View Full Version : Girl's Art, Sculpture, and Sketches

2011-06-11, 05:45 PM
*cough cough* Er...hello! Thought I'd start a running thread for the art that I do. I keep switching between mediums, so it's really mish mash of everything. I'm hoping to have more sketches, though...I really need to sketch more, nail down anatomy and environments.

For now, though, have an inferno lion! =D He's an entry for a contest over on Deviant Art. Just finished him yesterday.


Teutonic Knight
2011-06-11, 05:48 PM
Wow. That puts one incarnation of the Joker and Zebra from Toriko to shame. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-11, 11:42 PM
That put 3/4 of everything I've ever seen to shame. :smallbiggrin:

You are a great artist.

2011-06-12, 02:02 AM
Well thanks! XD Honestly, I'm still trying to improve, though. I keep trying digital painting, but it keeps disagreeing with me. Maybe if I had an expensive tablet or something...but ah well! I'm just happy with one that doesn't skip around like my last one did.

2011-06-12, 02:46 AM
That's awesome!

Do you (or do you have aspirations to) draw professionally?

2011-06-12, 06:20 AM
Freaking gorgeous, love the design. The cracked patterns and curling fire are so interesting. Also the concept of something being able to set fire to a forest just by standing in it. I feel so sorry for the little guy on the cliff! What's your DA name? I'd like to add you.

2011-06-12, 08:57 AM
Ah yes, the "Design a Colossus" contest. :D So many amazing entries on that one.

The drawing is beautifully stylistic... All the fluid and dynamic lines and vivid colouring are just a pleasure to look at. The design is gorgeous as well. ^^

2011-06-12, 09:11 AM
Aww, he's cute.
I have trouble imagining how that mouth would work in 3D though...

2011-06-12, 12:41 PM
Freaking gorgeous, love the design. The cracked patterns and curling fire are so interesting. Also the concept of something being able to set fire to a forest just by standing in it. I feel so sorry for the little guy on the cliff! What's your DA name? I'd like to add you.

It's namingway over on DA.

That's awesome!

Do you (or do you have aspirations to) draw professionally?

I do! I hope. We'll see? XD Just coming out of two years of tendinitis and looking for a job. I've managed to get some freelance work, but...well...it's a rough market out there.

As to the contest, the competition is awfully intimidating. So many amazing artists have entered. But ya never know until you try, right? And I needed more stuff for my portfolio anyway.

2011-06-13, 11:05 AM
That is.. wow.

Hey, would you have any interest in doing cover art for Ebooks? Compensation would unfortunately not be anywhere near what you deserve, but perhaps a way of getting your name out there more, and an avenue for selling prints? pm me if interested.

You say that you don't do digital? So the lion is all handpainted? The shading is amazing on that!

2011-06-13, 12:36 PM
:eek:That is so beutifull... in a kind of wierd way. The style. The pureness. The chaos! I love it :biggrin: (so much that i used big smilies)

2011-06-13, 01:56 PM
That is.. wow.

Hey, would you have any interest in doing cover art for Ebooks? Compensation would unfortunately not be anywhere near what you deserve, but perhaps a way of getting your name out there more, and an avenue for selling prints? pm me if interested.

You say that you don't do digital? So the lion is all handpainted? The shading is amazing on that!

I might be interested. =D I do digital art, but usually with linework and such. I'm still trying to work on a more painterly type style, that's all.

2011-06-13, 03:19 PM
Random sketch of randomness! I don't know what she is, but she has tentacle wings!


2011-06-13, 06:16 PM
Ursula slept with a goat?

2011-06-13, 07:04 PM
Well that's a disturbing mental image.:smalleek:

2011-06-14, 12:12 AM
I could just copy-paste my old coment.

2011-06-14, 01:52 AM
Ursula slept with a goat?
I was more thinking Half-Illithid Half-feind, but that works too.

Still Quality art, though.

