View Full Version : Wistful World [IC, E6:3.5]

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Kato Locke
2011-06-16, 11:57 AM
Welcome to the world of Jadinth. There are three landmasses, two of which are connected by a number of isthmus, each with its own name. Corinthal is the continent you live on and is connected to Meyinal. Sybim is across The Great Divide, Jadinth's largest ocean, and is seldom visited by civilized races because of the barbaric nature of most of its inhabitants.

The Ruling Class:Corinthal is divided into a number of territories controlled and regulated by separate monarchies. High King Peter Maxwell benevolently rules from his throne in the beautiful city of Romania, the human capital. Silvinthis Calairion leads his people from the seclusion of Thorn Temple in the midst of the Kasperkin Forest. Trespass into the Temple itself by non-elves is punishable by death, though exceptions are known to have been made. Hallow's Dale is a matriarchal society of halflings ruled by Tifa Windstep and is situated in the sprawling meadows of the Midwest.

High Tide and home:The town of High Tide is a trade town situated ten miles southwest of Corinthal and fifteen miles east of Fisher's Rest, a harbor town. The town is profitable because of its close proximity to so many commodities and luxuries. Though dwarfed by both of its neighbors, High Tide is home to many tradesmen, mages and working girls, if you need to rest your weary bones.

Conflict:Thieves and bandits are becoming an increasing problem along the roads around High Tide. The local defense force has had three fatalities so far, a rarity in such an outstanding organization. As such, guards are telling travelers to prepare themselves on roads and regular security checks are made before entry into High Tide is permitted.

Kato Locke
2011-06-19, 02:23 PM
On this beautiful spring day, Linda Alirhyme finds herself in a wagon with several strangers on her way to high tide. The ride was paid for her by Marrow so that she could get to her destination without the long walk along the road. She checks the slightly crinkled note left by Marrow:

"Bandits with unknown affiliation have begun to attack High Tide's roads. Discover the reasoning behind this increased aggression and leave your report with Alexander Duvall, head of the guard. Tell him you are an unaffiliated party with interest in passage.

Bonus: 50 gold extra is possible with the right solution."

Having never had a bonus you might have been able to receive, you feel like the fact that it's here may be a test. Perhaps you will even graduate, if such a thing is possible, to become a teacher yourself.

In any case, the ride is short, the guards wave you through and in short order you find yourself in the entrance of High Tide. The wagon driver seems to want you gone sooner rather than later, however. He's been paid, though, so you needn't worry for that.

2011-06-20, 10:55 AM
Linda looked out at the city and began to go work. As she walked the city her teachings from Marrow began to flow in, as they always did.

Marrow and Linda walked through the streets at night in a town without a name. Marrow looked behind herself at Linda, golden blond curls dangling.
She Said "It doesn't matter what information you are after, anyone may know something that can help you. Everyone from the bartenders to the housewives have seen or heard something, its up to you to put all the pieces of information together and make sense of it all. So listen, be forgettable, and never be yourself" with that she gave Linda a friends slap on the shoulder.

"Right" Linda responded

"So, I never asked you, who brought you in, you know, to the bard's guild?"

"Huh, well all six of them had a little to say..." said Linda

"Six?" said Marrow with a confused and shocked frown on her face. Then paused thoughtfully for a moment with that frown " So anyway, to be forgettable you might want to....."

Linda will never forget that day, or the look on Marrows face. Why was Marrow surprised that six of them came... Well Linda had no time for those thoughts, head to the bar and start asking questions.

Series of Checks to learn whats going on.

Gather Information

Knowledge history

Knowledge Local

Profession Bard

Bardic Knowledge

Kato Locke
2011-06-20, 08:10 PM
You ask the wagon driver for directions to the nearest bar. Though he gives you a look for asking midday, he directs you to a place called "The Spittoon." You give him a nod of thanks and begin to walk, your mind abuzz with history and lore. You recall several songs being sung about this town, the best of which being that this town's guard, called Plateman's Guard, turned back an invading force from across the Great Divide. Their goal had been Romania and the head of the then ruler, High King Vincent Maxwell.

You turn a corner and scan your surroundings to ensure you are going the correct way. Satisfied you didnt turn too early, you continue on. Plateman's Guard... Simple bandits should not be able to kill such organized and powerful fighters. Does that mean their working together? You recall a story from a street bard about how the best of the High King's men are recruited from Platemen's Guard. Moreover, their all supposed to wear plate armor. What manner of bandits can take down three men in metal skin?

You look up just in time to see The Spittoon in front of you. What is the "right solution?"

You step inside and see a surly bartender who squints too much, two men at a table playing cards, a female waitress and a loner in a corner drinking and muttering to himself. The bar is big enough to house ten times this many people. Must be a slow day. ((OOC: You may ask any questions you like to any people here. Your rolls will stay the same for the time being.))

2011-06-20, 09:04 PM
Linda waves over a bartender and gives her an easy smile.
"Hi, I'm passing through, but I'm troubled, I hear there have been attacks on the roads, do you know anything about that or anyone who I could talk to about that, you see I'm worried about safe passage"

Diplomacy check

bluff check

Kato Locke
2011-06-21, 04:07 AM
The bartender seems to make a visible effort to be less surly. Though she squints less, her face is still sour. "I know the're keepin' my booze handlers from comin' in half the time, I'll tell ya that. With the way they harrassin' folks 'round here, you'd think they didn't even want to hurt anyone, minus the guards what got killed. Spooked 'em good, I'd say. What'll ya be drinkin', lady?"

((OOC: Normally Diplomacy checks take about a minute of conversation. Enjoy. ^^ ))

2011-06-21, 08:35 AM
Linda responds "I'll have some water, or milk if you have it, thanks. So they just seemed to attack the guards then just act real crazy, that's real peculiar. How many times have they attacked, should I be on the look out as I walk the city?"

Kato Locke
2011-06-21, 07:41 PM
"Copper for milk." The bartender pulls a clean glass from under the counter and turns her back to open a box on the floor. Cool mist rises as she removes a milk bladder and fills the glass. "I dunno about in the city isself, no. They more tend to ruining trade, I'd say. And they're doin' a stand up job, I'll tell ya what."

She blathers on for a few minutes about how she is not getting as many customers as she should and its effecting her work. She goes on to say her love life is suffering due to a distinct lack of "sodden crop." It should not be too hard to understand what she's getting at. You've improved her mood somewhat, however, and take a break from complaining to tell you that if you're interested in helping you may talk to Alexander Duvall, as he is head of the guard.

2011-06-22, 08:52 AM
Linda gives her a copper and takes a sip of milk. She listens to the bartender intently as if she is speaking the holy word. While the bartender goes on Linda thinks about what she has heard. If these men are only shutting down trade it sounds like cutting off supply lines, a war tactic. This whole thing may be the first stage of a campaign. And considering that they have taken down some of the city guard means they are no random group of bandits, sellswords perhaps, or another city's army disguised. But why start a war now? And who is starting it? Linda tells herself she needs more information.

"I think I will go see the guard captain, can you direct me to him?" Linda asks

Kato Locke
2011-06-22, 03:50 PM
As the bartender is about to answer your question, there is a yelp from behind you and the sound of glass hitting the ground. The waitress seems to have spilled a drink on one of the two men playing cards. He stands angrily and backhands the woman across the face. "What is your problem?!"
For her part, the woman is obviously surprised and angry but the blow knocks her off her feet.

Hurriedly, the bartender reaches below the bar and withdraws a heavy mace. She slams it on the bar not far from you, though clearly not intending the blow for you. The sound is deafening in the quiet afternoon, moreso in the quiet empty bar. "If you've a problem, leave the younguns out. No hittin' girls in my business."

The assailant points at the bartender. "Stay out of this, Meredith. This one's got too much sass for her profession and I dont take well to having drinks poured on me."

2011-06-22, 06:09 PM
Linda hops up from her stool and puts herself between Meredith and the assailant and puts one hand in the air and one one the longsword at her hip.

"Hey! Lets all calm down there is no need for violence. Sir, I know you're angry but is this barmaid worth a night in the stockade, because thats the only place this is heading. How about you go to another bar, and relax there, if you want I'll leave with you" Linda ends off smiling at him in a friendly fashion.

Diplomacy Check: [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-06-22, 06:11 PM
Are you using Diplomacy as a full round action in order to defuse the situation? Because thats -10.

Kato Locke
2011-06-22, 06:21 PM
The stranger directs his gaze to you. He still seems to be seething. "Whose gonna throw me in the stocks? You? Who the hell are you?"
The second stranger sitting at the table with him seems far more interested in your weapon than his angry companion. "Jerry, maybe we should just go, man. This don't feel right."

The situation is tense. The waitress doesnt seem to even want to move for fear of drawing attention to herself again. Meredith is eyeing you out of the corner of her eye, a question there floats.

2011-06-22, 09:27 PM
"think about it, man, if the bartender jumps the the bar and you two throw down its gonna cause a ruckus. The city guard will simply come in and see the fight and throw us all in the stocks for disturbing the peace, worse if that girl on the floor is seriously injured. With all the banditry lately they won't need much of an excuse to prove they are still the law here. But that can all be avoided if you simply walk away." Linda says still smiling at him in a friendly manner.

Kato Locke
2011-06-23, 01:09 AM
The man called Jerry seems to give you an unconvinced glower before turning to his companion. "Let's move. I need to change and I'm not paying for this." His friend nods nervously and stands rapidly enough to knock over his chair. They gather their cards and leave the bar. The waitress audibly breathes and stands to her feet. Scarcely a second of silence before Meredith yells at her, "What did you do?!" Now the girl is frightened.

2011-06-23, 10:08 AM
Linda waits a few moments, until she is sure that the two are gone, then throws up the hood of her cloak and leaves the bar, walking briskly in no particular direction. She felt like an idiot, getting way to involved in something that was none of her business, Marrow would scold her until she was blue in the face. The fact that the bartender, barmaid and jerk would maybe never forget her weighed on her the heaviest. She is supposed to be forgettable, this little event put the whole mission in jeopardy. Better hurry and talk to the captain of the guard then quickly move on to other leads, maybe skip town and see what she can find on the roads.

Kato Locke
2011-06-23, 01:22 PM
The waitress's hurried apology and muffled explanation is left behind in your wake. You're too preoccupied with your thoughts to note events around you and they pass in a blur. You scold yourself for a few minutes before looking up and seeing that you are outside a blacksmith's with no clue where the head of the guard is. There is a very nice fountain, decorated with swans and beautiful women, just behind you. To your right is a row of shops and general stores and to your left is an inn.

2011-06-23, 03:43 PM
Linda talks to random people and tries to figure out where the guard captain is.

gather information check


Kato Locke
2011-06-24, 02:08 AM
After stopping a few travelers who have as much a clue as yourself, you happen upon a well dressed merchant with a couple armed guards. He happily explains to you where the station is, letting you know that his shop is on the way. Taking the cue from his tone you ask him a few more questions, specifically about his guards. He tells you that though the town itself has been fairly quiet, he's heard of more than one shop that had been roughed up before the guard could show up. Though it isnt strictly necessary with such esteemed protection as The Platemen's Guard, it makes him and his business safer to have a couple swords within reach. He leaves you off at his shop, The Smoking Cauldron, with direction to get to the main guard house.

Otimorn rattles his dice in his hands as he approaches the gates of High Tide. Walking on foot, the guard already inspected him a half mile back and was he allowed to continue to the town. Perhaps this place would be better for his trade than Moon's Well, a hole in the wall thieve's town with ill repute 20 miles in the country. If nothing else, its on the way to Romania and you had been meaning to pay the place a visit for some time...

2011-06-24, 08:44 AM
Linda makes her way to the guard station and asks for the captain of the guard, she mentions that she is an "unaffiliated party with interest in passage"

Kato Locke
2011-06-24, 08:49 PM
As you enter the guard station, you make note of how empty the place feels. Perhaps most of the guard are out handling their duty or else sleeping. Immediately in front of you is a desk that spans the length of the room, obviously to keep unauthorized people out. To your right is a row of seats placed against the wall. Behind the wall-desk, is a single male writing on a piece of parchment. When you approach and ask to see the head of the guard, he responds by telling you that Alexander is out in the field and cannot be bothered. You could leave him a message instead, if you felt so inclined.

2011-06-24, 10:49 PM
everyone knows something

Linda spends some time talking to the desk clerk and inquires about the whereabouts of the rest of the guards, also asking what the highwayman who have been attacking look like so that she is sure to avoid them or alert someone if she sees any of them. And inquiring if he knows anything about the recent attacks as well. She is pouring on the charm and allowing him to think she is interested in him.

Charisma check

diplomacy check

bluff check

disguise check

Kato Locke
2011-06-24, 11:31 PM
(OOC: Guard's sense motive [roll0])

Kato Locke
2011-06-24, 11:39 PM
Though he attests that some of the information you're requesting is confidential, he assures you that the guard is all hours of the day and night to find out who is doing this and why. It feels like a stock answer to you, so you press on while throwing in some charm and wit to keep him off balance. It seems to work well.

He lets you know that there are have been "only" two attacks in the city which were we quickly ended.
The bandits outside the city do well to keep themselves from being identified and wear red bandanas over their faces.
The three guards that were murdered were not killed all in the same encounter, but rather one at a time. Further, each body was found without their weapons, which are always of considerable value.
The last attack outside the city came three days ago at just about noon. The guard warns you that traveling tomorrow "may be best saved for another day."

He seems rather pleased with the conversation and wants to know if you're doing anything tonight. He gets off his shift in a few hours and would like to take you out to dinner to perhaps talk about something other than bloodshed. "Unless you're into that sort of thing." The conversation lasted for just under an hour and no one came or went from the building in that time.

2011-06-25, 12:08 AM
Marrow sat by the window on the slanted roof eating an apple.
"Sometimes you have to get in too deep to get anywhere, in situations like that you gotta know when to get out, you hear me girl?" then she looked off to the distance and took another bite.

Linda agreed to have dinner with the officer later, besides more info later he might provide a decent place to sleep tonight. She left the guard station and began to look around the city for guards, just looking to see where they are and how many seem to be about. After doing that for awhile she went to the market, to see who is really being hurt by these attacks.

On the way she contemplated what she learned. It seems like that guard may have known too much, Linda thought as she reflected on the warning about tomorrow. And if these guards are being assassinated, it changes things a great deal. She may have to see whats the word on the seedier side of town. But, to that, after the market place, and she has to keep in mind, she has a date tonight.

knowledge history check on who has standing beef with the town

gather information/profession bard check on what shops are being hurt by the raids

Kato Locke
2011-06-25, 02:16 AM
Try as you might, you cant think of any organizations besides The Platemen's Guard that makes High Tide their home. More over, there arent any truly noteworthy individuals that live here currently. There are a number of powerful merchants that have learned their trade from this town but none that reside here currently. The same could be said of arms talent, that is, those with combat skills. Lots of stories of heroes that rise but few ever stay.

