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View Full Version : The Five Famous People you Would Most Like to Play D&D With

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-06-18, 11:12 PM
I thought it would be fun if everyone listed the five famous people they would most like to play D&D with, and why.

My five include (in no particular order):

Gary Gygax. The father of RPGs.
Allie Brosh. This is sort of cheating because I'm not sure if she's technically famous. She's comedian/blogger who I have a huge crush on.
Stephan Colbert. He's really funny and he plays D&D.
Johnny Depp. Because watching him roleplay a character would be a hell of a lot of fun.
Niel Gaiman. He would be the best DM ever.

2011-06-18, 11:24 PM
Gary gynax (rip)
monte cook
the giant himself (I don't know much about him he seems awesome)
Kamina (from gurren lagann)
Vin diesel

no order

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-18, 11:26 PM
Gary gynax (rip)
monte cook
the giant himself (I don't know much about him he seems awesome)
Kamina (from gurren lagann)
Vin diesel

no order

I know at least 4/5 of those actually have played D&D.

Who would I like to play with? I'm not sure.

2011-06-18, 11:27 PM
I know at least 4/5 of those actually have played D&D.

Who would I like to play with? I'm not sure.
well Kamina is there because it would be funny see him jump on the table and scream then kill stuff XD

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-06-18, 11:27 PM
I just revised my list to include Gary Gygax.

2011-06-18, 11:29 PM
I just revised my list to include Gary Gygax.

because everyone wants to meet the dude even if he doesn't like that version

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-06-18, 11:31 PM
because everyone wants to meet the dude even if he doesn't like that version

Exactly. I actually cried the day he passed away.

2011-06-18, 11:33 PM
Exactly. I actually cried the day he passed away.

I found out a month later... then was like "seriously?" then for the first time I closed all my books and had a moment of silence

2011-06-18, 11:34 PM
Must they be living? Or can they not? That's answered.

If the latter, the first slot is filled by He Who Invented It, Xagyg himself, as DM. No questions. I know several others think the same. Evidently including the others in this thread. :smalltongue:

The second, Vin Diesel, because, really? A guy who can beat up jocks, in this party? AWESOME.

Sir Pterry, because I'm pretty sure he'd be awesome as a fellow player.

Stephen Colbert, due to reasons close to the above.

And finally... Probably Bill Amend. Because, hey, he's one of us, and I like Fox Trot.

So, a collection of geeks from all sorts of vocations.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-06-18, 11:36 PM
And finally... Probably Bill Amend. Because, hey, he's one of us, and I like Fox Trot.

Awesome. I forgot about him.

Honest Tiefling
2011-06-18, 11:37 PM
Oscar Wilde and Hunter S. Thompson. Probably not at the same time...

2011-06-18, 11:41 PM
Taking a few liberties here (as far as being alive, playing D&D, and speaking a common language go), but, just off the top of my head:

-Carl Sagan; an absolutely beautiful person (from my impersonal knowledge of him) with an extensive knowledge of existence; my hero.
-Kentaro Miura; the mind that created Berserk.
-Hirohiko Araki; Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
-ZUN; Touhou.
-Sean Connery or James Earl Jones; awesome actors with awesome voices.

Edit: They can all take turns DMing, 'cause I really can't decide who would be the most awesome at it.

Late second edit: I forgot to actually put reasons... :smallredface:

2011-06-18, 11:52 PM
I'd want Stan Lee to DM.

Other players would be Johnny Depp, Natalie Portman Demetri Martin, Jon Stewart, and Albert Einstein (with an American accent because I have trouble understanding German ones).

Edit: Also George Carlin. Can't believe I forgot him.

Stan Lee because of his unique way of describing things and overall fun personality.

Johnny Depp because of the above reasons; he seems quite silly.

I changed Natalie to Demetri Martin because he's one of the most intelligent and witty famous persons I know of.

Jon Stewart is really smart, funny, and has a way about him that just makes me think I'd love hanging out with a younger version of him.

Einstein is a personal hero of mine, was very imaginative, and of course was very very smart. He'd be fun to hang out with too.

I don't think I really need to explain how great Carlin was and how fun he would be to game with.

2011-06-19, 12:04 AM
I'm going to challenge myself to pick people that haven't been picked yet, even if that means its not really the "top" five.

