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2011-06-11, 11:44 PM
The Sun dawns on the Second Century of Revolution. The Sol system is populated with many varied peoples, none of whom reside on the now dust-ball Earth. When John Builder thought of freeing his people, scattering them in such hostile environments was likely not on his list of acceptable outcomes. But it is what happened, and as the races of the system expand, they find their isolation the century before is no longer viable. You are now forced to expand, to speak with others who may have things you want. Some take better to this than others.
But the question Ultimately remains, will you push forward to an age of prosperity, or will you conquer the system single-handedly.
Near Earth:
The sun shines through the Dust fields of the Asian continent. Bellow the world is brown, with a few specks of blue and green piercing through. Sometimes you even see lights, as former Alien family resorts are left burning, or generators running. But most of what you see is death to any unprepared ship attempting to break through the Razor Dust Clouds only a few miles bellow you.
You are closest to the Mother World, and yet, in some ways you are still the farthest.

The poles team with life, and for some the Mother-world isn't years away, it is beneath their feat. You are in ways luckier than most, you have contact and have had to handle problems between two races for a century. This could mean you will have a leg up on diplomacy.
Or, that you're a powder keg waiting to rip apart another planet in the name of Humanity.

Outer Systems:
Your isolation is almost undisturbed until a meteorite rips through the outer systems. It goes at three AU's a day, before it smashes into a large asteroid in the Kuiper Belt.
Otherwise it is peaceful as ever.

The Rat Pack- Iceman JRC
Mil: 0
Econ: +++
Esp: +++++
Tech: ++
Morale: +
Supply: ++++

Warhawks Incorperated- Sithis
Mil: ++++-
Econ: -
Esp: ++/++++
Tech: +
Morale: ++++
Supply: -

The Forgotten Clan-Ninjabob
Mil: +++-
Econ: +
Esp: +++-
Tech: ++++
Morale: +
Supply: ++

The Mechanics- Arcanestomper
Mil: +
Econ: ++++
Esp: +
Tech: +++++
Morale: +
Supply: +++

The Collective Mind- Thewamp
Mil: -
Econ: -
Esp: ++++
Tech: ++++-
Morale: +++++
Supply: -

The Cerean Commonwealth- DaedelusMk5
Mil: +
Econ: ++++
Esp: +
Tech: +++-
Morale: ++
Supply: ++++

The Order of the Dawn- Nolispe
Mil: ++++-

The Union of Luna Engineers and Dependants- falconer
Mil: -
Econ: ++++
Esp: ++
Tech: +++-
Morale: +++-
Supply: +-

The Ill-loc- Sneakattack23
Mil: -
Econ: +
Esp: -
Tech: +++++
Morale: ++++
Supply: ++++

The Free republic of Titan- Tsukikoj
Econ: +
Esp: -/++
Tech: ++++
Morale: +++
Supply: ++++

FDE- Semitelock
Mil: +++++
Econ: +-
Esp: -
Tech: +++-
Morale: +++-
Supply: +

The Kingdom of Ganymede- Nerd-O-Rama
Mil: ++++
Econ: +-
Esp: -
Tech: ++++
Morale: +++
Supply: ++

The Republic of Triton-Mistral
Mil: +++-
Econ: +++++
Esp: ++++
Tech: -
Morale: +
Supply: +

NPC Stats:
Territory: The Treliar (NEO)
Leader: Alex Feeder
History: When the Friends parted ways, one, Alex Feeder, took up residence with some of his followers in a badly disabled alien Ship. It has since become a bustling city in orbit of the moon, with ships coming and going from it's ports many times a day. It is home to nearly 10,000 people, and sports a small Mosquito Fleet of recovered, repaired, and freshly built ships. It's greatest asset is it's engines, which, while heavily damaged, provide heat and power for the entire ship.
Economy: The ship has automated factory and is the perfect spot to launch expeditions to Earth, or mining missions to the Earth asteroid belt.
Technology: While highly advanced Alien technology is all over the place, it is not the norm. However the industrial hub pushes for new inventions to sell to the rest of the System.
Espionage: With so many traders coming in and out, it isn't hard to pick up on the comings and goings of the Galaxy.
Morale: The people are varied, and the government tends to treat those trading with the ship better than those actually living on the ship.
Military: The Mosquito Fleet is for hunting down smugglers, against actual armored targets they are pathetic.
Supplies: Actual stored food or fuel is rare, most is perishable, and the agricultural Hub struggles to keep up with the booming populace.
Mil: +-
Esp: ++++
Econ: ++++
Tech: +++-
Morale: +
Supply: +

The Yellow Bellies
Territory: Flòt Ki Deplase (Hidden Base)
Leader: Francuas Piloter
History: The Yellow Bellies were the first Earth side group to discover John Builder in his early years. With their help, he turned into a pirate, damaging the Alien Infrastructure and broadcasting messages of hope.
None of that changed when John was kidnapped. Not the messages of hope, the rebel personality, the hidden base, or the Piracy. They are the largest and most organized Pirate force in the system.
It is said that they live in a massive series of Space-stations made from captured vessels. Their Flagship, the Gros Bâton, is supposedly invisible to all modern detection equipment.
Supply: They hoard hundreds of thousands of miles of supplies from thousands of raids.
Espionage: They have somehow integrated themselves in all normal networks, and even some government ones.

Military: They attack like undisciplined dogs. Strong dogs, but dogs none-the-less.
Technology: They scavenged two alien Vessels during the war, but most of their technology is stolen.
Morale: They don't like working together, but it's the best way to survive.
Economy: They don't trade, they steal. Which I guess is a form of trade. Here's an ounce of nickel, give me all your stuff.
Mil: ++
Esp: +++++
Tech: ++
Supply: ++++

2011-06-13, 12:52 AM
The Cerean Commonwealth:

It's just another day on the bustling planetoid of Ceres. Mining ships come and go delivering their cargo and picking up fuel for the next run, other vessels stop by for a refill of water or oxygen for their beleagured life support systems, and the markets of Demeter City bustle with traders both Cerean and foreign. The workers look forwards to the night's gravball game, while bankers speculate on investments and money changes hands.

In some ways, however, this day is special. First, after an extensive repair and refit period in Ceres' primary drydock, the CCS Virtue is once again returned to service, the more than 200 year-old Alien ship ready to serve as Ceres' primary mercantile vessel for a few more decades. Second, in the Williams Nanomedical Labs, a breakthrough in cellular reconstruction is being made which could allow Ceres' already unmatched medical facilities to repair severe nerve and vascular damage, which in turn will allow patients to recover from virtually any injury so long as they survive to reach the operating table. Finally, President Kimball is preparing a message to send out across the Solar System.

"Fellow peoples of Sol, I come before you now to urge you all to work together. As our looted stockpiles dwindle, it must be clear to everyone that only by working together will we all survive the coming years. Therefore, on behalf of the Cerean Commonwealth, I urge all nations and organizations who hear this broadcast to send representatives to Ceres to discuss the possibility of trade and cooperation between all of us. Diplomacy, not violence, is the solution to the current crisis, and Ceres is willing to act as the hosts of our peoples' diplomats. Thank you."

Meanwhile, a few more controlled messages are sent to specific groups, in an effort to advance the Commonwealth's own interests.

Warhawks, Inc:

We're interested in forming a long-term agreement. We'll provide a safe port for your ships, as well as resupplies of water and oxygen when you need them. In exchange, we'd like you to agree to help defend Ceres in the event of an attack on our home. Simply knowing that your forces are ready to help us should be enough to deter any attacks on us, and in the meantime you receive the benefit of an excellent supply port and all the water you can drink.

The Union of Luna Engineers:

We're looking for a solid supply of ship fuel, and we know that you'll need more food and water to sustain and grow your settlements. Perhaps we can make a deal that profits everybody?


Since Ceres is fairly well-off in terms of most types of supplies, I'd like to try to find a ready source of fuel for my ships, both human and alien designed. I don't know what, exactly, that fuel is, so is there any source relatively nearby to Ceres that isn't currently claimed by another faction?

Also, I'll say in advance that research this turn is going to be dedicated to advancing my Nanotechnology. Primarily, I want to start working on industrial applications such as assembly systems for ship parts and other delicate high-demand goods, but also continuing to develop my medical systems, with the eventual goal of medical systems capable of healing any illness or injury short of death, though clearly that isn't going to be the case immediately.

2011-06-13, 02:06 AM
Warhawks Inc.

