View Full Version : Deathwatch: Extraction

Lycan 01
2011-06-14, 08:08 PM
Deathwatch: Extraction
Part 1: Descent of Angels

High in the skies of Tantalus, an Astartes Drop Pod roars towards the world below. Wreathed in brilliant flame as it tears through the planet's atmosphere, the Drop Pod's black form is emblazoned with the silver and gold symbols of the Inquisition and the Deathwatch. As it draws closer to the surface, it soon becomes apparent that the world world has been tainted by the foul influence of Xenos.

Five months ago, the Castobel System was invaded by the Great Devourer. The Tyranid fleets defeated world after world, devouring all in their path and leaving nothing in their wake. Now the conflict has reached its climax; the Hive-world Castobel, from which the system takes its name, hangs in the balance. But while the forces of Humanity may still save that planet, the fate of its colonized moon, Tantalus, has already been sealed. Its battle for survival is lost, and the small world is making its final death-throes in the closing jaws of the Tyranid menace. Only hours remain before the last few traces of life are erased from its surface.

But the death of Tantalus may not be in vain. Stranded on the colony world when the Xenos invasion began, a small team of Adeptus Mechanicus biologists turned their attention from the planet's natural lifeforms to the invading Tyranids. They gathered priceless data on the bio-forms and strategies used by Hive Fleet Dagon, information which could save innumerable lives and countless worlds.

As the fate of Tantalus' was sealed, the Adeptus Mechanicus team attempted to make their escape. However, before they could flee, the Tyranid forces were bolstered by the arrival of another bio-ship carrying heavy reinforcements. Wave after wave of spore pods flooded the world with monstrous creatures and lethal predators, crushing the last remnants of the world's defenses. Their escape route blocked, the shuttle transporting the last survivor of the research team, Magos Vyakai, attempted to flee to Tantalus' southern polar regions. This location had not yet been overrun, and it was where the last evacuations and defenses would be made.

But tragedy struck. Just a few dozen kilometers short of the safety of the polar ice fields, the transport shuttle was brought down by the Tyranids. Shortly after the crash, fragmented transmissions were sent by Magos Vyakai. He reported that the shuttle was brought down near a promethium production facility, designation Pyroclast-Gamma-9, and that the data-core carrying the Xenos research also survived the crash. Contact with the Magos was lost three hours ago - the static storm caused by the Tyranid's defilement of the world's atmosphere has destroyed all vox reception. His last transmission indicated that Tyranid vanguard predators had been sighted, and that the bulk of the Tyranid swarm could not be more than a few hours behind them.

The Deathwatch frigate Thunder's Word was due to rendezvous with the Magos' escape shuttle. Now, they have scrambled to launch a last minute extraction. A Kill-Team - your Kill-Team - is now plummeting through the tainted atmosphere of Tantalus. Acrid clouds and caustic gasses slowly eat away at their Drop Pod, but the corrupted environment is no real threat to them. Soon, they break through the vile clouds, and finish the last remnant of their descent.

The Drop Pod's thrusters kick in, slowing the vessel's fall and precisely steering it towards its target. The Drop Pod still shudders violently when it impacts the earth; your Kill-Team feels nothing. After a few moments, hydraulic servos kick in, and the heavy doors of the Drop Pod begin to descend. Amber light pours in through the opening portals, revealing a desolate and scorched landscape. The the ground is barren tundra sparsely populated with crags, crevices, and brush, and the skies above are a burnt orange hue. A purple-black maelstrom stirs on the Northern horizon - a harbinger of things to come.

A data-slate was given to your team, containing various information on Magos Vyakai, Pyroclast-Gamma-9, Tantalus, and basic Tyranid data. Anyone carrying their own personal data-slate will also have access to this information. Also included amongst the data is a reference map of the target location, with the crash site already marked.


The clock is ticking. The Emperor Protects.

Feel free to introduce your characters, and describe your actions during the descent.

After exiting the Drop Pod, please make Awareness tests. Also, please let me know what weapons you currently have equipped, and whether or not you'll be in Squad Mode. You are all currently in Solo Mode, for reference.

If you want to know where you are on the map in correlation to the crash site, you may either make an Intelligence test (or any other skill you may think is applicable), or you may climb up on top of the Drop Pod to get a good look at your surroundings.

2011-06-15, 04:46 AM
On the way down in the drop pod Antaeus studied his mission briefing and used his cartograph to map as much of the moon's surface as he could. He currently has his storm bolter equipped and loaded with the regular ammo and both types of specialty ammo. In his other hand he is carrying his auspex. He has his helmet on and has no intention of removing it.

As he exits from the pod Antaeus looks around for enemies to shoot. If he does not spot any he makes a more thorough check with the auspex. If that does not reveal anything he consults his cartograph to determine their location with respect to the crash zone.


Awareness 1 (40) - [roll0] +20 if auspex is needed.
Intelligence (60) - [roll1]
Miscellaneous roll if needed - [roll2]

Lycan 01
2011-06-15, 11:22 AM

You step out into the tundra. You scan for enemies, but through the twilight and haze of dust kicked up from the drop, you can't see far enough to spot for hostiles. A chill wind is a blowing as well; over its eerie howl, you can hear no signs of the enemy.

Judging from the map and your calculations, it would seem you have touched down North of the crash site, directly between what appears to be a small bunker and another large building. It would take five minutes to jog reach either of those buildings, and fifteen minutes to reach the crash site.

2011-06-16, 02:59 PM
Juviel emerges from the drop pod, chainswords in hand.

++Did we land close, Brother?++

He scans the surrounds for threats.

Awareness [roll0] vs 35 - I think my eyes just jammed closed :(

2011-06-16, 07:48 PM
Antaes says "We are approximately 10 minutes from the crash site if we run. There are a bunker and another building a few minutes away that may house imperial citizens. I propose that our lupine brother run to the crash site while we perform a quick scan of the buildings. We should be able to catch up to him with our jump packs by the time he gets there, and he can vox us if he runs into any trouble".

2011-06-16, 08:05 PM
Better your eyes than your gun. :smalltongue:

"Agreed, brother. I will keep you apprised." Svari says as he secures the belt feed from his backpack to his Bolter. He then stalks off in the direction of the crash site, mindful to keep to cover and noting the direction of the wind so that he stays upwind rather than downwind.

Helmet is off. Wolf Senses is up.

Lycan 01
2011-06-16, 09:11 PM

Your helmet's auto-senses have been knocked offline momentarily by the Drop Pod's impact. Your image of the outside world is now flickering and filled with static. It should only take a few seconds to correct itself, though; it is nothing more than a temporarily and minor issue.

(Just fluff for the Awareness fumble, no actual penalties beyond that test. Though, if you wanna take the helmet off for badass points, go ahead. :smalltongue:)


As you prepare to leave your Battle-Brothers, your instincts seem to warn against it...

(Awareness test(s) before you go!)

2011-06-17, 02:56 AM
"Duty prevails."

Zuriel's solemn voice, and his disapproval of the plan, precede him as he exits the drop pod, giving his surroundings a quick glance before settling his piercing blue eyes on the space wolf.

"He wanted to run... Now he can run with Us."

His voice is firm and as cold as the air around them as he speaks to the Space Wolf- hopefully before he's too far out of earshot.

Though by no means imposing by marine standards (being of medium height), the Librarian still stood proudly, his banner strapped to his back, and exuded a certain aura that made him ominous, larger than life...

"Remember our priorities."

With a wave of his Force Sword, he motions towards the crash-site and takes off in that direction.

I think we should all be in squad mode- just for a bit at least.

Awareness! [roll0]

2011-06-17, 05:58 PM
Antaes jogs after the mission leader by instinct while he attempts to understand whether his leader just issued a command or not. Either way he continues to scan the surrounding area with his auspex. On open vox he asks "What are your instructions sir? If we find imperial citizens they may know what has become of the techpriest. If the techpriest is still functional then it would not have remained in a downed and indefensible shuttle".

2011-06-18, 12:37 AM
"Strength in numbers."

Zuriel continues forward to the shuttle.

"We would do well to investigate before making such assumptions."

He answers Antaes, explaining himself in a rare show of talkativeness.

2011-06-18, 02:21 PM
Svari bites back his initial snarl at the Dark Angel's insult and promptly makes his way back into line with the rest of the kill-team. They had all agreed to follow the Librarian's leadership, he would not renege on his word now.

"What are your orders then, Brother?

2011-06-19, 02:33 PM
"Actions speak louder than words..."

