View Full Version : Ugh...stupid flu just won't...

2011-06-13, 06:18 AM
leave my body!!! :smallfurious:

Have any of you had this experience? Where you are about 90% recovered from a sickness, but the last 10% of the virus just seems stuck in your body and defies every attempt to purge it from the system?

I have been battling a bout of flu last week. Mostly okay as of last Friday, but I just can't seem to recover from it completely. Thought I was okay today, went for a jog and nearly died (well, somewhat of an exaggeration, but I barely made it past the 1st lap). Still somewhat winded from just now, could barely swallow my dinner.

Sigh, guess I will have to take it easy for the next few days as well. Was looking forward to exercising again (legs don't feel right if I don't run). :smallannoyed:

2011-06-14, 08:49 AM
well the 10% could be from a secondary infection like bronchitis or a sinus infection. if it doesn't go away in a few day i would have a doctor check you out (in fact you may want to do it now). you may need a round of anti-biotics. it has happend to me before

Thes Hunter
2011-06-14, 03:42 PM
Good news! Exercise helps!

As long as you aren't putting yourself in respiratory arrest that is. :smallwink:

Go easy for a bit. You won't be able to go as fast as you could before you got sick. But exercising in some way (even just walking, lame I know.) will help you clear the infection faster.

2011-06-15, 07:12 AM
Get some high doses of vitamin C. Theres no evidence it will STOP you getting ill, but some evidence that it will help you get better.

Also, go to the doctors. It could well be a secondary infection. One time I had flu I manned it out just fine only to be floored by a stomach infection the next day. That was not pretty. Or aromatic. You get the picture. The worst part? a week after I shook that off I got the flu again. *cry*