View Full Version : [3.5] Clockwork Cathedral - IC

2011-06-17, 11:40 PM
The Clockwork Cathedral

They say a thousand years ago the Mechanus found themselves in destitute servitude to Man, unwilling and unable to fight for itself it waited for a hero; when that hero came, a battle between two impetuous forces each lacking a fundamental understanding of what their war was being fought for tore through Glassia. Man fought machine, man fought man, machine fought machine... for years it seemed as though the two would never be reconciled.

Not iron nor flesh can escape
The Monster that lives in the gray

One of the Fathers of the Mechanus couldn't bear to see his children tormented, and so he sought to put a final end to their suffering. He expended his brilliance to crack the foundations of Glassia; he sundered the city from its resting place in the terra and sent it spiraling into the sky, where all would meet a fate that neither Man nor Machine could deny.

It's a slow, painful death, meeting It's gaze,
The pain lasts all of your days

Man could not have survived alone, and with the help of the Mechanus together the two were able to survive and thrive on the small bit of earth suspended in a bubble floating through space. Life was good; the two shared resources and responsibilities, finding new ways to develop food and recycle air in a contained environment. "Mechanus" did not even belong to a different social class---they were deemed people in the eyes of society.

It robs cradles and beds all the same,
you never know, maybe today is your day

Now, the city towers over the steel foundation that slowly replaced the earth as it fell out from under the feet of those living on it. Resources are difficult to produce due to a lack of natural dirt in Glassia; food and water have to be Synthesized. The Bureau of Distribution (of Utility) is charged with determining where resources go, and the men in control are sometimes persuaded to forget where some of the resources are supposed to go. The Department of Peacekeeping enforces the laws in Glassia, but in some districts the only laws that are enforced are those that perpetuate the unequal distribution of the necessities of life.

No one will ever be able to save you
from the Monster that lives in the gray.

The lower districts of Glassia are a dark, dirty place indeed. Hardly any light penetrates the Second Disc, and the roiling smog that is magically screened out blocks any light that would have come through the side. Looking towards the sky yields towering tenements, pipes, tubes, wires, walkways and the lark all the way up 100 flights to the Second Disc. Small blips of natural light can occasionally be seen through the slats between the parts of the Disc. Children sometimes make wishes on those short ephemeral bursts, superstition of the most desperate kind.

Like the cracks in the sky, hope comes to the people of Glassia on occasion; heroes and villains alike tend to threaten the status quo. Under the city in the sewers of District 1, a group of individuals the likes of which Glassia has not seen for hundreds of years works tirelessly to route out criminal and corrupt activity.

Home is not pretty, but it's home. Bunks are stored in a corner, and in the back of the room against one large metal plate is the screen of a large silver computer. In the center of the room sits a long, musty couch and an old, broken recliner that no longer reclines.

2011-06-18, 05:24 AM
Sitting in the broken recliner, the Archon pores over a map of the city's lower districts. The fingers of his right hand drum softly on the arm of the chair, his eyes unfocused, so lost in thought that the map could just as well not be there.
Snapping back into reality, he blinks his eyes, rolling up the map as he looks around, a frown etched on his brow.
"Where the hell is that food?" he wondered aloud, rising to his feet and beginning to pace. By no stretch of the word was the Archon a man of patience, and he was diligent about letting it be known when it was wearing even thinner.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-18, 08:57 AM
Sayere the Hydra laid down on the ground of his sewer lair coiled around himself. It's too dangerous to go outside without protection, more likely than not the upper worlders would respond violently to the presence of someone like himself. He's heard stories of the discrimination individuals face simply because of difference in height, looks, hair, or other things. Apparently these define what a "human," "elf," "gnome," or "dwarf" is. Sayere can tell, but he thinks little of it. He only wishes they thought similarly.

Although The Archon is not incorrect, he still needs to learn. Upon his complaining, 4 of the hydra's 6 heads turn to him. The other 2 looking elseware.
Patience. One head rebukes strongly.
Has he ever been known to fail to arrive? A different head responds more calmly.

2011-06-18, 09:43 AM
The Archon looked at the Hydra gazing at him, with a faint look of distaste. He did not have a very high opinion of this... this creature. It seemed unnatural to him; a creature that should never have gained sentience. And yet he's one of the few brave enough to stand with us, he reflected, with a heavy sigh.
"No," he admitted, sitting back down. "But there's a first time for everything. And in our case, that first time might prove the last."
There was a reason the three of them didn't go out on forays with the others. In the Hydra's case, it was obvious; a creature like that would have a raging mob with pitchforks after it before all six heads had emerged.
I suppose, in a way, we're not all that different, he chuckled grimly, without humor. Both horrid disfigurations of what our races should be. While the Archon might not be lynched within moments up on the surface, his deformed face, now covered by the iron mask he always wore, would doubtlessly attract attention. Attention they could not afford.

