View Full Version : Necromancer IC - Drakir

2011-06-11, 05:53 PM
In the kingdom of Ashcen, magic is feared and hated. The king, Zuhrin the Magebane, has outlawed and lead several campaigns

against it.

At the end of the day, that doesn't matter to you. You are a farmer's child, and have no magic that you know of. You live in a

small, dirty hut at the edge of a small village called Hackevir. Your mother died giving birth to you; your father cares little

for you.

You wake up this morning, April 21 7th Year of the Hammer. The sky is grey and overcast, and you can smell rain in the air. You've

worked hard the last month planting, and the rain will be a much desired respite. You struggle to get up off your dirty straw bed.

2011-06-12, 02:14 AM
Stumbling out of the bed Marcus shuffles over the cold wooden floor, picking up his clothes as he go. Yesterday had been longer than usual, he'd hardly had the energy to get undressed before he fell asleep. Yawning he puts on his pants and pulls a gray shirt over his head before walking out into the kitchen, still not entirely awake but hungry enough to ignore it.

2011-06-12, 11:14 AM
You stumble over to the table. There is a day-old stew over the fire, and some stale bread in the cupboard. You eat enough to get your fill, but you don't really feel satisfied.

2011-06-17, 04:10 PM
The stew tasted salt and not much else, it was far too long since they had fresh meat. Perhaps his father could be convinced to butcher one of the pigs early this year, gods know that they could use some spicing up of the menu. Marcus swallows down the last of the stew, leaves his bowl on the table and leaves the house, looking for this father. Time to get to work.

Sorry for not posting, I was sure that I'd subscribed to the thread, but I must have forgotten :smallredface:

2011-06-17, 04:37 PM
You see your father outside. He is loading the donkey with some form of bundle.
"You're up early today. That's unusual. You should be useful more of the time, instead of the sloth you usually are. I'm going to town, stay here. Not much can be done in the rain, so be sure to get the weeding done before. I'm not paying for medicine if you catch ague."

2011-06-19, 02:51 AM
"I just wanted to have some more time in your wonderful company, that's why." Marcus replies sourly. "I'll get the weeding done, don't worry." He continues before turning around and heading towards the field.

2011-07-03, 07:54 PM
"Don't talk back to me!" he shouts as you turn away. You can tell you have aroused his fury.

He steams for a moment.
"This isn't over. There're soldiers in town, and I must deliver our tribute. Otherwise, I'd deal with you now." He lashes the donkey, and proceeds along the road.

2011-07-04, 04:01 PM
"It doesn't matter whatever I do, you'll never be satisfied, will you?"
Marcus mutters silently and glares angrily at his father's back.
No reason to dwell on that now, better to get to work. It would be nice to have time to go fishing tonight.
He thinks as he walks over to the barn, his father's outburst almost forgotten. It happens too often to dwell on, and Marcus has become quite good at ignoring the old man and his threats. He is needed on the farm, and they both know it, but that doesn't stop his father from disliking him.
After fetching the tools he need he continues to the small garden patch behind their house where he starts to work.

2011-07-06, 01:43 PM
You work in the fields for about an hour before the rain starts pouring. Having finished your work, you return to your hut.

You remain inside until early afternoon. At that point, the rain stops, although the sky is still overcast, and it looks like it may rain again.

2011-07-10, 03:53 AM
Well, looks like I can go fishing after all. Marcus thinks to himself and without any further delay he quickly packs some a few apples, some bread and a bottle of water in a sack before he grabs a shovel and his fishing rod and heads down to the river.
It doesn't take more than a quarter of an hour before he arrives at his usual fishing spot, a fair bit away from the road. A fallen tree serves as a seat and the ground is soft, making it easy to dig for bait. After a few more minutes Marcus sits silently, watching the float and waiting for his dinner to come to him.

2011-07-10, 11:01 AM
You sit at the river for a few hours. The day is peaceful enough, but for some reason, you feel a bit unsettled.

As you sit there fishing, you notice something very peculiar. A blood-red raven sits perched in a tree, staring at you. It occasionally moves, adjusting its perch or turning its head, but does not leave the perch.

2011-07-10, 11:17 AM
At first Marcus simply tries to ignore the strange bird, but it proves impossible as he can feel its gaze upon at all times, even when he has his back turned towards the crimson animal.

Finally he gives up and even though he refuses to admit even to himself that the situation is unnerving he quickly packs his things together and heads back home, at all times avoiding to look at the raven, or even in its general direction. His hurried walk turns into a run after only a few yards and soon he is racing as fast as he can in the direction of the farm, the feeling of the raven's eyes upon his back never leaving him completely.

2011-07-11, 10:20 AM
You continue down the road at a quickened pace for some time. By the time you reach your house, you can no longer see the bird. For some reason, you don't feel very relieved.

As you go to enter the house, you notice a cloaked figure approaching down the road from the village at a quick step. The rain picks up again.

2011-07-12, 03:50 PM
Huh, dad didn't mention that he expected a visitor today. Wonder what it might be about?
Visitors isn't really common out at the farm. Not many have a reason to stop by unless they've been asked to. Sometimes people come from the village to help with a sick animal or with repairs on the houses, but one person on foot in this weather? It wasn't an expected sight. Quite the opposite actually.

Still shaken from the encounter with the raven and the run through the woods Marcus feels slightly anxious, but calms himself as good as he can.

2011-07-16, 09:48 PM
The figure spots you, and quickens her run. You recognize her as Tamia, the daughter of a notable village store owner. You consider her one of your few friends.

