View Full Version : Etrian Odyssey

2011-06-18, 06:52 PM
Well, there only seem to be (old) threads for the third game.

Just got the first game.

Party advice?

Current make up (all females)

Guild: Monolith

1. Audie: level 4 Protector: Def up 3, provoke 2, flee 1
2. Ira: Level 3 Landsknecht: Atk up 5 (Swords or Axes?)
3. Strelok: Level 3 survivalist: Agi up 2, bows 3.
4. Lemon: Level 4 Medic: TP up 1, healer 2, patch up 1, cure 2.
5. Lilly: Level 3 Alchemist: Ice up 1, volt up 1, ice 2, volt 1 (Specialize? Diversify? Value of poison?)

Survived a near TPK on a very "deep" part of the first floor. Ambushed by damn poison butterflys as I idled in a grove. It's an Atlus game alright.

2011-06-18, 07:06 PM
It's a game that I want to love, but instead I hate. I like the map-making aspect of it, but the game has too much fake difficulty for me to enjoy it.

2011-06-19, 12:08 AM
Having only played the second I wouldn't know firsthand, but I hear they get easier with each iteration.@myself below: Well, you don't have to take that skill, but what is the point of the Beast otherwise?
Also, in EO2, the Beast class is a trap, unless you like having your tank get one-shotted by every enemy with a party-target skill.

2011-06-19, 12:48 AM
That's the same party lineup I used to get to, but not beat, the final boss (thanks to breaking my DS).

I don't remember that much of EO1, but you should diversify your alchemist because having the right type of damage helps you in a lot of fights and allows you to get certain pieces of loot more reliably. Also, skills that do high single target damage like Smite, Apollon, and Caduceus are extremely important since most of your bottlenecks will/should occur against FOE's, not the random small fry monsters.

2011-06-19, 01:03 AM
How do I tell weaknesses? They aren't in the bestiary. Trial and error the only way?

2011-06-19, 01:04 AM
Unless you are a fan of wikis.

2011-06-19, 01:22 AM
Hey, I haven't played this, but have been interested after seeing a box for it while just looking around a game store. The biggest thing is that, for some reason, it reminded me of Might and Magic (particularly of the 3-5 series) For anyone who may have played both, is this true at all?

2011-06-19, 11:23 AM
Even better, it was intended to revive the genre and it has to some degree.

Update to Monolith

1. Audie: level 8 Protector: Def up 3, provoke 2, flee 1, sheilds 1, f guard 2 1 unspent skill point. Equipped: Scaramasax, Jerkin, Leaf boot, Hide Aspis
2. Ira: Level 8 Landsknecht: Atk up 5, swords 5 Equipped: Shortsword, Jerkin, Leaf Boot
3. Strelok: Level 7 survivalist: Agi up 3, bows 4, ambush 1. Equipped: Wood Bow, Jerkin, Leaf Boot (there is a new bow in the shop, but I have no money, too bad, because it would solve the fact that she is constantly 1 or 2 points short of a kill)
4. Lemon: Level 8 Medic: TP up 3, healer 3, patch up 1, cure 2. 1 unspent skill point equipped: Wand, Tweed, Leaf Boot
5. Lilly: Level 7 Alchemist: Ice up 5, volt up 1, ice 2, volt 1. Equiped: Wand, Tweed, Leaf Boot

T.G. Oskar
2011-06-19, 11:41 AM
That's the same party lineup I used to get to, but not beat, the final boss (thanks to breaking my DS).

GASP! You broke a DS!?

Certainly, they don't build them as before...

I don't remember that much of EO1, but you should diversify your alchemist because having the right type of damage helps you in a lot of fights and allows you to get certain pieces of loot more reliably. Also, skills that do high single target damage like Smite, Apollon, and Caduceus are extremely important since most of your bottlenecks will/should occur against FOE's, not the random small fry monsters.

