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2011-06-12, 11:29 AM
Driven from your homes by the onslaught of monsters, you have reached the city of Halmaren. The city is close to a swamp, in which lives a large tribe of lizardmen. Halmaren often traded with this tribe, but recently, anyone they send is never heard from again. There are wild rumors about a large green lizard of some kind flying over the swamp, but these rumors are unconfirmed.
You have been summoned to the city square, where the Lord is about to make an important announcement.

You have been living in the city for a few days. Please post what your character has bee doing in that time, the we'll move on to the plot.

2011-06-12, 12:49 PM
What a wonderous new tone the swampland has, thought Melhved to herself. The more she traveled, the many different variations she found to the earth spirits' voice. Even the towns' had their own quieter melody. She wandered through each new place she visited listening for the discordent tone she had heard before her village had fallen. It rose and faded on different roads but had seemed to lead her here to Halmaren. She had wandered the streets and outskirts for several days now but could not get a clear direction. Perhaps it's time I spoke to a resident, she reluctantly decided. Other races did not intimidate her. All life was part of the Great Wheel. It was society, the unwritten rules, the formalities, that uneased her. She could brave any challenge of the natural world, but civilized world didn't play fair. She decided to approach the butcher. He had seemed an easy-going, jovial fellow who had smiled at her as she walked by yesterday. But as she went to approach him, a clarion call went up, and she found the town's people walking to the town center. Mel quickly changed her path and followed the crowd.

snake obsidian
2011-06-12, 01:39 PM
Zzzzzz... Attack! Where? Huh?

And this marks the beginning of a new day for Willian in Helmaren, suddenly waking up from the mountainload of books about the history of the city, the creatures of the swamp, the trade that came from it, and more. Ever since the trade wagons dumped him here and stalled behind the city walls, effectively leaving him stranded until the roads were safe to travel once again, all he has done is read. There was not much to do inside this city. That is, until the bells started calling for a meeting.

Yaaawn... The town center? We have to go?

2011-06-12, 02:39 PM
Bugbear had managed to find work with a supply caravan, loading and unloading wagons, as well as providing a bit of security on the road. Their last stop was here in Halmaren a few days ago.

Since arriving, the caravan leader has been frustrated in his attempts to book another shipment. With the lack of trade with the swamp tribes, Halmaren doesn't have much to offer these days. In the meantime, Bugbear has been looking for work around town, but his luck hasn't been any better.

With the few coins he has managed to scrounge up arm-wrestling locals at the tavern, Bugbear did enjoy a decent meal and a few (too many) pints of ale last night. Groggily waking up on a too-small cot in a dusty room above the bar, he holds his throbbing head in his hands. Just then, the town crier walks past announcing the gathering in city square.

"Ugh, what in-Kord's-name time is it?"

Momentarily considering strangling the crier just to stop the noise, Bugbear instead pulled on his pants, pulled the larger chunks of sawdust out of his sideburns, and headed to the square. "Might be work, I guess. But if that little weasel is still ringing his bell by the time I get there..."

2011-06-13, 07:06 PM
Shaderage has had no success in scavenging information about the strange beats over the past few days.He did,however,get some good pay for monster-slaying.

He sighed.The Lord had just summoned him while he was sharpening his blades.Guess it would have to wait.

He cautiously approached.

2011-06-14, 09:46 PM
In the few short days Krivesh had been in the city, his efforts to uncover any information on the origin of this "giant flying lizard" have been fruitless, but not for lack of trying. He was interrupted from his morning's song to Gahzak, the dragon-god of his people's faith, by the clamour coming from the square. He confidently marched over to see what all the ruckus was about.

2011-06-15, 12:14 PM
The mayor steps up to the podium, and clears his throat. He the begins to speak, his voice magically amplified."Thank you all for coming. I know you have heard rumors that a dragon has taken over the lizardmen tribe, and that is why our traders never return. Well, I am here to put these rumors to rest." Here the mayor pauses. "The rumors are true." Ignoring the outcry from the crowd, he presses on. "At least we think so. I need a group of brave heroes to investigate what happened in the swamp, and to see if a dragon really is there. The heroes must also investigate if what has happened is related to the monster uprisings. If you wish to investigate, speak now. Your payment will be the entire town's gratitude, and any treasure you find in the swamp. I would offer more, but we have little money due to the lack of trade. Who will take up this challenge?"

2011-06-15, 12:43 PM
Eyes instantly going wide with the long-missed excitement of pleasing a crowd, Bugbear leaps on top of a nearby cart and, in his best centre-ring performer voice:

"Fear not my small friends, for BUGBEAR BOULDER, greatest grappler in the Realms, is here to save you!"

With one arm pointed to the far horizon and the other bent in a flexed curl, Bugbear poses dramatically as he pauses to let the crowd cheer.


*chirp* *chirp*


2011-06-15, 02:49 PM
"That could very well be akin to my village's demise," she thinks. As she steps forward to privately speak to the mayor, a large, loud human stands upon a cart and screams his intentions to the crowd who are silent in respect of his decision."I will never learn all of their customs if I live to be one hundred." She steps up on a nearby barrel.

"I, too, will give you..uh..reasons to not fear. Uh, Melhved will also..uh..save you...too."

She raises her arms up in the air to receive their silent praise.


snake obsidian
2011-06-15, 06:48 PM
"A dragon!?" Wilian thought. If such rumors were indeed spoken, I`m sure Master would come to investigate, if just to try his luck into some of the creature`s hoard. Very well, I must..."

"Fear not my small friends, for BUGBEAR BOULDER, greatest grappler in the Realms, is here to save you!"

"I, too, will give you..uh..reasons to not fear. Uh, Melhved will also..uh..save you...too."

Oh god, they are taking all the places already! I`ll be left out! What do I do!? What do I do!?

Willian hurriedly mumbled a spell by pure instinct, before thinking about the consecuences of summoning arcane forces in a crowd. Fortunately, his staff was pointing to the skies.

BOOM! Ah... Ah... Wilian Fiedlerson, mage of, ah, um... High Explosions, shall take your challenge too!

http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/6995/avatargianp1.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/14/avatargianp1.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

2011-06-15, 07:43 PM
A green dragon? Sounds like a challenge worthy of a true hero! the rugged looking dragonborn thought.

Krivesh strode up to the 3 warriors, if they could be called such, who had already volunteered themselves.

"I, Krivesh Spellsinger, Priest of the glorious dragon-god Gahzak, will slay the green abomination! Tremble before me, evildoers!"

He raised his scythe and spat a gout of lightning towards the sky.

2011-06-16, 02:27 PM
Bugbear almost falls off the cart when explosions and lightning erupt around him. He's been a little jumpy around pyrotechnics ever since a flashpot went off in his face during a poorly-timed ring entrance.

"Wow... nice intros." he thinks to himself.

2011-06-19, 03:19 PM
The Mayor appeared to be startled by the flashy introductions, but quickly recovered. "Thank you, brave heroes! When can you leave to the swamp?"

2011-06-19, 03:52 PM
Mel quickly tapped her backpack and scabbard to make sure they were secure. She had just returned from patrolling the outskirts so every thing she owned was slung on her back or at her waist.

"Ah, ready."

snake obsidian
2011-06-19, 04:13 PM
Wilian jumped a little too when lightning flashed on his side. For a second, he thought his staff had reacted on his own on the spell he casted, frying the poor fella nearest to him, but then he realized the dragonborn was a magic user too.


Wilian climbed up to the cart too, (on a safe, stable position) and after hearing the Mayor recognize them as heroes, he spoke:

"If no one on the group has urgent matters to attend, we could start tomorrow morning, or even earlier, after reuniting enough supplies for the road, and getting to know each other, I think."

2011-06-20, 11:48 AM
Steadying himself on the cart, Bugbear quickly recovers his composure and gets right back into character:

"You heard the Mayor everybody! Tomorrow morn*ahem*, midday: <pointing at each adventurer in turn> "Lightning Lizard" and... um... "Billy Boomstick"... and... "The... Gorgeous Goliath" will join me, BUGBEAR BOULDER, as we battle the unknown terrors of the swamp!"

"Snakes! Alligators! Bullywugs! Lizardmen! Maybe even a Dragon! The greatest battle Halmaren has ever seen! Who will survive!? Who will be victorious?! Who... will buy me a drink at the Mayor's celebration feast tonight?!"

Bluff check to see if anyone actually believes that the Mayor is throwing us a celebration feast tonight: [roll0]

And with that, Bugbear leaps off the cart, triumphantly marching towards the tavern, waving, smiling, shaking hands and patting backs as he struts by. He has fully convinced himself that the stunned silence of the townspeople is reverent awe at his presence.

snake obsidian
2011-06-20, 01:27 PM
"Billy... Boomstick?"


2011-06-20, 03:22 PM
The people mutter and whisper to each other. Soon you can hear them chanting "A FEAST! A FEAST! A FEAST!" The mayor tries to shout over the crowd, saying that there is no feast, but he soon gives up. He sighs then says "A feast! Of course! I shall hold a feast at the Soaring Hippogriff in two hours time!" He then runs off to the tavern to get the feast ready.

2011-06-20, 06:38 PM
"Gorgeous? Perhaps this man should invest in a helmet of some type," she thought, confused on the outside but slightly flattered on the inside. She dismounted the barrel and fell in line with the walking throngs. I hope this won't take too long. These social affairs can be so trying."

snake obsidian
2011-06-20, 07:45 PM
"So... I guess that means we won`t be moving any time soon? At least gathering supplies will be easier now, I think."Wilian thought out loud, and jumped out off the cart. He approached the colossus warrior while following the rest of the crowd to "The Soaring Hippogriff", and the feast.

"This is something new. Usually, the feasts and parties were after the adventure, not the other way around. I don`t think we`ve met before. I`m Willian Fiedlerson. We`ll be watching each other`s backs the moment we step on that swamp." He said, extending his hand up to a soon-to-be-partner.

2011-06-20, 11:51 PM
"Lightning lizard indeed." thought Krivesh as he joined in the merry procession, his scythe safely resecured on his back.

2011-06-22, 01:32 PM
Drinking in the excitement of a crowd for the first time in months, Bugbear marches along blissfully, huge grin on his face. It takes him a moment to realize that the young man trying to get his attention is the same one that spoke up back at the square.


Bugbear ignores the proffered hand, instead throwing a big meaty arm around Wilian's shoulders, half-dragging the poor Wizard along with him towards the tavern.

"Great entrance back there kid, my ear is still ringing! Of course it does that every once in a while ever since they had me wrestle a Yeti up in one of the logging camps in the North. I had that thing in my infamous Rack of Doom hold (I'll show it to you some time) when it let loose a howl right by my ear. Couldn't hear for a week! You're kinda small for a fighter, ain't ya? But I know better than to judge a man by his size. My old wrestling coach, Master Stoneskull, was a Dwarf Monk, and he would toss me across the ring like last week's laundry! And my manager, Dragon Don (rest his soul), was about your size (a little taller), and MAN, did he know how to put on a show! This one time, we were performing down by the docks in some harbour town..."

Bugbear's off in his own world, and nothing short of a maul to the forehead is likely to snap him out of it.

snake obsidian
2011-06-22, 02:30 PM
"Yeah, thanks. By the way, my name is WiliARGH..."

Before the mage could finish that sentence, he was choked by the wrestler`s arm and dragged along. He tried to free himself from such hold, but it became evident that unless something could grant him as much strenght as the fighter, his attempts would not move the man`s arm an inch. Without enough air to ask for help, he tried to grab the goliath girl...

2011-06-22, 02:47 PM
Mel trudges along, making her 7 foot frame as inconspicuous as possible. She notices the butcher she had been thinking about speaking to walking alone not far away. Steeling herself, she strides closer.
"Hello, um..Garnst, is it? Uh..hi, I'm going to be... uh...you may have seen me...volunteer....uh..we're going to...um...there's a dragon...and lizardmen....um... so what's been happening?" she uncomfortably stammers.


However, she does not get hear his response as she feels a slapping on her elbow. Looking around she sees a blue-faced man in the loud man's clutches. He seems to be in a bit of distress. Mel gives a slight tug on the loud man's cape and says,

"Should he be that color?"

The loud man continues yammering on about throwing his laundry. She tries to move his arm to give the blue man some relief but it feels like corded steel. "Well, I can try mother's maneuver," she thinks reluctantly. She grabs the loud man's arm in a firm grip, takes a moment to build her strength, and fiercely growls,


2011-06-22, 10:37 PM
Nothing like a compliment from a lady to get a man's attention. Finally noticing the not-insubstantial grip on his arm, Bugbear turns his head:

"Well thank you my dear, I've always SWEET MELORA YOU'RE HUGE!!"

Letting go of Wilian, Bugbear tries to recover his composure.

"uhh, err, I, um, that is, not huge, like, uh, you're obviously very, um, fit and, uh, large NO tall! I mean tall and, ah, healthy!"

