing his wounds.

2 faith healings to patch him up, and a shield other since he should really have one of those :smallbiggrin: and a shield other for Carouse too, lets hope Uthmah extends them for a full 16 hours protection :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-20, 12:55 PM

"Fine, fine. I'll boost your spells for you. You can't keep asking me to do this, though. Eventually, you'll have to become a competent mage yourself, y'know." Uthmah loudly complained to Myrrturdin when asked to extend a few spells.

I'm assuming you asked me to do it before you cast the spells because I have to prepare the action before you cast. :smalltongue:

Cooperative Metamagic Extend on Shield other for Uthmah:
Spellcraft DC 27: [roll0]

Cooperative Metamagic Extend on Shield other for Carouse:
Spellcraft DC 27: [roll1]

Hmmmmmmm. I wonder if I'll make those checks? :smalltongue:

2011-06-20, 01:04 PM
Myrrturdin plays along "I'm not sure I could ever reach such mastery of the arts, but if I ever do I'll tell you. For now I wonder if you couldn't help me get a nice regeneration ring set up for you before you go on to trying to down kittens as I'm sure all mighty magi do." than hearding everyone togather prepare a ring of regeneration spell for Carouse, Uthmah, the blackguard (which I'll assume makes it go to the mount as well), and himself (with Pup as an extension) in order to cast it when the mage is ready, if the mage can persist it, otherwise it's not worth it :smalltongue:

2011-06-20, 01:21 PM

"Of course I'll help you, fellow inferior mage. It pleases me to stop everything I'm doing to help you work a simple spell." Uthmah sarcastically responded before walking Myrrturdin through the persistence of his spell.

Here goes nothing...

Cooperative Metamagic Persist on Regeneration Ring
Spellcraft DC 42: [roll0]

That leaves me with 9 more Cooperative Metamagic attempts today.
Don't you just love that almost everything Incantatrix comes 3 + Int mod times a day? :smallbiggrin:

Wooh! We all have Fast Healing 1 now!!! :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-20, 01:33 PM
"Thank you great magi Uthmah, you have helped me with this oh so great workings of magic, it is a pity I could never match you..." Than Carouse cuts in feeling the regeneration straightening up his acid burns for round two "You know Uthmah" the wight says leaning over to him, that be damned cat is standing right over there, the with turned herself back human again."

Myrrturdin suddenly noticing cuts in "Yes... the nice cat that didn't kill you... perhaps you should settle down and return the favor."

2011-06-20, 02:29 PM
"What?!?!" Uthmah's face grew very angry and contorted before he muttered a few syllables and disappeared.

Cast Greater Invisibility and then move as far away from Jill as possible in the room

If you could make a map for this, even just a table map, that would be nice.

2011-06-20, 02:35 PM
Carouse looks rather disappointed having clearly thought the mage would simply take her head off, but he keeps his peace. Myrrturdin on the other hand splits disproving glances Between Carouse and the mage before he disappears.
Myrrturdin readies a standard action to 'break up arguments' :smallamused:

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 02:44 PM
Jill shifts her energies around and waits for the rather childish mage to try something.

Tentacles of Wrath quickened and Readied.

"So, what are you lot doing here anyway?"

2011-06-20, 02:50 PM
"What's it to you fat slug" Carouse countered defensively

"We're looking for clues to find something that broke free of this... in order to kill boredom, after all there are few more fatal things." Myrrturdin returns with a grin

2011-06-20, 03:06 PM
From his hidden position, Uthmah muttered a few words, attempted to exhaust the strange cat woman, and crossed the room to another hidden position.

Swift Action:Cast Quickened True Strike
+20 to next attack

Standard Action:Cast Ray of Exhaustion

[roll0] vs touch AC

DC 26 Fort save
If succeed, fatigued
If fail, exhausted

Move Action: Move as far away from Jill within movement range

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 03:10 PM
Jill thought she felt magic hit her, but wasn't totally sure.
"So you came out trudging through the ash for fun?" She asked sarcastically.

Immunity: Fatigue/Exhaustion

2011-06-20, 03:18 PM
Myrrturdin having been watching the mage with his blindsight (darn that's gonna wear off in a few minutes) he recognizes that the mage intends to start conflict, and noting how the strange lady looks ready to fight back he decides it best to nip the hostilities at the bud. With a quick slap of his palm upon the floor and an intonation that sounded only like a deep harsh frog's croak a wall of stone springs up directly in front of the mage and to either side holding him in, than carries on as a thin line along the ground before making a somewhat larger wall blocking off the cat.

essentially I don't trust cat reflexes to fail the save s I make it big enough not to permit a save, reflex save to jump out before being trapped by stone is DC 22 The rock is made to merge with the ceiling being nearly paper thin at the top, but made to resist them simply jumping over it, there are small curving hols in the walls allowing the occupants of the 'cells' to be heard.

