View Full Version : The Illithid Voyage (DnD 3.5)

Hastur Avaddon
2011-06-18, 05:00 PM
Party Present:
{table]Player|Character Name|Character Class
THEChanger|N'Durndo|Barbarian4/Totemist2/Totem Rager1
CockroachTeaParty|Xasazel|Soulborn/Soul Eater[/table]

Creatures Present:

Elder Brain:



OOC HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203483)

L'Arc en Ciel. The great hidden city in the cavernous depths of the southern Ammonia Mountains. Great architecture of twisted writhing tentacles line the streets. The ceiling to your world is black rock and dead root hanging high overhead. The very air is wet and moisture is abound everywhere. The sound of flowing water from a nearby underground river echoes through the valley. It's sound is almost invisible to you however, as it has always been present.

You find yourself now standing before the very heart of your community. The Pool of the Elder Brain is not a sight to be taken lightly. Many Illithid do not find themselves in this company until their deaths, when they become one with the great creature. You are honored.

It was just moments ago when the four of you stood before Zsiet'Nech, Ulitharid Aedileator of your community. He chose you for the coming task at hand, and before he is to give you your orders, as custom demands, you must meet with the Elder Brain for advice and judgement.

The atmosphere is thick with anticipation and silence. No words have been spoken in this chamber for over one hundred and seventy five years when the githyanki tried to lay waste to the great being before you. To utter even a syllable now would bring much dishonor and shame not only to the individual, but the community as a whole.

As you stand in reverence, great images come and go into your very minds. The great 'language' of telepathy emanating from the Elder Brain fills your heads hence:

<My children. We have Zsiet'Nech chose you for the coming tasks for very particular reasons. They may remain alien to you now. They may even remain unknown to you for the rest of your natural lives separate from me. One day however, should you succeed in your duties, you will come to understand all just as we have. You have our blessings. The fate of all Illithid may rest upon your very shoulders. It is with sorrow and a heavy brain we send you away from us now. We love you. You know this. Go now to Zsiet'Nech. He will tell you further of your task. Farewell.>

Were you a lesser creature, such endearment might bring a tear to your eye.

Zsiet'Nech stands at the far end of the room beside a small open door leading into the very laboratories of the elder brain, where only the most advanced Illithid scientists have been allowed to enter. He motions for you to enter, with a slight bow, and what would be a smile if only he had the facial structure...

2011-06-18, 06:30 PM
Xasazel stands in reverent silence, keeping his tentacles completely still as a sign of utmost respect. Arms folded behind his back, he would make for a stately scene, clad in his fine black spidersilk robes, were it not for the deathly, disturbing pallor of darkness surrounding him, or the pinpricks of devilish red light radiating from within his otherwise featureless eyes.

Bowing deeply in the direction of the greasy, briny pool of the Elder Brain, Xasazel moves to follow the esteemed ulitharid. Following established tradition, he maintains physical and mental silence, waiting to be spoken to before speaking himself. While he inwardly envied Zsiet'Nech for his rarity, stature, and power, he was content with his own unique gifts, and so bared the ulitharid no ill will. Indeed, he was honored to be selected for this seemingly quite important and undeniably mysterious task.

2011-06-18, 10:02 PM
N'Durndo did not believe his master. Not even for a second.
N'Durndo knew exactly why he had been chosen. The Elder Brain did not trust N'Durndo. The Elder Brain did not love him, the Elder Brain was not capable of love. N'Durndo learned what love felt like from the brains of his foes. Love was a weakness. The Elder Brain had no weakness, except perhaps pride, and that pride was certainly justified. No, the Elder Brain chose N'Durndo because it wanted to be rid of him. The Elder Brain saw N'Durndo as a threat. N'Durndo, of course, could have cared less what the Elder Brain thought of him. He was content to follow its instructions, so long as it carried the promise of feeding. And this certainly did. N'Durndo was being sent on an important mission. Whatever it was, it would involve prey. And N'Durndo was pleased. He stood next to Xasazel, barely able to keep his excitement below the threshold where Zsiet'Nech would be able to sense it. The Elder Brain was no dout skilled enough to feel N'Durndo's eagerness to hunt, but that was irrelevant. The Elder Brain could always feel that.

2011-06-19, 01:03 PM
Ulnd'Ylac took honor is being chosen, paying as much possible attention to the Elder Brain and to Zsiet'Nech, one of which he takes no jealousy from the standing Zsiet'Nech has. He was on the idea of worry in the fact that he would be working with Xasazel and N'Durndo, the former he was wary of for his soul-stealing abilities, and the latter he reviled for N'Durndo's off-put attitude and overall misplacement among the community itself.

Ulnd'Ylac moved to Zsiet'Nech, staying behind Xasazel and N'Durndo until they arrived. The two were not one he would trust his back on; of course he imagined they were thinking the same about him. Ulnd'Ylac's eyes were hard to exhibit a feeling or emotion to anyone else, an ability he had homed for awhile now. Subtlety was one of his strengths, and he would try to take advantage of it when he can.

Lord Ruby34
2011-06-19, 05:03 PM
If the mission was as rumored Quar'zelk knew why he was here, why he was chosen. It was an obvious choice really. Who else would you send to the surface if not the Illithid who had been up more than any other? Oh, there were others that might have served, yes but none of them could truly blend in. Not like he could. It was, of course a great honor to be chosen. It was just one he was uniquely suited for.

Oh well, at least he got to honored. There was little enough of that, most Illithid's didn't even know his face. The rest of the community would get their own honors eventually, Quar'zelk knew. Even if it was after death. The assassin turned and padded silently behind the rest of the group. The specifics of the mission did interest him. He had purposely not found out the details, it would have been easy to do. But Quar'zelk resisted, it would be a surprise, and surprises were nice. At least when they didn't involve stabbing. Humans did that far more often then Illithids did anyway. It probably had something to do with their intelligence.

EDIT: For necessary improvements and clarity.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-06-20, 12:13 PM
As each of you enters the room you take in the sights surrounding you.

The laboratory is surprisingly empty save for the four of you and Zsiet'Nech. The walls are lined with beakers, flasks, and other scientific equipment, however most of it looks as though its usage has been neglected as of late. In the center of the room stands a small elliptical table, with four seats on one side, and another seat on the farther side. Zsiet'Nech takes the lone seat on the farther side, sits in it, and folds his clawed hands. He motions for the rest of you to sit down.

Aside from the doorway from whence you came, there are two other doors. One on the far left side of the room, and the other on the far right.

For those of you with the Mindsight feat, you can sense the following:

Creature: Gold Dragon
Intelligence Score: 32
Location: Adjacent room through left door in corner.

Various other Illithid are also present in this room.

The old Ulitharid begins to project his thoughts upon you all with haste. His tone is far more sinister then you have seen him in the past while dealing with public matters.

