View Full Version : The Living Steel [DnD 2.0]

2011-06-10, 09:54 PM
The continent of Solle sits utterly alone in the ocean of this world; no ship has ever returned if it goes to far from the coastline, so no attempt has ever been made to find further land. Withen the continent sits the Grand Alliance, Pyra, and a number of loosely connected port cities. It is a time of unrest, with the Pyran Rebellion over, but the Pyran nation is now on shaky footing, every year the Alliance sits, hoping to watch it tople. The Port Cities continue as they always have, trading to everyone, with many of them serving as homes for any number of criminal organizations.

It is in one of these Port Cities that our story begins, specifically the city Del, where anything can be bought, sold, or bartered for. Nothing is considered illegal or even taboo. The city is ruled not by any true 'authority' but rather a collection of criminal organizations, gangs, and pirates who exert influence to keep the city from burning to the ground. All of you have been gathered in the office of a man named Rufus King, a local figure of no small power. Specifically, he is a member of 'The Fang' an organization that specializes in traffiking magical artifacts that are illegal just about everywhere else.

Rufus is a rather tall man, though also quite skinny. Despite this, he is rather...imposing, with his scarred eye and trimmed, brown beard. He stands behind his chair and desk, staring at all of you, “So...you kids interested in making a little money?”

2011-06-11, 07:40 AM
Antiel chimes in "Yes sir!".

Arq Kujos
2011-06-11, 08:27 AM
"That depends. I don't deal with slaves and I don't kill innocents. If it strikes against humans, it costs double. Other than that, I'll do anything." Lohgain crossed his arms and stared at the rest of the party.

2011-06-11, 08:28 AM
"Sure. I could use some gold."

2011-06-11, 01:01 PM
Grindel listens to his party members and nods in agreement. He would rather go with the party then making a real decision. After all, if he decided to say no, it wouldn't have mattered much. He checked to make sure his cat Senior Lifewisp, was okay. He was, and he pet him, having a large purr escape from his cat. His cat itself was pure brown and male.

2011-06-11, 01:58 PM
As long as the pay is good, and you don't have me killing women and children unable to defend themselves, Karvac says.

2011-06-11, 08:15 PM
Rufus chuckles at several of the statements, "No, no, no nothing like that. I don't want you to hurt anybody, or kill anybody, or clear out an enemy. I just want you to deliver something-normally, I'd just have some of my men do it. However, it needs to get all the way over to our office in the capital city of the 'Grand' Alliance-quite the trek, regardless of how you go about getting there. You will, of course, be compensated rather well for this mission."

2011-06-11, 08:25 PM
What kind of difficulties can we expect to encounter? Who, or what, might try and stop us? Karvac says getting straight to the point.

2011-06-11, 08:53 PM
Rufus shakes his head, "Oh, no one in particular . At least, that's what the man hiring us told me-but I wouldn't hire such a large group if I believed him. You don't offer what he did, no matter what the distance, unless you're expecting trouble. Still, he wouldn't talk. I'd expect maybe some bandits, wild animals once or twice."

2011-06-11, 08:55 PM
"I could deal with that. Might be a chance to improve my skills."

2011-06-11, 08:59 PM
Grindel decides to say a few words.
"My friend, it doesn't really matter what stands in our way. Between me and my ranger friend's ability to communicate with animals, and a couple of our fellow's obvious battle capabilities, we should be okay. After all, it is just a simple delivery. It isn't like someone will attack us just because we are delivering a parcel. I believe you are familiar about the term: 'Don't shoot the messenger'? It applies in this situation. If we just simply deliver this package to it's location, then we get paid. Also, Senior Lifewisp here wants a specific reward from you Mr. Rufus. He would like a small package of sardines. Senior Lifewisp also advises me to inquire if you will give us a small stipend with which we can buy supplies with for the journey if the location is far. He suggests dry rations which don't go bad for a while, he also suggests that we should ask for a fair sum for the work.
Grindel scratches Senior Lifewisp between the ears, he deserved it for giving such a good idea.