Zuriel didn't seem to be very talkative, he was after all a dark angel...

"We'll investigate the crash-site first, for clues on the Magos' whereabouts."

He answers with a certain exasperation.

"I hope I won't have to spoon feed you my orders for the rest of the mission.

[OOC: Sorry :P Zuriel's a bastard (at least to the space wolves...)]

2011-06-19, 02:54 PM
Antaes takes a wing position and jogs towards the crash site. He continues to look around and use his auspex to try and find signs of life or the tech priest.

2011-06-19, 10:02 PM
Juviel swears under his breath and slaps his helmet several times. The autosences kick back in after the third impact. He takes his position on the team's flank.

Lycan 01
2011-06-20, 12:43 AM
The Kill-Team leaves the landing zone and begins their trek towards the crash site. Though the time on Tantalus' was just after noon, the world around them was bathed in the dull amber haze of dusk. The cold winds blowing around them kick up dust and dirt, repeatedly limiting their view of the surrounding areas. Where they could see it, the tundra was rugged and desolate, though occasionally the Astartes would pass by a sign of life. A discarded piece of trash, a rusted piece of mining equipment... and several half-eaten corpses. They passed by several skeletal remains, clad in the tattered remnants of prison jumpsuits or the broken flak armor of a security guard. It seemed that Pyroclast-Gamma-9 had been staffed mostly of convicts and their overseers, who had stood little chance against the approaching Tyranids. A few of the security guard's appeared to have gunshot wounds in their armor; humans had an odd tendency to turn on each other in times of turmoil.

As the Kill-Team makes their way towards the downed shuttle, their are constantly surrounded by the dull wailing of the frigid winds. About halfway to the crash site, however, the winds die down... and the howling continues. As the wind falters, the haze of dust around the Astartes quickly fades, revealing the source of the shrieking.

Scuttling across the earth, two swarms of chitinous beasts are quickly making their way towards the Astartes. Razor sharp talons and slavering maws flash and snap amongst the writhing horde, and their Deathwatch training instantly brings the identity of the beasts into the mind's of the Astartes: Hormagaunts. Somehow, due to the dull lighting, the haze of dust, and the howl of the wind, the creatures had escaped their detection until almost the last moment. This had given the Tyranids more than enough time to mass their numbers and close the distance, giving the Space Marines little time to prepare themselves.

The Xenos were a hideous sight to behold. Black soulless eyes stared hungrily at them, while toothy maws snapped and salivated with anticipation, and wicked claws and bladed limbs flicked and flailed where hands and feet should have been. Their strange biology was wholly alien and unnatural to the Space Marines, an affront to humanity and the purity of nature. All they desired was to destroy, to kill, to devour. They weren't even animals; they were abominations, deserving of nothing more than eradication from the universe.

And the Kill-Team would quickly see to that.

Two Hormagaunt Hordes have gathered and are preparing to attack you! They are both Magnitude 20 - one is to the North, the other to the South! They are about 80 meters away - they will easily close that distance within 2 turns!

What will you do?! :smalleek:

2011-06-20, 04:17 AM
Anteus opens fire on the nearest swarm on full auto (or semi-auto if using errata) with his storm bolter using regular ammunition.


BS - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and [roll2] if not using errata.

Edit: I may need to redo my damage.

2011-06-20, 09:06 AM
"Concentrate fire on the nearest horde."

As cold as ever, Zuriel's voice does not falter even as he sees the monsters approaching. He raises his bolt-gun and fires a volley at the same tyranids Anteus was already shooting.

Full Auto on the nearest Horde as well.

[roll0]- Vs 55

1- [roll1]+5
2- [roll2]+5
3- [roll3]+5
4- [roll4]+5

2011-06-20, 09:30 AM
Juviel revs the motor of the first of his twin chainswords and moves to cut off the group approaching from the north.

As he goes, he snaps his second sword onto its maglocks and draws his handflamer.

++Moving to engage northern group.++


2011-06-20, 11:01 AM
@Saldre: Don't worry about offending me with your character acting like a jerk. I commonly play Space Wolves, taking flak from Dark Angels characters comes with the territory.

And it looks like the consensus is on Core stats for weapons.

A grim smile crosses Svari's face at the prospect of glorious battle with the monstrosities spawned by the hives. He takes aim and joins Zuriel and Anteus, combining his fire with their own.

Full-Auto with Hellfire Rounds on the same horde as Anteus & Zuriel.

[roll0] vs. 65

6 Magnitude Damage.

Lycan 01
2011-06-20, 03:22 PM
The Kill-Team quickly snaps into action. Juviel quickly strides off towards the Northern horde, the earth shaking beneath his purposeful footfalls. The other three members of the team focus their attention on the Southern horde, opening fire on it with their weapons.

Anteus' storm bolter cuts a swath of destruction through the Tyranid ranks. Both barrels of his weapon roar with righteous fury, and every round finds its target. The bolt shells easily rip through the chitinous shells of the Hormagaunts, detonating inside them and shredding other nearby Xeno with the resulting hail of shrapnel and fragmented exoskeleton. The swarm is almost reduced to half its number by his ballistic onslaught, but the survivors press on, clambering over the broken forms of their brethren without pause.

Zuriel raises his bolter and fires a burst of his own. Guided by experience, each of his shots unerringly finds its target. His shells take down a multitude of the Tyranid abominations, nearly reducing the remaining Xenos by half their number. But still they press on.

Until Svari opens fire. The Space Wolf's short burst wreaks havoc on the remaining Hormagaunts. The Hellfire rounds fired from his boltgun tear through the Tyranids, filling them with mutaginic acid and splashing the purifying substance on other nearby Xenos. Those that are not killed outright suffer a slow and agonizing death.

In a matter of seconds, the Southern swarm is completely wiped out, reduced to nothing more than pulped bodies and a few mewling 'Gaunts in their death throes. A thick haze of dust and blood lingers around the slaughter, hindering the Astartes from looking beyond the killing field.

The Northern swarm carries on undaunted. Snarling and shrieking, they quickly close the distance with Juviel. They are now less than 20 meters from the Astartes - he has only moments before they are upon him.

In the distances, more howls and shrieks echo through the twilight. More Tyranids begin to appear out of the dusty haze and from the scattered crevices that dot the landscape. To the East and West, more Hormagaunts have gathered, and are quickly massing their numbers and charging towards the Kill-Team's position. Suddenly, a loud roar thunders from the South, followed by a chorus of hideous howls. However, the bloody haze from the slaughtered Hormagaunts keeps the source of these noises a secret... for now.

Southern Horde is destroyed!

Northern Hormagaunt Horde (Mag 20) is 8 meters from Juviel, and 20 meters from the rest of the Kill-Team!

Two Mag 20 Hormagaunt Hordes have appeared to the East and West, 90 meters away! They will be upon you in 2 turns.

There's something to the South. Awareness tests!

Also, I'm currently assuming everyone is in Solo Mode. The Kill-Team currently has 5 Cohesion.

2011-06-20, 04:18 PM
Juviel advances upon the horde and triggers his jump pack. As the engines lift him from the ground, he depresses the firing stud of his hand flamer. Flames lick out over the swarming gaunts.

Never flamed a horde before, so I apologize in advance if get this wrong.

Flamer does [roll0] hits to the horde

Rolling for Damage

(pen 3)

So, may 3 or 4 degrees of damage, depending upon their soak values. - I don't think the horde gets to dodge

Going for the flier(12) mode of the jump pack, will hover above the horde.

Wrathful descent next turn if they live that long.

2011-06-20, 08:03 PM
Anteus intones a prayer of thanks to the Emporer for guiding his hands in the destruction of the foul xeno and fires on full auto at one of the more distant approaching hordes of nids (using regular ammo), trusting in his battle brothers to finish off the northern swarm.

Ammo: 46/60 (regular); 60/60 for both special type

BS roll: [roll0]
Knowledge (Xeno) roll to see what Anteus knows about nids: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2011-06-20, 08:32 PM
Juviel strikes true. A gout of flames sears through the Northern swarm of Hormagaunts, resulting in a chorus of shrieks and howls. A quarter of their number are immolated by the blast.

Anteus cannot recall any useful information on the Tyranids. He refocuses on the battle at hand, and opens fire on the horde of Xenos approaching from the East. The recoil of the storm bolter throws off his aim slightly, but he quickly compensates and keeps the majority of the bust on target. He sends eight bolt shells screaming down range, and six of them find targets in Tyranid exoskeletons. Clouds of gore, searing shrapnel, and fragmented chitin fill the air as he cuts down almost a third of their numbers.