You may use your gather information on the only person you've met that knows something, the shop keep of The Smoking Cauldron, or ask people on the street.

2011-06-25, 02:37 AM
Linda heads over to The Smoking Cauldron, goes in and checks the place out. Sees what wares are sold there and if the establishment is tidy and well organized. After checking the place out Linda talks to the shop keep or guard (shop keep preferably) and asks which shops have been hit up and how to get to them while being smiling and friendly the whole while. And after getting that information she implies but doesn't ask right out if any hired assassins exist in the area.

if needed she phrases it as thus "oh and I've heard the guard have had problems with knives in the dark, you wouldn't know who I could talk to about buying such weaponry would you?"

2011-06-26, 04:55 PM
Otimorn rattles his dice in his hands as he approaches the gates of High Tide. Walking on foot, the guard already inspected him a half mile back and was he allowed to continue to the town. Perhaps this place would be better for his trade than Moon's Well, a hole in the wall thieve's town with ill repute 20 miles in the country. If nothing else, its on the way to Romania and you had been meaning to pay the place a visit for some time...

Otimorn will walk about the town a bit. Never forgetting his father's death he checks the alley behind every tavern he finds, to know how to give chase, if necessary. Mostly, though, Otimorn is looking for fellow scribes. If there is one he might be able to lighten the load for him for a little coin, and if not, he can freely advertise. Historical landmarks are always another point of interest for Otimorn, as are antiques and collectors. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Thinking back, what is the history of this place, or is it just another town without value besides the information and gold to be gathered here?
Knowledge (History): [roll0]

How close is it to Romania? Is it near the route my mother would have taken?
Knowledge (Geography): [roll1]

Where can I find a scribe or old things, or a collector? I'll look for signs first, but also talk to people, especially traders.
Gather Information [roll2]

2011-06-27, 12:32 AM
Also staying on the lookout for mages, especially those that seem interesting or formally trained, and most especially for any who might have attended my college.

Is this High Tide significant in the arcane arts? (Ley Lines, past great wizards, local cabals, etc.)
Knowledge (Arcana):

Kato Locke
2011-06-27, 07:35 PM
Before entering the shop, you take a look at the building from the outside. It's advertised as a potions and reagent's shop. With that in mind, you enter and are greeted by one of the owner's hired swords. He stands next to the door and gives you a careless once over before returning to a statue-like stillness. You take the time to look over some of the labeled and organized potions - "Cure's Ailments and Wounds!" or "Make Yourself Larger and Stamp Out Opponents!" - before going to the encounter set into the side of the shop and ringing a bell. In short order, the same merchant comes from the back and looks delighted to see you. He formally introduces himself as an alchemist of some renown by the name of Roland McNab. You take "some renown" with a grain of salt since you've never heard of him.

You trade pleasantries and dodge his ushering to purchase potions, and ask about the places that have been attacked. He tells you that a specific scribe's shop was attacked and his personal suspicion that it had something to do with information he was handling at the time. He's tight lipped about a local or name though. He frowns when you mention "knives in the dark" and the purchase of weapons. He tells you he runs an honest shop and doesnt dabble in such things.

You recall The Plateman's Guard making this town their home and their involvement in turning back an invading force from across the Great Divide. Their goal had been Romania and the head of the time's ruler, whose name escapes you. As you walk, doing your best to remember that name, you pass the fountain of Lovely Sightings, decorated with doves and beautiful women. You take a moment to read the plaque on it and recall that this fountain was donated by the High King himself to the Platemen's guard. They must be something else.

You spy a notice board displaying work for travelers and spot an ad for a scribe. After reading the location you begin to make your way over, still thinking on history and the arcane. You dont recall hearing of any cabals in the town but you know that this is a magical center as big as one might ever get in the absence of a Ley Line. Many powerful wizards rise here, usually apprenticed by others. You recall a particularly powerful diviner, Lelah Macintire, who went on to work in the Cathedral of Baccob in Romania. The lack of an academe has not stopped magical development in High Tide but few ever stay. Strangely, it seems a lot people are keen on leaving soon after reaching adulthood. You leave your thoughts behind long enough to come within sight of Ink and Quill, the town scribe and home of Lance Dertaugh, its owner.

2011-06-27, 08:36 PM
After Linda leaves the shop she begins trying to ask around about all scribes in the area and any who have been attacked and tries to figure out if she has time to follow up the lead before her date.

Gather information check [roll0]
profession bard check [roll1]

2011-06-28, 12:40 AM
I walk past the shop, making a sudden turn down the next street or alley.
I check for anyone following me: Sense Motive [roll0] and Spot [roll1]

(If I do notice someone, I will pretend as if I didn't. Roll bluff for me, if necessary.)

Either way I'll continue back toward the Ink and Quill, checking for a back entrance before entering.

(Sometimes the paranoia hits hard.)

Once inside I will seek out the scribe, and engaging in a competitive little scribes game, greet him in Sylvan, continuing in other languages.

Kato Locke
2011-06-28, 03:52 PM
Every mention of an attack within the town leads to passerby leaving hurriedly, apologies trailing behind them. You abandon this line of questioning in favor of simply asking for the location of scribes. Even still, it seems you scared a number of people off initially and must relocated in order to find someone more accommodating. Soon, though, you're told that there is a scribe across town named Lance who runs Ink and Quill. He's the best scribe in the town and most of the others work freelance for him when he needs it. You have time enough to get there and back but you wouldnt be able to spend much time there. All this walking has made you hungry too, so you're very much beginning to look forward to dinner.

As you look around the street you dont see anyone that may be following you. There are only a few people out in this part of town and you only just arrived. You do, however, see a man in full plate armor with an unloaded crossbow in hand and a longsword on his side. While its not unthinkable that someone might have been waiting for your arrival, you feel somewhat certain there isnt anyone currently. You dodge tails that arent there before making your way behind the Ink and Quill. After spying out the back entrance, you return to the street. Immediately after you turn the corner to enter the shop, you are stopped by the person in full plate. "Halt," he says. "Whats your business behind this shop?"

2011-06-28, 04:43 PM
Responding to the guard, "I must have had some bad meat on the road, I feel sick and I thought I was going to throw up."

(OOC: Is fast-talk a bluff check? If so...)
Bluff: [roll0]

If the fast-talking doesn't work out, I'm quite willing to open my backpack for the guard. Otherwise I'm wearing a traveler's clothes, carrying a quarterstaff that doubles as a walking stick, with a small crossbow hanging from my pack, which I'll say is for self-defense on the road, and the occasional game that I come across.
(See OOC thread for more on inventory.)

Kato Locke
2011-06-29, 03:33 AM
Guard Sense Motive: [roll0]
As you are lying to the guy, yeah, it counts.

Kato Locke
2011-06-29, 03:39 AM
The guard quirks an eyebrow and looks at you with his head tilted, his eyes darting over your facial features before looking down at the rest of you. You cheeks warm very slightly under his analytical gaze but you keep your composure and confidence in what it is that you say. He does, in fact, check your gear and bags. "What brings you to High Tide, stranger," he asks while checking your belongings.

2011-06-29, 07:41 AM
"Just looking for some work before I move on, sir."

"As you can see I'm a scribe and a mage with some little talent. I'm answering a post I saw after I entered the town for some freelance scribe work."
*shaking my purse*
"As you can tell I could use the coin."

2011-06-29, 08:29 AM
Linda heads over to the ink and quill to talk to the scribe there. While there she intends to ask if he has done any work for anyone of note, anyone of clout who can vouch for his skill and speed. Because she wants him to scribe a collected work of her poetry.

bluff [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-06-30, 11:16 PM
The guard nods as you speak, accepting what you say as he checks your things. When he's finished, he stands with his back in the direction you came, that is, from the back way behind the shop. You may enter.

As you walk toward the Ink and Quill, you see a man in plate armor rummaging through a backpack with another man standing close by. After taking in the event you enter the shop. Once inside you find that the shop is ordered but somewhat messy, with loose scrolls of parchment on the ground and quills tucked away under books and on tables. On the far wall facing the door is a grand bookshelf, filled to capacity. You see an older gentlemen in robes, about 40 years of age, sitting in a chair writing. He is the only one in the shop. You approach him and he is indeed Lance Dertaugh. He nods and tells you that he has been working in this town for nine years. He has scribed for Lelah Macintire herself, though being vouched for would be something of a difficulty. He tells you that he has worked with a great many different people from different walks of life and race and he knows enough languages to keep him busy no matter where he goes.

2011-07-01, 01:04 AM
Otimorn enters the shop, as planned, searching out the scribe who needs work done. He'll greet the scribe in Common, or his native language if he isn't human and Otimorn knows it.

Otimorn is willing to show the scribe some of his work. He's not going to bring it up in conversation, but he won't hide that he's a mage.

2011-07-01, 09:40 AM
Linda tests him by asking him if he knows the story of Silverwing in draconic, and if he responds in draconic asks him has he heard of Lidda the Halfling in Sylvan, if he responds in Sylvan Linda will nod her head and tell him in common that she may be talking to him again soon about perhaps scribing her poetry than pretends to peruse his shop while trying to listen in on the conversation he is about to have with the man who just entered the shop.

Bluff [roll0]

listen [roll1]

Kato Locke
2011-07-01, 11:09 AM
Ortimorn and Linda
Linda speaks to Lance Dertaugh in Draconic: "Do you know the story of Silverwing?"
He seems taken aback by the question and responds, also in Draconic, "It is rude to ask a question in another language after starting a conversation."

Ortimorn enters the shop and sees Linda speaking to the only other person in the business, catching only the Draconic word for "conversation." Shifting his bag more comfortably on his shoulder, Ortimorn moves over to a nearby table to wait his turn to speak to Lance. During his wait he listens to the shopkeep, more out of habit than anything else, while examining some of the loose parchment.

"Excuse me," said Linda apologetically, "but as there is little else for me to vouch for your ability, I only wanted to be certain you would be the man for the job."
"Not only am I the man for the job, but you'll find I am the only professional scribe in High Tide. Those of lesser skill come to me for work." Though he spoke calmly, there's a certain edge to the words. "And as you found your way here, I can only imagine you found my notice posted. The one looking for a freelancer to... Could you not do that please?" Now speaking to Ortimorn.

Ortimorn gave a small start, mostly for show. "Sorry, I was simply waiting out your conversation. I didnt mean to pry. On the subject of that freelancer, however, I believe I can help. I've just arrived in town and was looking for a bit of work. I can show you some of my work, if you like."

Lance looking back and forth between Ortimorn and Linda, as if deciding who to work with first. "Ah yes, very good. Ah, well, if you could step over to the counter and display your work, I'll be with you shortly."
Linda interjects smoothly, "If you like, you may deal with him while I look around. I would have you scribe a collection of my poetry and I am dreadfully picky about who does the work, you see."

One of your characters must give an indication about who would like to be serviced by Lance first.

2011-07-01, 11:16 AM
Linda gestures for Lance to take care of the freelancers and begins to look at what scrolls he has to sell, looking at poetry if any is available while still doing her original plan

2011-07-01, 12:18 PM
Otimorn gladly shows some of his work (grateful that the poet allowed him to proceed without waiting), but he doesn't have a large portfolio with him, only a few sheets of exercises to keep his skills sharp.

Otimorn says, "I have these, and I can also show you my skills and technique if you have a tray of sand around."
He continues, "First, though, I didn't catch your name, sir, mine is Otimorn Urthadar."

Kato Locke
2011-07-01, 12:44 PM
Lance moves behind the counter to peruse your scrolls, nodding. "I am Lance Dertaugh, Mr. Urthadar. This isnt bad at all. Which languages do you speak, sir?" He takes stock of your skill.

Roll a Profession check. (Or Decipher Script, I suppose.)

2011-07-01, 12:54 PM
Three dice swirl around in a bowl, the roll leaves a six, two, and a one.

Marrow looks up from the bowl at Linda and asks, "what is this"

Linda looks over the dice, does a long and hard look, knowing this is a trick question. Finally she gives up and says "Nothing"

Marrow throws in a new di and all four dice are knocked around a bit, the dice settle on two, three, four, and five. Marrow asks "Now...what is this"

Linda looks up from the bowl with a grin, "its a storm, you win triple"

"You see, always look for something new, because it could change everything" Marrow said with a smile

Remembering her training Linda listens in and makes note of the name Otimorn, and wonders if he will be important later.

2011-07-01, 12:58 PM
Decipher Script: [roll0]

As I understood it, putting the ranks into speak languages meant I need no roll for those languages, unless it's a rare or old dialect.

Kato Locke
2011-07-01, 01:03 PM
This is true, but he wants to know what languages you speak.
Edit: Oh, and the check was for the quality of the work you're showing him. Good impression.

2011-07-01, 01:34 PM
"So is this good enough to get me the work?" says Otimorn.
Adding, "I know Elven, Dwarven, Sylvan, Draconic, Celestial, Abbyssal, and Infernal."

If so, "What's the scope of this project? Will you want to work cooperatively, or is it something I can do on my own hours?"

Kato Locke
2011-07-01, 01:40 PM
Lance laughs. "Oh yes, I think this will do just fine. In fact, perhaps our lovely lady guest would like to look at some of this herself. Miss?" he asks, indicating Linda. "I do have quite a bit of work on my hands as is. Perhaps you would like to look over Mr. Urthadur's work here and decide for yourself if you would like him working for you. I daresay he will even give you a better rate than I," he added with a wink at Ortimorn."

2011-07-01, 02:00 PM
Linda walks over and glances over Otimorn's work "hmmmmmmm you do seem to be skilled, how would I contact you if I wanted your services"

2011-07-01, 03:09 PM
Otimorn responds, "I'm always up for a little work. What sort of poetry would you need transcribed?"

2011-07-02, 09:26 AM
Linda looks Otimorn over and takes into account that he answered her question with a question, then dismisses him as unimportant. Then looks at Lance, "I will look into your rep and then come see you again if I think you'll serve. Know that my poetry is by word of mouth and rhythm, so you will have to scribe quickly and word for word. I'll let you know" Linda leaves the shop, to go meet up with her date.

2011-07-02, 10:47 PM
Otimorn, realizing his mind was on the wrong track, tries to get the poet back to talk, "But wait, I haven't stopped at an inn. You can..." he tries to say, and then the halfling was out the door. Otimorn, not wanting to lose the contact, follows her and calls out, "I'll meet you tomorrow at midday, here, if you're interested!"

He goes back inside and asks the scribe, "I guess my mind was on the wrong track." He continues, "I've traveled a little farther than I should without finding work, you see. There aren't too many places with much need for a scribe, and I'm not the best at drumming up business as a messenger. Too many people find me too scrawny to keep their missives safe."
Coming back to the real work, "When would you like me to take a crack at the freelance work? I'm free now, but I'll get settled in somewhere and come back tomorrow, if you like."

2011-07-02, 10:59 PM
Linda hears what Otimorn yelled to her but does not respond, she is still undecided on whether or not to meet up with him. But she heads to meet up with the officer for her date.