<I don't like to waste time. Too many of our people feel as though they have all the time in the world to laze around and grow fat in their... security... Lack of hardship has made this sect weak... But that's why the lot of you have been chosen over any others.>

He turns his eyes upon Xasazel.
<The tasks I present at hand require much diligence...>

He looks at Quar'zelk,
<A hint of subtelty,>

He lays his eyes upon Ulnd'Ylac,
<A bit of finesse,>

And finally looks upon N'Durndo
<And of course... Where all else would fail, a massive amount of brute force.>

Zsiet'Nech takes a deep breath and sighs heavily.

<After I tell you each of what is to come and of your duties, there is no turning back. This operation is of the utmost urgency and secretive nature. All I can tell you until you give me your verbal agreement to go, is the following...>

<You will be spending months at a time, maybe even years away from this sect. You may not be within the presence of the great Elder Brain for a very long time. Our studies upon individuals exposed to such effects have shown that such conditions can drive the most dedicated Illithid to insanity, committing quite heinous acts. I have chosen the lot of you, because your dependency is not as great as some of the others.>

<Do you each agree to the terms of this assignment?>

2011-06-20, 02:24 PM
N'Durndo considered Zsiet'Nech's words carefully. While it was true he bore the Elder Brain no ill will, the opportunity to be free of the ever-present weight of his Master's gaze was appealing. N'Durndo valued the idea of privacy, perhaps more so than any other Ithilid, simply because he had experienced it. There had been brief spats in his wanderings when he had traveled beyond the Elder Brain's sphere, and the feeling was an excellent one. At the same time, N'Durndo always found himself returning. But now here was a chance to go for months, years, without the omni-present eye in his mind!
<N'Durndo will take up this task, Great One. The opportunity to go beyond our simple caverns, and taste the minds of new prey, is hardly one I can give up, is it?>

2011-06-20, 02:44 PM
Xasazel steeples his spindly fingers under his tentacles as he ponders the implications of this most important mission, trying to ignore the distraction of the strange and powerful mind he senses nearby.
While he would miss his audience and the opportunity to entertain the sect, the thought of operating independently on an important mission filled the illithid's black heart with a certain anticipation. Recognized as a capable individual, screened for this task for his lack of weakness and dependency... Xasazel was honored. Any doubts were instantly dismissed.
<The Elder Brain honors me. I am, as always, at the disposal of the sect, and the greater good of our people. I humbly accept the task set before us, and eagerly await further instruction.>

Lord Ruby34
2011-06-20, 03:00 PM
The weight of the mind behind the door was massive, Intelligence like that. Quar'zelk shuddered to consider how they had captured it. Such an effort... did it come willingly? He almost considered probing the creatures mind more deeply, but he knew that wouldn't end well. If it was that... He doubted he could penetrate the creatures will. Something like that was beyond his power. It would take the Elder Brain, or at least a collection of lesser Illithid's to do that. And if the scientists detected him, well, he doubted his curiosity would be appreciated.

Quar'zelk forced his mind back to Zsiet'Nech and listened carefully to his thoughts. It was true, Qaur'zelk knew that he was one of the few that was away from the Elder Brain's influence for any length of time, and likely the only one who had spent years away before. But maybe he would get something out of it when he came back this time. And maybe he would learn about the creature in the next room.

<Very well, let it be remembered that Quar'zelk sacrifices for the sect once more.>

2011-06-20, 03:45 PM
Ulnd'Ylac listened with silence at the words of the Ulitharid. His doubts still held his mind as he listened but slowly began to calmly disappear as he heard of the orders given and the mind of the Elder Brain still lingered within him. Ulnd'Ylac saw this as an opportunity; the chance to discover more of the world and to revel in it's knowledge. Of course he would miss the pure focus of shadow magic in the meantime, but for the payoff, it was foolish to pass up. <I give my will to accept and uphold this assignment.> He spoke bluntly, but with a clear sense of honor to Zsiet'Nech.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-06-20, 05:30 PM
<Very good. I knew I could count on each of you.>

<Your first priority henceforth will be the following: For our plans we require two objectives to be completed with the casting of one stone. To the south east of here, in leave of the mountains lies the small port town known to it's inhabitants as Cirrus Minor. It is a fairly popular large town. Population is estimated to be a little over three and a half thousand. Mostly humans or other similar creatures.>

<The town is one of the most influential economy boosters for the Nation of Tharmas. It is also a crucial go-to point between the Empire of Urizen and Tharmas. This being said... Decreasing it's 'efficiency' would be in our best interest.>

<We also require a port for our own plans. Thus, your orders are simple. Make your way to the town under whatever guise suits you best. Find the influential leaders of the town and bring them under your influence. Do this by whatever means you see best to use. Do it by force if you wish. Dominate the minds of those in charge. Line their pockets with gold if this suits you more. The only importance lies in the fact that you make sure our true purpose goes unnoticed.>

<Any questions so far?>

Lord Ruby34
2011-06-20, 05:57 PM
<What are the leaders of the town like? Are they weak-willed fools, or strong leaders? What do their people think of them, are they loved or hated? I can think of numerous ways to bring this port under out control, I only need the details.>

Inside Quar'zelk wondered about the purpose of the mission. Why did the Elder Brain want Tharmas weakened? And why disrupt the trade between the two nations? Quar'zelk knew he would have to make a point of finding out if he was to do the job right. Maybe he could ask... but he wasn't sure if he was supposed to know. Maybe he could manipulate one of the others into doing so for him. Now there was a thought.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-06-20, 07:34 PM
The far door to the right opens, and a young human female with short brown hair dressed in rags shuffles in. She gazes off into a blissful nothingness. In her arms she carries a tray with five bowls of water upon it. Slowly, but surely, the woman walks through the room, placing a bowl of water before each of you. Zsiet'Nech dips his tentacles into the water eagerly simply soaking them, and not drinking. A calm relaxed look comes over him for a moment. The woman begins to shuffle out of the room with silence as her creed.