Juviel does 5 Mag damage to the Northern Horde.

Anteus does 7 mag damage to the Eastern Horde.

Both Hordes need to test WP at the end of this round in order to avoid breaking.

2011-06-21, 12:52 AM
Zuriel motions to Svari then to the swarm upon which Anteus has just fired.

"Finish it."

He then turns to face Juviel and extends his sword towards him.


Moments later, he opens his palm at the horde- releasing a surging wave of fire in its direction.

Here's a Wp Test- [roll0]; If i roll double, I am fate pointing it- [roll1], if that's also another double, here's Phenom. [roll2] and Perils [roll3].

2011-06-21, 01:12 AM
Svari quickly repositions and once again joins his fire with Anteus's against the distant Tyranid horde. Another Burst quickly leaves his gun, sending another four acid-filled rounds toward the monsters they were created to slay.

Full Auto on Anteus's target with Hellfire Rounds.
[roll0] vs. 75


9 Magnitude Damage

Ammo Count (Bolter): 192/200 (Hellfire)|28/28 (Metal Storm)|28/28 (Standard)

[roll5] vs 50
[roll6] vs 50

Lycan 01
2011-06-21, 01:42 PM
Juviel rockets into the sky, leaving the earth beneath his feet. In his wake, the Tyranid swarm leaps and snaps up at him, desperately trying to grasp at their prey. A short moment later, they are enveloped in a wall of psychic flame, and many of their number are killed in both body and soul. Zuriel hears their psychic shrieks echo through his mind - it is a satisfying sound.

A small portion of the Northern swarm survives the onslaught, however. The remaining Hormagaunts turn their attention towards the nearest target they can reach - Zuriel. With a chorus of howls, they charge at him, quickly closing the distance between them. They leap at the Dark Angel, talons poised and maws distended.

The Dark Angel does not prove to be an easy meal. He deftly avoids their strikes, parrying talons with his force sword and dodging snapping jaws with ease. The Hormagaunts desperately lash out at him, driven on by mindless hunger and bloodlust. Several blows that Zuriel blocks or dodges still find targets - other Hormagaunts. A few of the Xenos are felled by their own brethren, further reducing their numbers. Zuriel now finds himself locked in combat with only a handful of the Tyranid creatures - no match for him.

Meanwhile, the Eastern swarm of Hormagaunts comes under fire from Svari, his Hellfire rounds ripping through their numbers with gruesome results. Bodies are broken, flesh is dissolved, and countless Tyranids are felled by his barrage. Only a small portion of their numbers remain, but they still press on undaunted.

Meanwhile, the Western horde continues its advance, shrieking as they charge across the desolate landscape.

Several members of the Kill-Team turn their attention to the noises from the South. They can make out shapes moving through the haze. However, before they can recognize the figures, the creatures reveal themselves to the Battle-Brothers.

Out of the cloud of smoke and gore, a massive swarm of Tyranids erupts. Similar to Hormagaunts, their hunched forms appear to be armed with primitive bio-weapons, as well as sharp talons and jagged fangs. The Deathwatch team instantly realizes them as Termagaunts, and their numbers are much greater than many of the Hormagaunt hordes they've encountered. However, in the midst of the Termagaunts, a larger and more imposing creature strides forth into battle.

Towering above the Termigaunts, the hideous beast dwarfs the Astartes, around 15 feet high. It sports six limbs - a lower pair to walk upon, a central pair holding a large bio-weapon, and an upper pair flexing a set of vicious talons. Dense chitinous plating covers much of its body, rivaling the power armor the Kill-Team bears. Its physiology its strange, its form unnatural. Truly, this creature is an abomination. But the most disturbing thing the beast possesses are undoubtedly its eyes. Whereas the Hormagaunts and Termagaunts only have a soulless hunger in their eyes, this beast's eyes spark with sentience and understanding.

With a loud roar, the Tyranid Warrior charges forth, leading its brood to war.

Northern Horde fumbled their attack - they take 1 Mag damage, reducing their Magnitude to 3.

The Eastern Horde is reduced to Magnitude 4, and they are now 30 meters from the Kill-Team.

The Western Horde is still Magnitude 20, and they are now only 30 meters from the Kill-Team.

The Southern Horde is a Termigaunt swarm with a Magnitude of 30, and a Tyranid Warrior is among them! :smalleek: They quickly charge across the field, and are now 40 meters South of the Kill-Team's position.

The Warrior is Fear 3. Astartes do not take standard Fear Tests. Instead, they take other penalties depending on whether they are in Squad or Solo mode. Because everyone is in Solo Mode, you all take a -30 penalty to Willpower.

2011-06-21, 02:04 PM
++I will clean up this group++

Juviel descends upon the remaining stragglers of the northern horde, chainswords roaring.

Charge Attack

[roll0] vs 60 + 10(charge)+10(Hatred) = 80

7 DoS -- 3 hits to horde

Lycan 01
2011-06-21, 02:22 PM
Like an angel descending from the heavens, Juviel descends upon the Hormagaunts attacking the Librarian. In a flurry of blows, he cleanly bisects and decapitates several Tyranids, before eviscerating the survivors in a haze of blood and bio-matter. In a matter of seconds, the Xenos are completely annihilated.

Northern Horde destroyed! Zuriel is no longer in melee, and may take his turn normally!

2011-06-21, 03:47 PM
Anteus continues his prayers of thanks to the Emperor for allowing him to be a space marine and destroy the vile enemies of humanity while digging his feet into the ground and opening up on full auto with regular bolter fire on the western swarm of hormagaunts. He puts his faith in his armor and his battle brothers to do what must be done to counter the latest threat.

2011-06-21, 03:48 PM
Whoops, forgot to roll my BS.

BS: [roll0]

2011-06-22, 12:59 AM
"Western Horde."

The hordes were being quickly destroyed by the Marines combined fire, there was no reason to change a plan that was working.

"All together."

Turning his bolter towards the western swarm, he fires a volley into the approaching hormagaunts.

[roll0]Vs65 - Full Auto.

2011-06-22, 10:47 PM
Sorry this took so long. A number of factors kept me from posting.

Svari continues to follow his brothers' lead. He launches a volley of fire toward the west as his brothers do.

Hellfire Rounds at Full-Auto on Western Horde.
[roll0] vs 85

Ammo Count (Bolter): 188/200 (Hellfire)|28/28 (Metal Storm)|28/28 (Standard)

Lycan 01
2011-06-23, 03:14 PM
Aneteus and Zuriel open firing on the Western horde, slaughtering over half their number in a withering hail of bolt shells. Unfortunately, when Svari tries to add his bolter to the fusillade, the patch of Hormagaunts he takes aim at has already been wiped out by his comrades' bolts when his arrive. The Hellfire rounds are wasted upon already dead and dying Xenos.

Before the Kill-Team can further fight back, the remnants of the two Hormagaunt swarms are upon them. The Western swarm attacks Svari and Anteus, while the Eastern horde charges Zuriel and Juviel. Flashing talons and glinting claws fill the air, sparks flying as they mercilessly attack the Deathwatch. There are a few close calls as scything blades dig deeply into armor, but are mercifully halted before they can actually pierce flesh.

The Termigaunts and their Warrior leader continue their advance, but they slow down shortly before reaching the melee. The reason for their hesitation is soon made clear, as the Termigaunts begin to raise their weapons and take aim at the Kill-Team. In an instant, the air is filled with living ammunition, as their Fleshborer weapons launch swarms of razor-fanged beetles at the Astartes. Zuriel and Svari manage to avoid the blasphemous projectiles, despite the distraction of being swarmed by Tyranids.

Anteus is not as lucky. He is struck dead-on in the chest by a mass of Xenos insects, which quickly begin to chew through his power armor. Most of them die before they can finish their task, but some manage to pierce his armor and work their way into his flesh before they expire. The wounds are not serious, and he easily ignores the pain and focuses on more pressing matters.

The Tyranid Warrior roars, and his middle limbs raises a cone-shaped mass of writhing flesh. With a sickening squelch, a mass of parasite worms burst forth from the bio-weapon and is hurled at Zuriel. The Librarian manages to duck the profane projectile, before quickly going back to defending himself from the Hormagaunt assault.

Anteus suffers the loss of 1 Wound.

Svari and Anteus are in melee with West Swarm (Mag 6). Zuriel and Juviel are in melee with East Swarm (Mag 4).

The Southern Swarm (Mag 30) and Warrior are 10 meters away.