Stumbling backwards both verbally and physically, Bugbear slips in a puddle of muck (he hopes) and falls backwards into Krivesh, knocking both of them down into the mud.

2011-06-23, 03:05 PM
Krivesh chuckles under his breath at the antics of the human ahead of him, and starts to try to join in when the beefy human falls backwards into him. Krivesh stumbles backwards and falls into a shallow puddle.

snake obsidian
2011-06-23, 10:06 PM
Wilian coughed, wheezed, and gasped for air when Bugbear released him. He stumbled to Melhved`s side while the brawler and the dragonborn fell to the mud.

"I thought I was going to die..." Wilian said, still coughing, extending his hand to the goliath. Lady, you have my thanks. It might not mean much, but... Ouch, he tripped over the dragon guy, that`s got to hurt. A... Are you two alright?

2011-06-24, 02:25 PM
Trying to regain his composure and some measure of dignity in front of his new companions, Bugbear gets to his feet and lifts Krivesh out of the puddle.

" *phew* Sorry friend, I... Oh! Lightning, it's you! Sorry about the mess, please don't zap me. Heh."

Turning to Melhved, "And apologies to you as well madam, I've, um, never met a Goliath before. I'm used to being the biggest one around!"

Bluff check, if you feel like using it: [roll0]

It's a lie; early in his wrestling career Bugbear faced two Goliath women warriors in a tag-team all-challengers event. By the end of the match Bugbear and his partner had been stripped naked, spanked, and swaddled like infants.
"Well friends, shall we head to the tavern? (Stand up straight Billy, heroes don't slouch.) These people look sorely in need of distraction. Maybe we could put on a bit of an exhibition tonight? You know, get them excited for the big show. Feats of strength, demonstrations, I do this one trick people love where I lift a barmaid up on each arm. Hey, can anyone juggle?"

snake obsidian
2011-06-25, 02:46 PM
"I told you, my name is... Oh, forget it."

Wilian rubbed the tip of his staff and stood straight muttering a quick cantrip under his breath.

"Here, stand still. You can`t go to a feast all dirty"

Cast Prestidigitation on Bugbear and Krivesh to clean them from the water and mud. Arcana Check, if needed:1d20+11

2011-06-25, 04:20 PM
Mel smiles at the antics of the men. Mother was right. They seem to be boys in the playground." She scans the crowd once again looking for Garnst the butcher. He walks in a group slowly making their way towards The Soaring Hippogriff. She siddles up as subtly as rolling boulder as says,

"I'm sorry, you were saying?"

Diplomacy, if you want a new one: [roll0]

2011-06-26, 07:56 AM
Wilian's spell quickly clears all the mud and water off of Bugbear and Krivesh.

Garnst turns around, and when he spots Melhved, he grasps her hands firmly and tries to shake them. Whether or not he succeeds is up to Melhved.
"Hello! Thank you so much for agreeing to save our town! I normally trade meat with the lizardmen, but ever since that dragon took root, they haven't been trading!" He then leans in closer to Melhved, and whispers, "I also have a favor to ask you. My adopted son ran into the swamp, saying that he would 'challenge the dragon for glory.' Could you please try to find him? I love him dearly, even if he sometimes does things like this."

2011-06-26, 09:28 AM
Caught off guard by the man's grasp, her hands don't move very much, but she recovers and gives him what she hopes is a reassuring smile.

"Of course, sh..sh...sure..of course. We'll do everything we can to uh..save your son. What can you tell me about him? What do you know about the lizardmen? Where are they located? How did this all start?"

Melhved's awkwardness and fumbling dissolve as she focuses on the task at hand.

Diplomacy, if necessary:[roll0]

2011-06-26, 01:33 PM
"He's a Half-Elf. I found him outside my door one day, and I took him in. I don't really know much about the lizardmen. They always just sent one representative to trade. The lizardmen are al located in the swamp. I don't know how this started. I'm sorry I can't be more help."

2011-06-26, 08:02 PM
"We shall do everything in our power to return him safely. Why was he going out into the swamps? How can we recognize him?"

Mel concern for wandering children is readily apparent.

2011-06-26, 08:15 PM
"Like I said, he went into the swamp 'for glory'. He's always doing things like this, but it normally isn't this bad. Just going into the swamp to kill a few alligators, mostly." as for recognizing him, it shouldn't be too hard. He has light blond hair, emerald green eyes, and was wearing a suit of enchanted chainmail that was a family relic. He also had an enchanted rapier and a magical bandore, both family relics."

snake obsidian
2011-06-27, 04:10 PM
After acting as a laundry for two fellow adventurers, Wilian felt an empty feeling on his stomach. He had just noticed how hungry he was, and was about to hurry the rest of the party into the tavern, but then he realized Melhved talking to the butcher with such a serious face, and overheard their conversation.

A lost kid? On the swamp? That`s no good! Wait, Alligators? He goes to the swamp to kill alligators? Huh?

2011-06-27, 04:15 PM
Passive Perception of 13 if needed to determine whether Bugbear overhears Melhved's conversation with the butcher. Passive because he's not actively trying to listen in, just in case something catches his attention.
Looking down at his newly spotless pants: "Wow, thanks! That's the cleanest these have been in... well... ever!"

Clapping a big hand down on Wilian and Krivesh's shoulders (and glancing a bit sheepishly at Melhved), Bugbear flashes his most winning grin and marches off towards the Soaring Hippogriff.

2011-06-29, 09:56 PM
"A musician? We will certainly keep our ..uh..ears out for him. Do not fear we shall return him safely."

She continues with the crowd until they come to the Soaring Hippogriff, where she tries to stay against the darkest wall she can and ride out the night's festivities. Above the din of the revelers she tries to hear the Voices of Life."Slight disharmony. I hope we're on the right track," she sighs.

2011-07-01, 03:59 PM
Bugbear overhears Mel Melhved and the butcher's conversation.

The Soaring Hippogriff is very packed. You really have to push to get anywhere, and if you aren't careful, you can easily get knocked down. When you get there, the food is just being laid down.

snake obsidian
2011-07-01, 08:54 PM
Wilian squeezed his way on to the table, just in time to see the barmaids start laying food on the table. A lot of food on the table. His mouth was watering. He could not wait to dig in, but first, there was something else to do. Taking a quick look at the attendants, he took a loaf of bread, and just as his master had done once, he started slowly stripping the table, bit by bit, of every edible item that could endure a large trip, signaling every other willing adventure member to do so too.
If needed:
Insight roll: To look out for any over-attentive barmaid or patron or what else. [roll0]
Thievery roll: For a succesful supply gathering. [roll1]
Stealth roll: To tell the others to gather too, without alerting half the town. [roll2]

2011-07-01, 09:04 PM
As Siloam starts gathering food, a barmaid tell him to stop and that they will supply him with food for his journey.

As you begin to eat, you notice the the food is a bit undercooked, but stil very good.

snake obsidian
2011-07-01, 09:15 PM
Having been caught red handed, Wilian had no other choice than to stop and smile nervously at the lady.

"Ah... Eh... Oh, really? That`s a relief! Thank you!"

And then, Wilian attended to his stomach and tried no more tricks for the rest of the feast.

2011-07-01, 09:52 PM
Bugbear ducks through the door and throws both hands up in the air, loudly announcing "WE'RE HERE!! LET THE FEAST BEGIN!"

Muscling his way into a seat at the largest and loudest table he sees, Bugbear grabs a massive handful of meat and shoves it in his mouth, washing it down with a huge slug of mead straight from a pitcher. He pauses for a second when Wilian catches his eye, trying to signal him something. Bugbear thinks he understands, but soon Wilian has a short conversation with a barmaid and then waves Bugbear off, looking a bit embarrassed.

Shrugging, Bugbear takes the turkey leg out of his pants and puts it back on his plate.

2011-07-03, 09:50 AM
Mel politely nibbles on some of the proffered treats while watching the shinanigans of her teammates. She notices the late appearance of their fourth member. "Perhaps he's doing some investigation for our challenge," she thinks."In fact, I'll try some myself." Pushing herself through the crowd as delicately as possible, she finds the hurried and harried mayor to question him for more information.

Diplomacy, if needed: (1d20+1)[10]
Just asking for the basics: which direction, how far, best route
Passive Insight: 15

2011-07-03, 03:11 PM
The mayor, who seems very rushed, tells you that the swamp is about 5 miles due east. You should just go straight and you'll arrive there in a few hours.

2011-07-06, 08:45 AM
Very eager to get under way, Melhved decides to call it a night and retires for the night in order to be well rested for the next day's adventure.

2011-07-06, 10:17 AM
Thoroughly immersed in being the center of attention once again, Bugbear eats, drinks, and celebrates late into the night. He tells stories of his past performances (wonderfully exaggerated), shows off his impressive strength (doing push-ups, arm wrestling, lifting tables and barmaids), flirts and jokes and generally parties like a Minotaur Bard. With a hint of dawn creeping through the shutters, Bugbear eventually falls asleep on top of one of the long wooden tables, empty tankard resting on his swollen belly, snoring like an undead Goristro.

Some rolls if you want to use them.

Bluff to see if anyone believes Bugbear's stories, or just thinks he's a blow-hard: [roll0]
Diplomacy to see if the crowd enjoyed his antics or if his behaviour was obnoxious and annoying: [roll1]
Athletics to see if he was able to perform his show-off tricks or if he made a fool of himself: [roll2]
Endurance to see if he was able to handle his drink as the night went on: [roll3]
Endurance to see just how hungover he is in the morning: [roll4]

2011-07-06, 02:35 PM
Most people believed Bugbear, with a few nay-sayers who were quickly hushed. He was able to perform all his tricks, and people loved them. He handled his drink, and woke up with a moderate hangover.

snake obsidian
2011-07-07, 10:03 AM
Wilian enjoyed very much his meal, he ate turkey, took more than one sips of mead, clapped and laughed and awed at Bugbear`s performance. After the feast had finished long ago, he stayed awake to listen once more to those old songs of past kingdoms and heroes gone so many years ago, sitting around the carbonized remains of a campfire, one pint of ale in a hand and another around his staff, waving it along with the song, looking the first rays of the sun light this land and finally laying down to sleep, too tired to even care where.

2011-07-09, 09:34 AM
As the sun rises, Mel greets it with a short ceremony honoring Melora, asking for nature's course to be taken on their adventure that they may restore balance. Downstairs, she has a quick meal, settles her inn tab, and steps out to the main square to await the arrival of her companions. "First to arrive, I see. I hope the others make haste. A day's adventure awaits."

snake obsidian
2011-07-11, 08:06 PM
Ah, the sunrise... Truly a marvelous view. Except for someone who spent the night outdoors with no protection from the cold and had just fallen asleep on the tavern`s tables. Wilian recieved the full light of the newborn sun right on the eyes when he woke up amongst lots of dirty dishes and remains of food.

"Uuh... Feel... Sick..."

He stood up from the table, not ready at all for the morning, and cleared the grease and bread crumbles from the table and plates where he had slept with a tap of his staff before stepping out of the bar, meeting Melhved, who looked far more able to take the day`s challenges than he.

"Hey, nice to see someone up and ready for the journey."He told to the goliath.

2011-07-20, 11:26 AM
The sounds of the town rising to their morning activities finally rouses Bugbear from his slumber. Forgetting where he is, Bugbear rolls over and off the edge of the table, landing on the ground with a thud that rattles the shelves on the tavern wall.

Bugbear springs to his feet, feeling surprisingly good given the previous night's indulgences. Yawning wide and stretching his back (sounding something like a dead oak tree being crushed by a Giant), Bugbear straightens his belt and strides out into the street. Spotting his two companions, he smiles broadly and waves as he heads towards them.

"Good morning friends! Pardon me a moment."

Bugbear walks to a nearby horse trough and dunks his head into the cold water, shaking it briskly and standing back up, combing his fingers through his prodigious sideburns.

"Ahh, much better. Quite the night, eh? Now that's how you get people excited for a show! The celebration they will throw for us when we return victorious... Stories of our exploits will be told for years! We should make sure to bring some good trophies back with us. Something the people can touch. It makes them feel closer to the action."

Turning his head back and forth, looking down the street, "Now if we can just grab a small meat pie, or at least some fresh bread on our way to the swamp, I think we can get on our way. Of course it would be rude of us to not let the townsfolk give us their best wishes as we begin our journey." Bugbear winks knowingly at Wilian.

(Always looking for an audience...)

2011-07-27, 02:59 PM
Using the information she received from the mayor, Mel leads her companions off into the swamp in search of adventure.

2011-08-02, 10:46 AM
After a few hours of walking, you reach the edge of the swamp. There are two Lizardfolk with spears and shields standing guard just inside the swamp. As they see you approach one of them begins to speak in guttural Common. You can't make out the exact words, but it seems that he is trying to tell you that you are not welcome in the swamp and should leave now.

Those with a passive Perception above [roll0] notice a third Lizardfolk hidden about 30 feet into the jungle.