You let her in to your hut. She pulls off her hood, revealing her long, auburn hair. She starts, "I don't know how to say this, but your father is missing."

"He came into town this morning with a cartload of grain. He delivered it to the soldiers, who have taken up Ivor's Tavern as a temporary barracks. He then visited us in the General Store. I overheard him talking with my father. He had little to say, just purchased some candle wax, flour, and a few other basic supplies. According to town, he was last seen heading off on the road opposite your house."

2011-07-17, 12:08 PM
Recognizing his friend Marcus grins happily, the day suddenly became much better. They don't see each other often, but when they do it usually means a lot of laughter. But as Tamia comes closer and he sees her worried face Marcus' grin fades away. Upon hearing the news he just sits down for a moment, shocked.

When he speaks again it is with worry in his voice. Though he doesn't like his father very much he is family after all, and he has been taking care of Marcus for many years now.

"What do you mean missing? He'd never trust me with the farm more than a few hours! He can't just have gone away like that, he would have said something!"

Unable to sit still any longer he gets up and starts pacing back and forth inside the small room, waving his hands in anger.

"I mean, he can't leave me here on my own. I can't run the farm on my own, and we need the money he got when he sold the grain! I need to find him, right now!"

Moving with new confidence Marcus quickly packs together some food, flint and steel and a blanket before putting on his father's spare cloak. It was black, made from fine wool and rarely used.

"I'm going now, you can come with me back to the village or sleep here if you prefer. I might be gone tomorrow, so if you could take care of the animals I'll pay you later."

With that said Marcus walks out of the house and starts walking towards the village.

2011-07-17, 07:07 PM
By the time you depart for the village, the sun has begun to set. Tamia remains behind, being quite tired from the walk.

Hackevir, nestled beside a river unimaginatively of the same name, sits in the shadows of the Norsepeak Mountains. While the mountains are clearly visible, they are many leagues away still, and the land is still flat. This part of the country is mostly prairie; you pass a few trees on the path.

You arrive at the village proper. You pass several thatched-roofed cottages before the wood shops. Dozens of brigands in black-and-white raiment have seemingly materialized since you were here last. They seem to be the only ones out, walking briskly to their destinations, apparently eager to get indoors. A pair stand guarding a large bell in the town square. A parchment notice is fixed to the wooden frame of the bell, although you are one of few who can actually read it:

The Witch Bell tolls of its own when magic is cast within the village. This bell is a gift from the king to his people to protect them from foul arts.

Notable locations include the smithy, stables, general store, butcher shop, warehouse, tannery, and the tavern. The tavern seems to have been co opted by the soldiers as a barracks, and is the most likely place to begin your search. Alternately, the general store is where Tamia last saw your father.

2011-07-18, 05:09 AM
Witch Bell, huh? Things are changing, even out here. Magic bells and soldiers everywhere. Wonder why?
Judging from what Tamia said Marcus decides that the most likely place to find some clues to his father's disappearance is the tavern. He quickly heads inside, looking for someone that looks like a leader or an officer of some sort.

2011-07-18, 09:51 AM
You enter Ivor's tavern. The room is lit by a myriad of candles on the walls and hanging from candelabra attached to rafters in the high ceiling. The air is filled with savory aromas of cooked meat and spices. The tavern is noticeably quieter than normal, and is in fact, mostly empty.

You notice that the common room has been re purposed. The walls are lined with weapon racks and supply crates. A pair of soldiers stand posted at the door, and eye you casually.

Ivor stands behind his bar, cleaning a clay mug. He is a large, heavyset man, with a receding hairline, curled mustache, and a normally jolly countenance that is missing tonight. As you approach, he nods and raises his head.

OOC: For the sake of brevity, I'll assume you ask him where your father is. Feel free to add any additional questions, or retcon as needed.

"I haven't seen him since he left here. He delivered his tribute to the guards, when he was approached by this knight that was with the guards for some reason. What was his name? Sir... Edward Pelleu, I think it was. Funny a knight coming here, though. I didn't make out what they said, though it was most peculiar. Your father quickly departed, and Sir Pelleu left shortly thereafter."

2011-07-18, 10:58 AM
"A knight? Talking to my father? Why would a noble ever have anything to discuss with him?"
Marcus falls silent for a moment, before continuing his seemingly endless line of questions.
"And what is it really that all these soldiers are doing here anyway? It's not like they're needed here, right? Oh, and do you know anyone among them that knew this knight, I suspect that I need to find him."

2011-07-18, 11:43 AM
"Couldn't say about the first one. As for the second,"
Ivar leans forward, his voice lowering.
"I've heard things, here and there. The word is there may be sorcerers in the area."

2011-07-18, 12:26 PM
"Sorcerers? I certainly hope that they don't bring their magic stuff to the village. I'd hate to see any fighting here. Anyway, thanks for your time Ivar, I need to find an officer or something now. The farm doesn't run itself and the sooner I find my dad and bring him back the better."

With that said Marcus turns and walks over to the soldiers at the door.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for a knight that was here earlier. I believe his name was sir Pelleu. Do you happen to know where he went, or anyone that would know that?"

2011-07-18, 12:41 PM
"He went on business of his own. Where and why is non of our business, or yours."

With that, they firmly escort you outside. The night is dark, but you think you see a flutter of wings in the night.