Zsiet'Nech speaks:

<The main individual in charge of the town is the Captain of the Guard. His loyalties lie with the crown of Tharmas to the north in the capital Enrion. He will be hard to sway from his loyalties. His name is Eristroy>

<Currently however, we have taken notice of a small guild of thieves gaining power in the town. We have not been able to divine who leads this small rabble, but we know that they hold enough public sway to turn the town into theirs should the timing be right.>

<The town aristocracy is led by a greedy and pious man of some ill human faith. He keeps pockets lined so that he may smuggle goods to and fro from the shipping yard. The Captain of the Guard has been trying to build a case against this man, known as Plutus, for quite some time now. However, he has not been able to.>

<Just outside the town a small gathering of mostly half-elf druids brood in their self pity. The lands that occupy the town used to be lush forest and grove. They are a bottle of alchemist's fire ready to be thrown. They are led by the one known as Bartham.>

<Finally, in the mountainous terrain to the south of Cirrus Minor lies a small tribe of Deep Ones. Every now and then they may secretly capture someone from the town, but for the most part they eat fish and go unnoticed. A more enterprising female among their ranks, known as As'imalr'ina, has been having their people gather up gold from ships lost at the bottom of the sea.>

<Any and all of these avenues of manipulation may be used, and there may be even more that I have not thought of. It is your choice on how to proceed. Any further questions?>

2011-06-21, 09:22 PM
Xasazel dips his tentacles into the bowl of water as a token courtesy, but mostly pays it no mind. As he broadcasts his thoughts across the room, everyone can feel his curiosity slowly increasing.

<This community sounds most... quaint. Tell me, esteemed Zsiet'Nech, of the factions you mentioned, which of them is the most wealthy? I've found that regardless of ethics or religion, whomever is the richest holds the most sway among the surface dwellers.
On a similar note, will the sect be providing us with any support? How will we be expected to report back with our findings and progress?>

2011-06-21, 09:36 PM
Ulnd'Ylac had quietly, almost blissfully, listened in on the Ulitharid's report of the scenario he and the others would be heading into. He gave his own comment to Xasazel, <Influence is a powerful weapon, but if used without other knowledge, it would be more of a suicide note. We should make as much ground on each of our options before they make their own bid for power. Riches can take one surface-creature far, but it's ambition that brings them into action and become a true threat.>

Hastur Avaddon
2011-06-21, 11:21 PM
Zsiet'Nech sits back in his chair for a moment, and then pushes the bowl of water in front of him aside with one of his clawed hands. He places his elbows upon the table, and interlocks his fingers touching the nub of his two longer tentacles present in the front. With a polite nod at the inquiry and sentiment he sits forward and speaks once more.

<The one known as Plutus, a mire of sorts has quite a bit of substantial wealth. How much we don't know exactly. Although, the Deep Ones have amassed quite a bit of wealth on their own as well, albeit, they don't spend or use it. They horde it like greedy dragons would.>

The old Illithid waves his right hand into the air as if to dismiss the notions presented.

<You will all have much time to discuss your strategy and philosophies on the lesser creatures soon enough. Worry not. As for 'support,' each of you are the support. I trust fully in your capabilities on these matters. That is why I selected you. As for contacting me on your progress, I'll have a few scrolls of sending prepared for you, unless of course one of you can already cast this spell. Keep your transactions and updates concise and brief. If you don't hear back from me, you may consider that my sign of approval.>

He leans forward again look at each of you closely.

<It is a little over a month's journey to the port town. I expect you will need disguises once you get there as well. I believe you're all clever enough to survive and figure it out on your own.>

<Don't you?> He asks this smugly, as if calling each of your pride and ability into question.

2011-06-22, 10:51 PM
Xasazel twitches his face tentacles slightly, an involuntary reaction.
<Of course. We will handle the logistical proceedings of our inquisition henceforth. Consider the task set before us as good as done.>

2011-06-22, 11:13 PM
Ulnd'Ylac's eyes just slowly blinked in response. <Our capability and performance will make survival a trivial battle.> he left out his worry on N'Durano's possible renegade-ish actions for the group.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-06-23, 12:14 AM
Zsiet'Nech rears back in both hideous mental and verbal laughter.

<Goooooood>. The wryly creature dictates to you through telepathy, overly pronouncing the o's in the word with a vulgar tone. <I will expect to hear of your leaving within the hour.> He stands suddenly. His massive height is somewhat disturbing for what he must weigh. Zsiet'Nech walks over to the door on the far left side of the room.

<You may use the door over there to your right to leave and find your ways back to your personal areas to gather your things. Please DO NOT disturb the Elder Brain any further today. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves for a few moments here, but don't be around when I finish with my tasks. IF you have further questions of me, feel free to send anytime. If I feel that it is important, I might get back to you.> His 'illithid' smile fills the room once more.

<You'll be spending alot of time with one another from this moment henceforth. I hope you all... enjoy each others company.> The creature laughs again in both manners, and opens the door, leaving through it, whether your call after him with further question, or not.

You may roll spot checks to see past Zsiet'Nech into the next room through the right hand door if you so desire.

Anyone who rolls a 12 or higher may note the following:

Through the door into the next room which is extremely large, you spot a layout of many surgical instruments and other scientific devices. In the center of the room, fastened to the floor by means of leather and metallic straps and wire, lies a colossal Golden Dragon. The creature is surrounded by a number of Illithid constantly either casting spells or psionically shocking the beast so that it remains dormant and sleeping. Others of your kin walk back and forth performing numerous tests.


2011-06-24, 06:25 PM
Ulnd'Ylac said and reacted with nothing as Zsiet'Nech began to take his leave. The only regret the shadowcasting illithid had was that he had to work with Xasazel and N'Durano, both of which he could not trust completely. He had paid no mind to what was behind the door the Ulitharid went through

Spot check: [roll0]

Oh yeah, negative result. Go me :smalltongue:

2011-06-24, 09:12 PM
Xasazel stands, his tentacles writhing in thought, or perhaps irritation.
<I must go fetch a few things from my quarters. I'll meet you all at [familiar place] in half an hour.>

Despite a certain curiosity and excitement, Xasazel left the meeting chamber primarily annoyed. The expectation that they all leave in such a hurry struck him as sloppy, an invitation for disaster. Still, if this was meant as some kind of test, he would meet it head on, to the best of his ability. He could only hope that his companions would prove resourceful and decisive when the time came to take action.

Spot: [roll0]

I'm ready to meet up for our departure/move on at any time.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-06-29, 09:35 PM
Time passes quickly as you all gather your things in silence and prepare for the voyage ahead of you. Some of you bid a fond farewell to long known colleagues and 'friends.' Others, are happy for their chance to escape from this under-world prison.

You take the long forgotten spiraling staircase leading to the top of the mountain, and meet with one another at this exit. The door keepers nod to you, and wish upon you the best of luck in whatever your mission may be. The circular sliding stone door is then unhinged, and rolls open, cascading in the wonders of a world beyond drenched in... night.

Moonlight falls upon your faces, and for those of you who have not seen the outer world before, you think to yourselves for a moment about how this isn't that bad. What is all the fuss about the light and the dry weather in the outer worlds? This is quite pleasant!

Each of you step out into the world, and the way is made clear. A crescent moon hangs over head with thousands of stars untainted by city lights far in the distance. Small trees and shrubs line a mostly dirt road leading down through the mountainous terrain. The door seals shut eerily behind you.

As you gaze around this world seems very alien. Hoots and howls fill the night, things you may have never heard before. It is rather... spooky out here...