The Kill-Team is still suffering a -30 WP penalty.

2011-06-23, 03:28 PM
Juviel swings his roaring swords at the 'nids. He slays three of them, but the last one dodges his blades

Mulitple attacks
Swift:[roll0] vs 70
Chainsword 1:[roll1] vs60 I think
Chainsword 2:[roll2] vs60

Not at books, so I might have the two weapon rules wrong.

Lycan 01
2011-06-23, 03:39 PM
Indeed, it seems that one Hormogaunt shows more tenacity than its brethren. The sole survivor of the Eastern swarm, it shows no signs of backing down from its attacks on Juviel and Zuriel.

You did 3 Mag damage with the one attack that hit. That leaves the East horde with just 1 Mag...

We'll just say its a single Hormagaunt, but he's sill got Zuriel and Juviel locked in melee. On the plus side, it counts as a single enemy, meaning Zuriel has access to melee bonuses for outnumbering now.

2011-06-24, 10:34 PM
The chain-bladed bayonet of Svari's bolter lets out a savage roar as it springs into motion, the teeth hungry to taste the flesh of the vile xenos monsters. He swings the blade into the straggler still remaining of the horde that penetrated their fire, the machine spirit of his armour guiding his blows.

Swift Attack on Eastern Horde.
[roll0] vs 70
[roll1] vs 70


Edit: Whole lot of bupkis... :smallannoyed:

Lycan 01
2011-06-25, 12:52 AM
Zuriel and Juviel continue to do battle with the sole Hormagaunt. The foul Xenos lunges at Juviel, but it misses when it is forced to dodge an attack of Zuriel's own. The Hormagaunt hisses at the two Astartes, hungry rage burning in its eyes.

Svari and Anteus clash violently with their own swarm of Hormagaunts. Anteus manages to snap off a shot with his bolt pistol, blowing one Hormagaunt away. Several of the Xenos turn their attention to the Space Wolf and his chain-weapon assault, quickly ganging up on him and overwhelming him with a flurry of blows. Svari's face is sliced and stabbed several times, and while many of the injuries quickly heal naturally, his body cannot regenerate them all at once. Several of the deeper gouges continue to bleed freely down his face.

Then the Termagaunts open fire with another volley of beetles. Most of the Astartes manage to dodge the living ammunition or shrug it off with their armor, but Svari finds himself struck full-on in the face by several Fleshborer shots. The insects quickly begin to chew and burrow into his face before dying, leaving his face a bloody mess of tiny holes and scratches.

The Warrior roars and fires its bio-weapon again, but Juviel deftly dodges the cloud of maggots hurled in his direction.

Svari loses 7 wounds.

Svari and Anteus' horde is reduced to Mag 5.

Termies are still Mag 30, Warrior is still giving -30 WP penalty, they're all 10 meters away.

2011-06-25, 07:41 AM
Juviel strikes out at the last Tyranid infront of him.

Multiple attacks
Swift: [roll0] vs 70

Chainsword 1: [roll1] vs 60
Chainsword 2: [roll2] vs 60


2011-06-25, 11:43 AM
Zuriel remained silently stoic.

Though the battle was lasting longer than he had hoped, he showed no signs of stress or impatience: one had to remain in control of himself in order to command others.

With the gaunt dead, he reached for a grenade on his side and threw it at the Warrior's horde, hoping to whittle down its numbers.

Full out attack- [roll0] Vs 90

2011-06-25, 03:37 PM
As the blood of his initial wound slowly seeped out of the lone hole in his sacred armor Antaeus saw his brother marine receive a face full of maggots, likely directed there by the font of blood unleashed by the hormagaunt's claws. This, of course, was one of the reasons that Antaeus always advised his brother marines to wear their helmets at all times.

For an instant Antaeus considered rushing to his brother marine to offer first aid and try to save what was left of the space wolf's face, but then he decided that space wolves did not need to look pretty anyway and that he would better serve the mission to continue shooting the swarming hormagaunts. Between himself and his brother Dark Angel he hoped to free the wolf to seek it's revenge on the tryanid monstrosity.


BS Roll: semi-auto bolt pistol fire [roll0]. Also, do bolt pistols also do 1 extra point of damage to a horde in close combat?

Lycan 01
2011-06-25, 09:49 PM
Zuriel hurls the frag grenade into the massed ranks of the Termagaunts. The Warrior turns its head to follow the grenade as it arcs through the air, and many of the Termagaunts try to scatter out of the way under his mental suggestion. However, the grenade detonates with deadly efficiency, incinerating several Xenos outright and shredding a handful more with deadly shrapnel. The majority of the Termagaunts escape unscathed, however, and their resolve is unfailing.

Anteus fires off two shots into Tyranids swarming himself and his Space Wolf brother. One is rent in half by the force of the blow, while another is struck dead-on between the eyes. The resulting flurry of shrapnel and shattered chitin tears through two more Hormagaunts, dropping them shrieking to the earth in their death-throes. A pair of Xenos remain, however, and they show no signs of letting up their attacks.

Zuriel deals 5 Mag damage to the Termagaunt Horde, dropping it to Mag 25.

Anteus deals 3 Mag damage to the remaining Horde, dropping it to 1 Mag.

2011-06-26, 12:04 AM
Throwing caution to the wind, Svari attacks with his roaring chainblade. He matches the ravening beasts' savagery, blow for blow.

All Out Attack on Easter Horde.
[roll0] vs 80
[roll1]+13 pen 4

Lycan 01
2011-06-26, 01:29 AM
In one brutal strike, the bloody Space Wolf hews both Hormagaunts in half.

The Tyranid Warrior seems to realize that without the Hormagaunts to keep them busy, the Astartes will quickly regain the advantage. With a loud roar, it suddenly charges forward, storming towards Svari with hatred in its eyes. The Termigaunts around it echo its roar with a chorus of shrieks, and they too quickly charge the Astartes.

In a flurry of claws and fangs, the small Xenos swarm over the Astartes. A scything talon impales itself through Juviel's arm, slicing cleanly through armor and flesh before breaking off. The bio-blade remains stuck in the flesh of his bicep, jutting from his armor and hindering his natural regeneration.

Zuriel is also slashed across the throat, the claws of a Termigaunt somehow slicing through the space between his helmet and armor. For a moment, blood spurts from his neck like a crimson fountain, before his superhuman body rapidly closes the wound. Still, the sudden loss of so much blood leaves him shaken.

Svari is bombarded with blows, and a few talons and claws manage to puncture the weaker side armor of his torso, cutting into his flank. The wounds are minor, but their numbers are hard to ignore. Anteus somehow manages to dodge and block most of the attacks thrown at him, and the blows that do connect are not severe enough to injure him.

The Tyranid Warrior lunges towards the wounded Space Wolf, swinging both of its clawed arms at him in wide arcs. It intends to scythe both blades across his stomach, bisecting the Marine and killing him outright. By the Grace of the Emperor, the bloodied Astartes hurls himself backwards in time. Sparks fly as the abomination's talons briefly scrape across the surface of his armor, and he avoids being eviscerated by just a fraction of a second. The Warrior snarls, infuriated by this turn of events.

The remaining Hormagaunt horde is destroyed. The Termigaunt Horde (Mag 25) is now in melee with the whole Kill-Team. The Tyranid Warrior is in melee with Svari.

Zuriel lost 12 wounds.
Juviel lost 10 wounds.
Svari lost 3 wounds.

2011-06-26, 07:27 AM
Antaeus knows that the angels of death are called that for a reason and leaps into the sky on veridian wings. As he recites a short hymn of apology to the bolter shells that will not be striking the foe this instant, Antaeus activates his fire selector to utilize the holy hellfire rounds that he has brought with him. Taking aim so as to attempt to avoid hitting his brother marines Antaeus calls out "Righteous Death comes from above brothers. Prepare for the rain".


He uses the jump pack to jump out of melee combat and took a half action to aim in preparation for autofire next turn.

Storm Bolter Ammo: 38/60(regular); 60/60 (hellfire); 60/60 (metal storm) 5 clips regular ammo remaining.

Bolt Pistol Ammo: 11/14. 5 clips remaining

2011-06-26, 11:20 AM
++xenos scum++

Juviel felt the wound already clotting as he slashed and skewered at the tyrannies surrounding him.

[roll0]Vs 70

[roll1] vs 60

[roll2] vs 60

5 hits. Damage should be more than sufficient to score.