2011-06-18, 11:46 AM
With a click and a loud whirr, the previously dimmed screen comes to life. It flashes white for a second, and then a familiar face is painted on the screen. It is the face of District 1's Lieutenant Direct of Peacekeeping.

"Director Glasby just increased activity in the inner district; he said it was because reports of Bangers were elevated, but records show that if anything they are down in the inner district. I'm suspicious, but I don't know anything more than that. Lieutenant Director Keaton, out."

Emperor Ing
2011-06-18, 02:01 PM
As he hears the screen flick to life, the hydra turns two heads to the screen.
Once the transmission cuts out Sayere remarks. The same head that made the calm remark to Archon speaks again. Glasby. Great. What could he be after?

2011-06-18, 05:48 PM
Eila gets off the couch and steps over the the screen, resting a hand on the edge of it briefly. "Loads of things. He is an odd fellow." Her expression is slightly unfocused, which is more or less par for the course with Eila. She turns to face the Archon, but her eyes fix on a point just above his left shoulder. There it was. Perfect timing. "I can ask them what he might be doing," she says.

[roll=Knowledge Local]1d20+8[roll]

2011-06-18, 05:56 PM
The spirit grins as it drifts to the Archon's other shoulder. You know, they're not all that bad, the Bangers. They're a lot like us, in a way. The accounts of violence are highly exaggerated; like us they tend to shy away from violence when they can.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-18, 05:59 PM
Well... a different head speaks. He'll say that it's to go after the bangers.

2011-06-18, 06:08 PM
"Of course, thank you," Eila says, eyes sliding to the space over the Archon's other shoulder. She walks back to the couch and crashes down on it, sending the springs creaking and a cloud of dust particles into the air. "The Bangers are kinda noisy and destructive, but they run from violence. Like the cocuri," she adds, as if that would clarify something.

2011-06-18, 08:14 PM
The Archon was firmly of the opinion that this elf was more than a little insane. Her words often seemed random at best, and her eyes never seemed to rest in one place for long, but glided all over the place, as if focused on something entirely different.
"I'm going to investigate. Wait for the others to return and join me at the corners of 5th and Beggar's Walk," he suggested, moving to the pile of equipment he kept underneath one of the bunks, and strapping on his equipment.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-18, 08:54 PM
Sayere uncoils. A head looks towards the tunnels running tangent to the lair. Already he's contemplating the pathways.
A new head speaks exitedly. Yes! There's a manhole over...well...you'll see it. Right? I'll be there. Oh! And if you think I can come up, lemme know, i'm DYING to head up into the upper city.

2011-06-18, 09:34 PM
The Archon opens the manhole into a very narrow, abandoned alleyway. Quietly he drifts to the end of the alley and looks out on the swelling mass of humans and robots. Despite the density of people it is shockingly quiet. Nobody talks as they go from place to place; everyone looks drearily at the ground. The Archon climbs a nearby ladder to a ledge that wraps around the back of the building, skillfully skirting towards the outer district.

Kekeke, oh darling, a voice from above Elia penetrates the silence. You're not going to let him go alone are you? Kekeke.... Come come... it cackles as it drifts out the door, beckoning in its way for her to follow.

2011-06-18, 11:06 PM
Eila sits bolt upright and slaps her forehead with the palm of one hand. She leaps off the couch with as much energy as she had used to fling herself on to it previously, eyes fixed on the top of the doorframe all the while. "I'm gonna go investigate as well. The aoru are worried." She snatches her pack up with one hand and runs halfway to the door, stopping in front of Sayere.

"Stay safe, okay? All of you." Despite the apparent rush she is in, she takes the time to hug every head. "Bye, Sayere!"

And with that, she slings the strap of the sack over her shoulder and throws the manhole open, scrambling out without properly using the ladder. The manhole slams shut behind her. Glassia is beautiful today, she muses, kicking the wall. "Kyres, kyres, lend me your strides," she chants under her breath while she hits the wall. The third strike sticks, and she grins, swinging her other leg up to the wall and running off sideways to catch up with the Archon.

2011-06-18, 11:19 PM
No sooner than she catches sight of the Archon does Eila also notice that he is being followed. A dark figure hops from building to building in the shadows unnoticed; the Archon is usually not so careless.