2011-06-14, 05:22 AM
you have nice character designs! and I like her expression.

keep in mind the size of the skull when drawing heads. either the top of her head is shrunken or her hair is plastered to her scalp.

2011-06-14, 05:23 AM
I was more thinking Half-Illithid Half-feind, but that works too.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3CJIKKSUpg

2011-06-14, 06:19 AM


2011-06-14, 08:40 AM
The hell Lion is just wonderfull.

2011-06-16, 04:14 PM
you have nice character designs! and I like her expression.

keep in mind the size of the skull when drawing heads. either the top of her head is shrunken or her hair is plastered to her scalp.

Yeah. It was kind of a quick sketch, tho.

And I keep meaning to do more, but I've been pretty swamped lately. Still! I just got my set of rapidiographs in the mail. Can't wait to try them out...

2011-06-19, 01:32 PM
The Lion is really great, and I like the idea of the other one as well.

2011-06-22, 10:36 PM
Oof. Been a while...but I was really busy for a bit. Anyhow....stuff!

This is my second attempt at silver jewelry, designed and created completely from scratch. The gem is a star moonstone.


2011-06-23, 08:26 PM
Heh, I saw your comic. And read it all. I still did fine on my math final, fortunately. Couldn't resist… bad… Drow pun. XD

Anyways, great work! Your masks are also very impressive. Some day, when I'm rich and can spend money, I'll have to look into getting one! Random thought that comes up whenever I come across spiffy masks- there's a cool technique from ancient Japanese theater I haven't seen anybody actually use. If you ever feel like adding an extra application of awesomeness, I've always wanted to see somebody use this (http://www.kasrl.org/noh_mask.html).

2011-06-24, 03:55 AM
Ooo. Maybe I shall! I've got a couple things I'm working on at the moment, but maybe once those are done....

2011-06-24, 10:52 AM
sweet! stamping, carving, or wax cast?

2011-06-24, 12:53 PM
Also just read your comic. Reminds me of dresden codak.

2011-06-24, 01:33 PM
sweet! stamping, carving, or wax cast?
None of the above, actually. It's PMC, which is a clay made up of silver particles attached to a binder. So you can sculpt, mold, and shape it, then fire it. Firing PMC burns away the binder and leaves the pure silver behind. I cast this into a mold of a piece I had sculpted.

Also just read your comic. Reminds me of dresden codak.

I've been getting that a lot, although it's really unintentional. XD

2011-06-25, 04:59 AM
I've been getting that a lot, although it's really unintentional. XD

Propperbly just becourse you both got awesome female main characters

2011-07-02, 03:30 PM
Here! Have a picture of an angel surfing on the giant severed head of Fenrir the Wolf!

Our game of In Nomine has some odd moments....


2011-07-02, 04:05 PM
angel without wing is not angel...
but this look realy good...

2011-07-03, 12:25 PM
Where are the wings?

2011-07-03, 06:10 PM
angel without wing is not angel...I beg to differ. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophan) :smalltongue:

2011-07-03, 11:52 PM
Well in In Nomine, angels and demons inhabit corporeal vessels...basically flesh puppets. Her actual celestial form is a three eyed winged snake...you can see how this might stand out in day to day society.

2011-07-05, 07:51 PM
Well in In Nomine, angels and demons inhabit corporeal vessels...basically flesh puppets. Her actual celestial form is a three eyed winged snake...you can see how this might stand out in day to day society.
Of course, the first thing I picture is a three-eyed winged snake with poor vision, wearing a pair of spectacles and a monocle.

2011-07-06, 01:27 AM
Okay, now THAT would be awesome. XD

2011-07-07, 11:26 AM
Okay, now THAT would be awesome. XD
Thanks- I do try. XP

2011-07-08, 04:04 PM
The crafted amulet thing is amazing. I'd totally buy something like that - well, hypothetically, if I didn't have far too much of such treasures that I drool over but don't wear already. Was it difficult to make?

