View Full Version : Yugioh ITP: Mercenary pen vs. Shadow Elf

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-13, 01:50 PM
(OOC: This will serve as the new thread between myself and shadow elf. Thought that outside a bar- possibly the Blackfeathers- would be a suitable locale for this duel.)

Vending Machine MF-2786J had traveled a long way since leaving the museum, it had crossed many continents since wheeling through the portal that had taken numerous combat drones to the headquarters of the church of bahamut. It had also long since run out of anything to vend, having pressed its stock on anyone and everyone it had met on its path. Now, empty and aimless, it trundled past the frontage of a bar when it turned, responding to somebody's approach- its programming telling it to sell them products it no longer had.

Exceeding Mere Gadgetry
Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand: -

Main deck:1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Yellow Gadget
10- machina Gearframe
11- Machina Gearframe
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Fortress
14- Machina Fortress
15- Machina Fortress
16- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
17- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
18- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
19- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
20- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
21- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
22- Black Salvo
23- Black Salvo
24- Geartown
25- Geartown
26- Geartown
27- Solidarity
28- Solidarity
29- Solidarity
30- Limiter Removal
31- Double Cyclone
32- Double Cyclone
33- Solemn Warning
34- Solemn Warning
35- Dark Hole
36- Monster Reborn
37- Mirror Force
38- Torrential Tribute
39- Ultimate Offering
40- Ultimate Offering
41- Ultimate Offering

Extra Deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2011-06-13, 01:56 PM
Mary LaFontaine, Leader of the Archers, exits their home base in the Archer Bar & Grill restaurant. She is about to open her Archway, when she spots the robot. Hey little one, are y'all lost? I haven't seen many Newtech robots trundlin' ownerless down tha' streets a' New Orleans.


Riverboat Queen ~40
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Raiza the Storm Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Caius the Shadow Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Moebius the Frost Monarch
09. Moebius the Frost Monarch
10. Salvage Warrior
11. Salvage Warrior
12. Jinzo
13. Jinzo
14. Vanity's Ruler
15. Vanity's Ruler
16. Swap Frog
17. Swap Frog
18. Swap Frog
19. Treeborn Frog
20. Treeborn Frog
21. Treeborn Frog
22. Fishborg Blaster
23. Fishborg Blaster
24. Replacement Toad
25. Replacement Toad
26. T.G. Werewolf
27. T.G. Werewolf
28. Effect Veiler
29. Effect Veiler
30. Effect Veiler
31. Salvage
32. Salvage
33. Enemy Controller
34. Enemy Controller
35. Enemy Controller
36. Monster Reborn
37. Mystical Space Typhoon
38. Mystical Space Typhoon
39. Foolish Burial
40. Dark Hole
Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

2011-06-13, 02:52 PM
((OOC: Bump?))

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-13, 03:12 PM
(OOC: Sorry, just finished eating...)
The vending machine's LCD display lit up with the word DUEL

Exceeding Mere Gadgetry
Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand: -

Main deck:1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Yellow Gadget
10- machina Gearframe
11- Machina Gearframe
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Fortress
14- Machina Fortress
15- Machina Fortress
16- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
17- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
18- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
19- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
20- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
21- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
22- Black Salvo
23- Black Salvo
24- Geartown
25- Geartown
26- Geartown
27- Solidarity
28- Solidarity
29- Solidarity
30- Limiter Removal
31- Double Cyclone
32- Double Cyclone
33- Solemn Warning
34- Solemn Warning
35- Dark Hole
36- Monster Reborn
37- Mirror Force
38- Torrential Tribute
39- Ultimate Offering
40- Ultimate Offering
41- Ultimate Offering

Extra Deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-13, 03:13 PM
Replacement initiative due to draw: [roll0]

2011-06-13, 03:21 PM
Reroll: [roll0]

2011-06-13, 03:23 PM
Oh, so yall're a duel robot? How cute. I'll take ya on, chere.


Perfect. I summon Replacement Toad, who tributes himself to special summon Swap Frog from my deck, who puts a Treeborn Frog in the graveyard. Then I use Swap Frog's effect to send him back to my hand, and discard a Fishborg Blaster to summon him back in defense mode, dumping another Treeborn Frog into the graveyard. Then I activate Foolish Burial to put another Fishborg Blaster in the grave. That'll be all, chere.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | SF | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
SF = Swap Frog, 1000/500

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 3

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 6
Replacement Toad
Treeborn Frog
Treeborn Frog
Fishborg Blaster
Fishborg Blaster
Foolish Burial

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Raiza the Storm Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
>>. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Moebius the Frost Monarch
>>. Moebius the Frost Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Salvage Warrior
09. Salvage Warrior
>>. Jinzo
10. Jinzo
11. Vanity's Ruler
12. Vanity's Ruler
13. Swap Frog
14. Swap Frog
>>. Swap Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
15. Treeborn Frog
>>. Fishborg Blaster
>>. Fishborg Blaster
16. Replacement Toad
>>. Replacement Toad
17. T.G. Werewolf
18. T.G. Werewolf
19. Effect Veiler
20. Effect Veiler
21. Effect Veiler
22. Salvage
23. Salvage
24. Enemy Controller
25. Enemy Controller
26. Enemy Controller
27. Monster Reborn
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Foolish Burial
30. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-13, 03:37 PM

Exceeding Mere Gadgetry
Graveyard: Yellow Gadget

Banished: -

Face-down: Solemn Warning (st1), Mirror Force (st5)

Hand: Yellow Gadget

Main deck:1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Machina Gearframe
10- Machina Gearframe
11- Machina Fortress
12- Machina Fortress
13- Machina Fortress
14- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
15- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
16- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
17- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
18- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
19- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
20- Black Salvo
21- Black Salvo
22- Geartown
23- Geartown
24- Geartown
25- Solidarity
26- Solidarity
27- Limiter Removal
28- Double Cyclone
29- Double Cyclone
30- Solemn Warning
31- Dark Hole
32- Monster Reborn
33- Torrential Tribute
34- Ultimate Offering
35- Ultimate Offering
36- Ultimate Offering

Extra Deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

The vending robot normal summons a Machina Gearframe without hesitation, an image of Machina Fortress appearing on its screen to show you the card that was added to its hand. It then discarded the Machina Fortress and a Yellow Gadget to the graveyard to special summon the discarded Machina Fortress, playing Solidarity before both monsters attack, machina gearframe leading. Two cards were then set on the machine's back row and it ended its turn.
(Total damage= 3300)

Life points= 8000
MG= Machina Gearframe (ATK: 2600, DEF: 0)
MF= Machina Fortress (ATK: 3300, DEF: 1600)
S= Solidarity
f= face-down

2011-06-13, 03:55 PM
Oh, y'all're a quick one. I'd best step up my game.


Alright, chere. Treeborn Frog comes to me in my Standby Phase. I tribute him to summon Mobius, the Frost Monarch! Mobius'll freeze out yer two facedown backrows. Any response, hon?

