View Full Version : Lo-Kag smash! (build help for Goliath who likes to smash)

2011-06-13, 06:44 PM
My friend is running this amalgamated campaign world where the original party had to fight off and deal with a bunch of elder evils in his multiverse, long story short Elder evils are dead/put to sleep. But there's alot of fallout and clean up that needs to be done and the BBEG who woke up the elder evils is still around but hiding like Bin Laden from us so he's wanting us to make up versions of pcs we used to play a long time ago in different games, kind of like a legendary meeting of great heroes from past, present and future to go up against his Legion of Doom, he's running multiple minor games with different people playing different characters. My dilemma is I've been asked to convert a character I played in 4th, it was a Goliath that was all about big hammers and smashing things, I know I want to keep him as a Goliath and use a big weapon, possibly figure out ways to make him larger and the weapon larger for optimal damage.

2011-06-13, 06:48 PM
This is actually pretty close to an optimal build.

You'll want to be a Lion Spirit Totem (Complete Champion) Barbarian 1/Dungeoncrasher (Dungeonscape) Fighter 6/other stuff (maybe Warblade). Dungeoncrasher gives you bonus damage when you bull rush people into walls, and Knockdown (Races of Stone) gives you a free bull rush when you power attack. Knock people around and deal very nice damage. More barbarian could grant you Mountain Rage (Races of Stone) if you want to be larger. Smashing is also fun with the Three Mountains weapon style feat (Complete Warrior IIRC, if not probably PHBII), which lets you nauseate foes when you hit them multiple times with a greatclub (or some similar weapons).

2011-06-13, 06:59 PM
I was indeed looking at the Dungeon Crasher, I suppose a little more info would help, apparently the character is now 25th level, money and magic items are limitless (no bans on any classes or PrCs) DM is very liberal and all about the epicness of his game. BBEG Is according to him equivalent to a rank 6 divine deity, multiple (lesser?) BBEGs but still challenging apparently.

Edit: he wants us to save his multiverse in the most epic ways possible.

2011-06-13, 07:07 PM
Hmm...I'd say you definitely want the rest of it to be Warblade then. Though frankly, any mundane melee build will be overshadowed at that level, especially if deities are involved (deities have a lot of hard "no you can't do this" abilities). Warblade will at least give you a few decent counters to unexpected situations.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-13, 07:08 PM
What Urpriest said, but go for power attack, shock trooper, and leap attack as well. And see if you can refluff a greataxe as a two handed hammer and change the damage to bludgeoning, as goliath greathammer is not worth the feat.

2011-06-13, 07:15 PM
goliath greathammer is not worth the feat.No bans on classes. Take exoticist.

2011-06-13, 07:21 PM
What Urpriest said, but go for power attack, shock trooper, and leap attack as well. And see if you can refluff a greataxe as a two handed hammer and change the damage to bludgeoning, as goliath greathammer is not worth the feat.

Goliath Greathammer doesn't exist in 4e anyway, so that might not be what he's planning.

2011-06-13, 07:26 PM
as goliath greathammer is not worth the feat.

It's not a mortal sin, but I would be a little saddened by a DM who does not let Goliaths be automatically proficient with a Goliath Greathammer.

2011-06-13, 08:24 PM
Well my old character ended up becoming an npc working for the BBEG because apparently Mind Rape was used when he was lower level 13 now he's a level 5 wizard/ 10 incantrix/5 archmage/5 Olin Gisir who's locked off the floating city from the original player group and keyed the mythal only to himself when he created it. I am also playing a living clone of him but much lower level, around 18. He's an 5 wizard / 10 incantatrix / 3 archmage and working for the good guys.