2011-08-02, 11:15 AM
Completely oblivious to both the hidden Lizardfolk and the intent of the two guards, Bugbear holds up an open hand in greeting as he steps towards the edge of the swamp.

"Have no fear my scaly friends, we're here to help you!"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-08-02, 09:13 PM
The Lizardfolk both turn their spears at Bugbear.

2011-08-02, 10:58 PM
Mel steps forward, weapon not drawn.

"We mean no harm. We seek a lost son and information about a dragon sighting."

Diplomacy - [roll0]

2011-08-03, 08:37 AM
The Lizardfolk do not move. One of them speaks, and it appears he is trying to say you are not welcome on the swamp, on the orders of the Great One.

snake obsidian
2011-08-03, 12:11 PM
"The great one? Is it a title or something?" Wilian said to himself.

To guess who might earn such a title in the land of lizardfolk: Nature[roll0]

2011-08-04, 07:55 PM
Wilian remembers that Lizardfolk don't worship gods, but rather elevate their strongest to take the place of a god, and that sometimes a dragon will usurp that position.

snake obsidian
2011-08-05, 09:15 AM
"We have come to search for a kid! Is your leader as Great as you speak if he canīt let three villagers to do just that?"

Bluff?: [roll0]

2011-08-08, 05:21 PM
"This is not your land any more than the water or air could be. We do not seek to harm you nor threaten your way of life. We seek information and a rescue, not a fight. We will pass in peace."

Mel, sword sheathed, attempts to walk around the lizardmen

2011-08-13, 03:21 PM
The lizardmen block Mel from going past, and the lizardman in the swamp shoots a dart at Mel.

Attack roll: [roll0] 1 damage, and the lizardman makes a secondary attack. [roll1] and Mel takes 5 ongoing poison and is slowed (save ends both). If the primary attack hits, the hidden lizardman is no longer hidden. if it misses, he stays hidden.

2011-08-16, 01:46 PM
The two guards move up to Bugbear and Mel, and attack with their spears.

1| | | | | |D| | | | | | | | | |
2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
4| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | | |G2| | | | | | | |
8| | | | | |G1| |Me| | | | | | | |
9| | | | | |Bu| | | | | | | | | |
10| | | | | | | |Wi| | | | | | | |
11| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
13| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/table]

Attack vs. Mel [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack vs. Bugbear [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2011-08-17, 11:17 AM
"Bad form!" Mel cries as she draws her sword. "It didn't have to be this way, brothers." She guardedly moves between the two lizardmen, draws on the primal forces of the land, and swings her mighty blade in a wide arc. As it whistles through the air, tendrils of primal energy streams from behind it, flowing through the lizardmen and Bugbear as well.

Minor: Draw sword
Move: Shift to G8
Standard: Strongskin Clash attack vs AC (close burst 1)
Attack G1 - [roll0]
Attack G2 - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
If either hits, Bugbear get resist 5 damage until end of my next turn.
Free Action: Mark both lizardguys.

2011-08-17, 11:59 AM
As the lizardman's spear glances off of Bugbear's armour, a huge grin comes across Bugbear's face. "Showtime..." he whispers to himself.

Arms spread wide and fingers flexing in a wrestler's crouch, Bugbear circles around to the side of the Lizardman Guard, until it is trapped between him and Mel. With a conspiratorial wink at Mel, Bugbear drops his guard as he backs a few steps away, curling his fingers and daring the Lizardman to strike at him.

Move: Move to C8

snake obsidian
2011-08-17, 05:00 PM
"W... Whoa!!" Wilian was startled by the lizards suddenly attacking them, but after Bugbear and Mel jumped to action, he pointed his staff at the left guard.

"You want it that way? Donīt let me disappoint you then!"

Standard: Freezing blast to E7: Intelligence VS Reflex [roll0]
Hit:[roll1]Cold damage, and slide it to F6

2011-08-19, 03:16 PM
AoO VS. Bugbear
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-08-19, 03:33 PM
Seeing an opening while the lizadman attacked Bugbear, Mel tries to slip her sword through the offender's defenses.

Immediate Interrupt (before his attack)
Warden's Fury vs G1 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and target grants combat advantage to us until end of my next turn.

Immediate Reaction (after his attack)
Target (G1) is slowed and cannot shift until the end of its turn.

2011-08-19, 03:48 PM
Bugbear suddenly leaps forward, arms spread open, crashing his barrel-like gut into the guard. "Boulder's gonna roll right over ya!"

Standard: Charge to E8; Bull Charge attack versus Guard 1: [roll0] vs. Fortitude, [roll1] damage

If successful:
As the guard reels backwards and bounces off of the Goliath, Bugbear grabs one flailing leg and twists it into the air.

Bull Charge Secondary Attack: [roll2] vs. Fortitude, target is knocked prone.

Bugbear gains 1 Temporary Hit Point.

Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of Guard 1's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.
Overridden by Melhved's Strongskin Clash effect (resist 5) if successful.

Towering above the Lizardman Guard, Bugbear sneers theatrically, staring crooked-eyed down his nose and pointing a meaty finger at the Guard, "You're mine, Lizard!"

(Bugbear marks Guard 1, overriding Mel's.)


2011-08-20, 04:06 PM
Still holding the Lizardman's ankle in one hand, Bugbear steps between the Guard's legs, twisting one over his own thigh and bending it back painfully.

Action Point, Standard Action: Grab against Guard 1: [roll0] vs. Reflex, target is grabbed.

Relevant Features or Feats:
Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Pin Down: Prone, grabbed targets can't stand until they escape the grab.

2011-08-20, 04:54 PM
1| | | | | | | |D| | | | | | | |
2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
4| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | | |G2| | | | | | | |
8| | | | |Bu|G1|Me| | | | | | | | |
9| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10| | | | | | | |Wi| | | | | | | |
11| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
13| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/table]

The guard manages to twist around and stand up, avoiding Bugbear's grab. Both guards attack Bugbear and Mel, and the Darter moves over and shoots at Wil.

Attack VS. Bugbear: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack VS. Mel: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack VS. Wil: [roll4] 1 Damage. If the attack hits, the Darter makes a Secondary attack. [roll5] and Wil takes 5 ongoing poison and is slowed.

2011-08-20, 07:02 PM
Seeing the lizardman slip out of Bugbear's grasp, she lines up an arcing blow with her, ready to sandwich the foe between herself and her associate.

Weight of Earth vs G1 w/CA - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and he is slowed until the end of my next turn

A satisfying crunch tells her that the blow landed. With an entreating to the spirits, primal energy flows into the wounds, making the lizardman's legs feel very heavy. Mel gives the other foe a sideways glance. "I SEE you."

Mark G2 only

2011-08-21, 12:49 PM
The Guard's spear manages to find a gap in Bugbear's armour, but thanks to Melhved's primal evocation his skin is tougher than leather, and he doesn't even notice the blow.

Concerned for his friend, Bugbear shouts: "BILLY!! You OK buddy? Try to stay behind me and Mel, we can give you a bit of cover!"

Turning back to the Guard: "Slippery little bugger, ain't cha? C'mere!"

Bugbear lashes out with an open hand, grasping for the Lizardman's throat with a crushing grip.

Standard Action: Grappling Strike against Guard 1: (with CA) vs. AC, [roll]1d6+6 damage, and the target is grabbed.

Bugbear maintains his mark.

(If successful) Relevant Features and Feats:
Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of Guard 1's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.

2011-08-21, 12:51 PM
ahem... [roll0] damage.

snake obsidian
2011-08-21, 04:54 PM
Wilian felt a pinch on his shoulder, not unlike the one he felt the time his master told him to touch what he would later know to be an insidious variety of poisonous ivy, just because "it tickles. No, really, itīs a very funny feeling, you must experience it for yourself". Fortunately, he was prepared this time.
"Ow! Donīt worry about me, Iīm fine!" He said, walking to his allies while clutching a little amulet on his neck. "You have served my master in the past so many times. Sacred stone, giver of life, donīt let this taint succeed!"

The staff glowed on the wizards hands, and he looked at the lone guard on the eyes.

"What are you afraid of?"

Move:Move to G10
Attack VS G2:Phantasmal Assault: Intelligence VS Will:[roll0] If it hits [roll1] psychic damage, and the target grants combat advantage and can`t make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn.

2011-08-25, 01:36 PM
1| | | | | | | |D| | | | | | | |
2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
4| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | | |G2| | | | | | | |
8| | | | |Bu|G1|Me| | | | | | | | |
9| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10| | | | | | |Wi| | | | | | | | |
11| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
13| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/table]

Guard 1 tries to push it's way out of Bugbear's grasp, while Guard two stabs at Mel. The Darter, seeing his poison fail on both Wil and Mel, shoots a dart at Bugbear.

Attack vs Mel [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack vs Bugbear [roll2] Damage: 1 damage, and the darter makes a secondary attack. [roll3] and Bugbear takes 5 ongoing poison and is slowed (Save ends both)
Guard one attempts to escape from the grab. [roll4] If it succeeds, it stabs at Bugbear. [roll5] Damage: [roll6]

Also, I forgot to mention that Wil's poison is also save ends.

2011-08-26, 10:48 AM
Seeing the advantageous position of the flanked lizardman makes Mel hungry for another bite of lizard sandwich. Calling on the primal spirits, she asks them to help keep her opponent in place.

Weight of Earth vs G1 AC w/CA - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and target is slowed until end of my next turn

Again she turns to the other lizardman. "I'll be with you shortly."
Mark G2 only

2011-08-28, 01:10 PM
Furious at the dart-spitter back in the jungle, Bugbear turns his attention towards it; "You little... You want some Bugbear? OK, I'm coming for ya!"

Tightening his grip around the throat of the Guard, Bugbear storms towards the Lizardman in the jungle, dragging the Guard along with him. As he passes by the other Guard currently focused on Mel, Bugbear flicks his ear, hoping to provoke his anger and make him forget about the Warden looming above."You guys finish this one off, I'll keep these two busy!"

When he reaches the Darter, Bugbear picks up the Guard in one hand and throws him to the ground, "You, STAY DOWN!" To the Darter: "YOU! You want Bugbear? You got Bugbear!!"
Move Action: Forceful Drag: Bugbear moves to G2, passing by Guard 2; Guard 1 is slid to H2, released (no longer Grabbed), and knocked prone.

(As previously, the intention is to get the Guard 2 to take an Attack of Opportunity against Bugbear, thereby drawing the response attack from Mel.)

Standard Action: Grab against Darter: [roll0] vs. Reflex, the target is grabbed.

(If successful) Relevant Features and Feats:
Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of Darter's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.
If successful:
Bugbear grabs a handful of the Darter's armour, then quickly stomps down on the prone Guard's head. "I said STAY DOWN!"
Free Action: Stone Fist Flurry of Blows against Guard 1: 10 damage.

Bugbear marks Darter and Guard 1.

snake obsidian
2011-08-28, 01:59 PM
With the darter and a guard already busy with an angry Bugbear, Wilian moved forward to get a better view of the lizard next to Mel, but then, he realized something.

"Hey! Thatīs the guy that poisoned me!" He said, carefully aiming his staff. "You! Lizard guy! How about getting a dose of your own medicine!"

Saving throw! [roll0]
Move to: E8
Attack: Freezing blast to I2. Intelligence VS Reflex: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]

2011-08-30, 03:52 PM
1| | | | | | |Bu|D| | | | | | | |
2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
4| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | | |G2| | | | | | | |
8| | | | | |Wi|Me| | | | | | | | |
9| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
13| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/table]

When Bugbear steps on the guard's neck, he feels its neck snap. G1 is dead.
Bugbear successfully grabs the darter, which tries to push free. [roll0]. If it does, it will shift to I1, and then move to O1 and shoot at Bugbear. [roll1] Damage: 1 damage, and the darter makes a secondary attack. [roll2] and Bugbear takes 5 ongoing poison and is slowed (Save ends both) It will not attack if it does not get free.

G2 does not take the AoO against Bugbear, but stabs at Mel. [roll3] [roll4]

Wil's attack hits the darter.

2011-08-30, 11:12 PM
The missed blow aimed at her draws her notice. Focusing her attention, at last, upon the second lizardman, Mel decides to give a little and get a little. Channeling the primal power of Melora through her sword, she swings at the reptilian, awaiting Melora's blessing at the strike of the offender...

Standard Action: Healing Strike vs G2 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
and I spend one healing surge.
Free Action: Mark G2

...but, alas, the swing goes wide.

2011-09-01, 03:34 PM
Wincing slightly as he feels the Guard's bones snap beneath his heel, Bugbear recovers quickly and turns to the Darter in his grasp. Tightening his grip on the Darter's collar, Bugbear winds up and swings a massive overhead punch directly onto the top of the Lizardman's skull.

Minor Action: Maintain Grab.
Standard Action: Melee Basic Attack against Darter: [roll0] vs. AC, [roll1] damage.