"Can we not fight like children" Myrrturdin mutters as if to himself.

Getting back up at the cat's comment "yah... doesn't everyone?... and your name was what again...?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 03:29 PM
"Vaelenira" She said appearing nearby again.

Cat Step. (Teleportation, range: 1/2 speed: 50ft)

2011-06-20, 03:31 PM
"Sorry bout that, thought you may try to attack him again there" Myrrturdin says with his odd smile that somehow always speaks of weariness and trusting mirth.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 03:41 PM
"Of course I will, if he attacks me that is. Next time I don't think I'll leave him breathing though." She said the last part louder hoping Zapper would hear.

2011-06-20, 03:46 PM
Carouse cuts in "Yah, I think the feelings mutual." Myrrturdin just shakes his head Children more and more to look after crawling out of the woodwork, each just as eager as the next to pick a fight over the most pointless things. As he shakes his head he notices the little box on the floor, reaching in he grabs the small ring feeling... something from it, and tosses it to Carouse "Here play with this" At least now that was one he wouldn't need to look after, he had enough on is plate forestalling combat between the two as is.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 03:51 PM
"Hey now. I'm not eager to fight, I'm ready and willing to... damage... those that would harm me." Jill was almost insulted, but she'd learned not to get too mad at the thoughts of others.

Detect Thoughts (at will) pretty much always on :P So long as she remembers to activate it.

2011-06-20, 03:56 PM
Had I known I should have included thoughts :smallamused:

Myrrturdin thinks of her more or less as a kid who took the cookie from the jar saying 'I didn't want to steal the cookie, I just wanted a cookie'

"I'm sure you wouldn't, but it never hurts to be a little considerate of a man's pride."

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 04:03 PM
"Your right, he's male AND stupid, so I should go easy on him" She said sarcastically.
"The male part makes all the difference" She got a little closer to Myrr.
"He's been pretty quiet now though hasn't he? He planning something or did you 'accidentally'drop the wall on his head?"

2011-06-20, 04:03 PM

Can't detect my thoughts. :smalltongue:

Uthmah, surprisingly keeping a level head in this situation, quickly blasted himself out of the prison, conjured a web, and moved to again conceal his position.

Swift Action: Cast Quickened Orb of Sound, Lesser
Burn 4th level Sorcerer spell slot to quicken Orb of Sound, Lesser

[roll0] sonic damage to the wall and it's obliterated

Standard Action: Cast Web centered on Jill

DC 25 Reflex save
If succeed: move half speed through web
If fail: entangled (another -4 to dex)

Move Action: Move out of the walled in area, staying a maximum distance from Jill.

2011-06-20, 04:08 PM
Myrrturdin replies in kind with a sculpt stone spell making the earth under the mage's feet jump up to hold the his legs, arms, and mouth in place (tastes kind of bad) allowing him to breath through his nose (reflex save DC 21) more rocks coat him in a nice rock coating. As this happens the thick webs easily grab Myrrturdin

"Nice a shot as always Uthmah, but I'm afraid I have the upper hand" Pup slowly circle about the mage "Mind letting me go?"

the skeletal wolf watches the cat lady... it never really liked cats in life, but not it watched it merely for the sake of Myrrturdin hoping to avert trouble. It lounge just outside the spells range ready to move.
Note that your mouth is still covered :smallwink:

In his mind

Of course it's different for men, look at this, I have met few woman that would take such offence, and yet here they treat this as nothing only furthering the problem, and than still more they take offence to the distinction? Women. He surprisingly gives almost no thought to his spell as if he's done it a thousand times.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 04:26 PM
"The woman you met must not be trained to fight back" She sent back using Missive.

She Cat Stepped outside of the web, somewhat behind Myrr (providing partial cover as Zapper's own buddy)
The Zapper had his hands, and mouth for that matter, full so she decided maybe he wasn't a threat at the moment. None the less, she Conjured her weapon that was well known as her symbol in her land. The Vaelenrod they called it. It looked like nothing more then a thin, Silver and gold long handled spoon, with rough blades on the sides similar to a butter knife, and the end of the spoon was jagged with fork teeth. In a swiping motion the spoon extended to the length of a spear and was sent alight in flame and electric energy.

2011-06-20, 04:29 PM
Myrrturdin frowns responding (to nobody in particular, but hoping that held as he was the caster would take it as to them) "In what regard?"