2011-07-18, 01:20 PM
Marcus silently follows the soldiers outside, he is not interested in picking a fight with armed men. Especially not when they've got training and all he got is a memory of when Roland Miller broke his nose in a fistfight when he was eight.

"I understand, I'm not trying to spy or anything, but my dad has disappeared and sir Pelleu might know where he went. Please, it's important!"

There is a hint of desperation in Marcus' voice as the guards shove him outside.

2011-07-18, 01:37 PM
The guards, uninterested in your pleas, go back inside the tavern, closing the door behind you. You are alone in the night.

You remember the path that Tamia said your father took out of town. Not knowing where else to go, you start off in that direction.

2011-07-18, 01:51 PM
Fortunately for Marcus darkness isn't something that he's ever been afraid off, but now, walking alone with his father missing and no one interested in helping, he's feeling small and exposed. The emptiness of the plains seem to stretch out forever and the few lights from the village soon fade away.
Remembering the wings he thought he saw earlier his mind is conjuring images off unknown horrors looming above, with claws and teeth.
This is no place for a farmer to be. Damn him for running off like this! I should be home sleeping by now.
The day has been long and Marcus can feel it. He's used to go to sleep early and rise with the sun. His legs feel like lead but he keeps on going. When passing by a lonely oak he finds a fallen branch. It doesn't take many minutes of work with his small knife to make it into a decent walking stick. Once the stick is done he takes a moment to sit down and eat a little of the food he brought. The dried meat tastes mostly salt, just like the stew this morning.
I can't believe that it has only been one day. So much has happened. I wonder what happened to that raven.

2011-07-18, 04:36 PM
"Well, it seems our young master is all alone now. How opportune."

You turn your head suddenly to find the blood-red raven from before perched next to you.

2011-07-18, 05:07 PM
Scrambling to his feet Marcus drops his food and swings at the raven with his newly found stick. More meant as a way of protecting himself than actually posing a threat to the bird the swing goes wide and unprepared for the momentum Marcus stumbles to the side and trips on a root. He lands heavily on his chest, losing his breath and knocking his head on a rock.
Damn, damn! What is this? Am I cursed or something?!
He struggles to his feet once again and holds up his arms, palms towards the strange bird.
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"
Talking to a bird, look at me. If the soldiers saw me now I'd be dead. This must be magic! I need to get out of here, quick!

2011-07-18, 06:21 PM
"How very rude. You do not seemed schooled in the finer points of etiquette, it seems. A shame."

The bird shuffles its feet. "My name is Sanguineus, and I have come to inform you that you have received an inheritance, Marcus Gray. Your late uncle Lucien Naritus has left you his estate. I am here to ensure you successfully receive it."

2011-07-19, 12:23 AM
"Lucien? Lucien who? I'm sorry, this must be a mistake. You're probably looking for one of your sorcerer friends. I'm just a simple farmer looking for my dad. And when I find him, I'm going back to the farm!"

Without taking his eyes off Sanguineus, Marcus picks up his sack and his walking stick and slowly begins to back away.

"Not that I don't appreciate talking to you. No no, there's no need to get mad at me, you just found the wrong man. Hope the next one is right."

Realizing that he's babbling, Marcus falls silent, but keeps moving, one step at the time.

2011-07-19, 07:55 AM
You are so intent on the raven that you trip over something, landing in the underbrush. You are uninjured, but are aware of a horrid, sickening stench.

You lift yourself up, and find yourself staring at a body lying in the ditch. You turn it over to find it was your father. Just barely recognized; his face has swollen and his skin is a deep purple.

2011-07-20, 02:04 AM
"Dad? Dad! No!"
Marcus slams his fist into the ground next to the corpse.
"What am I going to do now? Why did you run like that?" Feeling more angry than sad he screams at the raven.
"You! Is this your work? Playing with the lives of helpless farmers?"

2011-07-21, 11:23 AM
Sanguineous examines the body.
"Most unfortunate. It would appear to be the poison Blue Whinnis. Most peculiar..."

He snaps his he up, black eyes staring directly at you. "What has happened today? What do you know about this event?"

2011-07-21, 02:46 PM
"Poison? What do you mean?" The long day and the numerous shocks are taking their toll on Marcus' mind, and no one would misunderstand his confused stare.
"He just left to sell some grain at the village, but he never came back. Supposedly he spoke to some knight at the tavern before leaving in the wrong direction. That's all I know, I was fishing, as you might recall."

2011-07-21, 05:37 PM
"A knight? What knight? Think! What was his name?"

2011-07-21, 05:40 PM
"Pendal I think. No wait, that's the blacksmith's cat. Pelleu, yea, sir Pelleu. That's it."

2011-07-21, 08:08 PM
"Pelleu is here!?"
Sangineous is obviously quite agitated. "We need to leave immediately!"
He flies some distance, then lands and looks back at you. "Come! Hurry!"

2011-07-22, 12:27 PM
For a moment Marcus simply stares at the bird, before his tired mind finally catches up with what it said.
"Wait, you know Pelleu?"
Rising to his feet, the farmer stumbles after the strange animal, leaving his father forgotten in the darkness.
"Where are we going?"

2011-07-22, 02:20 PM
Sanguineous looks around, increasingly frantic. He starts squawking and making strange noises.

"Curses! Why did you have to pick such a flat place to live? How can we escape; they will see us! See us!"

He snaps his beak shut. Attempting to regain some composure, he mutters, "All is not lost. We can travel at night, at least reach another village. Yes, yes, one step at a time..."

