View Full Version : Cloning a Level 30 Character

2011-06-13, 12:49 PM
With a psion 20.

1. Psionic simulacrum (should it exist, if not, then alter reality to copy effects) x2 on target.

2. Mind switch (temp) on simulacrum copy #1.

3. Fusion with simulacrum copy #2.

4. Delay effect astral seed with this new fused form. Contingent upon mind switch ending.

5. Cancel temp mind switch however you want (probably by timing + waiting for it to end).

6. Wait for astral seed to grow into the permanently new fused form.

7. Perfect copy of target? Under your command?


9. As a wilder, you may even be able to perfect copy a hecatoncheires, assuming.

I feel like I missed some small text somewhere...

2011-06-13, 12:54 PM

Laugh out loud out loud out out loud??

Anyway, what was the point of this post? Just trying to make sure you've got the right sequence of powers/abilities?

How long does it take for this astral seed to grow? If it's more than a few rounds, you've probably already been killed by the enemy you're trying to clone.

2011-06-13, 01:00 PM
Laugh out loud out loud out out loud

Precisely. You understand me perfectly.

Anyway, what was the point of this post? Just trying to make sure you've got the right sequence of powers/abilities?

Yups. I'm not sure why this would be an issue though, it seems like a fairly standard post for these fora.

How long does it take for this astral seed to grow? If it's more than a few rounds, you've probably already been killed by the enemy you're trying to clone.

It don't matter. Simulacrum can be performed from anywhere. So long as their HD </= 2x(casterLevel), and you find a way to eschew the material components required (not hard at all), you can clone virtually anything you are familiar with I believe.