View Full Version : Favorite Quotes Thread

2011-06-11, 03:50 AM
Since my previous signature has outgrown its limits, I will compile my Favorite Quotes here and the signature can link to this post. Other users can do likewise, making a single Favorite Quotes thread for the board; hopefully this is all cool.

2011-06-11, 03:51 AM
"But it's my sworn duty to seduce female bad guys. It's like in the bard charter or something." - Elan, to Haley

"I rest easy knowing that your revenge requires you to first outsmart someone's mount." - Vaarsuvius, to Belkar

2011-06-11, 07:59 AM
You know, I'd really like to contribute to this thread but it kind of reminds me of that one thing someone once said concerning a book with the best lines from Pratchett's works: (paraphrased) 'I didn't know there was a bookshelf that could hold a compilation of everything he's ever written.'
In case I haven't made my point... OotS is so full of awesome lines I'd feel unable to pick any specific ones. But I'll gladly see what you guys have to say.

2011-06-11, 10:27 AM
Kato's right, there's too much awesome in OotS. We'd go over the fifty page limit.
That being said, here are a couple of my favorites:

And once again, Probability proves itself willing to sneak into a back alley and service Drama as would a copper-piece harlot.
- Vaarsuvius, strip 584.

The blood of angels will flow like rivers, and we will gather around great dispensers of it to discuss the previous evening's televised entertainment.
- Cedrik, strip 633.

I may post more later.

2011-06-11, 12:37 PM
You know, I'd really like to contribute to this thread but it kind of reminds me of that one thing someone once said concerning a book with the best lines from Pratchett's works: (paraphrased) 'I didn't know there was a bookshelf that could hold a compilation of everything he's ever written.'
In case I haven't made my point... OotS is so full of awesome lines I'd feel unable to pick any specific ones. But I'll gladly see what you guys have to say.

I think I said that. So I suppose I agree. :smalltongue:

2011-06-11, 03:13 PM
How much crap do we go through on a daily basis because no one at TSR looked up "level" in the thesaurus?

2011-06-11, 03:23 PM
Guess what quote I thought about before clicking this thread?

2011-06-11, 04:00 PM
I know exactly what im going to pick (though I dont know if it classes as a quote)

I cant be bothered to write it so basically everything from episode #3 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0003.html)

Gift Jeraff
2011-06-11, 04:01 PM
:thog: not nale, not-nale. thog help nail not-nale, not nale. and thog knot not-nale while nale nail not-nale. nale, not not-nale, now nail not-nale by leaving not-nale, not nale, in jail.

:xykon: So, Uncle Xykon, what's the moral of the story? A big pile of spells isn't enough when the other guy has a big pile of spells AND the strength to crush your windpipe with his bare phlanges. And they died happily ever after. The End.

And from the pamphlet in War and XPs:"some even going so far as to suggest that maybe Lord Ronjo was overcompensating for something (before realizing that the same joke had been made in the first Shrek movie)[...]"

2011-06-11, 04:17 PM
The bit with the Vaporising Flu.
"Is it contagious?"
"Yes, but oddly only if you stand around in places where a previous victim has died and ask questions."

2011-06-11, 04:41 PM
And from the pamphlet in War and XPs:"some even going so far as to suggest that maybe Lord Ronjo was overcompensating for something (before realizing that the same joke had been made in the first Shrek movie)[...]"

Huh? What page is that?

2011-06-11, 04:45 PM
Huh? What page is that?

The back pages, it has a tour guide to Azure City.

2011-06-12, 12:51 AM
:thog: not nale, not-nale. thog help nail not-nale, not nale. and thog knot not-nale while nale nail not-nale. nale, not not-nale, now nail not-nale by leaving not-nale, not nale, in jail.

Guard: So... pleading insanity, then?

:thog: what is offal?

:roy: Your approval fills me with shame.

:xykon: I think I just had an evilgasm.

:belkar: I AM A SEXY SHOELESS GOD OF WAR!!! (even more epic the 2nd time around)

:belkar: Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime.

...and many, many more.

2011-06-13, 10:32 AM
Ooh, here's another one.

Nature abhors a tattletale, imp.
-Kubota, Strip 562

I've been using that IRL, minus the imp part.

2011-06-13, 11:25 AM
My three absolute favorites have to be...

:xykon: "You know what does equal power? Power. Power equals power. Crazy, huh? But the type of power? Doesn't matter as much as you think."

:xykon: "If I ever see you with more eyes than *******s, I'm going to shove one in the other and give your cloak to that hobgoblin."

And "That's the beauty of it all, my son. If I win, I get to be a king. If I lose, I get to be a legend."

All along with the rest of the rants/speeches they're a part of, of course. And then they're followed by far, far too many other favorites for me to ever begin to list.

2011-06-13, 11:44 AM
I don't know if it's my favorite quote, but I just read this one again today and I burst out laughing:

Belkar in response to Haley destroying the Fear and Flame skull in 469 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0469.html):
:belkar: "Easy for you to say, you probably already have a dozen sentient beings that you can take a dump in! I don't get anything nice!"

2011-06-13, 02:06 PM
There's also a huge lot of V quotes that unfortunately are way too complicated to remember...

Adicted To
2011-06-13, 04:35 PM
:mitd: "What gate?"

:xykon: "Minions minions, Lord Xykon has it all under control."

Tharquin: "There every move makes my victory more complete."

2011-06-13, 05:15 PM
And "That's the beauty of it all, my son. If I win, I get to be a king. If I lose, I get to be a legend."

Tarquin: "There every move makes my victory more complete."