2011-06-11, 09:13 PM
Rufus raises an eyebrow at that, "Your cat...talks to you?" He shakes his head and you're pretty sure he murmurs, f***in' druids "How about I pay you three hundred gold-each, upon successful delivery, and you supply yourselves for the trip. And your cat can have his fish."

2011-06-11, 09:20 PM
Rufus raises an eyebrow at that, "Your cat...talks to you?" He shakes his head and you're pretty sure he murmurs, f***in' druids "How about I pay you three hundred gold-each, upon successful delivery, and you supply yourselves for the trip. And your cat can have his fish."

Grindel considers this, and looks down at Senior Lifewisp. Senior Lifewisp gave some more advice.
"Senior Lifewisp says he would like his fish up front. Or at least half now and half once the job is finished. I am also agreeing with what he is also saying that if you pay me the sum of 100 gold now, I not only promise to deliver your package, you will not need to pay me the other 200 gold. Of course part of the 100 gold would also be used to supply the party with rations. Senior Lifewisp says we are not all exactly 'full of shinys' right now."

2011-06-11, 09:26 PM
Rufus rubs his chin, "A hundred up front, for a promise? But...don't have to pay two hundred later that would save me enough to get the entire office drunk. Okay, you've got a deal, for you specifically. One hundred gold up front, on the promise of delivery."

2011-06-11, 09:29 PM
Rufus rubs his chin, "A hundred up front, for a promise? But...don't have to pay two hundred later that would save me enough to get the entire office drunk. Okay, you've got a deal, for you specifically. One hundred gold up front, on the promise of delivery."

"Thank you sir, also Senior Lifewisp wishes me to tell you to hold off his fish until the delivery is done. He also wishes for me to ask if there are anyone who would like to get their hands on this package."

2011-06-11, 09:37 PM
Rufus shrugs, taking out a small, thin, rectangular box wrapped in brown paper, "Not that he mentioned. The guy that's paying for this was very specific on us not opening it, so I couldn't tell you more."

2011-06-11, 09:54 PM
Grindel took the package and secured it in his backpack. He also grabbed the small bag with the 100gp in it that was his payment. He put this on his belt. He told Senior Lifewisp to watch the pouch as much as he could. Incase of thieves. He then changed his mind and gave his ranger friend half of the gold. He is left with 50 gold.
"You're with me to buy rations. Senior Lifewisp says it would be a good idea."
He turned to his other friends.
"You guys should get the exact route to the delivery location from Rufus, while me and Lohgain get supplies. Is there anything you guys need?"

2011-06-12, 05:15 AM
Antiel mutters "A companion with a brain" before saying "I have everything for the journey. How about we all meet at dawn tomorrow, unless someone plans on sleeping in tonight?".

2011-06-12, 06:53 AM
"I could use some spell components."

2011-06-12, 07:01 AM
"Alright. Do any have any suggestions for dinner tonight? It's my turn to cook, and Senior Lifewisp suggests a fish stew.
Grindel pet his cat.
"You always suggest fish, don't you Senior Lifewisp? I wonder what type we should have tonight."
He looks as if he is being very attentive to wait the cat is meowing about.
"No, that fish Is too expensive, and a shark is not fish."

Arq Kujos
2011-06-13, 09:31 AM
"Who exactly hired you to have this package delievered? I appreciate that a client can require privacy, but knowing who is paying us can give us a good idea of who might be trying to stop us. These things are rarely not interconnected."

Lohgain waited patiently for an answer. Once he got it, he nodded and rubbed his chin. 'As far as money goes, I won't require payment until we arrive. My honor demands that. However, you will only need to pay me 150 gp. I want the other half donated to St. Orthello's Orphanage." St. Orthello was run by a man who took in orphans and war victims, especially humans.

