View Full Version : Improvised Enchanted Weapon?

2011-06-14, 07:11 PM
So, I have a question about improvised weapons. Number one, is it possible to enchant an improvised weapon with magic? I can't find any rule to the contrary because the only rule is it has to be a weapon.

Technically improvised weapons are in the weapon types section of the player's handbook.

The reason I ask is because of the pathfinder feat "Caught-off-guard". My character took the feat and I planned on using improvised weapons from now on. However, the question is am I able to enchant improvised weapons and once enchanted are they still improvised?

I got into an argument with a player about that and we both had legitimate points, so I was wondering is there any ruling? Oh and muffin, this line is for you, "Can I have a +2 frost chair?"

2011-06-14, 07:13 PM
Oh and muffin, this line is for you, "Can I have a +2 frost chair?"

If I want to build a tavern that never has uncomfortably warm seats, that seems to be my best option. Also, it makes barfights end faster.

2011-06-14, 07:15 PM
Also, it makes barfights end faster.

Epic. I totally want to visit your bar.

2011-06-14, 07:17 PM
Asides from the normal requirement that the "weapon" be masterwork, no, I don't see any reason why you can't enchant improvised weapons. We got around that requirement by making improvised weapons out of special materials... so we had a Drunken Master with a Mithril Beerstein. It ended up being a +5 Returning Stein of doom.

Keld Denar
2011-06-14, 07:32 PM
You could cast Greater Magic Weapon and Greater Mighty Wallop on a beer stein and clock someone over the head for like, 3d6+5 before other modifiers...why not?

I'd be really hesitant before spending gold and xp on enchanting an improvised weapon, though, since IIRC, they break on a roll of 1. Or maybe thats only when they are held by a Drunken Master.

Speaking of which, if a Drunken Master swings a still live Kobold at a pair of goblins, but rolls a natural 1...what happens to the Kobold?

2011-06-14, 07:44 PM
Speaking of which, if a Drunken Master swings a still live Kobold at a pair of goblins, but rolls a natural 1...what happens to the Kobold?

Successfully grapple Great Wyrm Elder Red Dragon; get natural 1 on attack roll. Suddenly, your Drunken Master qualifies for Vassal of Bahamut.

And yes, it looks like the break rule is just for Drunken Masters. No such natural 1 silliness for other grapplers.

2011-06-14, 07:46 PM
Speaking of which, if a Drunken Master swings a still live Kobold at a pair of goblins, but rolls a natural 1...what happens to the Kobold?

It breaks. Duh.

That's one reason why someday, I hope to see a Drunken Master beating people with eggs. They only break on a 1!