View Full Version : The Lucerimian War (IC)

2011-06-19, 11:11 AM
The sun rises over the hills to the east. Large rocks litter the no man's land from the night's raid by giants from Lucerim, repelled by the dwarves of the 3rd mountain division.

The soldiers here seem tired, almost lifeless, shuffling back and forth. Their's is not to push forward, to take, but instead to simply guard this passage, so the daylight hours are spent resting, as Lucerim's allies are nocturnal by nature.

Each of you has been brought here at the request of one of the higher ups in the Erion military. You are led quickly and quietly to a tent. Inside are scores and scores of maps and notes, all pushed to one side, with a man sitting down in a chair wearing elven chain armour looking at you as you come in.

2011-06-19, 11:51 AM
Aron ducks under the tent flap as he walks in, armour clanking slightly as he does so. He carries a certain warm aura about him, though it doesn't seem to do much to aid the mood of those around him. His armour is scratched and damaged in a number of places, and covered in all manner of dirt. It's been a long while since he had time to clean it up and shine it, and party of him likes the dirty look, it tends to blend better when he needs to hide from enemies and the like. He casts an alert eye around the tent; not really expecting trouble, just intending to take things in as best he could to help guess as to what they were there for. Sadly, his little visual search reveals little, and he resigns himself to the fact that people will have to actually explain what's going on. With the barest of efforts to stand at attention (in his experience, those on the front lines had little time or patience for formalities), he stands ready to listen to what the seated man has to say.

2011-06-19, 01:43 PM
the short xeph walks into the room, playing with the interesting dagger he had managed to find the other day, it seemed that whenever he held it the spectral blade would appear, then tossing it in the air the blade would vanish and reappear the moment he caught it. He had found himself playing with things as though they were toys recently, most likely to distract himself from what he had seen in the past months. He still couldn't believe that he had ended up working on the same side in this war as his father, but oh well he would out shine that man if it killed him.
So putting on a big smile he walks up to stand next to the impressive looking knight, puts his dagger away, and proceeds to become impatient and bored almost instantly. having little regard for the traditional military etiquette and roles due he just says "Soo whats up? what are we doing today?"

2011-06-19, 02:37 PM
Tyr enters the tent and stands quietly by the entrance. How he longed to be back in those woods. Why had his god chosen him to be on that place... on that day... Now he was at war ... Not so much as to fight... But to make sure people would keep on fighting... as long as their flesh could stand...

2011-06-19, 06:25 PM
A tall man with a long, dark hooded cloak enters the tent carefully, bending carefully under the flap. He wears no armor, but as he moves inside the light of the tent cuts into the faint swirling shadows around him. He stops next to the others, and the darkness clinging to his body like a mist falls away. He removes the hood, revealing closely cropped dark hair and strong features. At his hip is a massive sword, and his knuckles have faint scars from combat.

He glances around the tent with hard grey eyes, and then glances at the others. After a pause, he smiles, and the expression changes his entire appearance. His smile is bright and reaches his eyes, warming and softening them. "Well, it's good to see that I'm not going to be punished. Rather the opposite, if I had to guess." He takes another look at the others with him. "Allow me to say it for you; elite, quasi-secret strike force?"

2011-06-19, 07:09 PM
A tall man with a long, dark hooded cloak enters the tent carefully, bending carefully under the flap. He wears no armor, but as he moves inside the light of the tent cuts into the faint swirling shadows around him. He stops next to the others, and the darkness clinging to his body like a mist falls away. He removes the hood, revealing closely cropped dark hair and strong features. At his hip is a massive sword, and his knuckles have faint scars from combat.

He glances around the tent with hard grey eyes, and then glances at the others. After a pause, he smiles, and the expression changes his entire appearance. His smile is bright and reaches his eyes, warming and softening them. "Well, it's good to see that I'm not going to be punished. Rather the opposite, if I had to guess." He takes another look at the others with him. "Allow me to say it for you; elite, quasi-secret strike force?"


The man in the corner stands up and brushes dust from his armour with some annoyance after the tent flap let some in.

"You are in fact here because you would be missed the least."

As the man stands up, you notice a small medallion crafted from beaten gold hanging from his neck. He has two cavalry sabres strapped to belts on his back.