Kato Locke
2011-07-03, 05:48 PM
Lance waves off your concerns. "I wouldn't worry overmuch about losing that one. She seemed a bit of a tough sell, if I say so myself. Dunno why she would come in here to quiz me without doing any research beforehand, if it was that important to her. In any case..." He moves back around the other side of the counter.
"I have enough work on the side here to keep any scribe busy for a week. I take it you wont be staying in town long, though, so I'll give you a decent rate for your time. Ten silver a day should be enough to see you well on your travels, eh? Though I expect a reasonable about of work done for your pay."

Lance provides you with decent quills and ink, reminding you he wont charge you for them since you're working under him and reminds you that you must do your best with these, as parts of them are court proceedings.
I dunno if you were planning on a profession as a scribe or what but you dont have the required profession skill for this. Decipher Script doesnt work for writing, which is extremely important here. I'd like to know how you planned to work this part of your character. Respond in the OOC before making a post, please.

As you arrive at the guardhouse, the scene has changed considerably. Firstly, there are several people sitting in the waiting area. You recognize one of them as the man who was keeping company with the not-so-gentlemanly type at The Spittoon this morning. Your guard friend, whom you now realize you failed to exchange names with, is just going through the door behind the counter. He fails to recognize you've arrived before disappearing. There are two men in plate armor behind the counter speaking to a third man in working clothes. He seems to be the replacement for your new friend. He takes a seat, nodding absently to whatever his comrades are saying to him while looking over some notes left on parchment. The men in plate armor check you out as you enter, the one on the left nudging his friend and whispering something while smirking.

2011-07-03, 09:54 PM
Linda walks up to the counter adding a bit of sexy to it (cha check [roll0]) and addresses the two men whispering to each other about her.

"Gentlemen I need three things, one: the name of the gentlemen who was tending the desk earlier, two: for you to tell him Myra, the young lady he spoke with earlier is waiting his acquaintance, and three: for knowledge on times and location where I could possibly speak with the guard captain"

Kato Locke
2011-07-04, 01:40 AM
The smirking guard grabs his genitals. "Oh yeah, Myra? How about you skip all that and go straight to my "acquaintance?" The other guard laughed and walked away, back through the door behind the counter. The gentleman now sitting spoke up. "If you'd like to wait for Russ, you can take a seat. He shouldnt be long."

2011-07-04, 10:06 AM
Linda sees that they aren't going to be helpful with the guard captain, and lets it go for today, then sits and waits for "Russ".

Kato Locke
2011-07-07, 04:16 PM
As you sit down, the same gentleman from the bar casts a furtive glance at you before avoiding any other contact. You sit and wait for about five minutes before Russ comes out of the door again. He seems lively despite the day working and he smiles brightly at you. "Myra, was it? I feel silly having not gotten your name before. I'm Russel, though most people just call me Russ." He extends his hand to you to help you to your feet.

OrtimornIn your post, describe the amount of time you wish to work and what you say to Lance when you are finished.

2011-07-07, 05:19 PM
Linda takes his hand and stands up,"where shall we go, I'm pretty hungry"

(ooc: generally Linda will be a good date and go with him to eat and laugh at his jokes, and put in on conversation, she IS NOT at work, she isn't looking for information just having a good time, and she has decided to sleep with him if he wants to take her home)

cha check [roll0] for being sexy and seductive

int check [roll1] for making good conversation

Kato Locke
2011-07-08, 12:17 AM
His Charisma:
His Diplomacy: [roll]1d20+5

Kato Locke
2011-07-08, 12:22 AM
You arent certain if he means to sound this way, but he seems to put a little more emphasis on his desire to sleep with you than he had when he was talking to you originally. Conversation from him is a bit dull, as you tend the carry the conversation, but his rapt attention serves to even the night out. He takes you to an inn for dinner, a warm place called "The Sandlot." The food is good, you can have worse company and him in bed was definitely a treat. In bed that night, he wants to know more about you.

2011-07-08, 04:32 AM
Laying in bed staring at the ceiling Linda starts in on her story "I used to be a barmaid, did it really because my father needed the help, after my mom past he really didn't have anyone and I was free labor. Then he tells me I need to see the world and I agreed, since then I've been traveling around listening to stories, weaving ones I like into epic poems and creating some of my own from things I've witnessed. Thats why I'm here in town, this whole thing with the highway bandits smells ripe of epic story and later epic poem. What about you, Russell, why are you with the city guard and all that?"

2011-07-08, 02:19 PM
Lance waves off your concerns. "I wouldn't worry overmuch about losing that one. She seemed a bit of a tough sell, if I say so myself. Dunno why she would come in here to quiz me without doing any research beforehand, if it was that important to her. In any case..." He moves back around the other side of the counter.
"I have enough work on the side here to keep any scribe busy for a week. I take it you wont be staying in town long, though, so I'll give you a decent rate for your time. Ten silver a day should be enough to see you well on your travels, eh? Though I expect a reasonable about of work done for your pay."

Lance provides you with decent quills and ink, reminding you he wont charge you for them since you're working under him and reminds you that you must do your best with these, as parts of them are court proceedings.

Otimorn looks surprised, "You're very generous and I appreciate the work and the pay. I must admit I'm somewhat out of practice as a scribe, but I do not lie. I can write in all those languages and I'm not the type to blow you off." He looks around, "Do you have a work space here that I should use? I'd like to get a bite to eat and get down to work."

Kato Locke
2011-07-10, 01:20 PM
Russel shrugged. "Not a particularly interesting story, I'm afraid. I was actually born in the capital, my parents were tradespeople. Even a huge city like Romania has those of, uh, lower income. Everyone knows the best guards and defenders come out of High Tide so I came here to work and get recognized. I got some formal training in Romania before I left, my father said it was the least he could do. He gave me one of his best weapons and I came here to start my career."

The pillow talk can extend for any amount of time you'd like. You may consider Russel helpful towards you.

Lance gives you directions to a nearby pub in which you may purchase a particularly tasty meal for the low price of five copper. When you return, he has prepared for you a large stack of documents and a workstation in his shop for you. As you pour over the documents well into the night, he checks on you repeatedly. This seems to stem not from mistrust but for concern for the quality of work he seems to want to uphold for his costumers. He corrects your writing a few times, for neatness, but nothing much beyond that. Come nightfall, some six hours later, he gives you your pay ("Only eight silver tonight, I'm afraid. Tomorrow, when you complete a full day's work, you'll be paid in full."), and hurries away.

Make a spot check as you ready yourself to go to the inn he's suggested, The Sandlot.

2011-07-10, 04:18 PM
Otimorn is very appreciative of the silver and starts walking, following the directions Lance gave him. Otimorn, ever paranoid in towns, looks around as soon as he sets off.
Spot: [roll0]
Once arriving at the Sandlot, Otimorn checks for authorities before checking the back entrance. After that's done, he'll go in and ask for a room and a meal and keep his eye out for a good dice game.

2011-07-10, 05:12 PM
Linda loves to talk, and rarely gets to talk to someone who is this involved with law enforcement, so she milks it for all its worth.

"You are interesting...you see I believe everyone has a story and one worth telling. You are now part of my story and I part of yours. But tell me, is there any openings for women on the Plateman's Guard? And out of sheer curiosity, why didn't you take me back to your place? Don't worry I won't be offended if this was just a glory ****, I find such things to be a compliment"

Kato Locke
2011-07-11, 12:07 AM
You look around the street and find it deserted of any of the guard, readily identified by their armor. Creeping behind the building for a quick check, you see two men half hidden in shadows, talking. One of them has a red bandana tied onto his belt.
"...won't be enough. Get to more to the south before sunrise."
"Ai, sir."

You duck back around the corner before you are seen.
You can continue inside if you wish. If you want to continue listening, you'll need to make a hide check and a listen check as you hear sounds of movement and the men in the shadows lower their voices.

Russel chuckles softly. "The guard doesnt hire based on sex, but skill. There is an annual hiring-slash-testing but that wont happen until the fall. As for you... You intrigued me. A lot. I brought you here because you seemed to be at least as 'interested' in me as I was in you. I live in the barracks set up for the guard that is used by anyone without their own lodgings. Imagine trying to have relations while three or four other men listen in. Embarrassing."

2011-07-11, 08:38 AM
Linda gives him an easy smile and takes him in hand and tries to rise his mood again, her voice gets slightly deeper and huskier as she continues talking "How long have you been on the guard, I would love to hear one of your tails valor"

(when moment appropriate she takes him again, but still wants to talk afterward, on the subjects she just mentioned)

2011-07-11, 01:08 PM
While around the corner, is Otimorn on the street, or an adjoining alleyway?

Otimorn will try to listen in.
Listen: [roll0]
He'll also try to act inconspicuous, leaning against the wall, taking out his dice and fidgeting with them aimlessly, but being sure they don't touch each other and he doesn't make any noise.

If discovered or questioned, he'll tell the story that he's waiting for a friend who told him about a game near here.
If questioned by an authority (guardsman, innkeeper, etc.) he'll tell the same story, but without much effort, and follow it up by asking to move into the street or inside where he'll tell the truth. He's concerned about the suspicious whispering men behind the inn and was eavesdropping.

Kato Locke
2011-07-11, 11:43 PM
Russel regales you with "tales of his valor" alright. While things heat up, you breathes words of his training in your ear while tempting you to call his name.

Exp: Roleplay - 50 exp.
Plot - 100 exp.
Making a useful NPC helpful - 10 exp.

You may edit your character sheet in the OOC to reflect your total EXP.

All you can tell is that they are moving towards you. The building here is near a corner and you stand along side building, on the street and off the alleyway. The sound of scuffling footfalls dampen the sound until they are nearly upon you. "...no more excuses."

The men pause upon seeing you, suspicion on their faces. You give them your story.

Sense Motive, Guy 1: [roll0]
Sense Motive, Guy 2: [roll1]

Kato Locke
2011-07-11, 11:47 PM
The man with a bandanna in his belt looks you up and down. "There could be a game here if you've got the gold to play."

His companion seems to be sizing you up. You note that both men have daggers in their belts but neither is making hostile gestures with them. The half moon lazes out from behind a cloud.

2011-07-12, 07:36 AM
Otimorn pockets his dice and says, "I'm not one for high stakes. I keep myself to silver games, but thanks anyways."
Otimorn starts to go inside, but he'll look back to see where these guys go.

2011-07-12, 08:46 AM
Linda spends time with the Russel all night, and talks more to him if he is game, then goes to sleep.

Kato Locke
2011-07-13, 01:02 AM
The men watch your back, not moving until you have gone around the corner to the front of the inn and out of sight.

Inside, you enter a cozy front lobby which has a fireplace off to the left and what seems to be a registry on the right. A man in leather armor sits at the door and watches you enter with interest. You dont see a weapon on his person. He sits behind a sort of counter, a bell in front of him. There is also a bound book of sorts there. He places a hand on it as he watches you, his eyes friendly and approachable.

"Welcome to The Sandlot."

2011-07-13, 12:24 PM
Otimorn files the men away in his mind for later consideration, the red bandanna might be recognizable later.

Upon entering, Otimorn quickly sets his mind to making a good impression. Otimorn turns to the counter and says, "Hail, sir, and well met. How are you this fine evening?"

Kato Locke
2011-07-13, 07:30 PM
The man's face splits into a pleasant smile, showing off color teeth. "I'm well, traveler. May I interest you in a room? We are two silver a night with breakfast served in the morning."

2011-07-13, 11:26 PM
Otimorn smiles back, "I'd love to. Lance Dertaugh is giving me some work and recommended I stay here. Before I take my leave for the night, would you know where I might find a friendly game for the night?" He shakes his lucky dice and continues, "I'm not looking to lose my shirt, but I do like to play."

Kato Locke
2011-07-14, 05:01 PM
The man seems a little uncomfortable at your question. "Here at The Sandlot, we do not encourage such games to be played on the premises. However," he lowers his voice, "there are many inns in town that may serve towards your entertainment. The Spittoon, I've heard, make room for players." His voice returns to its normal volume. "Though I myself wouldnt know." And then he winks at you.

"If you would like, I could take your pay, give you the key to your room, enter you into the registry and you may take your leave to peruse your interests."

2011-07-14, 05:51 PM
Otimorn pockets his dice and says, "That's just fine. I think I'll see what you have in the way of entertainment here tonight and I may just find my bed early, travelling can be a bit hard on a man. Here's the silver and a couple copper for your helpfulness. My name is Otimorn Urthadar, if you please, a scribe, and," Otimorn lowers his voice, "a mage of some small talent."

Kato Locke
2011-07-16, 01:20 AM
Taking your money and depositing it into a strong box, the man grins while he writes your name into the registry. "I enjoy our conspiratorial whispers. My name is Alex, the night guard. Lemme know if anything turns up."
He hands you a key, directing you to the second floor, second door to the left.

2011-07-18, 06:43 AM
Smiling back, Otimorn responds quietly, "Information is surely as interesting as the effort one goes to to conceal it, I've always felt." Returning to a normal tone, "Well, thank you for the room, sir. I'll be seeing you around this week."
Otimorn continues to his room and leaves his pack there to browse the common room. He'll have an ale, if available, and listen to music or story, if available. After they ale, if there's no striking conversation to be had, he'll take himself upstairs to sleep, with a mind to wake up not more than a couple hours after dawn to see to accomplishing some more work.

Kato Locke
2011-07-19, 10:58 PM
The sun rises on a breezy day in High Tide. Clouds adorn the sky like so many marshmallow puffs and both Linda and Ortimorn find themselves rested and alert. Russel does not stir. It may be his day off.

2011-07-19, 11:04 PM
Otimorn meditates, preparing some of his spells, as usual.
After this he goes down to the common room for breakfast.
If breakfast is at least palatable he'll eat it.
After breakfast he goes back to work for Lance.

2011-07-20, 01:29 PM
Linda sees if she can wash up then gets what breakfast is available. She stays around long enough for Russel to wake up and wants to talk to him.

Kato Locke
2011-07-20, 04:01 PM
Not certain of a place to wash, you go downstairs to ask at the front desk. A tired looking man sits behind a counter in leather armor. He is not the same person you remember being there when you arrived last night. He tells you there is a bath house attached to the main building with gender specific areas. He also reminds you that you are entitled to breakfast this morning in the dining area, just around the corner from where you are. The bathhouse has few other women in it; they all seem plain and pleasant enough. You sit down in the dining area and are served a tasty meal of eggs, bacon, fruit juice and toast. A man in robes sits not far from you. You recognize him as the scribe from Lance's shop last night.

Your spells prepared, you pass a tired but cheerful Alex, who waves to you. "Better get some breakfast before its gone," he informs you. "Its good this morning." You enter the dining area and are served a tasty meal of eggs, bacon, fruit juice and toast. You recognize the woman from Lance's shop last night sitting not far from you.