Lycan 01
2011-06-26, 06:31 PM
Anteus breaks loose from the bonds of the earth, rocketing into the sky on wings of smoke and flame. The Termigaunts around him leap to stab and bite at him, but he is much too fast for them, quickly escaping their reach. He rises above the roaring battle, and brings his storm bolter to bear.

Meanwhile, Juviel shows no signs of slowing down, despite the Xenos talon jutting from his arm. He violently lashes out at any Tyranid in sight, his chainswords emitting a keening whine every time the teeth bite into chitin and flesh. Xenos blood and viscera fill the air around him, his flurry of blows shredding almost a dozen Termigaunts in just seconds.

Anteus escaped the fight and is now flying over the battle.

Juviel did 5 Mag damage to the Horde, dropping it to 20 Magnitude.

2011-06-26, 11:51 PM
Though shaken, Zuriel knew better than to show it: a moment's weakness and his blood had been spilled, but the flowing Xenos blood would wipe clean his mistake.

Without a doubt, they would repay in kind.

Glancing around the battlefield, he surveyed the situation. That space-wolf was keeping the warrior busy... but one space-wolf alone wasn't quite enough, as evident by his heavily bleeding face...

Raising his sword, he moved it from the second space-wolf to the monstrous Warrior while transmitting his message.

"Juviel- Flank It"

Perhaps with two of them, they would keep it busy for the several seconds that Anteus and himself would need to wipe out the remainder of the horde.

With the former already firing at the Termaugaunts, Zuriel simply slashed his sword at the nearest of them, hoping to whittle down their numbers.

Full Auto at the horde I meant to say Sword Slash! [roll0]! Horrible Miss!

2011-06-27, 11:10 AM
Oh dear. :smalleek:

I seem to be in a rather nasty pinch...

Pain shoots through Svari's body as the termigaunt's talons find purchase in him. But only smallest indication that he even felt the blow is present on his face. He knew that the pain and injuries would be the least of his problems if the foul aliens were not stopped here.

Recovering from his hasty evasive move, Svari brings his weapon to bear on the target he should have felled from the outset. He moves the chain-blade in swift practiced strokes against the large bioform.

Swift Attack on Tyranid Warrior.

[roll0] vs 80
[roll1] vs 80

[roll2]+13 pen 4 - 22 Damage
[roll3]+13 pen 4 - 21 Damage

Lycan 01
2011-06-28, 12:57 AM
Zuriel misses his strike against the nearest Termigaunt, leaving himself open for attack. His already weakened body is struck several times by the Tyranid creatures surrounding him, and one blow manages to pierce the armor covering his stomach. Searing pain fills his torso as a razor-sharp talon impales itself in his abdomen. The wound quickly regenerates, but the effort is taxing on his body. Any more hits like that, and his body won't be able to simply shrug off its injuries.

Juviel and Svari manage to avoid any serious hits from the Termigaunts around them. Meanwhile, Anteus flies overhead, taking aim at the creatures below him. He squeezes the trigger of his storm bolter... and nothing happens. Instead of a righteous roar, there is only a dull click as the weapon jams.

The Tyranid Warrior snarls as Svari lashes out at it, and while it manages to deflect one blow with its talons, the Space Wolf manages to slash it across the chest. The whirring teeth bite deep, and black ichor spurts from the wound. The Warrior roars, and immediately strikes out at the Astartes. Svari manages to block one blow aimed at his face, but one of the Xenos' talons rips into the armor of his arm and slices deeply into his flesh. His body reaching its limit, the wound is slower to heal than it would normally be.

But the Space Wolf is not out of the fight yet. Though bloodied, he still battles on, and after blocking the Warrior's strike he lunges forward with an attack of his own. The Warrior does not expect the counter-attack, and it howls as one of Svari's chain blades rips into its side. However, while painful, the wound does not appear to be fatal. In fact, the Warrior shows no signs of being slowed down...

Zuriel takes 5 damage to the chest.
Svari takes 4 damage to the left arm.

Anteus' storm bolter is jammed. It will take a full action and a successful BS skill test to clean it, and you will lose 1 Hellfire bolt.

The Termigaunt Horde is still at 20 Mag. The Warrior looks like he's still got plenty of fight left in him, despite being wounded twice.

Zuriel, Juviel, and Svari still have actions left for this turn.

2011-06-28, 07:07 PM
Juviel keeps slashing and hacking at the horde.

multiple attacks

[roll0] vs 70
[roll1] vs 60
[roll2] vs 60

4 damage to the horde I think

2011-06-29, 12:24 AM
He'd been hit twice already- and though his body had been wracked with pain, it was his wounded ego that suffered.

The horde was not dead yet- somehow they were evading his strikes: Perhaps they'd lacked conviction?

No: he was steadfast in his resolve and unwavering in his brutality- it had to be something else.

He wouldn't give them even the satisfaction of a grunt. The gaunts were no match for him. They were barely even an obstacle at all- merely an annoyance that slowly sapped away his valuable time and nipped away at their schedule.

It would take more than that to drive him off- and they will realize that to the dark angels, the horde was very much like a mild breeze- only sliding off his armor.

I activate stoic defense to gain temporary wounds and attack the horde.

Full out attack! [roll0]!

Lycan 01
2011-06-29, 12:59 AM
Juviel hacks his way through the swarm of Termigaunts, slaying several outright and wounded a few more.

Zuriel grips his force blade tightly, steeling his resolve and focusing his mind despite the presence of the Tyranid Warrior. Sparks begin to fly as energy flickers from his eyes and fingertips, before the blade of his force weapon begins to glow. Several of the Termigaunts around him hesitate for a moment. For a brief instant, as he rears back to swing the blade with all his might, there is even a hint of fear in their feral eyes.

The next moment is one of terrifying psychic might. The Dark Angel brings the force sword down, impaling it through the head of the nearest Termigaunt with enough force to pin it down and drive the blade into the earth. A split-second later, a psychic shockwave rips through the swarm with a keening cry. Lightning fills the air as psychic backlash leaps from Termigaunt to Termigaunt, the creatures shrieking horrifically as their bodies bend and break. Limbs disarticulate, bodies writhe, and chitin shatters. A few Termigaunts even have their heads explode like ripe alien fruit.

A short second later, the psychic energy dissipates, leaving a large gap in the horde, with Zuriel at the center. Nearly half the swarm lies dead at his feet, a few bodies still twitching or smoking. However, their living brethren don't seem to care. In fact, they swiftly move to fill the role of their fallen Xenos, charging at the Librarian to carry on the fight.

Juviel caused 4 Mag damage.
Zuriel caused 7 Mag damage.

The Termigaunt Horde is now at 9 Magnitude.

Dang. :smalleek:

2011-06-29, 01:06 AM
Seeing that his savagery is not enough, Svari decides on a different tact. This time, instead of lashing out at the beast he waits, his weapon at the ready, and steels himself to respond to further onslaught by the foul creatures from beyond the galactic rim.

Taking up a Defensive Stance.
Svari receives an extra reaction & enemies suffer a -20 penalty to Weapon Skill Tests.

Lycan 01
2011-06-29, 03:59 AM
The Tyranid Warrior, infuriated by the sudden loss of half his horde, is apparently blinded by its rage. It lashes out wildly at Svari, who manages to duck beneath the first blow, while the second strike is only a glancing hit. The alien suddenly tries to hit him a third time, but the Space Wolf manages to parry the hit with the roaring teeth of his chainsword. The Tyranid Warrior roars, infuriated by his tenacity and refusal to die by its hand.

The Termigaunts swarm the team, but their numbers have dwindled to the point that the Astartes can easily dodge, parry, or simply ignore the flurry of blows. Aside from a few minor scrapes which quickly heal, the Astartes emerge unharmed from this newest assault.

Svari escapes death, and a new round begins.

2011-06-29, 10:59 PM
Xenos blood now splattering his armor, Juviel continues to slash and hack at the horde of tyranids surrounding him.

[roll0] vs 70
[roll1] vs 60
[roll2] vs 60

6 Damage

2011-06-29, 11:12 PM
Ignoring the rest of the Horde, Zuriel moves to take up the position he'd asked Juviel to fill.

Unlike the gaunts, the Warrior was a deadly foe- he would have to approach it with caution.

With Svari covering one side, Zuriel slashes the monster, then quickly retracting his blade to ready his defense- hoping to attract its attention away from the wounded Space Wolf.

Guarded attack- so -10 to WS, to gain +10 to Dodge/Parry next turn, but flanking with Svari gives us both +10 or +20, so its cool.