Tsk tsk. We'll have to give him a talking to I see.

2011-06-19, 05:03 PM
"I come bringing food!" announced Smith as he opened the door, an enormous bag of food dragging behind him, "How has the day....

.....Everyone already left to do something, didn't they? Sayere, would you kindly explain why the others seem to have left?"

2011-06-19, 05:11 PM
Eila nods and continues walking along the walls. Slow and steady here, watch for gaps. Once she is within range, she takes out her bow and strings it, though she does not yet call up an arrow. The niabi would want the stalker shot and quartered, no doubt. But she was not a niabi. So she walked towards the Archon, not even bothering to hide the fact she was walking on a wall, and always always keeping an eye out on the shadowed figure too far away to see clearly.

2011-06-19, 05:54 PM
Moments after Smith re-enters the hideout, the screen flickers to life again.

Glasby is making a trip to the outer district. I think the increase in Peacekeeping activity in the inner district is a ruse; I repeat, I think it may be a trap. It would be very ill-advised of you to go to the inner district. Lieutenant Director Keaton, out.

The Archon, Eila and their companion, however, have already reached the inner district. True to Lieutenant Director's words, the area is swarming with Peacekeepers, armed and a little more on edge than usual. The Archon's stalker has not yet seemed to notice Eila, or if he has, he hasn't let on.

This would be a very bad time for a confrontation...

Emperor Ing
2011-06-19, 06:13 PM
"Stay safe, okay? All of you." Despite the apparent rush she is in, she takes the time to hug every head. "Bye, Sayere!"
His heads smile in unison as he is hugged repeatedly.
Be safe, don't let the spirits scare you.

"I come bringing food!" announced Smith as he opened the door, an enormous bag of food dragging behind him, "How has the day....

.....Everyone already left to do something, didn't they? Sayere, would you kindly explain why the others seem to have left?"
Though at different rates, all of Sayere's heads acknowledge John as he arrives, nodding to answer "Yes."
One head speaks in a serious tone. The Lieutenant Director informed us that Director Glasby has increased peacekeeper presence in the Inner District.
This is continued by a sarcastic head. Of course, even though Banger activity is DOWN, Mister Glasby MUST protect against a supposed increase in Banger actions. Funny how that works huh? When something dwindles in number there's more of them.
An exited head tries to change the topic. Didya bring something yummy?
Of course, the serious head would have none of it. But to answer your-

Moments after Smith re-enters the hideout, the screen flickers to life again.

Glasby is making a trip to the outer district. I think the increase in Peacekeeping activity in the inner district is a ruse; I repeat, I think it may be a trap. It would be very ill-advised of you to go to the inner district. Lieutenant Director Keaton, out.

The serious head's expression changes to that of dread. Oh no...
A 5th head quickly speaks, frantic. COME ON!! He quickly slithers to the sewer tunnel running tangent to the lair. Through the sewers he's taking the Hustle action to head to the manhole underneath the intersection of 5th and Beggar's Walk. The frantic head speaks. We're supposed to rendevous with the others there...on the corner of 5th and Beggar's Walk. Looks like there's been a change of plans.

2011-06-19, 07:28 PM
The Archon watched the nearby platforms with narrowed eyes, his iron face masking the frown etched on his brow. There was a lot of peacekeepers, certainly, but he couldn't begin to guess what they were doing.
He stretched, glancing around as was his habit, his gaze coming to rest on Eila, as his frown deepened. He didn't like having a madman with him when stealth was required; the possibility of her doing something insane, even losing her mind completely, always gnawed at him like an irate fly.
It especially worried him when she marched towards him with that bow of her drawn and stringed.

2011-06-19, 08:02 PM
As soon as he notices Eila, the Archon also notices the object of her attention.

No, the Director said that they would be here--OW!

Keep your voice down, imbecile!

Alright alright, sorry... it's just, what are we supposed to do even if we do find them? I---I can't shoot somebody in cold blood, no matter how many Peacekeepers they've killed!

Shoot on sight. Those are our orders. You don't want to shoot anybody? Keep your eyes closed.

The Archon hears the voices of Peacekeepers right below him. The shadowy figure continues to approach him. His arms are hidden entirely by his cloak and his face concealed entirely by his hat. The moment he sees the Archon's mask he stops. They stand on adjacent platforms, ten feet apart. The figure seems to be well on his guard, waiting for the Archon to make the next move.