2011-07-21, 04:18 PM
Linda moves over to Otimorn's table with food and all and plants herself in an empty seat

"Hello Scribe Otimorn, how did the night treat you? (whispering)Did the gentleman in leather check you in?"

wisdom check to remember who did check her in last night [roll0]

2011-07-21, 04:19 PM
not sure what happened but here is another roll [roll0]

2011-07-23, 05:51 PM
"Well hello there. The night guard checked me in, and the night rested me well, though I'm afraid it plucked your name from my memory, if I ever caught it. How did the night treat you?" Otimorn asks. He then digs into his food quite greedily.

Kato Locke
2011-07-23, 07:55 PM
You recall giggling at Russel's innuendo and being checked in by a woman in a tweed dress with silver ribbons in her hair. You recall no conversation or names; your mind may have been preoccupied with what was to come.

2011-07-23, 08:27 PM
Linda asks Otimorn "at about what time did you get in"?

2011-07-24, 01:47 AM
"I suppose I got here in the late evening, madam, though I'm not sure what business it is of yours," says Otimorn, stiffly. He returns to his meal with a mind to finish quickly.

2011-07-24, 02:24 AM
Linda moves back to her own table and finishes her meal. Then walks over to the man in leather behind the counter.

"Hi, excuse me, but I didn't catch the name of the lady in the tweed dress that checked me in , I was hoping to put in a good word for her and be able to ask for her by name the next time I come in."

Kato Locke
2011-07-24, 03:04 PM
As you approach, you see the man in leather speaking to a woman in a similar tweed dress, though color deep blue. "..always tired," you hear the man say. Both turn to listen to your query. "Oh, that was Magda," says your unknown leather bound conversationalist. "She takes the afternoon-slash-evening shift welcoming tenets for the night. My name is Alex and I work late night. This is Tammy, she's our m-morning girl." Alex unsuccessfully stifles a yawn. Tammy flashes you a radiant smile. Cute, average height and a sunny demeanor makes it easy to understand why she would be working here at this time of day. "If you need anything," chimes in Tammy, "please feel free to ask."

2011-07-24, 03:15 PM
Linda smiles back and thanks everyone for being so helpful then heads upstairs to check on Russell before heading to the seedier side of town to see what she can see.

Kato Locke
2011-07-24, 04:59 PM
You find Russel upstairs, half dressed and looking relieved to see you. "Oh man, I had thought you left the inn. I warned you off of traveling today, I had hoped you would heed my warning." Continuing to get dressed, he adds, "There is no telling what may happen today. It may be best to stick to the inn."

Kato Locke
2011-07-24, 05:00 PM
Ortimorn50 exp for Roleplaying.
5 Exp for getting a job.

2011-07-24, 05:24 PM
Otimorn tips whoever gave him his food two coppers and goes up to the person behind the counter at the front to inquire about keeping his room for another night. After paying up to 2 silver for another night, Otimorn will make his way back to do more work for Lance Dertaugh.

2011-07-24, 06:50 PM
Linda crosses her arms and looks very suspicious.

"Ok, I really didn't want to ask, and seriously have been trying hard not to, but you are kinda forcing the conversation. What do you know about whats going on today?"

Kato Locke
2011-07-24, 08:35 PM
The sky is a bit cloudier than it was yesterday but its pleasantly cool and the blowing breeze brings the scent of grass and spring, promising rain soon. You round a corner, not far from Lance's place when you see the same guard that you "met" the other day, his helm off.

You are about three stores away when the building explodes.

Russell doesnt seem nervous when he talks. "Because the bandits you were so curious about yesterday are looking for something. We came close to finding it but they covered their tracks pretty well. We dont know who they are or what they want, exactly, but we do know that today is the last day they'll have the chance to get it, or else destroy it.

Russell sits on the bed and begins to do up his boots when a massive boom sounds in the distance. He looks up startled and goes to the window. "Damnit... It's my day off," he says.

2011-07-24, 09:13 PM
Linda runs to the window and tries to get an idea of what happened and the level of the destruction.

"Thats funny, I just clocked in."

spot check [roll0]
search check [roll1]

Kato Locke
2011-07-24, 10:16 PM
You're simply too far to search for anything but looking over Russell's shoulder, you can make out a lot of activity and smoke. Looks like some shining metal people are milling around the center of the area where the smoke is coming from, which you surmise to be Lance's shop because of the location.

Russell doesnt seem to have heard your comment, with how screwed up with thought his face seems to be. He's even taken by surprise as he bumps into you as he moves away from the window. "The guard are going to be doing some heavy investigation right now. We didnt know they would do anything like this. I really suggest you hole up here. I need to go report in." Finishing with his boots he stands and makes to leave the room.

2011-07-24, 10:41 PM
Was anyone hurt?
Spot: [roll0]
Where did the explosion originate? (Inside or outside; first floor, roof, or underground; etc.)
Search(?): [roll1]
Was the explosion magical?
Spellcraft: [roll2]

Otimorn will rush up to the rubble to see if anyone, especially Lance, needs help.
He is willing to take guidance from the guard, and will back off if asked, but only after offering to help.

Kato Locke
2011-07-25, 01:36 AM
Without hearing the verbal or seeing the somatic components, you cant be certain what this spell, or group of spells, is. However, your instinct tells you its magical in nature for two reasons:
First, there was a dull pop which may have been louder had you been closer. Second, after the pop came a roar of fire, which seems to have extinguished itself after setting fire to the building. Natural fires, you've learned in your formal training, dont put themselves out and they create pressure as they feed upon oxygen.

The explosion clearly came from inside the building's first and, as far as you know, only floor. You know this is where Lance kept the majority of the work he displays, goods for sale and incoming scribe work. The smoking billowing out of the exploded windows may be from burning parchment. You do not see any injured people as the explosion was "safely" contained within the building. However, the building may be in danger of erupting in flames if it goes unchecked.

Running over to the building, the guard who recognized you is loading his crossbow. His face is grim; he is clearly expecting a fight. When you pass him, he calls out to you, "Dont go any closer, leave this to the guard. There will be more of us coming soon. Tell them what happened."
He then lifts a horn to his lips and blows hard, the sound loud and clear. Shop windows and doors open all up and down the street as curious onlookers gather to see whats happening. Already you can see more men in shining armor running to the scene. The one who called to you draws his longsword and dives through the shattered front door, disappearing into the smoke within.

2011-07-25, 09:33 AM
Linda dawns the rest of her gear and takes the time to do it right, then heads out to the explosion site with a specific mind to find someone. Linda doesn't approach the guards but she searches through the crowd trying to spot someone who is different from the rest, someone who is merely observing and taking stock of whats going on, who looks looks like they may know something.

Spot check [roll0]

Search check [roll1]

Sense Motive [roll2]

2011-07-25, 09:37 AM
Otimorn dutifully follows orders. Waiting for guards to arrive he will speak (or yell) to them as they pass to inform them that a guardsman has already entered, sword in hand. If there's time he will also say that he thinks it was magical.

Otimorn also searches rooftops and the street for anyone walking away without looking back, runners too, but he is thinking this was professional, and professionals know not to run.
Spot: [roll0]

FYI: Otimorn does not have all of his gear, he wasn't expecting to need things like camping gear or even scribe's tools, as Lance was providing what he needed. He has his quarterstaff, spell book, and spell components, none of which he is ever without. Purse is on him, too, but that's just common sense when staying at an inn.

Kato Locke
2011-07-25, 11:40 AM
First come two Platemen who nod about the information you give them. They glance at one another and seem to come to some nonverbal agreement because one goes into the building while the other stands beside you. A minute goes by.

On the roof of the building, looking down onto the street towards your position, a man in studded leather appears. He makes some hand gestures before disappearing back behind the building. The guard next to you stirs but doesnt move; he seems to have seen the roof-man. A crowd begins to gather. Another minute goes by.

Two more Platemen show up and have a short exchange with the one standing next to you. "Two inside, Jacob on the roof. No visual."
"We'll check the perimeter."
They go off. Over the next minute you see them in flashes around the back of the building and up and down the street.

Finally, a total of three minutes past the blowing of the horn, a plainclothesmen shows up at the right hand of a mounted figure in plate. He's tall, about 6'4"; his armor appears duller, as if the polish simply wont stay from age but that my be to offside the shining silver badge attached to the front of it: HPG. He approaches you. "Are you the witness to this event?"

Russell watches you don your armor and notes your sword with interest. "If you're going out there, we cant be seen arriving at the scene together. Too many awkward questions and none of them the joking bunkmate type." He leaves out in an hurry before you.

You arrive some five minutes later. The people in the vicinity of the explosion have gathered no closer than three shops away, being held back by a couple of the guard. You can see them scanning the crowd, hands on sheathed weapons. You know if you are seen winding through the crowd looking around that it would be considered very suspicious activity for a crime scene. Do you continue?

2011-07-25, 01:00 PM
Otimorn says, "I witnessed the explosion. I was on my way to do some more work for Lance Dertaugh. Is he okay? Was anyone in there?"

2011-07-25, 03:56 PM
Linda makes a hide check and a disguise check(to stay in character as a innocent bystander) to hide what she is doing and blend into the crowd and continues on.

hide check [roll0]
disguise check [roll1]

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 01:50 PM
The mounted person answers you. "I havent been inside yet, I couldnt answer your questions." It may be that he was about to speak some more but he pauses as the two guards who had entered the building come back out, his armor darkened in soot and coughing. Smoke billows stronger into the morning air; the fires are spreading.

They wobble over to the mounted guard and salute. "Captain Duvall," says the first one over, "this gentleman was seen outside of the building late afternoon yesterday and did not exit until after midnight, when I was relieved. He was close by when the incident happened."

The guard that has been at your elbow since arrival shifts again. The mounted person, Captain Duvall, turns his head towards you. "You're a traveler." It wasnt a question. "Please follow this guard back to the barracks where you will be debriefed. Thats fancy talk for politely questioned, son. You arent in trouble but you may have been the last person to see what may have caused this outside of the perp."
The guard takes your elbow and gently tugs back in the direction that Captain Duvall had come.

You may feel the guard's eyes linger on you for a second or two longer but you make yourself out to look like a curious spectator rather well. It isnt hard, considering the crowd. As you search the crowd and its surroundings, you see that same curious man in robes in the center of the business. He standing next to a few guards, a couple covered in soot and one mounted in a duller finish armor. You catch a flash of red from your right peripheral but it turns out to be the skirts of a rather plump woman. Milling through the crowd, your search yields little. The sun is in your eyes.

You see an exchange between the guards and then they lead the man in robes away. The seedier part of town is off to your left and down the rode. Gamblers, debtors, thieves and the like inhabit the area. The Plateman's Guard have not been able to turn a clue from the area, but they dont have your experience in information gathering.

2011-07-26, 03:28 PM
Otimorn says to the commanding-looking officer, "Oh dear, well you can be sure you'll have my full cooperation, sir," and to the guard who has been in what was the building, "but please, did Lance Dertaugh survive? Was anyone hurt?" Otimorn is very concerned, he sincerely liked the man and hates senseless violence with a great passion brought on by his father's death and the attack that took the rest of his family from him.

Otimorn will start off genuinely cooperative, giving a full statement and offering information such as a rough background and full details of his whereabouts and activities since entering the town. He's concerned that he is a suspect and he doesn't have the greatest faith in authorities, due to the lack of justice after his father's murder.

Points in the rough background: apprenticed to a scribe, then went to wizard's college, no achievements of note since then, just seeing the world and earning coin as a scribe here and there.

If Otimorn is accused of causing the explosion, what recourse can he take? How does one defend oneself against the government when accused of a crime, here?

2011-07-26, 05:17 PM
Linda walks away, feigning disinterest. She heads to the seedier side of town and tries to remember what she knows about it.

Knowledge local check [roll0]

bardic knowledge check [roll1]

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 07:39 PM
As you walk, the guard talks to you. "I wouldnt worry overmuch about this questioning business. Its mostly just procedure." On arrival at the barracks, you see one person behind a desk but it is otherwise empty. There is a waiting area just inside the door, the wall lined with straight back chairs. You are lead behind the counter to a door. Entering in, there is a door on the right. To the left, a 30 foot down hallway with a turn to the at the end. Halfway down, 15 ft from where you entered, you are taken into a door on the right wall. There is another door across the hall.

"Just wait in here a moment. I'll be back with some parchment to record what we talk about."

In the human territories, "innocent until proven guilty" is the idea behind investigation but it is not unheard of that people have crimes put upon them without due course. However, no one may be punished for a crime for which there is no evidence. In the areas directly surrounding the city of Romania, it is known that the Captain of the guard for a city acts as judge. (Rather like a sheriff of the wild west.) In other communities, that responsibility shifts from place to place: it could be an appointed official, Captain, mayor or, in the more lawless areas, anyone that thinks they are strong enough to carry out the punishment.

For your part, unless they have some evidence to place upon your head, there should be no reason you are accused of the crime. That, of course, doesnt have to stop them from accusing you. It just keeps the accusation from sticking.

In a few moment's time, the guard returns with parchment and begins to take notes, asking you the following questions:
Your reason for being in High Tide
Your father's name and occupation
How much longer you'll be staying

After this, they'll ask for your witness account.

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 07:46 PM
As you begin walking away, you see Russell through the crowd, carrying a red bandanna.
You know the seedier part of down has a curious lack of history. Its not that bad things dont happen there or that cut purses dont make the place their home, its that despite it being the apparent center of villainy in High Tide, there have been no major arrests to people that live there, no murders conclusively attributed to anyone while staying there and, perhaps most importantly, no guards who ever see any wrong doing while actually patrolling.

Its like they turn a blind eye to anything thats happening there... Or else someone is very good at running a quiet business. Even with all this, its not an overtly dangerous place to live, so long as you arent especially attached to your coin purse. Merchant's hire mercenaries while traveling through, the inn's have extra strong locks and the few shop owners either take care of themselves or buy off the surrounding never-do-wells in the interest of business.

You are now heading south.

2011-07-26, 09:17 PM
Otimorn, while walking, "I appreciate the reassurance. I realize I might look a bit suspect, just having arrived in town. As I said, you have my full cooperation. I like Lance and I'd like to see anyone who could do that to him and his shop brought to justice. If I'm able to, I'll help in any way, including magical assistance, if my skills can contribute and you all can allow it."

(We arrive at the barracks and the guardsman asks Otimorn to wait.)

Otimorn mumbles something agreeable, letting his eyes wander and trying to look amiable, flashing smiles, but being careful not to stare at any one guardsman or guardswoman.

(Debriefing begins.)

Otimorn formally states, "My name is Otimorn Urthadar. I'm in High Tide to earn some coin before I move on. I love the open road, but travelling doesn't earn me money, so when I find a town like this one, I usually stay as long as there's work, but I'll leave after a month or two, longer as winter approaches. My father was Horaver Chorster, a trader and merchant."
Otimorn still remembers his father's death vividly, and takes a short moment to compose himself.
He continues, "As to what I saw, there was an explosion in Lance Dertaugh's shop as I came upon it from the Sandlot after eating breakfast. I didn't see anyone around the building or coming out of it, but I could only see the front, and I was a couple shops away. I think that the fire and explosion were at least partly magical. Natural fire just doesn't act that way. After that I'm sure the guard on the scene could tell you more than I could. I tried looking around, but the only person that stood out to me was on the roof after the fact and I think he was one of yours, Jacob, I believe?"