((Turn resumes once response is known))

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 4700

Hand: 3
Dark Hole

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 6
Replacement Toad
Treeborn Frog
Treeborn Frog
Fishborg Blaster
Fishborg Blaster
Foolish Burial

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Raiza the Storm Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
>>. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Moebius the Frost Monarch
>>. Moebius the Frost Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Salvage Warrior
09. Salvage Warrior
>>. Jinzo
10. Jinzo
11. Vanity's Ruler
12. Vanity's Ruler
13. Swap Frog
14. Swap Frog
>>. Swap Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
15. Treeborn Frog
>>. Fishborg Blaster
>>. Fishborg Blaster
16. Replacement Toad
>>. Replacement Toad
17. T.G. Werewolf
18. T.G. Werewolf
19. Effect Veiler
20. Effect Veiler
21. Effect Veiler
22. Salvage
23. Salvage
24. Enemy Controller
25. Enemy Controller
26. Enemy Controller
27. Monster Reborn
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Foolish Burial
>>. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-13, 04:00 PM
The vending robot flips up its face-down Solemn Warning, paying 2000 life points to negate the summon of Mobius the frost monarch, destroying it.

2011-06-13, 04:01 PM
Alright, chere. I'm not gunna play fair after a move like that. I cast Dark Hole, wiping our yer machines. End turn, assuming no response.

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-13, 04:21 PM

Exceeding Mere Gadgetry
Graveyard: Yellow Gadget
Solemn Warning
Machina Gearframe
Machina Fortress

Banished: -

Face-down: Mirror Force (st5)

Hand: Yellow Gadget

Main deck:1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Machina Gearframe
9- Machina Gearframe
10- Machina Fortress
11- Machina Fortress
12- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
13- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
14- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
15- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
16- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
17- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
18- Black Salvo
19- Black Salvo
20- Geartown
21- Geartown
22- Geartown
23- Solidarity
24- Solidarity
25- Limiter Removal
26- Double Cyclone
27- Double Cyclone
28- Solemn Warning
29- Dark Hole
30- Monster Reborn
31- Torrential Tribute
32- Ultimate Offering
33- Ultimate Offering
34- Ultimate Offering

Extra Deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

The vending robot summoned a yellow gadget to the field, adding a green gadget from its deck to its hand. It then discards Red gadget and green gadget to revive Machina Fortress from the graveyard in attack position. Both monsters attack for game.

Life points= 8000
MF= Machina Fortress (ATK: 3300, DEF: 1600)
YG= Yellow Gadget (ATK: 2000, DEF: 1200)
S= Solidarity
f= face-down

2011-06-15, 04:29 PM
Wow. That's mighty impressive, little guy. I don't suppose you'd care ta try again?

((... that was shameful. I am sorry I didn't put up more of a fight. Do you want to have a rematch?))

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-15, 04:51 PM
(OOC: fact is, I have enough of an idea of how frognarchs run that I was confident solemn warning would lock you out of the duel, as it is, I suspect you would have been using Dark Hole even if Mobius' effect went through, considering you didn't target solidarity- and thus couldn't have battled either of my machines successfully.

I could manage a rematch, especially if it's a short one:smallwink:)

Exceeding mere gadgetry
Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand: -

Main deck: 1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Yellow Gadget
10- machina Gearframe
11- Machina Gearframe
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Fortress
14- Machina Fortress
15- Machina Fortress
16- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
17- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
18- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
19- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
20- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
21- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
22- Black Salvo
23- Black Salvo
24- Geartown
25- Geartown
26- Geartown
27- Solidarity
28- Solidarity
29- Solidarity
30- Limiter Removal
31- Double Cyclone
32- Double Cyclone
33- Solemn Warning
34- Solemn Warning
35- Dark Hole
36- Monster Reborn
37- Mirror Force
38- Torrential Tribute
39- Ultimate Offering
40- Ultimate Offering
41- Ultimate Offering

Extra deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
(You get choice of who takes first turn)

2011-06-15, 04:53 PM
And we're rollin'...


Riverboat Queen ~40
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Raiza the Storm Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Caius the Shadow Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Moebius the Frost Monarch
09. Moebius the Frost Monarch
10. Salvage Warrior
11. Salvage Warrior
12. Jinzo
13. Jinzo
14. Vanity's Ruler
15. Vanity's Ruler
16. Swap Frog
17. Swap Frog
18. Swap Frog
19. Treeborn Frog
20. Treeborn Frog
21. Treeborn Frog
22. Fishborg Blaster
23. Fishborg Blaster
24. Replacement Toad
25. Replacement Toad
26. T.G. Werewolf
27. T.G. Werewolf
28. Effect Veiler
29. Effect Veiler
30. Effect Veiler
31. Salvage
32. Salvage
33. Enemy Controller
34. Enemy Controller
35. Enemy Controller
36. Monster Reborn
37. Mystical Space Typhoon
38. Mystical Space Typhoon
39. Foolish Burial
40. Dark Hole
Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

2011-06-15, 04:55 PM
... rollin' on a river...


I'll cast Foolish Burial to be sendin' my little Treeborn Frog ta' an early grave. He'll be back, chere. Your move, chere.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 5
T.G. Warwolf
Effect Veiler

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 2
Foolish Burial
Treeborn Frog

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 33
>>. Raiza the Storm Monarch
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Caius the Shadow Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Moebius the Frost Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
>>. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Salvage Warrior
09. Salvage Warrior
10. Jinzo
>>. Jinzo
11. Vanity's Ruler
12. Vanity's Ruler
13. Swap Frog
14. Swap Frog
15. Swap Frog
16. Treeborn Frog
17. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
18. Fishborg Blaster
19. Fishborg Blaster
20. Replacement Toad
21. Replacement Toad
22. T.G. Werewolf
>>. T.G. Werewolf
23. Effect Veiler
24. Effect Veiler
>>. Effect Veiler
25. Salvage
26. Salvage
27. Enemy Controller
28. Enemy Controller
29. Enemy Controller
30. Monster Reborn
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Foolish Burial
33. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-15, 05:14 PM

Exceeding mere gadgetry
Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: Ultimate Offering(st1), Solemn Warning(st2), Double Cyclone(st4), Geartown(field)

Hand: Monster Reborn

Main deck: 1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Yellow Gadget
10- Machina Gearframe
11- Machina Gearframe
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Fortress
14- Machina Fortress
15- Machina Fortress
16- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
17- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
18- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
19- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
20- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
21- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
22- Black Salvo
23- Black Salvo
24- Geartown
25- Geartown
26- Solidarity
27- Solidarity
28- Solidarity
29- Limiter Removal
30- Double Cyclone
31- Solemn Warning
32- Dark Hole
33- Mirror Force
34- Torrential Tribute
35- Ultimate Offering
36- Ultimate Offering

Extra deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

The vending robot starts by activating Geartown, then placing a field spell face-down to destroy Geartown and using the destroyed Geartown to special summon Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from its deck. After attacking directly, it placed three cards face-down and ended its turn.

Life Points= 8000
Field spell (face-down)
AD= Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK: 3000, DEF: 2000)
f= face-down

2011-06-20, 11:42 AM
Two Geartowns in yer first hand? That's pretty nice, chere.