2011-06-13, 11:16 AM
Rufus shrugs, "You wanna be altruistic, okay. As for who's hiring you...well, let me make a deal with you. You can know this, but you didn't hear it from me, okay? Seriously, if I hear this spreading, at all, I'll have you killed. The order was relayed to me from our office at Arrowbend, the capital, and according to my counterpart there, he was hired by Domar-yes, 'Grey Council' member Domar."

Domar was one of the members of the elven portion of the grey council; one of the strongest voices in favor of peace across the continent, and a strong voice in having the various government-run operations sold off to independent entrepenaurs.

2011-06-13, 12:09 PM
Do you have a contract for us to sign? As there seems to be secrecy involved it would be understandable if you did not, but without it I am required to ask for at least a small portion upfront.

2011-06-13, 12:11 PM
Rufus seems almost offended, "Of course! What kind of barbarian do you take me for?" He pulls out a rather long contract, a parchment several feet in length, with a space for your signatures at the bottom, "Just sign on the dotted line."

2011-06-13, 12:25 PM
Karvac will read the whole thing, a new respect for his employer visible on his face.

2011-06-13, 12:31 PM
The contract will take you a rather long time to read, likely giving your new...partners time to figure out everything about everything, but the contract is...interesting. It contains no less than three ways he can avoid paying you if you don't do the job, including 'no payment for damaged package' 'no payment for late package' with the last day to turn it in being a month and a half from now, and 'only half payment for an opened package.' It also states that if you die, the Fang can't be held liable and if you get caught with illegal contraband, the Fang will not be paying to get you out of jail.

It continues on and on in that general sense for the entirety of the parchment.

2011-06-13, 12:33 PM
Grindel mumbled to himself while petting his cat.
"Maybe some fish stew with some good side dish."
"No Senior Lifewisp, you can't have fish as a side dish to fish."
"No matter how persuasive you are, I will not have fish as a side dish. Maybe if you are good, you'll get your own fish. Raw, since you like it best."
Grindel pets Senior Lifewisp, and signs the contract as well. He was already bound by his word, but Senior Lifewisp had suggested that signing it would be a good idea. He then looked up at Rufus.
"Do you know where I could find some poison?"

2011-06-13, 12:35 PM
"At this time of day? Anywhere, kid. I could walk down street and buy three poisons, two types of whiskey, a cake, and one night with a demon...and that wasn't a metaphor." Rufus lets loose a deep, throaty laugh. "But, if you want a specific supply, I could check some friends; why, what you in the market for?"

2011-06-13, 12:42 PM
"Well, I was going to ask for poison that can be easily put on a blow dart or in someone's food. But Senior Lifewisp makes a good point. Do you know where I can get the best poison in town? Drow made or otherwise?"
"Senior Lifewisp says that it won't be to hurt anyone you even remotely like in any way."

2011-06-13, 03:50 PM
Harklem reads the contract carefully, then signs at the bottom.

2011-06-13, 05:33 PM
Antiel looks at the contract for a moment, especially searching for any escape clauses or bonus clauses on his end. After skimming through and reading the important parts he dips his right and left hand pointer fingers in the ink well and leaves a pair of finger prints with a loopy scrawl beneath. It seemed odd to him that the employer was not requiring that they sign in blood, but he supposed that every culture was different and he was not going to argue about it.

Arq Kujos
2011-06-13, 08:56 PM
Lohgain reads the contract quickly and then signs it. He then turns to Grindel and Senior Lifewisp. "As far as dinner goes, I think a nice rabbit stew with cornmeal might be something a bit more close to everyone's tastes."

2011-06-13, 09:34 PM
Grindel nods in agreement.
"That sounds like an excellent idea. It sounds like a dish well balanced in tastes."
He turned to Rufus.
"Senior Lifewisp thinks you look like you know something. Where can I find the best poison, and Senior Lifewisp also requests to know what goods are selling for high prices in this town we are traveling to, and what goods are being sold for cheap here?"