If there are any checks to see if Otimorn remembers more (or less) about the event, please feel free to roll them and edit Otimorn's statements accordingly. (He will offer any information he can recall about this event.

Kato Locke
2011-07-26, 11:16 PM
OOC: Is that your father's real name? No changes in identity or anything?

2011-07-27, 03:58 AM
Linda walks around wondering what she is doing, this job is getting a little dangerous. Remembering the red bandana in Russel's hands makes her wonder if he found that on the scene...or if it was his? Either way, she'll have to follow up on that. Now its time to get hired out.

Linda looks around for a way to get hired on with the group that is causing so much trouble for High Tide. She is going into gambling dens, taverns, and any other place to ask "where a sword might get hired on with the local talent?"

Gather information [roll0]

profession bard [roll1]

2011-07-27, 07:44 AM
OOC: I just made it up, I only referred to him in my background as "Father." Is the name okay? It wasn't my intention to bluff. Also, if the guard is curious about our different surnames, I'll say I took on a new name as a wizard after graduating, which is technically true.

Also, should I roll a Wisdom check to see if Otimorn thinks he should add that he met some suspicious fellows behind the Sandlot? As a player with more information than my character, I think he should, so I'd like to leave it up to the dice.

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 02:56 PM
OrtimornYeah, the name is fine. Is just important to note whether or not you used his real name. You dont have to roll a wisdom check, you may just decide whether or not to tell the guard. If you use a roll to determine if you should, so much the better.

The guard takes notes of your answers. "Is there anything else you'd like to add?"

You start out with a tavern called "Rust n' Ale."
You try the door and realize its still early morning. The place isnt open. You ask around on the street and are told, with many odd looks, that if you want something like that you'd either have to talk to the guard or else wait until closer to midday, when taverns would be opening. On the off chance for information, you speak to a shop keep who reminds you there are notice boards for things like this.

Finally, after doing leg work for about an our, you step into an inn called "Fisherman's Lodge." The inn has its own bar nestled in with the dining area. The barman is an older gentleman who looks like he's been doing this a while. There is one other person at the bar, a wino with bad skin. You sit on a stool and pose your question to him. He points at a man sitting against the opposite wall. "You could always try Tonguer over there."

The man sits with his back to the wall and a large dagger in his hand. Its long blade passes over his tongue as he looks around the room with a manic glee in his eye. After he's licked the six inch blade, the look in his eye immediately dies and he passes a whetstone over it.

2011-07-28, 03:08 PM
Linda thinks to herself, this is going to be interesting, then heads over to the man's table.

"I hear you're the man to talk to if someone is in need of work in the stabbing and grabbing trade"

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 04:31 PM
Roll initiative.

Tonguer: [roll0]

2011-07-28, 05:48 PM
Intiative roll [roll0]

was planning on sitting, but I don't know if I had the chance. what is the space around me and my distance to him, and what did he do to trigger initiative. If she is within threat range of Tonguer when she gets her turn, she will draw her weapon then feint: bluff for feint [roll1]

2011-07-28, 07:07 PM
Pick a percentage, d100 roll in the next spoiler.


If Otimorn thinks it's worth mentioning, he'll say, "I don't know if it's related at all, but I noticed some suspicious characters behind my inn last night. One of them wore a red bandana in his belt. They were talking about accumulating enough of something somewhere to the south before sunrise. It seemed obvious one was commanding the other."

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 07:45 PM
OrtimornYou do not feel the need to tell the guard what you saw. In essence, you have nothing more to add at this time.

You stand in front of him, across a five foot table. Ten feet behind you is another table and ten feet from there, the bar. Ten feet to your right, the way you entered this area, is another table. Ten feet to your left is the kitchens.

Tonguer slams his dagger into the table and stands up quickly, his chair falling over. His moves around the side of the table quickly and throws a punch at your face. You get no Attack of Opportunity.

Attack: [roll0]
If hit, damage: [roll1]

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 07:53 PM
The guard takes your hesitant silence for lack of commitment and nods. "Alright then. I cant yet release you so for the time being, you'll have to sit tight in here. I'll bring you in some water. You may be questioned further before long."

The guard stands and exits the room.

2011-07-28, 08:07 PM
Otimorn makes a mental note to ask at the inn or somewhere outside the guard about men with red bandanas. This is the second time he's thought about them and it might be worth investigation, but he doesn't want to give the guard such bare information.

Otimorn waits patiently, wishing he had been ready with a detect magic spell.
He tries to meditate for 15 minutes with his spellbook to prepare a couple of those and another Magic Missile.

Otimorn hasn't put together the "before dawn" part of the conversation behind the inn with the explosion's timing. Perhaps the direction will trigger the idea, assuming Lance's shop was South of Sandlot.

Kato Locke
2011-07-28, 08:11 PM
Lights dance before your eyes at his punch but it isnt anything you havent handled before. However, he has obviously punched people into submission before. You draw your weapon without provoking an attack and feint.
Opposed Sense Motive: [roll0]

He strikes again, though this time for non-lethal damage. He aims to uppercut you in the stomach.
Attack: [roll1]
If hit, damage: [roll2] (non-lethal)

He is flatfooted for your next attack.

You sit and prepare your spell before the same guard you saw on mount back enters the room. He stops at the doorway, looking you over, before sitting in front of you. "He always thought about having you become a scribe. I didnt think you'd take it so well though, Norton. Or are you Boyd? Anyway..."

He pauses. "My name is Alexander Duvall. I knew your father."

2011-07-28, 08:42 PM
Linda attacks with her longsword

Attack [roll0]

regardless of hit or miss she will do another feint, bluff check [roll2]

2011-07-28, 08:44 PM
if hit


2011-07-28, 08:51 PM

critical confirmation [roll0]

2011-07-28, 09:35 PM
Otimorn is suprised and caught off-guard. He responds more honestly than he might otherwise, "Well, I had to put myself into something after he was killed. Did you know what happened to him? And it's Otimorn, now, since I earned the right to call myself an evoker."

Did Otimorn's father ever tell him about an Alexander Duvall?

Kato Locke
2011-07-29, 01:59 AM
((OOC: Nice hit.))
Barely winded from his gut punch, you feint right striking his exposed side when he attempts to follow. You had meant to strike him below the ribs and across his belly, a deadly move, but he dropped his arm at the last second. Catching the blow across his forearm and abdomen, a splatter of blood paints the table adjacent to the both of you. You ignore the taste of copper and bile in your mouth.

Tonguer stumbles backward carefully, removing himself from your striking range. He pulls his knife from the table, breathing hard against his pain, and slides it over you to, handle first. Then he rights his chair and sits down. "T-take that... to Harry Goldman... Cider Lodge. He'll give you some work."

Unless you strike at him again, he pulls bandages from a sack beneath the table and begins to tend to himself with a practiced hand.

Duvall nods. "Word got along to me, after a fashion. It wasnt right the way he went, your father. He was a good man.
Ortimorn, you say? Well, I'll have to bear that in mind."
He pulls out the same pad that the other guard was taking notes on and read it over. "The fire was magical, you say? Could you go in there and tell us what it was, who did it?"

Alexander speaks to you as a teacher might a prized student, or else an uncle to a favored nephew.

2011-07-29, 04:32 AM
Linda takes the dagger and puts it in her pack. Then goes over to the bar keep to ask for direction to the Cider lodge. Assuming he gives it to her she leaves the bar and heads to the Cidar lodge.

When she hits the streets she begins to reflect on what she is doing, while thoughts of Marrow and her dad creep in ever so often to remind her how alone she is. If this isn't the right gang she may be in way over her head. How long can she play thug before they ask her to do something she won't do. There is a large amount of things she will do to complete this mission, but betray her morals isn't one of them. Stealing is fine, she can repay the people later, especially if she gets the bonus. Beating the crap out of people is ok, too. But murdering the innocent is out. If it is the right gang then she can betray them easily to Russel and have them brought down, unless Russel is in on the whole thing. Best to only talk to the captain of the guard. After the information is delivered she'll have to leave town, it will be officially way to dangerous to stay here.

Now, to Cider Lodge to get in too deep.

2011-07-29, 08:48 PM
Otimorn says, "I could tell you something, but I don't know how much help it could be. There's no way to say this wizard or that mage did it, but there's no telling how the information that can be gleaned could be used. Time is critical, so I should get back before the trail goes cold."

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 11:30 AM
Cider Lodge appears to be a closed brothel, two stories high and about 60 feet long. There are no working girls in the windows or on the street to tempt guests inside; the shades are drawn. Undaunted, you move to the back of the building where you spy a single man at the back door, a black bandanna tucked into his belt. He sees you checking him out and he eyes you suspiciously, his hand falling to the hilt at his side.

You take Tonguer's dagger by the blade and hold it up in front of you, as if presenting papers or a passcode. He stands aside as you mount the stairs but doesnt stop staring at you all the way inside.

Stepping through the door, you find another guard inside who eyes you with equal suspicion. You twitch the dagger in your hand, drawing his eye to it, and he relaxes back against the wall. You seem to have walked into the kitchens. There is a wood fire burning under a stove ahead of you, off to the right side of the room. A counter is islanded in the middle of the room. To the left is another man, this one with a red bandanna in his belt, speaking to a rather pretty woman in lace nightwear. "...no matter how much you pay me."
She doesnt look pleased.

200 exp for Tonguer's swift defeat.

Alexander nods in apparent understanding. "We havent had a decent mage to work with for some time now. We think the brigands are intimidating the local hires to keep them from helping. This is the first time they have used magic, if what you say is true, instead of conventional attacks. Any help you may offer is welcome."

Alexander stands and walks to the door, motioning for you to follow. "If you need anything, dont hesitate to ask. I'll personally see to it that you are given anything reasonable that comes up."

He leads you back outside of the room and takes a right down the corridor and another right at the end. More doors line this hall but you pass them all up for the door at the end of the hall. It turns out to be the back exit as you exit into blinking sunshine. There is a small stables back here where the Captain's horse is held. He seats in the saddle before mounting and taking you back to the scene. It is comparably quieter now and without the crowd. Guards stand watch nearby and you assume thats what dispersed the crowd.

2011-07-30, 03:21 PM
This is starting to feel like "Confusius say..."
Otimorn says, "I need to know, did Lance survive the explosion?"

Once at the site, Otimorn casts Detect Magic and, assuming there's an aura about the building, tries to detect its school.
Spellcraft: [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 03:44 PM
Alexander shakes his head as he follows you in, pointing behind the desk area. "No, he didnt. We believe the explosion originated behind the desk. He couldnt have been far from it. Steel yourself, the body is still there."

Stepping into the little store front, you peer around the room. The walls are scorched, his goods are burned to cinders and the mountains of work - scrolls, parchment, some art and legal documents - have all been burned to ash.
You cast your spell and the room alights with the aura of Evocation magic. As Alexander indicated, you can see the swirling energies of the released spell emanating out from behind the desk, wisping into nothingness a little at a time. It appears to be an area effect spell. Moving closer to the desk, you peek over and ((Insert your appropriate reaction here)) from the sight of Lance's body.

You look away but do a double take. His hand appears different. You step around the counter and get a closer look. You find a powerful, but small, trace of Abjuration magic... From the way the aura shifts ((And thanks to your high check)) you discover that the reason the aura is particularly powerful is because there are two different spells worked here. One is perfectly centered in Lance's palm, the other emanates outwards, defusing into the air over Lance's body and somewhat covered by the Evocation spell.

Evocation all around the room and two Abjuration spells centered in Lance's hand.

2011-07-30, 04:39 PM
Otimorn grimaces and fights the impulse to gag at the sight of Lance's body.

"It looks like Lance tried to protect himself, or counter. Was he a mage? It could have just been an item, but it's curious. The fire was obviously magical, but there's two spells, likely protection, that were focused on Lance."

What abjuration spells are centered in the palm?
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

2011-07-30, 06:52 PM
Linda walks up twirling the dagger about her hand, (slight of hand check [roll0])

As she makes it to the counter she stops fooling with it, and holds it up.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Harry Goldman"

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 07:16 PM
Unfortunately, Detect Magic, Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft, even if used all together, cannot tell you what spells specifically were cast. However, while you know that certain forms of protective magic, like the Shield spell, cast an aura of Abjuration, they usually envelop their caster. This spell was likely cast on an object he was holding. An object that was destroyed by the blast.

"No, not as far as the guard know.," replied Alexander. "He was an odd sort of local. He worked his shop but never mixed socially. Near as I can tell, he didnt have any family either. Makes me think he just loved his shop. Can you tell me anything else?"

You drop the dagger, electing not to try and fumble it around when you twirl it and fail. It falls point first, biting into the wooden kitchen floor three inches from your right foot. You pick it up quickly before you embarrass yourself more.

The lady stops talking and eyes you with suspicion. The man gives you a once over before asking, "Specialty?"

2011-07-30, 07:31 PM
Linda bulls through trying to mask her embarrassment with straightforwardness, "conning" she says, "but I'm good with a blade too"

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 08:08 PM
"You'll forgive me if I believe thats utter claptrap," he replies dryly. "But if Tonguer gave you his dagger, you'll have to take his spot. Head to the south gate and meet with Adrian Filtch. He'll fill you in with the job. And," he turns his body towards you for emphasis, "only use that dagger for the job. Talk about what you're doing with anyone and we'll cut your tongue out, slice it in half and nail each half to one of your feet. That way everyone will know what talking to you is like. Get lost."

The turns his back on you and says to the lady, "As for you, you and your girls will do as you've been told or protection gets lifted. Lets see how much you'll go for when every man in town gets a free go."
The guard by the door laughs. Footsteps sound upstairs. Away from the kitchen, further into the house, you hear people talking.

2011-07-30, 08:13 PM
Linda clears her throat to attempt to regain his attention, "right now? its a little early?"

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 08:22 PM
Harry turns back around and stares daggers at you. "Yes, idiot, early," he says through clenched teeth. "If you want to make your 50 gold, stop wasting my time and get over there. Or me and Johnny there will see if you took the dagger from Tonguer or stole it."

Its an obvious threat. The lady looked a little alarmed at the idea of violence in the kitchen. She takes a cautious step back.

2011-07-30, 08:39 PM
I see I worded my question ambiguously. I was not asking which spells were cast, I know I can't know that with any certainty. I was asking what spells can be cast on or from the center of one's palm. The response of: it's likely a spell was cast on an object in the center of his palm, is exactly what I was looking for.

Otimorn says, "How would Lance have been involved. Could he have had something of worth to the brigands? Did he resist their influence?"