The Aviary, Low Earth Orbit

"Major" John Kelly looked at the reports. It wasn't good. Supplies were, as they tended to be, fairly low. And business hadn't exactly been booming of late either. He shot a glance at his viewscreen, now center on an exterior view of the Clark, the Hawk's sole long-distance battleship. (Actually, a heavily modified alien freighter.) It had been hovering above the Aviary for more than a month, with nary a contract to fulfill! If things kept going to way they are, the Hawks might have to turn back to piracy...

"No, we'll not go down that road again."

With a bit of renewed vigor, Kelly begins prepping messages to be sent.

General Broadcast

Tired of pirates attacking your shipping?

Want to be done with others breaking into your sensitive information?

Need personal security?

What you need is Warhawks Incorporated!

Warhawks Incorporated is the best mercenary outfit in all of Sol! There's no job to big, and no payment too big! Warhawks Incorporated is completely ready to hand:
Personal Security
Defense Contracts
Bounty Hunting
Data Security
Offensive Contracts

Our operators are standing by to receive your light-speed messages! Or, stop by our Corporate Offices on Ceres, and ask for Colonel Stanley!

Hire Warhawks Inc. today!

Cerean Commonwealth (Esp +++)

Ah, so you just want one of our defensive contracts then? No problem, those are our specialty. Just let me load up the contract itself.


The Stipulations of the Warhawks Incorporated Defensive Contract are as follows:

The undersigned (hereby known as the Client) understands that the defensive contract allows them to call on the military aid of Warhawks Inc. to assist in the following situations:
Defense of Civilian Targets
Defense of trade and shipping
Defense against full scale military attack
Personal Security for VIPs
Defense against pirate and other small scale incursions
Assistance in Data Security
Retaliatory attacks against Agressors

The Client also understands that this contract does NOT include the following situations:
Attacks by client against foreign powers.
Attacks against civilian targets at ANY time.
Requests to to make attacks of obvious futility. Futility is to be judged by the ranking Warhawks Inc. executive involved.
If Warhawks Inc. is requested to perform any of the above actions, this Contract will be rendered null and void, and all payment will be non-refundable.

The Client also will atest to knowledge of the following caveat:
If multiple nations with Contracts with Warhawks Inc. become involved in military action against each other, contracts with all nations involved will be immediately rendered null and void. If any of the involved nations wish to re-negotiate contracts, that will be a possibility.

The Client also realizes the following:
Warhawks Inc. has a money back guarantee, if at any time in the first two (2) turns of a contract lasting more than three(3) turns, the Client may request to terminate the contract, and all payment that has not been used in Warhawks Inc. operation will be replayed in full, if possible.

If the Client understands all of the above, please sign on the line below.


I think it's fairly straightforward, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. As for the payment, well, typically our contracts are for a set amount of time, but it seems you'd prefer a perpetual contract. In that case, I'd like to ask for - Supplies and - Econ up front, with further ships to be negotiated as needed. Do you find this agreeable?

If so, you can send me a message again here, or send a memo to my man Alistair Stanley on our offices on Ceres.

(OOC: I'm assuming at this point that Warhawks Inc. already has an office on Ceres, that cool?)

Major John Kelly

Ratpack (Esp +++++)

So, how are our favorite rats doing?

Ha, I kid. Seriously though, how's it going Gary? Still makin' a living?

On a business related note, my offer of military protection in exchange for pertinent info and any extra supplies you have still stands, if you're interested.

Your friend,
John Kelly

(OOC: You need to have at least one character name Bogart. Also, Sinatra.)

2011-06-13, 02:40 AM
The Union of Lunar Engineers and Dependents.

Lusyanka Refinery, Sub-basement Six.
The foreman whiped his brow with the back of his hand as he watched the work team operate the track-mounted heavy drilling platform. The huge belching monstrosity groaned and sputtered as it carved huge gaping wholes into the concrete walls. Light shone through as the cut through into the existing complex.
Almost there commandant! Screamed one of the younger workers over the monstrous noise.
Good, good. I shall alert the Master-Engineer. Replied the Foreman as he left with a wave. Accessing one of the comm. stations out in the shadowed tunnel the Foreman was greeted by the image of a a oil stained man wearing a blue overall and a white safety helmet.
Master Engineer Davis here, what can I do you for kewosabi? they man questioned with a strong American accent.
Digging is almost complete Commandant-Engineer. Expansions to the workshop shall be completed within the hour.
The man on the other end nodded happily as sparks played havock in the background.
Great, I'll let the Mr. Davich know, you know how important this project is to him.
The Foreman nodded in agreement.
That I do Commandant Davis. Excuse me I must return to the work crew. With that, he terminated the call.

The Cerean Commonwealth
Sounds darned good to me. Our Hydro Farms can only do so much and hydrogen reserves in the ice can keep us supplied at out current numbers but not much more. We'd be happy to trade, so long as you supply the transport, we're a might bit light in that department right now.
Happy to hear from you.
-Paul Tregaski
-Master of Foreign Interaction, Lunar Base North.

Warhawks Inc.
Major Kelly,
It's trying times for all across the system. Us included. During this time, deals are needed and I hope to approach you with one.

Our own Security forces are dismally spread and trained. We need both temporary troops to patrol the space around Lunar while things calm down. But we also need some experienced instructors to get our troops of their asses and into their boots.

We're willing to offer you:
-Fuel and industrial supplies for any missions in relation to the protection of Lunar or the training of Lunar Defence Forces.
-Safe port of call for your flagship.
-The services of out engineers for any large scale fittings or repairs.
-Fuel payment for services rendered.
And while this may be a bit childish, the friendship of The Union. These are trying times Major.

Everyone needs allies.
Master at Arms, Trovsky Orolov. Lusyanka.

2011-06-13, 10:21 AM
The Collective Mind (Esp. 4)

The Lab. 425 old Earth Hours since the beginning of the Sidereal Venusian Day.
There was complete silence, but in their heads, the commands of The Central Mind were loud and clear.

Alice, Benjamin and Delilah. These names are acceptable in human society. Benjamin will direct others to refer to him as 'Ben'.

Three humans stood in an empty metallic room. A speaker panel was imbedded in one wall, but other than that the room was featureless.

Alice was a pretty blonde, slightly taller than average height for women and slightly lower than average weight. Ben was a strong man with blue eyes and a chiseled jaw. And Delilah was a short Italian man with a mustache that could have been legendary, on Old Earth.

Three humans. One each, for Beacon Minds Alpha, Beta and Delta. Humans are more comfortable communicating with other humans. These will advantage us in communications. Go now.

Cerean Commonwealth
An encrypted message arrives. It contains a video of a very pretty woman talking.

"Hello," she says, "my name is Alice and I represent the Collective Mind. We are interested in an exchange. We understand that you have an abundance of water and fuel. We are interested in offering the temporary services of some of our researchers. In exchange, we expect a delivery of water, fuel and any spare parts, to a designated point in space."

"Obviously our researchers will report the tasks they are conducting to us, but they will only know as much of the larger thrust of your research as you choose to inform them of. If this offer is useful and acceptable to you, please contact our representative, who will be arriving shortly on Ceres."

((OOC: I'm not sure if what I'm proposing is allowed in the rules, because this is my first Total War game, but it seems entirely reasonable. ))

2011-06-13, 11:22 AM
Mechanics (1 Esp.)

Mechanic Mobile Shipyard Cogwheel (Formerly Mining Tug 2305)
Main Asteroid Belt

On board the MMS Cogwheel life was the same as always. Swarms of technicians kept its systems up and running. Dock workers offloaded the continuous stream of smaller mining vessels that came in from throughout the belt. A new batch of which were being constructed by the industrious shipyard workers in the lower sections. In the labs two factions of engineers arguing over the nature of a particular piece of alien technology had been shut down by the security forces just before they had broken out the mining lasers. And in his personal quarters Cogmaster Fleen reviewed the reports that continuously flowed onto his datapad.

Mining output was steady, repairs were complete, and supplies were low as always. In short it was time to establish the next phase of the restoration project. Opening a comm channel to the rest of the ship Fleen gave a few simple orders.

And with that the stream of workers shifted. The mining vessels were redirected to the smaller MMS Torch. The shipyards were redirected to working on a much more ambitious project, and the MMS Cogwheel broke orbit and began the long trek to the Kuiper belt. The smaller MMS Transistor followed them for a few hours but then broke off and headed to Ceres with a mission of its own.

To the Cerean Commonwealth

It is always good to hear from our neighbors. Of course we will send a representative. In fact we already in transit, but given the dhort distance separating us we expect to be there shortly. If you could give us an orbital slot we will happy to oblige.