1. David Tennant (10th Doctor FTW. I'm guessing actors in general would be pretty awesome DnD players though)
2. Terry Pratchett Charles Stross
3. Ken Levine (Created Bioshock. PLEASE DM)
4. Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, among other things. Brilliantly witty)
5. Edmond Rostand (He wrote Cyrano de Bergerac, which is possibly one of the most one-liner filled sharp-witted books I have ever been made to read in school.

Honorable mention to all of the Silverclawshifter players. And to Nikolai Tesla, who would be a great tinker gnome.

2011-06-19, 12:09 AM
Jim Lee: Awesome to have him providing character art work :smallwink:
Heath Ledger(R.I.P): This man has been my favorite actor since 10 things I hate about you.
Robert Downey Jr.: He actually reminds me of one my friends.
Steve Buscemi: The way he talks and acts reminds me of Morte (PS:Torment).
Pete Postlethwaite(R.I.P): Loved to have seen him in a heroic paladin or fighter role...

Of course there are many more (Gary Gygax, Mads Mikkelsen, Jeff Bridges, Anthony Hopkins, Jack Black, Sean Bean, Leslie Nielsen, Matt Smith and David Tennant (the doctor/s and hope they bring they're companions) just to name a few...)

Edit: Stan Lee! How the hell could I forget about the guy who started all my favorite comic series!

2011-06-19, 12:15 AM
Grant Morrison - Far plane adventures HO!
George R. R. Martin - Overdescriptive meals HO!
Simon Pegg - Funny guy who is not planning on betraying the party
Jeremy Clarkson - Funny guy who IS planning to betray the party. Also makes fun of us.
The Stig - Some say that his favorite tabletop game is FATAL and that he is actually a changling. All we know is he's called the Stig.

2011-06-19, 12:16 AM
I'm going to challenge myself to pick people that haven't been picked yet, even if that means its not really the "top" five.

2. Terry Pratchett (Who wouldn't want the author of Discworld and co-author Good Omens? I wish I could see him at the table alongside Gaiman, but someone already said him.)

Sorry. Beat you to 'im.

See "Sir Pterry" in my post here.

2011-06-19, 12:26 AM
Grant Morrison - Far plane adventures HO!
George R. R. Martin - Overdescriptive meals HO!
Simon Pegg - Funny guy who is not planning on betraying the party
Jeremy Clarkson - Funny guy who IS planning to betray the party. Also makes fun of us.
The Stig - Some say that his favorite tabletop game is FATAL and that he is actually a changling. All we know is he's called the Stig.

Hah, Jeremy Clarkson in a roleplaying game. It's like roleplaying with your dad and he makes fun of your incompetence.

And eff yeah! Grant Morrison roleplaying Damian Wayne :nale:

Great list!

2011-06-19, 12:33 AM
Neil Patrick Harris
Will Wheaton
Vin Diesel
Lisa Foiles
Craig Ferguson

There are others, and they may even be higher on the priority list, but I was thinking people who I've not seen work together. So I'm curious as to the interactions.

In the same way I'm curious to see what would happen in a game with William Shatner, Bill Nighy, Christopher Walken, and Nicolas Cage. I'm having trouble thinking of a fifth person to stick in there...

2011-06-19, 12:36 AM
Steven Crowder
Sarah Palin
William Shatner
Derek Jeter
Adam Baldwin

2011-06-19, 12:41 AM
I probably wouldn't include Gygax. Just because... you know, he would be a completely brutal DM. :smallbiggrin:

Honest Tiefling
2011-06-19, 12:46 AM
See if you can convince him to be a player instead of the DM. Who would be the DM in most of these cases, anyhow?

2011-06-19, 12:47 AM
1) Gary Gygax
2) Terry Pratchett
3) The Giant
4) J.R.R. Tolkien
5) Thunt

Not sure how well the personalities would mesh, but it'd sure as hell be memorable.

2011-06-19, 01:05 AM
William Shatner, the daring Bard.

James Joyce, the enigmatic Loremaster.

George R.R. Martin, the ruthless Knight.

Sean "Day9" Plott, the good natured Cleric.

DM'd by the grandfather Dungeon Master, Gygax.

Ramen&Malt Liqr
2011-06-19, 01:06 AM
In no particular order

1. Gary Gygax (it seem to be every ones first choice, for obvious reasons)
2. Lewis Carrol (great ability to make unique characters)
3. H.P. Lovecraft (great for CoC games)
4. Wil Wheaton (the only one other than G.G. who has played before)
5. And speaking of G.G. I'd say GG Allin (the ultimate comic relief).