Being too big to fit through the manhole, Sayere exits the sewer through a storm drain at their oft-traveled Begger's Walk. Already he can see the grey-green uniforms of the Peacekeepers. They seem to have exacted control over the train station; however, there are very few places Sayere can go without being seen by them, unprepared as he is to climb a ladder to another platform.

2011-06-19, 08:31 PM
The Archon stared at figure on the adjacent platform, hands at his side. He readied himself to slide his pistols out of their sleeves at the first sign of aggression, but for now, he waited. Apart from sneaking up on him (Now how did I let that happen?), the man hadn't done anything to justify The Archon shooting him.
He wasn't too worried about killing Peacekeepers, however. They deserved whatever they got. "State your intentions," he said to the man, not too worried about the Peacekeepers hearing him. Let them hear. Let them know that The Archon is watching them.

2011-06-20, 04:01 AM
"Why do we never have normal days?" muttered Smith, "No matter, lead the way, I'm terrible with directions.

He set down the bag of meat, grabbed his gauntlet and strode after the Hydra.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-20, 07:23 AM
The hydra takes a Hustle action to slither his way through the sewers to the manhole cover over at 5th and Beggar's Walk.

2011-06-20, 08:40 AM
The cloaked figure tilts its head to the side and crouches slightly. As it tilts its head up, the Archon sees two beady red dots. The figure snaps into position, obviously throwing something; instinctively, the Archon rolls out of the way and fires, but by the time the shot has gone off, the figure is gone.

A gunshot...? Oh, oh God we're going to di---OW!

You are a moron. Look, hide in here, if it is them... I don't know. I'll run or something.

P...please don't get killed. I... I love you.

You're pathetic.

A loud clamoring comes from the shaken Peacekeeper as he climbs into a refuse bin. The Archon and Elia look at the spot where the figure was, and then take a look around for where he might have gone. The Archon looks at his feet for a brief second and spots a small, paper triangle. This must have been what the cloaked man threw...

Sayere and Smith decides to take a detour, exiting the platform using some stairs to a lower level. A tunnel runs underneath the train platform, and Sayere just fits. Frequently there are kids playing in this tunnel, but luckily for them no one is there at the moment. The two find themselves at their destination on the other side. The others have not yet arrived.

2011-06-20, 12:49 PM
"Come back!" Eila calls as the shadowed figure disappears. She frowns, and then lets go, falling down next to the Archon. "You didn't see him. That's not like you. What happened?" For a moment, she sounds almost sane.

2011-06-20, 08:16 PM
The Archon didn't answer Eila, regarding the triangular piece of paper with suspicion. "What do you make of this?" he asked her, wariness in his voice as he turned to gaze in the general direction of the two Peacekeepers they had heard earlier.
"This whole situation reeks of a setup. I'll need to have some words with the Lieutenant Director."

Emperor Ing
2011-06-20, 08:31 PM
Sayere has a head peek out through the manhole.
Oh...oh man, I don't like this.
It ducks back down.
They're not here. Any ideas?

2011-06-20, 08:44 PM
Eila frowns at the little piece of paper like it holds the secrets of the universe. "It is triangular," she says at last. "A message, perhaps. He has a very good arm, to throw something so light so far." She looks off into the distance, smiling vaguely.

2011-06-21, 02:34 AM
"We've arrived ahead of them, which means that they must have run into something along the way that delayed them. I'd run to their aid, but I'm not sure people would react well to you appearing in their midst Sayere.

One moment, calculating," said Smith as he went into what seemed to be a trance with his hand on his chin. After a few moment he moved and spoke again. "I....Have a cunning plan.

Cover the escape route, I will sneak to where the others are, and see what is detaining them. If the situation necessitates violence, I will come back and get you. If not, I will try and get them here. If I do not return within the hour, something has likely gone horribly wrong. Kindly come save me.

Smith climbed out of the sewer and began to trace the steps that the group would have taken while attempting to hide from the Peacekeepers.

I cast Armor Enhancement, Lesser on my Mithral Plating, making it Shadowed. Then Skill Enhancement once on each of my fists, giving me +4 to hide and move silently. I have 1 first level infusion left. I am currently gaining +9 to hide before other relevant bonuses, +4 to Diplomacy, total, for 50 minutes. And regret that I haven't made Sayere armor, forever.

Pre-emptively, Hide check:

Move Silently:

Knowledge: Local (To ID route, if necessary):

2011-06-21, 11:06 AM
Smith travels the route he knows the Archon typically takes to get from one end of the District to the other. As he approaches, his path is blocked more and more by Peacekeepers. After a few moments he spots Eila and the Archon, and jumps down a platform to be at eye-level with them. The stress on the platform he falls on is too great for his weight, and the platform snaps. Moving quickly, Smith grabs hold of the ledge of the building and deftly pulls himself up. The platform collapses to the ground very loudly.

