View Full Version : Expedition to Borun Dur (INC)

2011-06-11, 04:12 PM
After having traveled for almost four days, stopping only at night to rest, the group is less than a day away from the export city of Borun Dur. The trip has been relatively uneventful. The six guards and their sergeant have kept watch on the perimeter while the dwarven Head Tradesman, Osgluf Steeltongue drives his cart along. Some fo you have walked alongside the cart and sometimes ridden on it. The Guards seem bored, less alert than they should be, but Sergeant Brandt will occassionally remind them to keep their senses.

The road is well kept even as the landscape around you becomes more hilly, with many outcroppings of rocks. You will reach the outskirts by nightfall and hopefully find out why the city has been closed.

2011-06-11, 05:55 PM
Raze seems grumpy, and hasnt appeared to have gotten the best of sleep these last few nights. While traveling, he prefers to carry his massive blade out, resting on his shoulder.

He stares at the horizon, as if he could feel something was amiss... or perhaps it was just his imagination.

(Arcana, attemting to detect any large scale rituals that are affecting the area- Weather control, farm fertility rituals, supernatural blights, FR-style city-wardings, ect. [roll0])

2011-06-11, 06:50 PM
During the 4 days of travel Evelyn will try to have enjoyed it as much as possible and will be as carefree as she can be. She will seem shy at first to the newcomers but quickly warm up to them (if they are pleasant back). She will look in wonder at the natural beauty of the surrounding lands, sometimes darting off for a few minutes to get closer to something that has peaked her interest. She'll pick flowers by the roadside, and eat edible fruits of the bushes too. She'll try to get along with her companions as much as possible except she'll seem more wary of Raze than any others, avoiding him more than the others. She'll listen intently to whatever stories or knowledge her companions have to share but won't tell many stories herself, trying to deflect attention away by saying her past is boring and not much to tell. She seems to favour Thel at this point in time over others, riding on his shoulders a fair bit as she takes pleasure at being at such a height.

2011-06-12, 09:32 PM
You are able to detect some lingering aura, its as if a powerful enchantemnt had covered these lands centuries ago. You can't tell much, other than that it was VERY powerful and its origin would have encouraged monstrous growth of local flora and fuana. It has faded but the strength of the aura still lets you detect small remnants. You cannot detect any more recent auras currently.

2011-06-12, 09:53 PM
It became painfully obvious within the next four days that Minerva was not accustomed to travelling, or many other aspects of adventuring. She was easily tired on some of the longer days treks, often times having to ride in the cart and apologizing profusely for having to do so. When she was not awkwardly flustered about some thing or another, the young girl spent her time quietly reading the large book she carried with her. Inquizitive minds would learn that it was a fairly weighty tome on the rituals, rites and doctrines of Pelor, the god of the sun and Minerva's patron.

Other than that, she was fairly unobtrusive, keeping to herself and offering a friendly nod and a smile every so often rather than strike up a conversation. Upon hearing news of the progress of their journey, she beams to the captain, "We're almost there? Oh good! I just want to say I'm so sorry for being a-about as useful as a sack of potatoes..."

Minerva blushes, mostly out of embarassment, as she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

2011-06-13, 06:45 AM
During the trip, Tanglar tried to push himself the most, never asking for a rest, and never stopping. When they reached the area close to Borun Dor, he stretched and said "At last! Soon I shall test my strength against whatever lies within!"

2011-06-13, 07:11 AM
(To add to before) Evelyn will show concern for Minerva's well being on the journey as she seems out of place. She'll try and make Minerva feel at ease and to not worry so much as she'll get used to it. She'll take interest in her book, professing she hasn't ever really read one. Privately, she'll raise her concern over Minerva's well being when we get to Borun Dor to Thel.

2011-06-14, 07:57 PM
Evelyn whispers to Thel while on his shoulders "You think its more dangerous up here? Hmm.. She ponders for a moment before jumping off calling behind her as she runs off ahead "I'll keep a lookout ahead, warn of anything dangerous you know?" Evelyn will disappear ahead of them and keeps a look out.

2011-06-14, 09:45 PM
"Watch for R.O.U.S.es," added Raze, urbanely. "We'll be right beind you. if you need help, don't hesitate to scream."

2011-06-14, 10:58 PM
She'll stop in her tracks look around at Raze mouthing the letters to herself then comprehend what Raze was saying before resuming what she was doing

2011-06-18, 09:47 PM
Everyone hears the beasts but only Evelyn will see it as a great bear bursts from some underbrush, roaring and trying to swipe at her with its claws. She hadn't been sneaky enough to avoid the beasts, and it would likely have attacked the group as they passed.

Evelyn is about 50 feet ahead of the group, around a large grouping of boulders that blocks LOS for anyone who isn't at least 15ft away. The bear is just 10 feet from Evelyn and looks ready to charge.

2011-06-23, 02:07 PM
The Bear charges Evelyn, slashing at her with its claws and scoring a nasty hit, slashing her arm and leaving a deep gash. She manages to roll away and squeeze between some boulders, trying to escape.

The bear has dealt evelyn 12 damage and she was able to tumble away and is now 15ft, but she's moving through a small space that she'll need to squeeze through. The bear can't get to her at this point (it might still try anyway)

2011-06-23, 10:08 PM
Evelyn cries out in pain as she darts amongst the rocks, trying to keep out of reach of the enraged beast.

2011-06-23, 11:50 PM
Muttering something untranslatable, Raze dashes foreward, spotting the angry bear. Running a hand over his blade as he closes the distance, it glows with a fell light, and he sweeps his blade across the beast.