Darter is marked by Bugbear.

If successful:
Darter is knocked prone (World Serpent's Grasp).

Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resist 3 to all of Darter's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.
Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Pin Down: A prone and grabbed target can not stand until it escapes the grab or is released.

snake obsidian
2011-09-02, 12:35 PM
Wilian moved behind Mel, and shot a single pulse of magic to the only guard that remained, hoping to end this fast.

Move to F7, and attack G2 with a magic missile. Damage:8

2011-09-02, 02:21 PM
1| | | | | | |Bu|D| | | | | | | |
2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
4| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | |Wi| |G2| | | | | | | |
8| | | | | | |Me| | | | | | | | |
9| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
13| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/table]

The darter tries to struggle free of Bugbear. [roll0] If it does, it will stand up, and then move to N1.

G2 Stabs at Mel again. [roll1] Damage: [roll2]

2011-09-03, 10:44 PM
Again, the lizardman misses. Eager to see an end to this unfortunate conflict, she swings with primal force to weigh her opponent down.

Weight of Earth vs AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and he is slowed until the end of my next turn.

2011-09-03, 10:46 PM
WHAMMO!! The lizardman catches the ful force of Mel's blow.

Critical Damage - [roll0] and slowed until the end of my next turn.

2011-09-04, 10:12 AM
Bugbear continues his relentless assault on the pinned Lizardman.

Minor Action: Maintain Grab.
Standard Action: Melee Basic Attack against Darter: [roll0] (with CA) vs. AC, [roll1] damage.

Darter is marked by Bugbear.

If successful:
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resist 3 to all of Darter's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.

Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Pin Down: A prone and grabbed target can not stand until it escapes the grab or is released.

2011-09-04, 11:38 AM
When Mel connects with the guard, she sends him flying killing him. G2 is dead.

snake obsidian
2011-09-05, 09:50 AM
Wilian launches another magic pulse to a new target: the darter.

Attack: Magic Missile. 8 points of damage.

2011-09-08, 02:22 PM
The Darter slumps, and stops resisting. It appears to have surrendered.

2011-09-08, 04:04 PM
Keeping the Darter pinned under one foot, Bugbear grabs one rough, scraggly muttonchop sideburn in each hand, sticks his tongue out, and howls his signature victory cry:


Suddenly, Bugbear's armour vanishes. He then proceeds through a series of well-practised poses, eyes closed, flexing for an imaginary audience, while quietly humming his old theme song.

"♫ I am a real Fae-rûn-ian..."

Minor Action: Dismiss Summoned Armour

Almost forgot:

2011-09-09, 11:02 AM

snake obsidian
2011-09-10, 10:38 AM
Wilian sighed and slapped his hand on his cheek.

"Dear Gods, Bug... Bugbear... Not on top of the lizardman..."

He walked to the poor guy crushed behind Bugbearīs weight and crouched to get as closer as eye-level he could with him.

"Hey, just to let you know, I donīt hate you guys. You and Helmaren cooperated with each other and that was alright, but this? If you put so much effort in keeping people out when you welcomed them in before, that must mean there is something in that didnīt use to be. What happened?"

Using a diplomacy roll to get as much information from the Darter as possible: [roll0]

2011-09-10, 10:56 AM
The darter wheezes off something in Draconic.

"Get this idiot off me!"

2011-09-10, 11:24 AM
Bugbear may not speak Draconic, but he does understand the universal language of: "Oh God get off me I can't breathe!"

With a quick gesture Bugbear's armour re-appears on him. He steps off of the Lizardman's back and lifts him off the ground (keeping a solid grip for now), turning the Darter to face Wilian.

Summon Summoned Armour.
Maintain Grab.

2011-09-13, 02:29 PM
The Darter snarls at Wil in Draconic. "The new master says humans are evil! The new master is the strongest of all! The new master is always right!"

Sorry about the late post. I just realized you were waiting on me.

snake obsidian
2011-09-14, 12:25 AM
Wilian stood right there, and blinked.

"Riiiight... I knew I shouldīve put more effort in learning different languages. So, um, any of you just happen to know what he just said? What do we do with him anyways? Tie him up on a tree?"

2011-09-14, 10:17 AM
Bugbear looks at his equally-perplexed team mates, shrugs, and starts shaking the Lizardman like he was trying to empty a sack of grain.

"Speak common!"

2011-09-14, 02:29 PM
"If he won't share with us, we'll tie him and let the wilds free him as they may," Mel says as her adrenaline wears down. "If..uh...that's good...with.. you know....ok?"

2011-09-14, 04:11 PM
The Darter yells something highly unspeakable, and tries to bite Bugbear, although it can't quite reach.

2011-09-14, 05:22 PM
"Hey, cut it out!"

Bugbear thumps the Lizardman on the top of his head.

Melee Basic Attack against Lizardman: [roll0] vs. AC, [roll1] damage (non-lethal).

Maintain Grab.

"Now, enough fooling around. We're looking for a young Half-Elf boy that entered the swamp a few days ago. Have you seen him?"

2011-09-14, 07:08 PM
The darter snarls again, obviously not understanding you.

You get a sense that he doesn't speak Common.

snake obsidian
2011-09-15, 09:22 AM
"Leave him, Bug. He probably doesnīt understand us, and if he did, he would not help us anyway." Wilian said, looking around for a safe place to restrain an angry lizardman. "Look for a tree with high branches or something. That way, he wonīt escape to warn his comrades and we wonīt make him easy prey of any predators attracted by the sound of battle."

Nature roll to find a safe place to hide a restrained enemy: [roll0]

2011-09-15, 04:20 PM
You don't find any high places to restrain the lizardman, as the only foliage is low growing bushes. However you do find a plant famous for grabbing anything near it. You ca't remember why, though.

2011-09-15, 05:02 PM
Bugbear takes the blowgun away from the Darter, snapping it in the Darter's face. He then throws the Lizardman into the grabbing plant, wipes his hands on his armour, and turns back towards his companions.

"Well that was fun! Too bad about those other two... oh well, if you're not ready to dance, don't step on the floor! Right, partners?"

"Guess we may as well see if they've got anything useful on them. Not like they'll be needing it any more."

Search the bodies of the two dead Lizardmen. Perception [roll0] if you want the roll.

2011-09-15, 08:20 PM
When you toss the lizardman into the plant, he begins to scream in pain, and you see some kind of ooze seeping out from the plant.

All you find on the lizardmen are their shields, spears, and some custom-made armor.

2011-09-18, 07:11 PM
Watching the plant take what it needs form the lizardman, Melhved sighs a small thanks to Melora for keeping the circle spinning. She binds what wounds she has, readies her gear and looks to her associates to see if they are ready to proceed.

5 minutes rest to heal. 2 surges to heal up.

snake obsidian
2011-09-19, 10:44 AM
Wilian whispers weary words on wrecked woes while watching wares. He wills whistles walking way west wounds whacked. Whoa! What welcome! Well, werenīt we wishing wonders.

2011-09-19, 05:37 PM
After a few stretches against a nearby tree, Bugbear nods to Melhved, avoiding eye contact with Wilian, who seems momentarily caught in some sort of alliterative seizure.

"Lead the way m'lady! (Since I have no idea which way to go.)"

2011-09-20, 10:06 AM
As Mel is in tune with nature, she easily finds the way and leads her party into the swamp a little.

snake obsidian
2011-09-20, 12:58 PM
"Hm? Oh, sorry. Just thinking a little out loud, thatīs all." Wilian said, noticing Bugbearīs sudden concern. "So, are we settled on a course yet? We are? Excellent!"

2011-09-20, 01:32 PM
As you go into the swamp a way, you hear footsteps coming from the other direction. Before you can halt, you see a groupof three adventurers in front of you!

That narration goes for both groups. The two parties gave now met. Interact as you wish.

2011-09-20, 01:50 PM
Mel steps forward, sword not drawn.

"Greetings. We are seeking......uh....looking for....um...butcher's son...dragon...um..uh..seen anything?

Diplomacy (to guide PC reaction) - [roll0]

2011-09-20, 02:05 PM
A Drow elf steps forward from the other group. She is petite even for a Drow, barely standing above five feet in height, with her heavy cloak pulled close about her shoulders, she doesn't look like she enjoys traipsing about the swamp. The girl carries no visible weapons, though a black and silver holy symbol hangs about her neck.

Upon seeing the other adventurers, she brightens immediately and says in a warm, friendly soprano, "Hello. I wasn't aware the butcher's son was a dragon -- he looked quite humanoid to me." She laughs softly, obviously joking. "It sounds like we're both looking for lost children in these... Vivacious swamps. Perhaps an Adventurer's Alliance is in order? I am Viola Darkbough, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

Diplomacy check [roll0]

2011-09-20, 03:01 PM
Bugbear, still flush with excitement from the recent victory, smiles broadly and throws his arms open wide in greeting.

"More adventurers? Wonderful!! The greater glory for us all! The bigger the card, the better the show, ya know?"

"I am Bugbear Boulder: Greatest Grappler in the Realms; four-time Warrior Wrestlers of Faerun World Champion, protégé of Master Stoneskull, the famous dwarven monk and wrestling coach, and the only man to ever lift Ferdinand the Fierce Fomorian off his feet and throw him out of the ring!"

2011-09-20, 04:08 PM
"Oh, my..." Viola responds, seeing how flush the warrior is makes her lick her lips. She continues to look at his neck, a little distractedly, but continues, "ahem, yes. Yes, the more the merrier, especially with such uncouth saurians about."

2011-09-20, 04:25 PM
"Great. Just what I need. Another idiot to look after."

snake obsidian
2011-09-20, 11:52 PM
Wilian immediatly stood himself upright at the new arrivals, a drow, a human and a half-orc. "My name is Wilian Fieldlerson, former apprentice of the great Knight Mage Iangold, currently lost. It would be an honor to share adventure with such a beauty from the far lands, Lady Viola." He said, making a short bow and holding his own hand up in a clumsy attempt to imitate the courting manners of his master.

Diplomacy roll: [roll0]

2011-09-21, 04:39 AM
Viola is quite flattered by Wilian's masterful etiquette. She breaks ranks and approaches the charming wizard.

"Excellent. What should our next move be, then? Do you three need a moment to rest from your ... Encounter with the natives? I can... Smell the blood on you."

2011-09-21, 05:02 AM
"You always seem to be smelling blood."

Wolfen looks around.

"That said, however, it might not be a bad idea. I'll be needing all of you in top form for the mission."

2011-09-21, 12:21 PM
Viola widens her eyes and smiles guilelessly, "Just because my Elven nose is more delicate than yours, does not mean you should be rude. I am a noblewoman, and the scents of the battlefield are not something I have grown accustomed to yet."

Bluff check [roll0]

Returning to examine her new companions, Viola continues, "It is going to be wonderful working so closely with such strong men and women..."

snake obsidian
2011-09-21, 02:57 PM
"No, no, I donīt think that will be neccesary. We were already on the move when you arrived. In fact, Melhved here had already found the way, right?"

Wilian turned quickly to face the warden, trying to pry her away from shyness and into showing the newcomers the road they were following without being too obvious.

Stealth roll [roll0]

"And working with you lady, should prove to be just as magnificent. The eternal youth of the fey is legendary, and yours too."

2011-09-21, 07:53 PM
Uh...yes. This way to...er...we think to the....ah....who's missing.....and uh.......I'm Melhved. It's a nice.... to uh.....good to have.......uh....hi." Mel says, sheepishly. She glances at each new member in turn with eyes lowered. She gestures to the direction she believes their adventure lies while looking at Wolfen.

2011-09-21, 10:02 PM
"Yes, well, then we'd better get going. And you really need to overcome that speech impediment."

And then, as an afterthought:

"My name is Wolfen Houndog, by the way."

2011-09-23, 04:06 PM
"And working with you lady, should prove to be just as magnificent. The eternal youth of the fey is legendary, and yours too."

Viola seems quite impressed by Wilian's smooth talking. She laughs politely, blushing, and holds out her hand daintily. Where she comes from, a courtly man would kiss the lady's hand, but the act is more from habit than from any expectation on her part.

Yes, these new comrades were so full of life, Viola was going to get along with them quite well.

snake obsidian
2011-09-23, 11:44 PM
Wilian kneeled on one leg and kissed the noblewomanīs hand. Then, he walked to Wolfen.

"Didnīt see you on the mayorīs meeting. Did the town send reinforcements?"

2011-09-26, 04:03 PM
With a hearty laugh, Bugbear shakes his head. "Nonsense Wil, the mayor would never doubt us! I'm sure these two just saw us at the feast last night and decided to follow. Who would pass up the chance to battle alongside such brave and mighty warriors as us? Never mind the glory of rescuing the princess... or was it a duke? No, he was a blacksmith! Something about a giant snake too I think... Ah, we'll figure it out when we get there. Onward, friends; fame and triumph waits for no man!"

Bugbear starts marching off into the forest... in the wrong direction.

