View Full Version : Diplomancer Necro-Cleric? (Weird idea within)

2011-06-13, 08:36 PM
I love the cleric class mechanically but have trouble RPing the high wisdom aspect of the class due to a not so great RL wisdom score. Thus, I usually get a 3rd party feat(lost traditions) to casting stat-swap the class, however, sometimes that's not an option. Luckally, there is are official casting stat swap feats, Dynamic Priest and Acdemic priest, but sadly, neither of them switch your casting stat completely...both of them leave your DCs wisdom-based. While I know "just buff and melee for damage" I prefer necromaster clerics and while I can always go the bone knight melee route for undead-mastery and melee-ness to forget ever casting offensively I always loved the cloistered cleric...yet, without good DCs, the cloistered cleric's greatest offense, his save-based offensive spells, are taken away...

Then I had a crazy idea...

Why not combined a high cha dynamic priest using necro-cleric with some serious diplomancy. Seeing as clerics get diplomacy as a class skill and can use other domains to get stuff like bluff I could make a cloistered necro cleric who focuses entirely on the undead army, casting few-no offensive spells(though blasphemy, which has no save and is both thematic and powerful enough to warrant memorization.) and instead of fighting enemies he simply talks them into being his friends via diplomancy. In the rare cases he actually has to fight he would just sick his minions on enemies and perhaps spit out a few summons, spending the rest of his time buffing his allies and undead minions....However, he would be built to never really get much into actual combat as I would want to make him an excellent talker who could use diplomancy to make sure fights don't even happen unless he and/or the party wants or needs them too..

With cloistered cleric as a base he also gets plenty of skills, meaning he could also have good ranks in bluff, intimidate and perhaps even disguise.(Because people are generally turned off by undead and one thing a diplomancer dose not want to do is turn people off.)

So, my question to you is how to make this idea work/what feats, spells ect.. to take to make this guy both a great necromantic minionmancer AND a competent diplomancer?

2011-06-13, 09:02 PM
Items of Diplomacy, Bluff and Sense Motive +20 would be great.

At-Will Item of Smooth-Talking (if homebrew is allowed, basically Glibness for Diplomacy) would also be good.

Cha-boosting items

Skill Synergy is your friend. Get as much bonuses to Diplomacy as possible (Know: Nobility, Bluff and one other boosts it I think)

2011-06-13, 09:13 PM
Indeed, and as a cloistered cleric I get all knowledge skills as class skills making nobility easier to put ranks in. Also, the Trickery domain gives me bluff(and disguise if I feel like taking it...I'll never use hide, though.) as class skills, which along with deathbound was going to be one of my two domains of choice. Trickery also has some good no-save spells(invisibility, time stop ect...) so taking it mitigates the fact the deathbound domain has mostly save-based spells...which I will never be preparing. Thus between the free knowledge domain and the trickery domain I will not only have most of the skills I need as class skills but also enough good no-save domain spells to prepare. The Deathbound domain is taken more for it's granted power here, anyway.

The only issue is getting sense motive as a class skill....though with enough int and human as my race I could buy ranks in it cross-class since 14 int on a human would give me 9 skill points per-level, which means I have 5 skill points per level after taking the "required" ranks in concentration, spellcraft, and knowledge religion...as well as Diplomacy....and five skill points certainly gives me room to work as far as skills go.

As for necromancy gose I have all the minionmancy spells I'll ever need due to being a cleric, and the Corpsecrafter line can only make me better at it so I'll be sure to invest in it. One feat that looks interesting is Undead Empathy as it allows me to combined my diplomancy and necromancy into one brutal package by allowing me to use diplomacy on mindless undead. Now I don't need to rebuke a shadow if I want to break the HD cap as I can just to have a chat with some skeletons and zombies if I want to get some minions who do not count against my control limit. Lichloved could also pair nicely with this as it would make hostile undead not hostile and thus easier to persuade to my side.

Also, due to having far more cha then your standard cleric both rebuke undead and undead leadership will be much better for me then your standard necro-cleric. Make my cohort a spellstitched necropolitian wizard(Or heck, even dread necro if I wanted MOAR undead.) and now I can get awaken undead without the necromancer domain(which would require a contemplative dip or something similar.), as well as animate dread warrior and actual offensive casting.(though it would be my minion rather then me doing it.)