Treeborn Frog comes up from my graveyard, an' then I tribute him ta summon up Raiza, the Storm Monarch. As he comes out, he puts yer Ancient Gear atop yer deck, making yer next draw essentially a dead draw. He'll then swipe direct-like an' I'll end my turn, assumin' no response.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | RS | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
RS = Raiza, the Storm Monarch, 2400/1000

Lifepoints: 5000

Hand: 5
Treeborn Frog
T.G. Warwolf
Effect Veiler

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 2
Foolish Burial
Treeborn Frog

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 32 (not RN yet)
>>. Raiza the Storm Monarch
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Caius the Shadow Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Moebius the Frost Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
>>. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Salvage Warrior
09. Salvage Warrior
10. Jinzo
>>. Jinzo
11. Vanity's Ruler
12. Vanity's Ruler
13. Swap Frog
14. Swap Frog
15. Swap Frog
16. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
18. Fishborg Blaster
19. Fishborg Blaster
20. Replacement Toad
21. Replacement Toad
22. T.G. Werewolf
>>. T.G. Werewolf
23. Effect Veiler
24. Effect Veiler
>>. Effect Veiler
25. Salvage
26. Salvage
27. Enemy Controller
28. Enemy Controller
29. Enemy Controller
30. Monster Reborn
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Foolish Burial
33. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-20, 01:28 PM
The vending robot instantly flipped up Solemn warning, negating the summon to destroy Raiza.

2011-06-20, 01:29 PM
This is awfully familiar. Well, I'll just have ta' pass, then.

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-20, 01:36 PM
Exceeding mere gadgetry
Graveyard: -


Banished: -

Face-down: Ultimate Offering(st1), Double Cyclone(st4), Geartown(field)

Hand: Monster Reborn
Machina Fortress

Main deck: 1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Yellow Gadget
10- Machina Gearframe
11- Machina Gearframe
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Fortress
14- Machina Fortress
15- Machina Fortress
16- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
17- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
18- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
19- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
20- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
21- Black Salvo
22- Black Salvo
23- Geartown
24- Solidarity
25- Solidarity
26- Solidarity
27- Limiter Removal
28- Double Cyclone
29- Solemn Warning
30- Dark Hole
31- Mirror Force
32- Torrential Tribute
33- Ultimate Offering
34- Ultimate Offering

Extra deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

The vending robot summoned a Machina Gearframe to the field, using its effect to add Machina Fortress to its hand, then attacked with both Gearframe and Gadjiltron dragon. End turn.

Life Points= 6000
Field spell (face-down)
AD= Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK: 3000, DEF: 2000)
MG= Machina Gearframe (ATK: 1800, DEF: 0)
f= face-down

(OOC: Forgot to end my turn)

2011-06-20, 01:48 PM
That Solemn Warnin' card is a real pain, hon.


I summon Treeborn Frog from the grave, in defense mode, whose effect calls up two T.G. Warwolves from my hand, in defense mode. Then I set a monster. End turn.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | TW | TF | TW | FD
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
TF = Treeborn Frog, 100/100
TW = T.G. Warwolf, 1200/0

Lifepoints: 200

Hand: 3
Effect Veiler

Facedowns: 1
Treeborn Frog

Graveyard: 2
Foolish Burial
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Treeborn Frog (self-rezzed)

Banished: 0

Deck: 31 (not RN yet)
>>. Raiza the Storm Monarch
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Caius the Shadow Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Moebius the Frost Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
>>. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Salvage Warrior
09. Salvage Warrior
10. Jinzo
>>. Jinzo
11. Vanity's Ruler
12. Vanity's Ruler
13. Swap Frog
14. Swap Frog
15. Swap Frog
16. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
18. Fishborg Blaster
19. Fishborg Blaster
20. Replacement Toad
21. Replacement Toad
>>. T.G. Warwolf
>>. T.G. Warwolf
23. Effect Veiler
24. Effect Veiler
>>. Effect Veiler
25. Salvage
26. Salvage
27. Enemy Controller
28. Enemy Controller
29. Enemy Controller
30. Monster Reborn
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Foolish Burial
33. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-20, 01:56 PM

Exceeding mere gadgetry
Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: Ultimate Offering(st1), Double Cyclone(st4), Geartown(field)

Hand: Monster Reborn
Machina Fortress

Main deck: 1- Green Gadget
2- Green Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Red Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Yellow Gadget
10- Machina Gearframe
11- Machina Gearframe
12- Machina Fortress
13- Machina Fortress
14- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
15- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
16- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
17- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
18- Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive
19- Black Salvo
20- Black Salvo
21- Geartown
22- Solidarity
23- Solidarity
24- Solidarity
25- Limiter Removal
26- Double Cyclone
27- Solemn Warning
28- Dark Hole
29- Mirror Force
30- Torrential Tribute
31- Ultimate Offering
32- Ultimate Offering

Extra deck: 2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Wind-Up Zenmaister
2x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

The vending robot merely attacks both Warwolves and ends its turn.

Life Points= 6000
Field spell (face-down)
AD= Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK: 3000, DEF: 2000)
MG= Machina Gearframe (ATK: 1800, DEF: 0)
f= face-down

2011-06-20, 02:09 PM
Well, I've bought myself a little time.


I have to forfeit, chere. If I summon any a' my Monarchs, their attack'll be too low and yer Dragon'll stomp em' flat fer game. This has been fun, chere, but I really must get goin'.

((:smallannoyed:. I hate Solemn Warning. If I had drawn Enemy Controller or Monster Reborn or something, I could've tried for a comeback, but instead I got Vanity's Ruler. I was considering a Black Rose Dragon last turn with the Effect Veiler in my hand, but that would have just let you summon another Gadjiltron Dragon. Well played.))

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | TW | TF | TW | FD
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
TF = Treeborn Frog, 100/100
TW = T.G. Warwolf, 1200/0

Lifepoints: 200

Hand: 3
Effect Veiler

Facedowns: 1
Treeborn Frog

Graveyard: 4
T.G. Warwolf x2
Foolish Burial
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Treeborn Frog (self-rezzed)

Banished: 0

Deck: 31 (not RN yet)
>>. Raiza the Storm Monarch
01. Raiza the Storm Monarch
02. Raiza the Storm Monarch
03. Caius the Shadow Monarch
04. Caius the Shadow Monarch
05. Caius the Shadow Monarch
06. Moebius the Frost Monarch
07. Moebius the Frost Monarch
>>. Moebius the Frost Monarch
08. Salvage Warrior
09. Salvage Warrior
10. Jinzo
>>. Jinzo
11. Vanity's Ruler
>>. Vanity's Ruler
13. Swap Frog
14. Swap Frog
15. Swap Frog
16. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
>>. Treeborn Frog
18. Fishborg Blaster
19. Fishborg Blaster
20. Replacement Toad
21. Replacement Toad
>>. T.G. Warwolf
>>. T.G. Warwolf
23. Effect Veiler
24. Effect Veiler
>>. Effect Veiler
25. Salvage
26. Salvage
27. Enemy Controller
28. Enemy Controller
29. Enemy Controller
30. Monster Reborn
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Foolish Burial
33. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Formula Synchron
Armory Arm
Ally of Justice Catastor
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Lightning Warrior
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Shooting Star Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-20, 02:15 PM
(OOC: If you'd played any spell at all I would have 'destroyed' it with my face-down Double Cyclone to destroy my second copy of Geartown...)