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 08:50 PM
Alexander took a moment to reply. "Those questions wont help us find the mage that did this, will they?" He took on a more professional tone. "We have all the understanding of probable cause we need. Now we need to find a lead to get us closer to them."

If you like, you may roll a Sense Motive to have the DM read between the lines for you.

2011-07-30, 09:04 PM
Linda raises her hands in submission and walks out the way she came in, then heads to the south gate to meet up with this "Adrian Filtch"

2011-07-30, 09:10 PM
Otimorn says, "So you need evidence. Something that points to a particular mage or group. I can't give you that, not without a pattern, and I don't think you want to deal with several of these before you find the guy. May I suggest something? Lance was the town scribe, maybe I could advertise my services, including my arcane talents. If I note that the guard can vouch for my abilities or something like that, I doubt this group could resist paying me a visit. I can't say I could become a double agent, but you might have something to work with if we could control that confrontation."

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Otimorn's first idea is that they know the organization behind it, but need hard evidence pointing to someone with a name.
Sense Motive to see if he's wrong and if so, what's going on?

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 09:17 PM
The southern gate isnt far from Cider Lodge but it takes you fifteen minutes to get there. When you see the southern gate, little more than a glorified fence about a hundred feet away and guarded by a man in plate armor, you feel like you're drawing close.

Time to find wherever Adrian Filtch is. You could just call out his name, look for him or ask around. You started pondering this but someone tapped you on the shoulder. When you turn, a grizzled looking man with a scars across his cheek and neck is looking back at you. "Filtch. Nice dagger."
Its sticking out of your beltstrap.

"Back here." He leads you off between two buildings and wraps a red bandanna around his face. Two other men there already have theirs in place, along with another man with a black one. "Gents... and lady" he starts with a nod toward you. "We're about to do the impossible. No one has our real names. No one knows where we're to strike. And no one has information like we do." He pauses to reach into a handbag and pulls out another red bandanna, which he hands to you.

"The crown gets its best support from the Plateman's Guard. Now their too tough to all take down but we've already shown them they arent as invincible as they thought. What they know, we'll soon know. And information means a lot of money, people. Today, right now we sack the headquarters while they look around that ruin and we burn it down, taking everything we can get our hands on. Get your daggers out. Its time to go."

Your dagger is masterwork.

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 09:28 PM
"We're not in the business of putting innocents directly in harm's way like that. They know there isnt a mage in town with courage enough to support the Guard right now, so you're technically safe. If you start advertising like that, you're certain to get the wrong kind of attention. Its what happened to your father."

The sentence last he said in a voice of iron. Clearly, knowing that he could not catch your father's murderer had disturbed him deeply.

Your Sense Motive tells you he is either being needlessly protective of you or warning you that he doesnt want to give out information about the case. Perhaps both.

2011-07-30, 09:42 PM
Linda puts on her mask and gets her dagger ready. Then readies an action to go when the word is given and follow the others. If possible she will avoid attacking and simple try to help break in, once inside (if we get that far) she will focus on grabbing scrolls and other informational documents.

Kato Locke
2011-07-30, 09:46 PM
Filtch says, "Today we'll get the names of every known Bard this side of the Grand River and by this time tomorrow, they'll all be dead."

And with that, he moves past the other three men, leaving you at the rear and goes around the other side of the building to the street.

2011-07-30, 10:05 PM
Linda makes a will save not to freak the heck out. [roll0]

if she succeeds, she will follow the rest and do the job. Linda thinks to herself, If she bales out now she will never know why they want to kill all the bards, the only option is to go in even deeper (if thats possible) and find out whats going on and why then report it to the Plateman's guard and hope they will protect her.

If they won't.....

...they all will see what happens when somebody has nothing to lose.

2011-07-30, 10:45 PM
Otimorn replies, "I want to help. If you won't help me with that, tell me something I can help with. I'll start by talking to the arcane community here, if you don't have anything better for me. I don't need to be sheltered and I'll thank you to realize that. Any man that crosses me will be lucky to be beaten into submission rather than burned to a cinder. If that's not what you're concerned about, I am capable of going undercover, possibly better than some of your agents. I can look like anyone. I may not be the best liar, but I can twist the truth with the best of them. And I'm a mage, that's something you can't fake. Let me help, I want to help."

Kato Locke
2011-07-31, 12:34 PM

Make a Wisdom check. And put your heart into that roll.

Alexander looks uncomfortable, his forehead creased in a frown. He turns around and locks the door behind him before coming over to you. "Did your father ever tell you about his side job?" The look on your face is answer enough.

"Turns out he was working for some really secretive people. Call themselves Bards. And Bards have enemies. We believe he ran afoul of the Bards' enemies. So I had the Guard start gathering information on them. We believe Lance accidently intercepted a message from or for a Bard in town. Whoever their enemies are, they're here. We still dont know what their after or who they are. What can you do to help against something like that? It got your old man gutted."

2011-07-31, 12:35 PM
Linda makes a wisdom check

Wisdom Check [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-07-31, 12:43 PM
The Bards know. The Bards always know. What other explanation could there be? Maybe not the scope but they surely knew that these guys are their enemies and they sent someone to check it out. Now its up to you to save the lives of every other Bard and do it secretly. You have to release just enough information so that Alexander Duvall knows this "list" is too dangerous to keep.

Not only that, but you heard about the bonus. That same 50 gold that was talked about in the note could be yours, somewhere in this scenario. Maybe you dont have to go through with the job. Maybe you could steal it off these guys. You have the upper hand right now.

Last, the girls in the Brothel dont want to do something. Maybe its completely unrelated, and maybe you wont even get the chance to come around to talk to any of them, but that isnt the point.

The point is you have more information on these guys than anyone in Plateman's Guard could ever dream. Even though they arent using real names, thats what Filtcher said, their using names that can at least trace back to them. What happens next needn't be out of your hands.

2011-07-31, 01:28 PM
Otimorn takes a minute to absorb it all.
After a while he mumbles something.
The only intelligible words would be mother, Nell, Bert, or Laila.

Otimorn takes his time, and with determination and fire in his eyes he tells Alexander, slowly and permitting no interruption, "I am no boy. I can kill a man and neither armor nor cover of darkness will save him. If these men killed my father, they will face a reckoning with me, with or without your consent. Help me, or let me help you. They have come for the Bards, gutted my father, destroyed Lance and many of the works of his life. The Bards seem to have taken no violence to them, so it's obvious their goal is to undermine and destroy this group, the Bards. Let me find these Bards."

Do I know poets are called Bards, would I realize I should look up Linda, not that Otimorn knows her name?

2011-07-31, 01:29 PM
As Linda grips her dagger ever tighter thoughts whirl in her head. She has to get her hands on this list, and destroy it. The only way this list can even be useful is if it lists every bard, there known dwellings, and known associates. Linda is at least a known associate. Marrow may be on the list, and these bastard would go after her. Not gonna happen, not on Linda's watch. The best way to get her hands on this list is to either stay with the gang and steal it from within, or somehow get out of the gangs clutches and go talk to the guards, convince them to destroy the list. The problem is time, if she backs out of the job now, the list might get taken and copied before it can be destroyed. Her only chance is to go in and make sure the list isn't taken. With all the guards that should be at headquarters, it would be easy to betray and help the guards overcome these guys.

Linda mentally takes a head count of all guys with her, and tries to remember how many guys she just saw at the gate. Wisdom check [roll0]

Is Linda to understand that her group is hitting headquarters right now

Kato Locke
2011-07-31, 04:24 PM

Your wizard is smart enough to figure that the Bards need not be of the actual bard class. Naming themselves thus simply makes it easier to talk among friends without being discovered. Its a useful name.
Alexander shakes his head. "There are no Bards in town that we know of. Even if there were, they are just as secretive and elusive as the group that we now hunt. Cool your head boy and think a moment. How are you even going to find this group when the Guard has already failed to identify any of them?"

Alexander's cheeks are blotchy where the blood and risen in them. "If you want to help so badly, listen to me. Tell me how powerful the magics here are and it might give us the lead we need. I'll even send you with some of the Guard to investigate the matter."


They havent explained to you how yet, but yes. Filtcher has walked off. Oh look... a post.
Filtcher rounds the corner up ahead and out of sight. You follow close behind the remaining three, keeping them in sight. You walk around and past the brothel you had come from before, noting that the guard at the back door is no longer holding sentry. The small band of the five of you avoid streets and people like the plague, your masks in place.

If anyone saw you now, you'd be swarmed by the guard in now time. You pass Lance's still-slightly-smoking-shop and are struck by a sudden thought: What if this is the distraction to keep the Guard away from headquarters? The guardhouse may only be staff by a small crew. And you saw the place just yesterday. The people inside don't wear the plate armor. With this many people, and with such fine weapons, they would be lambs to the slaughter.

Filtcher halts a block away in a secluded and shadowy corner. "Alright, Black Mask here will take these two," he indicates the other gentlemen in their red masks, "in back. They'll keep people from leaving via the horses stablse and secure our escape. Me and the Canary here," he indicates Linda, "will go in front, drop the guard, steal his key to the back and find the list. We have a pretty good idea where it is already. And Canary," he turns to face you, "I hope you dont have a weak stomach. There are no innocents in there, just witnesses. Get rid of 'em."

2011-07-31, 07:16 PM
Otimorn nods and takes a moment to breath. He responds, "I'm happy to work with you. The fire was created by a spell of (insert appropriate level based on previous Detect Magic and skill checks) power. I understand the guard hasn't been able to, but I still think I have a better chance to find one of these Bards than you and yours do. A person used to keeping secrets knows a man in the guard, any guard, and wouldn't talk to them, but me, I'm independant, I can try, and I'll help you how you want also."

2011-08-01, 10:10 AM
Linda nods to Filtcher in agreement and says "lead the way".

Her intention here are this:follow Filtcher in, and as soon as the others are gone and they cross the threshold she is going to stab him in the back, literally. Then she will proceed to fight him, hopefully kill him, then give herself up to whatever guards are on duty and drop her mask and tell them that there are three more in the back and that she can help, if she survives this folly

attack roll [roll0]
if it
damage roll [roll1]

2011-08-01, 10:11 AM
Oh and if needed, her is her initiative [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-08-02, 01:12 PM
Alexander's frown deepens. "You arent listening, kid. We've already found the Bards. There arent any in town that we know of. You keep talking about finding one, you'll be on your way out of town and thats the opposite of helping. If you want to help, I'll send you out with some guys to check out the Cider Lodge with the boys. The Madam there is a mage of sufficient power to do what you're describing."

Alexander removes his badge and hands it to you. "They'll listen to your direction with this. Follow me." He leads you outside and signals to one of the Guard near the door. He walks over. "Take Jacob with you to see Madam Minx. This is Ortimorn. Follow his direction." The Guard frowns and looks over at you. He is plainly disquieted by having to follow you.

The door opens and the eyes of the man behind the counter go wide with shock at the sight of the two entering. Its Russell.

Filtcher raises his dagger and is about the rush the counter when you grab his shoulder and shove the blade into his side, under his studded armor. You remove the blade and ready to attack again, hearing a wet sort of cough escape him.

Filtcher's [roll0]

2011-08-02, 01:23 PM
On her turn Linda stabs him again, then does a feint, She is pleased that Russell is surprised

Attack roll [roll0]

if it, damage roll [roll1]

feint [roll2]

2011-08-02, 01:25 PM
If that drops him, Linda will immediately drop her dagger and put her hands up, then pull down her mask and yell to Russell that there are three more in back

2011-08-02, 08:59 PM
Otimorn accepts Alexander's direction and says, "Will she be receptive to a stranger coming to see her with the guard?"
After any response besides a simple, flat "no" Otimorn will continue, "Okay, Jacob, lead the way. Farewell Alexander, I will see you soon." Otimorn will also carefully put the badge away, with a mind to make sure no cut-purse is likely to get their hands on it.

A conversation with Jacob will ensue once they have started on and Otimorn sizes him up some more.

Kato Locke
2011-08-02, 11:06 PM
Alexander replies, "She is used to such visits. Adding a stranger to the mix will not change things overmuch." After telling the guard in front you to lead the way, you clearly you feel you have been given the wrong direction. A man in leather jumps from the roof behind you and lands in front of you with a neat roll. Its the same man you had seen on the roof before. "Dont mind if I do," he says with a self-amused smile.

It takes you some amount of time to get there, plenty of which may be used for conversation. Neither of the two now accompanying you seems perturbed by having to follow your lead. It occurs to you that this may happen often, due to the necessity of living so close to the Capital.

Succeeding in stabbing Filtcher in the back not once but twice, you are reasonably surprised he doesnt crumple at your feet. Instead, he turns and aims his dagger at you.


Russell rolls his [roll2]

Kato Locke
2011-08-02, 11:10 PM
Swinging and missing, Filtcher moves carefully backward away from you, about five feet.

Russell reaches behind the counter and draws a repeating crossbow. It looks rather intimidating. "Stop or I'll fire," he calls into the melee. He looks serious. Its your turn.

2011-08-02, 11:48 PM
Linda yells "there are three more in the back" and goes for another attack on Filtch

5 foot step toward Filtch

attack [roll0]

if it, damage [roll1]

another feint [roll2]

2011-08-03, 08:10 AM
Otimorn asks, leaving it open for anyone to answer, "Do we know what type of magic this Madam Minx uses? Is she studied or sorcerous? Is she known for blowing things up or is she more the magically persuasive type?"

Kato Locke
2011-08-03, 11:52 PM
You miss your attack.

His attack, intended to be a warning shot goes off. "Move again and the next one'll take the piss outta both of you. Drop your weapons."

Filtcher takes a five foot step away from you, doesnt drop his weapon and stares at you with so much hate you feel that if he were any more than a common cutthroat you might consider being afraid of him.

Kato Locke
2011-08-03, 11:56 PM
Unfortunately, these two dont seem to be much for conversation. "In all honesty," answers Jacob, "I havent the foggiest idea. Far as I know, she only uses her abilities to ensure the protection of her girls. Her involvement in any of this is rather suspect, in my opinion."

The other guard seems to have a different opinion. "I dunno about that, mate. Remember when that one guy didnt want to pay his tab? She left him a heap right by the fountain. Serves him right too. He was treating the girls horrible."

It's about fifteen minutes away. You've arrived outside a well kept building with the name of the Lodge out front. The windows are drawn save for one on the second floor.

2011-08-04, 12:08 AM
Otimorn nods and goes up to the door and knocks. When answered he will courteously ask for Madame Minx.

2011-08-04, 10:08 AM
Linda doesn't drop her weapon but holds it up in a peace suggesting manner.

