View Full Version : Spell Challenge: Dragon of the Darkness Flame

2011-06-17, 02:45 PM

This is an absolutely AWESOME move. My question is:

How can I use this as a Wizard/Sorcerer?


1. Big Dragon of Black Fire (Spell Thematics?)
2. DEFINITELY an Evil power source (Probably from the Abyss or Baator)
3. Turns target into a black smudge on a wall (probably Disintegration)
4. "Backlash" (Hiei's arm was pretty much toast for 2/3 of the season following this attack. Possible "User takes X amount of Damage" effect?)

Thanks to all who post. I need this for an upcoming Epic game, where my Sorcerer has a Third Eye Graft and is a sword-wielding BA (aka: Hiei)

2011-06-17, 04:21 PM
I immediately think of the epic spell 'living lightning' which can choose cast itself, but DotDF seems one step further than that, as it actually has a pet peve. Would you be interested in that as a feature of the spell?

2011-06-17, 04:32 PM
I immediately think of the epic spell 'living lightning' which can choose cast itself, but DotDF seems one step further than that, as it actually has a pet peve. Would you be interested in that as a feature of the spell?

I was actually hoping for a 9th level non-epic spell. This way, it could be metamagic'd

2011-06-17, 04:38 PM
I was actually hoping for a 9th level non-epic spell. This way, it could be metamagic'd

Ah, well that nixes that then. You said it was for an epic level campaign, so I assumed epic level spell. Damn assumptive, linear thinking.

2011-06-17, 04:41 PM
I know it's circumventing the challenge... but if what you want to do is to get a spell with precisely those effects, homebrewing one shouldn't be very difficult. Or is your DM the sort that prefers you jumping through hoops to get it done By the Book over using 'brew?

2011-06-17, 04:43 PM
I know it's circumventing the challenge... but if what you want to do is to get a spell with precisely those effects, homebrewing one shouldn't be very difficult. Or is your DM the sort that prefers you jumping through hoops to get it done By the Book over using 'brew?

Mostly, Homebrew is a cluster to get by my DM. If its not made by a member of WotC, its HEAVILY scrutinized

2011-06-17, 06:41 PM
I was actually hoping for a 9th level non-epic spell. This way, it could be metamagic'd

Also, keep in mind that you can make pretty much any metamagic effect an inherent part of the spell. Maximize spell? Just add more damage. Persist spell? Just make it last 24 hours. Et cetera? Just et cetera. The epic magic system is wonderfully flexible like that.

2011-06-18, 12:23 AM
Also, keep in mind that you can make pretty much any metamagic effect an inherent part of the spell. Maximize spell? Just add more damage. Persist spell? Just make it last 24 hours. Et cetera? Just et cetera. The epic magic system is wonderfully flexible like that.

Again, I just want to know how to replicate the attack as a spell

Big Fau
2011-06-18, 01:03 AM
Hellfire Warlock or Psion. Either one works. All it requires is refluffing.

Tornado Blast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/tornadoBlast.htm), for example

2011-06-18, 12:35 PM
Well there's clearly a metamagic effect being applied on the fly there, because that's WAY to much talking for a standard action... :smallamused:

Don't overcomplicate. Detonate (PHB2) with Spell Thematics and Heighten Spell to pump up the save DC (which is the metamagic being applied).

If you want to replicate the "ow, my arm hurts" backlash, then the caster could easily have acquired the knowledge of the spell from a cursed book or other source, that damages him whenever a spell out of it is used.