About 5 miles down the road you come to your first obstacle.

The paths verge out to the right, and to the left. A small sign lay on the ground, smashed to bits. The sign clearly once pointed out the way in this divergence of paths, and seems to have been clearly destroyed quite recently. Further inspection shows... it has been shredded to bits by... some sort of animal...

Which way will you go? Right? or Left?

Feel free to ask questions as to your options in this situation. I'll leave it to you to come up with what those options may be.

2011-06-30, 02:50 PM
The going is somewhat slow, as Xasazel had to fetch his bulky suit of plate armor. His tentacles writhed with worry; not that he feared anything they might encounter on the road. He was instead agitated that should their presence be detected, they would lose the vital element of surprise, and the important shield that was anonymity. Word of an inquisition of mind flayers traveling in the open would spread fast, and generate an endless supply of obstacles and problems for them to overcome, on top of their present mission objectives.
Again, he rued the haste with which they had to leave. Had he the time, he would have tried to bargain for a wand of some illusion to disguise their true appearances.
When the group reaches the crossroads, Xasazel strokes his tentacles with his spindly hands, as if in thought.
<N'Durndo, I believe you have experience in surface fieldcraft, yes? Any suggestion as to the route we should take? Or must we take to the skies and get the lay of the land, at the risk of detection?>

2011-06-30, 03:17 PM
Ulnd'Ylac waited patiently as the others were preparing. He had brought his helm and his cloak along with his jewel that he always kept with him. He spent the time preparing his spells that he would find most assistance for the journey and, somewhat hesitantly, brought his dark imp familiar along. the shadowcasting illithid had plenty of time to pick his bearings while the others rushed to get what they needed.

Once on the road, Ulnd'Ylac was glad the group had not attempted to slaughter each other at any possible moment. When at the crossroad he kept quiet for the moment to see if N'Durndo's... unique abilities would be of assistance here.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-01, 03:17 PM
Quar'zelk waited with Ulnd'Ylac as the others prepared, contemplating the relevance of the creature behind the door. What was the Elder Brain thinking, keeping a creature like that so close. If it broke free... the assassin shuddered at the thought.

As he walked with the group Quar'zelk kept mulling over the information. There must be a large benefit to keeping a creature like that, a very large benefit to counteract risk like that. It wasn't until Xasazel shared his thoughts that Quar'zelk turned his mind to the present.

<Do not worry about the surface dwellers seeing us for who we are, I will disguise us before this becomes a problem.>

What do I sense with my mind-sight feat?

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-01, 03:44 PM
Current Mindsight status:
Your current situation dictates that there are no truly imposing creatures nearby. Nothing seems to have a higher intelligence of 1. A few owls, some bugs, a prairie dog, a Tarrasque, a tree. Nothing out of the ordinary for a typical stroll through the mountains.

(Just kidding about the Tarrasque. There isn't one of those. I repeat, I was just kidding about the Tarrasque).

But yeah, nothing bad here.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-02, 11:26 AM
N'Durndo stands there with a dull expression on his face, looking off into oblivion. It seems as though at the moment, he has no more the mind then that of a thralls. Maybe something got to him as he is leaving the Elder Brains influence. Maybe he has a bad case of a head cold. Maybe he is just really that crazy.

Regardless of the reason, N'Durndo stands there with no input or assistance for the situation. He may yet snap out of his stoop, but I wouldn't place any bets on it. It seems that for this current dilemma, the three of you will have to come to some sort of other solution.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-02, 11:46 AM
Knowledge Local check to see if there are any local legends about ferocious beasties or other horrors in the area: [roll0]


Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-02, 02:33 PM
DC: 10 to know the story.
The dreaded Cabrichular is a beast akin to a giant cabbage. This monster is said to sprout forth thousands of deadly tendrils forth from it's green hide, which is so thick that even the gods are said to be wary of attacking such a monstrosity. A monster of colossal size, it rolls around the country side bringing woe and destruction to all in it's path. It has no eyes, but one massive mouth with thousands of large crooked teeth.

Some say that the Cabrichular was created by the very primal forces which spurned creation. Others say it was summoned to this plane by a insane wizard long ago.

And alot of people say, that the story is complete bull****, and ridiculous...

Oh, and there is said to be something called a Zeagulak in these mountains... But you haven't heard quite as much about that creature...

2011-07-02, 03:43 PM
Xasazel stares incredulously at N'Durndo for a moment, before rubbing his temples with his spindly fingers. He lets out a telepathic 'sigh,' before levitating into the air. Once past the cover of the canopy, he looks out to survey the surrounding terrain, trying to get his bearings.

2011-07-02, 09:08 PM
Ulnd'Ylac gave what might be a look of annoyance at N'Durndo for a moment before telepathicly saying, <Useless...> The illithid brushed aside the much less competent N'Durndo as he examines the layout of the place.

2011-07-02, 09:14 PM
N'Durndo stood there, gazing off into the woods. It had happened. That last step had taken him just outside the last vestiges of the Elder Brain's field of telepathic connection.
He was free.
He. Was. FREE.
A low mental chuckle was the only sign of N'Durndo's inner turmoil, even through the telepathic union he shared with these three.
<My appologizes, brothers. The Elder Brain has left me. The sensation is quite the change. Not to have that ever-present eye in your head. So strange.>
N'Durndo shook his head, trying to focus on the task at hand. There was a path to find. He was supposed to fill his role in this little band, or he would die.
<Yes, I do have some skill in fieldcraft, as you put it. I should be able to figure out how to get where we need to go. Though, if the sign was broken during a scuffle of some kind, the tracks may be hard to read.> N'Durndo examined each path, left and right, looking for cart tracks, humanoid footprints, something to indicate which path lead into the town. He also searched for some indication of what broke the sign. It would be useful to know what creatures might pose a threat around here. Or make good food, as the case may be.

Survival check for tracking and such - [roll0]

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-02, 10:04 PM
A vantage point from the air reveals that the path to the right leads up into the cold mountains further, while the path to the left leads down into out of the mountains, akin to your ultimate goal.

The layout is a simple dirt clearing in a rugged mountainous area, with very dense forested areas lying off the main path. From this vantage point, you cannot assess whether the path to the right or left leads up or down out of the mountain.

The first and most prevalent thing you notice is the tracks left by whatever destroyed the sign. The damage done to the sign indicates something rather huge was knocked akin towards the sign, smashing it into pieces as it rolled over the ground and found its way back to its four legs. The stride of this creature is incredible however... It seems to be able to transport itself great distances instantly with little effort. Marks upon the ground show that it is in one place one second, and then in another place without pushing itself off the ground or seemingly moving at all.

As you reach out to touch and examine further, you are zapped with a slight electrical shock which has clung to the air. Static electricity has somehow found its way into clinging to the very ground around you, and upon the shattered sign!