2011-06-20, 02:17 PM
(OOC: If you'd played any spell at all I would have 'destroyed' it with my face-down Double Cyclone to destroy my second copy of Geartown...)

((Yes, but with a stolen Gadjiltron from Enemy Controller, I could have rammed the new Gadjiltron and still brought out a Monarch (preferably Jinzo) to take down Machina Gearframe))

Mercenary Pen
2011-06-20, 02:24 PM
(OOC: Monster Reborn in hand since the opening turn. Plus Machina Fortress waiting on just one more Machine-type in hand to be summoned.)

2011-06-20, 02:27 PM
((Like I said, "could've tried for a comeback" :smalltongue:.))

2011-07-25, 05:24 PM
Dr. Dazzle stands in the quiet New Orleans street, a lone sentinel in the gloom. His rhinestone-encrusted black clothes glitter in the lamplight.


Justice In Ten Seconds Flat ~40
01. Elemental Hero Voltic
02. Elemental Hero Voltic
03. Elemental Hero Voltic
04. Elemental Hero Flash
05. Elemental Hero Flash
06. Elemental Hero Flash
07. Elemental Hero Stratos
08. Elemental Hero Prisma
09. Elemental Hero Prisma
10. Elemental Hero Prisma
11. Elemental Hero Avian
12. Elemental Hero Avian
13. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
14. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
15. Elemental Hero Clayman
16. Elemental Hero Clayman
17. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
18. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
19. Elemental Hero Neos
20. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
21. E – Hero Emergency Call
22. Reinforcement of the Army
23. Future Fusion
24. Secret Pass to the Treasures
25. Secret Pass to the Treasures
26. Miracle Fusion
27. Miracle Fusion
28. Miracle Fusion
29. Parallel World Fusion
30. Parallel World Fusion
31. Parallel World Fusion
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Mystical Space Typhoon
35. Mystical Space Typhoon
36. Dark Hole
37. Monster Reborn
38. Mirror Force
39. Torrential Tribute
40. Giant Trunade
Extra Deck: 15
Vision Hero Trinity
Vision Hero Adoration
Elemental Hero Divine Neos
Elemental Hero Neos Knight
Elemental Hero Electrum
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Gaia
Elemental Hero Great Tornado
Elemental Hero Great Tornado

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-25, 05:35 PM
The silent hermit wandered aimlessly through the streets, seeking whatever power and dueling techniques he could discover, drawn on by his curiosity. Turning a corner, he sees doctor dazzle ahead of him and gestures at him as he approaches, pointing to his duel disk questioningly.

Is silence a ritual or a spell?

Removed from play:-



Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Serene Psychic Witch
3 Serene Psychic Witch
4 Hushed Psychic Cleric
5 Hushed Psychic Cleric
6 Hushed Psychic Cleric
7 Silent Psychic Wizard
8 Silent Psychic Wizard
9 Psi-Blocker
10 Psi-Blocker
11 Psi-Blocker
12 Destructotron
13 Mind Master
14 Esper Girl
15 Esper Girl
16 Psychic Jumper
17 Glow-Up Bulb
18 Tragoedia
19 Gorz, the Emissary of darkness
20 Maxx "c"
21 Maxx "c"
22 Maxx "c"
23 Pot of duality
24 Pot of duality
25 Pot of duality
26 Emergency Teleport
27 Foolish Burial
28 One for one
29 Monster Reborn
30 Giant trunade
31 Dark Hole
32 Telekinetic Power Well
33 Telekinetic Power Well
34 Telekinetic Power Well
35 Pot of Avarice
36 Pot of Avarice
37 Royal Decree
38 Royal Decree
39 Royal Decree
40 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier


Mercenary Pen
2011-07-25, 05:46 PM
His chosen opponent not seeming to comprehend him, the silent hermit noiselessly snapped his fingers, and the world around doctor dazzle was plunged into utter silence- the wind could still be seen, but made no noise, a feral cat silently hissed on the other side of the street and the traffic noiselessly passed by further down the street. Doctor dazzle would find that his own voice was the only thing he would hear whilst this duel went on. The silent hermit drew a card to begin.


Is silence a ritual or a spell?

Removed from play:-


Hand:Royal decree
Glow-Up bulb
Mind Master
Psychic Jumper
Gorz, the emissary of darkness

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Serene Psychic Witch
3 Serene Psychic Witch
4 Hushed Psychic Cleric
5 Hushed Psychic Cleric
6 Hushed Psychic Cleric
7 Silent Psychic Wizard
8 Silent Psychic Wizard
9 Psi-Blocker
10 Psi-Blocker
11 Psi-Blocker
12 Destructotron
13 Esper Girl
14 Esper Girl
15 Tragoedia
16 Maxx "c"
17 Maxx "c"
18 Maxx "c"
19 Pot of duality
20 Pot of duality
21 Pot of duality
22 Emergency Teleport
23 Foolish Burial
24 One for one
25 Monster Reborn
26 Giant trunade
27 Dark Hole
28 Telekinetic Power Well
29 Telekinetic Power Well
30 Telekinetic Power Well
31 Pot of Avarice
32 Pot of Avarice
33 Royal Decree
34 Royal Decree
35 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

With what seemed like a silent chuckle he activated Pot of Duality to begin the duel.

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-25, 05:53 PM
Pot of duality draws: [roll0]

Is silence a ritual or a spell?

Removed from play:-

Face-down:Glow-Up Bulb (m3), Royal Decree (st3)

Hand:Mind Master
Psychic Jumper
Gorz, the emissary of darkness
Hushed Silent Cleric

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Serene Psychic Witch
3 Serene Psychic Witch
4 Hushed Psychic Cleric
5 Hushed Psychic Cleric
6 Hushed Psychic Cleric
7 Silent Psychic Wizard
8 Silent Psychic Wizard
9 Psi-Blocker
10 Psi-Blocker
11 Psi-Blocker
12 Destructotron
13 Esper Girl
14 Esper Girl
15 Tragoedia
16 Maxx "c"
17 Maxx "c"
18 Maxx "c"
19 Pot of duality
20 Pot of duality
21 Emergency Teleport
22 Foolish Burial
23 One for one
24 Monster Reborn
25 Giant trunade
26 Dark Hole
27 Telekinetic Power Well
28 Telekinetic Power Well
29 Telekinetic Power Well
30 Pot of Avarice
31 Pot of Avarice
32 Royal Decree
33 Royal Decree
34 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

With ominous silence, the hermit added Hushed Silent Cleric to his hand, returning emergency teleport and one for one to the deck. He then placed one card each face-down on his front and back rows, gesturing for his opponent to respond.


2011-07-25, 06:24 PM
How peculiar... I don't think you're a villain, but I don't mind a duel to pass the time while I perform my rounds.


