View Full Version : My propsed changes to E6 for my games. What do you think?

2011-06-15, 07:35 PM
The two main changes I am thinking of implementing:

1) At the same time you get a new feat (every 5K xp), you roll your "Skill Die". Your Skill Die is the equivalent to how many skill points a PC's final class level would give turned into a die.

For example, if your last class level was Rogue, then you would roll a d8. That is how many new skill points you receive.

Note, you do not get any more or less for Intelligence modifiers.

2) Once all players achieve 6th level then Combat XP is halved. The rest is replaced (or not. depends on individual players) by Roleplaying XP assigned by the DM.

I am consider the following as well, but maybe depending on what I hear here about it:
3) The chip method:
Each month players receive 10 chips (and each month it resets to 10). Players can at their choosing give this to another player who they feel just roleplayed well or did something so awesome it deserved merit. At the end of each session the players count up any chips they got, and receive 50xp per ECL for each.

Ideas, thoughts?

2011-06-15, 07:53 PM
The two main changes I am thinking of implementing:

1) At the same time you get a new feat (every 5K xp), you roll your "Skill Die". Your Skill Die is the equivalent to how many skill points a PC's final class level would give turned into a die.

For example, if your last class level was Rogue, then you would roll a d8. That is how many new skill points you receive.

Note, you do not get any more or less for Intelligence modifiers.

I've played something similar to this...basically, instead of purchasing a feat, you could pick up an additional 5 skill points(this may actually have been based on a feat from somewhere). It wasn't terribly popular(only used a bit), so an increase in the amount may be in order.

Note that unless you adjust the caps, your method will quickly lead to skill point saturation, especially for the skill monkeys...kind of devalues skill monkeys, tbh. Note that a feat for boosting skill caps to level + 5 already exists in default E6. You may wish to extend this somewhat.

2) Once all players achieve 6th level then Combat XP is halved. The rest is replaced (or not. depends on individual players) by Roleplaying XP assigned by the DM.

Eh, it's not terrible, but it does tend to lead to imbalances. I suspect that making it a less huge change(say, 20% rp xp) would make it work pretty smoothly.

I am consider the following as well, but maybe depending on what I hear here about it:
3) The chip method:
Each month players receive 10 chips (and each month it resets to 10). Players can at their choosing give this to another player who they feel just roleplayed well or did something so awesome it deserved merit. At the end of each session the players count up any chips they got, and receive 50xp per ECL for each.

Ideas, thoughts?

Ive used a less formalized version of that extensively. There was no hard limit, but basically, the group occasionally generally agreed that something was awesome, and deserved bonus xp. Despite being extremely informal, it worked well enough.

2011-06-15, 07:56 PM
1.Keying it off their 'last' level will lead to situations like wizard 5/rogue 1 getting as many skill points as the party's rogue 6 at each 'level-up'.

2.Roleplay xp can backfire, especially as a main source of xp. I'd be wary of this.

3.This one is more interesting, but leads to two 'debunk' situations:
-Where PCs are just handing out tokens cause they'll get more later
-Where motivations for choosing who gets a token aren't what was intended


Personally, I run my games with a few areas for bonus-xp. If they make me laugh in a way I think is good for group enjoyment, I will probably give them 1xp(more if I think it was that good, but rarely of any note). Then, a 'hat trick' of killing 3 foes in the same combat garners 5xp, while nailing more than 1 foe in an AoE gains 1xp per additional foe. These boni are rather lackluster, but can make the difference between leveling this session or next, and that means a *LOT* to players, even if the rest of the party gets "I'm behind" xp later to compensate.

2011-06-16, 03:30 PM
Just have them buy more skill points at 1000xp per point.
To prevent breaking the system, restrict how they spend them by not letting them spend more on their top skill, or not letting them spend more than 10 - this lets them get to 'the best', and then lets them go a little bit further (otherwise maximum would be 9 I think?).

Yes, it's tossing the power gamers (specifically the ones who want their character to be better than anyone else) a bone... but it's a small bone and if it helps keep them motivated...

2011-06-17, 12:32 AM
I've played something similar to this...basically, instead of purchasing a feat, you could pick up an additional 5 skill points(this may actually have been based on a feat from somewhere). It wasn't terribly popular(only used a bit), so an increase in the amount may be in order.

Open Minded, from CAdv.

2011-06-17, 12:35 AM
That's the one. We established rules to gain more BaB, increased save progression, class features, etc, so there was some fuzziness in my mind as to which came from actual feats.

E6 is surprisingly resilient to such changes, provided you keep the cost pegged fairly to feats.

2011-06-17, 03:45 AM
Where are the E6 rules posted?

Search didnt find anything.

2011-06-17, 03:47 AM
Here (http://www.enworld.org/forum/general-rpg-discussion/206323-e6-game-inside-d-d.html) they are.

Open Minded is also in XPH and by that in the SRD.