2011-07-24, 05:14 AM
"It wasn't my idea, you know. And flat land makes for good farming." Marcus mutters as he follows the crimson bird, his mind far too tired for him to grasp the strangeness of the situation.
"I'm not sure how far it is to the next village, I've never been there and it's too dark to see any landmarks now."
He walks in silence for a while before looking at Sanguineus, who is still flying a short distance before stopping and waiting for the human to catch up.
"Hey, you can ride on my shoulder if you like, so you don't have to land all the time."

2011-07-24, 10:26 PM
Off in the distance, you see a mass of torches moving across the landscape. Many congregate near your house, while others begin to move in your general direction.

2011-07-29, 07:04 PM
Seeing the torches begin to move Marcus sighs.
"Looks like the hunt has begun then. I certainly hope that you're not leading me into a trap, my feathery friend."
His entire posture is that of a tired and beaten man, but still he walks, one step at a time.
"On the other hand, the soldiers weren't very nice to me either, so I guess it's pretty much a lose lose situation for me. I hope Tamia is allright."

2011-07-31, 04:12 PM
After another moment of silence, Marcus looks at the raven.
"Hey, did you say something about me having an uncle? Because my dad never mentioned him at all."

2011-07-31, 10:18 PM
You make your way to a hidden copse you know of nearby. You'll be safe here for a short while. You can see the torches moving over the landscape, lingering by your home, moving through town, and fanning across the plains. Sanguineous is right; escape will be tricky.

Sanguineous responds to your question. "That doesn't surprise me. I didn't know much about it, but I believe your father and Lucien didn't get along very well. In any event, as I said before, you've inherited Lucien's estate. It is a long trip, and will probably be a difficult one, but you obviously cannot stay here."

2011-08-01, 03:49 AM
Marcus eases down on the ground, using his father's cloak as a blanket. The darkness around him is starting to feel comfortable. Over a short period of time, the light of torches is what he has started to fear. He opens up his sack and pulls out the waterskin.
"No, I cannot stay, even if the soldiers weren't after me. I'm not able to take care of the farm on my own, I have no skills that the village needs and I'm too old to be taken in as an apprentice."
The young man sighs and takes a small sip of water. It still tastes fresh and metallic. The taste of home.
"With such a future, no one will marry their daughter to me, and I'm left with no other choice but to leave. The soldiers are just speeding things up."
He pauses for a bit and looks in the direction of the village and the farm.
"But I don't understand, why would they be after me, and who would poison my father? It doesn't make sense. We're nobodies, simple farmers."
Another pause, as his mind starts to put one and one together.
"It's because of Lucien, isn't it? He was a sorcerer, right? No one else would have a talking bird as a friend. And now he's dead and you and this sir Pelleu are both after his heirs, first my dad and now me."

2011-08-01, 11:28 AM
"You are mostly correct. I don't know much about it, but you'll learn more at our destination. In the meantime, we need to find a way out of here."

You can't take the road, but the fields are just tall enough for you to crawl in without being spotted. The crawl is slow and arduous. Sanguineous guides you north.

You move throughout the night, ever tense. Fortunately, the torches of the soldiers makes it easy for you to track them. You thank the stars none of them are rangers.

When morning comes, you find yourself in unfamiliar land surrounded by rolling hills. Hunger gnaws your belly, and you are sore and tired.

2011-08-01, 12:53 PM
Relaxing for the first time in hours, Marcus slowly eats the last of his food and washes it down with a mouthful of water. There's not much left in the waterskin, and he is close to exhaustion.
I can't keep on going like this. I need food and water, but first some proper rest. His vision is blurry at the edges from lack of sleep, but he still manages to focus on Sanguineous.
"I need to sleep for a while, I've gone as far as I can for now. If you still have enough energy to fly, I'd appreciate it if you could see if you can find a creek or something, I need water, and some food too. I think I can forage while we travel, but it's going to take time."
With that said, the former farmer wraps his black cloak around him and lies down to get some well earned sleep.
"Oh, and if I'm still sleeping at noon, wake me."

2011-08-01, 09:23 PM
You're awaken at noon, and after eating a small meal of wild berries with fresh water, continue on your trek. You eventually find a well-worn road heading-east west. Sanguineous informs you that heading west for a while will get you there sooner.

You walk for some time, when you hear the sound of shod hooves approaching from behind you. About 200 yards back, a mounted soldier approaches. Sanguineous, not yet noticed, darts into the foliage near the road.

2011-08-02, 05:33 PM
Over a day of constant stress and fear has taken its toll on Marcus' abilities to think straight and when he sees the soldier he panics. Sanguineous' disappearance doesn't help and the young man flees straight into the woods.
No no no. Can't let them catch me. Poison and death, must run. Run run!
Running for all that he is worth, Marcus doesn't pay any heed to where he is going, just as long as it is away from the road and the soldier.

2011-08-03, 11:03 PM
The soldier pursues you on horseback, the dismounts as the foliage gets too dense.

You stumble through blindly, aware only of the loud sound of your pursuer behind you. But you are smaller than him, and not bogged down in armor and equipment; after a while, you no longer hear him.

You take stock of your surroundings. You are deep in a wood, filled with unfamiliar plants. The only navigational aid is the sun, to the west and sinking.

2011-08-06, 04:52 PM
Marcus takes a few moments to calm himself by studying the plants around him, taking a few with him for closer examination later. After having gathered a dozen samples in his sack he turns towards the setting sun and starts walking once again, silently praying that Sanguineous is somewhere nearby.
The bird has in a very short time become the only stable thing in Marcus' life, and though he doesn't trust the creature completely yet, he feels a lot safer with it around.