2011-09-26, 07:03 PM
"My, how... Boisterous. As a matter of fact, we are here for similar purposes: a merchant who's name has completely slipped my mind -- though I would recognize his face anywhere -- hired us to find his son. So, you see? Compatible purposes. I would wager that the boys are even being held in the same area. That is, unless they've already been sacrificed...""

2011-09-26, 11:25 PM
"Grappler! That's the wrong way! Get with the program! And the rest of you, quit standing around! Move! Move! Move!"

Wolfen points in the direction Melhved indicated earlier and begins walking.

snake obsidian
2011-09-27, 09:04 AM
"You are right, Wolfen. The more we dawdle here, the less chances we have on recovering the butcherīs son. Come, my lady. The swamp waits to be tamed once again. Bugbear! Are you running from adventure? The show is this way! Melhved, you hold the best chances of finding the hidden road. Weīll follow you." Wilian said, rallying the band forwards.

2011-09-27, 11:34 AM
With a long suffering roll of the eyes at Wolfen's plebeian manners, Viola falls in step behind him. He can be obtuse, but she trusts him as a warrior and tactician.

2011-09-27, 12:35 PM
Using both the information the mayor gave her and her keen primal senses, Mel leads the rag-tag ruffians further into the swamp.

2011-09-27, 03:21 PM
"*ahem* Yes. Of course. I knew that. Right behind you!"

Bugbear falls in line beside Wilian, following Melhved and Wolfen.

2011-10-01, 04:27 PM
As you walk through the swamp, you begin to hear faint chanting. As you move forward, you see a lizardman with a staff. he is chanting, and a group of vines and planst around him are swaying. He appears not to notice you.

2011-10-01, 07:32 PM
As we stop to survey the scene, Viola taps Wolfen to get his attention, and draws a finger across her neck in a 'should we kill this savage?' kind of gesture.

snake obsidian
2011-10-01, 11:32 PM
Wilian instantly crouches at the sight of the lizardman. He whispers at his fellow adventurers.

"Everybody stay down, and donīt move. I donīt like the way those vines are swaying."

Wilian stares at the creature, and pays special attention at his chanting, trying to determine its purpose.

Arcana roll: [roll0]

2011-10-02, 02:12 AM
Wolfen puts up a finger to indicate that Viola should wait.

"Is it safe to spread out?" he whispers to Willian.

2011-10-02, 07:49 AM
You recognize the chanting as some kind of animation spell.

snake obsidian
2011-10-02, 10:01 AM
Wilian started to develop some kind of strategy, and he answered Wolfenīs question.

"He is animating all those plants in the area. Iīd suggest we all try to move outside his line of influence. Very far from it, because if we have no option but to battle him, Iīll strip him away from his spell with an illusion, and then you will be able to attack him directly."

He then turned to Melhved.

"Can you see something else in the wilderness that can help us?"

2011-10-04, 10:21 AM
Gazing with great concentration, using both her understanding of the wild and her connection to the primal spirits, Mel studies the waving plants for anything that inform them.

Nature - [roll0]

Melhved in entranced and delighted to see plants moving of their own accord. "What a wonderful world this world be if the plants were given the same gifts of life that the animals were. A pine tree for a pet, a ficus for a friend, why, you could even....wait, what was I...oh yes. Lizardmen."

2011-10-04, 10:40 AM
Whispering to the group, "If you can clear a path to the lizardman, or get him over to me, I can break his :smallwink: concentration. As for the rest of this," Bugbear waves his hands at the moving plants, "I have no idea."

"How do you body-slam a plant?" Bugbear thinks to himself.

2011-10-04, 06:01 PM
Viola looks impatient. She whispers her response quickly, flexing her fingers and seeming antsy.

"Diplomacy worked so well for you last time, but should we not simply bypass or eliminate this threat and move on?"

2011-10-04, 06:29 PM
Wolfen decides it's time to take charge of the situation.

"All right, Viola, sneak around and get into a position where you can take him down, but don't do so unless things go bad. When you get into position, give us a thumbs-up. Bugbear, once she does that, walk out there and try to be friendly. Willian, get ready to disrupt that spell if you can. Melhved and I will come out if things get hairy."

Then he turns to Viola.


2011-10-04, 07:29 PM
The plants have begun to take a humanoid shapes. Some are made of purely vines and are taller and have longer arms, while other are just a mishmash of plants and appear to be bipedal mounds. They still seem to be a bit away from being able to do anything, however.

2011-10-04, 09:17 PM
Viola quickly sneaks her way through the underbrush and shadows to striking distance. If she is successful in doing so unnoticed, she will give the crude signal to her companions.

Stealth check [roll0]
attempting to sneak within 6-8 squares of the lizardman, assuming no difficult terrain. I want to be able to get to him in one move.

2011-10-05, 02:33 PM
Keeping a close eye on Viola, Bugbear crouches down in preparation. He's not used to being sneaky, but he thinks he understands what she's trying to do.

Bugbear's eyes go wide with excitement. The classic "Damsel In Distress" play, of course! Fair noblewoman gets attacked by the evil monster, and BUGBEAR TO THE RESCUE! The crowd goes wild! Always a big hit.

He's a bit confused about Wolfen's order though... why would Bugbear go out before Viola gets grabbed? Oh well, guess he's got a different twist in mind. Bugbear puts on a great show, but he was never one for coming up with the plot.

Bugbear will ready a Charge attack (Knockdown Assault) against anything that attacks Viola.

2011-10-05, 04:31 PM
The lizardman appears not to notice Viola, and continues chanting.

2011-10-05, 04:58 PM
Viola gets into position and signals her teammates.

2011-10-05, 06:44 PM
Wolfen nudges Bugbear.

"Go try to prevent this from turning into a fight, okay?" he whispers.

2011-10-07, 12:44 PM
With an elbow nudge to Wilian, Bugbear whispers "A little entrance music, if you please."

OOC: I'm thinking Wilian could use his Ghost Sound cantrip to have a short fanfare play above the clearing. Just a bit of theatrical silliness, not trying to accomplish anything specific.

Moving away from his companions (as to not draw attention to them), Bugbear shouts out in a booming ring-announcer voice: "CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE BUGBEAR IS BREWING!?"

He then steps out into view and walks towards the Lizardman, smiling and waving as if there was a cheering crowd all around. "Thank you, thank you, hello everybody! Great to be here!" To the Lizardman directly, "And greetings to you, my friend! A fine day in the forest, is it not? Bugbear Boulder, Greatest Grappler in the Realms, pleased to meet ya!" Bugbear extends an open hand in greeting and continues walking towards the Lizardman.

Diplomacy [roll0] to try and put the Lizardman at ease (as much as makes sense given the circumstances), or at least appear non-threatening.
Bluff [roll1] to try and not give away the presence of Viola nearby, as well as acting like Bugbear is actually there as part of some show.

As well, Bugbear will ready a Grappling Strike for if he becomes adjacent to the Lizardman.

EDIT: Ouch. This is why Bugbear doesn't play cards.

2011-10-07, 03:01 PM
The lizardman, started by Bugbear's appearance loses its concentration. Most of the plants fall to the ground, but two of them remain. they appear to be humanoid, but they are comprised completely of vines. The lizardman utters a quick spell, and two snakes slither out from the grass. They take up a postion infront of the lizardman, rattling their tail menacingly.

1| | | | | | | | | | | |Vi| | | |
2| | | | | |P| | | | | | | | | |
3| | |P| | | | | | |P| | | | | |
4| | | | | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | |P| |L| | | | | | |P| |
6| | |P| | |S1|P|S2| | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | |P| | | |P| | | | |
8| | | | |P|V1| | |V2|P| | | | | |
9| | | | | |P| | | |P| | | | | |
10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11| | |P| | | |Bu| | | | |P| | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | |P| |
13| | | |P| | |P| | | | | | | | | |
14| | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | | |
15| | | | | | |P| | | | |P| | | |P|
16| | |P| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
17| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
18| | | | | |Me| |Wo| | |P| | | | | |
19| | |P| | | |Wi| | | | | | | | | |
20| | | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | |[/table]

L= Lizardman
S= Snake
V= Vine Monster
Bu= Bugbear
Vi= Viola
Me= Mel
Wo= Wolfen
Wi= Wil
P= Thick Plants. Difficult Terrain.

snake obsidian
2011-10-07, 03:52 PM
Wilian, sighs at Bugbearīs suggestion and starts channeling through his staff a mild illusion targeted at the lizard, the happy tune of a fair reaching a town, only to discover it to be a grave mistake, along with letting Bugbear talk a few moments later.

"Damn. If he wasnīt hostile, now he is." He whispered to Wolfen and Mel. "Lady and Gentlemen, weīve got more company. You should go and help Viola out there, before she is surrounded."

He sprung to action and aimed his staff right at the center, encasing the lizard and his summoned snakes in an imagined maze only they could see.

Move 6 squares to F14, and attack with maze of mirrors to square G6. Versus L:[roll0] Versus S1:[roll1] Versus S2:[roll2]
Hit: The target is immovilized and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
And thanks to my Illusion Apprentice feat, all targets hit by the spell also get a -2 penalty to the next attack roll against me before the end of my next turn.

2011-10-07, 07:36 PM
Viola grins to herself; she had hoped it would turn out this way. After all, the day was so hot and that lizard's blood was bound to be so cool. Letting the hunger guide her feet, she glides across the battlefield, sidestepping the thick spots of underbrush that dot the area.

As she comes up behind the lizardman, she let's her Unfettered Hunger take over -- her eyes briefly flash a deadly red and she leaps at his exposed back, attacking quickly and precisely with her fists, claws and fangs.

Move: Move to H5
Minor: Hunter's Gaze at L -- Until the start of my next turn, target grants CA while adj to me, +4 to next intimidate check against him
Standard: Unfettered Hunger -- close burst 1, so hits L and S2
[roll0] v R (+2 more on L due to CA)
[roll1] damage (miss half damage)
Until the end of the encounter, I may shift my speed (6) as a move action, and I gain +2 to hit and +4 to all damage rolls

Action Point: Vampire Slam on L -- [roll2] v R (11, +2 CA, +2 Unfettered Hunger, +3 from Wolfen for spending an action pt)
[roll3] (13, +4 UH, +3 from Wolfen for using an AP)

EDIT: also, I do +2 damage to bloodied targets, so if he bloodied with the first attack, add 2 to the second.

2011-10-08, 10:11 PM
Sighing, Mel thinks, "Here we go again. Well, I do want a closer look at those vine things." Unsheathing her sword, she charges forward.

Move: diagonal to A12 avoiding difficult terrain.
Standard: Charge to E7, MBA against S1 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Free Action - Mark S1 and V1

2011-10-09, 01:18 AM
"Well, so much for the plan."

Wolfen takes one last swig from his canteen and joins the fight.

Wolfen moves to B12, greatspear at the ready. Then he charges to D8 and attacks S1 ([roll0] vs AC, [roll1]).

2011-10-11, 03:52 PM
When you get close to the snakes, their rattle affects yo with an unnatural fear, disrupting your attacks. You take a -2 to attack rolls within 2 squares of the snakes..

Wil's attack seems to quite confuse S2, but the others seem just dazed by it.
Viola does quite a bit of damage to the two reptiles, and seems to almost kill the lizardman.
Mel's attack just barely misses the snake, as her arm was quivering with fear.
Wolfen hits the snake solidly, but it twists to avoid any serious damage.

The lizardman backs up, and unleashes a cloud of gas onto Wolfen and Mel
Attack VS Fort:
Damage: [roll1] Poison damage, and dazed until the end of the lizarman's next turn.
S2 Slithers over to Mel, and bites her with its fellow.
Attack 1 [roll2], [roll]16+4 damage, and it makes a secondary attack VS FORT [roll]1d8+2 Poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison (save ends)
Attack 2 [roll4], [roll]16+4 damage, and it makes a secondary attack VS FORT [roll5] [roll]1d8+2 Poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison (save ends)

One of the vine creatures attack Wolfen, while the other rushes to Bugbear.
Attacks VS AC:
Attack VS Wolfen [roll6] [roll7] damage.
Attack VS Bugbear [roll8] [roll9] damage.

1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2| | | | | |P| | | | | | | | | |
3| | |P| | | | | | |P| | | | | |
4| | | | | |L| |P| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | |P| | |Vi| | | | | |P| |
6| | |P| | |S1|P| | | | | | | | |
7| | | | |Me|S2|P| | | |P| | | | |
8| | | |Wo|V1| | | | |P| | | | | |
9| | | | | |P| | | |P| | | | | |
10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11| | |P| | | |Bu|V2| | | |P| | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | |P| |
13| | | |P| | |P| | | | | | | | | |
14| | | | | |Wi| | | |P| | | | | | |
15| | | | | | |P| | | | |P| | | |P|
16| | |P| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
17| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
18| | | | | | | |Wo| | |P| | | | | |
19| | |P| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20| | | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | |[/table]

L= Lizardman
S= Snake
V= Vine Monster
Bu= Bugbear
Vi= Viola
Me= Mel
Wo= Wolfen
Wi= Wil
P= Thick Plants. Difficult Terrain.
V1's Space is also P.

