View Full Version : Overrun in Pathfinder questions

2011-06-15, 10:30 AM
My first question is on attacks of opportunity:

OK, so clearly initiating the overrun does not provoke if you have improved Overrun.

If your CMB check is higher than their CMD then you move through their square, and onward. But won't continuing provoke? Initiating the overrun does not provoke - that is stated clearly, but what happens when you continue moving through their square, the square next to them that they threaten, and then beyond that?

If you beat the CMD by 5 or more the target is knocked prone, but you can still make attacks of opportunity while prone, and you still threaten all squares normally.

So.... looking at this I have to think that the intent is that the target of your overrun cannot make attacks of opportunity against you unless they have reach (when moving towards them you'd provoke, before you move into their square which is what the feat protects you from), but that's not what it says.

So, am I missing something or interpreting something incorrectly?

My second question is about charging.

They say you can do overrun as part of a charge, but the implication seems to be that they mean you can do it in place of your normal attack at the end of a charge - but how does this work? You normally have to end a charge at the closest square, but Overrun specifically takes you through the nearest square which means that it violates the rules of charging. Since the wording on Overrun is so poor I don't really get what they were trying to do.

My first throught was that you could Overrun one person between you and your charge target, but the inclusion of a feat called "Charge Through" specifically allows for that, so I don't really know what their intent was.


If anyone has any tips on boosting CMB please let me know. Thanks.

2011-06-15, 11:38 AM
if you have improved overrun you can run over your target and not provoke. if he has friends nearby the. movement provokes from them.

if you charge doing n overrun you add the charge bonus to your cmb get double move and the overrun replaces the attack portion of the charge. given overrun involves movement anyways the +2 is the only reason to do this.

2011-06-15, 01:47 PM
if you have improved overrun you can run over your target and not provoke. if he has friends nearby the. movement provokes from them.

I agree in concept, but the wording is poor. All it says is that "initiating' an overrun attempt will not provoke if you have improved overrun. That to me sounds like moving into the occupied square is what doesn't provoke. If it said "You don't provoke from the target of your overrun" that would match up with what you say, but that's not what it says.

if you charge doing n overrun you add the charge bonus to your cmb get double move and the overrun replaces the attack portion of the charge. given overrun involves movement anyways the +2 is the only reason to do this.

It also doesn't say anything about getting a +2 to your CMB for Overrun. It specifically says you get +2 for Bull Rush, not CMB checks in general.

And that still doesn't say what square you end in. A charge ends in the square before your opponent, Overrun ends some time after you pass through your opponents square. How do these two contradictory terms end up?