2011-08-06, 09:17 PM
You walk for some time, your trepidation growing as the night grows closer and you see no end to the forest.

As the last rays of the sun dim, you spot a glimpse of amber light emanating from within the forest. You approach to find a bizarre encampment. Wagons are parked in a circle, in the center of which sit a cluster of fires. Around them gather a strange group of people, garbed in bright colored clothes which conceal their unusually diminutive figures.

2011-08-07, 12:58 PM
Marcus pauses for a moment and tries to make himself as presentable as possible. After having spent hours of crawling around in the fields, running through dense woods and being generally mindless of his clothes this isn't an easy feat. His clothing is torn and dirty and his hands and face is covered in small cuts and bruises.
Nevertheless he straightens his back and walks with a slow, and what he's hoping looks likes a confident stride out into the clearing.

2011-08-07, 05:57 PM
The figures dart up, and you find yourself surrounded. One in a purple robe approaches.

"A visitor! From the king? No, not from the king. A friend then? Maybe, maybe, maybe. A traveler in the dark woods! Ah, ha ha!"

The others laugh, but you notice their stance remains guarded, and you still cannot see any of their faces. Despite the fact that they are barely at eye level with your midriff, you are wary.

2011-08-08, 02:52 AM
Holding up his hands, palms outwards Marcus slowly replies.
"I got lost in the woods earlier. I mean you no harm and I wouldn't intrude like this if it wasn't absolutely necessary. But I have no food or water and I'm dead tired. May I join you at your fire?"

2011-08-08, 09:25 PM
"Join us at our fire! The traveler in the dark woods wants to join us at our fire! We do not even know his name!"

The purple-robed figure gestures, raising both of his hands above his name. The others form a circle around him, all facing towards you.

2011-08-10, 02:18 AM
Well, to be fair I don't know your names either. But I guess that it'd wouldn't be very polite not to introduce myself. I'm Marcus, pleased to meet you. What can I call you?

2011-08-10, 08:32 PM
"Marcus... Marcus... Marcus..."
The purple-robed figure and several others return to the main wagon. The others remain outside.

The figures return, some time later. "Marcus will spend the night here. Where's Marcus's destination? No cities nearby, no big stone towers and bustle. West is more forest, nothing there but goblins, elves, and more trees.
North is mountains, just ice, giants, gnolls."

2011-08-15, 08:41 AM
"To be honest I'm not sure where I'm going. I had a companion, but we lost each other in the forest. He was the one who knew where we was headed."
Following the group back to the fire Marcus manages a small smile.
"Your generosity is much appreciated. May I ask what who you are?"

2011-08-15, 10:04 AM
"We are the Naormi," the purple robe says.

The Naormi bring you food and drink. It is better than you have ever had, even in the tavern at Hackevir the few times you could afford it. The sound of exotic instruments fills the air. You begin to fell drowsy, the fatigue of the road setting in.

You awake, finding yourself on a pile of soft pillows with a blanket over you. You look around, finding yourself in one of the Naormi wagons. Sunlight pours in from a window, and you see several empty beds, about four feet in length each. The smell of cooking wafts in from the door.

2011-08-16, 02:36 AM
Feeling rested and in a much better mood compared to the night before Marcus rises to his feet and exits the wagon, taking care not to bump into anything or anyone. His size forces him to stoop quite a bit inside, it is clear that the Naormi hasn't intended for people of his length to visit them. Yet, they have treated him better than anyone for a very long time.

This isn't very bad. Perhaps I can travel with them for a while? Screw that damn bird, it didn't bring me anything but bad luck and sleepless nights.

Upon exiting he walks over to the first Naormi he sees and sits down, greeting them politely.
"I'd like to thank you all for your hospitality. I'm afraid that I cannot repay you today, but if you are ever in need of assistance I won't forget how kindly you have treated me."

2011-08-17, 03:39 PM
"You are most welcome. But what shall you do now?"

2011-08-20, 02:51 PM
"I'm not entirely sure. I lost my friend back in the woods, but we were heading north, north-west. I guess I'll just continue in that direction and hope that I run into him."
Marcus pauses for a moment, looking around slightly nervous.
"You don't happen to know where the next village in that direction is?"

2011-08-31, 05:31 PM
"All near villages are to the south. You will not get far without a guide. Perhaps we could aid you?"

2011-09-07, 03:33 PM
Smiling, truly relived for the first time in a long time Marcus replies.
"Yes, that would be most helpful. And very kind of you. Are you really going in that direction? If there's no other villages, why go there?"

2011-09-07, 04:56 PM
"We have reasons. Not to be shared with others. Even trusted friend like Marcus. Glad to help, though. Eat good malorn."

The rest of the Naormi continue to pack. The caravan moves slowly through the forest. It takes the good part of a fortnight.

((Feel free to act during this time. Otherwise, indicate for me to advance.))

2011-09-11, 01:59 PM
Throughout the journey Marcus helps where he can by taking care of the animals, cooking and other simple tasks he has done since he was little. While the life on the farm has taught him little when it comes to being alone on the road he certainly knows how to pull some of his own weight in a caravan.

He spends the days on one of the wagons, chatting with the Naormi, trying to learn as much as he can about the surrounding lands.

((We can move on, unless my actions triggered something noteworthy during the journey.))

2011-09-12, 12:07 PM
The journey is peaceful, and the Naormi's hospitality holds true. They seem most grateful for the help you provide them.