2011-10-11, 04:06 PM
Viola smirks wickedly as the lizardman attempts to escape her. She is close on his heels, dancing through the combat with unearthly grace. Once again, she approaches her quarry and leaps at it with fangs bared. Just before she bites in, she whispers to the lizardman, "I'm going to enjoy this..."

Minor: none
Move: shift to E3 (Unfettered Hunger allows me to shift up to my speed)
Standard: Taste of Life [roll0] v F
[roll1] necrotic damage, and I gain 6 temp hp

2011-10-11, 06:45 PM
Since I screwed up the damage rolls against Mel, here they are:
Attack 1:
[roll1] poison.

Attack 2:
[roll3] poison.

snake obsidian
2011-10-12, 11:02 AM
Wilian sends a mighty shock that makes contact with the snakes that bit Mel and troubled her strike.

Move to E 12 Attack with Shock Sphere at square H8:
Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Intelligence [roll0]vs. Reflex
Hit: S1:[roll1]
Miss: Half damage

2011-10-12, 11:44 AM
Bugbear's jaw drops open when he sees the petite drow unleash a ferocious attack on the Lizardman. "So much for a damsel in distress!" he thinks.

Bugbear snaps out of it when one of the vine creatures smashes him in the chest. Turning to face his attacker, he pauses for a moment, trying to figure out exactly what part of the mass of writhing vines to grab. Finally, he lashes out with an open hand, burying his fingers deep into what seems to be the head.

Standard Action: Grappling Strike vs V2. Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1], and the target is grabbed.

V2 is marked by Bugbear.

(If successful) Relevant Features and Feats:
Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of Darter's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.

2011-10-13, 01:33 AM
Feeling a touch woosey from the snake's bite, she attacks all in her reach rather than one blurry target. Swinging her sword in several large arcs, the primal energy trails off in ribbons, slicing into foe and friend alike. While the foes wince in pain, the friends only smile.

Take 5 ongoing poison (reduced by resist 2)
Move: nope
Standard Action: Strongskin Clash
Encounter Primal, Weapon
Standard Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Strength vs AC
Hit: 1[W] + Str modifier (+5) damage, and each ally in the burst gains resist 2 + your Wis modifier to all damage until the end of your next turn

Attack vs S1 AC - [roll0]
Attack vs S2 AC - [roll1]
Attack vs V1 AC - [roll2]

Mark all 3

Damage: [roll3]
Wolfen gets Resist 5 All until the end of my next turn.

2011-10-13, 01:35 AM
S1 crit = [roll0]
V1 crit = [roll1]

2011-10-13, 01:41 PM
Wolfen shifts to C7 and uses Viper's Strike on V1 (if they shift before the start of my next turn, Melhved gets an AoO on them). Attack: [roll0]. Damage: [roll1].

2011-10-14, 04:46 PM
The lizardman manages to twist itself as Viola comes in, sender her to wards the ground, where she bites a rock.
Wil's attack also misses, the snakes weaving in and out of the lightning.
Bugbear is also unlucky, as the vine creature simply sinks its head into its body.
Mel, however, smashes into both both snakes and the vine creature, the primal energy healing and protecting her allies.
Wolfen, however, misses the vine creature, his strike barely missing.

One of the snakes slithers over to Wolfen and bites him, it's fellow closer to Viola, but still wary of Mel, biting her.
S1 Shifts to E6
S2 Shifts to F6
Attack VS Mel , [roll1] damage, and it makes a secondary attack VS FORT (1d20+6)[15] [roll2] Poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison (save ends)
Attack VS Wolfen [roll3], [roll4] damage, and it makes a secondary attack VS FORT (1d20+6)[19] [roll5] Poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison (save ends)

The lizardman, near death, stabs at Viola with its spear.
Attack VS AC
Damage: [roll7]
Lizardman recharge Roll: [roll8]

The vine creature near Bugbear attacks him with whipping vines.
Attack VS AC:
[roll]18+4 damage.

The entire area erupts with vines, restraining everyone except Wil.
Attack VS Reflex
VS Mel: [roll10]
VS Wolfen: [roll11]
VS Bugbear: [roll12]
VS Viola: [roll13]
You're restrained and take 10 ongoing. (Save ends both.)

1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2| | | | | |P| | | | | | | | | |
3| | |P| |Vi| | | | |P| | | | | |
4| | | | | |L| |P| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |P| |
6| | |P| |S1|S2|P| | | | | | | | |
7| | |Wo| |Me| |P| | | |P| | | | |
8| | | ||V1| | | | |P| | | | | |
9| | | | | |P| | | |P| | | | | |
10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11| | |P| | | |Bu|V2| | | |P| | | | |
12| | | | |Wi| | | | | |P| | | |P| |
13| | | |P| | |P| | | | | | | | | |
14| | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | | |
15| | | | | | |P| | | | |P| | | |P|
16| | |P| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
17| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
18| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | |
19| | |P| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20| | | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | |[/table]

L= Lizardman
S= Snake
V= Vine Monster
Bu= Bugbear
Vi= Viola
Me= Mel
Wo= Wolfen
Wi= Wil
P= Thick Plants. Difficult Terrain.
V1's Space is also P.

2011-10-14, 04:59 PM
"Gah, this is like trying to wrestle the ring instead of the fighter!"

Bugbear lashes out again grabbing as much of the vine creature as he can, while trying to kick free of the vines coming up from the forest floor.

Takes 10 damage from vines.
Standard Action: Grappling Strike vs V2. Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1], and the target is grabbed.

V2 is marked by Bugbear.

(If successful) Relevant Features and Feats:
Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of Darter's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.

Saving throw to escape vines: [roll2]

snake obsidian
2011-10-16, 11:34 AM
"Stay calm, guys! Iīm getting you out! Somehow..."

Wilian runs to meet the lizard, and blasts him with a white hot ray that crackles on impact.

Move to J7
Attack Lizardman with a Magic Missile. Damage: 2+6(Int. Modifier)+1(Implement Bonus)= 9

2011-10-16, 12:40 PM
Wil's blast hits the lizardman right in the chest, and and sends him sprawling backwards. The lizardman is dead. (Dropped to exactly 0, in fact.)

2011-10-16, 05:36 PM
Viola groans as the vines restrict her movement. She glares at the nearby snake, enticing it toward herself, like a spider luring a fly into it's web.

takes 10 damage
Move: restrained
Minor: none
Standard: Dark Beckoning on S2 [roll0] v W
[roll1] and pull to E4
Save v OG [roll2]

2011-10-16, 10:07 PM
Striking out against the snake who ignored her, Mel takes a swing while it's distracted attacking.
MBA vs AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Suffusing herself with primal energies, she tries to release herself from the hold of the vines.
Font of Life - save vs restrained/ongoing [roll2]

However, she finds herself unable to concentrate.

2011-10-16, 10:18 PM
Gritting her teeth against the pain of both the poison coursing through her and the vines constriction, she uses the energy of her next swing the damage one of the snakes and restore her vitality.

Takes 12 damage
Move - restrained
Standard - Healing Strike vs S1 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Mark S1, S2, V1

2011-10-16, 10:21 PM
The righteousness of her swing fills her with healing energy. She tries to shake off the distractions affecting her.

Saving Throws
First poisoning (forgot to roll last round) - [roll0]
Restrained/ongoing - [roll1]

2011-10-16, 10:28 PM
"Damn plants! This is worse than my home!"

"Take this!"

Warlord's Strike against S1. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]. If hit, every ally gets +2 to damage rolls against S1 until end of my next turn.

Saving Throw for the Snake Venom (not that he needs to pass it, since his amulet of health resists all the damage): [roll2]

Saving Throw for the Restraint and ongoing damage: [roll3]

2011-10-19, 05:21 PM
The Vine creature once again dodges Bugbear's grab.
Viola pulls the snake creature towards her, it's head swaying.
Mel's strike against the snake who ignored her connects solidly.
Her next strike against it kills it. S1 is dead.
Wolfen's strike is ineffectual, since S1 is already dead.

The remaining snake bites at Viola.
Attack VS Viola [roll0], [roll1] damage, and it makes a secondary attack VS FORT [roll2] [roll3] Poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison (save ends)

One of the Vine Creatures lashes out at Mel, while the other attacks Bugbear.
Attack VS AC:
Attack VS Bugbear: [roll4], [roll5] damage.
Attack VS Mel: [roll6], [roll7] damage.

1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2| | | | | |P| | | | | | | | | |
3| | |P| |Vi| | | | |P| | | | | |
4| | | | |S2| | |P| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |P| |
6| | |P| |S1| |P| | | | | | | | |
7| | |Wo| |Me| |P| | |Wi|P| | | | |
8| | | ||V1| | | | |P| | | | | |
9| | | | | |P| | | |P| | | | | |
10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11| | |P| | | |Bu|V2| | | |P| | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | |P| |
13| | | |P| | |P| | | | | | | | | |
14| | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | | |
15| | | | | | |P| | | | |P| | | |P|
16| | |P| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
17| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
18| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | |
19| | |P| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20| | | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | |[/table]

L= Lizardman
S= Snake
V= Vine Monster
Bu= Bugbear
Vi= Viola
Me= Mel
Wo= Wolfen
Wi= Wil
P= Thick Plants. Difficult Terrain.
V1's Space is also P.

2011-10-20, 05:43 PM
Bugbear, annoyed with trying to get a grip on the writhing mass of vines, leans down and throws his shoulder into the center of the creature while kicking at it's "legs".

"GET! OFF! ME!!" Bugbear shouts as he attempts once again to tear the crushing vines off of himself. These things are starting to hurt more than he expected!

Move Action: None
Minor Action: None
Standard Action: Bull Charge against V2
Attack: [roll0] vs Fortitude
Damage: [roll1]
Secondary Attack: [roll2] vs Fortitude
V2 is knocked prone

If the initial attack hits, Bugbear also throws an elbow into the Vine creature's face (or where the face should be).
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows: V2 takes 8 damage

V2 is marked by Bugbear.

(If successful) Relevant Features and Feats:
Bugbear gains 1 Temporary hit point.
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of V2's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.

Saving throw to escape vines: [roll3]

HP: 24/51 | Surges: 10/10
AC: 23 | FORT: 23 | REF: 15 | WILL: 15
Conditions: Bloodied

snake obsidian
2011-10-21, 11:15 AM
Wilian looked at Bugbear and his brawl with the vines, and Viola, attacked by the last snake. She was covered with the chains of the swamp while he was escaping from them, but both of them were not looking good. Wilian could not help both at the same time. Or could he? He took out a healing potion from the pouch that held it, and rolled it to Bugbearīs position.

"Bugbear! Take this! It will give you the strength to end the fight!"

He then focused his attention at the snake, shooting a frigid ball at his long tail while it was distracted.

Minor action: Roll a potion to Bugbear. Athletics roll [roll0]
Standard action: Cast Freezing Blast at E5
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Intelligence [roll1]vs. Reflex
Hit: [roll2] cold damage.
Getting out the potion and rolling it may be two different actions, but if that is the case, Iīm giving up my move action or the action point.

2011-10-22, 11:39 AM
Viola looks to be pretty beat up. She grits her teeth and stares balefully at the snake in front of her. One of them would likely fall soon. Feeling backed into a corner, she unleashes everything she's got on it. Her wounds begin to heal even as they land on her heavier than before.

Viola starts the turn bloodied, 18/43 hp.
She regenerates 4 hp, then takes 15 ongoing damage.
7/43 hp

Minor: Darkflame on snake [roll0] v R (12-4 from restrain + aura)
On a hit target grants CA until end of next turn
Move: Restrained
Standard: Feral Assault [roll1] v R (add 2 from CA if Darkflame hits)
Damage: [roll2] Viola spends a healing surge to do an additional [roll3] damage

Bloodthread Armor gives +2 to AC and Saves while Bloodied, so...
Save v restrain + og10 [roll4] I really need that to succeed.
Save v poison [roll5]
what a long turn!!

Well, since I critically miss again with my attack, I guess I don't spend the healing surge. At least I saved from the ongoing effects.

2011-10-24, 11:59 AM
Channeling the primal energies around her, Mel fights against the restraining power holding her.

Font of Life - save vs restrain/omgoing - [roll0]

2011-10-24, 03:35 PM
Seeing that Viola is being bitten better than she is bitting, Mel launches a charging attack against the offending snake, trailing Primal energies behind her as she moves.

Move: nope
Standard: Charge to E5
MBA vs S2 AC = [roll0] (-2 aura already accounted for)
Damage = [roll1]
Mark S2

Primal energies for effect purposes only.

2011-10-24, 05:05 PM
"Get your darkened rear in gear, drow!"