Here's the attack: [roll0]/[roll1]+13 (I believe, I'd need to check)

Here's the free action blast: [roll2]- [roll3]/[roll4] Just in case.

Everything's a miss!

Lycan 01
2011-06-30, 02:38 AM
Juviel continues to slaughter Termigaunts, their blood filling the air around him. Zuriel's strike at the Warrior is easily parried, his blade smashed aside by the Tyranid's scythe-like arms in a flurry of sparks.

Zuriel does 4 Mag damage to the Termigaunt Horde, reducing it to Magnitude 5.

2011-06-30, 04:48 AM
Antaeus unjams his storm bolter.

2011-06-30, 07:29 AM
Sorry, Juviel wasn't being deliberately insubordinate. I just forgot about your instructions.

2011-07-01, 10:52 PM
Svari continues to maintain his defenses. He prays that the Dark Angel's attempt to gain the Warrior's attention succeeds.

Continuing the Defensive Stance

Lycan 01
2011-07-01, 11:51 PM
Anteus manages to unjam his storm bolter, a dented Hellfire round flipping from the breach as he soothes the Machine Spirit of the weapon.

The handful of Termigaunts remaining throw themselves at the Astartes... and accomplish nothing.

The Tyranid Warrior sidesteps Zuriel's attack, and then lunges once again at Svari. The bloody Space Wolf raises his chainsword, and in a stunning show of skill manages to parry the Xenos' attacks with a flurry of sparks.

A loud explosion suddenly booms overhead. Streaking from the ocher sky, another Deathwatch drop pod descends towards the earth - leaving a trail of smoke and flame in its wake! It plummets towards where the crash site is supposed to be, thruster jets frantically trying to right its descent. The Astartes are forced to return their attention to the battle at hand; they'll worry about their fallen Brethren when the fight is over.

Termigant Horde is at Mag 5.

Crashing Drop Pod fell towards where y'all think the Crash Site is.

2011-07-02, 09:27 AM
Satisfied that the others can handle the last few 'gants, Juviel turns towards the Warrior and, blades shrieking, charges the beast.

[roll1][roll2]=24 pen 4

2011-07-02, 09:31 AM
As Antaeus manages to eject the stubborn and flawed hellfire round he calls out to his team mates "Clear the area. I am preparing to strike down the tyranid lifeform with a hellfire storm". Having given his warning Antaeus opens up on full auto on the warrior with hellfire rounds from his storm bolter.

BS Roll: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2011-07-02, 12:12 PM
In a hail of bullets, the Tyranid Warrior is shredded. Its towering form collapses to the earth, its exoskeleton shattered and most of its insides dissolved. Without the Synapse effects of the Warrior, the remaining Termigaunts shriek and begin to scurry away, trying to escape. They are no longer a threat.

The battle, it seems, is over.

2011-07-03, 12:11 AM
With the tyranids defeated, Zuriel sheathes his sword and moves besides the apothecary.

"A well fought battle- however..." He begins, then pauses for a moment as the troops gather.

"We have made mistake and must learn from them." He nods to the group. "Next time, we'll should take to the air immediately, and concentrate fire on the synapse creatures."

He then turns to the apothecary: "Conserve the special ammunition, lest we run out of it in times of dire need." He says, motioning to the scarce remains of the warrior. "A regular bolt would have finished it."

"Now, we must tend to our wounds- and hurry to meet with the late arrival, lest he suffer a fate similar to the magos... " Nodding to the group, he waits until the Apothecary has examined all of them before taking his turn then heads to the direction of the crash-site.

2011-07-04, 06:28 PM
Antaeus attempts to tend to the wounds of his fellow space marines, but the his wounds are superficial and shards from the tryanid's bioweapon burn the synth-skin and stitches as fast as Antaeus applies them. The two more heavily members of the team have the worst of their damage repaired however, and when he is done with fleshy repairs Antaeus smears repair cement on all four armors and begins to jog towards the crash site.

2011-07-05, 04:37 AM
Svari bides his time while Anteus treats his wounds. He takes this time not only to gather back his strength, but also to reflect on the last battle and how to improve his performance for the next.

Take out the bioforms bred for leadership first, the smaller creatures are directionless without them. The larger creatures are by far more dangerous as well, they should be taken first to end the greatest threat.

Most importantly find advantageous terrain to use.

When the apothecary finishes mending Kill-Team, Svari follows close behind as Anteus makes for the crash site.

2011-07-05, 11:05 AM
"We should also attempt to work more in concert with each other."
ie squad mode - I do a lot more melee damage to hordes that way

Lycan 01
2011-07-05, 02:57 PM
The group begins to make their way South. After a few minutes of marching, however, they see something through the constant haze of dust. The Deathwatch drop pod that they saw descending now lies before them, clearly having suffered from an intense crash landing. Slightly buried in the dirt and resting at an angle, smoke pours from its ruined form. The armored hull has been rent open, and several bodies are scattered around in the dirt. However, the Astartes quickly realize that they are all servitors armed with heavy weapon. They must have been sent as reinforcements, to aid the Kill-Team...

However, there is one body that is not a Servitor. Clad in power armor and sporting a servo-arm, the form sprawled out next to the crash site is that of a Deathwatch Techmarine.

Gamgee, your character may awaken now. He would be part of the other PC's Kill-Team, and would know them from the last few months of training. He was simply not assigned to join their squad for the initial stage of the mission, though he was sent to reinforce them with several gun servitors.

Also, Juviel is now in Squad Mode - I'll assume he entered it during the trek. Anyone who wishes may also join him in Squad mode, or remain in Solo Mode.

Please specify whether you're in Squad or Solo Mode, and whether you have your helmets on or not.

2011-07-05, 03:04 PM
Time to get serious- Zuriel thinks as he puts on his helmet.

He waves a hand at the apothecary and motions to sprawled body of the Tech-marine.

"Check him, Please." He asks politely, then turns to the space wolf and gives him a light nod of aknowledgement.

Zuriel enters squad mode as well.

2011-07-05, 04:03 PM
After a minute Scipio finally begins to move, he throws off a small piece of broken metal on him. "The atmosphere is beginning to change faster than we thought, despite the sacred rights I bestowed upon the machine I could not stop it from going off course due to interference. Good to see you battle brothers, I was itching to get to the fight and see if the Magos is intact." He gets up on his own before anyone can help him, he gets out his bolter and checks to make sure it's loaded. "Ready to fall in Brother Zuriel."

OOC: I'm also in squad mode, what are the currently activated squad tactics?

2011-07-06, 04:34 AM
The apothecary approaches Scipio, aware of the fact that it was dangerous and sinful to look beneath the robes of a loyal son of mars without permission, but desiring to fulfill his orders and assist his tech savvy brother if necessary.

Moving towards the tech-priest Antaeus asks "Were you damaged in the crash brother?".

2011-07-06, 09:05 AM
"No, I'm fine. The Emperor has seen fit to keep me alive so that I may slay his enemies."

2011-07-06, 01:10 PM
"And recover the Magos" Zuriel adds to the tech-marine's sentence. "Or at least that data-slate."

"To the crash-site."

2011-07-06, 05:44 PM
Antaeus replaces his bolt pistol in it's holster and retrieves his auspex. He begins to jog to the crash site of the magos, using his auspex to look for signs of more tyranids.

Lycan 01
2011-07-06, 10:13 PM
The Astartes regroup, and begin to make their way to the crash site. Zuriel, Juviel, and Scipio stick close and move with tactical grace, while Svari and Anteus stay out of cohesive formation along the group's flanks.

After a few minutes, the Kill-Team come across a stretch of blackened and broken earth, no doubt left by the Magos' craft crash landing. They follow the trough of scarred earth, and soon they can make out the bulk of the downed dropship in the distance. As they draw closer, its features become visible through the haze of dust and smoke coming from the wreckage. The ship is upright, partially embedded under the mound of dirt it carved up in front of it. The ship is bent, its back clearly broken by the impact, and its hull is covered in rents and scorch marks.

An immediate investigation of the dropship reveals the bodies of four people - the pilot, co-pilot, the craft's Engineseer, and a crewman. They were all killed by the impact, and their bodies have been left undisturbed, still strapped into their crash harnesses. However, there are several empty seats aboard the lander with their harnesses left unhooked, and the weapons locker has been broken open and emptied. Clearly, there were several survivors of the wreck, the Magos included. The paneling around the Vox controls has been removed, and many loose wires are visible, evidence that someone has tampered with the system.