The small triangle of paper seems to have a tiny lump in the middle. The Archon feels it with his forefinger and thumb; something very thing and hard has been inserted into the paper. Suddenly, a loud crash coming from behind Eila startles them both, and they see the platform collapse under Smith.

Did you hear that!? The muffled voice of the male Peacekeeper comes out of the darkness.

Shut up. They're above us. Stay here. The woman's voice has begun to shake, her cool demeanor fading.

2011-06-21, 03:02 PM
Smith began to wave at Archon and Eila before the platform collapsed. As it snapped under his weight he leapt at the platform the two were on, desperately attempting to gain a handhold on its edge.

He pulled himself up, dusted himself off and said, "Why do we never seem to have normal days?

Sayere is waiting by the meeting place. If we do not arrive within, oh, 50 minutes or so, he will assume the worst. May I ask what has detained you?

2011-06-21, 03:31 PM
Eila looks at the Archon's hand, then the darkness above, before she turns to face Smith. "Paper. Peacekeepers. Shadowy people," she says in a softly lilting tone. "We are fine."

2011-06-21, 03:44 PM
With her eyes closes, Ade falls into the darkness. There is hardly any light in the sewers to begin with and what little is made by the glow of the computer screen is easily ignored where she sits facing the far wall of the alcove. Her tall figure leans gracefully against her bed frame, but her strong, long, legs fight the cross-legged position she has forced them into. She shifts uncomfortably. They were never conditioned for patience.
The meager piece of cloth she has strung between the bunk beds to form her darken hideaway does little to dampen the noises from the adjacent common room. Someone's fingers are tapping--wearing away at her control like rust. Her eyes clench closed as if she cant drive the noise away by plunging herself deeper into darkness. The voices seem farther away now, as she tries her hardest to let go and simply disappear.
Here alone in the the absence of everything--she tries for the umpteenth time to process the memories. Slowly at first she begins to arrange the moments in time that come to her mind, like pictures laid out on a table, shifting each so as to see the entirety of all of them--spacing each out so they form an imperfect grid against the darkened background of her mind. Ade pauses for a moment, reflecting on all of them together like this--here how shes imagined them they are easier to cope with-they can no longer clutter her mind and distract her constant drive for clarity-theyre easy. She begins to focus on one, pushing the others aside for the moment to indulge in nostalgia, beginning to allow her self to be enveloped in the warm afternoon sun of a time that is no longer present. This memory is a simple one, nothing profound, just happy. Before--.
She feels the sun begin to beat heat on her skin, she is gone from the darkness and completely lost in what no longer feels like a memory but instead Ade's whole reality...-Her long dark hair moves gently in the breeze. A woman with a baby strapped to her chest moves, calmly below balancing the child's weight with a bag full of resources. The woman fades away round a corner amid the joyful squeals of her young one. A door closes. Ade is distracted by a timid puppy-still new to the responsibility of legs, traverse the cruelly named catwalks with a diligent owner-cruel for the holes left by the metal mesh used to construct the floor, left open with tiny wholes just big enough to allow tiny puppy toes to become unstable and slip through- "Adelaide--Darling..What are you Doi----"

The front door slams open, a heavy sack falls to the floor and Ade's concentration is broken.

The warm, sunny afternoon swiftly disappears just as the other memories fall quickly into a disorganized heap before fading away. Heartbroken Ade sits in the now empty darkness-eyes open, though with so little light it would have been hardly different had they been closed.
There is no doubt that her peace is now gone. Her legs twitch--frustrated by the length of time they have spent cramped and controlled. Ade's hands which were for a long time resting on her knees, gave way and and took her flush face in there protection. Her hair cascaded around them-mucked up and damp. "ffff****." It was gone, and she was too tired--too angry to try again. At once her legs could bare it no longer and she shot up. Fully extended she was tall and the makeshift curtain slouched at her chin. Worthless piece of s***. She abruptly pulled it down and sulked out of the alcove. The dim light of the common room burned her eyes which had become accustom to her artificial darkness. A tiny part of her- the part that was pleased by the pleasant warmth of the summer sun- ached, but just for a moment-before it was pushed aside in favor of addressing the silence.
Where had everyone gone? Smith had obviously returned for by the door was her attacker--the abandoned sack of substance that had been the purpose of his excursion. Everyone was gone...even Sayere. She didnt linger perplexed- she strode to the bag and began keeping house-putting away most of the food in the small locker that served as a food storage device--simple because it was ever so meekly place next to the geriatric stove they used to cook. The rest she left out to prepare, rummaging about for a bit to gather her needed fixings: the long abused cast pot, which she found under the recliner; the small sacks of spices that she coveted, which for some reason were found both underneath Smiths bunk, and hung above Eila's like a makeshift mobile, and finally the grimy water that rain from the bathroom tap, that she filled the pot with. After fought calmly with the stove to light, coaxing it with her limited patience till it lit, all be it meekly. While she mechanically went about the process of preparing a meal she wondered what had become of the others....