E - Emergency Call brings me Elemental Hero Stratos. I summon him, who adds Elemental Hero Flash to my hand. Stratos will attack your facedown card; once I know how that turns out, I'll continue.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | ES | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
ES = E-HERO Stratos, 1800/200

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 6
E-HERO Avian
E-HERO Flash
Parallel World Fusion
Bottomless Trap Hole
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 1
E - Hero Emergency Call

Overlaid: 0

Banished: 0

Deck: 40
01. Elemental Hero Voltic
02. Elemental Hero Voltic
03. Elemental Hero Voltic
04. Elemental Hero Flash
05. Elemental Hero Flash
>>. Elemental Hero Flash
07. Elemental Hero Stratos
08. Elemental Hero Prisma
09. Elemental Hero Prisma
10. Elemental Hero Prisma
>>. Elemental Hero Avian
12. Elemental Hero Avian
13. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
14. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
15. Elemental Hero Clayman
16. Elemental Hero Clayman
17. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
18. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
19. Elemental Hero Neos
20. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
>>. E – Hero Emergency Call
22. Reinforcement of the Army
23. Future Fusion
24. Secret Pass to the Treasures
25. Secret Pass to the Treasures
26. Miracle Fusion
27. Miracle Fusion
28. Miracle Fusion
>>. Parallel World Fusion
30. Parallel World Fusion
31. Parallel World Fusion
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Mystical Space Typhoon
35. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Dark Hole
>>. Monster Reborn
38. Mirror Force
39. Torrential Tribute
40. Giant Trunade

Extra Deck: 15
Vision Hero Trinity
Vision Hero Adoration
Elemental Hero Divine Neos
Elemental Hero Neos Knight
Elemental Hero Electrum
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Gaia
Elemental Hero Great Tornado
Elemental Hero Great Tornado

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-25, 06:57 PM
Stratos destroys the face-down Glow-Up Bulb without difficulty.

2011-07-25, 07:02 PM
I set a backrow card; your move, silent opponent.

Bottomless Trap Hole

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-26, 04:55 AM
During the end phase of your turn, the hermit flipped up his face-down Royal Decree.

Is silence a ritual or a spell?
Graveyard:Glow-Up bulb

Removed from play:-


Hand:Mind Master
Psychic Jumper
Gorz, the emissary of darkness
Hushed Silent Cleric

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Serene Psychic Witch
3 Serene Psychic Witch
4 Hushed Psychic Cleric
5 Hushed Psychic Cleric
6 Silent Psychic Wizard
7 Silent Psychic Wizard
8 Psi-Blocker
9 Psi-Blocker
10 Psi-Blocker
11 Destructotron
12 Esper Girl
13 Esper Girl
14 Tragoedia
15 Maxx "c"
16 Maxx "c"
17 Maxx "c"
18 Pot of duality
19 Pot of duality
20 Emergency Teleport
21 Foolish Burial
22 One for one
23 Monster Reborn
24 Giant trunade
25 Dark Hole
26 Telekinetic Power Well
27 Telekinetic Power Well
28 Telekinetic Power Well
29 Pot of Avarice
30 Pot of Avarice
31 Royal Decree
32 Royal Decree
33 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

Without a word, the hermit revived the glow-up bulb from his graveyard, sending the top card of his deck to take its place.

GB= Glow-Up Bulb (ATK: 100, DEF: 100)
RD= Royal Decree

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-26, 05:03 AM
Glow-Up Bulb mill: [roll0]

Is silence a ritual or a spell?
Graveyard:Emergency Teleport
Glow-Up Bulb (used)

Removed from play:-


Hand=4:Mind Master
Psychic Jumper
Gorz, the emissary of darkness
Hushed Silent Cleric

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Serene Psychic Witch
3 Serene Psychic Witch
4 Hushed Psychic Cleric
5 Hushed Psychic Cleric
6 Silent Psychic Wizard
7 Silent Psychic Wizard
8 Psi-Blocker
9 Psi-Blocker
10 Destructotron
11 Esper Girl
12 Esper Girl
13 Tragoedia
14 Maxx "c"
15 Maxx "c"
16 Maxx "c"
17 Pot of duality
18 Pot of duality
19 Emergency Teleport
20 Foolish Burial
21 One for one
22 Monster Reborn
23 Giant trunade
24 Dark Hole
25 Telekinetic Power Well
26 Telekinetic Power Well
27 Telekinetic Power Well
28 Pot of Avarice
29 Pot of Avarice
30 Royal Decree
31 Royal Decree
32 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

Glow-Up bulb revived, he summoned Psi Blocker from his hand and you suddenly receive the impression that you shouldn't use elemental hero flash on your next turn. With that, he tunes Psi-Blocker and Glow-Up Bulb to synchro summon Magical Android, which attacks Stratos. He then passes to you, gaining 600 life points during the end phase.

Life points: 8600
MA= Magical Android (ATK: 2400, DEF: 1700)
RD= Royal Decree

2011-07-26, 04:26 PM
Hmmm, some good plays there.


Dark Hole claims your Android. I summon Elemental Hero Avian from my hand; then, Monster Reborn reclaims my Stratos, whose effect destroys your Royal Decree. My monsters then strike together for 2800 damage, and I end my turn, assuming you can't respond.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | ES | EA | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
ES = Elemental Hero Stratos, 1800/200
EA = Elemental Hero Avian, 1000/1000

Lifepoints: 7400

Hand: 3
E-HERO Flash
Parallel World Fusion

Facedowns: 1
Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 3
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
E - Hero Emergency Call

Overlaid: 0

Banished: 0

Deck: 31
01. Elemental Hero Voltic
02. Elemental Hero Voltic
03. Elemental Hero Voltic
04. Elemental Hero Flash
05. Elemental Hero Flash
>>. Elemental Hero Flash
>>. Elemental Hero Stratos
06. Elemental Hero Prisma
07. Elemental Hero Prisma
08. Elemental Hero Prisma
>>. Elemental Hero Avian
09. Elemental Hero Avian
10. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
11. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
12. Elemental Hero Clayman
13. Elemental Hero Clayman
14. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
15. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
>>. Elemental Hero Neos
16. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
>>. E – Hero Emergency Call
17. Reinforcement of the Army
18. Future Fusion
19. Secret Pass to the Treasures
20. Secret Pass to the Treasures
21. Miracle Fusion
22. Miracle Fusion
23. Miracle Fusion
>>. Parallel World Fusion
24. Parallel World Fusion
25. Parallel World Fusion
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Dark Hole
>>. Monster Reborn
29. Mirror Force
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Giant Trunade

Extra Deck: 15
Vision Hero Trinity
Vision Hero Adoration
Elemental Hero Divine Neos
Elemental Hero Neos Knight
Elemental Hero Electrum
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Gaia
Elemental Hero Great Tornado
Elemental Hero Great Tornado

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-26, 04:42 PM

Is silence a ritual or a spell?
Graveyard:Emergency Teleport
Glow-Up Bulb (used)
Magical Android
Royal Decree

Removed from play:-


Hand=4:Mind Master
Psychic Jumper
Gorz, the emissary of darkness
Hushed Silent Cleric

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Serene Psychic Witch
3 Serene Psychic Witch
4 Hushed Psychic Cleric
5 Hushed Psychic Cleric
6 Silent Psychic Wizard
7 Silent Psychic Wizard
8 Psi-Blocker
9 Psi-Blocker
10 Destructotron
11 Esper Girl
12 Esper Girl
13 Tragoedia
14 Maxx "c"
15 Maxx "c"
16 Maxx "c"
17 Pot of duality
18 Pot of duality
19 Foolish Burial
20 One for one
21 Monster Reborn
22 Giant trunade
23 Dark Hole
24 Telekinetic Power Well
25 Telekinetic Power Well
26 Telekinetic Power Well
27 Pot of Avarice
28 Pot of Avarice
29 Royal Decree
30 Royal Decree
31 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

The hermit shrugged, drawing a follow up card- his actions somehow conveying to you that good individual plays did not make a great player in his eyes. He then summoned Serene Psychic Witch to the field and used it to attack Avian, passing back to Dazzle.