Zuriel, Juviel, and Scipion are in Squad Mode, with no tactics activated.
Anteas and Svari are in Solo Mode.

Tech Use (+10) or Intelligence (-20) Test to examine the Vox system.

Tracking tests can be made to look for signs of where the survivors went.

2011-07-06, 11:02 PM
"Brother Scipio, can you check the Vox?" Zuriel asks the newest member of the new. "and Brother Anteus, check the ship for anything we might have missed."

"The rest of us will search the perimeter for tracks."

Zuriel moves around the crashed ship doing what he said he would do...

Here's a tracking test- most probably untrained! [roll0]! But its a success!

Lycan 01
2011-07-07, 02:50 AM
Zuriel manages to find a set of tracks leading South from the crash site. There appear to be four sets of foot prints. The tracks look like they carry on for quite some distance before disappearing into the haze. Needless to say, the crash site must be abandoned if the tracks are to be followed.

Unless anyone wants to scout ahead on their own, I will wait to move the group until after Gamgee does his checks. If anyone else wants to look around or do any specific checks, hurry up and do so. :smalltongue:

2011-07-07, 04:31 AM
Antaeus runs his auspex through the various spectra, looking to see if anything unusual presents its self. If not he scans the dead to see if they might have any implants or recording devices that would help determine the source of the crash.

2011-07-07, 08:18 AM
"Oh of course, would not dare to lose one of the Omnissah's agents if I could help it. And I can." Scipio heads over to the crashed ship, as he does so pulling out his multitool. He begins to investigate it's logs and messages for any useful clues to the Magos position.

Tech Use: [roll0] +20 10 from ease, and 10 from multitool (72) is what I have to roll under.

Edit: If we're using degrees of success I got 2.

Lycan 01
2011-07-07, 08:51 PM
Scipio examines the ships logs, revealing little beyond what they already know. The craft was brought down by Tyranids while trying to escape, and the crew barely managed to pull off a crash landing. The Vox system appears to have been repurposed to serve as a high-power transmitter. Sacred ungents and oils have been applied, indicating advanced knowledge of Technological rituals. There's little doubt that it was the Magos who did this, and used it to send his original distress call. However, it appeard the transmission burnt the system out, leaving it irreprably damaged.

Anteus can't find anything on the Auspex. Scanning the dead reveals nothing. In fact, beyond the trauma from the crash, they do not appear to have been tampered with.

Anteus, you may make a Forbidden Lore (Xenos) test at -20, or you may try to remember or piece together the needed information yourself.

2011-07-08, 09:01 AM
"The Magos sent the distress signal, I'm sure of it by the artistry which he tended to the machine's rituals. It is quite possible they might have survived. It's likely he sent the distress signal quickly and then left for a more defensive position, if he is alive now is up to the Emperor to see to. Perhaps if someone is to study the map in detail we can see what would be the safest location to retreat to and await some sort of rescue." He gets up from his small spot near the beacon, he looks at the amazing work of the Magos with reverence one last time before turning his attention fully to the squad.

2011-07-08, 05:20 PM
He looks over the map and around him trying to chart his course for a defensible position that would be a priority for the Magos to get to. "Others should check for tracks." He doesn't look up from the datapad.

Surface Navigation [roll0] I'm guessing the map will provide a bonus on figuring this out? I'll let you factor that in or not.

Lycan 01
2011-07-08, 05:36 PM
Scipio examines the map provided to the Kill-Team. His keen eyes and experience allow him to recognize the many locations marked on the map.

In the Northwest corner of the complex, there is a Vox signal tower. While not a good hiding place, it would serve was as an extraction point.
To the North, there is a security bunker. It is a very viable option as the Magos' hiding place.
To the Northeast, there's a large building, likely an Administratum complex. It is a potential hiding place.
To the East are several small buildings, likely dormitories for the prison staff. It is a potential hiding place.
To the West, there is a deep ravine with a road through it. Directly South of that, there's a small vehicle storage depot. The ravine is unlikely as a hiding place, but the depot could be a potential hiding place for the Magos.
To the Southwest, there's a Tram Line, likely used for moving materials. The Magos could potentially be hiding in the offices there.
To the South, there are several storage tanks and containers for the facility's promethium. There's a slight probability the Magos may be hiding there.
To the Southeast, there's the actual promethium processing facility, which would be a potential hiding place for the Magos.

2011-07-08, 06:59 PM
Antaeus frowns beneath his helmet, saying "I wonder why the foul xenos have not eaten them". Using his medical equipment Antaeus extracts a few samples from each corpse for later analyzing, once this important mission is over. Meanwhile he wracks his brain for any xeno-lore that might be pertinent to the situation.

Lore Check: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2011-07-08, 07:15 PM
Anteus ONLY

The Tyranids deserve the title "Great Devourer" without a doubt. Any biomatter they happen across is used to fuel their advance, either for sustenance or for the creation of new Tyranid organisms. Bodies and other organic matter are taken to Spawning Pools, where they are broken down and their matter reshaped into unspeakable abominations.

It is strange that these bodies are still here. The Tyranids should have happened upon them, and at the very least feasted upon them. That these bodies are still here would indicate that the Tyranids have either not found them, or that they have opted to leave them here for some reason. This would indicate that they were either had a more appealing target, or they purposefully neglected them for some other purpose.

The majority of the Tyranid hordes are not smart enough to set traps, of course. They are single-minded in their goal: feed. However... It has been observed that some of the larger castes of Tyranid organisms, such as Warriors and Lictors, do show some signs of sentience and intelligence, especially when they are serving as a Synapse beacon to the other organisms around them. It is unlikely that such creatures would be smart enough to leave these bodies here as a trap...

...but not impossible.

2011-07-08, 09:09 PM
"We have found them." Zuriel answers the tech-marine as he returns to the crash-site.

"If you've finished, than we shall follow their trail to the magos."

2011-07-09, 06:06 AM
Antaeus steps back from the corpses and steps outside, scanning his surroundings with his auspex. He voxes Svari saying "Do you smell anything suspicious brother?".

Lycan 01
2011-07-09, 05:24 PM

You sense of smell is overwhelmed by the scents of the dead bodies, the scorched earth, and the spilled fuel. However, your hearing manages to pick up on the sounds of movement. They sound similar to the flapping of wings... and its coming form all around.


Pretty sure you need to make a roll to use your Ausepx, dude. :smalltongue:

2011-07-09, 07:07 PM
Svari's eyes widen as he recognizes the sound made by the flapping of the wings. A sound he had become all too familiar with during the Battle of Farin's Crown...

"Brothers! Gargoyles incoming from all sides!" Svari yells into his vox link before looking for cover to take up position behind.

Lycan 01
2011-07-09, 10:52 PM
A chorus of roars echoes from the skies above. Out of the ocher haze above the Kill-Team, several dark figures emerge. Descending from the clouds, they surround the Astartes on all sides above them. The roaring forms are not Gargoyles, as Svari assumed.

Instead, they are Shrikes - winged Warriors. And there are six of them.

They're about 50 meters away, and they are evenly spaced out in a circle up above the Astartes. Though most of them have deep blue and red carapaces, a few of them stand out from the others. There are two Warriors with blue streaks across their chitin, one armed with a long-barreled Death Spitter, the other brandishing razor-sharp claws at the end of all four limbs. Another Tyranid sports red streaks across his shell and his weapon, which is a conical Devourer. The other three Warriors, while standard in appearance, are armed with various bio-weapons. One sports two pairs of scythe-like talons, while the other two sport a Devourer and a Deathspitter in conjunction with their claws.

It would seem the Kill-Team has fallen into a trap, and now have quite a fight on their hands...

Alrighty, there are 6 Warriors flying at Low Altitude in a circle above the Kill-Team. That's a -10 to attack rolls against them.

Rb780 gets to act, then the Tyranids go, and then everybody else.

You're all outside the ship, but it shouldn't take more than a half action to run inside and take cover.

Good luck! :smalleek:

2011-07-09, 11:15 PM
Juviel ignites his jump pack engines and soars into the air, racing to meet the deathspitter armed Shrike, his chainsword screaming

Engage flier(12)
Charge the Shrike
vs 60+10(charge)+10(hatred)
[roll]2d10b1+15 damage

18 Damage p4

Juviel ducks back into the cover of the wreckage, pulling his pistol as he does and firing a single bolt at the deathspitter with the different colored carapace. The bolt flies wide.

++Gunplay is not my forte, brothers++

2011-07-09, 11:32 PM
"Back to Cover."