As you lived with them, you began to learn a bit more about them. Many of their customs are secretive, and more than a bit esoteric. This has caused them persecution from the king's men, and most of the humans they've encountered have distrusted them. They travel far, making their way by trading with outlying peoples and by living off the land.

Eventually, you arrive at a large clearing. It is obvious the Naormi have been here before, as the clearing shows signs of habitation, most obviously wagon-trails.

The purple-robe approaches you, accompanied by another, this one clad in dark-green. "We have arrived at, that is, here. We must now ask our friend Marcus to depart. Much apologies, but is the only way."

"This is way-finder. Knows land about. Will help you find your way." The way-finder part bows, part nods.

2011-09-12, 02:00 PM
Bowing first towards purple-robe and then way-finder Marcus thanks them both.
"You are most kind, and the Naormi have shown me more kindness than my own kind ever has. One day I will repay you, you have my word."

Swiftly packing the few things he owns he soon returns to way-finder.
"I am looking for the estate of the late Lucien Naritus. I know little of the place other than that it lies supposedly to the north, north-west."

2011-09-12, 03:11 PM
They remain silent for a moment. The wayfinder and the purple-robe exchange glances, but you are unsure of what it means.

"Know way, at least know of Old House. Might be one you seek. Will take you there."

The wayfinder starts off, indicating for you to follow.

2011-09-12, 03:21 PM
Not really having much choice in the matter Marcus picks up his sack and follows his guide into the forest. As the sounds from the wagons fade away he finds himself thinking about Sanguineous. Though he is sure that the bird is more than capable of managing on its own, he wish that he knew where it was.

Perhaps, if the place way-finder was taking him to now really was his uncle's estate, Sanguineous would be waiting for him there.

Noticing that he's fallen a bit behind while thinking Marcus hurries to catch up with his companion. "So, this house... Have you been there before?"

2011-09-12, 05:10 PM
The way finder does not say anything.

You follow him for a while. The forest seems to grow foreboding, looming in on you.

You continue on throughout the day. Around twilight, the way finder starts to increase in speed. You struggle to catch up, as the low light makes it difficult to see. But to no avail; you find yourself lost in a dark, forbidding part of the forest.

"Well, that was rather longer than I first expected. Still, the Naormi can be somewhat predictable, no?"
A familiar patch of red appears amongst the green as Sanguineous perches on a low branch near your head.

2011-09-17, 04:30 AM
With a shout that conveys feelings of both relief and happiness Marcus hurries over to the bird.
"Sanguineous! I thought you had been lost in the forest!" Truly relaxing for the first time since they lost each other on the road Marcus starts to laugh.
"But it looks like you know a lot more of the world than I first thought. The Naormi has treated me well and, hopefully, brought me closer to the journey's goal." Marcus holds up his arm so that Sanguineous can sit on it instead of the branch.
"By the gods, it is good to see you again."

2011-09-17, 09:51 AM
"Oh dear, sir, such sentimentality. I'm sorry to say I've been following you for some time. The Naormi are a very superstitious people; I didn't want to startle them. In any event, it is not far now."

You take a look at your surroundings. You are finally upon the slopes of the northern mountains.

2011-09-17, 11:09 AM
"A few days of worry and uncertainty does that to me, it's a weakness I can readily confess to." The time with the Naormi has changed Marcus more than he knows, he speaks differently now and looks upon things with from a different perspective. He is no longer the abandoned farmer, now he is a traveler who has left his home behind.
"So, where are we heading? I hope it isn't too far, I don't have much food with me and the Naormi cooking has spoiled me. I do not wish to return to living off the land."

2011-09-17, 11:30 AM
"Not much farther, we should arrive by the end of the day. Of course, when I left I was flying, so I may have misjudged the time walking."

"We'll head up this path until it enters a ravine. Then, we'll follow the ravine to a particular cave. Going through the cave, we'll come out on the shore of a lake. The estate border's that lake."

2011-09-18, 04:21 AM
"Well then, I see no reason to be standing around. Let's go." And with that Marcus heads off once again, his steps have a new spring to them and he feels energized by the knowledge that the end of the journey is close.
"Do you happen to know what happened to my Naormi guide? I lost him in the forest and I don't want him to be left out here looking for me all night."

2011-09-18, 05:08 PM
"The Naormi are a highly superstitous people. It is likely they knew of your uncle, and wanted to be rid of you once they learned of him."

You continue on your journey, arriving at the shores of the lake at twilight. The air is chill, more so than you are used to.

[will post more later]

2011-09-18, 09:49 PM
The night sky reflects off the glass surface of the lake. Mountains rise on all sides.

You walk down the seemingly out of place paved road, arriving at a tall Gothic gate set off the beach. Sanguineous flies out of site for a moment, and the gate opens of its own accord.

You step onto the grounds proper. Every thing seems surprisingly well-kept. You round a bend, and get the first sight of your new home.

An imposing, grey Gothic tower stands before you. The outer walls are perfectly smooth, with no sign of mason work. Windows, tall and slitted, are placed at regular intervals, each one framed in wrought iron. The structure is at least 6 stories tall.

You arrive at the front door. It is inset several feet, forming an enclosed front step. You pass a pair of menacing gargoyles. The front door is about 8 foot square, with a set of two black knockers, appearing as grim faces.

2011-09-19, 04:18 PM
As they pass through the gates and around the bend Marcus' mind works franticly to try to understand what it is he sees. The size of the tower and its design is grander than anything he has ever seen in his life.