The usual recommendation for Alchemist is "go Poison/Venom, then respec and diversify". This is because Venom deals a very reasonable amount of damage but afterwards it can't deal as much as a fully boosted Inferno/Cocytus/Thor.

Usually, the end game is dominated by Protector/Survivalist/Medic, with the latter using Immunize every 5th turn and the Survivalist going on with Apollon. The last two are optional, but generally Midareba Ronin and Virtuoso fill those slots. Protector is necessary for the final levels, where you get FOEs and enemies with party spells that deal damage and cause a condition pretty much 100% of the time; Anti[element] Protector skills null those conditions if learned and upgraded exactly at level 5.

EO2 changed a lot of things, though. It was a given that Immunize was just way too powerful, but they had to remove the HP/SP regen songs from the Virtuoso as well? I still have my qualms over the loss of Cure/Cure 2 from the Protector, since its replacement isn't so interesting. Medics do get to be even greater healers (with Salve 3 making an appearance), on the other hand, and Alchemists getting better stuff (like non-elemental attacks).

2011-06-19, 06:12 PM
I think I have overcome the initial hump

Monolith, reaching floor 5 (and doing nothing but nabing the boar spear there, 4 is cleared).

1. Audie: Protector 13: Def up 6, shields 4, provoke 2, flee 1, f guard 2: Shortsword, Plate, Hide Boot, Aspis
2. Ira: Landsknecht 13: Tp up 1, ATK Up 5, swords 7, 2 free points (aiming for freezer to compliment my mage): Boar Spear, Plate, Hide Boot, Hide Glove
3. Strelok:Survivalist 12:Agi up 3, bows 5, ambush 2, multishot 3, 1 free point.: Short Bow, Doublet, Hide Boot, Hide Gloves.
4. Lemon: Medic 13: TP up 8, healer 4, patch up 1, cure 2.:Staff, Buffcoat, Leaf Boot, Red Charm.
5. Lilly:Alchemis 12t:TP up 1, Ice up 5, volt up 1, toxins 3, ice 2, volt 1, poison 1.: Staff, Buffcoat, Leaf Boot, Red Charm.


1. Deigo: Survivalist 3: Chop 5
2. Gorn: Survivalist 1: Mine 3 (hasn't actually been used)

2011-06-20, 11:10 AM
I loved the Etrian Odyssey games (pretty sure I started at least two of those old threads you mentioned). I played and beat the first one but never got through the end game or anywhere near 100% completion. My main team was the same as yours (being the standard "all bases covered" line-up) but I don't really remember much about it since I played it when it was new (like 4 years ago or something) and haven't played it since.

The second one, however, I beat the ever-loving hell out of. Filled out the beastiary, item, and equipment list. It wasn't easy, and I admit that I used gameFAQS, but I only used it to find out where things were, nit to figure out how. My main team in the second one was Ronin, Darkhunter, Medic, Troubadour, and Hexer. With the proper specs, this team can not only kill anything (yes, anything), they could also manage all of the conditional drops from bosses that get you the best gear.

Now the third one I was considerably less impressed with. While I like that they tried to do new things with it, they COMPLETELY changed ALL of the classes. Darkhunter was taken out completely and not even given a good replacement. They added a multiplayer feature but I'll be damned if you find someone else (let alone someone you know) that also has it. There's less dungeon and an ocean exploration feature that was pretty neat, but there was no real indication of exactly how far into it you should go at any given level. I guess my main problem with it was that they added all of these really neat customization features (like sub-classes) that, unless you want to respec a LOT, you practically NEED a guide just to be strong enough to advance without ridiculous amounts of grinding. I guess I was probably too stuck on the older way of doing things to want to learn how to do it from scratch, but I put it down and sold it before I finished the third stratum.

2011-06-20, 01:04 PM
Personally, I loved the third, but the Stratum Five final boss annihilated me so hard it killed my desire to try again. I don't mean just TPKd, I mean the two of them basically gave me such a beatdown my team might as well not have showed up. I want to go back to it, but I know I'd have to respec the whole team and I am so out of practice and have forgotten so much...