Life points: 5800
SW= Serene Psychic Witch (ATK: 1400, DEF: 1200)

2011-07-26, 05:37 PM
Hmmm, some good plays there.


Stratos will simply destroy your Witch. I end my turn.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | ES | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
ES = Elemental Hero Stratos, 1800/200

Lifepoints: 7000

Hand: 4
E-HERO Voltic
E-HERO Flash
Parallel World Fusion

Facedowns: 1
Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 4
Elemental Hero Avian
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
E - Hero Emergency Call

Overlaid: 0

Banished: 0

Deck: 30 (not RN yet)
01. Elemental Hero Voltic
>>. Elemental Hero Voltic
03. Elemental Hero Voltic
04. Elemental Hero Flash
05. Elemental Hero Flash
>>. Elemental Hero Flash
>>. Elemental Hero Stratos
06. Elemental Hero Prisma
07. Elemental Hero Prisma
08. Elemental Hero Prisma
>>. Elemental Hero Avian
09. Elemental Hero Avian
10. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
11. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
12. Elemental Hero Clayman
13. Elemental Hero Clayman
14. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
15. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
>>. Elemental Hero Neos
16. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
>>. E – Hero Emergency Call
17. Reinforcement of the Army
18. Future Fusion
19. Secret Pass to the Treasures
20. Secret Pass to the Treasures
21. Miracle Fusion
22. Miracle Fusion
23. Miracle Fusion
>>. Parallel World Fusion
24. Parallel World Fusion
25. Parallel World Fusion
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Dark Hole
>>. Monster Reborn
29. Mirror Force
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Giant Trunade

Extra Deck: 15
Vision Hero Trinity
Vision Hero Adoration
Elemental Hero Divine Neos
Elemental Hero Neos Knight
Elemental Hero Electrum
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Gaia
Elemental Hero Great Tornado
Elemental Hero Great Tornado

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-26, 05:47 PM
When witch is destroyed and damage inflicted, the hermit special summons Gorz, emissary of darkness from his hand. The hermit waits a moment to see if this changes anything.

2011-07-26, 06:14 PM
Bottomless Trap Hole claims Gorz upon summoning.

[Assuming you cannot stop me, end turn...]

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-26, 06:28 PM
OOC: Should have mentioned that Esper Girl was banished by the effect of serene psychic witch.)
Esper girl is then summoned during the standby phase and the top card of my deck banished face-down.

Is silence a ritual or a spell?
Graveyard:Emergency Teleport
Glow-Up Bulb (used)
Magical Android
Royal Decree
Gorz, the emissary of darkness
Psychic Jumper
Serene psychic witch
Esper Girl
Hushed Psychic Cleric
Mind master
Serene Psychic Witch



Hand=1:Hushed Psychic Cleric

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Serene Psychic Witch
3 Hushed Psychic Cleric
4 Hushed Psychic Cleric
5 Silent Psychic Wizard
6 Silent Psychic Wizard
7 Psi-Blocker
8 Psi-Blocker
9 Destructotron
10 Esper Girl
11 Tragoedia
12 Maxx "c"
13 Maxx "c"
14 Maxx "c"
15 Pot of duality
16 Pot of duality
17 Foolish Burial
18 One for one
19 Monster Reborn
20 Giant trunade
21 Dark Hole
22 Telekinetic Power Well
23 Telekinetic Power Well
24 Telekinetic Power Well
25 Pot of Avarice
26 Pot of Avarice
27 Royal Decree
28 Royal Decree
29 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

The hermit follows up on his prepared summon by summoning mind master to the field. with the payment of 800 life points, he then tributes esper girl to special summon hushed psychic cleric from the deck, he then discarded psychic jumper from his hand to use the effect of hushed psychic cleric, banishing esper girl. Activating the effect of Mind Master once again, he tributed Hushed Psychic Cleric to special summon another from the deck, special summoning the banished Esper Girl in the process.

The effect of the second hushed psychic cleric was used, discarding a serene psychic witch from the hand to banish the serene psychic witch in the graveyard. He then tuned Hushed Psychic Cleric with esper girl to synchro summon T.G. Hyper Librarian, the banished Serene Psychic Witch special summoning itself at the same time. Serene Psychic witch was then tuned with Mind Master to summon a second Hyper Librarian, drawing a card by the effect of the first.

Life points: 3800
HL= T.G. Hyper librarian (ATK: 2400, DEF: 1800)

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-26, 06:58 PM
Hyper Librarian draw: [roll0]

Is silence a ritual or a spell?
Graveyard:Emergency Teleport
Glow-Up Bulb (used)
Magical Android
Royal Decree
Gorz, the emissary of darkness
Psychic Jumper
Serene psychic witch
Esper Girl
Hushed Psychic Cleric
Mind master
Serene Psychic Witch



Hand=1:Hushed Psychic Cleric

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Silent Psychic Wizard
3 Silent Psychic Wizard
4 Psi-Blocker
5 Destructotron
6 Esper Girl
7 Tragoedia
8 Maxx "c"
9 Maxx "c"
10 Maxx "c"
11 Pot of duality
12 Pot of duality
13 Foolish Burial
14 One for one
15 Monster Reborn
16 Giant trunade
17 Dark Hole
18 Telekinetic Power Well
19 Telekinetic Power Well
20 Telekinetic Power Well
21 Pot of Avarice
22 Pot of Avarice
23 Royal Decree
24 Royal Decree
25 Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

The hermit's first Hyper Librarian attacks stratos and the second attacks directly. The hermit then sets one card face-down, ending his turn only to activate Trap Dustshoot in your standby phase, returning Elemental Hero Flash to your deck.

Life points: 3800
HL= T.G. Hyper librarian (ATK: 2400, DEF: 1800)
f= face-down (revealed as trap dustshoot)

2011-07-26, 07:38 PM
Very nice indeed! Your monsters are certainly very capable; and your Trap Dustshoot is a great annoyance.