2011-06-14, 07:47 AM
Rufus stares at Grindel, "You want me to talk to you about economics and trade? Kid? It's a capital city; everything is high-quality and high-price. Unless you want to smuggle in contraband, you're not going to compete. As for poisons, I could get you whatever you need. For a price." There's a gleam in his eye at that.

2011-06-14, 10:54 AM
"Are you saying that there is no poor districts here? As for the poison, I'm sure we can work something out."

2011-06-14, 11:24 AM
"Not here, there. And there might be, but I couldn't tell you. I work in magic items. Not grain or paint or steel. Magic. I could maybe work out a deal with you to do that, particularly if this job goes well; we could always use a trustworthy smuggler or two on permanent pay."

2011-06-14, 11:34 AM
Grindel thought about something important.
"Senior Lifewisp is right. Even though I may or may not accept that offer, I must first ask. How much does it pay?"

2011-06-14, 11:42 AM
"Depends on how risky you're willin' to be. When it comes to smugglin' contraband, well, some stuff gets you a fine and a week or two in a cell. Some of it gets you the hangman's noose. All about risk. The really dangerous stuff, the risky stuff? A good five gold a day, with you and any others being the first ones we come to with special jobs like what I'm offering you guys now."

2011-06-14, 11:50 AM
"Hmmm, let's see how this first job turns out then. Then we will talk. Would it be possible to be payed in poison? I need a lot of poison. About a turn(125gallons) of it."

2011-06-14, 01:22 PM
Antiel gives the druid an inquisitive look and says "How are you going to transport that?"

2011-06-14, 01:58 PM
That does sound heavy, Karvac says.

He makes sure that the contract actually says they will be paid on completion before signing it.

2011-06-14, 02:16 PM
"Wagon. Or magic."

2011-06-14, 02:46 PM
"What do you need all that poison for?"

2011-06-14, 03:18 PM
"Just for poisoning our weapons. Never know when you might need it. Plus, it's like a omniscient spice. You can't do wrong with a little sprinkle here and there on weapons."

Arq Kujos
2011-06-17, 09:40 AM
"Be careful with that 'omniscient spice', Grindel. You forget that the first time I ate your cooking I nearly lost my appetite for a week." Lohgain laughed and pulled up his hood. "I'm going to go scout out the various caravans and see who might be hiring on guards. No sense in traveling all the way to capital and not get paid for it."

2011-06-17, 10:01 AM
"Hey! You know that was from the bad boar meat that you got!"

2011-06-17, 05:42 PM
Antiel says "Would you like any company Lohgain? If so I would be happy to come with you and help us get a good price from anyone we sign on with".

2011-06-17, 06:26 PM
"Me and Senior Lifewisp will then buy supplies. He wishes for me to bring up the point that a group of adventurers shouldn't be split up badly, so Senior Lifewisp is joining me. He says he is a rogue."
Grindel walked out with exactly 91gp in his pouch, letting Loghain keep 20gp of the 100gp Grindel got as payment, you never know when you will need a hidden 20gp. He walked outside of the building and looked around for a place he could buy poison and provesions.

2011-06-17, 07:03 PM
"I shall go collect my things." Harklem then leaves.

Arq Kujos
2011-06-18, 08:41 AM
Antiel says "Would you like any company Lohgain? If so I would be happy to come with you and help us get a good price from anyone we sign on with".

"If you wish, that will be fine. Hopefully, we can can find a fast caravan heading to the city capital, and the added numbers will be a nice deterrent against anyone trying to attack us." Lohgain stood and made his way to the door. "I trust your judgement, Senior Lifewisp. Keep Grindel in line." He gently scratched Senior Lifewisp under the chin before patting Grindel on the shoulder. "We'll make sure we get there safely, friend."


So, I wanna find a caravan heading into the city who is looking for guards. Do I need to roll anything, or can I easily find one?

