View Full Version : Do you use homebrew?

2011-06-14, 09:17 PM
As a DM, as a player, however. Your own feats, feats you find on the playground, feats you find elsewhere. Base classes, PrC's, anything.

The only thing I wouldn't count is houserules.

Also, instead of just yes/no, would anyone provide links to what they use? Or describe it? Or if you're opposed, why?

Fax Celestis
2011-06-14, 09:22 PM
Anything I make is fair game for my players, and any other homebrew is on a case-by-case approval basis. Generally, though, I allow it because my players are sane.

That said, all homebrew has the caveat that it is "malleable": it may be altered mid-session to fix something.

2011-06-14, 09:34 PM
I wish I could, but my DM doesn't like to use anything he doesn't really know, and also wants to keep the game fairly simple, so unfortunately not. If I were a DM, it would be on a case-by-case basis.

2011-06-14, 09:42 PM
I use my own mutation system, Kyeudo's truenamer fix and other requested homebrew after my reviewing. It's always fun to learn new mechanics and make the game broader.

2011-06-14, 10:14 PM
As a DM, I'll allow it by request and on review, but anything by a particularly notable homebrewer will get in fairly easy. I've had a player play Jiriku's monk fix recently, and one playing with a few different homebrew ranged disciplines.

Milo v3
2011-06-15, 07:02 AM
A lot of the stuff I use is homebrew which I make in the middle of the game and later turn into stats.

But I get most of my homebrew from this page (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Blades_Of_Keran_(3.5e_Campaign_Setting)).

2011-06-15, 03:44 PM
As a player, I have trouble sorting through all the random SWORDMANGE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL and FIGHTARFIX HUR FIRTAR WITH MARSHALL AURAS crap to actually find anything I like that fits the character. Whereas most of the useful/interesting/good stuff in non third party is well knownish, homebrew stuff is more of a crapshoot. And then if I use that character to pull off something awesome, people just say it's cause the class/feat/whatever is homebrew and broken... and then if I do it with a rogue, they go 'wow, awesome, your character did a cool thing'.

As a DM I generally go case by case. I've wanted to refuse things a few times cause they just eurgh were disgusting and poorly designed and ****ty, and I hate punishing players with badly designed classes, but mreh.

2011-06-15, 03:48 PM
Only homebrewed monsters, unless settings count, but I'd file those under house rules.

The Big Dice
2011-06-15, 04:08 PM
Rather than full on homebrew, I tend to steal things from other game systems. At the moment I've got Second Wind, courtesy of Star Wars Saga Edition. And I'm using card-based Action Points which are kind of a merger from Unearthed Arcana and Mutants and Masterminds.

2011-06-15, 07:11 PM
My entire setting is homebrew!! Muahaha!! *cough*

But seriously, anything I've brewed up myself is fair game for my players, provided they can find means of achieving them.

What I homebrew most though, is monsters. I make up my own, because half the party are rules lawyers who go to sleep every night reading the monster manuals. >_>

2011-06-15, 07:12 PM
I use almost all homebrew for prcs. If someone wants to do something I am more willing to make them a class than have them possibly bring in some abomination.

2011-06-15, 07:16 PM
Spells especially. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75192

Flavor feats, occasionally...such as Initiate feats for gods that don't have them.

2011-06-15, 10:02 PM
i use a tremendous amount of homebrew and house rules my current in progress system has replaced all the feats and classes as well as being a pretty nonstandard setting . also all the monsters and equipment are homebrew i tend to alter everything to fit the setting im working with.

That said im only using my own homebrew if someone came to me with someone else stuff id only allow it after a lot of consideration both because id have to see how it compares to what the rest of the party is doing and because id be wary of setting a precedent. As a dm i have enough stuff on my plate without having to study lots of new classes and trying to see if i should approve them

2011-06-16, 07:28 AM

I use a total of 25 martial schools found around the net as the common schools in my setting (each traditional kingdom and most races have one school they created); I use my own homebrew fixes; some fixes ripped from what I found in the forums; some classes ripped and fixed; some feats; monster classes; etc etc.

I usually don't bother asking permission either, 'cause I'm going to use anyway in my games one way or another.

But then, I have my own player's guide with all our house rules, races, classes, regional feats, homebrew flaws and setting information, and with a fully-fledged campaign setting is really hard to play only with published material. Players may use anything from our book, and the rules are as follow.

-Races are case-by-case from outside, but only if they already exist in the setting (so players can play as monsters published by pathfinder or other sources, but I first give the monsters PF treatment so ensure appropriate numbers for the CR, and in both cases I make monster classes to the player);

-No classes from outside the book, official, 3rd party or homebrew, period;

-We have our compendium of reworked feats with 625 feats, from many sources, only this source, pfsrd, the specialized wotc books (wotc "monsters" books, that I didn't include the specialized feats for example, aka draconomicon, libris mortis, ghostwalk, lords of maddness and the FC) and some few select sources. Anything other, be official, 3rd party or homebrew is forbidden;

-Spells only from our compendium (it's pf core and sc, and some select others, with changed levels (most non-combat spells went down a level, fixed the broken ones and changed things around) and stuff). Any spell from outside is possible, official, pfsrd, select sources and some specialized homebrew, however these feats aren't from the "common" list, and characters must research or learn the secrets of these spells from their creators / rare users

However I constantly improve on what we already have, all our classes have multiple options, all have three racial levels, firmly set on the setting, and I'm usually open to take a look on suggestion for the future. But I never simply allow something: You use what we made for our setting (or ripped, or wathever) and that we have on our player's guide.

Life's easier like this.

2011-06-16, 07:32 AM
Among my four current player's there are:

Three homebrewed races (one by myself), five homebrewed base classes (one's just a changed barbarian, the others are totally new) and more homebrew feats than I care to remember, plus one homebrew legacy weapon and a homebrew monster as a familiar.

That answer your question? :smalltongue:

2011-06-16, 08:11 AM
I haven't had the chance yet, but two I dearly want to use are Kyeudo's Truenamer and Person_Man's War Soul (Soulblade as I call it.)