2011-06-19, 01:15 AM
1) Dave Arneson, the actual grandfather of RPGs
2) Gary Gygax, the guy who changed the first RPG system into early D&D(since they needed to come up with something to include all those extra dice)
3) Spoony (What do you mean he isn't famous..he has his own show on the internet)

And actually that is enough.
3 players is a nice sweet spot..more just turn things into too much work.

Oh and rotating DM of course.

2011-06-19, 02:08 AM
I've actually had this discussion before amoung friends, actually, and I think it's come down to:

1. Gary Gygax- This guy seems to be on everyone's list... but c'mon, why wouldn't he be? :smalltongue:
2. Rich "The Giant" Burlew- Just, reading Oots and looking at all the stuff he's homebrewed/all the works he's done for Wotc, he seems like he'd be a lot of him.
3. Wil Wheaton- Watched him play at the PAX celebrity game, was a big fan of him before that
4. Mark Hamil- Luke Skywalker, did the voice of the Joker... I feel like if he really tried to learn and experiences D&D... he would be scarily good at it.
5. My friend Scott- Been playing D&D with him since the 7th grade... and if I got to play with all these people without him he would probably kill me.

2011-06-19, 02:10 AM
Hah, Jeremy Clarkson in a roleplaying game. It's like roleplaying with your dad and he makes fun of your incompetence.

And eff yeah! Grant Morrison roleplaying Damian Wayne :nale:

Great list!

And if you didn't play with him he would stop by the table while you were playing and, with ful knowledge of what you were playing and how it worked would ask "Ya winnin' son?"

2011-06-19, 02:36 AM
Heath Ledger(R.I.P): This man has been my favorite actor since 10 things I hate about you.Screw that! Go watch Two Hands. Right now :annoyed: :smalltongue:

Special Author Edition!

1. Tolkein.
2. C. S. Lewis.
3. Tamora Pierce.
4. K. A. Applegate
(sex equality ftw!)
And 5. Stephen King as Dungeon Master P:

2011-06-19, 02:53 AM
1. Gygax as the dm - just so i could say that i had.
2. Kevin Smith
3. Bill Hicks
4. Reggie Watts
5. And i couldnt go past Pratchett, but maybe a 10 years younger version.

2011-06-19, 02:54 AM
Now assuming it won't necessarily be DnD that we're playing...

Steve Jackson-Possibly the most attractive game maker alive.
Amber Scott-A close second.
Piers Anthony-Because one can never have too many puns in life.
Sean Punch-Who doesn't want to game with Kromm?
Moose-Because deep down, I really just want to make them all feel very awkward.

We would be playing a the Fantasy Trip. And all in the universe would be right and just for the next four to seven hours.

2011-06-19, 05:43 AM
Sir Isaac Newton - Fighter, because he power attacks correctly.
Rasputin - Thief, who would never die to a poison needle trap.
Karl Marx - Cleric, for the irony.
King Solomon - Mage, to settle some questions about Planar Binding.
Your Mom - DM, because you get special treatment when the DM wants to sleep with you.

2011-06-19, 05:45 AM
*tee hee*

2011-06-19, 06:07 AM
1. Gary Gygax(Would be the best DM ever)
2. Vin Diesel(Friggin awesome guy, even though my parents hate him now)
3. Kamina(He would probably play a barbarian, we'd be a good team)
4. Tolkein(Seems like he would be a great roleplayer)
5. Stephan King(Because I can and because I live near him. Plus he would be a great roleplayer.)

2011-06-19, 07:00 AM
OH i was thinkin bout this the other day!
guess thats a sign for me to post :smalltongue:
i wont include the deceased such as Gary Gygax despite how much of a legend he is.

My 5:
Wil Wheaton:- cos he's awesome and has played before! Not to mention the fact he seems like an awesome roleplayer :smallbiggrin:
Vin Diesel:- 'cos hey, why not? he plays, he's an actor, I've watched his movies... win?
Johnny Depp:- because awesome
Felicia Day:- She seems really genuine, likes this kinda stuff, and we need a girl :smalltongue:
Anthony Stewart Head:- i know he only acted playing D&D in Buffy, but i need to see that happen in reality, and again, he seem's like a nice guy and is always in loads of nerdy films and the like :smallbiggrin: and he was Giles... Giles was awesome!