2011-06-20, 09:23 AM
(Sorry about being absent for two days. Long story.)
Loghain, Antiel
You manage to find a merchant caravan making their own deliveries, who have an empty covered-wagon. They say they'd be willing to take you all along in it all the way to the capital for 125 gold. At least, that's their initial price.

The provisions are easy; any basic traveler's store will offer them. See prices as listed in the Player's Handbook. The poisons are...harder. Were it a different city, you'd feel you'd have to work through connections or search for days to find a supplier. As it stands, you manage to find a dealer.

"Eh? Whaddya' want?" A rather...annoyed looking halfing; the first dealer you can find, and clearly not the happiest fellow in the bunch. He looks at least two days sober after a long string of days drinking.

2011-06-20, 09:34 AM
Gindel studies the situation carefully.
"Perhaps what I want should be discussed after a beer perhaps? You look like you could use one. I'll buy."

Arq Kujos
2011-06-20, 12:51 PM
Loghain, Antiel
You manage to find a merchant caravan making their own deliveries, who have an empty covered-wagon. They say they'd be willing to take you all along in it all the way to the capital for 125 gold. At least, that's their initial price.

"No no, sir. We are looking to offer our services as caravan guards. You take us for free, and we will protect your caravan from brigands and thieves."

2011-06-20, 03:43 PM
Harklem has been looking through the city to see if anyone has any spells they would be willing to trade for.

2011-06-20, 05:56 PM
Antiel quickly steps in front of his human companion and says "What my companion means is that terrible things have a way of happening to poorly armed foreigners in the land of the elves. I would know, I grew up there. A wise traveler takes all of the help that he can get in such a place. I am a cunning linguist, skilled in the tongues of all reasonable beings that are likely to be encountered on this road. I also know the culture of my homeland and could assist with it's intricacies. My companions are all already equipped for battle, and will need no assistance if we are attacked by bandits or unreasonable monsters. As a sign of mutual trust and respect we would even be willing to dine with you on our journey, and while the human asks for no payment for allying with you for the duration of a journey, we are also in possession of beasts of burden which could be rented to transport even more goods for your caravan for the duration of the journey".

2011-06-21, 07:18 AM
Loghain, Antiel
"Hmmm. How many are you? Any experience fighting or guarding?" The man is rubbing his chin, clearly interested in your offer. He seems practically sold already on the deal, possibly because it means free guards.

(OOC:I need a list of the spells Harklem is looking for.)

He lets you lead him to a nearby tavern. It's a small dive, where the drinks are almost certainly watered down adn the glasses are probably perpetually dirty. Normally, you wouldn't come here for business dealings, but, well, he practically insisted on it. The barkeep charges 5 copper a mug for the drink.
"What is it you needed?" The halfling murmurs as he waits for you to order the drinks.

2011-06-21, 08:11 AM
"Barkeeper! Two pints of ale and a bowl of milk for my cat!"
Grindel turns toward the halfling.
"I'm in the market for some poison. Not the kind you would sprinkle around incase of rats, the kind for weapons."

2011-06-22, 01:33 PM
"Alot of poisons that people put on weapons. If you just want 'poison' I can get you something that will give him a rash, or I can give him something that will make him vomit out his organs. And one that does both, and makes him impotent, assuming he lives."

You find a wizard that will give you one of those spells for a look at your book.

2011-06-22, 04:44 PM
Harklem talks to the wizard. "I will glady let you look at my book for Charm Person."

2011-06-22, 04:57 PM
The wizard, an excitable fellow by all accounts, slips his book over, already opened to the proper page. He quickly grabs your book, flipping through it rapidly. You find he's the type that makes you happy you don't have any spells that actually deal collateral damage; very happy, indeed.

2011-06-22, 05:02 PM
"Alot of poisons that people put on weapons. If you just want 'poison' I can get you something that will give him a rash, or I can give him something that will make him vomit out his organs. And one that does both, and makes him impotent, assuming he lives."