Still, I loved the game. The new classes and how it went so far from the usual class spread of the genre where the previous two were so traditional was a high point, as was the even better atmosphere.

2011-06-20, 01:43 PM
I love this series, and for my own part, I particularly loved Etrian Odyssey 3. I'm not sure why people say it's so hard, though. It doesn't really pull any punches, but even if you run into serious difficulties (Kirin, Armoroad route), you can always rest your characters, and the subclasses seemed to make things a bit too easy, if anything, even if you weren't concerned about perfect optimization. It might be because I'm used to the "typical party" archetypes from most games, or because I have a very nitpicky personality that went exploring every inch of the sea and labyrinth that I could reach with appropriate consequences for level-grinding and available items from Napier, but as long as you keep a tank, attacker, mage, and healer present and are adequately levelled, there seems to be little that can outright stop you in EO3, aside from the usual FOEs and next-strata quest bosses that get thrown into the previous strata (the ant queen in Strata 3, lovebirds in Strata 1, or the "post-game-not-post-game" boss Alraune in Strata 5).

Which route did you follow, Armoroad, Deep City, or True? It sounds like Armoroad if you fought both endbosses at once in a single battle (if I recall, Deep City has two sequential bosses, and True has one endboss). I think, if I recall, the Armoroad route's end bosses abuse lightning and paralysis or stun, but you should unlock a helm that boosts paralysis/stun resistance in that Stratum as well, and I think items to block head and arm binds are also unlocked earlier. Take down the side character first to stop their formation attack, use lightning resist skills if you have a Zodiac or Hoplite or items if you don't (they have a pretty obvious pattern based on turn count), and avoid buffing yourself too much. That was really hard for my team and particularly my support-focused Prince Darien, but one of the bosses' attacks gains enough power to knock out any target if they're carrying two or especially three buffs. Fortunately, it wasn't an attack-all skill, but it was an unpleasant enough surprise the first time I went in to stick out in my mind.

Oh, and make sure you reload, get your reward for the mission, and then save after winning if you're going to start a New Game Plus. As hilarious as it would be to have to replay the whole game up to and including the boss battle because one forgets to turn in the final mission... *cough*

2011-06-20, 02:59 PM
Which route did you follow, Armoroad, Deep City, or True? It sounds like Armoroad if you fought both endbosses at once in a single battle (if I recall, Deep City has two sequential bosses, and True has one endboss). I think, if I recall, the Armoroad route's end bosses abuse lightning and paralysis or stun, but you should unlock a helm that boosts paralysis/stun resistance in that Stratum as well, and I think items to block head and arm binds are also unlocked earlier. Take down the side character first to stop their formation attack, use lightning resist skills if you have a Zodiac or Hoplite or items if you don't (they have a pretty obvious pattern based on turn count), and avoid buffing yourself too much. That was really hard for my team and particularly my support-focused Prince Darien, but one of the bosses' attacks gains enough power to knock out any target if they're carrying two or especially three buffs. Fortunately, it wasn't an attack-all skill, but it was an unpleasant enough surprise the first time I went in to stick out in my mind.

Oh, and make sure you reload, get your reward for the mission, and then save after winning if you're going to start a New Game Plus. As hilarious as it would be to have to replay the whole game up to and including the boss battle because one forgets to turn in the final mission... *cough*

What they abuse is Bind, actually. The King, son of a screw that he is, has a spell that binds the arms of the whole front line and the heads of the whole back line at the same time, and loves to spam it... because IIRC he had a move that does horrendous damage to everything bound as well, and tends to do it if there's several bound guys in the party, so if any of your guys stays bound for a turn... ouch. And of course there's Olympia mashing me with lightning attacks on the side, so poor Hoplite has to be in full anti-lightning guard mode or we all die. Funny thing? I never found a full "no Bind" item. I did find one with like five Bind Arms resistance, IIRC, but the Shogun was carrying one and kept being bound like everyone else.