Alright, my salvation arrives in this card right here; I remove from play my Elemental Heroes Stratos and Avian in the graveyard to cast Miracle Fusion, summoning... Elemental Hero Great Tornado! He halves the attack of all of your monsters. Then Great Tornado slays one of your Hyper Librarians; it matters not which. That should end my turn, barring response.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | GT | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
GT = Elemental Hero Great Tornado, 2800/2000

Lifepoints: 4000

Hand: 3
E-HERO Voltic
Parallel World Fusion

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 5
Miracle Fusion
Bottomless Trap Hole
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
E - Hero Emergency Call

Overlaid: 0

Banished: 2
Elemental Hero Avian
Elemental Hero Stratos

Deck: 31
01. Elemental Hero Voltic
>>. Elemental Hero Voltic
02. Elemental Hero Voltic
03. Elemental Hero Flash
04. Elemental Hero Flash
05. Elemental Hero Flash
>>. Elemental Hero Stratos
06. Elemental Hero Prisma
07. Elemental Hero Prisma
08. Elemental Hero Prisma
>>. Elemental Hero Avian
09. Elemental Hero Avian
10. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
11. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
12. Elemental Hero Clayman
13. Elemental Hero Clayman
14. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
15. Elemental Hero Bubbleman
>>. Elemental Hero Neos
16. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
>>. E – Hero Emergency Call
17. Reinforcement of the Army
18. Future Fusion
19. Secret Pass to the Treasures
20. Secret Pass to the Treasures
21. Miracle Fusion
22. Miracle Fusion
>>. Miracle Fusion
>>. Parallel World Fusion
23. Parallel World Fusion
24. Parallel World Fusion
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Dark Hole
>>. Monster Reborn
28. Mirror Force
29. Torrential Tribute
30. Giant Trunade

Extra Deck: 14
Vision Hero Trinity
Vision Hero Adoration
Elemental Hero Divine Neos
Elemental Hero Neos Knight
Elemental Hero Electrum
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero The Shining
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Gaia
Elemental Hero Great Tornado
Elemental Hero Great Tornado

2011-07-26, 07:52 PM
[Oh, and the rest of my hand was Miracle Fusion (used it), Parallel World Fusion, E-Hero Neos, E-Hero Voltic]

Mercenary Pen
2011-07-26, 07:52 PM

Is silence a ritual or a spell?
Graveyard:Emergency Teleport
Glow-Up Bulb (used)
Magical Android
Royal Decree
Gorz, the emissary of darkness
Psychic Jumper
Serene psychic witch
Esper Girl
Hushed Psychic Cleric
Mind master
Serene Psychic Witch
Trap Dustshoot
T.G. Hyper Librarian



Hand=1:Hushed Psychic Cleric

Main Deck:1 Serene Psychic Witch
2 Silent Psychic Wizard
3 Silent Psychic Wizard
4 Psi-Blocker
5 Destructotron
6 Esper Girl
7 Tragoedia
8 Maxx "c"
9 Maxx "c"
10 Maxx "c"
11 Pot of duality
12 Pot of duality
13 Foolish Burial
14 One for one
15 Monster Reborn
16 Giant trunade
17 Dark Hole
18 Telekinetic Power Well
19 Telekinetic Power Well
20 Telekinetic Power Well
21 Pot of Avarice
22 Pot of Avarice
23 Royal Decree
24 Royal Decree

Extra Deck:
1 Armory Arm
1 Magical Android
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Psychic Nightmare
1 Brionac, Dragon of the ice-barrier
1 Tempest Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Hyper Psychic Blaster
1 Trishula, Dragon of the ice-barrier

Unable to fight back, the hermit yielded.

Life points: 2200
HL= T.G. Hyper librarian (ATK: 1200, DEF: 900)

2011-07-26, 08:09 PM
A battle well-fought, sir. Perhaps we shall meet again; it'd be great if you'd release your enchantment, so I can perform my rounds without being deaf.

[That was an interesting duel! I'm always leery with Fusions vs. Synchros, but E-Heroes measure up pretty well, because of how versatile their fusion spells are. It was also very lucky topdecking that got me that Miracle Fusion, I suppose, but I also topdecked Neos, who's a wholly dead draw, so I guess the luck kinda evens out. Next turn, I was hoping to either summon Voltic and with him summon back Stratos to get me Flash again or to just use Parallel World Fusion to get out another Great Tornado, but things didn't end up going that far. Any suggestions? For you, you might consider Reborn Tengu. You cannot use him with Mind Master, but he can make a Cleric Mill much easier by providing himself as a non-tuner fodder piece. I would add him to my own RFP Psychics deck, except that I don't want to put him into too many decks only to have to change em' in September, when I am pretty sure he'll be at least Semi'd. Any ideas for this deck? THe idea is obviously to recycle Miracle Fusion, Parallel World Fusion, Monster Reborn and Dark Hole with Flash, which recycling heroes with Voltic.]

Mercenary Pen
2011-09-11, 08:28 AM
The Dalek Commandant halted, turning slightly to look down the corridor before it advanced.

"Halt intruder, step forth and identify yourself. Failure to comply will result in extermination."


Gadgets of Skaro
Main deck: 1- Summoner Monk
2- Gravekeeper's Spy
3- Gravekeeper's Spy
4- Gravekeeper's Spy
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow gadget
8- Yellow Gadget
9- Green Gadget
10- Green Gadget
11- Machina Fortress
12- Machina Fortress
13- Machina Gearframe
14- Machina Gearframe
15- Machina Gearframe
16- Machina Peacekeeper
17- Machina Peacekeeper
18- Genex Ally Birdman
19- Genex Ally Birdman
20- Genex Ally Birdman
21- Glow-Up Bulb
22- Plaguespreader Zombie
23- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
24- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
25- Heavy Storm
26- Double Cyclone
27- Double Cyclone
28- Geartown
29- Geartown
30- Geartown
31- Dark Hole
32- Monster Reborn
33- Limiter Removal
34- Pot of Avarice
35- Bottomless Trap Hole
36- Bottomless Trap Hole
37- Solemn Warning
38- Solemn Warning
39- Ultimate Offering
40- Ultimate Offering
41- Ultimate Offering

Extra deck:
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Brionac, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
2x Kachi Kochi Dragon
1x Number 10: Illumiknight
2x Number 39: Utopia
2x Steelswarm Roach
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Red Nova Dragon

2011-09-11, 07:57 PM
The Librarian's telltale phone booth appears, and he emerges. He adjusts his spectacles and looks around... and his eyes finally come to rest on the Dalek. Well, I suppose if some of us managed to escape the time war, some of you must have as well. I am the Time Lord Librarian, Dalek. And you are soon to be a pile of junk and paste.


Librum Zephyros ~40
01. The Fabled Chawa
02. The Fabled Chawa
03. The Fabled Cerburrel
04. The Fabled Cerburrel
05. The Fabled Cerburrel
06. The Fabled Ganashia
07. The Fabled Ganashia
08. The Fabled Ganashia
09. Fabled Kushano
10. Fabled Kushano
11. Tour Guide from the Underworld
12. Tour Guide from the Underworld
13. Tour Guide from the Underworld
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Fabled Krus
17. Fabled Krus
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Reborn Tengu
21. Sangan
22. Fabled Grimro
23. Fabled Grimro
24. Heavy Storm
25. Solemn Judgment
26. Torrential Tribute
27. Beckoning Light
28. Trap Dustshoot
29. Mind Crush
30. Call of the Haunted
31. Call of the Haunted
32. Starlight Road
33. Pot of Avarice
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Bottomless Trap Hole
36. Mirror Force
37. Monster Reborn
38. Mystical Space Typhoon
39. Mystical Space Typhoon
40. Dark Hole
Extra Deck: 15
The Fabled Unicore
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Fabled Ragin
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Number 34: Terror-Byte
Steelswarm Roach

2011-09-11, 08:20 PM
I shall begin.