You find a wizard that will give you one of those spells for a look at your book.
"I want a poison that will sap away his strength, and another that clouds your mind."
He wonders where the heck the bar wrench is with their two pints of ale and a bowl of milk for Senior Lifewisp.

2011-06-22, 06:55 PM
Loghain, Antiel
"Hmmm. How many are you? Any experience fighting or guarding?" The man is rubbing his chin, clearly interested in your offer. He seems practically sold already on the deal, possibly because it means free guards.

Antiel says "There are 5 of us, and some have experience fighting, some have experience guarding, and I have extensive experience spotting trouble on the horizon and preparing for it".

Arq Kujos
2011-06-22, 08:32 PM
Antiel says "There are 5 of us, and some have experience fighting, some have experience guarding, and I have extensive experience spotting trouble on the horizon and preparing for it".

"We're an experience lot of travelers. A demonstration can be given if you would like." Lohgain's tone was not threatening, but instead almost excited, as if he was eager to prove his skills.

2011-06-23, 08:52 AM
"You got coin?" The barmaid arrives, putting the milk down and petting your cat while your new...friend grabs the drink, downing it rapidly. He still looks...bad.

Loghain, Antiel
"Hmmm. We could avoid having to pay for the guards. So...if you can prove even a little skill, I'd be willing to go through with this."

2011-06-23, 10:04 AM
"You got coin?" The barmaid arrives, putting the milk down and petting your cat while your new...friend grabs the drink, downing it rapidly. He still looks...bad.

Loghain, Antiel
"Hmmm. We could avoid having to pay for the guards. So...if you can prove even a little skill, I'd be willing to go through with this."
He hand her 1gp.
"Yes I do. This should be more then enough for several more drinks. Bring us another two. Just keep them coming until we say stop and you'll get a nice tip."
Senior Lifewisp purrs and rubs against the barmaid's hand. He takes a few laps of his milk and Grindel drinks some of his ale. He turns towards the halfling.
"So, can you provide me with what I want?"

2011-06-23, 10:42 AM
"Yeah. But it'll be pricy. Very pricy. Particularly the amount you mentioned. That'll...that'll be alot." He gets a second drink. Then a third.

2011-06-23, 11:23 AM
"Yeah. But it'll be pricy. Very pricy. Particularly the amount you mentioned. That'll...that'll be alot." He gets a second drink. Then a third.

"Now, I only want a pint of each of them. If I like them, then I'll come back for more. And I'll bring some friends who will want some as well."
As the barmaid comes by this time, he hands her the bowl that Senior Lifewisp drank his milk from.
"Can you please refill this, miss?"

2011-06-23, 11:52 AM
Having by this time signed the contract, Karvac will go to a pub to wait till time to leave.

2011-06-23, 12:24 PM
Grindel and Karvac
"Hm. Pint. I can get pint. But..." He hesitates, "Little problem. Maybe you can help? Later poison will be free. If you help."

The barmaid gives you the drinks while the man tells you this.

2011-06-23, 02:01 PM
Grindel and Karvac
"Hm. Pint. I can get pint. But..." He hesitates, "Little problem. Maybe you can help? Later poison will be free. If you help."

The barmaid gives you the drinks while the man tells you this.

"What is your problem? Is it a little problem, or a 'little' problem?"

2011-06-23, 02:36 PM
"Heh heh...'little.' Just a tiny one." Fourth drink now.

2011-06-23, 02:39 PM
"Heh heh...'little.' Just a tiny one." Fourth drink now.

Grindel put down his pint of ale, it was only half-full.
"Then what is your problem?"

2011-06-23, 03:01 PM
"Might...might be a few guys who...who want me dead. I uh...want them to NOT want me dead."

2011-06-23, 03:07 PM
"Might...might be a few guys who...who want me dead. I uh...want them to NOT want me dead."

