View Full Version : Happily Ever After? IC

Othniel Edden
2011-06-16, 05:11 PM
Once upon a time the Kingdom of Centrei was ruled by the benevolent King Fredrick. King Fredrick had five children, four daughters and a son, who brought him much joy. During his rule, the Kingdom of Centrei was content and peaceful.

As each of his children grew King Fredrick married them to cement powerful with neighboring kingdoms. The eldest daughter married into the Carmeelan monarchy, the next eldest to the King of Elves, and his third to the Duke of Tolbiac. On the eve of his third daughter's wedding, he died of old age, and the crown passed onto his son.

A few months after King Peter took the throne an emissary from the east appeared demanding that he be married to the youngest daughter of King Fredrick. King Peter denied the request, reasoning that with himself being unwed that his sister was his sole heir. The emissary disappeared from King Peter’s presence, promising that his master would not stand for such an insult.

A year after a man in dark clothes and a scowling face suddenly appeared in court saying, “You have not given me what is mine. Therefore there will be a curse upon your land.” The dark clothed man grabbed the young princess, and disappeared into a cloud that smelt like brimstone.

For the last few months terrible beasts have been plaguing the landscape, and the curse of the dark clothed man is blamed. In the past knightly orders had been able to prevent most monsters from becoming a threat, but now they are spread thin and a call for heroes has gone forth. Rumors claim that heroes that show competence against the acursed beasts will bring you into the favor of King Peter.

Othniel Edden
2011-06-16, 05:28 PM
Tales of one such accursed beast have brought you to the small town of Auden on the northern border of Centrei, where you can plainly see the rumors were true. Giant claw marks decorate various buildings in the town, including the lord's manor. Most people in the walk about in a frazzled manner, and seem incredibly jittery.

2011-06-17, 04:59 AM
"My my what a sight! This must be the place." The small white haired Halfling says as he looks about the area.

"From the look of the villagers it may be best that I keep Baboa under wraps for the time being, the last thing these people need is another large monster to look at, regardless of how soft it is really" Old Ming chuckles, shaking his robes as he does so.

Othniel Edden
2011-06-17, 02:10 PM
Two young boys notice the strange short man and start talking to one another.

"You think he's dwarf like Mr.Gurnir, Toddy?"

"He looks nothing like a dwarf Ods. I think he's a gnome."

"My Pa showed me a painting of a gnome before, and thats no gnome. He's too pudgy to be a gnome, and when gnomes are that old they dry up like leather. Plus, look at that beard he must be a dwarf!"

"Not like any dwarf I've heard tell about. He could just be a short human. Like Annalise's mom, or that maid at Lord Al's manor."

"Well, he's dressed funny," Ods says as he wrinkles his nose and squinting to get a closer examination, "could be a dwarf or gnome or really short human from a really really far away place."

The two continue to prattle on and on about Old Ming particulars with some curiosity.

Riv Sonata
2011-06-17, 11:40 PM
Eir Stormshine, local Witch healer of Auden, wasn't strong enough to defeat the monster on her own, but she asked many of the townsfolk to keep an eye out for wandering adventures and send them her way, hoping to find someone else or perhaps a group of others to take on the beast together.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-18, 01:01 AM
Wil had arrived in Auden a few days ago. By order of his lord, the one he was meant to be a squire for, he was to scout the road, make sure its safe and… wait for his lordship in Auden rather then report back… He had thought to protest this ‘plan’ but decided against it… His lordship was ever so annoying when confronted about his ‘plans’.
It was only a day’s travel and for him, Elli the horse and Spike the dog it had been uneventful… But the uneventfulness was appreciated, a welcome break from the pesky politics and fashion of court, servitude and the ‘knighthood’ quests his lord so recklessly demanded.
Unfortunately upon arriving in Auden this feeling of calm was dispelled… the claw marks meant that he would be here for a while… lord or no lord. For the time being, however, he left his weapons in his room. The tools of death have no role in the house of peace… or so the saying went. It had saddened him that the town’s square was so quite of child’s play and it brightened his mood to overhear the conversation of the kids…

“Maybe he’s a kid like you two?” he said “maybe he fell down a chimney or into the mill and that’s what makes him so white and grey? Why don’t you go and play with him? I am sure that will cheer him up?”

Spike, the shaggy black and white dog, barked in excitement at the word play and begun chasing his tail.

2011-06-19, 05:06 AM
Getting bored with waiting for Wil to return with his report of the road ahead Richard decided to go and find him. One problem with scouts is that they are adept at travelling so damn fast making catching them quite irritating, he will have try to remember to mention it to Wil later.
When he arrives in town he sees the claw marks and worries for a moment that Wil may have been carried away by some giant bird. His mind starts to drift just before he hears Spike's barking and begins approaching, while trying to keep his distance to see what, if anything, Wil has learnt about trying to get info from children, and if he is even trying to find the giant bird.