2011-07-16, 09:54 PM
Yes, but mostly 'cause I was learning as I went. XD Looking back on it, I could have simplified the process. Also because I have to rent out a kiln, which takes a while to do.

I do want experiment further with it...maybe go with copper or bronze. They're less expensive than silver.

In the meantime...I make masks! =D




2011-07-17, 04:11 PM
Amazing. They are very beautiful. Around how much does it cost to make one?

Also... Is that you?

2011-07-17, 04:40 PM
Oooooooh! O_O

Beautiful. I especially like the first one. All the pretty yet balanced colours...

2011-07-17, 05:15 PM
Amazing. They are very beautiful. Around how much does it cost to make one?

Also... Is that you?

Hah, yes, that's me. XD Photographing ones self is a little tricky since you can't actually see how you're framed in the camera, but at least you can do it in a pinch without having to arrange for a model.

As for cost...really depends on size and complexity. Small domino style masks are $50, half masks tend to run $70, full masks tend to be $250 or more. This is what I have right now, (http://www.etsy.com/shop/RobinRed) although I've been doing commissions lately too.

2011-07-18, 02:49 AM
Hah, yes, that's me. XD Photographing ones self is a tricky since you can't actually see how you're framed in the camera, but at least you can do it in a pinch without having to arrange for a model.

Nooo! The secret internet identity has been broken! :smalltongue:

As for cost...really depends on size and complexity. Small domino style masks are $50, half masks tend to run $70, full masks tend to be $250 or more. This is what I have right now, (http://www.etsy.com/shop/RobinRed) although I've been doing commissions lately too.

So, how much money have you used on these?

2011-07-18, 02:30 PM
Hmm. That's trickier to calculate 'cause it's different for each one. Sometimes I luck out in finding supplies, and sometimes I have to pay through the nose. Plus I keep trying new things with new materials, so that adds to the overall cost.

2011-07-19, 02:50 AM
Hmm. That's trickier to calculate 'cause it's different for each one. Sometimes I luck out in finding supplies, and sometimes I have to pay through the nose. Plus I keep trying new things with new materials, so that adds to the overall cost.

But a lot of money?

2011-07-19, 01:57 PM
Maybe $15 per mask? But the thing is that some of the stuff you have to buy in bulk, so if you want to make just one it'd be a LOT more. I lowered it to that much since I make a lot of them and can justify the cost of materials.

Anyways...I've been practicing drawing with my tablet. Trying to decide whether or not I should bite the bullet and get a Cintiq. T__T


2011-07-19, 03:07 PM
:smalleek: That is good :smalleek:

2011-07-19, 06:08 PM
Great picture, but even better than that… your cat comic was excellent. X) My friend says you need more comics with that cat.

The style it was done in reminded me of Thomas Gray's "Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat." (http://www.potw.org/archive/potw90.html) I figure you're nerdy enough to recommend cool poetry to, right?

2011-07-22, 01:37 AM
Hee hee. I'm pretty nerdy, yeah. XD It's based on my cat...though she looks more like in the last panel, than in the rest of the comic. That's just her self perception.

Lately she's wanted ice in her water. T__T

2011-07-22, 02:53 PM
Delilah, my Shadowrun character. She is entirely trustworthy.


2011-07-22, 04:17 PM
I feel sorry for those not nerdy enough to accept random poetry recommendations. *nodnod*

And naturally! Cats have /very/ healthy self-images, after all. Ice in the water? That's a new one for me. XP

Oh yes. Very trustworthy. And if you believe that, I wish for you to meet my friend- he is a Nigerian prince, and needs only a few hundred dollars to clear access to his inheritance, and would be most grateful…

2011-07-23, 03:35 AM
Delilah, my Shadowrun character. She is entirely trustworthy.

Oh. Then i am okay with it. She can babysit my children, (I don´´t have any just thougth it would wprk in the joke).