"Is that all? I pretty much do this for a living. Except it is usually with kobolds and the like. What did you do to them?"

2011-06-23, 03:10 PM
"A deal...a deal might have fallen through on some stuff. I might have borrowed to set that deal up and then...well...maybe I can't pay them back."

2011-06-23, 03:19 PM
"A deal...a deal might have fallen through on some stuff. I might have borrowed to set that deal up and then...well...maybe I can't pay them back."

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to kill q couple guys that want you dead because of a deal that fell through that you had no knowledge of how it would turn out? Sounds like preserving the balance to me. Any idea of where these guys will be? I would like to get the death done as fast as possible."

2011-06-23, 03:24 PM
"You don't need to...to kill them. Just...just make sure they don't want me dead."

2011-06-23, 03:28 PM
"You don't need to...to kill them. Just...just make sure they don't want me dead."

"I'll try to just rough them up a bit, but if they pull a weapon on me, I'm going to kill them. It would be self-defense. Plus, the best solution is usually the easiest one, so how much do you exactly owe them?"
((is Karvac in the same pub as Grindel?))

2011-06-23, 04:12 PM
Loghain, Antiel
"Hmmm. We could avoid having to pay for the guards. So...if you can prove even a little skill, I'd be willing to go through with this."

"Well," says Antiel, "how about this...". Drawing his sword Antiel begins to imitate an elven sword dance, spinning both himself and his blade around and generally being flashy with it. Ever the street corner showman, Antiel just happened to toss his hat on the ground where passersby could throw coppers into it if they were impressed.

Dex roll: [roll0]

2011-06-27, 05:58 PM
(I presumed, yes)
"Well...it was a large loan. A thousand gold..." He's shifting in his seat as he mentions this and takes his next drink quickly.

There is a chuckle from the man watching your performance which, to be polite, doesn't go well at all. "Yes, yes, quite the show. Are you sure you want to make this offer?" DM was an idiot.

The man claps, very impressed, "Fantastic! Five of you, you say? That will be lovely. Is there any other details you need to work out?" A great showing, all things considered.

2011-06-27, 06:45 PM
Grindel laughed.
"Don't worry my friend, I will clear up your debt for you. I have a very persuasive friend called my sickle. Where are these men?"

2011-06-27, 07:56 PM
"They're holed up in a warehouse not too far from here...they've got a...friend of my as collateral. He's a...a good man. Very helpful. Holding him. In the warehouse, I mean. Holding him in the warehous. I could...could show you where it is. Yes, I could."

2011-06-27, 08:02 PM
"Then show me."

2011-06-28, 09:38 PM
"Just...just you? Against..all...all of them? There's alot of them. Many. Running about, twitchy, many." The halfing seems to get less lucid the more he talks, having gone from rather straightfoward to...well...this.

2011-06-29, 07:15 AM
Grindle paused for a moment in thought, then he saw Karvac who was sitting at a table nearby. Grindle went up to Karvac, and poked him.
"Hey, Karvac, want to help me help someone who needs the help before we leave town? He says he'll give me a whole pint of good poison if I do. We just got to intimidate a couple people who want him dead."

2011-06-29, 11:09 AM
A pint of what kind of poison?

2011-06-29, 01:06 PM
"Weapon poison. Probably Drow grade too. It saps the strength of the person who gets hit by it, and then another pint of weapon poison that will prevent a magic caster from being able to concentrate."

2011-06-29, 02:01 PM
How much is this poison worth though? How many men will we need to threaten, and how are they armed?

2011-06-29, 02:12 PM
How much is this poison worth though? How many men will we need to threaten, and how are they armed?

"Quite a pretty copper piece, about 5, and probably not."

2011-06-29, 02:39 PM
"Quite a pretty copper piece, about 5, and probably not."

If they're unarmed then you shouldn't need help, and if they're holding captives they're armed. Any idea with what? Daggers, swords, the gist, and what kind of armor they'd be wearing?