Whatever the creature did 'battle' with as you see this scene play out, left absolutely no tracks or sign of harm taken upon it for you to see. It is as though this beast were chasing ghosts, and rolling around in a frenzy for absolutely no reason whatsoever. With a little more hard work you assess that this situation most have taken place during a storm of some kind, and happened but a day or two ago. Maybe that is akin to the reason some of the area is statically charged...

As for the direction in which you wish to travel, you assess that the creature which caused this catastrophe came from the path to the right, and left heading to the left. You also realize that the path to the right leads further up higher into the mountains, where few seem to travel, while the path to the left leads down out of the mountainous areas towards your ultimate goals.

2011-07-02, 11:30 PM
N'Durndo stood, a sense of caution about him. <Perhaps not as useless as you might think, Ulnd'Ylac. Our path lies to the left. However, whatever destroyed the sign also went in that direction, after coming down from the mountains to the right. And it is odd. The tracks show a creature of incredible speed. Almost as though it teleports. There are prints in one area, and then in another, with no signs of transitions. The ground is charged with electricity, as is the sign. And this thing seemed to be fighting with the thin air. All of this occured during a storm, about...a day ago, at most two. Perhaps that accounts for the electricity in the ground? A lightning strike? I do not know. I'm but a useless savage.> A slight sense of irony accompanies that last bit, as well as anticipation over this new prey. Any beast which could simply move without need of running or jumping would be a fine challenge indeed.

2011-07-03, 08:42 AM
Xasazel returns to the ground, only to back up what N'Durndo said about the path they should take.
<Whatever this creature is, it does not sound human, or even civilized. Let us proceed toward our objective; we only have so much time before daylight is upon us.>

2011-07-03, 08:47 AM
Ulnd'Ylac made what was described as a telepathic shrug. <You're newfound "freedom" is what worries me N'Durndo... But, I suppose we can't be picky by this point. Let us hurry while we still have the advantage of sight>

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-03, 08:48 AM
<We should stick together, there are legends of monstrous beasts in these woods, some more foolish than others, but perhaps dangerous all the same.>

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-03, 11:40 AM
As you travel down the mountainside, the pace is easy, and the terrain smooth for travel. It is mostly downhill, and fortune is with you on that end. As you come to further crossroads and more paths, the signs in these areas have not suffered the same fate as before. You ignore all the paths that would lead you deep into the nearby Tijuniac Forest, and the other signs that would take you near the coast of Astronomy Lake. You follow the ones leading you to your goal: Cirrus Minor.

Finally however, on the six or seventh hour of your journey, the light of day break stretches its great hands over the horizon. It is clear that soon the sun will be upon you. Not to mention, traveling has of course tired you. You could keep going, but it would not be long before the onset of fatigue creeps its way upon your shoulders and into your legs.

You come across a clearing which has clearly been used in the past for camping by travelers, albeit they were probably humans or elves of some sort. In the center of the clearing rests a great oak tree, which provides some shade and comfort from the sun during the day. The rest of the clearing is made of dirt and some grass here and there. You could chose to camp here, or make your way into the forest to avoid any travelers you might come across while you sleep. The choice is up to you.

For everyone:
If you do decide to rest here, should you set up a 'watch' schedule throughout the night, please let me know it's order. :)

2011-07-03, 12:11 PM
Even the hint of sunlight, a pink discoloring on the horizon, is enough to put Xasazel on edge. The thought of feeling the rays of the accursed star on his skin is enough to fill him with revulsion. The performance eater's tentacles twitch in worry.
<This area is too well traveled to rest safely here. It would be prudent to hide deeper in the forest, and conceal our presence. Quar'zelk, if you have any illusions capable of hiding us from prying eyes, by all means utilize them.>

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-03, 03:01 PM
<My illusions won't last all night. I have more mundane means of making us look like normal, if heavily bearded travelers. Would you like for me to apply our disguises now, or at the start of the night?>

2011-07-03, 04:32 PM
<Later. Xasazel is right. This place is too easily seen. If someone were to come upon us as the disguises were being applied, it would be disatrous. Surprise is necessary on this occasion.> Though N'Durndo longed for combat, he understood that simply charging in would gain them nothing. His only hope for survival at this point was to follow the plan. If he tried anything, his compainions would not hesitate to kill him. So, he began searching for a better place to rest for the night.
Survival Check? Again? I'm filling a bit of a Monkey Role here. Who knew?

2011-07-03, 05:00 PM
<If we stay carefully out of sight and make use of these... "mundane disguises", then it would be best to use that now and save us the illusions for later.> Ulnd'Ylac was talking more than he would have liked, however in the presence of two others he had not wished to trust yet, he felt that his own opinion was an important role to the group's success. The sunlight had truly bothered him, but his eyesight was well much better than the other illithids. Ulnd'Ylac's dark imp appeared before him then, the illithid ordered, <Familiar, stay close to us, shut out anything that may appear aggressive or an opposition.> The familiar shook his head in agreement, knowing Ulnd'Ylac's rule of not being allowed to speak.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-03, 05:39 PM
<Very well, we will go deeper into the forest and rest, but since we are guarded I will apply the disguises now. N'Durno, Xasazel, rest. I will wake you when I am ready to put on your disguises. Und'Yalc I will apply it to you first.>

I'll take ten on the checks and use my disguise kit. With the penalty for making one species look like another is should come to a total of 24. If there's a problem with this let me know.

2011-07-03, 06:32 PM
Ulnd'Ylac made a telepathic nod as he readied, <Make it quick and subtle then.>

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-03, 07:18 PM
<It will take time, but subtle I can promise you.>

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-03, 07:54 PM
Any disguises made come out rather perfectly, and you appear as though heavily bearded Amish individuals would. :) There is always a slight chance that someone may see through your cover of course, but only if someone takes a extremely close work at this well made design will such a travesty occur. And who would suspect a few adventurers such as yourselves to be more then what you claim to be?

For N'Durnado:
As you explore the surrounding regions you find a small grove nearby to the east just off the main path. The grove is complete with a small watering pool from which wild creatures probably use often. However, the tall grass in the area indicates that no civilized humans have come to this place for quite some time, and as such, makes it a rather suitable place to make camp.

There is however, also a cave just to the north west of your current position. You pass by it warily, and unless you enter, you know nothing of what remains inside, or how deep it's caverns really are. The dank darkness within however, would make a excellent spot for camp as well.

2011-07-03, 10:16 PM
As you explore the surrounding regions you find a small grove nearby to the east just off the main path. The grove is complete with a small watering pool from which wild creatures probably use often. However, the tall grass in the area indicates that no civilized humans have come to this place for quite some time, and as such, makes it a rather suitable place to make camp.