2011-06-20, 06:03 PM
"Now Uthmah settle down please and remember what we came here for, the evil looking winged woman who used magic to force that man to kill himself" turning to Jill "Please excuse him miss Vaelenira he is a touch eager for trouble, a useful trait for a mercenary but it does make social situations a tad awkward"

By Tenebrous Uthmah you blasted idiot stop attacking or you'll wind up dead you wretched blaster obsessed magi.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 07:11 PM
"indeed" Jill said looking towards the blackguard. She wasn't about to point out that she wasn't quite as big'a threat as she liked to appear, she just focused on defense and improving her Black Tentacle spell.

2011-06-20, 10:03 PM
"So than, mysterious cat lady, do you have a name?" Myrrturdin calls over his shoulder... the web would wear off... eventually. Myrrturdin shuddered to think... he wondered vaguely why introductions had left off shortly after they began, more so why the lady had met them twice and yet still hadn't introduced herself.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 11:19 PM
"Haven't I told you twice now?" Jill Vaelenira said, tapping the Vaelenrod against the ground, but keeping it out in case the Zapper decided to break free somehow.
"Va-ell-en-eh-rah" She said, start-stopping.

2011-06-20, 11:30 PM
"Hmm, yes I do recall..."
Darn, my memory isn't what it used to be... but to forget someone's name... twice?... Than again it may have just been that he had been preoccupied... yes, yes that must be it, he wasn't that old yet. :smallbiggrin:

"So, what do you intend to do for the rest of the night Vaellenehrah, after all I'm sure the company of us men may wear on you." At this he immediately thinks on how he is sitting there bound in spider silk, with the other man across from him muzzled in stone... men indeed.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-20, 11:41 PM
"Rest of the night? How unlikely. its only closer to four in the afternoon. This cave shouldn't be that long, I have an hour to kill before I should walk back to beat the crowds gathering in the inn." It was pain enough walking through it normally, but full of rowdy men waiting anxiously in the final moments before a contest? hah. likely story.

2011-06-20, 11:44 PM
"One never knows where a dark tunnel leads, in any case Uthmah could you let me down, or must I do it myself?"

Taking his silence for a no he takes his time to make sure he can do it right before animating the flame from the assassin's torch to burn the webs away. after they are burnt clear his regeneration ring (the persisted spell) heals him up all good and well over the cores of a minute, and he walks over to the mage. Knocking off a chunk of stone that had jutted into the man's mouth (his face wasn't coated in stone as otherwise he wouldn't be able to breath through the stone.) "OK Uthmah I get it you hate Vaelenira, and that's all well and good, but Carouse hates everyone, and he lives with it, do you think you could prolong your vengeance a few days?" Myrrturdin sounds reasonable, and speaks of Vaelenira's death as a simple fact.
his mind wanders across so many things so quickly that anyone trying to look would simply be lost in the flow.

2011-06-21, 07:35 AM

"I don't interfere in your battles, you don't interfere in mine. Let me have my fun, neighbor." Uthmah said as quietly as possible, whilst still spitting out chunks of stone. As Uthmah spoke, his mind pushed back on that of his friend. His heat signature and air pressure patterns simply disappeared. He was falling off of Myrrturdin's radar entirely. "Don't make me an enemy, Myrr." With this, Uthmah spoke a few syllables and there was a bright flash. Uthmah was gone, standing in the entrance which they came through.

Listening Lorecall is a 2nd level Divination spell. Nondetection blocks it. If you wanna find me, you're gonna have to force a caster check. :smalltongue:

Cast Dimension Door

2011-06-21, 10:37 AM
Myrrturdin appears more annoyed than surprised or scared. "fine Uthmah I get the strangest feeling that I'm gonna need to bring you back on way or the other, but if I permit your one on one duel you will give up on this pointlessness after you have one duel?"

As the silence drags on Myrrturdin warns "Agree or I'll bind you both up to rot in here, the dead are commonly more helpful after all."

2011-06-21, 11:36 AM
"You're testing my patience Uthmah" Aleister says in an icy tone "It was your idea to come here, now focus on that or i shall take Myrrturdin and Kenneth on ahead and leave you behind"

2011-06-21, 11:38 AM
I'm just waiting for Jill to take her turn. Uthmah's not pausing or delaying or anything.

2011-06-21, 11:51 AM
Myrrtudin's annoyance suddenly melts as he slings an arm over Aleister's shoulder prodding the man towards the dark passage as he begins singing one of their favorite drinking songs

In his mind

you couldn't even see that happening had you been reading his mind :smalltongue:

2011-06-21, 11:55 AM
Aren't you supposed to be looking at the skulls rather than leaving?