I summon Tour Guide from the Underworld, whose effect searches and summons Fabled Kushano from my deck. I overlay them for the Xyz summon of Number 17: Leviathan Dragon. I detach Kushano for Leviathan Dragon's effect, giving it 500 more attack points. I set three cards and end my turn; after you have drawn, I activate Trap Dustshoot. Reveal your secrets to me, Dalek, so that I may throw a wrench in your plans.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | 17 | -- | --
-- | TD | FD | FD | --[/table]
17 = Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, 2500/0, 1 Xyz
TD = Trap Dustshoot, being activated after your draw

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 2
Fabled Krus
Pot of Avarice

Facedowns: 2
3: Mystical Space Typhoon
4: Mirror Force

Graveyard: 2
Fabled Kushano
Tap Dustshoot (after activation)

Overlaid: 1
Tour Guide from the Underworld [17]

Banished: 0

Deck: 33 [not RN yet]
01. The Fabled Chawa
02. The Fabled Chawa
03. The Fabled Cerburrel
04. The Fabled Cerburrel
05. The Fabled Cerburrel
06. The Fabled Ganashia
07. The Fabled Ganashia
08. The Fabled Ganashia
09. Fabled Kushano
>>. Fabled Kushano
11. Tour Guide from the Underworld
>>. Tour Guide from the Underworld
13. Tour Guide from the Underworld
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
>>. Fabled Krus
17. Fabled Krus
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Reborn Tengu
21. Sangan
22. Fabled Grimro
23. Fabled Grimro
24. Heavy Storm
25. Solemn Judgment
26. Torrential Tribute
27. Beckoning Light
>>. Trap Dustshoot
29. Mind Crush
30. Call of the Haunted
31. Call of the Haunted
32. Starlight Road
>>. Pot of Avarice
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Mirror Force
37. Monster Reborn
38. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
40. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
The Fabled Unicore
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Fabled Ragin
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Number 34: Terror-Byte
Steelswarm Roach

Mercenary Pen
2011-09-12, 04:15 AM
"Description of daleks is irreverent. This must be Gallifreyan attempt at humour. Extermination will now commence."

Gadgets of Skaro
Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand: Yellow Gadget
Machina Gearframe
Limiter Removal
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon

Main deck: 1- Summoner Monk
2- Gravekeeper's Spy
3- Gravekeeper's Spy
4- Gravekeeper's Spy
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Green Gadget
9- Green Gadget
10- Machina Fortress
11- Machina Fortress
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Gearframe
14- Machina Peacekeeper
15- Machina Peacekeeper
16- Genex Ally Birdman
17- Genex Ally Birdman
18- Genex Ally Birdman
19- Glow-Up Bulb
20- Plaguespreader Zombie
21- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
22- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
23- Double Cyclone
24- Double Cyclone
25- Geartown
26- Geartown
27- Geartown
28- Monster Reborn
29- Pot of Avarice
30- Bottomless Trap Hole
31- Bottomless Trap Hole
32- Solemn Warning
33- Solemn Warning
34- Ultimate Offering
35- Ultimate Offering
36- Ultimate Offering

Extra deck:
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Brionac, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
2x Kachi Kochi Dragon
1x Number 10: Illumiknight
2x Number 39: Utopia
2x Steelswarm Roach
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Red Nova Dragon

"You will examine my hand and find my Yellow Dalek (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Yellow_Gadget), Orange Dalek (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Gearframe), Limiter Removal, Dark Hole, Heavy Storm and my Supreme Dalek Battleship (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Gear_Gadjiltron_Dragon). You will choose which card is returned to my deck now."

2011-09-12, 07:22 AM
I'll be placing the Orange Dalek back into your deck, thank you very much. Now, proceed with your turn.

Mercenary Pen
2011-09-12, 10:38 AM
Gadgets of Skaro
Graveyard: Heavy Storm

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand: Green Dalek
Limiter Removal
Dark Hole
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon

Main deck: 1- Summoner Monk
2- Gravekeeper's Spy
3- Gravekeeper's Spy
4- Gravekeeper's Spy
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Yellow Gadget
8- Green Gadget
9- Green Gadget
10- Machina Fortress
11- Machina Fortress
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Gearframe
14- Machina Peacekeeper
15- Machina Peacekeeper
16- Genex Ally Birdman
17- Genex Ally Birdman
18- Genex Ally Birdman
19- Glow-Up Bulb
20- Plaguespreader Zombie
21- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
22- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
23- Double Cyclone
24- Double Cyclone
25- Geartown
26- Geartown
27- Geartown
28- Monster Reborn
29- Pot of Avarice
30- Bottomless Trap Hole
31- Bottomless Trap Hole
32- Solemn Warning
33- Solemn Warning
34- Ultimate Offering
35- Ultimate Offering
36- Ultimate Offering
37- Machina Gearframe

Extra deck:
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Brionac, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Ancient Fairy Dragon
2x Kachi Kochi Dragon
1x Number 10: Illumiknight
2x Number 39: Utopia
2x Steelswarm Roach
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Red Nova Dragon

"I will activate Heavy Storm, then summon my Yellow Dalek, calling my green dalek to my hand as reinforcements. End turn."

Life points: 8000
YD= Yellow Dalek (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Yellow_Gadget) (ATK: 1200, DEF: 1200)

2011-09-25, 12:37 AM
Good hit; I lost Mirror Force and a Mystical Space Typhoon.

[Sorry for the long delay]


I detach Tour Guide to power up my Dragon. Then Leviathan will crush your Dalek; you build those shells well, but it cannot withstand this amount of power. I end my turn at that.

Field Magic: None
{table=”head] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | 17 | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
17 = Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, 3000/0, 0 Xyz

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 3
Fabled Krus
The Fabled Chawa
Pot of Avarice

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 5
Tour Guide from the Underworld
Fabled Kushano
Tap Dustshoot
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mirror Force

Overlaid: 0

Banished: 0

Deck: 32
01. The Fabled Chawa
>>. The Fabled Chawa
02. The Fabled Cerburrel
03. The Fabled Cerburrel
04. The Fabled Cerburrel
05. The Fabled Ganashia
06. The Fabled Ganashia
07. The Fabled Ganashia
08. Fabled Kushano
>>. Fabled Kushano
09. Tour Guide from the Underworld
>>. Tour Guide from the Underworld
10. Tour Guide from the Underworld
11. Genex Ally Birdman
12. Genex Ally Birdman
>>. Fabled Krus
13. Fabled Krus
14. Reborn Tengu
15. Reborn Tengu
16. Reborn Tengu
17. Sangan
18. Fabled Grimro
19. Fabled Grimro
20. Heavy Storm
21. Solemn Judgment
22. Torrential Tribute
23. Beckoning Light
>>. Trap Dustshoot
24. Mind Crush
25. Call of the Haunted
26. Call of the Haunted
27. Starlight Road
>>. Pot of Avarice
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
>>. Mirror Force
30. Monster Reborn
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
>>. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. Dark Hole

Extra Deck: 15
The Fabled Unicore
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Ally of Justice Catastor
Fabled Ragin
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Number 34: Terror-Byte
Steelswarm Roach