There is however, also a cave just to the north west of your current position. You pass by it warily, and unless you enter, you know nothing of what remains inside, or how deep it's caverns really are. The dank darkness within however, would make a excellent spot for camp as well.
N'Durndo placed the images and sensations of those two places into the minds of his companions as the disguises are being applied. After his beard is in place, N'Durndo asked the opinions of his companions. <Well? I personally would opt for the cave. Closer to our natural environment, and more out of the way.>

2011-07-07, 09:41 AM
Ulnd'Ylac, rather embarrassed with his own disguise, commented, <On the advantage that no one is there, yes it would be better... But in the lie that it is well-inhabited, it would be too much effort for it's worth.> He called his dark imp to take a look inside as a scout, to see if anything lived there.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-07, 10:10 AM
Quar'zelk leaned back as the imp scouted out the cave. He was rather proud of the disguises, you couldn't tell that they were even Illithids anymore. He could probably have scouted the cave out more efficiently, but he had already done well enough tonight. The imp could go and possibly get itself killed, Quar'zelk was perfectly content waiting on it.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-07, 12:50 PM
The Imp heads off towards the cave and disappears from sight as it turns itself invisible.

A few moments later, echoing form the depths of the cave, you hear panicked yelps in some foreign language:


Lord Ruby34
2011-07-07, 01:12 PM
Quar'zelk let out a mental sigh, <It seems your slave is worthless, Ulnd'Ylac. Shall I go retrieve him, or would you like to?>

2011-07-07, 03:25 PM
Xasazel, who currently resembles a freakishly tall dwarf resplendent in his plate armor, shakes his 'bearded' head.
<We shall all go and see what has transpired. It would appear we've discovered the lair of some manner of spider, or spiders.>

2011-07-07, 03:32 PM
Ulnd'Ylac almost wanted to break the mind of his imp. <We go in, get my... familiar, then remove him if he continues disobeying my orders.> He went in first, making sure the others were just behind him.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-07, 03:55 PM
<If you insist.>

Quar'zelk followed silently, looking and listening for anything suspicious.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
(If needed) Search: [roll2]

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-07, 07:05 PM
The cave itself is dank and dark. The drip drop of water from stalagmites in the ceiling is the most prevalent noise here... That and the incessant cries from the shadowy dark grey imp struggling to free itself from the sly webbing outlined about.

The webs themselves are sheets of a sticky substance, covering alot of the ground over which you traverse. However, with sure footing, and good eyes you can manage to make your way to the imp with no problem.

You take note as you approach the Imp that as the Imp struggles, tiny vibrations in the webbing travel forth... As though someone were calling the master to let it know that dinner will soon be served. These vibrations are of the slightest sensation, and only because you are attuned to your surroundings in complete focus do you notice them.

The cave continuous inward for another 50 feet, ending in a vertical shaft shooting downwards, covered in more slick webbing. The shaft itself is big enough for a creature of huge size or smaller to fit through easily, and continues to drop downward outside the range of your dark vision. For the moment however, you do not detect that there are any creatures nearby, spiders, or otherwise.

2011-07-10, 10:04 PM
Ulnd'Ylac looks at his imp, unimpressed and if he showed it, furious at his familiar's incompetence. <Quar'Zelk,> he said to his assassin ally, <Free this slave. If he struggles or refuses to cooperate, kill him.> He had a further look of the webs. <There may be company further in. Shall we trek forward?>

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-10, 10:43 PM
<Very well> The Illithid drew his dagger, and cut at the webs. Keeping an eye on the imp to see if he tried to resist. He didn't particularly care either way about the Imp's life, and he might as well earn his companion's trust.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-11, 09:55 AM
As Quar'zelk begins to cut the webbing bonds holding the Imp fastened in place, the little creature remains very still. Your cutting is hindered greatly by the thick strands, and you realize this is going to take quite a bit of time.

For Quar'zelk:
You realize that the webs are going to take you a full ten rounds to cut through. (One minutes). Upon the set of the third round, the following happens...

About 12 seconds into Quar'zelks cutting...

DC: 9 Listen Check:
You hear the skittering of massive legs coming forth from the deeper recesses of the cave, about a hundred feet off. This creature makes no effort to conceal its coming, however hastens its progress towards you as Quar'zelk cuts the strands, as if it sensed that it's dinner might be getting away...

For those with Mind Sight:
Creature type: Magical Beast
Intelligence Score: 14

Location: Moving towards you from deep within the recesses of the previously described chasm.

If you would like to prepare actions, and roll initiative, now would be the time.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-11, 10:10 AM
For Hastur:
Yeah I realize that.

There is something coming this way, prepare yourselves.> As he thought it Quar'zelk started to move. He began floating upwards, hopefully above the monster's gaze.

Initiative: [roll0]

If it's possible I'd like to prepare an action to fall on the monster and sneak attack it. I'm not actually sure if that works according to the rules.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-11, 10:39 AM
That should be fine, just make a hide check to conceal yourself. The creature is going to take a penalty considering all the others around here.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-11, 10:43 AM
A hide check you say? I can do hide checks.


EDIT: Well that balances out those earlier rolls somewhat.

2011-07-11, 05:24 PM
<I sense it too, Quar'zelk. How timely; I was starting to feel a might peckish.>
Xasazel readies his shield, his tentacles twitching with anticipation.

Initiative: [roll0]

Xasazel will take cover if there's any available, otherwise he'll stand brazenly in the open. If possible, he'll ready a DC 22 mind blast should something unpleasant come within range.

2011-07-11, 05:35 PM
Ulnd'Ylac, rather than take the time to say something, made a quick hurry to cover, hoping to be able to surprise whatever enemy hid further in.

Looking for cover as well if possible.

Initiative roll: [roll0]
Hide check: [roll1]

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-11, 08:02 PM
The creature rears its ugly head up and over the mound of webbing before the crevice. A pustulent bloated body huge in size with eight long bristly legs climbs forth, it's color, a pale mottled violet on its abdomen, and shades of indigo on it's fore-body. The legs are chelae tipped with black. Dozens of beady little red eyes glare out at each of you with a deadly intellect lurking behind them.


It is a DC: 20 Knowledge Arcana Check to know the following about this creature:

Name: Spider of Leng
Hit Points: Between 40 and 130
Speed: 30 ft, 20ft climb
Armor Class: Between 12 and 16
Special Attacks/Qualities: Poison, Spells, Webs, Damage Reduction 10/+1, Darkvision

These creatures are native to a plane known as The Dream Lands. The spiders of Leng are intelligent, dangerous, and gigantic. Newly hatched specimens are approximately the size of Shetland ponies. Some valleys in the Plateau of Leng are almost completely webbed over. Below the cover of webbing, artificial tunnels bustle with the fevered energy of the spiders. City-like arrangements of web tunnels stretch for miles in all directions, and hundreds of feet up and down, creating three dimensional structures of incredible complexity. Spiders of Leng constantly seek to expand their territory, pushing out into yet more valleys and other planes of existance that they will in turn encase in webs. Sometimes their territorial urge is so overwhelming that they turn on themselves, especially when fresh food is at a premium.