2011-06-20, 04:49 AM
"Oh my boys I am niether Dwarf nor Gnome, neither am I human! " Ming chuckles, he throws back his sleeves and starts clicking his fingers, sending magical sparks flying from his hands. "Your people call me a Halfling! I come from a very far away place you see, the children of my village used to loved this trick" He turns to grin at the others before continuing to play. You really wouldnt think this man was on the hunt for dangerous monsters.

Casting the Spark Cantrip.

Othniel Edden
2011-06-20, 05:08 AM
The boys ooh and ah, as Ming draws a crowd.
Word of strangers reach the ears of Lord Reih.

"Bring me these new men in our town, and fetch Eir."

At Eir's house a messenger comes to her door. "Miss Eir, strangers have arrived. One know's magic much like yourself, and the other two look to be capable in a fight. The Lord Mayor has arranged for you to meet them at his manor."
Gaurds break up the magic show, asking for Old Ming to follow them to the manor, and likewise with Sir Roze and his attache.

Riv Sonata
2011-06-20, 05:11 AM
Thank you, young man.

Eir quickly gathers a few things and rushes to the manor.

2011-06-20, 05:47 AM
"Hmph! Fine, maybe later little ones." He picks up his pack once again and follows his companions to see this Lord.

"So what do you think he wants? He might pay us to hunt the creature, seeing as we were doing it anyway this might work out pretty well!" The old man says merrily.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-20, 10:06 PM

Wil, like the kids he's with, is looking at the little mans magic display with both fascination and adoration. He doesn't notice the knight's approach until he's right next to him.

"My lord Richard!" Says Wil surprised with a quick courtesy "How good of you to come... These poor people seem to be under attack by some sort of beast. With all the trouble that has befallen our fair kingdom of late, there aren't any soldiers to spare to address this. They've asked for help." He passes Richard a note with the details.

@The approach of the 'herald'

"Thank you kindly sir" he says to the messenger before returning his attention to Richard "My lord, if it pleases you, we should attend the meeting."

Before Richard can reply Wil runs after the Halfling

@ Eir

The excited young man runs up to you and seems to be lost for words

"How..." he says uneasily "How can you be...um... so young yet so old at the same time?"

2011-06-21, 04:25 AM
"You are only as old as you feel young one! Im sure it has nothing to do with the blood sacrifice that is practiced in my homelands" He says with a wink and a giggle, hes joking. Probably.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-21, 09:38 AM
"You are only as old as you feel young one! Im sure it has nothing to do with the blood sacrifice that is practiced in my homelands" He says with a wink and a giggle, hes joking. Probably.

"Bl-Blood sacrifice?!" Says Wil horrified jumping back half a step, it seems that he didn't get the joke. "...What brings you here then?... I hope it's not to abduct our children... And how should I address one that is young and old at the same time?"

((OOC: Lower case= that particular phrase was said under his breath))

2011-06-21, 09:51 AM
"Well you can just call me Ming young one, and dont worry im just a very old man who still enjoys life. I had to travel the world to find that enjoyment again, when you have got to my age one continent is simply not enough!" He says to Wil as they walk.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-22, 01:46 AM
"Well you can just call me Ming young one, and dont worry im just a very old man who still enjoys life. I had to travel the world to find that enjoyment again, when you have got to my age one continent is simply not enough!" He says to Wil as they walk.

"Oh!" Says will smilling warmly and reducing his pace to match that of the old child "Where are you from? Did you cross an ocean? Is the ocean big? Did you get sea sick?"

2011-06-22, 04:32 AM
"Indeed I did young one, from the land of Totochtin! I did not feel sea sick but nearly got eaten a few times! Nasty beasts live in the deeper waters" He shudders at the thought, "So whats your story? Where are you from?"

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-22, 09:42 AM
"Indeed I did young one, from the land of Totochtin! I did not feel sea sick but nearly got eaten a few times! Nasty beasts live in the deeper waters" He shudders at the thought, "So whats your story? Where are you from?"

"Oh! How exciting!Then you must have seen serpents!..." I am afraid that my past is of little importance and interest Master Ming..." says Wil his voice turning somewhat sad and mellow "I was born a single child to a family of wheat farmers... Hence the surname 'Wheatheart'... and I must apologize, I haven't introduced my self. My name's Wil, Wil Wheatheart, at your service. And his armed lordship over there at the back is Richard, hopefully Sir Richard in the not so distant future..."

he seems lost in a sad memory for a moment.

"But as I was saying, I was born an only child to Grace and Sam Wheatheart, wheat farmers in the village of Oakbrook, a week's travel from here. Whilst I was growing up my skills as an archer and tracker were noted by his lordship's father and now here I am in his service."

2011-06-22, 09:55 AM
"Oh do no fret young ones, your lives have barely begun. You are at a ripe young age to have many adventures and build a story of your own, perhaps this monster of ours will be the start of such a story?" He says patting Wil on the back for comfort, well lower back. But even then he had to strain.

