View Full Version : Animal Companion size increases

2011-06-13, 12:10 AM
Would it be especially unbalancing to allow a Ranger's companion to increase in size as it gains bonus HD? This is mostly so that he could ride his wolf sometimes, even though he probably won't fight while doing so. If I would allow it, should I give the companion all the ability modifiers for size etc.?

2011-06-13, 01:10 AM
Animal companions already get pretty big bonuses from the class levels. Adding substantial (+8 STR, +4 CON) boosts on top of that for a size increase is really unfair to other fighting characters who don't get any such power-up. What are you going to do for Fighters, Monks, Rogues, and Scouts?

2011-06-13, 01:13 AM
That was the other part of the question: if I did increase their size, would it be balanced to give them the appropriate ability bonuses? Apparently not, and that's what I thought.
However, what if the increase in size only gave them the combat penalties, skill bonuses/penalties and combat maneuver bonuses?

John Campbell
2011-06-13, 02:16 AM
It's really not broken. The Ranger animal companion is... not strong to begin with, and if you let the wolf advance with its bonus HD, its stats end up looking very similar to the level-adjusted dire wolf you can get at Druid level 7 anyway. Two points less Str, two points more Con, four points less Cha, five points more natural armor. Everything else is the same.

2011-06-13, 09:37 PM
It's actually not stated anywhere in the books (at least that I can find) that ACs don't increase in size as they gain HD - I believe it is only spelled out in the FAQ pdf. Since the FAQ is frequently regarded as a dubious source at times, you may wish to just ask the Dm to ignore it.

This would, however, give a boost to one class that really doesn't need it (i.e. Druids).

2011-06-13, 09:39 PM
This would, however, give a boost to one class that really doesn't need it (i.e. Druids).

No, it really wouldn't. It would just create a small amount of AC loyalty, rather than swapping it out every 4 levels for the latest and greatest.

2011-06-14, 06:48 AM
I'm all for it, purely because of the rule of cool.

2011-06-14, 06:54 AM
And by RAW, they already do increase in size as they gain HD.

2011-06-14, 07:02 AM
And by RAW, they already do increase in size as they gain HD.
Sorta. By RAW, they get "bonus hit dice"; they don't advance by hit dice.

But take, say, the Riding Dog animal companion: the advancement line is "—", otherwise known as "not applicable". So what happens when the Druid with a Riding Dog animal companion hits level 3? Do they get the two bonus hit dice, or not?

If they do get the bonus hit dice, then you're ignoring the advancement line... but if you're ignoring the advancement line, then you've got the little issue that the Wolf shouldn't become Large at that point, either.

2011-06-14, 08:51 AM
I'd allow it. Ranger's a weak class, and Ranger Animal Companions are weak compared to Druid Animal Companions.

Also, if you wanted to do this by RAW, then you could take the Shared Fury feat (Races of the Wild), which allows your Animal Companion to benefit from your Rage bonuses. Then Bear Warrior or that Goaliath feat (PrC? I can't remember) that increases your size, and your Companion shares the benefits.

2011-06-14, 08:55 AM
or that Goaliath feat (PrC? I can't remember) that increases your size, and your Companion shares the benefits.
That's a Goliath Barbarian racial substitution level, from Races of Stone (pages 150-151); Mountain Rage replaces normal Barbarian rage.

2011-06-14, 09:35 AM
That's a Goliath Barbarian racial substitution level, from Races of Stone (pages 150-151); Mountain Rage replaces normal Barbarian rage.

Yes, and it's pure unadulterated awesome. It replaces their normal rage, and still gives all the normal rage benefits in addition to increased sized and even more strength.

I really like the Goliath race in general, and goliath barbarian in particular. One of the few Level Adjusted races that is often worth its adjustment.

2011-06-14, 10:01 AM
I also just noticed Frantic Rage (Faiths of Eberron) on the Rage feat list. Requires the ability to Rage and the Madness domain (?). Each time you enter a Rage, you may choose if the bonus applies to your Strength (as usual) or your Dexterity. So instead of getting really big, we could go in the other direction and get super high Dex, and play some sort of ranged or Finesse Barbarian and Companion.

And lets not forget fun PrC like Frostrager. Now when in a Rage your animal companion is healed by Cold damage. Or soulmelds, which can be shared with the Share Soulmeld feat.

2011-06-14, 10:02 AM
The Ferocity Urban Class Feature (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) makes Rage +4 Str/Dex instead of +4 Str/Con, for what that's worth. Take that with Frantic Rage and get +8 Dex maybe? Depends on the wording of the feat.

2011-06-14, 10:48 AM
Yes, and it's pure unadulterated awesome. It replaces their normal rage, and still gives all the normal rage benefits in addition to increased sized and even more strength.
It does preclude all feats and prestige classes that require rage as a prerequisite, though.

2011-06-14, 02:07 PM
It does preclude all feats and prestige classes that require rage as a prerequisite, though.

True. Though most DMs would hand wave that away.

But I'm sure that there's got to be a PrC or alternate class feature or substitution level somewhere that offers regular Rage as class feature (Druidic Avenger?) as well, which would theoretically let you use both Mountain Rage and normal Rage at the same time, since the bonuses are untyped.

Not exactly sure about the best way for it to work out, but I'm sure that we could probably stack 5 different Rage effects with slightly different names. Not an optimal idea, but useful for an NPC that doesn't expect to see more then 1 combat per game day (or ever).

2011-06-14, 05:34 PM
Though most DMs would hand wave that away.
Not if you whisper the magic word "übercharger" in their ear, I think. :smalltongue: I haven't heard anyone moaning that their Barbarian can't pounce enemies into submission. With all the boosts of rage and the size increase of Mountain Rage, do you really need entry to Frenzied Berzerker as well?