Cogmaster Redgo of the MMS Transistor

To the Warhawks

We see that you have offered your services to the solar system. And in fact we would like to make use of your services, but at the same time we note that you only have one long rang ship. So here is our offer. We will repair and refit your ships as well as offer you the use of the MMS Bolt as a carrier if you agree to defense contract with us.

Cogmaster Fleen

To the FDE

We understand that you have forces for hire. And you are based quite close to us. So we would like to hire you for a semi permanent defense contract to protect our facilities. In return we can offer you supplies and the use of our stations to repair and rearm your forces.

Cogmaster Fleen

Common Broadcast to everyone around and beyond Neptune

Like everyone we are in need of supplies, particularly volatiles. And we believe that the best way to acquire them would be to mine a suitable comet. As such this is a courtesy call to inform you that we will be operating in this area. If there are any particular comets or areas you have claimed please tell us and we will avoid them.

2011-06-13, 11:58 AM

Commander Putin woke up on Deimos, and began her day like any other. After a quick shower in heavily recycled water, she breaks her fast on a nutrient paste stolen from the Aliens.

I would kill for some eggs and bacon she thinks. Time to make that dream a reality.

She sends forth messages to all her commanders, giving each of them tasks to contact some of the more prosperous and supply rich sides, in the hopes of getting the troops some much needed supplies.

My esp is incredibly low, so feel free to read all my spoilers!

General Broadcast

The FDE is pleased to announce that we are offering our military services to anyone and everyone who has the supplies to spare. I time for unification is on our race, and we must all band together to keep our species alive.

From the desk of Commander Putin:

The commander has reviewed your request, and has agreed to supply you with the necessary troops and equipment you require. Please file a full list of what you would desire and a list of items that will be used as payment.

To Major Kelly,

We have been at odds for far to long. Supplies in the system are to low and far between for us to be fighting pettily over contracts. I know we both would regret to turn to piracy to fund our sides, and so I propose we set up guidelines of sorts, and fixed prices for our services so that we both get the supplies we need to survive. Please respond Post Haste if this is something that interests you.

Commander Putin


Greetings Commander,

I know we have had our difficulties in the past, but that is something I would hope to remedy. The Yellow Bellies remain a constant threat, and aside from the Warhawks my people are the only ones who seem to be able to stand up to them. If you require some sort of defense for your ships, please feel free to contact us.

Commander Putin.


Our services are always available for defense for your new systems you plan to install. If the Warhawks are unwilling, perhaps you would turn to us?

Commander Putin

The Il-Loc
With our close proximity and how different our sides are, perhaps some permanent arrangement could be met?

Commander Putin

2011-06-13, 12:19 PM
Warhawks Inc.

The Union of Lunar Engineers (Esp ++++)

There is nothing at all childish about wanting to have friends, Mr. Orolov. Sorry, should I go with Mr.? Writing our Master at Arms is kind of unwieldy, and there isn't really a good abbreviation for it, so what honorific should I be using here?

Anyway, since you're only a few hours away, any threat to your interests could very easily become threats to OUR interests. With this thought, and with the idea of mutual friendship, I am will to send - Military to Luna on a semi-permanent basis in order to secure the space around Luna and Earth's space. This is with the understanding that upkeep for these vessel's and their crew will be handled by you.

Also, I can most definitely send several of our best instructors to whip your men into shape. However, we can't do this for free, so this service would cost you -Econ.

And if you wish to pursue a permanent defense contract, that is entirely possible. For this, we would only ask that you share any technological research your people are able to accomplish with us.

Major John Kelly

Mechanics (Esp ++++)

Cogmaster Fleen, I would love to except your offer, I've been looking for another large ship for a long time. However, I have some concerns. Mostly, that you're pursing a similar contract with the FDE. I understand that from your point of view, having two groups protecting your interests probably seems better than one, but having two groups potentially working at cross purposes could make things worse instead of better. As it is, we will still be willing to except this contract.


The Stipulations of the Warhawks Incorporated Defensive Contract are as follows:

The undersigned (hereby known as the Client) understands that the defensive contract allows them to call on the military aid of Warhawks Inc. to assist in the following situations:
Defense of Civilian Targets
Defense of trade and shipping
Defense against full scale military attack
Personal Security for VIPs
Defense against pirate and other small scale incursions
Assistance in Data Security
Retaliatory attacks against Agressors

The Client also understands that this contract does NOT include the following situations:
Attacks by client against foreign powers.
Attacks against civilian targets at ANY time.
Requests to to make attacks of obvious futility. Futility is to be judged by the ranking Warhawks Inc. executive involved.
If Warhawks Inc. is requested to perform any of the above actions, this Contract will be rendered null and void, and all payment will be non-refundable.

The Client also will atest to knowledge of the following caveat:
If multiple nations with Contracts with Warhawks Inc. become involved in military action against each other, contracts with all nations involved will be immediately rendered null and void. If any of the involved nations wish to re-negotiate contracts, that will be a possibility.

The Client also realizes the following:
Warhawks Inc. has a money back guarantee, if at any time in the first two (2) turns of a contract lasting more than three(3) turns, the Client may request to terminate the contract, and all payment that has not been used in Warhawks Inc. operation will be replayed in full, if possible.

If the Client understands all of the above, please sign on the line below.


Give it a quick read. If you have any questions, go ahead an ask. If you agree, sign on the bottom line.

FDE (Esp ++++)

I can't say I disagree terribly Commander. Open conflict between our two groups would be...bad for business, to say the least. Fixing prices would be difficult, given we provide slightly different services, and require different things. But if you have any ideas for guildlines, I'd love to hear them.

Also, be aware that I am currently negotiating defense contracts with the Cereans and Mechanics, if that matters to your guildlines.

Major John Kelly

2011-06-13, 01:06 PM
The Cerean Commonwealth


The contract is amenable to us, though we'd like to renegotiate the payment plan to account for a few factors. First, we're fine with using the - Supply as a downpayment and retainer, but we feel that - Economy would be rather excessive at the current point in time. As such, we're willing to supply you with - Supply now, and - Economy as payment after a significant military engagement.

OOC: Absolutely it is. Ceres isn't supposed to be the commercial center of mankind for nothing.

The Union of Luna Engineers:

Excellent, I'm glad we could reach an agreement. We'll task the Virtue with maintaining this trade agreement, so long as you are willing to provide half of the fuel required for the trip as payment for its' services.

The Collective Mind:

We might be able to reach an agreement. As you are no doubt aware, Ceres prides itself on its highly advanced nanotechnology and is always happy to undertake any project which would advance it. However, you would need to understand that our technology is proprietary, and any attempt to reproduce it without strict consent from the Cerean Nanotechnology Trust is both illegal and grounds for severe economic and political sanctions.


We'll be happy to host your representatives. A docking slip has already been reserved for your ship, and we've prepared a habitation near Capitol Hall in Demeter City. Please, enjoy your stay on Ceres.


Healthy competition is critical to a proper free economy. While we're currently in negotiations with Warhawks Inc, we're happy to consider an agreement with you should it prove more profitable for us, or should negotions with the Warhawks fail. Our proposal to the Warhaws is a continuous contract for the protection of Ceres and its economic assets from any outside attack, be it pirates or a military strike. In exchange for this, we're offering them - Supplies as a retainer and downpayment, and - Economy as payment after a major military engagement. If you'd like to make a counteroffer or are prepared to take up this contract in the event that Warhawks is not, we'll be happy to do business with you.

2011-06-13, 01:19 PM
Warhawks Inc.

The Cerean Commonwealth (Esp ++++)

Yes, I suppose that's fair enough. Very well, we'll except - Supplies as the down payment, with payment of - Econ after "significant military engagement." Although, I would quite like that phrase to be defined, if possible, to avoid misunderstandings.

2011-06-13, 01:27 PM
The Collective Mind (Esp. 4)

General Broadcast

My name is Ben and I am a representative of The Collective Mind. We have had little contact with outside groups over the last hundred years, but in these times of shortages, we recognize that seclusion is not the answer. As with all peace-seeking groups, coming together to work together for the good of humanity is the only answer.

We will be joining the Cerean call and hope to have productive meetings with many of your representatives.

Cerean Commonwealth
We are aware of your success in these fields and would never consider intelligence theft. We simply wish to trade commodities that either side has in excess.

An even trade of - or + technology for - or + supplies seems fair. Either degree of trade is acceptable to us.