And lastly, for my DM i would HAVE to have Chris Perkins because he just seems like one of the more legendary DM's from what I've seen :smallsmile:

there are so many more i could pick from and so many i didn't pick, and i know my choices would change over time but I'm pretty confident with that selection there :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-19, 07:04 AM
Hmmmm. The only one I can think of is Vin Diesel, but that's just because I want to see those acting lessons put to good use. Oh, and he has to cosplay his character. Definitely.

Ramen&Malt Liqr
2011-06-19, 07:52 AM
With everyone putting Wil Wheaton in there list, another group occurred to me.

1. Albert Einstein
2. Stephan Hawking
3. Issac Newton
4. Lt Cmdr Data
5. The EMH aka The Doctor (Since there wasn't a fifth player in Data's fantasy poker group, I chose another Star Trek character.)

Jay R
2011-06-19, 08:34 AM
I can't pare this list down. Any five of the eight below will do for me.

I would definitely want to play with Dave Arneson, the guy who invented it.

Steve Jackson is always fun to play with. Don't turn your back on his character.

David Ladyman (author of Star Traders and several GURPS and Car Wars books) is consistent, organized, obsessively fair and honest, interested in everyone's fun, and highly intelligent.

Ed Simbalist and Wilf Backhaus (creators of the original Chivalry and Sorcery) understand the value of a rich background and being true to the character, but I don't think I want either to be the DM - too complicated.

Seamus Young, who wrote DM of the Rings, would be interesting, as would the Giant.

Lou Zocchi is strongly opinionated, but can always back up his opinion with facts. He always seems to know a little more than you expected on any gaming topic.

But I wouldn't want to play with Gary Gygax. Yes, he and Arneson compiled the rules into D&D. But he was inconsistent, overly opinionated, all too self-conscious, and argumentative - exactly the kind of player I don't enjoy being around.

2011-06-19, 08:35 AM
In order...

1. Felicia Day - She's #1 by far. Oh heck yes. Yummy!
2. Karen Gillan - The best female from one of the greatest sci-fi shows of all time.
3. Jewel Staite - Because Firefly/Serenity was awesome and she was the best/hottest character (Kaylee) on the show.
4. Natalie Portman - Well, I've already got Felicia Day, I may as well try to work in a different fantasy. She does have Sci-Fi/Fantasy roots thanks to Star Wars (even if I've never seen Star Wars).
5. Holliday Grainger - After seeing her in the Merlin tv series ... yep.

And the one person I would NOT want there under any circumstances:
My wife. The reason is pretty obvious. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-19, 08:37 AM

The Guild. (Oops...that's six.)

2011-06-19, 08:50 AM
Nero would make a great bard. I heard he plays the fiddle quite well.

2011-06-19, 09:01 AM
Nero would make a great bard. I heard he plays the fiddle quite well.Seutonius (iirc) would make a better one. Made up stories that were retold as fact for centuries.

2011-06-19, 09:10 AM
Seutonius (iirc) would make a better one. Made up stories that were retold as fact for centuries.

What about "The Bard"?
Or Samuel L. Clemens?
Or Arthur Sullivan? (Anyone who can come up with "The Pirates of Penzance" is O.K. by me!)

2011-06-19, 09:15 AM
Seutonius (iirc) would make a better one. Made up stories that were retold as fact for centuries.

Ahhh, Epic Skill Focus (Bluff) in action. Good choice.

What about "The Bard"?
Or Samuel L. Clemens?
Or Arthur Sullivan? (Anyone who can come up with "The Pirates of Penzance" is O.K. by me!)

I don't know, I'd go with Tza Tza Gabor, myself.

2011-06-19, 09:49 AM

The Guild. (Oops...that's six.)

This. Very much this.

2011-06-19, 09:51 AM
What about "The Bard"?
Or Samuel L. Clemens?
Or Arthur Sullivan? (Anyone who can come up with "The Pirates of Penzance" is O.K. by me!)Would also probably make better bards than Nero.

2011-06-19, 10:13 AM
1. Harlan Ellison. I just love his sense of humor, and party dynamics would be interesting to say the least.
2. Nikola Tesla. If his autobiography is to be believed, the manner in which he dealt with ideas and formulated concepts would be fascinating to see applied to roleplaying.
3. Bill Hicks. With any luck he'd play a Paladin, too.
4. Lord Byron. You know he'd play a Byronic hero, as would probably half the rest of the people on this list.
5. Madalyn Murray O'Hair. She'd fit with the general theme, anyway.

Naturally, once the DnD session is done, I'd suggest playing Paranoia. :smalltongue:

2011-06-19, 11:34 AM
Neil Gaiman
Hideo Kojima
Alan Moore
Nobuyuki Hiyama

But we're not playing DND. We're playing Everyone is John. And Hiyama voices John.