As he walks closer he cranes his neck, trying to understand how it is possible to build such a thing, something so high. He hardly notices anything else they pass by, the tower is dominating his vision and his thoughts.

This is it? This is the manor that I inherited? The thoughts tumble in his head and Marcus is unable to believe them. There must be some kind of mistake, he had expected another farm, larger perhaps than the one he had left behind and with more animals. But this!

As he reaches the huge front door he stops and looks at Sanguineous.
"Can I just go in?"

2011-09-19, 09:52 PM
"It is yours now, after a manner."
The bird studies you with a careful eye.
"I must warn you, though. Lucius was a very powerful man, and very private. His arcane abilities were most potent, and beyond your current understanding. Take care! There are many dangerous things in this tower, and mastering it will take a good deal of time and effort. The first and second floors are perfectly safe, but do not delve too quickly into the underground levels."

You enter the front door into a circular foyer. A chandelier spontaneously ignites, flooding the room in light. The floor is smooth marble with a fine carpet laid over it. Verdant plants sit in pots on the edge of the chamber, along with a circular table, upon which there is, amongst other things, a roll of parchment and a bound leather tome. A door leads out of the room on the opposite side.

2011-09-21, 08:27 AM
Upon hearing the raven's warning Marcus nods. There's something about the entire place that makes him feel... odd. Not uncomfortable, somehow he feels at home, but at the same time there is a force here, something cold in the air that convinces him to listen to Sanguineous.

"I understand... I hope the bedroom is somewhere on these floors then." He flashes the bird a quick and quite nervous smile.

Stopping once again just inside the door he surveys the room, noticing the marble and the mat, the plants and the self-lightning chandelier, silently calculating how much the materials alone must have cost, but soon realizing that the sum is far beyond his current comprehension.

He hesitates for a moment before stepping forward to the table and unrolling the parchment.

2011-09-21, 09:43 AM
You break the scrolls seal, opening it. The scroll is written in black ink, with a hastened hand:

Marcus Gray,
There are many things I wished to tell you, but my time is short, and there are important matters to discuss. You have inherited not only my property, but my legacy. I give you the resources I had in life to aid you in this, as my legacy will consume you if you allow it. But prove yourself strong, and you will gain more power than you could possibly imagine. This book is the beginning. Hold it close! Its knowledge is the greatest power on this earth.

Lucien Naritus.

PS Listen to Sanguineous!

You examine the leather tome. The cover is black and featureless, the leather thick and stained with wear. It is held shut by a pale metal clasp. There is a small depression in the clasp, about the size of your thumb. The pages are still white, though.

2011-09-21, 10:27 AM
Reading his uncle's message first once and then again Marcus tries to make sense of the words. The book's white pages tell him nothing of the legacy or the power it holds, but from his surroundings he can understand that whatever knowledge it holds hidden it must at least lead to richness, if not might.

"Well, it looks like I'm supposed to continue listen to you... So, what happens now? And what's with the book?" He asks, as he leafs through a couple more empty pages.

2011-09-21, 11:04 AM
You find, leafing through the white pages, that not all of them are blank. Some do, in fact, have writing on them. Pages covered in eldritch symbols and writings describing esoteric rituals. All seem simple enough, at least in practice. You find, to your amazement, that the longer you study these pages, the more their contents seem to make sense.

Sanguineous looks over your shoulder. "Ah, I see you have begun the study of spellcraft. Your uncle has left some basic pointers for you to get started. But before you start practicing, maybe we should start by getting settled in? It is late, after all, and we both have spent much time on the road."

2011-09-21, 11:34 AM
Without lifting his gaze from the strange, but compelling symbols Marcus nods.
"Hmm, yes. That would probably be a good idea, indeed." Finally he closes the book and turns towards Sanguineous.
"So, where do you suggest we start? This is a fairly large place after all, even though we'll leave the lower areas until later."

2011-09-21, 05:46 PM
Your stomach rumbles.
"I believe we should find something to eat, first."

2011-09-24, 04:26 PM
"Ah, yes. That would probably be a very good idea." Picking up the book Marcus looks around.
"So... Where's the kitchen?"

2011-09-25, 11:07 PM
You walk over to the door out of the foyer, and find a circular outer hall. You find a set of guest bedrooms, and small dining room. You enter, and the largest chair at the table moves out of its own accord.

2011-09-28, 03:22 PM
Grinning Marcus sits down in the chair.
"Now this I could get used to." He says and looks around, his curiosity temporarily overridden by his hunger.
"But who cooks?"

2011-09-28, 04:10 PM
You hear noises emerge from the kitchen, sounds of fire, pots, and pans. After a short while, appetizing smells begin to waft out.

As you continue to wait, the sound of stringed instruments is heard. You look around, and see a set of instruments in the corner of the dining room. They appear to be playing themselves. The music is beautiful, calm and soothing as opposed to the boisterous tavern music you are used to.

A cart wheels out of the kitchen towards you. A pair of white gloves place a plate of delicious looking appetizers in front of you. It consists of steamed mushrooms and shrimp, with some sort of sauce.

The meal continues, each course just as rich as the last. After eating your fill along with a sampling of some of your uncle's excellent wine, you are satisfied.