2011-06-13, 01:32 PM
The Cerean Commonwealth

Warhawks Inc:

Yes, it's a good idea to define what exactly constitues a significant military engagement. How about this for a definition:

1: Any attempted invasion of Ceres or destructive strike against Cerean cities in which Warhawks is requested to intervene.
2: Any attempt to occupy Cerean territory by another power in which Warhawks is requested to intervene.
3: Any campaign against a pirate force in which a significant proportion of the Warhawks' fleet is required (>=50%)
4: Any conflict which lasts one full turn or more in which a significant proportion (>=50%) of the Warhawks' fleet is asked to participate.
5: Any conflict on behalf of the Cerean Commonwealth in which Warhawks Inc. incurs casualties which could seriously affect their future operations (Any engagement where you lose - Military or more due to combat losses)

Is this acceptable to you?

2011-06-13, 02:06 PM
The Rat Pack
Espionage +++++

To Warhawks Inc.

A job's a job. It's good to talk again, we don't particularly need any protection, we'd like to take out a conract for offense though. Would you be willing to make an attack on the Yellow Bellies? Those pirates give us a bad name and we need to clean up our image.

To Collective Mind

Hello friends. We here in the Ratpack would love to work more closely with a faction that has a strong sense of community like you. Can we come to an agreement perhaps?

To Cerean Commonwealth

Hail. We bring warm greetings and would like to work with you in the future, is there anything we lowly rats could do for you?

To The Mechanics

Greetings. Would we be able to come to an agreement, we require improvements to some of our ships and we find that you are the best qualified.

2011-06-13, 02:07 PM
Warhawks Inc.

The Cerean Commonwealth (Esp ++++)

Yes, I think those definitions work perfectly. Very well, with your assurances that we will receive the supplies soon, consider us hired.

Rat Pack (Esp +++++)

Nice to hear you're feeling so secure, sometimes I worry for you guys.

And taking out the Yellow Bellies... I'm not gonna lie, that's something I'd love to do. Would make my other contracts easier in the long run. However, in the short term, that would require a significant commitment of forces, and to be honest, won't come cheaply. Before I decide, I've gotta hear what you're offering for the service.

2011-06-13, 02:35 PM

Quite true, Commander.

Perhaps we should each limit ourselves to a certain number of factions we support/take payment from? This will prevent each of us from over stretching our forces, as well as reduce conflict between our groups.

Maybe we could form a type of Mercenary guild, thereby establishing a monoply in the system. Also, after this turn we can each agree to stay off the other toes in a contract. I have also been in communication with the cereans and mechanics, but with how big their projects are they may in fact need both of our help. After this though, what say we attempt to NOT solicit business from the same side for the same contract, and only both engage in negotiations with a side if it is requested by that side?

Commander Putin

Those are agreeable terms, and unfortuanetly for my soldiers I am not sure if I can afford to undercut their terms. However, if you do need more umph or a longer range mission I believe my troops are better suited for such endeavours. Of course, if the Hawks drop the contract we will be more then willing to pick it up.

Rat Pack
Scavenegers need their soldiers, do they not? If you have interest in soldiers and the Warhawks have turned you down, we hope to be considered as another option.

Commander Putin

2011-06-13, 04:03 PM
The Grand Emperor sits in his palace, an ancient ruin on the side of Olympus Mons. HIs councilors come to him in small vehichles and they gather to dsicuss policy.

General Announcement: Greetings fellow beings of Sol. After the destruction of your world and the overthrow of the oppressors, much work had to be done. Now, on Mars, much of that work is beginning to show its benefits. Our society is booming, and we beg you to come visit our planet. We have much supplies, and are now willing to share, if neccessarry. We invite you to come and set up permanent bases in some of our biodomes, for better communication and such. We too wish to someday fly the flag not of the Ill-Loc, but of the Sol System. End Message.

To the FDE
We are very interested in some sort of deal. We will allow you to take a cut of some of our farm produce, if you would be willing to allow us to place our goods and ambassadors as passengers on your ships, and perhaps occassionally requisition one of them for important journies. We would, of course, provide our own fuel and parts.

To the Cerean Commonwealth
We know that you are interested in the unity of the system, and perhaps could send an ambassador to our planet just as we have sent one to yours. There are many ideas which we would like to propose, and real-time communication on both sides may be neccessarry.

To the Union of Luna Engineers
We have hopes for unity among the great civilian powers of the Solar System. As you are our nearest and largest neighbor (save perhaps Ceres) perhaps some sort of diplomatic alliance, or at least some form of agreement on borders and sharing of supplies, could be reached?

To the Collective Mind
We seek for unity among the peoples of the inner system, as well as those of the outer system. If our groups could come to some form of agreement, it would be to the benefit of both of us. As long as you promise not to inject our countrymen with your mind fusing liquid, we wish for peace with you.

2011-06-14, 10:10 AM
The Kingdom of Ganymede

As the light days of the week - defined as when Ganymede is on the solar side of its planet, the Star of Kings Jupiter - begin, the slightly ramshackle polis of residents on Ganymede's surface is bustling with activity, as usual. Under the thin, cold atmosphere of the planetoid, the Kingdom's subjects are going about their duty in heavy coats and industrious, if not cheery, moods. The sun is shining, the air is bright and clear, and the magnetic storms from Father Jupiter are minimal and only slightly likely to pass lethally through Ganymede's magnetic field today.

The industry of Ganymede is, well, industry. The bulk of the populace works in the kingdom's great shipyards, building mining tools to be shipped out over the planet's surface or into Jupiter's rings to bring back more raw resources to shape into more tools (and occasionally farming tools, to be sent to the icy, large-yet-meager hydroponic farms surrounding the colony). Such has it been for a century. Today, however, is something a little different from that century long march of progress built from a beginning in oppression and slavery. Today, the administration of the great and good Sovereign di Gacci was ready to begin expanding around this icy rock, and beyond. Up/down towards Jupiter, and outward into the distant realms of their fellow humans.

Three ships are used - one to begin seeding sub-colonies around Ganymede, one to explore Europa and Io while they are in alignment, and one to leave the staticky expanse of Jupiter's magnetic field carrying a message to the rest of humanity:

"We, the people of the Kingdom of Ganymede, bid greetings to the rest of humanity! We express a wish to live peacefully with our brothers and sisters in the solar system, and hereby claim the rights to the resources of the Jupiter Sphere. We seek to establish trade and cordial relations with any and all, and to offer your our water, our metals, our minerals, in fair exchange for supplies of food and fuel. Getting out of this gravity well is expensive, you know."

Meanwhile, armored explorers fall towards Jupiter and, using the thrusters of their great ship, change course enough to fall onto Europa and Io, examining them for exploitable resources and the requirements to make them habitable. If anyone else happens to be there already, well...there are a good number of "explorers", with a good number of rock-cutting mining torches between them.

Likewise, the explorers on the surface of Ganymede seek out and try to find good locations for more hydroponic farms, places where there is enough water to make subsidiary colonies self-sufficient.

I have - Espionage so there's really no point in even trying to send private messages. For now, commiting ++ of my military to thoroughly mapping Europa and Io and searching for sources of Supplies. Likewise, trying to create satellite settlements on Ganymede itself wherever there's sufficient water, and sending settlers out with seeds and hydroponic equipment.

2011-06-14, 10:47 AM
Serene Republic of Triton
(Esp: ++++)

The lighting was dim. The lighting was always dim, the man noted ruefully. To be fair, he thought as he tugged slightly on a small beard that, on Earth, would have been called a Van Dyke, it wasn't as if there was much that could be done about it. Amphitrite City had a heart of nuclear fire akin to the far-distant sun, thanks to the aliens that had established the supply base soon after their arrival on Earth almost one thousand years ago, but the principles of nuclear fusion were still only understood imperfectly even after a century of unrestricted access to the device at the lowest levels of the base. While it could be maintained and repaired by human technicians, constructing new fusion reactors was entirely beyond the capabilities of humans. New colonies and the orbital yards were thus powered by old-style fission reactors, and fissionables remained a precious resource despite the breeder reactors of Nereid.