Linda readies an action to strike Filtch if he moves toward her if possible

Then speaking loudly and clearly, but never taking her eyes off Filtch

(meaning she hasn't dropped her guard and should not be considered flat footed)

"Russell, this is Linda. The gang that blew up the scribes shop are trying to take this location. There are three more in the back waiting for him" she head nods toward Filtch. "I heavily suggest you take him out with my assistance, then we deal with the other three"

Kato Locke
2011-08-10, 02:54 PM
When the door opens, a cute, mousy girl answers. Your request is made and the door begins to close. The guard in plate jams his foot into the door to keep it from closing. "Now, girl. And leave the door open, if you please."
Jacob shoots his ally a glance, raising his eyebrow in question.
"Doesnt feel right," he answers.

With the door open, you wait about a minute. Make a listen check.

You can see Russell lowers one of his hands off his crossbow and waves it beneath his desk. A bead of sweat forms on his forehead and you hear what sounds like a hand bell ringing clearly through the building. He's tripped an alarm. It goes on for only two seconds before the door leading to the back bursts open, a plainclothesman standing in the doorway. "Holy crap, Russ, wha-."

"Raise the horn, now." Russell says, turning his head toward his comrade. Filtcher takes the opportunity to throw his dagger at Russell.

Hit or miss, Filtcher makes a Tumble check to get around Linda.
[roll2] (+5 Ranks, +2 Synergy, +2 Dex)

If he succeeds, he moves around Linda without provoking an attack of opportunity and stands just outside the building.

Kato Locke
2011-08-10, 02:56 PM
The dagger bites into Russell's shoulder, who staggers but doesnt drop his weapon. When Filtcher tumbles, he does it so poorly you have little difficulty in following his movements. You may make an attack of opportunity before taking your turn.

2011-08-10, 03:01 PM
Linda goes for Filtch with her dagger as he tries to move past her.

Attack [roll0]

if hit, damage [roll1]

2011-08-10, 03:05 PM
On her turn, If Filtch is still within threat range of Linda,she will feint ,

bluff [roll0]

Then Attack [roll1]

and if hit, damage [roll2]

2011-08-10, 03:07 PM
confirm critical [roll0]

if confirmed [roll1] to be added to earlier damage

2011-08-10, 06:34 PM
Listen: [roll0]

Otimorn raises his eyebrows at the guard's insistence, but puts faith in his intuition.
After a minute he'll knock again and step inside without waiting for an answer.

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 12:38 AM
Badly wounded, bleeding and limping, Filtcher is not in melee range as after you took another attack on him, cutting his side from hip to just below his navel, he moved on and stands outside the building. It is still your turn. If you choose, you can move the ten feet to him and attack, using the same attack and damage you rolled in your last post. Otherwise, you can designate new actions for this round.

OrtimornJacob's [roll0]
Platemen's [roll1]

You are, as you thought, flat-footed against the dart thrown at you.

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 12:44 AM
The dart strikes the stone stoop at your feet just after Jacob calls out, "Above!"
Looking up, only Jacob is properly able to defend himself from the incoming darts of the other two masked people hanging out of the second floor windows of The Cider Lodge.

Against Jacob, who is not flat-footed: [roll0]
Against Platemen, who is flatfooted: [roll2]

Roll Initiative.

Above you, you see two men with red bandanna's wrapped around their faces, one with a black bandanna. The one in black struck at the unnamed Platemen.

2011-08-12, 09:25 AM
Linda moves to strike Fitlch as he fleas, using the most direct route with the attacks and damage rolled before.

2011-08-12, 02:13 PM
Otimorn's initiative: [roll0]

Otimorn will use magic missile on the most damaged target (nearest if no damage to either/any or a tie using Otimorn's judgement). If, and only if, he would provoke an attack of opportunity and he cannot take a 5 foot step to avoid this, Otimorn will cast defensively.
Damage: [roll1]
Only if necessary, Concentration: [roll2]

If all of the attackers hide or run out of range, Otimorn will attempt to pursue. Details of pursuit depend on details of others' actions.

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 02:57 PM
Both Jacob and the Platemen are struck by the darts. Fortunately, the Platemen's armor was sufficient to keep him protected; Jacob was not so fortunate. Though he moved expertly to attempt to dodge the projectile, his movement was limited by Ortimorn and the Platemen and the dart stabbed into his shoulder, missing his face.


You run outside and cut down the limping Flitcher, who calls down into the street and begins to bleed out. You end your turn outside.

From the inside, there is a lot of movement before Russell comes out, with his crossbow still pointing at you. "Dont move. You're under arrest."

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 03:05 PM
There is no damage done to any target. You must designate who you want to him with your attack. From the windows above you, the man in black is off to your right while the other two are directly above you and to your left. Taking a 5 foot step into the houes would give you total cover, since the door is open.

2011-08-12, 03:55 PM
"Watch out for jail cells, Linda. They can either be a safe haven or a trip to the gallows. But...you should fear no gallows" said Marrow looking slyly over her shoulder

Linda puts her hands in the air as a way of surrender and drops the dagger and says with an air of sarcasm "Oh, in case you didn't hear, there are three more in the back, I can elaborate, but I think we have more pressing concerns"

2011-08-12, 04:26 PM
I specified nearest in my previous post, but here's another damage if you'd like it. [roll0]

Otimorn casts Magic Missile on the nearest of these bandits.
Fearing a trap or impeding his allies from entering to pursue, Otimorn seeks cover in the street or on the side of the building, travelling in the direction of the best cover that affords him view of the windows. Spot (if necessary) [roll1]

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 04:52 PM
Russell shakes his head and takes a strap of some cloth from his belt. "I've already sent men to see to that," he says while putting your arms behind your back. He moves with care but his hands are firm. "Its not my decision as to what happens here next, I'm only doing what I am supposed to do. When we have your full story, I'm sure the Captain will take everything into account."

Secured in cloth that is soft and deceptively strong, Russell takes your arm and leads you back inside, past the splashes of blood and into the back door. Almost as soon as you get inside, there is the sound of the horn being blown near the stables but it is cut short. Russell curses and rushes you over to a door and deposits you inside. "I'll be back as soon as I can be."

Arbitrarily choosing the closest target, your missile zooms from your outstretched palm and into the chest of the red masked bandit directly above you. There is no cover in the street. Its a street. You elect instead to run down along the side of the building and around the corner.

As you begin moving, you hear someone over your shoulder say "Focus fire." He didnt yell it over Jacob's cries or the rasp of steel coming from the Platemen's blade but it carried no small amount of authority.

[roll0] (Forgot the high ground attack bonus on the last rolls)

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 04:58 PM
It looks like chaos on the street as metal tipped darts come flying from the open windows and down onto the figures below. Jacob is struck again before he is able to launch himself inside the building for cover. You lose sight of him after that.


The Platemen draws his loaded crossbow and fires up at the bandits before diving into the building himself.

2011-08-12, 05:00 PM
Linda will only let one round go by before she attempts and escape artist check.

Did he take my longsword? escape artist if applicable [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 05:06 PM
Russell did not have time to take your equipment before having to rush off. You did hear the lock click in the door, however.

Opposed [roll0]
(Any time an Escape Artist check is used to escape bindings, the person tying the ropes gets a +10 bonus.)

2011-08-12, 05:18 PM
ooc: BUT HE ROLLED A ONE! Whatevs. And can Linda manage somatic with her bindings, and if she has the time she will take a 20 on removing the ropes

Linda checks out her surroundings in the little room, spot check [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-08-12, 05:58 PM
Yes he did but the check is made after the knots are tied. In fact, "you don't even make your Use Rope check until someone tries to escape." Should he fail automatically after he has already tied you up? I dont think so.

Linda cannot manage somatic component while bound. You can take a twenty on the bindings but it will take most of your concentration. The only thing in the room is a stone table cut out of the stone floor in the middle of the room. Two wooden chairs are there as well. There is nothing else of note in the room.

2011-08-13, 03:43 AM
Linda sits and works on the ropes thinking of the repercussions if she fails, what she will have to do, where she will have to go, and most importantly how many people she will have to kill. This is war.

concentration check on working on the ropes [roll0]

2011-08-13, 05:00 PM
I aim another magic missile at the same target and then try to rush in past the Plateman and Jacob to defend Jacob hand-to-hand if necessary.

Magic Missile damage: [roll0]

2011-08-14, 11:37 AM
LInda’s heart felt like it was going to burst through her chain shirt, sweat trickled down the side of her head as she tightened her grip on the longsword in her hands. Fear sat in her stomach reaching up towards her shoulders. Stance:strong, eyes: focused, shoulders: straight, and listening, forever listening. Of all this Linda was sure. What she didn’t know, is if it was enough.

Marrow stood before her with a smirk on her face, resting her bastardsword on her shoulder as if it was a sack of potatoes she just bought from the local market. Standing there as if she were waiting for a messenger to double check their note. Marrow’s golden ringlets flowed down just past her shoulders and rested on the shoulder pads of her studded leather. The way the leather wrapped her body, gave wonder if it was for war or peace. Her perky breast where only accentuated by her flat stomach, and her shapely thighs only played the prelude to the treasure chest that made for her rump. Truly a beauty, a beautiful killer. The latter was what concerned Linda at the moment.

The abandoned stock house was perfect for combat training. The floor was covered with saw dust left behind from wooden crates. Merchants never care to clean up things they abandon. Hiring someone to take care of it costs money, and they’ll be to the crows if they’d do it themselves. Either way, the dust slides under their feet making it more difficult to stop after every motion, while still wafting up and hanging in the still air. The high windows let light peak in, but not enough to any more than dimly light the room. But for all that, it was spacious, big enough for ten carriages, empty except for the two combatants.

“You ready?” asked Marrow in a barely audible whisper. Linda took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then gave a slight nod.


In a flash Marrow closed the fifteen feet between the two, golden locks flaring with movement, and slammed into Linda with her blade. The echoing clack from wood connecting to wood filled the room. A sharp pain ran through Linda’s forearm from her block and a slight grimace was all she could spare for it. She danced back a step then slashed down at Marrow. Marrow twisted her body to one side and let the blade easily go pass, missing her completely. Then she dropped her shoulder, making for a thrust. Quick as a trick, Linda changed her stance to prepare, but to her surprise, Marrow slashed across at her ribs. Linda thought she felt something crack.

With the fury of frustration, Linda took another swing at Marrow. Marrow jumped back and giggled as the wooden sword missed her face by bare inches, sliding back slightly as dust ground under her boots with a hiss. Marrow then skipped forward with a slash, that Linda almost laughed at it, it was so poorly judged. Atleast thats what she thought till Marrows blade flowed down under her thigh then lifted up, Linda being forced to flow with it. Linda found herself on her back with Marrows blade an inch from her face.

“What was that?” Linda said with a groan, as she began to rise rubbing her back.

“There is more than one way to lie” Marrow said offering Linda her hand. Linda took it and was hoisted back onto her feet, sword still in hand. “you can lie with your body”

“Yes I know, but you do it so.. so..” Linda failed to find the words

“Fluidly” Marrow suggested.

“Yes, you have to teach me that” eagerness saturated Linda’s words. Marrow wrapped an arm around Linda’s shoulders while still facing her and kissed her on the mouth, then on the forehead. Saying “I want you” and “I love you” in two gestures. “In time. What you need to understand right now, is that you should never give up”.

“You beat me fair and square, only a fool can’t admit when they are beaten”. Marrow broke the embrace and grabbed Linda by her collar and pulled her close. Their faces not even an inch apart. Marrow’s blue eyes bore into Linda with a severity she had never seen before, fear flowed down Linda’s spine.

“You are not beaten until you are dead, and even then your soul should scream in defiance” Marrow pushed her away harshly, Linda only just managed to stay on her feet.

“AGAIN!” and Marrow closed the distance.

Linda sits working on the ropes

Kato Locke
2011-08-15, 04:22 PM
Knowing the position of your target, you fire the missile from your palm as the three duck back inside and you are rewarded with the sound of the man's yelp of pain. You run back along the side of the building and nearly smack into the Platemen's back as you enter the door way. He's got Jacob under the armpits, a dart protruding from his belly. You can hear footsteps upstairs, coming down, and the sound of women screaming. Over them are shouts from men and what sounds like chairs scrapping against the floor.

The Platemen is helping Jacob remove the dart and staunch the bleeding. Jacob is preparing what looks like throwing knives. Its your turn.

2011-08-15, 09:35 PM
Otimorn looks for stairs and, if he finds any, takes them up looking for the bandits. He'll assume a trail away from the windows of upset women will lead him to them. He'll take two move actions if he doesn't encounter them, otherwise he'll attack the first bandit he finds, fighting defensively.
If Otimorn attacks, quarterstaff attack: [roll0], AC 13

Kato Locke
2011-08-16, 11:29 AM
That same commanding voice calls calmly, "Flank him." You rise to the top of the stairs and swing your quarterstaff at the head of the first unlucky person to get themselves close enough. You recognize the smoking holes in his clothing as force damage; its the one you damaged with your magic missiles.

Please roll damage with each attack, even if you miss. Makes it easier to describe the action. Below, you'll read that you are being flanked. Depending on your damage, that might change.

With daggers out, the red bandanna wearing bandits stand on either side of the top of the stairwell. Black Mask is in front of you, his back to the windows the three men were previously standing in front of. "Drop your weapons and we'll let you live."

2011-08-16, 04:08 PM
Damage: [roll0]

I'm posting twice as I assume I may base my next decision on the result of this damage roll. If not, Otimorn will withdraw to the plateman and Jacob.

2011-08-16, 04:09 PM
Otimorn withdraws to the Plateman and Jacob.

Unless the result of the damage means that the other two surrender immediately. (A guy can hope.)

Kato Locke
2011-08-17, 03:10 PM
I'm not sure what your intent here is but your crack to the head causes to the man to your right to stumble and fall over, the wound bleeding liberally onto the wooden floor. Will you still withdraw? Its your turn, as everyone else took theirs to get into flanking positions.

2011-08-17, 03:45 PM
Otimorn withdraws as planned.

Kato Locke
2011-08-18, 01:02 PM
The Platemen loads his crossbow and loads it, then hands it to you. "I'm going up. If anyone but me comes back down, shoot them in the face." Then he takes up his longsword and moves to the stairs. He is only halfway up before you hear gravel crunching outside. As the Platemen disappears there is the sound of fighting.

Jacob breathes shallow but steadily, one hand clenched to the blood wound in his belly, the only holding a throwing knife with no small amount of determination. Its your turn again.

2011-08-18, 03:37 PM
Otimorn looks outside and then steps outside, worried that the commander may have exited the window. If he sees him there, he'll fire the crossbow.

If applicable, crossbow attack outside: [roll0]
If hit (heavy): [roll1] (light) [roll2]

If Otimorn sees no one there, he readies an action to shoot anyone but the plateman or a girl (female not dressed like the bandits he has encountered) coming down the stairs.

If applicable, crossbow attack at stair: [roll3]
If hit (heavy): [roll4] (light) [roll5]

I'm not sure if it's a heavy or light crossbow, so I've rolled damage for either case.