Heh, yeah. Any time Tarquin's face is full of evil glee, awesomeness spills out.

2011-06-13, 09:45 PM
"SMITE.... EVIL!!!!"
-- O-Chul

Heck, the entire O-Chul/MITD sequence, really.

2011-06-13, 10:44 PM
From time to time a thread like this comes up, and every time the first thing that comes to mind is different. That comes to show that there are way too many awesome quotes to list them all.

A possible place to start would be the T-shirt shop (http://www.cafepress.ca/orderofthestick/2111403). Every one of those is great.

My favorite for today would be this:

:redcloak: "I can't help but notice that your sense of team spirit is inversely proportional to your number of functioning appendages, sir."

Sweet Starshine
2011-06-14, 02:48 PM
"How was I suppose to know he ain't a playa."
"Never say player again."
-Elan and Belkar
"Wooooo! I'm invisible, you can't see me!"
"How I wish that were true."
-Elan and Roy
"I love bat guano in the morning. It smells like victory."
"For the humble doily is the gateway to ULTIMATE COSMIC POWER!"
"I thought he was you! I'm in love with you, and I thought I was kissing you!"
"Nah, I was screwing with you. It's been about a hour tops."
(That's all I can think of at the moment. >.<)

Adicted To
2011-06-15, 07:16 AM
:xykon: "sacrificing minions: is there any problem it CAN'T solve?"

I loved that one.

:xykon: "Hey, look, I just regenerated a finger. Guess which one."

Also perfect in it's context.

2011-06-15, 07:40 AM
"Geez, they can research 9th level spells that stop time, but they can't put a dimmer switch on the sun?" - Belkar

"Now if you don't mind, I am somewhat busy telling the laws of physics to shut up and sit down!" - V

Those are a couple of my more favorite ones.

2011-06-15, 08:10 AM
:mitd:: Mr. Stiffly! MR. STIFFLY! O-CHUL!!

Gives me goosebumps. Fittingly.

2011-06-17, 10:39 AM
:mitd:: Mr. Stiffly! MR. STIFFLY! O-CHUL!!

Gives me goosebumps. Fittingly.

Ooo, I totally agree. I was just re-reading through that section of comics the other day and that really does just have an epic feeling to it.

2011-06-17, 04:12 PM
"deny, Deny, DENY, DENY! The Sociopathic Ego Maniac!"


It's still a great bit.

2011-06-17, 04:21 PM
No one has suggested what is the best of all. Surprising!

"I... am... a... SEXY! SHOELESS! GOD! OF WAR!"

A few others:
"I'm the eighth Dwarf... Stabby!"
"I am the best bargainer ever!"

2011-06-17, 08:28 PM
"Your approval fills me with me with shame.":roy:Roy Greenhilt spoken to Belkar Bitterleaf

2011-06-17, 09:26 PM
Can't believe no one did this yet:

:belkar: Stop oppressing my culture you ethnocentric bitch!


:xykon: Evil, a growth industry. We're always hiring!

2011-06-20, 01:51 PM
"I think we broke Hayley."


2011-06-20, 07:14 PM
Like everyone else, I find there are too many awesome lines to pick a SINGLE favorite, but I think the one panel that originally hooked me on OotS was the following:

Durkon: "So...that explains why ye just Charmed a muskrat inta humpin' Belkar's bare feet?

V: "Hmm? Oh, no, that is merely for my personal amusement"

Belkar: "What the -- Arrgh! Get off! Wild Empathy Check! WILD EMPATHY CHECK!!!"

On a related note, I reread the following the other day, and it also gave me a chuckle:

Belkar: "Yeah, gosh, who ever heard of party members trying to blow each other up? ----- Vaarsuvius ."

V: "It seems like a reasonable response to me. As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."

Blackwing, V's familiar: "whisper, whisper, whisper"

V: "....And that would be wrong"

Kurald Galain
2011-06-20, 08:31 PM
Is parsley scarier than nutmeg?

2011-06-20, 11:28 PM
"Hey, I'd resent that implication if it wasn't based entirely on my actual behavior up until this point!"

"PLANE SHIFT!" (Not so much for the quote itself, but for how much fun it is to yell when jumping into random rooms at a con.)

2011-06-21, 06:03 AM
"May I forgo paradise for a picture of the exact look on my father's face right now?"

2011-06-21, 06:38 AM
No one has suggested what is the best of all. Surprising!
"I... am... a... SEXY! SHOELESS! GOD! OF WAR!"

From #13 above:

:belkar: I AM A SEXY SHOELESS GOD OF WAR!!! (even more epic the 2nd time around):

But it IS a classic, no doubt about it... :smallcool:

2011-06-21, 07:40 AM
My favorites:

:miko: "The proper term is smite evil not bump uglies"

And the ever popular

:thog: "shucks"

2011-06-21, 12:23 PM
"May I forgo paradise for a picture of the exact look on my father's face right now?"

Roy actually said

"In lieu of Paradise, can I just get a picture of the exact look on his face?"

2011-06-22, 02:07 AM
Roy actually said

"In lieu of Paradise, can I just get a picture of the exact look on his face?"

I believe he also requested a 50 foot marble statue. That was a particularly good one :smallbiggrin:

and remembered this one:

:vaarsuvius: Now, if you don't mind, I am somewhat preoccupied telling the laws of physics to shut up and sit down

2011-06-22, 06:42 AM
:vaarsuvius: "As the size of the explosion increases, the number of social situations it can't solve approaches zero"


"Which is wrong"

The glade wanderer