Wolfen shifts to D6 and makes a Commander's Strike against S2, allowing Viola to make a melee basic attack. Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex. Damage: [roll1]. Finally, Wolfen uses Inspiring Word, allowing Viola to spend a healing surge and gain an extra [roll2] hp.

2011-10-24, 11:40 PM
Viola is emboldened by Wolfen's commands.

She spends a surge (she now has 1) to regain 16 hp, putting her up to 23/43 hp; she is no longer bloodied.

2011-10-26, 05:13 PM
Bugbear's attack misses
Wil successfully rolls a potion to Bugbear, but his attack misses.
Viola's two attacks miss.
Mel' charge kills the snake. S2 is dead.
((Wolfen, since there was nothing in range for Commander's Strike to hit, you can use it as a free action once this encounter.))

The ground erupts with vines as the vine creature near Bugbear ensnares everyone but Viola.
Attacks VS REF
Attack VS Wil: [roll0]
Attack VS Bugbear: [roll1]
Attack VS Wolfen: [roll2]
Attack VS Mel: [roll3]
You're restrained and take 10 ongoing. (Save ends both.)

The other Vine creature attacks Wolfen:
Attack VS AC
Damage: [roll5]

1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2| | | | | |P| | | | | | | | | |
3| | |P| |Vi| | | | |P| | | | | |
4| | | | | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | |Me| | | | | | | | |P| |
6| | |P|Wo| | |P| | | | | | | | |
7| | | | |V1| |P| | |Wi|P| | | | |
8| | | | |P| | | | |P| | | | | |
9| | | | | |P| | | |P| | | | | |
10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11| | |P| | | |Bu|V2| | | |P| | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | |P| |
13| | | |P| | |P| | | | | | | | | |
14| | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | | |
15| | | | | | |P| | | | |P| | | |P|
16| | |P| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
17| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
18| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | |
19| | |P| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20| | | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | |[/table]

L= Lizardman
V= Vine Monster
Bu= Bugbear
Vi= Viola
Me= Mel
Wo= Wolfen
Wi= Wil
P= Thick Plants. Difficult Terrain.
Mel's Space is also P.

2011-10-27, 02:43 PM
Bugbear grabs Wilian's potion off the ground. "Thanks Wil! I'll hang on to this one for later. First I wanna tie this bloody thing up in a bow!"

Finally free of the stinging vines, Bugbear changes position, hoping a new angle of attack will give him better luck against the vine creature.

Minor Action: Pick up potion
Move Action: Shift to G10
Standard Action: Grappling Strike against V2
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1] (26 damage total), and the target is grabbed.

V2 is marked by Bugbear.

(If successful) Relevant Features and Feats:
Inescapable Hold: Escape attempts are made against Bugbear's Fortitude (24 with Wrestler's Gloves).
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of Darter's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.
HP: 24/51 | Surges: 10/10
AC: 23 | FORT: 23 | REF: 15 | WILL: 15
Conditions: Bloodied

2011-10-27, 02:54 PM
His strategy seemed to work, as Bugbear's fingers tear through the vine creature, sinking deeply into it's writhing form.

"Here's a little move ol' Master Stoneskull taught me!" *headbutt*

Critical Hit damage: 12+[roll0]

Stone Fist Flurry of Blows: 8 damage

snake obsidian
2011-10-28, 02:11 PM
Wilian closed his eyes and concentrated while the vines tangled around him.

"Their senses are based on movement. If I stay still for just one second..."

His staff started to take light on his own, and crackled at the swampīs creation with a lighning jolt.

Cast Magic Missile at V2 Damage: 2+6(Int. Modifier)+1(Implement Bonus)= 9

2011-10-28, 08:22 PM
Feeling stronger now, Viola returns to the fray. She learned from her previous failure, and takes caution in her tactics; she moves into an advantageous position and strikes with precision, attempting to feed off the life force within the plant.

Move: shift to F8 to gain flanking position with Wolfen
Standard: Taste of Life on V1 [roll0] v Fortitude
Damage - [roll1] necrotic damage, and I gain 6 temp hp

2011-10-31, 01:25 PM
Unable to move, she entreats the primal spirits to release her from their hold.

Font of Life - [roll0]

2011-10-31, 01:32 PM
Held by the unrelenting plants, she has no choice but to throw one of her throwing hammers to try and unsettle the vine creature.

RBA vs V1 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Mark V1

She watches as her hammer disappears in the twisted mas of vines.

2011-11-01, 12:46 PM
Focusing her energies, she again tries to release herself from the the forces holding her immobile....

Save vs restrain/ongoing - [roll0]

... but her efforts prove fruitless.

2011-11-01, 08:40 PM
HP: 18 (after the ongoing damage)

Wolfen uses Aid the Injured to spend a healing surge, bringing himself up to 29. Then he uses Inspiring Word to spend another healing surge. He now has 32 + [roll0] hp.

He also attempts to get himself out of the vines. [roll1]

2011-11-01, 08:41 PM
Whoops. Apparently, my math sucks this time of night. It's 44 HP he's at.

2011-11-02, 03:26 PM
Bugbear successfully grabs the vine creature, and his head connects solidly with it.
Wil's attack blasts the vine creature.
Viola also is able to connect with the vine creature.
Mel, despite being unable to move, connects with the vine creature.

1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2| | | | | |P| | | | | | | | | |
3| | |P| | | | | | |P| | | | | |
4| | | | | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | |Me| | | | | | | | |P| |
6| | |P|Wo| | |P| | | | | | | | |
7| | | | |V1| |P| | |Wi|P| | | | |
8| | | | |P|Vi| | | |P| | | | | |
9| | | | | |P| | | |P| | | | | |
10| | | | | | |Bu| | | | | | | | | |
11| | |P| | | | |V2| | | |P| | | | |
12| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | |P| |
13| | | |P| | |P| | | | | | | | | |
14| | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | | |
15| | | | | | |P| | | | |P| | | |P|
16| | |P| | | | |P| | | | | | | | |
17| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
18| | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | |
19| | |P| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20| | | | | | | | | | | |P| | | | |[/table]

V= Vine Monster
Bu= Bugbear
Vi= Viola
Me= Mel
Wo= Wolfen
Wi= Wil
P= Thick Plants. Difficult Terrain.
Mel's Space is also P.

2011-11-06, 08:38 PM
Sorry I forgot to post the monsters' attacks. :smallredface:
V2 VS Bugbear
[roll0] VS AC
[roll1] Damage
V1 VS Wolfen
[roll2] VS AC
[roll3] Damage

2011-11-07, 01:23 PM
"C'mon ya slimy sack of worms, we're missing all the fun!"

Bugbear stomps over towards his allies, dragging the squirming mass of vines along with him. When he reaches the group, Bugbear lifts the vine creature up and tosses it down at his feet. With a crazy-eyed smile, he then reaches both arms out simultaneously and tries to slam the two vine creatures into each other.

At Melhved, "Here ya go girl, let's have some fun with these things!"

Move Action: Forceful Drag: Bugbear moves to F7, V2 is slid to G7, released from Bugbear's grab, and knocked prone.
Standard Action: Funneling Flurry against V1 and V2
Attack against V1: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1], and V1 is slid to F6
Attack against V2: [roll2] (including +2 for CA from prone) vs AC
Damage: [roll3], and V2 is slid to G6

V1 and V2 are marked by Bugbear.

(If successful) Relevant Features and Feats:
Iron Body Ki Focus Property: Bugbear has resistance 3 to all of V1 and V2's attacks until the end of Bugbear's next turn.
HP: 24/51 | Surges: 10/10
AC: 23 | FORT: 23 | REF: 15 | WILL: 15
Conditions: Bloodied

snake obsidian
2011-11-08, 11:10 PM
Wilian struggled to free himself from the vines that were getting a good hold on his neck already. They were also crawling up his legs, and he prayed it was not too late to act.

"F---! Gu---! Guys! Take... Cover!"

The area surrounding the vine creature was blown away by an electric blast.

Saving throw [roll0]
Aw, bummer. Iīm bloodied, folks!
Magic Missile against V2. Damage: 2+6(Int. Modifier)+1(Implement Bonus)= 9

2011-11-09, 04:10 PM
Viola sees another opportunity, and gracefully glides over to beat on the prone vine creature. Using her full might, she slams into the creature with a vicious axe kick.

Move: shift to a flanking position with bugbear at H7
Standard: Vampire Slam on V2
[roll0] v R [roll1] damage
If she connects, she uses her Bloodsucker power to gain a surge and deal an additional [roll2] damage

2011-11-15, 03:35 PM
Mel strains against the forces that hold her immobile...

Font of Life vs immobile - [roll0]

but remains held fast.

2011-11-15, 03:41 PM
"At last, a threat within range!", Mel thinks. She strikes a blow at the vine creature thrown before her.

MBA vs V1 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Mark V1
Save vs immobile - [roll2]

2011-11-15, 03:45 PM
Mel feels her swing cut through various important feeling vines on its way through the creature. Try as she might, however, she still can't seem to move.

Critical Damage to V1 - [roll0]

2011-11-15, 06:14 PM
"Don't stop now! Him 'em again!"

Wolfen attacks V1 with Warlord's Favor (Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1], if hits Melhved gets +4 to hit against V1 until the end of my next turn.

Then Wolfen uses his free Commander's Strike to order Melhved to attack V1. Attack: [roll2], Damage [roll3]

2011-11-16, 06:05 PM
Under your combined attacks, the vine creatures fall apart, and wither away before they hit the ground.

Combat over. 230 XP each.

2011-11-16, 08:59 PM
"It's about damn time."

Wolfen looks around to ensure that there aren't more enemies. When he doesn't spy any, he takes out a rag to wipe off the end of his spear.

"Willian. What in the nine hells were those things?"

And then, as if to head off the act itself, he calls over to Bugbear and Viola "Don't you two dare think about slacking off! We're still in a combat zone, so act like it!"

snake obsidian
2011-11-16, 10:02 PM
Wilian crawled out of the muck, gasping for air.

"Some sort of... spell... A second... please..."

He stood up and rubbed his arms and neck.

Used a healing surge. Remaining: 8 Current Hit Points: 26/38

"But the next time I see them, I am blowing them up. From a safe distance."

2011-11-16, 10:38 PM
"Yes, it almost seems like killing the cold-blooded mongrel before it's spell was cast would have been the... Most tactical option...?" Viola says wryly, as Wolfen's strict command rolls right off her back. She unfurls her parasol and daintily places it over one shoulder, for all the world a lady on a stroll through wildflowers.

2011-11-16, 11:58 PM
Finally releasing herself from the immobilizing hold, she steps forward to the vine creature's remains and returns her throwing axe to her belt. She picks through the vegetative corpse, looking for its motivation; natural spirit or arcane invigoration. Taking deep breaths, Mel thanks Melora for her kindness and strength, respectfully moving these creatures along the way of her cycle.

Using the directions given her by the mayor and her keen primal senses, she tries to discern where their next move should be.

Nature check for vine creatures origin - [roll0]
Use 2 healing surges.

Figure out where to go

2011-11-17, 12:30 AM
"If you try to kill everyone you meet who looks a little suspicious, you'll soon find yourself a lot worse than just 'suspicious'."

Wolfen takes a sip from his canteen.

2011-11-17, 01:44 AM
Viola smiles, revealing pearly white teeth. Perhaps the point is lost on her, but she seems content to follow Wolfen's lead.

Her gaze turns to Mel, has she found something?

As everyone else is binding their wounds and tending their own affairs, Viola makes a feminine gasp and half collapses to the ground. With a dramatic timbre to her voice, she protests, "Oh! I fear I am losing my grasp upon this world... Perhaps I over exerted myself just now...

Won't someone please help me up?"

I can make a bluff check, if need be.

2011-11-17, 07:20 AM
You learn that Vine Horrors sometimes are created when an evil humanoid dies in a natural location touched by the Shadowfell. Their evil spirit gives rise to one or more Vine Horrors. However, Vine Horrors can also be animated by those with a strong magical connection to the area they are in.

snake obsidian
2011-11-17, 04:08 PM
Wilian straightened his back, and walked straight to Viola, lifting her up and hanging one of her arms in his shoulder.

"Yes, of course. How foolish of me, whining about a little squeeze when those things almost suck the life out of you. Bugbear, could you give her a hand? You still have the potion around, donīt you?"

2011-11-17, 06:49 PM
Bugbear is still struggling with untangling himself from the lengths of sticky vines wrapped around his limbs. Finally kicking off the last rope-like piece, he shakes himself like a dog and looks around at the group.

"What kind of fight was that?? Who's going to pay to watch a bunch of plants hug us to death..."

Finally noticing Viola's faint, he rushes over and sweeps her up in his arms like a child. "Good man Billy, let's give the poor girl some air. Talk to me sweetheart, how're ya feeling?"

OOC: Bugbear's passive Insight is 13, so if Viola wants to roll a Bluff check we can see just how easily she sneaks a bite of Bug.