The giant spider does not notice Quar'zelk up on the ceiling as it makes it's approach, instead it notices only the imp which is now wide eyed with terror struggling for its life, Ulnd'Ylac who is trying to hide from the creature on the wrong side of a rock, and N'Durndo who is standing there with a 'bring it on' attitude.

As the creature approaches however, it is met with ill fortune. The psionic blast procured from Xasazel renders the creature virtually helpless. The spider collapses as it moves forward, as Quar'Zelk leaps forth to attack it from the shadows.

For Quar'Zelk:
The creature is helpless. Roll Critical strike damage if you like. You automatically hit.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-11, 08:27 PM
Quar'zelk dropped down on the spider-like creature, stabbing into it with his dagger. <Almost too easy.>

Damage Auto crit: [roll0]
Sneak Attack: [roll1]

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-11, 10:14 PM
The spider shutters in pain, but remains still with no action taken to defend itself or retreat. The wound looks gruesome, and almost fatal. Dark purple blood oozes to the ground pooling around and mixing with the sticky webbing below. The eyes of the spider turn from a malicious hunger to a frenzied panic, as it knows it's time in this world may soon draw nigh.

Henceforth, Order of Combat (Which may soon be over...):

1. Xasazel
2. Quar'zelk
3. Ulnd'Ylac
4. N'Durndo (You can roll your inititive and jump in whenever you like, although things might be short lived this time around combat-whise).

2011-07-11, 11:12 PM
Xasazel might have taken the time to gloat in triumph, were he a creature with a more traditional emotional spectrum. Instead, the mind flayer casually approached the stunned and wounded monster. Ever-so-gently, he placed a single tentacle upon the hide of the spider-like creature, beginning to taste the rich flavor of its very life energy.

Move action to get adjacent to it, and standard action initiating a grapple with a touch attack. If it is too big to remove its brain, he'll just start a normal grapple. At any rate, the creature just received one negative level.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-12, 12:35 PM
Xasazel successfully fastens his hold on the creature, however it is far to large for brain extraction without some difficulty. It's purple color begins to pale however, as Xasazel is brought more strength from it. For a moment the sound of absolute silence prevails in the dark cavern as though a unholy deed of much magnitude has just taken place.

The creature still lives however. Breath continues to be drawn in and out of it's lungs, and purple white blood flows forth at heavy rates from it's wounds. In those dark red eyes you can only wonder, does it now pray for even freedom, or a simple swift death at your hands?

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-12, 12:59 PM
If it wanted death Quar'zelk was willing to give it. He attacked it in a flurry of motion stabbing at it with his dagger and smashing the beast around the skull with his tentacles and hand.

Do I still auto hit and crit? The calculations below assume so.

Anyway if I do : Dagger [roll0]
Fist: [roll1]
Tentacles: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3]
Damage total:180

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-12, 01:09 PM
The way in which a mad chef works is how Quar'zelk slices and dices the creature before him. It is as though one were to give the Tasmanian devil a pair of cleavers and told to go to work on the road runner who is tied down. Spider flesh flies to and fro. Legs are chopped into tiny bits suitable for sucking on as though they were lobster feelers. The main carcass of the spider is shredded inside and out, making it impossible even for a surgeon to interpret which were which.

The spider is wholly and undeniably dead. Even a necromancer couldn't make use of what is left.

2011-07-12, 02:04 PM
Xasazel savors the foreign flavors of the dream-spider: laced with a mystical, quasi-real quality, yet undeniably anchored with real pain and fear. He figured the group fortunate to stumble upon the nest of such a creature, rather than a more mundane arachnid, which would have lacked a vulnerable mind and had a much more generic and bland soul.
Gingerly plucking bits of spider offal off his armor, the illithid rustles his tentacles a bit in disdain.
<You could have let the beast linger a bit longer, Quar'zelk. I only got the smallest sip of its life energy, and I do so savor the novelty of a new catch.>

The monster's own strength now suffused Xasazel's muscles; the burden of his armor and equipment seemed lessened as his physical strength increased significantly.

2011-07-12, 02:17 PM
<I would not rather risk the chance of letting it linger,> Ulnd'Ylac called out as he got out from cover; <You never know if there are more hiding while you're busy sucking every last drop out of these insufficient beings.> Even though the creature was much more than just an arachnoid, the illithid considered it only a pathetic being. Ulnd'Ylac then turned back to his familiar, still on the web. The illithid's tentacles stretched out to it while he was crossing his arms, waiting for Quar'zelk to continue freeing the slave.

2011-07-12, 02:22 PM
Xasazel nods to the shadowcaster.
<You are right, of course, Ulnd'Ylac. You'll have to forgive my performer's quirks. Souls are... different, than brains. You couldn't understand... I wouldn't go so far as to call my hunger an addiction, but it is not far removed from the term.>

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-12, 02:30 PM
<You will have time to hunt when we get to the city Xasazel, do not worry. When the poor go missing, none of their species even bother to care.>

Quar'zelk looked at the imp disparagingly. <I suppose I will need to finish cutting it down before we explore the rest of the cave. In case more of those... spider creatures are present.>

The Illithid walked slowly over to the imp and began cutting at the web once again. Hopefully without interruptions this time.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-12, 03:22 PM
The imp remains very still as you cut his bonds, and in no time at all, the pathetic little thing is free. It scurries about quickly, flaps its wings a little, and gains air once more. It is careful to take note of the surrounding webs this time. The imp hovers by it's masters side, ready to take command, and fulfill all requests in diligent silence.

The cave simply continues down a little further to the massive chasm described earlier. It is great drop, far too deep to see the bottom of. The sides of it are webbed over, any attempt to climb down would be met with great disappointment as one were to become stuck in the webbing.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-12, 03:32 PM
<Well, shall we see what the bottom of the chasm holds? It would be a safer place to rest.> Quar'zelk walked to the edge of the chasm and listened for odd sounds.

Listen: [roll0]

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-12, 04:04 PM
In the echoing depths it is clear to make out the sound of running water. The noise of various small insects buzzing and crawling to and fro fills your ears. You do not hear the tell tale signs of anything extraordinarily dangerous however, and for those of you with Mind Sight, you detect nothing grievous or greatly threatening.

Outside, behind you, the sun has come to hang itself in the day sky. Bright light shines down at the entrance of the cavern. It is a wall of cascading color that may make you sick to your stomach.