Still, he reflected, it was better than the alternative of remaining on Triton and sealing themselves off from the other worlds, as some had wished. Triton alone simply lacked the necessary resources to maintain itself. Even beyond Triton, the outer system was rare in heavy metals; most of the fleet today consisted of scavenged alien hulls rebuilt around a core of human technology. Leaning against the viewport, he watched as humans, no larger than ants at this distance, swarmed over the hull of the Liberty, the largest single ship in the service of the Serene Republic. One of the newest and largest bulk haulers the aliens had once operated, the ship had been unfortunate enough to be laid up for extensive repairs after a passing asteroid had grazed its hull when the aliens evacuated in all haste. Now, it was the pride and joy of the Republican Navy, capable of carrying well over two dozen light craft on its hull and forming the cornerstone of the expedition today. Today, it would be departing with a full complement of mining and survey ships for Uranus, where it was believed radioactives could be fond in the larger moons. If they found what they were searching for, the mining craft mounted equipment powerful enough to begin core mining of the moons, once-combat weaponry from when the Triton facility maintained an alien garrison repurposed for human peaceful purposes. If they couldn't find what they were searching for there...

"Sir? Central Speaker." He pulled his attention away from the Liberty to the worried face of his aide, an eager young man of 14. "They're ready for you in the command center. If you want to watch the launch from there, you can."

Central Speaker Matthias Nieroth nodded slightly in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Alexander. I will be there shortly." He pushed away from the viewport, an easy movement born of his years of experience in the microgravity of the Triton Shipyards, and began to maneuver down the corridor after his aide.

The Serene Republic thanks you for your notification. Officially, we wish to notify you that we maintain formal claims to all Kuiper objects within 10 AU of Neptune's orbital position. In practice, please avoid claiming any celestial objects marked by a survey beacon that identifies itself as belonging to the Serene Republic or any bodies with heavy metals, and there are unlikely to be any issues.

Unofficially, however, we are also curious why any inner system polity would be interested in mining cometary volatiles from the outer system. If the Mechanics are interested in establishing a regular trade route between existing Triton mining operations in the Kuiper Belt and their own operations in the inner system, the Serene Republic would be amenable to talks. In particular, we are rather interested in any heavy metals or other radiological ores that could be obtained.

2011-06-14, 11:30 AM
The Mechanics

To the FDE
We request a security detail to maintain a defense on our main supply dumps in the asteroid belt. We would also like a contract for you to provide us reinforcements in the event of an actual attack. In return we are willing to pay you in supplies and in the use of our ship repair facilities (econ).

OOC: I need to make sure econ works the same in this game as in the others I play before I make a final offer.

To the Warhawks
We are negotiating two separate contracts for two separate needs. Protection for our main bases and protection for our ships and outposts. Given the close proximity of the FDE to our bases we believe they are better suited for our static defense needs, but that they would not be able to both do that and protect our more far flung interests. Which is where you come in.

We are willing to accept this contract as long as the definition of attacks of futility is clear. Does this apply to defensive actions as well?

We may have an additional proposal as well if this contract goes smoothly.

To the Ratpack
What kind of improvements are you interested in? And will you be transporting the ships to our main shipyards yourselves or instead require the use of one of our mobile shipyards.

To the Serene Republic of Triton.
We do not require heavy metals as these are in more abundant supply in our main operating area, but this brings us to the issue of why we have chosen to come here to the outer system. First we do not regard ourselves as an inner system polity. Our current concentration there is simply a result of the destruction of the system infrastructure a century ago, which caused us to pull in our more distant maintenance teams. We plan to rectify this by reestablishing said infrastructure, but in order to do so we will require outposts throughout the system. Which also means establishing resource mining and processing facilities to avoid resupply problems. And so our interest in setting up a cometary mining facility in the Kuiper Belt.

Second the inner system is heavily populated. For good reason, but it does mean that we would be unlikely to find an unclaimed comet with the desired qualities. And while we could trade for the volatiles we desire, we find that it is more efficient to set up our own facilities in order to make ourselves more self sufficient.

We are however interested in setting up a trading route with you. We have an abundance of ships so where another faction might be hesitant to commit a ship to a route this far out system we can do so readily. In fact besides the normal offers of metals, goods, and parts we can also offer you the use of one our ships for a reasonable fee if you have a desire to interact with the inner system a bit more easily than you can now.

2011-06-14, 12:06 PM
The Cerean Commonwealth:

Cerean Network News, Broadcast at 11

In a startling turn of events today, President Kimball introduced a bill allowing the contract of Warhawks Inc, a notable Mercenary group, for a long-term defensive operation within Commonwealth territory. After a furious round of debate, the bill was passed 16-7 and immediately signed off on by the President, making it the shortest policy decision made by the Council of Representatives all year. When called for a statement Kimball replied, "In times of unrest and piracy such as these, we need to be well prepared to protect our homes and loved ones. It was the opinion of the Council that the best way to ensure the safety of the Cerean way of life was a contract with this reliable mercenary force. Hopefully, the simple knowledge that we're protected by some of the best soldiers in the System will deter anyone with designs on our home." In other news, a dedicated Nanomedicine clinic has opened its' doors in Demeter City today, offering a complete range of medical care for those capable of affording it. While most Cereans are probably familiar with the Low-G Muscle and Bone Augs provided by the Government, dedicated clinics are capable of providing a wide range of augmentations and medical care. In sports news, the Harriers are back in town after a successful mining trip...


A signed copy of the revised contract will be on your desk in the morning, and we'll get the supplies under way ASAP. We're already planning a run to Luna, so we can easily accomodate you with the same ship. We look forwards to working with you in the future.

The Collective Mind:

We'll need a little more time to make up our minds on this. We understand that you likely need those supplies immediately, but we'll need to consult with our science teams and administrators to further examine our options. We hope you'll excuse the delay and be patient with us while we work through our difficulties.
OOC: I'm thinking about it. Obviously, given your dangerously low Supply stocks, you really do need to get some very soon, but I'm not sure exactly how much I'm going to need to keep everything going. I'll probably agree to the smaller version of the deal, if only because it'll help you a lot and we can always use more friends, but give me a bit more time.

The Rat Pack:

We don't have any specific operations planned at the current time, though we'll certainly keep you in mind for any operation which would require skilled salvage teams. In the meantime, if you have any salvage you want to sell on the Cerean market, we've already planned a trip to Luna and the Warhawks HQ, so it wouldn't be an issue to pick up a few of your people on the way back.

The FDE:

As you may already be aware, we've finished negotiations with the Warhawks. If we require additional services that they cannot provide, we will be more than happy to contact you again.

The Ill-Loc:

We're certainly willing to work more closely with our friends on Mars. We'll do our best to send someone as soon as possible, though arriving on the Martian surface is far more difficult than interacting with the other space-bound groups.

2011-06-14, 12:23 PM
The Collective Mind (esp ++++)

The Rat Pack (esp +++++)

Absolutely we are interested, but what sort of an agreement are you suggesting? We are not capable of providing military support, but we could share other resources or technology, in exchange for some of yours. Or, if you're referring to an alliance of sorts, we're interested in that too.

The Ill-Loc

A video message contains an attractive blonde woman facing the camera with a red background behind her.

"Hello, my name is Amy. As representative of the Collective Mind, I can reassure you that we have no interest or ability to force any unwilling minds into our mental commune.

"That is to say, we too seek peace and would be eager to form some sort of agreement. What form this agreement might take is up in the air and we're interested in your input here."

Cerean Commonwealth
"A delay is acceptable, although we do request as much expediency as possible."
OOC: If you could get this figured out before turn end, that would be awesome, but since nothing is resolved until then, taking your time isn't a big deal.

2011-06-14, 01:20 PM
Warhawks Inc.

Mechanics (Esp ++++)

Futility is included in the contract because, simply put, I am a businessman with a fairly limited staff. It is very much in my interest to protect the lives of my men as much as possible.

What it actually MEANS is that my men may ignore orders that they feel have no chance of success and will result in high casualties. For example, if a large pirate fleet decides to attack a trade convoy guarded by a small number of Warhawk ships, the ranking officer may invoke futility in order to pull back and await reinforcements before re-engaging. The futility clause is NOT a mandatory one, and is left entirely to the judgement of the ranking Warhawk officer.

And yes, this applies to defensive actions as well. Summed up in a few words, it essentially means my men reserve to the right to not die needlessly.

And as far as hiring us for different purposes...fair enough. Unless you have more questions, we're ready to finalize the contract.
FDE(Esp ++++)

It's Major, actually.

And Warhawks have actually already been waiting to be solicited by potential customers, since I've always thought that approaching other factions with offers of "protection" comes off as a bit shady.

I also agree that, by and large, we should to try to not overlap our contracts. As far as the Mechanics go, they seem to be contracting your forces for home defense, and my people for defense of their shipping. Assuming you're alright with that arrangement, I suggest we let those contracts go as is.