2011-06-19, 12:09 PM
1. Felicia Day - She's #1 by far. Oh heck yes. Yummy!
2. Karen Gillan - The best female from one of the greatest sci-fi shows of all time.
3. Jewel Staite - Because Firefly/Serenity was awesome and she was the best/hottest character (Kaylee) on the show.
4. Natalie Portman - Well, I've already got Felicia Day, I may as well try to work in a different fantasy. She does have Sci-Fi/Fantasy roots thanks to Star Wars (even if I've never seen Star Wars).

... Yes, Very Yes.

2011-06-19, 12:29 PM
People I would like to DM for me:

1) Dame Judi Dench. She apparently runs games for her grandkids, who have got to be some of the luckiest kids in the world.
2) Neil Gaiman. Because Neil Gaiman.
3) Morgan Freeman, if only to hear him describe the setting.
4) Stephen King. Specifically, I want him to run Paizo's Carrion Crown Adventure Path in all it's Gothic Horror/Hammer Horror/Lovecraftian wonderfulness
5) Gygax himself, of course.

People I'd love to be in a party with

1) Vin Diesel, the iconic awesome celebrity D&D player
2) Steven Colbert, a celebrity geek and one of my favorite comedians
3) Johnny Depp, being a seriously awesome actor.
4) Matt Smith. Who doesn't want to be in a party with the Doctor. "It's a d20, I'm rolling a d20 now. d20s are cool."
5) Natalie Portman. Smart, geeky, and beautiful, and a pretty awesome actress.

EDIT: Why didn't I think of Felicia Day?

2011-06-19, 12:30 PM
My five include (in no particular order):

Allie Brosh. This is sort of cheating because I'm not sure if she's

i have a crush on Allie too!

so anyway

1. Allie Brosh-same reason as twilight
2. Gary Gygax-He created D&D
3. J.R.R Tolkien- He wrote LOTR, he would be a good RPer i think
4. The Giant- Brilliant funny Writer
5. Pratchett-Same as above

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-06-19, 12:37 PM
i have a crush on Allie too!

so anyway

1. Allie Brosh-same reason as twilighte

She might not be great as a DM (too silly), but I think she might create and play the most interesting character ever.

2011-06-19, 03:15 PM
Judi Dench (didn't know she played, but I'm a fan!)
Patrick Rothfuss
Johnny Depp
Brendan Frasier
Serpentine (as long as we're listing crushes).

I think I'd have Judi or Pat DM. As an actress, she could play a wide range of characters, but Pat would almost certainly tell the best stories. Maybe they could both DM at once, as a team...
There'd still be four of us as players (including myself), which is enough for a decent party.

2011-06-19, 03:17 PM
How disappointing that no one put....

Michael Winslow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO0RjErOYVY)

2011-06-19, 03:18 PM
Kamina (from gurren lagann)

3. Kamina(He would probably play a barbarian, we'd be a good team)

instant friendship XD

2011-06-19, 07:03 PM
instant friendship XD

High five of perfect manly combustion time?
*Holds up hand*

2011-06-19, 07:30 PM
Assuming SilverClawShift's DM doesn't count as "famous" ...

Christopher Nolan, DM
Brandon Sanderson -- I can't believe nobody's said him yet. And yes, he actually plays.
Patrick Stewart
Jewell Staite
Maggie Lawson

2011-06-19, 07:43 PM
This is eerily similar to a game me and my roommate would play, where someone would mention a famous person and the scenario was if they were banging on our front door, wanting to play D&D with us, would we let them.

This is how we figured out that a D&D game with all of the living presidents would be a hoot.

2011-06-19, 08:01 PM
Joss Whedon
Felicia Day
Bruce Campbell
Nathan Fillion
Jonathan Coulton

2011-06-19, 08:04 PM
1. R.A. Salvatore, probably as DM ^^ I own the majority of his books, both in and out of FR and I love them all.
2. Ed Greenwood. The characters in all of his books are always interesting and well-written, would be awesome to see the kind of character he'd make.
3. Vin Diesel! Seriously, a massive brute who plays D&D? Hell yeah!
4. John Travolta. Favorite actor of all time, though I'd probably want him to play a bad guy in the game.
5. Robin Williams: especially if he played a halfling who was always cracking jokes!