2011-10-02, 12:04 PM
"That is the best meal I've ever had!" Marcus leans back with a happy smile on his face.
"Did magic cook all that, or do I need to make arrangements for food to be purchased? Are there servants to pay?" He looks at Sanguineous, his face still happy, but with a hint of a worried frown.
"Actually, this is a big house, or tower. It must cost a lot of money to take care of. I'm not the mage my uncle was, not yet. So, how can I find such wealth to make sure that it doesn't fall into disrepair? It would serve my uncle's memory ill to neglect his legacy."
Marcus stands up and walks towards the door.
Please, why don't you give me a tour while giving me some advice on what you think is the best course of action for now? I have a lot to learn...

2011-10-02, 10:10 PM
"Your uncle spent most of his lifetime layering dweomers upon this hold to insure it is completely self-sufficient. In the meantime, a tour of the living quarters would be sensible."

As you explore, you notice the lights seem to respond to your presence, shining and extinguishing as you come and go.

You first view the kitchens, as the dishes from your meal are being cleaned. Sure enough, all of the cookware seems to be cleaning itself. A door in the back leads out to a small farm, complete with vegetables and animals. A collection of animated scarecrows tend the farm.

Upon returning indoors, you begin your exploration of the first floor. Off the main hallway, you find a parlor for the entertainment of guests, if you so desired. It is well decorated, with furnishings of silk and gold.
Further down, you locate several guest rooms. Each one is well-kept, although you do note that, as far as Sanguineous is aware, they have never been used; you may be the first person to enter this tower other than its master. "Master Lucien had many estates; he entertained elsewhere."
You find at one end of the hallway a heavy stone door. It does not appear to possess either lock or handle, and you cannot open it. At the other end, is a staircase that ascends.

You arrive at the second floor. Three doors stand before you, one leads to another flight of stairs, one an elaborate study, one the master bedroom. First you examine the study. In it is one massive writing desk, stocked and well organized. The room also contains a private library containing more books, tomes and scrolls than you have ever witnessed. You locate another door, which leads to what looks like a private museum. Paintings of exotic people and places line the walls, and you see priceless objects, both beautiful and strange, sealed in glass cases. A pair of suits of armor stand beside the entrance door.

At last you arrive in the master bedroom. It is, like the rest of the tower, greatly comfortable but a touch spartan considering the obvious wealth of the owner. The bed is four-post and has a silk spread, and is the largest bed you have ever seen.

You notice that, in addition to the wardrobe and other such items a bedroom would have, there is a large, oaken door in the corner of your room. You open it, and are hit with a wave of hot, humid air. As the room is revealed, you find yourself in the entrance to a private bath. The pool is circular, 8 ft in diameter at a guess. A marble dragon stands over, water pouring from its mouth, and a glint that suggests ruby eyes.

2011-10-06, 10:33 AM
Upon seeing the bath Marcus is suddenly reminded of his own filthy state. While farmers in general aren't the cleanest of persons the journey has made sure that he's in even worse shape than usual. His hair is a mess, his nails are either too long or broken and his skin looks like it belonged to a coal miner.
"I think that I'll make use of this" He says, nodding towards the bath.
"I don't want to sleep like this in such a grand bed."

The young mage quickly removes his tattered clothing, throwing everything in a heap except for his father's cloak which he hangs on the door.
"Do you think it's possible to get some new clothes perhaps? And a sewing kit to mend my cloak?"
He slowly steps into the bath, enjoying every step. Soon he lies back, his head the only thing above water, and closes his eyes.
"This house, it's filled with riches to even rival a king's court, not that I've ever seen one, but anyway. What's the point? What am I supposed to do now? I see all this, but all I can think of is that bastard who killed my father and tried to hunt me down. Did my uncle have any plans for me, or can I do what I please with his riches?"

2011-10-08, 11:25 AM
"Your uncle only learned of your existence shortly before his untimely end. He seemed to know his time was limited, however, and so was able to prepare for you.

Your uncle preferred to keep most of his wealth in the form of assets. Unfortunately, he did not seem to have time to reclaim them. You have some work to do, in that manner.

In addition, your uncle had several projects he was working on. His research is likely still located somewhere within this tower. It might aid you in your quest for vengeance. Ultimately, you are the master."

2011-10-09, 01:54 PM
Upon hearing the answers to his questions Marcus closes his eyes for a long while, letting the words sink in and contemplating his next step while enjoying the feel of the hot water scrubbing away all the dirt accumulated during his journey.
Finally he opens his eyes again.
"I have no intention of squandering this heritage on some foolish quest right away. My father's murderer will get what he deserves, but first I need to learn more of this place and all the knowledge kept within its walls."

Exiting the bath he picks up a towel from a nearby table, quickly dries himself and walks over to the wardrobe in search for a bathrobe.
"Judging from your reaction the first time we met you already know something of this Pelleu?"

2011-10-09, 10:05 PM
"Indeed. He was the knight tasked by the king's advisor, Magnus Encarmine, to destroy Lucien and his works. Pelleu and his compatriots waged war on your uncle for many years.

These things your uncle told me, after he found me and used his magic to give me speech. I don't know the details of this war, but I suspect the information is recorded within these walls."

2011-10-12, 03:58 AM
"Then I have another subject to research. Thank you."
Marcus turns towards the bed.
"But for now, I think it's time for me to sleep. I'll need a fresh mind in the morning, we have lot to do."

2011-10-13, 08:22 PM
You sleep throughout the night and well into the morning; the bed is even softer than you thought.

You awake refreshed, and a breakfast is waiting for you. It is every bit as excellent as the dinner was the night before. With breakfast out of the way, you are ready to start the day's work.