And forming a mercenary guild might not be a bad idea. Make it clear that we're united in purpose in defending our clients against piracy and agression, and that we will not take contracts that will involve attacking each other. how does that sound Commander?

Major John Kelly

Cerean Commonwealth(Esp ++++)

Alright, sounds like a plan. The Clark can be to Ceres in about three day should the need arise. Though hopefully, it won't. Pleasure doing business with you.

2011-06-14, 04:03 PM
This will most likely be doable. a - of supply should meet most of the needs to keep us both happy and safe. If there is violence, i expect a - to be paid for loss soldiers and equipment however. If these are acceptable terms, please respond post haste

This is quite do able for us. I understand you have been speaking to the Warhawks as well. I would like to personally assure you that we will not cause any sort of conflict with that group. A war is to costly right now.

OOC: Of course, let me know

You will have to excuse the nomenclature, Commander seems to fit the leader of your faction, but Major it shall be from here out.

The mechanics contract seems acceptable on multiple levels to us as well.

This sounds splendid, Major. May I suggest a mutual meeting of us? A photo op would help to allay fears and suspicions as well, and would also allow us to meet and hammer out the details of this guild. A neutral location would be most comfortable I do believe

2011-06-14, 04:11 PM

Treliar to the FDE
We would like to discuss payment for the proposed protection.

2011-06-14, 11:22 PM
The Free Republic of Titan
Whhhhhhrrrrr! "Finally! I've finally got it!" The engineer says as the engines of the alien freighter come to life.

The sound of frantic footsteps can be heard approaching from elsewhere on the ship. "Did you -- fantastic! You'll be promoted for this one, no doubt."

"I still don't really understand how the damn thing does what it does, but at least I know how to make it work!"

Ceres, Titan Embassy: All Nations
A message is sent out from Titan's embassy on Ceres to all nations in the solar system. "Greetings! Long have the remote people of Titan been unable to share our gifts with the rest of the solar system due to our distance from most nations and poor transportation systems. We have finally managed to make a few ships of our old overlords function, opening up the possibility for trade. Titan was colonized by the aliens because of its huge collection of valuable resources. The lakes of hydrocarbons on the surface of Titan could sustain the fleets of the entire solar system. We are interested in sharing these resources with the rest of the solar system and cooperating with like-minded nations for the survival and betterment of the human race and other friendly beings. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are eager to open up communications with all of you."

The Collective Mind
Greetings! The Free Republic of Titan is a remote entity to your nation. However, we are interested in establishing a friendship with you. The people of Titan are focused on research to fill in some of the gaps in the technology that the aliens left behind and to help the nations of this solar system survive and prosper. We see that you have an impressive team of researchers for your use while Titan has a substantial amount of supplies at our disposal. Would you be interested in trading + technology in the form of researchers for + supplies? We are very interested in cooperating in other ways as well, if you have ideas.

The Cerean Commonwealth
Greetings! We thank you for hosting our embassy on Ceres, again. It has already proved useful for communicating with other nations. With your focus on technology and your economy, the Republic of Titan would be interested in talking to you about trade of our resources and cooperation for technology. We are interested in making technological advances that will make living in the solar system easier and prosperous for our race. Does that ring well with your people? We're not quite sure how exactly we can cooperate in terms of technology and the such, but we're open to suggestion!

The Mechanics
Greetings! The people of Titan have great respect for your nation. Your emphasis on trade and technology interests us. Titan is home to many natural resources with an overabundance of fuel. Would you be interested in coming to a trade agreement? We are very interested in enhancing our factories and production with your mechanical and engineering knowledge. Let us know if we can make something work.

The Union of Luna Engineers and Dependants
Greetings! The people of Titan have great respect for your nation. Your emphasis on trade and technology interests us. Titan is home to many natural resources with an overabundance of fuel. Would you be interested in coming to a trade agreement? We are very interested in enhancing our factories and production with your mechanical and engineering knowledge. Let us know if we can make something work.

The Ill-loc
Greetings! The people of Titan have been isolated for many years and knowledge of your fascinating people is limited. We are very interested in establishing relations with your nation and getting to know your culture and the likes. Your technology is beyond impressive and the people of Titan acknowledge the importance of technology. We are interested in using ours to make the system a more livable place. Would you be interested in some sort of technological agreement or cooperation?

Hello. Our nation is interested in discussing the possibility of hiring your forces for protection. What are your terms?

The Forgotten Clan, The Kingdom of Ganymede, The Republic of Triton
Greetings, friends of the Outer System,

Unless I'm forgetting someone, our four nations are the sole colonies in the Outer System. We inhabit territories rich in resources but also very expansive and potentially hostile. Inhabiting and protecting these regions is not the easiest of tasks. The Free Republic of Titan is interested in hosting representatives from each of your nations to discuss an alliance of the Outer System. Working together, we can help to protect our current holdings and to expand our nations to become not only self-sufficient but prosperous. We look forward to your responses and hope to receive your representatives swiftly.

2011-06-15, 09:10 AM
Warhawks Inc.

FDE (Esp ++++)

That sounds like a great idea. How about a meeting on Ceres? Seems like the perfect "neutral location."

And if you want to get REALLY technical, it would be CEO. We are a corporation here, after all.

2011-06-16, 12:05 AM
Ceres does work. Perhaps we should also convoy our ships, to increase protection and show unity to the troops?

Major it is then, I dont think calling you CEO will give us the Umph we need as a respectable force.

We require a - of supply per turn, to keep the men and ships full and happy. Any military action results in a charge of - econ to pay for new soldiers we need to recruit. If maneuvers require an increase expediture of supply then we can negotiate that later

Of course. The troops require a - of supply, in order to keep both them and the ships and peak fighting capacity. If a large engagemtn does occur (hopefully not) then a - of econ will be required to train new troops and reward our victors for a job well done

2011-06-16, 01:18 AM
The Collective Mind (esp ++++)

Gia looked around her at the piles and boxes and packing materials. Her helpers were busy moving and unpacking. The trip to Ceres had not been a terribly long one, but even so, the contrast in the scenery was stark. Whereas The Lab was all metallic walls and white light, the embassy was much more inviting.

The lights were yellow, her desk was brown, and the seats were what one might almost call comfortable. Cracking open a can of water, she took a big swig, marveling at how it didn't taste vaguely sulfuric. Of course The Central Mind had prevented her from disliking The Lab while she had been there, out of its incredible kindness, but now that she was here, well, she was going to enjoy the comforts she was allowed.

The Free Republic of Titan

A video is sent. It contains a man with an enormous mustache and a heavy Italian accent, in front of a green background.

"That sounds like an acceptable proposition. However, I am informed that I must clarify one point. This exchange, it is a temporary thing, something we will make on a turn by turn basis."

2011-06-16, 11:36 AM
THe Grand Emperor calls the 137th council to order. Several motions are passed and failed, including ones regarding treaties with other nations.

To the Collective Mind
We are glad that you are seeking cooperation. As to the terms of some sort of agreement, perhaps some sort of military non-violence treaty with eachother, as well as the sharing of alien technology.

To the FDE
That deal sounds acceptable. Let the agreement commence at once.

To Titan
If the sharing of technology is what you seek, then let it be done. We have hopes for sharing and cooperation between all powers of the solar system. If there is anything you can provide us with in return, then please mention it. Also though you do have an embassy on Ceres, we invite you to send a diplomat here. We will house them in our biodomes with the others of their kind who dwell in our nation. As you live so far off, this may be to the benefit of both of us. We also ask if we might send an ambassador to your nation, and we will provide the cost for the life-support required.

2011-06-16, 11:36 AM
Is it just - temp supplies a turn, then? We won't be able to send - supplies the first turn, + supplies second, +- the third, if you know what I mean. I just want to make sure it's clear what "- supply per turn" entails.

The Collective Mind
Making this trade on a turn-by-turn basis will work for Titan. Making a supply drop every turn will require one of our alien ships to make a trip to Venus. Does your nation have any resources you are interested in exchanging with the Free Republic of Titan? We are rich in resources and we might as well establish trade relations if we will be making trips anyways.

The Ill-loc
That sounds like a splendid arrangement. We have an abundance of resources available on Titan if any of them are of use to your people. An ambassador of the Ill-loc is more than welcome to come reside on Titan. We would be honored to host such a noble guest, and we will take you up on your offer for sending an ambassador. The Free Republic of Titan hopes that by exchanging ambassadors and sharing our gifts with each other, we can create a lasting friendship. Our alien ships make regular trips to the inner system and our ambassador will be sent on the next ship.