2011-06-19, 08:13 PM
if dead people are okay...
Gygax: the DM
Sun Tuzu: The General.
Leonardo De vinci: the Inventor
Joan Pujol Garcia: the Spy
Machiavelli: The Prince.

2011-06-19, 08:16 PM
Kevin Smith, because I love his movies and he seems like a cool guy.
Felicia Day, because she's Felicia Day.
Neil Patrick Harris, he's a good actor and seems like a nice guy.
Bryan Lee O'Malley, creator of Scott Pilgrim, because he created Scott Pilgrim.
Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Final Fantasy, as DM.

Also, if possible, Nobuo Uematsu and the Black Mages would be performing music in the background. Runners up include Stan Lee, Hiromu Arakawa, Jerry Holkins, Mike Krahulik, Sean Connery, Shinichiro Watanabe, Yoshiyuki Tomino, Jack Black, and Sean Connery again.

2011-06-19, 08:27 PM

Gygax - Solid choice. Either as a player or DM, both is good. As a DM though, it might cause problems, but it would be memorable.
Thunt - Holy crap can this guy make a story. Player or DM is fine, I'm leaning towards DM though.
Stephen Colbert - Love his show, would be humorous. I can see him somehow ending up as a bard who has a giant eagle as a pet, and pull it off wonderfully.
Sun Tzu - If only to give Thunt/Gygax a run for their money. I see him as some kind of sneaky warrior, perhaps a beguiler?
Morgan Freeman - The voice. I won't lie, pretty much only for the voice. Maybe a form of co-DM, to where he can read the lines of the setting and things like that.

The Giant, Rich - I don't really know anything about him besides the comic, so I can't really offer any form of opinion on if he would be good or not. If a six slot was open, I would of probably chosen him however.

2011-06-19, 08:59 PM

Thunt - Holy crap can this guy make a story. Player or DM is fine, I'm leaning towards DM though.

I forgot about him thunt seems like a really fun person

2011-06-19, 10:50 PM
1) Dame Judi Dench. She apparently runs games for her grandkids, who have got to be some of the luckiest kids in the world.Well that's one that never crossed my mind. Dame Judi a D&D DM, eh? Neato.

4) Matt Smith. Who doesn't want to be in a party with the Doctor. "It's a d20, I'm rolling a d20 now. d20s are cool."Nah, he'd be a Barbarian. "It's a d12, I'm rolling a d12 now. d12s are cool."
Serpentine (as long as we're listing crushes).Watewat.
Never did respond to that PM of yours, did I? How rude.

2011-06-19, 11:44 PM
High five of perfect manly combustion time?
*Holds up hand*

*high fives*

2011-06-19, 11:53 PM
... all of the living presidents ...

I think that's a winner.

2011-06-20, 01:08 AM
Attempting the most awesome party I can, without repeating any from the list so far:

Patrick Rothfuss: I don't even know what I'd want him as. He has written quite possibly the best book I have read, and as DM he'd make the best NPC's ever. His story would be immaculate. But as a player, I'd love to see what he would come up with. Plus, he's local for me, so with ineffable luck it could be possible.

Aurelio Voltaire Hernandez: Definitely a player. His music is humorously dark, and he seems like a pretty cool guy himself. I'd bet money on him wanting to try out a Dread Necromancer.

Lord Robert Baden-Powell: He founded the Boy Scouts. He'd be the coolest ranger you could ever hope for in a game.

Doc Roc/Tleilaxu_Ghola: Internet famous counts, right? Because seeing what either of them would create in this sort of setting would be pretty sweet

Let's see...I have Internet famous, historical famous, music famous, author famous...Need another kind.

Alton Brown: Why? He just seems fun. He's a food geek. Have gaming at his place, and you will have the best snacks ever.

2011-06-20, 12:31 PM
Patrick Rothfuss

I don't know how I forgot this guy. Sorry, Gaiman. This guy has your spot now.

2011-06-20, 01:55 PM
1. Adam Baldwin - C'mon? Who wouldn't want the hero of Canton in their group?
2. Gary Oldman - Cause you know he'd really commit to any character he played.
3. Gengis Khan - Okay, this is mostly just because I want to meet him, but I think it'd be interesting to have a Mongolian warlord in the group. For some reason, I imagine he'd be a rules lawyer when it comes to combat.
4. Steve Buscemi - Cause he could do light-hearted and utterly serious characters and switch between them easily.
5. Dame Judi Dench - Cause she has experience with the game and might be able to convince Vin Diesel to play as well, thus bypassing the 'only five' limit the OP established. :smallbiggrin:

Of course, these are the people I'd want in my party. Gary Gygax would of course be the DM.