Kato Locke
2011-08-18, 06:25 PM
Your bolt comes nowhere near your target, the man in the black mask out on the street. It almost seemed as if it were repelled by an unseen force. The fighting from atop the stairs, unseen, rages on. Your target looks back at you contemptuously before running off down the street and around a corner. He's fast, faster than you would otherwise have thought.

Jacob doesnt seem to be in immediate danger of expiring but the Platemen doesnt seem to be making much headway in his fight upstairs. Its your turn.

2011-08-18, 10:10 PM
Otimorn drops the crossbow and follows him, quarterstaff in hand and running full speed, but he'll stop and assess the situation if he realizes he's following into a dead end.

Too bad I didn't have any more bolts on me.

Kato Locke
2011-08-19, 12:32 AM
Even at a dead run, you find him pulling steadily away from you. (Assuming you're running at a full tilt of 4x land speed, he's pulling away.) You chase him down a side street you dont recognize to the south. Less than 30 seconds later, he's entirely gone from your line of sight. You come to a cross street going in all directions. In the direction you are facing, the south, is a city gate guarded by the Platemen. To the west and east are residential areas.

Make a Wisdom check.

2011-08-19, 12:44 AM
Wisdom: [roll0]

Kato Locke
2011-08-19, 03:33 AM
You basically left a bleeding man on the floor in order to chase a man you cant catch, effectively abandoning a mission you cant solve from where you are. You have no idea what happened to the Platemen; if he was defeated, both he and Jacob are dead and you have no evidence - none - to go back to Duvall with.

You can search any of three ways to find the black masked man but assuming you could even catch up to him, how would you identify him? You're out of spells and it was he that pierced the armor of the Platemen. When you fired the crossbow, your bolt went nowhere near him... He didnt try to get out of the way or even move. At your best speed, you may make it back to Cider Lodge to be of some assistance, maybe question the sorceress that was supposed to have been there.

2011-08-19, 07:20 AM
Otimorn turns around and runs back to the lodge.

See OOC please.

Kato Locke
2011-08-20, 11:34 AM
You arrive back at the lodge to see the Platemen outside, deftly shackling a beaten man with a prominent nose, torn clothes and cuts across his arms. He looks up as you approach. "Did you catch him?" he asks, hopefully. "Jacob's still down inside but he's managed to stop the bleeding. His life shouldnt be in immediate danger but I dont think he'll be able to join us in questioning the matron in this house."

2011-08-20, 01:34 PM
Otimorn says, "I didn't have a chance. That guy is quick and magically protected. I wish I had targeted him from the first. Let's see about Madam Minx and whatever she and her girls have to say about those bandits." Otimorn will take a quick look around and if there is no one around, he'll check upstairs. What does this place look like? How is it laid out? Could someone jump from another building to this one?

Kato Locke
2011-08-20, 03:40 PM
The Platemen stands over the downed bandit with his foot on the man's back. "Sir, with due respect, I believe that the danger this man poses is too great to question her here. I propose we take her back with us so we can get Jacob looked after. Plus we'll be able to lock this one up until the Captain can have words with him."

Stepping inside, you can see that the entry hall you rushed through on your way upstairs is spacious and well decorated. There are furnishings on either wall for waiting or leisure and a beautifully decorated rug, now stained with Jacob's blood. Off to the right is a sort of large room with a raised platform set far into the back of the room, obviously a stage of sorts. There is a door beyond that.

Upstairs is the same room you recall seeing the bandits emerging from, a plain room with three wide windows facing the streets. Off to either side you see doors lining clean halls, kept clear of objects. You assume these are the working areas for the women living in the house. The building on the whole seems clean, organized and well taken care of. If you had not known that this were a brothel, you might think its a well dressed, if small, inn.

2011-08-20, 04:27 PM
Otimorn nods to the plateman and then starts looking around. He tries the doors upstairs, knocking and saying, loud enough to be heard, "Madam Minx, good ladies of this house, it's safe to come out. Those bandits are beaten or run off."

Otimorn will continue knocking and checking if there's no answer. If there's no luck upstairs, he'll check behind that stage.

He intends to ask Madame Minx to come with them and to bring any of her girls who saw anything.

Kato Locke
2011-08-20, 08:59 PM
Madam Minx emerges when you call her name and introduces herself. The ladies of the house seem varied: short, tall, dark skinned and fair, with long hair and boyish present. For her part, Madam Minx is about 5'9", a little tall for a lady, but elegant and well spoken... one might even say learned. She affirms that each of her girls is present and safe before allowing herself to be lead away.

Jacob is moving under his own power while the Platemen handles moving the prisoner. In short order, you turn the corner on which the headquarters is and find it somewhat busier than you recall. Blood stains the gravel outside the front and a couple Platemen flank the door. They allow you to pass without stopping you.

You manage to wriggle your way out of the silken ropes. You stand around for a couple minutes, perhaps pondering a way to escape the room before you start to hear voices outside your door. They dont enter for the time being, but the longer you wait the more voices you hear. Suddenly there seems to be a lot of traffic in front of your door, perhaps people walking by in either direction almost constantly. If you had to guess, you'd say you've been in here for about 20 minutes.

2011-08-20, 10:41 PM
The first guardsman he comes upon, Otimorn says, "Excuse me, can you tell us what happened here? Do you know if Alexander Duvall is available? And where can we find him?"

2011-08-21, 05:28 AM

Taking stock of the situation, Linda gathers up the rope used to bind her and puts it in her bag. She takes off the red bandana on her face, and adjusts her hair. She puts the bandana on the table. With all the traffic outside Linda is no longer concerned that the plateman are in danger, but is rather curious about what went down after she was put in the room. Linda sits in a chair facing the door, then waits.

Kato Locke
2011-08-22, 02:28 PM
Assuming the first person you go up to are the guards inside, the one to the right stares at you impassively before the Platemen dragging your prisoner prompts them with, "He's got Duvall's badge."
This seems to do the trick. "Five attackers hit headquaters about twenty minutes ago. They sounded the horn but it looks like you guys were busy. Two fatalities and two stolen horses. You should book that guy," referring to the prisoner "before getting debriefed by the Captain. Seems we have a high value asset behind two."

The Platemen nods to him and then speaks to you. "I'm going to take Jacob to the infirm after I get this one booked. You should take her inside to Duvall right away." If you choose to step inside and find Duvall, he wont be far. He tells you to take her to cell three and join him in two to question someone.

You sit for little more than a minute before hearing through the door, "Prisoner, step back from the door and sit at the table. We know you are still armed. Keep your hands on the table in plain sight." Seeing as how you are already sitting at the table, the door open and a Platemen enters with his sword ready. Seeing you at the table, he comes in and removes your weapons (unless you resist) and tells you that you will be questioned soon.

2011-08-22, 02:36 PM

She allows him to take her weapon, and continues to wait.

2011-08-22, 02:49 PM

Linda makes a listen check to perhaps hear conversations outside the room but will remain seated with a passive expression on her face at all times listen check [roll0]

2011-08-22, 03:46 PM

Otimorn takes Madam Minx to Duvall, nods at his instruction and follows him after directing Madam Minx, "Please wait here for now. I really appreciate your cooperation, but it seems the day has been very eventful."

Otimorn say to Duvall, "I heard about your men, I'm sorry."

Kato Locke
2011-08-25, 12:10 AM
Alexander Duvall seems to take your comment in stride, though his voice is grave. "Each of my men understand the dager we place ourselves in daily. I can only hope that today's events inspire them towards greater heights. In other news," he says, leading you to stand outside the door of holding cell two....


You hear the somewhat familiar voice of a certain mage and a rougher voice with it. Below is Ortimorn's second part of conversation, which you are privy to.

"...we're holding what may be an accomplice here. Russell says he knows the girl and that he never would have thought her capable of this. He's a decent judge of character, but young. He also says that she surrendered peacefully after killing her quarry and warned of the bandits in back. Stick to observing, if you please, and let me handle the brunt of questioning. Alright?" He doesnt really wait for a response, implying it wasnt a question of whether or not you agreed, before unlocking the cell, which swings inward, and stepping inside.

He places a parchment and quill on the desk, in front of a pretty young woman you recognize from various situations over the past couple days, dips the quill in an ink bottle and begins to write on the parchment. He addresses Linda. "Now I have a few questions and I want them answered immediately."

2011-08-25, 09:20 AM
Otimorn had been suspicious of this person and is likely to consider her significant. 1-75 he thinks she's a Bard due to the sheer number of questions she asked and the fact that she involved herself, but her MO is so different from the other talking in the shadows, firing from cover types that normally where the bandannas. 96-100 he bursts out: "You!" and assumes she's lying and is one of the bandits just because he doesn't really like her. 76-95 he has no impulsive judgement or intuitive leap.


2011-08-25, 09:47 AM
Otimorn, surprised, says "It's you?"

He will not necessarily assume she's lying, but he could definitely be considered unfriendly to her.

Kato Locke
2011-08-25, 10:01 AM
Alexander Duvall freezes in his chair then slow turns around to face Ortimorn. His face is carefully controlled. "Do I have to ask you to wait outside?" he asks.

2011-08-25, 10:33 AM
Otimorn stares at the woman for a beat and then controls himself, saying quietly , "Sorry."

He then stands back against the wall and waits patiently.

2011-08-25, 02:04 PM

Linda sits with her legs crossed and her hands folded on her knee and watches the exchange with a blank expression, then looks at Duvall expectantly.

Kato Locke
2011-08-25, 08:17 PM
Alexander watches the mage a second longer before turning back to the woman across the table. "First," he says, speaking as if nothing happened, "I'll need your full name."

And the other items from this list:

Your reason for being in High Tide
Your father's name and occupation
Any contacts you may have in town to substantiate your second two statements

After this, he'll y ask for your witness account, your activities with the suspects and how you came to be among them. He puts special emphasis on the reason for your surrender.

2011-08-26, 08:11 AM

Linda's expression hardens as she stares at Captain Duvall, more serious than dangerous. She waits to make eye contact then speaks "I am an unaffiliated party, with interest in passage. I am here to report"

Kato Locke
2011-08-26, 01:51 PM
Captain Duvall gives Linda a hard, calculating look. "So report," he says, settling into his chair. His expression is clearly skeptical.

2011-08-26, 01:56 PM

Linda calmly repleis "The information I have is of an extremely sensitive nature" she looks at Otimorn intentionally, then looks at Duvall again, expectantly.

Kato Locke
2011-08-26, 02:08 PM
Alexander shrugs. "You dont want to talk, you'll be going to the capital for murder. In the street, in broad daylight, in front of a guard station. Because if you dont talk, you have no defense. Thats what surrendering is like. You put your life in my hands. Dont make me fumble it."

2011-08-26, 02:11 PM

"Ok, there are leaks in your organization, can that jerk in the corner be trusted"

Kato Locke
2011-08-26, 02:14 PM
Alexander raises an eyebrow at you. "There are leaks in every organization and no one can be trusted. Notice how you dont have any weapons. I suggest you start talking before this conversation ends with manacles rattling."

2011-08-26, 02:39 PM

Linda lets no emotion reach her face as she now has no doubt why the men in red bandannas are running circles around these idiots, "So.... the men in the red bandanna's are a large scale organization searching for a list that you have. I infiltrated the organization to learn this. I was recruited from the Fisherman's lodge by a man called Tonguer. After passing initiation by thrashing Tonguer, I was instructed to go to the Cider Lodge and speak with a man called Harry Goldman. Harry had me go to the south gate and talk to Adrian Filtch, the man I killed. Him, a guy with a black bandana, and two other blokes with red bandannas told me we were to come here, kill everyone inside and get the 'list'. And in the conversation let me know that blowing up the scribe's shop was just a distraction so you guys would be off investigating that instead of being here. And tomorrow, we were to kill everyone on that 'list'. Not, being willing to kill innocent people I killed Filtch, and also so he wouldn't go get reinforcements. Now, I suggest you destroy this 'list',and make it public that you did so, because the gentleman in red bandanna's are willing to do whatever necessary to get it, including blow up more shops, kill more people, and create utter chaos. Do you need me to elaborate on any subjects"

Kato Locke
2011-08-27, 10:38 PM
Alexander looks unfazed by the information. Perhaps he is just good at these situations. "Tell me what you know of the Brotherhood of the Word."

2011-08-27, 10:43 PM

bardic knowledge check [roll0] on the brotherhood of the word

Kato Locke
2011-08-27, 10:54 PM
Marrow only mentioned it once, in a tone of mixed fear and anger. "Never cross the Brotherhood of the Word." Its all you can ever remember of them.

2011-08-27, 11:00 PM

Linda, once again, no emotions reach her face, "little" is her only response.

Kato Locke
2011-08-27, 11:07 PM
Alexander nods once, slowly. "The list they were after only exists in one place and they didnt blow up Lance's as just a distraction. Smart people never do things for only one reason. The rumor of the list was just that, a rumor. The names you've provided," he leans over his parchment and begins writing, "may be useful in tracking down the offenders, even if they are fakes... Which they most certainly are. Now," he pauses, the scratching of quill on parchment against the backdrop of breathing and silence the only sounds in the room. "I believe you didnt kill that man in the street for no reason. But you half assed your information gathering, Missy-with-an-interest-in-travel or whatever. I regret the loss of life but you are in over your head."

Make a Wisdom Check.

2011-08-27, 11:12 PM

wisdom check [roll0]

2011-08-27, 11:22 PM

Linda, continues to believe that Duvall is an idiot, and says "If you would like more research done, that is within the limits of the contract. If you pull me from the contract, I would like compensation for full days work, plus my equipment returned to me, and that dagger if you are feeling charitable. Then I will immediately leave town, unless you happen to have my next contract"

Kato Locke
2011-08-27, 11:27 PM
Alexander gives a laugh like a bark. "You think you can bargain? I know nothing of this contract and I have little reason to abide by it. What I can do is not have you thrown in a dungeon until you expire in exchange for your name, the name of your employer or organization. Oh," he says, with his face hardening, "and your father's name and occupation."

Alexander spread his hands as a mock show of generosity. "As I said, I dont believe what happened today was cold murder but I will put you away for it if you refuse to work with me. I'm a bastard but I'm not cruel."

2011-08-27, 11:34 PM

Linda now puts supreme doubt into the bards themselves, and whether or not she should be involved in a organization that not only withholds information to their members but also gives them faulty information to boot. Linds sighs "you're an idiot, lock me up, hang me, I really don't care. But I'd rather be burning in Bador than work with you". Linda speaks no more.

Kato Locke
2011-08-28, 10:47 AM
Alexander gives a look of resignation and stands up, motioning to Ortimorn in the corner. He leads the way out of the room, taking the parchment and quill with him. Once outside, with the door closed and locked behind him, Alexander squats down and writes something on a corner of the parchment, tears it off and stands, looking at Ortimorn.
"What do you think?" he asks.

2011-08-28, 11:58 AM
Otimorn says, "She obviously works for someone with an interest in the situation. She is staying at the inn that I am. She was at the scribe's when I met him. She's constantly interrogating everyone, but doesn't answer any questions herself, even the simplest.