2011-06-21, 11:57 AM
coming from you now? :smallamused: ahh, good one, nah we're going deeper :smallbiggrin: looks fun down there.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-21, 04:20 PM
The zapper mage had gone mental. Was the idiot so easily distracted? She ducked inside the oversized cloak and in a moment came back out, tossing the cloak back to the druid, she was fully dressed in her form fitting black dress, two slits on either side let her move freely without restriction. Clear white trails wrapped around the arms and waist white Skulls decorated around her hips shoulder and one rested at the base of her color. they were small, but made of valuable silver. A single gem shined in her forehead and a circlet of onyx crowned her head.
(Simple movement action to change)
Raising a hand to the center of her for head she closed her eyes. When she opened them her eyes were orbs of silver fire dripping with blood and she saw the zapper mage as an outline of colored light.
(Used ability, unaffected by you blocks, for one, its not divination magic)
The flow of blood increased and cuts started to appear on her skin as she quickly made a motion with her hand and surrounded the mage in power.
Uses Cloud Mind as a swift action by expending health. With further life exchange DC is increased.
Will save DC= 35

2011-06-21, 04:43 PM
Myrrturdin smiles his thanks that she hadn't allowed the mage to set his robe ablaze... he was still having second thoughts about letting the mage to destroy it, but now he needn't have regrets. Carefully folding up the robe to put it back he stopped herding the tall man saying "Come Alister, lets watch what our little friend can do."

Carouse doesn't look at all disappointed by Myrrturdin's change of heart as he practically runs to a wall to begin shouting various cheers which in truth consisted mostly of insulting Vaelenira rather than encouraging Uthmah. (refer to unused insults in prior posts :smallwink:)

2011-06-21, 06:17 PM

"Where'd the b**** go? I'm running out of spells, here. I'd best retreat for the time being." Uthmah thought to himself, for the first time in a long time worried about his own well being. He quickly conjured a rope from his robes and enchanted it to stay stiff, floating in front of him. He then attempted to climb the rope. Falling, he turned back towards the chamber and chuckled. "Today is not your lucky day." He then shifted and morphed until he was massive, nearly reptilian, and had 8 heads.

Swift Action:Cast Quickened Rope Trick
Sacrifice 4th level sorcerer spell slot to quicken rope trick

Move Action: Climb rope

Standard Action: Cast Polymorph (8-headed hydra)

Cipher Stars
2011-06-21, 07:12 PM
Jill laughed as he fell. It didn't matter how loud she was, all perception was gone. He turned into a hydra as She moved to stand next to Myrr and focuses again. A Gash appeared across her collar and a wave of intangible, invisible force warped around the polymorphed creature, suddenly and violently though only she as the manifester could see it, the force compacted and disappeared into the creature.
Will save DC 24 or drop to -1 hp. On a save take 6d6 damage. Blood exchange, adding maximum and empowered making that 54 damage. so save vs death from massive damage as well.
In case anyones wondering, yes, Jill's hurting right now from self destructive behavior.

2011-06-21, 07:42 PM

Uthmah was rocked by the sudden force on his mind, dropping him to the floor, losing consciousness and taking his true form. His eyes cracked open and he looked towards the woman that he could now see again. "Nice try, B****." Out of his outstretched hands came five bright white orbs of light that smashed into her before he lost consciousness again.

Cast Magic Missile

[roll0] unerring damage

Cipher Stars
2011-06-21, 07:52 PM
A black force formed around Jill and the balls of force darkened away into nothing as they hit. One of the skulls around her waist cracked and fell to the floor, but no other effect was noticed. Jill held a hand as if lightly holding something, then turned it into a tight fist as more energy collapsed into the male.

On a failed save DC 27: 7 negative levels that don't have a risk of going permanent and disappear after an hour. and you no longer even remember Jill's existence, safely saying this particular conflict is over for the rest of forever.

2011-06-21, 09:41 PM

"I... Huh..." Uthmah lifted his heavy head an inch off the carpeted floor before letting it slam back down. "Myrrturdin!!! What have you done to me this time and why can't I remember how I got here?!?!?!"

2011-06-21, 09:48 PM
"Not my doing" Myrrturdin says curtly giving Jill a dark look that clearly said 'you went too far', and he almost looked like he meant to do something about it, but his face held some disappointment as he turned to the dark tunnel and said "Uthmah, come on we're waiting on you"

Myrrturdin is thinking something along the lines of that he has expected her to be more mature, but he kept his silence leading the band ahead of the assassin's light.

2011-06-21, 09:50 PM

"I can barely remember any spells, Myrrturdin. Stop! What's going on here and where are we? I'm not getting up until I know what's going on!" Uthmah was very unhappy at the realization that he hadn't just gotten drunk and blacked out. He had most of his spells missing and this was a serious problem.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-21, 09:55 PM
"Mature? Of course, what would you have done then? Let him kill you? Or disable him, leaving a deep seated grudge? The problem is gone now, he wont even recognize me. Immature would be silencing the problem by giving him a Permanent attraction to my ass or something" Jill shot back using Missive.

Jill gave a sweet smile and extended a hand to the fallen mage.
"Want any help up?" She asked.

2011-06-21, 10:03 PM

Uthmah gave the girl standing over him a once over with his eyes and then replied "Want any help down?" He grinned in what he thought was a seductive manner "I believe I've already extended an appendage to help you down." He eyes his robes where he had the medieval equivalent of a pants-tent.

2011-06-21, 10:22 PM
Myrrturdin glares at the lady his thoughts razor sharp, and his glare deep enough to scare off most trolls with a wolfish grin that looks somewhat more deadly "So, reading my mind now? Slight intrusion wouldn't you say? As for dealing with grudges I would advise you not act so rashly to cause them, and that you simply deal with it, a few lighthearted skips down this tunnel ahead of him and you may have gotten the reaction you're getting now. Also were you so mature as you seam to think perhaps a little restraint. You could perhaps have simply ignored the man, or acted as you meant to, but instead you wipe his memory clean, do you do this often? I'm sorry have I met you often before this, or would this be considered the first time were you to have wiped mine? There are bounds to common courtesy for a reason, respect them and I may not wake up with cat on my teeth." This last part comes with a vivid image of thousands of times of waking to a fresh kill in his mouth as a great wolf, but beyond that his thoughts are hidden.

Than seeing Carouse moving to inform the mage He shifted his gaze to the wight for the half a second that it took the undead to change it's mind. "I see you're well Uthmah" Myrrturdin replies in an icy tone noting where the man's attentions lay.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-21, 10:29 PM
"Is it intrusive to look at someone? If you feel the thoughts of others as easily as breathing there are little lines to whats intrusive. Your ideas of restraint are foolish. As for if I met you before it is all possible of course." She laughed in his mind at the end.

"Well you look well enough" She said standing straight, taking her hand away. She dismissed the Vaelenrod and without another word, or thought, moved towards the dark descending passage at the back of the room.

2011-06-21, 10:39 PM

"Maybe when she's asleep tonight..." Uthmah thought to himself. "You're just gonna leave me hanging, here?" Uthmah got up and followed her down the tunnel.

2011-06-21, 10:46 PM
"The intrusion is not my concern, though the decency to announce your presence when you enter uninvited may occur to you, no matter, cats are always haughty until they're between your jaws." Myrrturdin's smile widens slightly "Yes he does look well enough, Carouse go give him a hand" it was not a request, and Carouse hurries off to obey slapping Uthmah on the back and telling him of how if it was girls he seeks there were quite a few that would throw them self on any man to the south, telling his of such beauties they were... than again he neglected to mention that when they threw themselves on you it tended to be barbed spear first, but the surprise always made the journey more... enjoyable :smallamused:

Cipher Stars
2011-06-21, 11:20 PM
The dark passage in the back was a short, twisting flight of stairs that opened to an equally sized room with a broken, battered and bent up cage hanging from the cealing, one of the supporting chains broken leaving it at an odd angle. Tables lined the area with wicked tools, many stations were obviously various forms of torture devices some looked amusing and quite... intrusive. while others looked completely unusable for torture without maiming the victim for life and nearly killing them. On the far side of the room was a massive engraving of a broken chain design set into the wall a circle on the floor just below it and around that area runes carved everywhere told a story in the magic commands to twist and warp arcane forces into submission to perform a powerful magic. She couldn't read what they meant of course, she never actually studied magic that hard. There must have been one hell of a prisoner kept here.

2011-06-22, 12:05 AM

Uthmah confidently strode into the room, his hands outstretched and woven together, cracking his knuckles. "Alright, guys. I've got this one." He immediately went for the sigildry and bent over to examine it. Trying to make sense of the symbols, he cycled through all the possible languages in his mind.

Decipher Script: [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (History): [roll2]
Knowledge (Local): [roll3]
Knowledge (Geography): [roll4]
Knowledge (Nobility/Royalty): [roll5]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll6]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll7]

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 12:14 AM
From the runes you make out that the spell engraved is one that shatters ties, seals, links, and generally any form of binding magic and can relink it to someone, or something else.

2011-06-22, 12:18 AM
"Hmmmmmm. Alright. No one go in the circle over here. I don't really feel comfortable about it." Uthmah turned back to his companions, genuinely concerned about the effects the circle may have. He may have found it humorous had they gone within its bounds, but it would most certainly not benefit him in the long run. "Perhaps some of these tools could prove useful to us." He then got a wicked grin as his eyes fell upon the cruel instruments of torture.

Search the tools: [roll0]

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 12:25 AM
Hah. take your pick they're littering the tables, most of them perfectly usable, even a bit shiny still. Chances are theres literally any standard to mostly, to kinda standard instruments of torture. Off the top of my head theres a Stretcher, a judas cradle, Pear of Anguish, various saws, pliers, dismemberments, ect. Almost any kind of torture, with almost any kind of means.

2011-06-22, 12:31 AM

Wicked look still sitting smugly on his face, Uthmah rifled through the pile briefly, removing a pear of anguish and holding it up to the light of the chamber. "You into this sort of thing... Ummm... What's your name?"

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 12:35 AM
Jill didn't know what it was, she never payed attention to the Tormentors. The most contact she had with them was when she dropped off the latest assassin trying to get at her master.
"Vael" she said giving her her shortened name she didn't mind these people using. (Speaks like "Veil") "I don't even know what most these do" She could easily guess for some of them. "So, mage, what do the runes say?" She asked stepping almost to the boundaries of the circle.

2011-06-22, 12:41 AM

"I'd like to show you how to use some of these some time, Vael" Uthmah was delighted at the thought of doing such things to her. Within his twisted mind, he somehow sought pleasure from the displeasure of others. "Oh, that? It says stay off the grass." his voice raised ever so slightly in pitch and intensity as she stepped closer and closer to the boundaries.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 12:46 AM
Jill sighed with a roll of the eyes. Thats right, they were evil after all. If it was anything good they, or he in particular, wouldn't likely tell her. It looked dead though. Her cat instincts kept nagging at her to find out what it does. crouching low next to it she tried to get a close look at the runes while she waited for the others to come down after the two of them.

2011-06-22, 01:00 AM
Myrrturdin sent her a sharp image of a wolf eating some good Veal, blood running down the poor caf's face as hungry fangs tor at it. "A nice name" h replied in an almost present tone... than again after the image it seamed more as one savoring a nice flavor.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 01:04 AM
You've made no mention of following down the stairs. you didn't hear, nor could detect thoughts penetrate the stone floor/ceiling.

2011-06-22, 01:12 AM
lets assume.
Carouse calmly picked through the tools as if knowing full well how to use more than half of them, and as he does he silently pockets a few, always handy to keep around :smallamused:
one is shaped like an exotic fruit that spins and widens as the end is turned, he takes a few long thin needles, a few nice blindfolds, and some little veils that had been sitting next to a slightly bloodied knife that Carouse assumed would likely be intended for causing pain when added to the blood stream. He tended to prefer challenging himself with whatever was at hand, but who could resist. :smallamused:

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 01:25 AM
Jill stood up and turned to the others when she slipped on a smooth iron bar, she caught herself easily of course... by catching one of the pedestals on either side of the circle. She instantly felt weaker somehow. and... tired. She also lost motivation to be here at the moment and felt like getting back to the Inn to sleep... which she felt like was more then simple passtime now. Not wanting to show her confusion she stood straight again and walked back over to the others. Perhaps they didn't sense the magic pulse, or maybe that was just her from touching it.

2011-06-22, 01:34 AM
Myrrturdin appeared not to notice, but for an instant his sharp eyes caught hers... could he have? no, he was far too busy looking around the room... right?
see if I can't see anything more hanging about the room... darn blindsight wearing off :smallsigh:

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 07:04 AM
you notice a logbook filled about halfway through with dates listed as being just under a hundred years ago. the passages detail behavior of the prisoner, methods of torture they used that day (described in a bit to much enthusiastic detail) and other things such as what they may have fed her (an infrequent event it seems)

2011-06-22, 08:45 AM
Myrrturdin passes the book to Carouse who reads it with interest.

2011-06-22, 08:52 AM

"Vael! I told you to stay out of there!!!" Uthmah actually sounded slightly worried for her. "How do you feel? That circle breaks magical bonds and reforms them in funny ways. You aren't bound to anything or anyone, though... are you?" Uthmah walked to the edge of the circle and extended his hand to help her up.

2011-06-22, 12:51 PM
"Hmm interesting i wonder.." Aleister mutters quietly to himself before turning to face the others "Well then this must be the place the winged woman was held, is there any sign of where she is now or who imprisoned her?"
thoughts: Aleister is pondering what might happen to the Vestiges he has bound if he enters the circle.

2011-06-22, 05:39 PM
"Hmm Myrrturdin mutters, well in any case they're no longer here... anyone find anything to tell us who this was?"
gonna have pup try to sniff out where it went
and may as well roll track too [roll1]
Edit: so this means Pup can follow a fresh trail by scent... is it fresh?

Cipher Stars
2011-06-22, 11:13 PM

"Vael! I told you to stay out of there!!!" Uthmah actually sounded slightly worried for her. "How do you feel? That circle breaks magical bonds and reforms them in funny ways. You aren't bound to anything or anyone, though... are you?" Uthmah walked to the edge of the circle and extended his hand to help her up.

She is not in the circle...

"Hmm interesting i wonder.." Aleister mutters quietly to himself before turning to face the others "Well then this must be the place the winged woman was held, is there any sign of where she is now or who imprisoned her?"
thoughts: Aleister is pondering what might happen to the Vestiges he has bound if he enters the circle.
The book details the captors to be "The order of light", and it refers to the captive only as "Her" "She" "The dark lady" or "Witch queen"

"Hmm Myrrturdin mutters, well in any case they're no longer here... anyone find anything to tell us who this was?"
gonna have pup try to sniff out where it went
and may as well roll track too [roll1]
Edit: so this means Pup can follow a fresh trail by scent... is it fresh?

yea, that fails big time.

2011-06-23, 06:57 AM
"The order of light? Sounds like a lot of self righteous, small minded bigots to me" Aleister considers the names for the captive "Hmm The dark lady, Witch queen, have i heard those names before?

Roll Knowledge (the planes) [roll0]
Roll Knowledge (religeon) [roll1]
Roll Knowledge (History) [roll2]
Roll knowledge (Local) [roll3]

History and local are untrained so i can only get the DC 10 comman knowledge type stuff from them.

Thoughts: Aleister is wondering if the order of light are the ones who wiped out the cult.

Cipher Stars
2011-06-23, 03:25 PM
Roll Knowledge (the planes) [roll0]
Roll Knowledge (religeon) [roll1]
Roll Knowledge (History) [roll2]
Roll knowledge (Local) [roll3]

History and local are untrained so i can only get the DC 10 comman knowledge type stuff from them.

Thoughts: Aleister is wondering if the order of light are the ones who wiped out the cult.

No info
No info

Cult? Remind me again.

2011-06-23, 08:51 PM
"OK," Myrrturdin says "Where do we go from here, try to get back in time to laugh at some drunks? Anyone have any idea how to find where it went?"

2011-06-23, 08:58 PM

"Watching some drunks sounds fun but... how far away are we?" Uthmah said, still confused as to how he got there.

2011-06-23, 09:14 PM
"A few miles out, but you know, there'll still be fifty morons on the street in the morrow morning, a night full of laughs."

2011-06-23, 09:22 PM

"I can get us back pretty quickly. I mean... I may have knocked my head and forgotten some of my spells but I'll never forget this one." Uthmah was confident in his innate magical abilities as much or more than he was confident in his memorized spells.

2011-06-23, 09:38 PM
"Yes, but we need the mount from the entrance of the cavern... if we're out of room we can ditch the rider, we all know who the real unholy avenger is." Carouse roughly ribs the mage in the ribs... hopefully without breaking everything. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-24, 03:54 AM
"If we shall be returning to town by magical means i can dismiss him and re-summon him later though i'd prefer to finish looking around here first" Aleiser says when Carouse mentions his mount. "and don't think you'll be able to ditch me so easily little one" he adds looking directly at Carouse with a confident sneer.

2011-06-24, 09:55 PM

"Well, I plan to simply make us run faster to get back. You'll have to lead the way, though. I still don't know where we are." As they exited the cavern, Uthmah examined closely every room over again, not remembering going over it a first time.

Search (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11280550&postcount=681)

2011-06-24, 11:00 PM
Myrrturdin prepares to turn everyone to eagles after Uthmah hastes them so that we can all fly back.

2011-06-27, 03:29 PM
"If you're going to do this we should get back to the surface first." Aleister says as he starts marching back to the enterance.

2011-06-27, 03:40 PM
"afraid you'll hit a wall? Uthmah, you got a light that would stick? Maybe a glowing rock or stick?"

2011-06-27, 08:45 PM

"Do I have a light? Of course I have a light." Uthmah picked up a pebble from the tunnels they were travelling through and lit it up like a torch. "Here." Uthmah tossed the pebble to Myrrturdin, surprised that he could not do it himself.

Chattering the entire way out of the tunnels, Uthmah made a few half-hearted attempts at seducing Jill again. Upon reaching the surface, he gathered everyone in a circle, said a few words, and laughed. "You can take it from here, Myrrturdin."

Cast Light on any miscellaneous item from Sorcerer side

Cast Haste on all party members (including mounts, companions, and undead brothers up to 13 people) from Sorcerer side

Spellcraft (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11299963&postcount=738) to persist haste

2 attempts of Metamagic Effect left today.

2011-06-27, 09:12 PM
"Yes yes" Myrrturdin says before making a bird call that turned them all into eagles, than with a gesture of his beak that clearly said "Lets go" he flew back towards the village with Carouse. Pup stayed and tried to pick up the trail for whatever it was that had escaped (as I said if it was within 9 days this should succeed), and the Caretaker was left to help defend Pup. (Pup is to follow the scent to where it is fresh enough to be picked up more easily, than to return.)

Cast feathers

2011-06-28, 07:26 AM
Before Myrrturdin cast his spell Aleister pauses for a moment, mumbles something under his breath then his steed disappears.

After the spell is cast he follows Myrrturdin back to town.

2011-06-29, 07:21 AM
As we reach the outskirts of town Myrrturdin lands immediately changing back, and Carouse (in eagle form) lands on his shoulder. "Well looks like we're in time to take this competition for ourselves, and than see first hand what kind of devastation it brings." :smallamused:

2011-06-29, 01:25 PM
Aleister follows Myrrturdin example and changes back as soon as they reach the outskirts of Ashmole, once he returns to his natural form Aleister hears a voice inside his head calling to him.

Come to me my champion hearing this Aleister smiles to himself So the day has finally come at last he thinks before a frown plays across his face Everyone should be with me today watching as i rise to glory in the eyes of Tenebrous the frown on his face turns into a snarl When i find the ones responsible for their deaths i'll show them the true power of Tenebrous what can only be describe as an evil smile appears on Aleisters face.

"Sorry but i've some personal business to take care of before heading to the drinking competition, i'll meet you at the inn later" as he says this Aleister starts walking away heading to his home.

2011-06-29, 02:12 PM
Myrrturdin noting the savage smile calls back "OK, just make sure not to grow tusks and claws while you're gone."

2011-06-29, 05:48 PM
"I won't" Aleister says firmly without turning around as he walks around a corner and out of sight of Myrrturdin and Uthmah.

2011-06-29, 06:50 PM
Myrrturdin gives thee others a little shrug having not really meant his statement so seriously. Turning to fully face his drinking buddies he asks (or rather announces) "So you guys up for some drinks?"

2011-06-29, 07:28 PM
Tired, after a long day, Uthmah gave the affirmative "I could knock down a few, yeah."

2011-06-29, 08:07 PM
Myrrturdin turns giving a wolfish smile to the lady. "Can you down a beer, or is little Veil only good with wine?"
I say little because honestly he's seven times as heavy as her, so yah, it fits.

Cipher Stars
2011-07-01, 12:52 PM
"Never would I drink such filth" Jill said. She was only still with them because her room was above the contest... She wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. Not with that racket..

2011-07-01, 01:03 PM
Myrrturdin grins as if he expected as much as leads them off to the contest.

2011-07-02, 07:34 AM
Aleister walks towards his home, slips quietly inside and pauses viewing the neatly ordered room with pride before heading to the kitchen and down into the pantry below.

Once there he opens a secret door behind the stairs that leads to a secret shrine of Tenebrous Good says the voice of Tenebrous echoing within Aleisters mind You have come to me at last my champion "Yes great one" Aleisters says as he falls to his knees and abases himself before the dark altar Begin the joining ritual at once Tenebrous commands.

Aleister springs into action first casting Desecrate on the alter to strengthen the connection to Tenebrous then marking strange symbols on the floor and walls and finally begining to meditate in the middle of the room just before the dark alter which seems to be drawing light and warmth from the room.

2011-07-07, 09:12 PM
As they enter the shabby pup Myrrturdin comments on how nowadays it's hard to find a single building that keeps out all the ash. It had a tendency to singe small holes in the planking, and the barkeepers usual ended up spending more time mopping up ash than spilled brew, tonight with any luck would be an exception. All the same Myrturdin headed straight to the table at the center of the left wall. Luckily few had noticed that less ash piled in your mead there, and so it was often free for the taking. :smallamused: As he takes a seat he motions for two cheap ales turning to Uthmah to chat about life.