2011-06-20, 02:13 PM
Bruce Dickinson, Emilie Autumn, Eichiro Oda and... I honestly can't think og more. ~_~;;

2011-06-20, 02:46 PM
All Living
DM: Matt Groening
Steven Colbert
Judd Aptow
Brian Posehn
Jon Farvaue

(Also I'm trying to not take more than 1 person from groups of related people I expect play, for instance since I have Judd Aptow and Steve colbert I don't want to use Steve Carrel as he overlaps with both, but I use both of them because they don't overlap.)

Nearly made the list: Judy Dench (who a site said Vin Diesel had introduced it to), Brian Greenwood (original Bassist for Weezer), The mom from Gilmore Girls who I've seen a picture of holding a phb but I don't know if it's true.

2011-06-20, 06:29 PM
Gary Gygax
Dame Judy Dench
Patrick Rothfuss
Rich Burlew
Chris perkins

2011-06-20, 07:30 PM
Allie Brosh. This is sort of cheating because I'm not sure if she's technically famous. She's comedian/blogger who I have a huge crush on.

Like hell she's not famous. Just ask Simple Dog (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/11/dogs-dont-understand-basic-concepts.html) to list the world's most famous humans ever. Does he mention Thomas Jefferson, Mahatma Ghandi, Isaac Newton, Hammurabi, William Shakespeare? Never heard of 'em. But he kind of vaguely recognizes (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2011/04/wild-animal-simple-dog-goes-for-joy.html) Allie and Boyfriend sometimes.

She might not be great as a DM (too silly), but I think she might create and play the most interesting character ever.
Let Gaiman DM until everyone has had a few frozen vaguely beerish sludges, then hand the reins to Ms. Brosh. It will be classic. There will be Basement Orcs, Spiders (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/03/spiders-are-scary-its-okay-to-be-afraid.html), Skeletons, Bad Guys, and three hundred closets (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2011/02/scariest-story.html).

Oh, yeah, and wolves (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2011/01/wolves.html). The wolves are frikkin' brutal.

2011-06-20, 08:07 PM
William Shatner, the daring Bard.

James Joyce, the enigmatic Loremaster.

George R.R. Martin, the ruthless Knight.

Sean "Day9" Plott, the good natured Cleric.

DM'd by the grandfather Dungeon Master, Gygax.

Day9. Definitely Day9. He would be the best minmaxer evar, and he would do awesome impressions of everything you fight. Plus, he would start every session with an amusing story.

Seriously though, the party would be:

Gygax as the DM (he made the game, he deserves to be in every person's dream group)


Stephen Colbert

Vin Diesel, cause he's a badass

2011-06-20, 08:20 PM
Shatner would make the game all about himself, though.

2011-06-20, 09:24 PM
Theodore Roosevelt - Paladin - Probably the most amazing guy to live in the previous era and one of the few historical celebrities we know aren't blown out of proportion.
Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain - Wizard - You know his dialogue would be wonderfully snarky.
Patrick Stewart - DM - Don't care what the story is; his voice would be amazing.
Robin Williams - Bard - As previously mentioned, this would be hilarious.
A man in a Godzilla suit - Rogue - You're just jealous you didn't think of it first.

And I'm the cleric because I'm usually the cleric anyway.

2011-06-20, 09:38 PM
The only name I'll add is I'd love to play Warhammer with H. G. Wells. He was one of the inventors of tabletop gaming after all...

2011-06-21, 12:57 AM
H.P. Lovecraft
Quentin Tarantino
Neil Patrick Harris
Tite Kubo
Hansi Kursch

We would all take turns DMing.

2011-06-21, 01:11 AM
As an alternative list:

Jonathan Coulton
Aurelio Voltaire Hernandez
Kimberly Freeman
Vin Diesel

The first one was because they'd make an awesome campaign. This one because they'd be awesome to hang out with.

2011-06-21, 01:23 AM
Samuel L. Jackson (I can't stress him enough. He'd be the best person to do...practically anything with. Except being quiet. Probably not that.)
Mervyn Peake (With an imagination like his, it'd probably be one of the most unique D&D game ever. He'd definitely have to DM.)
Willem Dafoe (Think about how awesomely creepy his characters would be!)
Andy Serkis (That one's self explanatory.)
Clint Eastwood (...also self explanatory.)

I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of people as well...