2011-07-30, 02:42 PM
I got me a new tablet! =D And this is what I did with it-


2011-07-31, 04:59 AM
I got me a new tablet! =D And this is what I did with it-

:smalleek:... Love the lighting.
*gives internet thumbs up*

2011-08-08, 03:10 PM
Attempt at more polished work with said tablet. =3 Yeah, I'm really trying to work on my lighting. Next time, maybe I"ll try to work on my architecture.


2011-08-08, 03:33 PM
awesome! except the hands. The forearm would have to be REALLY long to make that pose. and it would be very very uncomfortable.

2011-08-08, 03:58 PM
Hmm. I compared it to a model pretty closely...but it could just be one of those things where it looks fine in a photo but unrealistic in artwork. Regardless, I'll play around with it to make it look a little better.

2011-08-08, 07:56 PM
It's a beautiful painting, but a few things bother me. First, the red lines. Second, the shading of the mermaid-person seems to be much lighter in tone than the rather dark shading of the background. She is probably meant to glow somewhat, but it's not coming across that well. Also, the background seems a little flat despite its many elements, because you keep drawing things the same regardless of how far away they are and how they're lit - the bushes, most of all. I'd expect more variation in size and sharpness of detail and lighting depending on how close they are to the viewer. They're a bit too uniform right now.
The composition could be better, I think - it leans very heavily to the left. Also, I think the skin tone of the mermaid is just too desaturated. It's dangerous to use such bland tones near otherwise saturated ones, as they tend to kind of suck the colour out of them. (This (http://chiseledrocks.com/main/musings/topics/thecolorgray) article is pretty enlightening.)

The willow leaves and the water and the little fishes and water lilies are just gorgeous, though. I also adore the way her tail rises out of the water...

2011-08-08, 10:38 PM
The red lines are actually a stylistic choice that I went with because I liked they way they were set off by the mermaid and the rocks. Also, the contrast between the figure and her surroundings is because she is glowing...it's subtle, though. Mostly visible around her fins, but there is some around her body. Had intended it to maker her look somewhat etheral...she's not supposed to blend in with the background. As for the white...that's the color of koi, so that's the color I went with for her.

2011-08-09, 08:57 PM
Alrighty! With all the feedback, I made some adjustments to the picture. I kept the general color tones, but I tried to refine it a bit. The red outline is now absent, and there's a bit of a glow instead. I also adjusted the hands a bit, but I fount that most of the trouble was actually in the elbow. That's what made the forearm look so long. Hopefully I've fixed that enough.


2011-08-10, 01:05 AM
yesmmuch better in the posture.

2011-08-12, 10:27 AM
Very nice! Making the lines a bit more subtle did a lot. :)

2011-08-12, 10:40 AM
Interesting drawings... And your first one was for a contest, you say? It was for the Colossal Contest for The Rift?

2011-08-14, 12:09 AM
Yep! I didn't really expect to win or anything. DA has professional game illustrators, after all. But I had an idea, so I wanted to see it through.

2011-08-14, 07:36 PM
Then again, you were up against the big dogs.
I mean, the pros... And let's face it, yours is not a small piece. It's quite awesome.

2011-08-25, 07:29 PM
Why thank you.:smallredface: Think I coulda done better now that I have a good tablet, but such is life.

In the meantime....DnD coasters! =D Specifically beholder themed ones.

2011-08-25, 07:48 PM
Cartoonish. I like it.

2011-08-27, 02:38 PM
Really nice.

2011-08-27, 09:26 PM
A Becupholder?

2011-08-30, 02:32 PM
A Becupholder?


2011-08-30, 06:10 PM
Haha! Oh man, maybe I should call 'em that. :tongue:

2011-09-01, 10:16 AM
Haha! Oh man, maybe I should call 'em that. :tongue:

You're welcome to it! XP I'm always happy to spread a little humor.