View Full Version : Have Rhino, Will Ride

2011-06-12, 05:53 PM
Ok, so long story short:

Gladiator Gestalt game.

Me: lvl2 Swashbuckler/Rogue (whisper gnome)
Ally: lvl3 Fighter/Rogue (human)
Enemy: Rhino. 104 HP. Death Incarnate.

After it became apparent that we were doomed (which was immediately), We started having some fun with the rules. One jump, climb, and ride check later, I am latched on to the back of a very angry and confused 6,000 pound death machine.

My ally is a well built trip-monkey, wielding a spiked chain. My question to you, gentle playground, is what do I do next?

I'm probably not going to be able to attack without falling off, and my small weapon and piddling sneak attack is not worth that. So I'm stuck holding on with both hands.

So far, I've thought of a few things. First, I could simply hang on. That might distract the beast for a couple of rounds, allowing my ally to attack a few times without getting gored (she did actually trip it once already but those were some lucky rolls).

Second, I've got 4 racial spell-like abilities: Silence, Mage Hand, Message, and Ghost Sound. I figure I should be (relatively) safe using these since I don't need to let go of the rhino.

I can't think of a use for Silence or Message, but Mage Hand and Ghost Sound present interesting opportunities. Dangle something in front of the rhino? Pull it's tail? Stick a ghostly finger up it's bum? Or some creative use of illusory sound?

Clearly, we are outside of the written rules here and in the realm of Rule of Cool. So please, be creative. And in addition to my next few rounds, what should my "long term" goals be? Sooth the beast? Ram it into some walls? (We are in a flat, featureless 100x100 ft pit) Charge it into the stands? befriend it, train it, awaken it, and start a crime fighting duo? The sky's the limit!

Any help is appreciated.

2011-06-12, 05:57 PM
Throw your cloak over its face, most standard PHB outfits come with some sort of cloak or cape. Then use Ghost Sound to get it to run anywhere you want it to.

2011-06-12, 05:57 PM
Keep trying Ride and/or Handle Animal until you tame the rhino.

2011-06-12, 06:05 PM
1. Tame the Beast.
2. Wear Fullplate.
3. Declare yourselves "Sky Soldiers".
4. Put an armored platform on top, use said beast as your as your "Faithful Transport."
5. ???
6. Profit.

2011-06-12, 06:07 PM
I do in fact have a cloak. I forgot to list equipment. I have a cloak, traveler's outfit, full waterskin, flint and steel, two daggers, a short sword, a sling, 20 sling bullets, and a spear. I am also wearing leather armor. I would assume the sling bullets are in some sort of pouch, although that was never explicitly stated.

2011-06-12, 06:09 PM
^: No rope or twine, eh? :smallfrown: Darn.

Make the noise that the trainers use to calm the rhino down using ghost sound?

I imagine further enraging the beast is probably not a good idea, unless the DM is using fatigue rules and you can somehow exhaust the beast.

edit: ...Why does the Rhino have max HP per HD? Is that a feature of gestalt rules?

Securing something to its face to blind it might be a good idea as well... Since the Rhino is most dangerous when charging, so if you could make it so it charged a square near the spiked chain tripper-fighter, the Fighter//Rogue would get an AoO on it and an attack before moving away using move silently so that it wouldn't know exactly where he was, so it'd have to pick a square or walk around blindly towards him rather than charge...

At least one use of ghost sound could get it to have a penalty to its listen check to defeat the move silently of your friend... or to get it to charge spaces near him specifically...

2011-06-12, 06:12 PM
I think there are rules for pushing something past its normal speed with a ride check, dealing nonlethal damage when you do so. You could ride the rhino into unconsciousness with that.

2011-06-12, 06:17 PM
Keep trying Ride and/or Handle Animal until you tame the rhino.

Or that... x.x

Vent Reynolt
2011-06-12, 07:21 PM
I think there are rules for pushing something past its normal speed with a ride check, dealing nonlethal damage when you do so. You could ride the rhino into unconsciousness with that.

It's actually much worse than that. The damage is lethal and doubles (:smalleek:) for every consecutive round.

The worst part: It only improves speed by 10 feet; plus it costs you your move action.

2011-06-12, 08:19 PM
It's actually much worse than that. The damage is lethal and doubles (:smalleek:) for every consecutive round.

The worst part: It only improves speed by 10 feet; plus it costs you your move action.

A while back, someone here figured out a way for a third-level Commoner to kill the Tarrasque by using this. :smallamused:

2011-06-12, 08:54 PM
A while back, someone here figured out a way for a third-level Commoner to kill the Tarrasque by using this. :smallamused:

How did he get on it? :smallconfused:

2011-06-12, 09:04 PM
How did he get on it? :smallconfused:Hot air balloon?

2011-06-12, 09:05 PM
Man that's a great question.

Unfortunately, I have nothing new to contribute. I would just suggest trying to ride/handle animal it until you're buddies or ride it to exhaustion then handle animal it. The idea of a rhino mount is awesome.

2011-06-12, 09:21 PM
mage hand something over its eyes, and use the sound thing to point it towards a wall?

2011-06-13, 09:10 AM
How did he get on it? :smallconfused:

The Tarrasque has somewhat mediocre perception skills, as I recall. There may have also been a climb check involved.

2011-06-13, 10:50 AM

Mage hand just casues movement of stuff, doesn't actually create a hand. That prevents one of your possibilities in the OP.