2011-06-21, 06:05 AM
Has got to be:

Patrick Stewart: Come on imagine that voice, telling you that you are being mauled by an unusually large mountain lion.

Seth McFarlane: Would be seriously awesome to play with.

Quentin Tarantino: The best in character dialogue you will ever hear.

Seth Green: Another major nerdy type who would be a awesome player.

And to add some femininity:
Summer Glau: Because you have all imagined playing with River Tam at some point.

2011-06-21, 09:29 AM
1. David Wellington (author of Monster Island, Nation, Planet)
2. Nathan Fillion (Capt. Mal Reynolds)
3. Nikola Tesla
4. Gary Gygax
5. Mark Twain

Mark plays a bard with perform (oratory), Nikola plays an artificer with the craziest ideas imaginable, Nathan Fillion plays a rogue with a hand crossbow bend, and Gary plays whatever Gary wants. David DMs an undead campaign the likes of which I can't imagine. Check him out. They are super good books.

2011-06-21, 10:17 AM
Why is Diana Wynne Jones being left out?

2011-06-21, 10:20 AM
1:Neil Flynn, because it would most likely be awesome
2:Nick Frost, just because.
3:John Cleese, because it would be fun to see him play a charater that murders every wife his character had.
4:Leonardo De vinci- because of the awesome plans he'd make!
5:And Steven Speilberg to DM.

2011-06-21, 08:08 PM
DM: Christopher Nolan - know almost nothing about him personally, but his movies make me think he'd run one heck of a campaign
Nathan Fillion - for both Firefly and Castle
Jet Li and Jackie Chan - enjoy pretty much everything I've seen by both of them
Andrew Robinson - Garak; no more need be said

2011-06-21, 09:33 PM
A lot of great suggestions in this thread! Except:

5. And speaking of G.G. I'd say GG Allin (the ultimate comic relief).
Just no. Violence, attempted rape and various feces-related antics (to name but the most infamous stuff) are not what I consider 'comic relief' :smalleek:

2011-06-21, 10:41 PM
Jet Li and Jackie Chan - enjoy pretty much everything I've seen by both of themLARPing isn't really my thing, but I'd totally LARP with Jackie Chan.

2011-06-23, 10:50 AM
Here's something you guys might be interested in: a list of famous people who play DnD. (http://www.edmplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=86735)

Some of my personal favorite excerts:
4. Dwayne Johnson AKA The Rock
19. Brian Warner AKA Marilyn Manson
28. Eddie Izzard
44. Trey Parker
45. Matt Stone (that game would be nuts!)
50. Jack Black (He also references DND in the song "Wonderboy")
57. Hulk Hogan (proof! (http://i7.tinypic.com/2mzlevt.jpg))
58. Metallica (At least they played Call of Cthulhu and Dungeon and Dragons before Hetfield went into rehab)
71. Robert Jordan (that campaign would go from level 1 to level 30!)

2011-06-23, 12:40 PM
Don't know if they play, but the I have a suspicion the cast of Mythbusters would be awesome to play with.

Actually, kinda surpised noone else beat me to this idea.

2011-06-23, 01:15 PM
MY 5
1.Rainn Wilson- Awesome dude can be funny or dramatic
2.Tim Duncan- Go Pro Sports players that actually play D&D
3. Marilyn Manson- Go Ravenloft!
4. James Franco- Why not?
5. Sasha Grey- What can't a porn star bring to the game lmfao

Doktor Per
2011-06-23, 01:52 PM
2. Kevin Smith... is a terrible GM. :smallsigh:

The thought of gaming with celebrities is a nightmarish proposal! The fear of being hated by my heroes as well as going home after playing with crappy players full of themselves. That being said, I have made assumptions about several people after some hobby surveillance of celebrities.

1. Michael Cera (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEWGCbu-0kc). Improv, solid actor that I think has shown a lot of insight. Improvisational experience. Ding.
2. Joe Rogan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxXD9WQWZck), knowledgeable, funny, sounds like a cool guy to hang out with.
3. Jón Gnarr (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4140/4869282184_849a4b4604.jpg), the Mayor of Reykjavík. A slight cop out, I admit. But I think that would be crazy awesome.
4. Anna Kendrick (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbAUlojmDzM), positive, rolls with punches and good sense of humor about things. Also she hopefully would not laugh when I talk to her about how my elf shoots arrows at dragons.
5. Snoop Dog (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1PVmANeyAg). I need some snoopaloops in my party.