2011-06-16, 01:10 PM
Serene Republic of Triton

To the Serene Republic of Triton.
We do not require heavy metals as these are in more abundant supply in our main operating area, but this brings us to the issue of why we have chosen to come here to the outer system. First we do not regard ourselves as an inner system polity. Our current concentration there is simply a result of the destruction of the system infrastructure a century ago, which caused us to pull in our more distant maintenance teams. We plan to rectify this by reestablishing said infrastructure, but in order to do so we will require outposts throughout the system. Which also means establishing resource mining and processing facilities to avoid resupply problems. And so our interest in setting up a cometary mining facility in the Kuiper Belt.

Second the inner system is heavily populated. For good reason, but it does mean that we would be unlikely to find an unclaimed comet with the desired qualities. And while we could trade for the volatiles we desire, we find that it is more efficient to set up our own facilities in order to make ourselves more self sufficient.

We are however interested in setting up a trading route with you. We have an abundance of ships so where another faction might be hesitant to commit a ship to a route this far out system we can do so readily. In fact besides the normal offers of metals, goods, and parts we can also offer you the use of one our ships for a reasonable fee if you have a desire to interact with the inner system a bit more easily than you can now.

We would be very interested in reciprocal trade agreements. In particular, we would be willing to trade outer system volatiles mined by Tritonian merchants for heavy and radiological metals at equivalent exchange rates. In addition, we would be willing to permit unlimited basing rights through Triton, including the full use of the local shipyard and refueling station originally established by the aliens, for the transfer of one of your repurposed alien ships, if you so desire.

The Forgotten Clan, The Kingdom of Ganymede, The Republic of Triton

Greetings, friends of the Outer System,

Unless I'm forgetting someone, our four nations are the sole colonies in the Outer System. We inhabit territories rich in resources but also very expansive and potentially hostile. Inhabiting and protecting these regions is not the easiest of tasks. The Free Republic of Titan is interested in hosting representatives from each of your nations to discuss an alliance of the Outer System. Working together, we can help to protect our current holdings and to expand our nations to become not only self-sufficient but prosperous. We look forward to your responses and hope to receive your representatives swiftly.

Free Republic of Titan
We would be interested in such talks. It will take well over a month for us to send a delegate to meet in person, but we would be able to send someone if transportation can be arranged.

2011-06-16, 03:21 PM
The Cerean Commonwealth:

The Free Republic of Titan:

We would be pleased to share some of our technologies with you in exchange for fuels for our space ships. Unfortunately, we may not have the industrial and engineering expertise you're looking for specifically, but your people could benefit greatly from the use of some of our Nanotechnological products. In particular, we have access to extremely effective electronics which could be of use to you.

OOC: I'm not sure if it's actually possible to do pure technology transfers, but if it is I'd be happy to trade a few of our basic Nanotech systems in exchange for fuel.

The Collective Mind:

Upon review, we find your proposal acceptable. We'll send the supplies to you soon, and we'll expect your people to arrive shortly. We hope that you enjoy your stay here on Ceres.

OOC: I'll trade - Supplies for - Technology, if my understanding that this is a permanent exchange is correct. If it's supposed to be a permanent trade of supplies for a temporary use of the Technology, no deal.

2011-06-16, 04:07 PM
The Collective Mind (esp ++++)

Cerean Commonwealth

OOC: Well now we come to where I'm confused with the rules. My understanding is that supplies is a representation of what you generate in a turn. So the trade would be on a turn by turn basis - perpetual until cancelled, but not permanent.

Time to ask the GM a question, I think? I'm sending him a PM. I'll get back to you (sorry for my confusion!)

EDIT: Looks like it's supplies on hand. You know what, thanks for agreeing to help me out, but it looks like this is actually going to be unnecessary. Titan will help me out and I don't want to tax you too heavily.

Free Republic of Titan

"Unfortunately, the reason that we so desire supplies is that Venus is not a planet that is easy to mine. In coming months, we might build up the infrastructure so that this is more practical."

The Ill-Loc

"Certainly we are interested in a military non-agression pact and in working towards common goals wherever possible. However, our knowledge of alien technology is not something we are willing to share, simply because in the wrong hands it could be extremely dangerous for us. You understand of course, this is not a slight on the Ill-Loc, but simply an understanding that not every nation has good intentions."

2011-06-16, 07:30 PM
The Union of Lunar Engineers and Dependents

The Free Republic of Titan.

I thank you for you kind words. We have had hard times here on Lunar for many years but we're finally pulling through. Lusyanka remains a stalwart foundry and Lunar Base North is finally resuming its original purpose.

When it comes to trade, we have no need for fuel as it is our main export along with metals. However we are looking for people to trade with for food and water supplies, or the equipment to increase our remaining Hydro farms.

Does that interest you?
-Paul Tregaskis
Master of Foreign Interaction, Lunar Base North.

2011-06-16, 11:41 PM
Yah its not compounding, just the basics to keep the troops fed and happy. Hopefully stuff you can easily recover in a turn

Excellent, if you have any spare outposts we could take over that would be wonderful, otherwise our assistance for protection is immediately available.

2011-06-17, 12:23 AM
Warhawks Inc.

FDE (Esp ++++)

Yes, that's exactly why I went with Major.

And I don't think something as extravagant as that is really required. Simple public meeting will probably do just as well. Just give me a when, and I can be to Ceres in just a few days.

2011-06-17, 01:24 PM
Very well. I am heading there now (so couple days or whatever we are using for the turn)

2011-06-17, 11:59 PM

To Warhawks
Very well we agree to the contract.

To the FDE
Very well how does - supply every six months for the duration of the contract sound as well as our aid in rearming in the event of an actual conflict.

To the Free Republic of Titan
We do indeed require a steady supply of fuel. We can supply you with both metal and finished parts in exchange.

To the Serene Republic of Triton and GM
OOC: Would basing rights actually mean anything in terms of supplies? Because if it won't actually have a game effect I'd rather not give a ship away for it.

2011-06-18, 12:10 AM
Warhawks Inc.

FDE (Esp ++++)

Very well, I look forward to meeting you there.
(OOC: I'm just saying he'll arrive at the start of next turn, unless Krennel has any objections. Meeting is then?)

The Union of Lunar Engineers (Esp ++++)

Mr. Orolov,

I was sorry to see that you have yet to get back to me regarding the training of your men. Was the price acceptable? As for the other part, my ships are already en route to Luna to provide defense and overwatch. There is no charge for that, as long as you provide fuel and upkeep.

Major John Kelly

Mechanics (Esp ++++)

Very good! Consider your shipping safe. Now, when my I take possession of the MSS Bolt? Is there any way you could deliver it to me on Ceres? That's where I'll be for the foreseeable future.

The Cerean Commonwealth (Esp ++++)

Just so you know, I'll be visiting Ceres personally in just a few days (I.E. at the start of this turn.) If you'd like to meet and discuss anything face to face, I'd be more than happy to oblige.

Major John Kelly

P.S. Also, the Mechanics may be delivering me the MMS Bolt at Ceres. Is that a problem?

2011-06-18, 01:17 PM

That is sufficient, yes

2011-06-18, 04:19 PM
The Collective Mind (esp ++++)

The Free Republic of Titan

OOC: Okay, so these new definitions of supply make this deal seem slightly unfair. Which is to say, supply traded is gone and tech is just traded for a turn. That said, Supply is much more easily generated than any other stat, from my understanding. So it's not very unfair, but just a little.

So what I'm suggesting to amend this deal is instead of just + of tech this turn, I give you +- of tech this turn. Let me know if you think it should be more. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't ripping you off, based on everyone being a bit iffy on the rules.

2011-06-18, 09:17 PM

To the Warhawks
Yes the MMS Bolt can meet you at Ceres. However just to be clear this is essentially a long term rental not a transfer of ownership. The Bolt will carry out your orders and act as a carrier for your troops and ships, but a contingent of mechanics will remain on board to service it. And in the event that this contract ends the MMS Bolt will return to Mechanic space.

2011-06-18, 09:30 PM
Warhawks Inc.


It seems that I have completely misunderstood what you were offering here. Essentially, you're "allowing" me the use of one of your ships to protect your shipping, in exchange for...not much of anything really. I'm sorry, but I'm not really seeing the profit in this if that's the case. Unless you have something else you're willing to offer, I'm going to have to refuse this contract. Giving me the means to accomplish what you want is not the same thing as payment.

