View Full Version : Robot Hordes, Gadgets Or Minions? A 2nd Edition Mutants and Masterminds Question

2011-06-11, 12:07 PM
Hey, I'm probably going to play in a Mutants and masterminds campaign relatively soon, and it seems as if there is a bit of rules debate going on with myself and the GM. This isn't a vast issue, but mainly a discussion on Build efficiency that has come up.

Game/Character Details
In essence, I'm making a roboticist type for a Cyber Punk World. He specializes in combining his Robotic skills and explosives, basically Making Kamikaze Bots, and artillery machines, While also constructing machines for reconaissance and patrol work. I'm designing said machines in 2 fashions.

For the Ephemeral Robots and Explosives, I'm using Gadgetry (found in Ultimate Power), so that I can just pull a small explosive out of my pocket and go to town.
Jitters: Flight 1 (Gliding), Blast +2 (Area: Explosion)

This Mechanical Art piece appears to be a beautifully crafted butterfly, it’s wings are smoothly wrought as it moves them with slow grace as it flutters before your eyes, and dances in the wind as it hovers gently towards you. Suddenly, much to your surprise, the dainty Butterfly Explodes in a fiery ball of death and chaos.

Now, for the more permanent Robots, I planned on using Minion and building them all individually or as I need them. I'd using the Power set
Minions with the Type (+1, Robot) Extra to add versatility to my robotic creations that I conjure.
Minion Ex.

Reconnaissance Drone
Str: 10 Dex: 20 Con:--- Int: 3 Wis: 20 Cha:---
F: --- W: +5 R: +5 T: 2
AB: +2
DeB: +5(+3 Dodge Focus, 2 Size Bonus)
Skills: Notice +9, Search +9, Stealth +13
Feats: Eidetic Memory (Video Recording), Move By Action, Fearless, Dodge Focus +3
Powers: Flight +3, Immunity (Fort) 30, Protection +2, Shrinking +8 (Innate, Permanent)
Super-senses: Com-link: Jordan (Video Feed), X-Ray Vision, Ultra-vision, Infra-vision, and Extended: Vision 1, Distance Sense, Microscopic Vision (1), Low Light Vision, Dark-vision

The Robot before you is a sphere, hovering with a helicopter Propeller at the top of the circular structure, with a small propulsion system near the back. It seems designed with many camera lenses constantly switching between them, as it is performing a diagnostic before its next mission.

The Main Point of the Discussion is this, the DM says that I can just give the Gadgetry Power to My summoned minions so I don't need to write up the minions, a Swiss Army Knife of robots basically. I would like this as much as the next guy, but the way the rules say it, I feel as if this isn't correct.

My Argument for the matter:
Okay, from the way I've found the rules to Connect together is as such.
1. Gadgetry and Device are the same thing, one just allows spontaneous switching around. Basically, shapeshift for devices.
2. Constructs do not follow the Device power, but are using Summon Minion, ANimate Object, or the Minions Feat.
3. Device is basically, an Object with certain traits applied to it. Magical Staffs, Ray Guns, Jet Packs, etc. etc.
4. The important thing about these powers (Device and Gadgetry) is how easily they can be lost, and should be able to be lost at some level. Why the Bionic Arm does not count as a device is an example.
5. Since, the powers given to the robots are a matter of their key structure, and are not say, Sonic Screwdrivers. They need to be built not as devices, but as constructs.

Note: I am in fact using 2nd Edition Mutants and masterminds

To cut a long story short, I don't think I could use Gadgetry as the main base for All The Powers that my Minions would have, i.e., using Gadgetry alone to give them the flight, And all other powers, when the fluff based rule of gadgetry is about magically having items.
Does anyone here more versed in the rules than me have any ideas on this? And how to make the write ups a little easier, if at all possible.
Thank you guys (and Gals) for being helpful in all this :smallsmile:.

2011-06-11, 12:46 PM
Since you mention the device power, I will assume you mean 2nd edition. If you are using 3rd I wont know how to help you as I only have 1st and 2nd.

One issue that I can't help on is the Gadgetry power which is a power I've never heard of so I can't comment on it specifically but I do know quite a bit about having minions do things instead of the character so I will mostly treat on that issue.

I'll get the broken stuff out of the way. A gadget maker in my game found quickness plus regular craft could give him the effect of a gadget for any situation power but with far more uses. I finally had to limit him to one device per standard action and one device per person to prevent too much craziness. As for gadgetry on minions, I actually banned minion powers of all kinds because breaking action economy with them is amazingly easy and effective so giving them the gadget power will allow you action= to number of minions in order to use the gadget power. Why a DM would strongly suggest such a thing is beyond me but if you want the most effective use of the minion power, it would be best to give them gadgetry when you summon them in order to save points. Essentially, these minions can give you access to more powers as you can only access one per turn. The only reason not to would be if your minions are significantly lower in level than you are as in more than two. Even so, it would still be very useful if versatility is your aim.

I wish I could give you more help but I'm not sure what edition or books you are using and thus my rules knowledge could be totally useless. In 2nd it seems as though minions can have any powers as long as it is within their points value and power level so I see no issue there.

2011-06-15, 10:15 AM
No One else has anything to say on this?

2011-06-15, 10:55 AM
No One else has anything to say on this?

I feel that the 7 points/rank Gadgets power would be appropriate to stat up the robots, so long as they shut down (eg, actively commanded by your brain waves, voice, or gestures) or are otherwise highly vulnerable when you are helpless/unconscious.

Edit: If the robots are autonomous, however, then it would fall under "if you cannot lose your gadgets at all" and another power (Minion would be a good choice) would be appropriate.