2011-11-17, 08:45 PM
Viola gratefully accepts the smelly human's embrace. Her dark skin is cold to the touch; she cuddles closer to him for warmth.

[roll0] bluff check for a quick nip

Looks like I just barely succeeded...

Bugbear might feel a sharp prick, then the Drow in his arms seems instantly revitalized.

"Ahhh, thank you, noble sir. That was just what I needed. I feel so much better now..." She breathes softly. He tasted strong and musky. A heady, unsubtle flavor. Not her usual fare, but it was delicious in its own way.

Bugbear loses a surge, Viola recovers to full hp.

2011-11-18, 11:04 AM
"Probably just over-exerted yourself little lady. That was a hell of a thing you did back there! Nice to see one of you fancy big-city types holding her own in a rumble."

Bugbear feels a brief sharp twinge, and then a little light-headed, but it passes quickly. "Must be one of the thorns from that vine creature. Bet I'll be picking those things outta my hide for a week!" he says to himself.

2011-11-18, 12:55 PM
Viola licks her teeth to clean them, then smiles brightly at Bugbear and Willian.

"Yes, perhaps I should take it easy the next time we encounter these ... Lizardfolk. If only they spoke common I could reason with them... Oh, but perhaps there is a language they do speak!

"I have some gold coins on me. The next sentries we encounter, I could be a traveling merchant looking to buy -- whatever it is these barbarians sell -- flashing coins in a man's face is often sufficient to earn passage into a town."

She seems oddly comfortable in the human's arms -- and weighs just under a hundred pounds. She makes no move to stand on her own, merely talking from her current position.

snake obsidian
2011-11-18, 04:02 PM
"That does not sound like a bad idea. Maybe if we gather enough between all of us... Speaking of coins, maybe this green guy can give us some?"

Wilian crouched next to the fallen lizardman, looking for any trinkets on its person.

Perception roll: [roll0]

2011-11-18, 05:42 PM
"I doubt the savages have ever seen two gold pieces rubbed together -- let alone a pouch full. I should have a sufficient amount to dazzle their primitive minds..." Viola says haughtily. She clearly does not think highly of anyone who chooses to live in a swamp, and seems to have forgotten about the alleged dragon lurking in the settlement.

2011-11-18, 05:50 PM
You find two copper carefully stashed away in a pouch. The lizardman must have tried very hard to hide them, although it didn't do a good job.

2011-11-19, 01:43 AM
"If everyone is done lounging around, we've got a mission to complete!"

"Melhved, take point. Everyone, move out."

2011-11-21, 12:25 PM
Using the directions given her by the mayor and her keen primal senses, she tries to discern where their next move should be.

Perception - [roll0]
Nature - [roll1]
Spit in the Wind - [roll2]

2011-11-21, 04:54 PM
In one direction you notice some odd fumes coming from deeper in the swamp.

2011-11-21, 05:45 PM
"It seems....ah....we could....uh.....perhaps...um....look, gases!" Mel stammers as she gestures into the swamp. She begins walking hesitantly, afraid to look as is she's taking charge, looking back several times to see if anyone is following her.

2011-11-21, 05:53 PM
His strength recovered, Bugbear jumps up to his feet, adjusts his armour, and marches up beside Melhved. "You got some sharp eyes there girl, well done!"

With an enthusiastic slap on Mel's shoulder, Bugbear walks confidently beside her in the direction of the gases.

2011-11-21, 07:15 PM
Viola wrinkles her nose at the sight of visible gases. Disgusting.
Still, she falls into step towards the middle of the column, walking beside Willian.

snake obsidian
2011-11-22, 07:10 PM
Wilian squinted at the direction Mel was pointing, and saw the columns of gas.

"Smoke. A sign of civilization. Or that the swamp takes a turn for the toxic right ahead. Either way, weīre going to find more scaly guys like him. Letīs hope one of them actually speaks Common."

He turned to Viola.

"Are you sure youīre going to be alright there? All this wilderness and enviromental hazards ainīt... are sadly unfit for a noblewoman, are they not?"

2011-11-22, 09:24 PM
"Well, we do what we must..." Viola says delicately, stepping around a puddle daintily, "You are a student of the arcane, yes? Surely this humidity does horrors to your... Spellbook?"

snake obsidian
2011-11-24, 08:46 AM
"My spellbook?" Wilian said, obtaining a worn old book out of his robes. "Haha, no, this thing is as destroyed as it can be. It was a gift from my master, the great Knight Mage Iangold. You would never believe what this tome has passed through. There was this time me and my master explored a goblin cave... Ah, but that is a long story. Iīm not sure if everyone wants to hear it..."

2011-11-24, 02:35 PM
"Oh, my..." Viola begins, genuinely interested, "Nothing quite do amazing as exploring goblin caves has ever happened to me in my training. But, I have to ask: if you inherited your Master's spellbook, what did you use in the cave when the two of you traveled together?" Viola continues to walk and talk, eyes peering about from beneath her hood and parasol.

snake obsidian
2011-11-25, 01:05 PM
"Not much, really. At that time, he was the one putting some use to this pages. He had just taken me as his apprentice, and there were lots of symbols and incantations that I still didnīt understand. Even now..." Wilian said, passing through the old pages with a quick glance and showing the diagrams and scribbles of text to Viola. "...there are large parts of texts I have trouble with. This one is a little hard to see. Itīs like it vanished from view. Iīve been trying to decipher it whenever I have time on my own, since its the one he cast on me so I could sneak under the patrols."

2011-11-26, 01:48 AM
Wolfen takes another drink from his canteen.

"You know, you never did tell me why a noblewoman like yourself is doing something dangerous like this. In my experience with nobles, all they care about is saving face. The lives of people are a luxury."

2011-11-26, 03:12 PM
"Oh, that is interesting. It is all gibberish to me, of course, but I find it singularly remarkable that you can make heads or tails out of it at all." Viola smiles, spinning her parasol a bit on her shoulder as they walk. "I had a tutor once try to show me the basics -- ostensibly in order to see if I had the gift or not, but it was more of a formality than anything -- and I still remember how he smelled of vinegar and dust. Dreadfully boring man, too: I can assure you..." Wolfen chimes in and she replies.

"I'm certain we are all here for similar reasons, sir. My country has become host to terrifying undead creatures -- nearly an army! Everywhere I have journeyed thus far has had similar troubles. I intend to get to the bottom of it all, and if I can, return in time to save my homeland. It is dirty work, to be sure, but as they say in the West: 'somebody must do it.'" She pauses a moment, eyes looking at nothing in particular. She then regains her focus, puts her smile back on, and continues in step with her new companions. The road has been lonely for her, and she is quite glad to have found some to share it with.

2011-11-27, 08:49 AM
As you go farther through the swamp, you notice that the gases seem to come in pulses. A wave of gas, nothing. A wave of gas, nothing. Soon you see a large clearing, with a large, green winged lizard you identify as a green dragon sitting atop a pile of treasures. It is flanked by two guards that are quite similar to the ones you saw at the entrance to the swamp, and by two large black Lizardmen with clubs. The gases seem to come from the dragon as it exhales.

snake obsidian
2011-11-27, 01:01 PM
Wilian feels a cold shiver up his spine when he looks at the wyrmīs size, and the real chances a group of adventurers would have against it on itīs own turf.

Nature roll: [roll0]

2011-11-27, 08:56 PM
Viola stops dead in her tracks, looking at the dragon. She takes a few involuntary steps backwards, wondering if it's seen her. Then, remembering her plan, she gathers her courage and steps forward, trying to pass the frontline fighters and begin her "merchants looking for the village" bluff.

2011-11-28, 05:46 PM
Mel is momentarily stunned at the wonder before her. "A true dragon! Goddess, it's beautiful!" Quickly, she ducks into cover.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Viola wandering directly towards the dragon! She stops herself from rushing into view. "The merchant ploy?! With a dragon?! She better have a world of gold in that fancy get-up." She readies herself for a charge, running litanies to Melora through her head for strength and courage.

2011-11-28, 07:25 PM
"I guess this is as good a day to die as any," Wolfen mutters as he drags Bugbear and Willian towards some cover.

2011-11-28, 10:54 PM
With some trepidation, Viola smoothes her composure and walks elegantly to a respectable distance from the dragon. She curtseys deeply and in formal Elven, she begins her charade.

"One hundred pardons, Great One, but I find myself lost in your magnificent territory. I am Viola Darkbough, a merchant come from Darkhaven and have heard that the lizardmen of the area are artisan crafters. If it pleases you, I request passage into your village to supply my retinue and I." She uses her full charms to attempt to flatter the dragon. If it is obvious that s/he does not speak Elven, Viola will apologize and try Common.

[spoiler] Diplomacy check

2011-11-29, 02:50 PM
Bugbear allows himself to be pulled behind cover as he stares slack-jawed at the dragon and his treasure hoard. He's honestly not sure which one he finds more unbelievable, for both of them are larger than any specimen of their kind previously encountered.

Viola speaks in a language Bugbear does not understand, but he guesses she is attempting some kind of ruse. Never the less, hiding while the lady stands defenceless amoung the lizardmen does not sit well with him. Bugbear watches the guards closely, looking for any signs of aggression.

Bugbear will ready a charge (Knockdown Assault) against any enemy that attacks Viola, assuming he is within range.

If they are out of range (i.e., more than 7 squares), then he instead pulls out his Tethercord and readies a ranged attack against any enemy that attacks Viola.

2011-11-29, 05:26 PM
AS Viola steps out into the open, the two guards with spears charge at her. However, before anyone can react, the dragon exhales onto them, and they fall to the ground, dead. When Viola begins speaking in Elven, the dragon looks puzzled, but understands her when she speaks Common. The dragon speaks slowly and calmly. "Hah! What do these..." He looks at the Lizardmen around him. "Savages make? It is true that they traded with the people in my nearby town, but that was just for crocodile meat! What do you really want, creature of the night?"

2011-11-29, 10:15 PM
Viola attempts to keep her composure.

"As expected, how astute of you, Your Greatness." She curtseys again. "I have been sent into this swamp in search of some answers. It seems the lizardmen have caused some mischief for the neighboring human settlement. I am but an emissary to attempt to diffuse the complications between their village and yours. How can we negotiate peace and a return of some captured villagers, oh Great One?"

2011-11-29, 10:20 PM
"I know nothing about any taken humans. Besides, either way they belong to me, so how does it matter?"

2011-11-29, 10:37 PM
"I humbly request your permission to remove the taken humans from your custody. I can assure you they will travel your swamp and trespass upon your territory no longer, once I return them to their hovels. Does this please you, Great One?"

2011-11-30, 08:37 PM
"Very well. I shall allow you to search for any missing humans, so long as you do not interfere with me. However, I will require some form of reward for granting you the pleasure of speaking with me."

2011-11-30, 09:40 PM
"And what a pleasure it was, Great One. Is It gold you require, or did you have something ... Else in mind?" Viola responds promptly. Hopefully the dragon would leave the town alone after all this. And, she did it with no bloodshed, just like Wolfen wanted.

2011-11-30, 09:49 PM
"Gold shall be sufficient."

2011-11-30, 11:42 PM
Viola removes a pouch from her belt, full of 100gp. Respectfully, she approaches the dragon. She really wants to run her hand across his snout and feel his scales, but she resists.

She offers the money to the dragon, and asks the way to the village that she might free the human captives.

2011-12-01, 09:41 PM
The dragon takes th pouch with it's surprisingly dexterous claw, and peers inside it. It then tosses it onto the hoard. In the pile, you notice a set of chainmail that faintly glows with a magical light. "I shall not reveal the location of the Lizardfolk village, as you will most likely kill many of them as you search, and my minions wouldn't like it if I assisted in the death of their kin. They would still serve, of course, but it's so much better to have willing slaves."

2011-12-02, 04:09 PM
Bugbear nudges Wolfen with his elbow and whispers to him, "What is she doing? We were sent here to kick his scaly tail and drag his carcass back to town, not give him more gold! Besides, the only dragon I've ever trusted was my old manager, Dragon Don, and he was a halfling!"

2011-12-03, 03:40 AM
"Hostages first. Punching second."

snake obsidian
2011-12-03, 01:51 PM
"We still donīt know whether or not that dragon is responsible for the lost townsfolk. If anything, he... or she, I canīt tell, should be enforcing trade even more as he is. More money for a hoard and a lair, right?"

2011-12-06, 03:26 AM
"Ahem, well I shall simply gather my coterie and be off then... Attend me, Wolfen! Your lady calls you." She hams it up and makes a show of calling for her 'servants'

2011-12-06, 08:49 AM
Grudgingly agreeing with Wolfen, Bugbear stands and walks slowly towards Viola, playing the dutiful bodyguard. His eyes never leave the dragon, and a theatrical sneer curls Bugbear's lips as they walk past.

"I'll be seeing you again real soon, lizard..." Bugbear says in his head.