Emperor Ing
2011-06-21, 04:11 PM
Sayere keeps watch from the sewer manhole. He wears the cover as a hat, constantly looking around. When someone comes by he closes the manhole carefully and waits for them to pass. He's counting down. 10 minutes. He hopes they're okay.

2011-06-21, 06:14 PM
The clanging of the platform collapsing has garnered unwanted attention. Peacekeepers have entered the alley, and their voices can be heard from below.

...and someone fired a gun!

Soldier what the hell are you doing in that trash bin?

They're up on that platform. Do you want us to go investigate? The woman is talking inordinately loudly, as if she is not even trying to hide her presence.

2011-06-21, 06:20 PM
The Archon all but snarled as the platform collapsed under Smith, scooping up the triangular piece of paper before moving off the platform all three of them now stood on. "We should leave," he said, sticking the paper into an inside pocket on his duster. "These two don't seem to be the only Peacekeepers around any more."
He glances over the edge of the platform, trying to get a clear visual of the alley below and, especially, the coward hiding in a garbage container. He kept his pistols in his sleeves, ready to draw them in an instant.
He hated cowards.

Use Bane class ability; gives single weapon Bane for 5 (not necessarily consecutive) rounds. Use it on my right hand pistol. I choose Bane: Humanoid (Human).
If possible, will aim to shoot the insufferable coward right between the eyes.

2011-06-21, 07:08 PM
"Archon, I know a way back. We shouldn't try to go through the peacekeepers," said Smith, tapping Archon on the shoulder, "This is a special made trap, they're waiting for us to do something stupid in order to hunt us down. We need to leave, and I know the route from here."

2011-06-21, 07:17 PM
The Archon steadies his gun, ignoring Smith's trepidation. His eyes lock on the coward, whose head has been exposed by his commanding officer. As his fires, a shout rings out from above.


A bullet grazes the Archon's leg; not enough to cripple, but enough to hurt. It quickly becomes apparent that they are surrounded; there are Peacekeepers on the platform above and in the alley below, and who knows how many more on their way.

I... I've been shot!

Shut up, you're fine.

2011-06-21, 07:32 PM
A searing pain cut through the Archon's leg only moments after he'd pulled his own trigger, and he cried out in surprised agony, falling down on one knee.
Hurts just as much every time, he thought to himself, as his hand moved in now familiar motions, and words that seemed engraved in his memory came out in a quiet mutter.
The pain winked away, but he remained on his knees. "Go!" he hissed at his two companions. "Loose them!"
The pistols slid back into his sleeves as he sat back against the nearest vertical surface, clutching at the bullet wound. "I'll meet you at the lair, and soon."

Cast Delay Pain on self. If you will allow it, Sleight of Hand to do the somatic components as sneakily as I can: [roll0].

2011-06-21, 08:39 PM
Eila smiles again and pats the Archon on the head fondly. "We are here," she says, completely oblivious to or perhaps simply ignoring his words. "Lehs ke, kes ke, ocoruri," she chants melodically, ruffling the Archon's hair. Her eyes and hands glow with soft blue light, and the wound in the Archon's leg knits together.

"Feeling better?"

Change Bless to Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-06-21, 08:52 PM
Feeling a bit nervous, with a bit of a motive to create a distraction, Sayere decides to act on his own initiative, but still maintaining the plan. He inhales with all his heads, all 6 of them echoing out an angered yelling into the clockwork labrynth of the district.

Intimidate check

2011-06-21, 09:08 PM
The Archon, Elia and Smith hear the call of the hydra from their position; Ade hears it even louder through the echo in the sewer. All of the Peacekeepers turn to look at where the sound came from.

What the ....


Kekeke, this could get fun.

2011-06-21, 09:10 PM
"Yes, it is," Eila says, raising her left hand and staring at it critically. "And you can just be quiet now."