You don't recognize the man, though he has a colonel's epaulette's. The medallion is the "Regret of Ghan", a piece of Ghan's crown given to the group of soldiers who stormed his castle and stole it.

2011-06-20, 02:59 AM
Aron shrugged at being told he wouldn't be missed. "So when we all come back alive and well as heroes to the realms, can we expect a garish medal too?"

2011-06-20, 03:57 AM
"I apologize for my tardiness. The messenger caught me at a rather inopportune moment," said Malcolm as he ducked into the tent at the end of the man's reply.

"Well, that certainly doesn't sound encouraging. How may we serve?"

2011-06-20, 08:13 AM
Caerias smiles broader. His posture relaxes a bit. "Well, thank the innumerable gods for that. I was worried I'd have to deal with pomp and circumstance, and that would be terrible. I'm also glad to see that we're dealing with a real warrior instead of a highborn, soft-skinned commander." He taps out a formal salute. "How may I serve?"

2011-06-20, 09:16 AM
Caerias smiles broader. His posture relaxes a bit. "Well, thank the innumerable gods for that. I was worried I'd have to deal with pomp and circumstance, and that would be terrible. I'm also glad to see that we're dealing with a real warrior instead of a highborn, soft-skinned commander." He taps out a formal salute. "How may I serve?"

"Finally, someone who knows to salute a superiour. I'll get to the meat of the problem. Recently, several prisoners of war overthrew their captors near here, and have escaped. You are to hunt down these escapees and eliminate them."

2011-06-20, 09:22 AM
Aron's eyes flicker. "What exactly makes these POWs so special that you'd send an entire squad out after them, and precede this order by telling us we're basically expendable? Are they dangerous beyond what you're telling us?"

Rolling me some sense motive!


Edit: Booyah. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

2011-06-20, 09:29 AM
Aron's eyes flicker. "What exactly makes these POWs so special that you'd send an entire squad out after them, and precede this order by telling us we're basically expendable? Are they dangerous beyond what you're telling us?"

Rolling me some sense motive!


Edit: Booyah. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

"You are expendable. But hopefully you're not idiots. The prisoners are powerful warriors from the Lucemian army. Though clearly not too powerful, as they were captured."

2011-06-20, 10:27 AM
Caerias eases out of his salute, and begins listening with attention. When the commander has finished, he speaks with a thoughtful tone. "Interesting. A few questions for you, sir; how many of them are there, what extranormal powers do they have, where were they last seen, and how long ago did they escape." He counts off his fingers as he asks the questions.

2011-06-20, 10:53 AM
Caerias eases out of his salute, and begins listening with attention. When the commander has finished, he speaks with a thoughtful tone. "Interesting. A few questions for you, sir; how many of them are there, what extranormal powers do they have, where were they last seen, and how long ago did they escape." He counts off his fingers as he asks the questions.

"There's six. Two giants and a very large gnoll, a half-clay golem and two small fey. The gnoll is near animalistic intelligence, but he possesses a cunning non-the-less, and is a skilled druid. The two giants are fairly normal warriors, except for extensive special training in the Lucemian military. They will be quite difficult to take down. The two fey are brother and sister, and work together as assassins for Lucemia. The half-clay golem is just a half-clay golem."

2011-06-20, 11:53 AM
Caerias cracks the knuckles in both hands, and then rests his hand on the hilt of his greatsword, listening carefully. "So, six of them, included a powerful divine caster, three brutes, one of which can shuck off magic, and two skilled rogue-types. And to combat that we have..." He looks at the others with an appraising eye. "Actually, I don't know what we have. I think a round of introductions is in order. My name is Caerias Swiftarm, I'm a scout and a melee fighter, and I prefer grace and mobility to sheer stopping power. I use techniques that the people I kill might deem 'unfair.' Who are you all, and what can you do?"

2011-06-20, 12:38 PM
"'Just a half-clay golem'. I have to admit, I haven't heard that before, sire," quipped Malcolm as he turned to acknowledge Caerias, "I'm Malcolm. Spellcaster, rather specialized in debilitating spells."