And yeah, the attack that basically instagibs anything with a couple buffs is bad, especially in a team so based in buffs as mine. Ow.

I know I should go back and try again, that with a respec I can probably beat them (getting the Zodiac the lightning absorption skill alone would probably do a lot to allow my Hoplite to do his work), but the first beating was so severe (not even FOEs in the old Etrians annihilated me so inevitably the first time) and the following attempts were such failures that it kind of demoralized me.

2011-06-20, 04:58 PM
Is Fenrir immune to poison, or did I just miss? Tips for fighting him?

2011-06-20, 09:53 PM
I don't recall ever trying to use poison on him. Between the first two game I really only ever used poison to get the conditional drops.

2011-06-21, 12:47 AM
Early on, Venom for Alchemists is probably the best way to go, it's multi-target nature helps it last you through the game a lot longer than the single target Poison (Venom works fair enough through the first 3 stratum's where Poison really only has value in the 1st stratum). Just drench the enemy group in poison and then defend away with your Alchemist.

Later going Flame/Freeze/Thor is a better idea, bosses tend to be weak to Fire or Ice, where many groups of enemies are weak to Thunder.

Is Fenrir immune to poison, or did I just miss? Tips for fighting him?

Fenrir resists status effects (as most bosses do), but he is weak to Fire. Try to avoid fighting him with Skolls around, and keep Immunize from a Medic up as best you can while you slug it out with him.

2011-06-22, 01:06 PM
Great, I haven't gotten either yet (and Gamefaq's boss FAQ says I'm quite underleveled). Any EXP obtaining advice?

Teutonic Knight
2011-06-24, 01:17 AM
Grind. That's all I ever did. Sell loot to unlock and buy better gear. Keep mining/chopping/gathering for easy money. Repeat. Then again, that was for the second one.

2011-06-24, 08:55 AM
OK, after a bit of grinding on floor 6 (It's possible to avoid Fenrir by lureing him into a side passage), and the ability to save/ambush him let me kill him (no EXP for Audie though v_v). Now to 6-10!

2011-06-24, 01:50 PM
Recently restarted (having previously gotten to - but not defeating - what I think was the final boss without a Protector, going to try being a bit more wise this time), cleared second floor fairly easily. Now I just need to deal with the freaking Stalker. Running Protector, Landsknecht and Dark Hunter in my front line and Alchemist and Medic in the back (I'll be keeping a Bard and Survivalist in the wings in case I really need them at some point).

The Poison spec is going great (against all but the Stalker), thanks for that tip.

Anyone mind reminding me when you get the option to reallocate your skills?

2011-06-25, 08:55 PM
Anyone mind reminding me when you get the option to reallocate your skills?

Level 30. As a reminder for people, your character will be dropped 10 levels when you rest them as a trade-off for being able to re-allocate their skill points.

Also, don't go venturing into the Labyrinth without any Warp Wires on hand.

2011-06-26, 06:09 AM
Level 30. As a reminder for people, your character will be dropped 10 levels when you rest them as a trade-off for being able to re-allocate their skill points.

Also, don't go venturing into the Labyrinth without any Warp Wires on hand.

In fact, take 2, always. Because there are some events that take a Warp Wire from you (%&/$ing squirrels), and having your sole warp wire stolen while being three floors away from the Geomantic Field is a very special kind of fun :smallbiggrin:.

2011-06-28, 08:50 AM
In fact, take 2, always. Because there are some events that take a Warp Wire from you (%&/$ing squirrels), and having your sole warp wire stolen while being three floors away from the Geomantic Field is a very special kind of fun :smallbiggrin:.

I believe you meant to say FUN! Also don't forget to buy a Warp Wire either, because finding out that you don't have one when you're low on health, MP and items and knowning that walking out is suicide, is all sortsa head desky. :smalleek: