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View Full Version : The Binding spell, casting time, targeting and Quori

2011-06-14, 11:23 AM
Hi all, I was looking at potential ways of getting rid of Quori (from the eberron campaign setting) and I came across the Binding spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/binding.htm) It seems like a pretty awesome way of removing something that just regenerates back on its home plane if slain but I was wondering about the casting time of 1 minute.

Firstly is there any way of getting the casting time down to a standard action? possibly through contingencies or crafted magical shenanigans?

If not then my question is about the range: close and the casting time, does the target have to be within close range for the whole casting time or just at the end of casting? I'm assuming this as you choose a target when a spell is finished casting but I don't know if there are any other rulings.

Keld Denar
2011-06-14, 11:36 AM
As printed, Rapid Spell wouldn't work. The duration is expressed in terms of minutes (1 minute), and thus Rapid Spell would reduce it to 1 minute...which it already is. You could appeal to the sensability of the matter, say that that "measured in rounds" means (1 round < cast time <= 1 minute), and thus reduce it to a full round action. Not too strong of an ability for what is effectively a 9th level spell.

2011-06-14, 11:43 AM
I think the idea is that you first have to catch the creature and disable it for at least one minute to use the spell.

A good way to start would be casting Dimensional Anchor or Dimensional Lock to prevent it from teleporting or plane shifting to safety. Then you have to keep it from running away from you and if possible from harming you and your assistants. Hold Monster could work, but you'll never know how long it holds.
If you have ways to teleport the creature to your location against its will, preparing a Magic Circle trap works great.

In any case, having a few backup spellcasters with the appropriate scrolls at hand helps a lot to keep the creature from escaping or interrupting you while you cast the binding.

Keld Denar
2011-06-14, 11:58 AM
Also, note that per the rules for Binding, the Suggestions that augment your casting don't have to be sucessful...simply cast. If you plan on entraping a LOT of creatures, it might be worthwhile to invest in a Wand of Suggestion or 5, then give them to anyone capable of making a DC20 UMD check. Heck, you could buy a bunch of 1st level Azurin Experts with Skill Focus and Shape Soulmeld (Mages Specs) who would have a 4 + 6 + 3 = +13 skill check assuming a 10 Int and 11 Con. Find a Marshall with Motivate Cha and at least a +6 Cha modifier and you'll have your whole cadre of 1st level experts who can make the UMD roll even on a 1. Have them all ready an action to use the wands when you cast Binding and they'll turbocharge your CL for the check.

2011-06-15, 06:21 AM
Excellent, given that Quori can usually only appear on the Prime Material in Ethereal form and can return to their home plane at will this makes casting Binding quite tricky.

Am I right in assuming that the caster would need to be ethereal, cast dimensional anchor and then somehow immobilize the Quori for 10 rounds while he and any other casters cast Binding on it?

Edit: actually the exact ability states that the physical body remains on the plane of Dal Quor while the spirit manifests in ethereal form on the material plane, would the ethereal spirit be a valid target for Binding?