Major John Kelly

2011-06-19, 12:10 AM
The Free Republic of Titan

With our increasing population, we've come to realize that we may need to manage our supplies stock more efficiently. We're currently trying to determine how much excess supplies we will have, but we cannot commit to trading our supplies as of now. We will be in touch.
OOC: With EOT being tonight and this new realization about how Supplies work, I don't know if I'm able to trade away my supplies yet. We can talk about negotiating a contract next turn, but I can't agree to it this turn.
The Collective Mind
With our increasing population, we've come to realize that we may need to manage our supplies stock more efficiently. We're currently trying to determine how much excess supplies we will have, but we cannot commit to trading our supplies as of now. We will be in touch.
OOC: With EOT being tonight and this new realization about how Supplies work, I don't know if I'm able to trade away my supplies yet. We can talk about trading next turn, but I can't agree to it this turn.

2011-06-19, 12:16 AM
The Collective Mind

The Free Republic of Titan

OOC: Christ, we have - of supplies and were sort of *really* counting on that. If you could send even - more of supplies, that would be *super* useful. I'll be checking this thread for a few more hours, if you do decide to do that.

2011-06-19, 12:19 AM
The Collective Mind
I'm here and haven't written my EOT yet. I understand that you're in dire need. Temporary tech for a depleted + of supply does not really interest Titan. I do understand that Tech is harder to replace than supplies though. What about + supplies for - permanent tech?

2011-06-19, 12:30 AM
The Collective Mind

The Free Republic of Titan

OOC: This is impossible because of the nature of our society - anyone in The Collective Mind can work on an outside project, but they cannot leave The Collective Mind - it's just not possible.

However, based on the OOC thread, it seems to me that one turn of + of most other resources could be converted to - of supplies (his example is + econ creates - supplies in a single turn).

As such, assuming + tech is approximately equal in value to + econ, it seems fair to offer one turn + tech for one turn - supplies. Does this seem fair to you? (alternately + tech for + econ on a one turn basis would work just fine from what I understand).

2011-06-19, 12:38 AM
The Free Republic of Titan

The Collective Mind
That's fine, I suppose. + temp tech for - supplies.

2011-06-19, 12:47 AM
To the Warhawks
I am not offering you a ship in order you for you to use that ship to protect my shipping. I'm offering you a ship to do have it do whatever you want, and in exchange you would station troops on my other ships.

Here's the thing though ships are quite literally the most limited resource in the game right now. Everyone might be focusing on supply, but we can make more supply. The number of ships on the other hand is essentially fixed because while we might eventually be able to build more, right now it's not possible. So if I trade a ship permanently then what I get in return better be permanent as well. And a military defense contract might be really long term, but unless you actually trade me that mil it's not permanent.

What I am offering is to essentially give you the ship, but if the contract ever ends I get the ship back. And if that isn't acceptable then I'll negotiate something else after I get my EoT back.

2011-06-19, 01:14 AM
Warhawks Inc.


(OOC: Did you switch to out of character talking in the second paragraph? Because it sounded like it. Also, sorry if this is a bit disjointed, it's late and I'm tired.)

What you seem to be forgetting, Cogmaster Fleen, is that I'm not looking for any kind of equal exchange. I'm a business. I'm looking for a profit. You guys wouldn't repair a ship at the cost of the parts, and I won't defend your shipping just because you gave me the means to do so.

You also seem to be forgetting that the main threat to your shipping will NOT be deterred by soldiers on your ships. They will cripple your ships, vent the hulls, and then take your cargo. What you need is ships patrolling the routes and escorting your convoys. Which would mean that I would need a carrier (aka the MMS Bolt) to do. As it is, I come out with nothing, except the potential to have my men sell their lives for you. And that is not acceptable. Either find something to pay me with or look elsewhere.

Major John Kelly

2011-06-19, 01:28 AM
The Collective Mind

The Free Republic of Titan

"That sounds perfect!"

OOC: Sorry for the super short message, just wanted to not leave you hanging.

2011-06-19, 02:06 AM
The Cerean Commonwealth:


There should be no problems with that course of action. We look forwards to your visit.

OOC: Since the turn is apparently going to end very soon, I'll have to send you those Supplies at EoT. Sorry for the delay, but Luna never really got back to me on a few things.

The Collective Mind:

I'm still not sure how effectively we can actually generate supplies, but at this time I'd still be willing to offer you - supplies this turn for - technology. If I wind up generating enough Supplies to bring me back up above ++++, then supplied may turn out to be a bit easier to make than the other stats and I'll send you - more. Would this be agreeable to you?

2011-06-20, 03:39 PM
Warhawks Inc.

Rat Pack (Esp +++++)

Nice to hear you're feeling so secure, sometimes I worry for you guys.

And taking out the Yellow Bellies... I'm not gonna lie, that's something I'd love to do. Would make my other contracts easier in the long run. However, in the short term, that would require a significant commitment of forces, and to be honest, won't come cheaply. Before I decide, I've gotta hear what you're offering for the service.

To Warhawks Inc.

We'd be willing to negotiate price at your leisure, we are willing to cover the costs of operation plus a small bonus to be determined later at our earliest convenience.

Rat Pack
Scavenegers need their soldiers, do they not? If you have interest in soldiers and the Warhawks have turned you down, we hope to be considered as another option.

Commander Putin

To Whomever You Are...

I'm sorry commander but we have no interest in working with you at this time.

The Mechanics

To the Ratpack
What kind of improvements are you interested in? And will you be transporting the ships to our main shipyards yourselves or instead require the use of one of our mobile shipyards.

The Mechanics

We would appreciate the use of a mobile shipyard, however we can send some ships to your main yards if nescasary. We require ships that can navigate the environment that is now Earth. We need to penetrate the Razor Dust clouds and retrieve remaining supplies down there.

The Cerean Commonwealth:

The Rat Pack:

We don't have any specific operations planned at the current time, though we'll certainly keep you in mind for any operation which would require skilled salvage teams. In the meantime, if you have any salvage you want to sell on the Cerean market, we've already planned a trip to Luna and the Warhawks HQ, so it wouldn't be an issue to pick up a few of your people on the way back.

The Cerean Commonwealth

We aren't currently looking to sell, we'll be waiting for your call though.

The Collective Mind (esp ++++)

The Rat Pack (esp +++++)

Absolutely we are interested, but what sort of an agreement are you suggesting? We are not capable of providing military support, but we could share other resources or technology, in exchange for some of yours. Or, if you're referring to an alliance of sorts, we're interested in that too.

The Collective Mind

We'd like to foster a close alliance with you. You're technological achievements and your sense of community are attractive to our members. They wish to work with someone like you, someone that exudes goodwill.

((Sorry I've been kinda AWOL))

2011-06-22, 12:45 AM
Turn Two Start
NEO: The Treliar Pulls out to the outer systems.
There is increased activity from Adventurers going earth side. All Near Earth Orbit groups gain - Econ.

Mars: The FDE rearranges it's fleets. A Band started by the soldiers there seems to be gaining interstellar popularity. The Mars area gains - Morale.

Kuiper Belt: The Meteor is soon forgotten.
However, the slaughter at Ganymede is not. One day everything seemed normal, and then Yellow Bellies came pouring out of the kingdom. They ransacked the cities and left no one alive. As a final insult they replace the Kingdoms flag with their own.
The Treliar, which had been going for trade, barely escapes ahead of the waves of pirates, who seem to take no interest in the ship. The slaughter is only discovered months later, as an escape pod with a dead man clutching a desperate message for help arrives in each neighbors space. It seems the miners who depended on the Kingdom are now in jeopardy of dying.

2011-06-28, 02:38 PM
To the Serene Republic of Triton and GM
OOC: Would basing rights actually mean anything in terms of supplies? Because if it won't actually have a game effect I'd rather not give a ship away for it.

To The Mechanics and GM
I'm not sure if the GM is waiting on me to respond to this first for my input, and since it's been quiet, I'll just do so. I wasn't sure if it would have an in-game effect as I thought of it originally, which was primarily RP (that is, the nominal loss of a small ship that costs you nothing as far as stats). If it does cost supply, then I can't, because as far as the stats handed down are, I literally have no supply to give.

2011-06-28, 11:40 PM
To The Mechanics and GM
I'm not sure if the GM is waiting on me to respond to this first for my input, and since it's been quiet, I'll just do so. I wasn't sure if it would have an in-game effect as I thought of it originally, which was primarily RP (that is, the nominal loss of a small ship that costs you nothing as far as stats). If it does cost supply, then I can't, because as far as the stats handed down are, I literally have no supply to give.

I missed this. No, it won't cost supply.