View Full Version : Substituting Time Mantle

Elric VIII
2011-06-18, 10:38 PM
I really like the idea of the Time Mantle, but the powers in it aren't that spectacular. I'm starting this thread to request help on finding good powers to add/substitute.

I currently have:

1 Synchronicity
2 Hustle
5 Anticipitory Strike
6 Temporal Acceleration

I know that Time Regression is good, but I don't like it much. Ideally I would like to add powers at levels 4 and 7.

Any suggestions would be nice, but I would like to find some powers that work well with Dominant Ideal + Quicken Power. The problem is, the 4 I have there are already swift/immediate.

2011-06-18, 11:49 PM
3 Time Hop
4 Quintessence or Forced Dream
7 Moment of Prescience
8 Mass Time Hop or Recall Death
9 Time Regression or Reality Revision

You're welcome!

Elric VIII
2011-06-19, 12:12 PM
Reality Revision and Moment of Prescience are excellent ideas.

How useful is Time Hop? You can use it to hide for a few rounds or bypass doors, but is it useful as BFC?

2011-06-19, 12:40 PM
Reality Revision and Moment of Prescience are excellent ideas.

How useful is Time Hop? You can use it to hide for a few rounds or bypass doors, but is it useful as BFC?

It's perhaps the most useful power in the game. Being able to hide from everything, yes even that, on command is extremely useful. So is "I open the door from 30 ft. away with no key or chance of failure." Even better, a cheap augment lets you hide the entire party.

Other uses: remove an enemy from combat while you deal with his friends - or better yet, remove his weapons and armor and loot them after he's dead (Superior Sunder?). The bad guys who depend on those things tend to be the ones with weak will saves. Or save your dying teammate until the battle is over; it's not possible to bleed to death while you're outside the time stream.

Elric VIII
2011-06-19, 02:00 PM
It's perhaps the most useful power in the game. Being able to hide from everything, yes even that, on command is extremely useful. So is "I open the door from 30 ft. away with no key or chance of failure." Even better, a cheap augment lets you hide the entire party.

Other uses: remove an enemy from combat while you deal with his friends - or better yet, remove his weapons and armor and loot them after he's dead (Superior Sunder?). The bad guys who depend on those things tend to be the ones with weak will saves. Or save your dying teammate until the battle is over; it's not possible to bleed to death while you're outside the time stream.

Ah, I see. It is especially useful when used with Synchronicity for saving teammates. It seems like it begs for a creative user. Thank you for the help.