2011-06-29, 02:48 PM
If they're unarmed then you shouldn't need help, and if they're holding captives they're armed. Any idea with what? Daggers, swords, the gist, and what kind of armor they'd be wearing?

"They're just regular old back alley thugs. At the most they'll have a dagger or two. Plus, if you're with me we can intimidate them better. And if worst comes to worst, I'll need you to help me. I can hold them still while you make them go out cold. I don't want to kill anyone either."

2011-07-01, 06:43 PM
(I presumed, yes)
"Well...it was a large loan. A thousand gold..." He's shifting in his seat as he mentions this and takes his next drink quickly.

There is a chuckle from the man watching your performance which, to be polite, doesn't go well at all. "Yes, yes, quite the show. Are you sure you want to make this offer?" DM was an idiot.

The man claps, very impressed, "Fantastic! Five of you, you say? That will be lovely. Is there any other details you need to work out?" A great showing, all things considered.

Antiel appears to ponder for a moment before saying "Well, as I said before, our group is in possession of a pair of mules we would be willing to rent them to your group to carry goods for the duration of the journey. While I would not expect to negotiate a price for this rental before you see the animals, I feel that I should alert you to the fact that with us as guards and our mules serving as beasts of burden you stand to greatly increase your profit margin for this journey. The other burning questions are, of course, when you would like to meet up with us to begin this journey and if you would like some sort of documentation for this temporary alliance?".

2011-07-02, 09:44 PM
The man shakes his head, "Documentation is the tool of devils. A verbal agreement will suffice between us. As for when to head out, we were planning to leave the day after tomorrow."

2011-07-03, 06:36 AM
Antiel gives a short nod and says "Ah, excellent. Then I shall gather my companions and we can meet with you tomorrow or the day after. Do you foresee having a use for the mules?".

2011-07-03, 05:24 PM
"No, no. We have all the beasts of burden we need. Guarding, that is needed."

2011-07-19, 11:04 AM
Antiel replied "Very well, then we shall meet with you when you are ready to set out then" and went looking for the other members of his group to tell them what he had negotiated.

2011-07-19, 12:19 PM
"They're just regular old back alley thugs. At the most they'll have a dagger or two. Plus, if you're with me we can intimidate them better. And if worst comes to worst, I'll need you to help me. I can hold them still while you make them go out cold. I don't want to kill anyone either."

In a town as strife with lawlessness somehow a dagger seems small arms for a back alley thug.

2011-07-19, 02:05 PM
In a town as strife with lawlessness somehow a dagger seems small arms for a back alley thug.

"So, are you saying that you can't handle 3-5 guys wielding daggers or at the worst, Rapiers, while I back you up with the tremendous force of nature itself?"

2011-07-19, 02:08 PM
"So, are you saying that you can't handle 3-5 guys wielding daggers or at the worst, Rapiers, while I back you up with the tremendous force of nature itself?"

No I'm saying if I'm going into battle I've got to get paid.

2011-07-19, 02:14 PM
No I'm saying if I'm going into battle I've got to get paid.

"How about this, I'll pay you. I'll pay you 20 gold for this easy job. You'll also get to use the poison I'm getting for a reward on your weapons. Sound like a deal?"

2011-07-19, 02:15 PM
"How about this, I'll pay you. I'll pay you 20 gold for this easy job. You'll also get to use the poison I'm getting for a reward on your weapons. Sound like a deal?"

Sounds like one.

2011-07-19, 02:19 PM
Sounds like one.

"I meant will you take the deal?"

2011-07-19, 02:37 PM
"I meant will you take the deal?"

Yes, Karvac says.

2011-07-19, 03:22 PM
Yes, Karvac says.

He gave Karvac 20 gold from his pouch, bringing him down to 78 gold. He turned to the halfling.
"Alright, where can we find these men?"