2011-07-12, 04:53 PM
Xasazel makes the edge of the pit, his back turned to the unpleasantness of day.
<Perhaps the monster gathered a small hoard of treasure? Let us investigate the chasm, and await nightfall.>

With about as much effort as one might climb a flight of stairs, the armor-clad illithid begins to float gently down the shaft, supported by the latent psionic power of his parasitic mind.

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-12, 05:15 PM
Quar'zelk followed twenty feet after, watching to see if Xasazel ran afoul of any webs. It wouldn't do for him to get caught, would it?

2011-07-12, 05:43 PM
Ulnd'Ylac waited back a bit with N'Durndo, seeing if the rather fight-happy thrall will follow, and if Xasazel and Quar'Zelk get themselves caught in the webs.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-12, 07:55 PM
At the bottom of the chasm you find a few things. A massive webbing surface lies about 40 feet in the air over the course of a underground river which flows at extreme speeds further down the mountain. Upon the surface of the webbing lies the bodies of numerous humanoidish individuals. It is not hard to distinguish a gnome here, and a halfling there. Their skeletal bodies have been stripped of all flesh and belongings. You easily spot a collection of all these items wrapped up in a webbed ball of gold hanging down off the center of the webbed floor dangling over the river.

Five more huge webbed cavernous paths jut up here and there in the rocky ceiling.

2011-07-12, 10:11 PM
N'Durndo watched as the Soul Eater went about his work in fascination. He had heard of Xasazel's strange performances before, but he never had the oportunity to observe it. His Chakras tingled as the soulstuff left the spider, and some of it flowed into the other Ithilid. The sensation was enlightening.
As the two Ithilid dived into the chasam, N'Durndo approached the edge, and took a look over. Seeing that they did not seem to be in pain, he followed to the web at the bottom. Noting the five tunnels, N'Durndo turned to his companions. <Perhaps not the best place to rest, right here. Not defensable. Should we proceed, or take up residence in the main cave?>

2011-07-14, 04:47 PM
Ulnd'Ylac starts his way down after the others. upon arrival he mentions, <For once, I am to agree with N'Durndo. An ambush here would be horrific for us. We should look for a better place than here.>

Lord Ruby34
2011-07-14, 05:29 PM
<I would proceed. And it would benefit us to have the resources that the spider's prey have left here. Those that dwell on the surface have too much care for trinkets. It is an easy weakness to exploit and we should do so.> Quar'zelk thought dispassionately.

This mission did not look like it would be very difficult at all. He would probably even be bored, it was not near so difficult as engineering the fall of a kingdom. And Quar'zelk could find no pleasure in lesser challenges anymore.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-07-31, 09:11 PM
As it is with the current ultimatum presented by the majority of the members of the group, you decide not to embark deeper into the chasms beneath the rocky surfaces of the mountain, and instead decide to camp in the small cave entrance above, presumably leaving a individual awake for periods at a time to keep a watch.

Your journey's over the next week are dull and without incident. Your minds hasten to what if scenarios. What if you had taken the clumps of spider silken gold meshes, and made their glittering prizes yours? Would such a action been met with reward, or with malice? Only the fates of another time line could answer such a question, and they are not here to answer to you... for the moment.

By night you travel. The cool breeze of the moonlight wind moistens gently upon your tendrils. It sends delightful chills down your spines. You savor the feelings of terror and hardship. For you, these are some of the finest rewards.

Finally, on the seventh day of your travels you come across the first traveler on the road. A ways down the milage of the final bastions of the mountain he is easily spotted by each of you, as he wears a white robe which shines brightly in the darkness. He seems to be almost a beacon for anything and anyone to draw close to. Interesting that he travels just as you do round the hour of 2 AM in the morning...

He is still quite a distance away, and it does not seem he has yet to notice your presence. Forested grove to the left and right surrounded by rocky terrain along the path make themselves apparent should you decide to hide either for ambush or simple stealth. Or you could simply make your presence known to the stranger. What will you do?

(Mind Sight):
Creature Type: Aberration
Int Score: 27

Lord Ruby34
2011-08-01, 09:05 AM
<"Ah, this traveler is not what he seems. I would question him, you may stay of hide as you wish, but please let me do the talking."> With a quick wave of his hand Quar'zelk cast a Glamer, further obscuring his features.

I've cast disguise self and am going to try and talk with the robed man unless the others try and talk me out of it.

2011-08-01, 03:47 PM
<If you insist, but use caution. This creature is more intelligent than even most of our kin.>
Xasazel remains under the cover of the trees, keeping Quar'zelk in range of his telepathic awareness. At the first sign of trouble, he would be ready to lend assistance.

2011-08-01, 04:10 PM
Ulnd'Ylac shook his head in denial. <Approaching this being is a bad idea. Do what you must, but don't attempt conflict, even if you're sure you can slay him in one blow.> Ulnd'Ylac hid quietly, waiting to see what came of the being.

Hastur Avaddon
2011-08-01, 11:15 PM
(Everyone may make spot and listen checks if they so desire).

As the 'man' in white robes approaches more features of his clothing become prominent, however that is all. He is covered it seems from head to toe in his dressings, quite literally. Not a inch of flesh makes itself present before you. He stops about 20 feet away from where Quar'Zelk stands in the road. Your heightened vision in the darkness for all of you gives way to the fact that his cowl does not even give way for a pair of eyes to gaze out from. Effectively, this man must be traveling blind... or have some other way to see the road before him.

The wind picks up for a moment, and blows fiercely, and then dies down. Whatever lies beneath the white cloth stands firm and at the ready. A sugary smell hidden behind a claylike earthy smell fills your nose. Finally, he speaks with a raspy low voice, almost at the level of a whisper.

"I do not meet many on the roads at such hours as these. Such is my intent and desire. Who might you be?"

2011-08-04, 02:30 PM
Ulnd'Ylac kept hiding, worried of the person. He had only hoped Quar'Zelk would be competent enough to end this peacefully, else he'd have to throw his dark imp at the strange man.

Lord Ruby34
2011-08-04, 02:48 PM
Quar'zelk threw his voice deeper to match his appearance. "Johnathan Baker at yer service," Quar'zelk extended his hand to the cloaked man. "I'm a craftsman lookin' fer a new job, and I heared that town down yonder, Circus somethin' er other, might jest have a place fer me." Craftsman, that wasn't exactly a lie he was excellent at his craft.

Bluff: [roll0]
If needed Diplomacy [roll1]

Lord Ruby34
2011-08-04, 02:50 PM
Oops, I forgot about these.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-08-04, 03:04 PM
Same here :smalleek: Crap, mythweavers is down, I'll have to go by memory...
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-08-04, 11:42 PM
N'Durndo simply stands behind Quar'zelk. He does not fear the strange man, no matter how intelligent he might be. He trusted the disguises created by his companion, and if the man could see through them, N'Durndo would just crush him.