Riv Sonata
2011-06-23, 06:19 AM
Eir arrives at the manor and waits a few minutes. Then, seeing two adventurers approach, she walks briskly up to them, waving away the guard escort.
It's a pleasure to see you both. I'm Eir Stormshine. I'm sure you've heard the rumors about a monster in the area.
When Ming and Wil nod, she continues.
I've been waiting for adventurers like you to come by. You see, I'm a witch, and I have some competence in both combat and healing, but unfortunately this beast is too much for me to handle alone. Well, come in, come in. Lord Reih would like to give you further details, but I hope you'll be willing to allow me to accompany you.

Othniel Edden
2011-06-23, 06:30 AM
The guard sees Eir wave him away, and walks away indignant. Going up into the manor, you assume he informs someone of the new arrivals.

The Lord's Manor looks like a typical wooden manor, however its walls are decorate with the claw marks of an unfamiliar beast and smashed statues liter the walk ways of the court yard. The garden and the surrounding grounds have been left in complete disarray. As you walk up to solid oak doors, you can see it is scarred in a manner similar to the rest of the house. A servant of the occupant bids you enter.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-23, 08:25 AM
Wil smiles at the encouraging words of the young yet old man. "So long as there's life, a story will be told and perhaps I will see him again, he thinks.

When Eir uses the word witch in her inrtdouction Wil flinches a bit, but when she explains more of her practices his alertness eases. She is one of benevolent ones.

"My name's Wil, my lady, the pleasure's all mine." he says bowing his head slightly "I will gladly assist you in whatever manner I can to end the suffering of these good folk. I am certain that his lordship Richard would also be pleased to offer aid if only he hadn't gotten lost on the way here... He must have seen one of his many phantoms of grandeur again..." he says rolling his eyes.

He takes a step into the garden to investigate, his eyes growing wide at the destruction within. Those human statues are ominous.

"What manner of beast is this exactly Lady Eir?" he says facing the party once more.

2011-06-23, 09:28 AM
"Why hello there young witch, You can call me Old Ming I wont take offence!" He says with a grin and a bow.

"My my what manner of beast could have done this!? Its obviously powerful.. And clawed.." Ming says while searching about the courtyard trying to determine what manner of creature this was.

Search- [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana- [roll1]

Othniel Edden
2011-06-24, 02:46 PM
Old Ming:
Looking at the claw marks reveals to you that this creature is an aberration as no natural creature has claws like this. You also find that the left behind a smell of sulfur, so that confuses you as sulfur is typically tied with creatures of the lower realms and the plane of fire.

A guard comes out and nods that it is okay for you to come into the manor.

Riv Sonata
2011-06-25, 12:24 AM
It's a pleasure to meet you, Old Ming, and you, Wil. You can just call me Eir though, or Miss Eir if you prefer; I'm just a freewoman, no lady." Eir smiles at them, then leads them further into the manor. :smallsmile:

"As for the beast, there are many rumors. It may even be more than one beast. I've heard whispers of an eight armed beast and one with two arms, winged, or with claws like bears. Without further investigation, we don't really know what we're up against. And unfortunately, investigating would be too dangerous for anyone from Auden."

They have reached Lord Reih's study and Eir stops talking, waiting as another guard steps into the study to announce the group.

2011-06-27, 07:54 AM
"This is most strange... I will need to see these beasts or get some more evidence to determine what they are. At the moment its all rather confusing.. But investigation is why we are here so let hop to it!" He says while walking past the guard and into the manor.

Once in Lord Reih's study he stands quietly and looks about at the decor waiting to be introduced.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-28, 04:49 AM
It's a pleasure to meet you, Old Ming, and you, Wil. You can just call me Eir though, or Miss Eir if you prefer; I'm just a freewoman, no lady." Eir smiles at them, then leads them further into the manor. :smallsmile:

"As for the beast, there are many rumors. It may even be more than one beast. I've heard whispers of an eight armed beast and one with two arms, winged, or with claws like bears. Without further investigation, we don't really know what we're up against. And unfortunately, investigating would be too dangerous for anyone from Auden."

They have reached Lord Reih's study and Eir stops talking, waiting as another guard steps into the study to announce the group.

Will takes a moment to think... He doesn't like the use of plural in the description of the situation
"Miss Eir," he says acknowledging her preferred title "I do not like your suggestion that there may be multiple different ones... Do you have any estimate on their numbers, what kinds they are and sizes?"

2011-06-28, 05:32 AM
"From what I can gather the creatures are abberant in nature, there is unlikley to be a similarity amongst them but they also reak of sulphur, as I said its complicated!" He chuckles as he says it.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-28, 07:22 AM
"From what I can gather the creatures are abberant in nature, there is unlikley to be a similarity amongst them but they also reak of sulphur, as I said its complicated!" He chuckles as he says it.

Wil's confused and it is evident across his face

"Aberrant in comparison to what?" he says in a puzzled tone "A black sheep's aberrant when in a flock of white ones. If these creatures are all unique then they cannot be aberrant, no?"

2011-06-28, 08:01 AM
"Abberant in comparison to the natural order of things, these creatures are born of pure maddness and chaos, even a glimpse into the the world where they come will drive you completely insane! Terrible stuff that, now the sulpher could mean demonic origins too or simply the plane of fire. Either way these creatures will be things of pure terror.." He says trailing off as he continues to think it over.