2011-06-21, 09:13 PM
An hour passes without any sign of the group. Ade sits in the recliner, waiting.
suddenly the walls of the lair quiver with a distant but violent scream. Sayere.
In one swift motion Ade leaps from the chair to the alcove. She pulls her swords from beneath her mattress, and her gun from under her pillow. Within moments from the initial shock of Sayere's signal, Ade is out the door, running in the direction of the noise.

2011-06-21, 09:21 PM
So much for sublety, the Archon thought, though little enough of it had remained. He grabbed the rope he kept coiled around his shoulder, tying it tightly to a secure point nearby, hoping the Hydra's roar would keep them distracted while he worked.
"We're leaving," he said to the others, as he grabbed hold of the (hopefully) secured rope, pulled at it to test the knot, and let himself roll off the platform.
He'd have to remember to be annoyed with Eila later.

2011-06-21, 11:36 PM
"Thank you for not doing something else that is horribly foolish right now," said Smith, utterly deadpan, "Elia,do you wish to abscond first? I should probably go warn Sayere, if we aren't taking the direct route back."

I cast Armor Enhancement, Lesser on Elia's armor. It is now shadowed. I am now fresh out of level 1 infusions.

2011-06-22, 12:08 AM
Eila nods and jumps on to the wall. She sticks there with ease, as if gravity has decided to not affect her at the moment. Her shoulder bag and long hair dangle towards the wall rather than the ground below. "I'll tell Sayere." With a quirky little salute, she is off, moving swiftly across the wall and back to their little hideout in the sewers.

2011-06-22, 03:44 AM
"He's at the meeting place," said Smith as Elia moved towards the base, "Oh nevermind, I'll go warn him." He ran in the other direction, retracing his steps in an attempt to avoid the Peacemakers while getting back to Sayere.

2011-06-22, 05:15 AM
Damn it, they've split up! The gruff Peacekeeper curses. You lot! Go after the girl! he shouts to those units on the upper platform. You idiots go after him. This guy can obviously take care of himself; shot and he's still coming to play. No reason risking your necks.

Adelaide reaches the sewer exit to find Sayere, nervously poking his head out of the manhole; just as she arrives two Peacekeepers appear on his other side, probably summoned by the roar. Neither recoils at the sight of the hydra; they both of them draw swords.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-23, 08:15 PM
Sayere turns to them. Still wearing the manhole cover as a sort of hat.
((I'm assuming they're on the street.))
Is there a problem, gentlemen?

2011-06-23, 08:50 PM
Both men look at each other and ready their swords.

Intiative, and also no they are in the sewer. They tried to sneak up on you.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-23, 08:57 PM
Rolling init
I don't want to hurt you.

2011-06-23, 09:12 PM
One of the men blanches. You... you what? The other man hits him.

Look at that thing, do you really think it's that reasonable!?

Make a diplomacy check and/or you're first

Emperor Ing
2011-06-23, 09:16 PM
Just leave these sewers, I mean you no harm.
Fun Time with Diplomacy checks

2011-06-23, 11:31 PM
Look, maybe we should....

Maybe we should what, Elias? That thing is a monster!

Make another diplomacy roll

2011-06-24, 12:50 AM
Eila whirls around to stare at the Peacekeepers following her. Her backwards and sideways steps carry her just as swiftly as before, padding rhythmically against the wall. "Hello," she says, beaming. "Would you like to play a game? I won't let the niabi bite you."

2011-06-24, 02:55 AM
The woman following Elia stops in her tracks. In one hand she has a sword and in the other a clockwork pistol.

Wha...what? This isn't a time for games, you're a criminal and you're under arrest!

She lifts the gun to point at Elia, unwavering.

You can't stop me from biting her if I want to...

Emperor Ing
2011-06-24, 07:33 AM
Look, maybe we should....

Maybe we should what, Elias? That thing is a monster!

Make another diplomacy roll

I don't care what you think of me. I haven't hurt anyone and I don't intend to start now.

2011-06-24, 10:16 AM
... Fine. We'll leave.

Both Peacekeepers lower their weapons and turn to leave. The more sympathetic one puts his hand behind his back and sticks his thumb up in the air out of sight of the other one, and then puts his other hand behind his head.

We didn't find anything. His hand glows orange for a moment, and the other man's path wobbles for a second.

No, although it was probably your fault...

The two Peacekeepers leave without turning back.

2011-06-24, 02:20 PM
Ade reaches Sayere just in time to see the arrival of two peacekeepers, poised for attack. She stays out of sight--waiting to see if Sayere will need her assistance.