Zuriel waves a hand back towards the crashed ship. When he notices the Juviel charging the elite warriors, he voxes him a message.

"Juviel- Were outnumbered, Don't be Rash."

Half action to move back to cover, delayed half-action.

2011-07-10, 12:29 AM
Svari retreats toward the downed ship, pulling his helmet from its place at his belt and placing it upon his head. he knew that the machine spirits would take time to rouse themselves from their slumber and activate the more advanced systems, but it was a necessary measure against such foes.

Taking a half-move toward the crashed ship and spending the other half action to don the helm.

Cohesion Test to enter Squad Mode:
[roll0] vs 6 (I believe?)

Lycan 01
2011-07-10, 01:27 AM
Zuriel and Juviel dash for the wreckage of the ship, Juviel's snap shot going wide. The Tyranids let loose a chorus of roars, followed by a vicious fusillade of bio-weapon projectiles. Beetles, maggots, and worms rain down on the Astartes, but they manage to avoid the vile onslaught. The two Warriors armed with four melee weapons all charge forward, quickly moving to close the distance with the Astartes.

Svari runs into the ship, having managed to avoid having his face eaten off by flesh-boring bio-ammo, and quickly dons his helmet. However, he's left slightly disoriented by the sudden restrictions on his senses, and it will thus take him a few moments to gather his bearings and begin functioning tactically.

The 4 ballistic Nids stay at 50 meters. The other 2 melee Warriors have moved to 20 meters.

Anteus and Scipio are still out in the open with a full turn, and Zuriel still has a half action.

Anteus can join Squad Mode as a free action, since Svari joined Squad Mode.

2011-07-10, 07:09 AM
Antaeus acknowledges the formation taking place and moves to join his teammates in the cover of the ship. Once there he snaps off a shot with his storm bolter at the nearest of the melee shrikes.


Cohesion Test if needed to enter squad mode: [roll0]
BS test to hit the shrike: [roll1]

Do we really need squad tactics for this battle? The shrike weapons don't seem to be doing much at this range.

Edit: rolling damage in the OOC thread.

Lycan 01
2011-07-10, 08:34 PM
Anteus flees into the ship, snapping off a pair of bolts at the non-striped melee Shrike. The explosive shells blast a few hunks of chitin from its left shoulder, which only seems to further infuriate the beast.

2011-07-11, 08:23 PM
Juviel fires a burst of bolts from his pistol at the nearest Shrike. From his position in the door of the shuttle, he sees one of them strike home.

[roll0] vs 40 1 hit.
[roll1] 18p5

Juviel snaps his second sword from it's maglock and engages the beast bearing down on him with a flurry of blows.

Details on OOC thread

2011-07-12, 01:08 AM
First, Willpower Tests to see if Svari can even do anything this round.

[roll0] vs 20
[roll1] vs 20

Not a thing...

Just as Svari attempts to render aid to his brothers, two of the Shrikes produce a fusillade from their grotesque living guns. Having already had one brush with death, he is not eager for another and he pays more heed to his own safety first.

2011-07-12, 11:07 AM
Antaeus found himself in close combat again, but this time he could not simply fly away and use his storm bolter as was his forte. He was also rather surprised by how quickly the shrike had charged him and by the fact that none of his battle brothers had interposed themselves between him and the beast. In fact, running for the ship in general seemed an odd move, as these monsters appeared unable to hit anything with their ranged weapons.

All of this was moot however, for the shrike was here now, and Antaeus needed to deal with it. Holstering his auspex and drawing his bolt pistol in its place, Antaeus took a single shot at the creature's wings, hoping that their relative lack of armor would be more accepting of a bolt shell and that such a wound would distract the monster long enough for his battle brothers to come to his aid. The space wolf appeared to be bunkering down while his helmet activated however, and the blood angel was too busy with his own foe. If anyone was to intervene it would be the librarian, and Antaeus was too dutiful and proud to request help from the team leader.


BS: [roll0] - This is a called shot to the wings if possible
Damage: [roll1]+5P5
RF: [roll]1d100] - [roll2]
Xenos Lore Roll: [roll3] - This is to remember any weak points in the armor of a shrike
Awareness: [roll4] - this is to notice any obvious weak points in the creature's armor.

Also, is Antaeus fighting the one that he already shot, or the other melee shrike?

2011-07-12, 07:56 PM
"Work together now."

From his position, the Librian rallies the troops from his position.

""Juviel, your tied up- don't turn your back to your enemy if you can't handle it " He says then points to the one fighting the Apothecary.

"The rest of you, focus on It"

Tactic Active: Strong point. Center- Myself. Target- The One fighting the apothecary.

You guys get- +20 to your hits, standard attacks as a reaction and a reroll to your damage Vs it.

2011-07-13, 04:55 PM
"Accursed fleshling Xeno's, the machine cult has to teach you the proper power of technology." He makes to grab and crush one of the closest Tyranids with his mighty power claw, after this he falls back slightly to the broken ship being used for cover.

Weapon Skill [roll0] Damage if it hits [roll1]. It has penetration 10.

Lycan 01
2011-07-15, 06:37 PM
Antaeus snaps off a shot at the wing of the Warrior he's fighting, but the creature simply folds it in and avoids the shell. However, this distracts it enough for Zuriel to open fire, and a bolt shell explodes across the side of the Tyranid's face. The beast, now sporting a rather nasty scar, roars in anger. Meanwhile, Juviel manages to land a pair of blows on the Warrior he's combating, hacking deep gashes across its torso, which profusely begin to bleed blue ichor. The beast staggers slightly, and then lunges back at him, talons flexing and rage burning in its alien eyes.

Another wave of corrosive maggots splatter against the starcraft's hull, courtesy the Warriors hovering high above with Devourers. Svari and Zuriel are forced to take cover again, while the rest of the Kill-Team focuses on their own personal battles. The two warriors with Deathspitters decide to blitz towards the earth instead of shooting, quickly flying down and landing on either side of the ship.

Meanwhile, inside the vessel, the melee warriors viciously lash out at their foes. The normal-colored Warrior is forced to divide its attention between Scipio and Anteus, and while its blows almost come close to striking them, the two Astartes manage to block and dodge its attacks. However, the blue-shelled Warrior is able to focus all of its attention and fury on Juviel, intending to repay him for the blows he landed seconds earlier. With lightning speed, it lannds four devastating blows on the Assault Marine, which should have easily shredded his armor and rent his flesh.

However, as if by some miracle, Juviel manages to avoid death. He manages to block one strike with his chainsword, while two hits glance off of his armor in a shower of sparks. The forth hit rakes across his face, but fails to actually penetrate the armor. By the Emperor's Grace, the only thing it accomplishes is a cosmetic modification of Zuviel's helm.

2011-07-16, 01:26 PM
Hindered by the warriors suppression fire, Zuriel is unable to fire on full-auto, instead electing to take another single shot at his called target.

With a click of a button, he swaps ammunition, hoping that the Hellfire rounds would be more effective.

[roll0] Check to jam, and

[roll1]+5- If i get a Nine or a ten, automatic furry.

24 damage ignoring armor

2011-07-18, 12:40 PM
Taking a deep breath to steady himself after his desperate deflections, Juviel then launches himself into another flurry of slashes and stabs.

[roll0] vs 70
[roll1] vs 60
[roll2] vs 60

2011-07-19, 02:13 PM
Antaeus snapped off another bolt round from his pistol and attempted to lure the xeno deeper into the ship where the rain of devourer fire would have less of an impact.

BS Test: [roll0]

2011-07-22, 10:20 PM
Scipio maintains his assault on the warrior, determined to feel the joyous cracking of its chitinous exoskeleton under the holy power of the blessed machine arm. He is also making efforts to parry the next blow that would attempt to hit him.

WS 53[roll0] Damage if it hits [roll1] Pen 10. Preemptive parry for the next attack to strike me. [roll2]. Please work, I want to have some use in battle.

2011-07-23, 10:24 AM
As the techpriest smashed the tyranid monster, Antaeus decided that time was of the essence and snapped off another pistol round at the distracted monster, hoping to finish it off before it got a chance to take advantage of his lack of defenses.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+5P5

2011-07-23, 11:47 PM
Struggling with the temperamental targeting systems in his helm, Svari fires off a shot out the bay door against the nearest shrike still in the air.

Single Shot against the nearest Flying Shrike with Hellfire Rounds.

[roll0] vs 65
[roll1] +5 Pen 5

Ammo Count (187/200 Hellfire, 28/28 Metal Storm, 28/28 Standard)