... Fine. We'll leave.
We didn't find anything. His hand glows orange for a moment, and the other man's path wobbles for a second.

No, although it was probably your fault...

The two Peacekeepers leave without turning back.

As the two pull away Ade emerges from the shadows--left hand on her sword should their departure be a ruse. She stops just behind one of the hydras heads to angrily whisper, "What the hell is going on here?!"

Emperor Ing
2011-06-24, 03:38 PM
Ah, there you are. One of the heads replies.
Director Glasby increased Peacekeeper presence in this district, though we believe it to be a trap now. The others are up there, one of them trying to recover the others to this rendevous point, i'm covering the escape.

2011-06-24, 06:39 PM
Why would the peacekeepers concede so easily if they were in pursuit of the others?...Speaking of others-- When were they supposed to return?
Ade, moved to look out through the manhole.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-24, 06:44 PM
Hmmm...50 minutes from now.
A different head speaks. They weren't expecting to be reasoned with by a hydra.

2011-06-24, 07:31 PM
The woman following Elia stops in her tracks. In one hand she has a sword and in the other a clockwork pistol.

Wha...what? This isn't a time for games, you're a criminal and you're under arrest!

She lifts the gun to point at Elia, unwavering.

You can't stop me from biting her if I want to...

"As it so happens, I believe I do want you to bite her now," Eila murmurs to a spot over her right shoulder. Her gaze returns to the Peacekeeper, unblinking. The smile on Eila's face seems to be growing more unnatural by the second. "To the niabi and the wyaheen, fighting is a game in its own right," she says, in a whisper loud and clear. "So really, wouldn't this be a perfect time to play?"

Her hands flash in a pattern like a window being thrown open. "Now." She turns and runs along the wall, up and away from the hideout. The niabi know how to bite without her looking over them.

So I may have fluffed Eldritch Blast a little differently than normal this time. Anyways:
[roll0] Add 1 if within 30 feet.
[roll1] Add 1 if within 30 feet.

2011-06-24, 07:46 PM
She shrieks. Witch! She fires at Eila's fleeing form several times but none of the shots connect. Eila doesn't have to turn around to know that she isn't following.

Oh darling. That was unnecessary.

2011-06-24, 09:18 PM
Smith looked at the two men behind him and thought for a moment. No chance you'd be willing to resolve this peacefully? I'd rather not fight, he said as he scanned the road ahead of him for sewer entrances, I'd much rather resolve this entire thing peacefully.

2011-06-24, 09:23 PM
"That niabi would have bitten the Peacekeeper anyways. It's not exactly one of the nice ones," Eila replies with a shrug. "I scared her away from chasing me, so maybe it wasn't all bad." She slips down onto the platform below her and runs around the long way to the sewers entrance. It was closer.

2011-06-25, 01:13 AM
That's a new one, one of the men following Smith shouts. Yeah, come over here and let's solve this "peacefully"

A sense motive check of 0 reveals that he doesn't mean that

2011-06-25, 04:28 AM
What exactly do you expect to accomplish here? said Smith, I run about as quickly as you, and unlike you I will never get tired. I am completely willing to simply wait until you collapse of exhaustion and then walk away. And besides 'I vaguely annoy your boss in an undetermined way' what do you gain from attempting to kill me?

....Besides bruises. And possibly a bit of a swim.

Assuming my earlier Knowledge (Local) check holds, I'm jumping into a sewer the moment I see one, and I'm planning my route to cross one. I don't have to worry about drowning.

2011-06-25, 10:26 AM
I follow orders, my orders are to arrest or kill you! The incensed Peacekeeper pants through his shouts. I've never been given an order to kill anyone before; I know you most have done something horrible!

Smith slides to a stop and faces the on-coming Peacekeepers, who halt, weapons drawn. He kicks open a manhole and rolls in. The Peacekeepers fire at him, one of them clipping his fortified shoulder on his way in. He splashes into the pipe, which, luckily for him, seems to be an aqueduct rather than raw sewage. A few more shots are fired after him, but none connect.

Smith takes 4 damage from the wound

Emperor Ing
2011-06-27, 10:32 PM
You want to head out or watch my back? I doubt they came to investigate the sewers "Just because."

Someone or something tipped them off.

2011-06-29, 12:29 AM
Everyone save for the Archon meets back quickly at the designated meeting place in the sewer.

Archon, it's just you and me. The man speaks as though this behavior shouldn't surprise the Archon, although it does, greatly. The Director needs to speak with you. He looks up at the hanging Archon, unarmed. I'm not here to arrest you or take you to him myself---the terms of the meeting are up to you.