2011-06-20, 12:45 PM
the names nasim flamestrider im a bit of a caster as well, though my methods are probably a bit more direct, I hit a person and the spells transfer along my weapon to hit them So il tend to be a little bit more of a fighter then a caster. that being said I've been working on more fire based abilities recently. So i can promise you we can have a fire every night if we want one wet or windy he says cheerfully, excited to have a mission not related to sitting in a trench fighting off night attacks.

so if hes only half clay. whats the other half? and the two fey, are we talking big fey, little fey, caster fey or what?

2011-06-20, 01:53 PM
"Aron Aliel. Soldier. Suppose you could say my expertise is on keeping people alive, by sword, by shield or by magic." Aron turns to their 'illustrious leader'. "Who were the siblings targetting when they were caught?"

2011-06-20, 01:59 PM
"Aron Aliel. Soldier. Suppose you could say my expertise is on keeping people alive, by sword, by shield or by magic." Aron turns to their 'illustrious leader'. "Who were the siblings targetting when they were caught?"

"Myself actually."

2011-06-20, 02:06 PM
"Glad to see you're alright Sir. Do we suspect they might try a second time with their newfound freedom? They might be more successful with their...backup. Perhaps..." His eyes cast around the tent once more. "You should look into increasing your guard, at least until we wipe them out. Speaking of, you don't want them captured a second time? I think we could subdue non-lethally if necessary."

2011-06-20, 02:50 PM
"Glad to see you're alright Sir. Do we suspect they might try a second time with their newfound freedom? They might be more successful with their...backup. Perhaps..." His eyes cast around the tent once more. "You should look into increasing your guard, at least until we wipe them out. Speaking of, you don't want them captured a second time? I think we could subdue non-lethally if necessary."

"That . . . won't be necessary. I have security aplenty."

A tall man with dull reddish hair walks into the tent, his pale skin bluish in places, his movement stiff.

2011-06-20, 04:57 PM
Caerias inspects the man carefully. He opens his mouth, then tilts his head, gazing at the man with curiosity. "What, may I ask, the hell happened to you? And, for our own safety, did you kill whatever did it to you?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2011-06-20, 06:54 PM
Caerias inspects the man carefully. He opens his mouth, then tilts his head, gazing at the man with curiosity. "What, may I ask, the hell happened to you? And, for our own safety, did you kill whatever did it to you?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

The man fixes Caerias with steely eyes, his jaw clenched.

2011-06-20, 10:22 PM
Caerias holds up his hand in a gesture of fealty. "Forgive me, sir, it seems that my mouth has gotten ahead of my better sense, and for that I am truely sorry. I hold my own opinion in a much higher esteem than it deserves, and it appears that I have offended you. I meant no harm nor malice, and I hope that you can forgive a sleep-deprived and battle-weary scout for a slip of the tongue." Caerias's words are steady and honest; what he lacks in charm he makes up for in intelligence and perceptiveness.

2011-06-20, 11:06 PM
" When do we part...?"

Tyr asked half heartedly. Maybe the sooner this mission was over, the sooner the war would end maybe then he would be relieved of the duty his god had placed upon him...

2011-06-20, 11:23 PM
and have any scouts, or informents found our escapees? Any info on where to start could help us blaze through this assignment says nasim, excited for the chance to prove his worth.
just think, we've a chance to take out several key characters of the enemys force. This could be our chance to become known in this struggle, does that prospect not excite the rest of you, This could be the first step to becoming great champions.

2011-06-21, 08:49 AM
Caerias holds up his hand in a gesture of fealty. "Forgive me, sir, it seems that my mouth has gotten ahead of my better sense, and for that I am truely sorry. I hold my own opinion in a much higher esteem than it deserves, and it appears that I have offended you. I meant no harm nor malice, and I hope that you can forgive a sleep-deprived and battle-weary scout for a slip of the tongue." Caerias's words are steady and honest; what he lacks in charm he makes up for in intelligence and perceptiveness.

The tall man continues to glare at Caerias.

" When do we part...?"

Tyr asked half heartedly. Maybe the sooner this mission was over, the sooner the war would end maybe then he would be relieved of the duty his god had placed upon him...

"As soon as possible, once you're ready."

and have any scouts, or informents found our escapees? Any info on where to start could help us blaze through this assignment says nasim, excited for the chance to prove his worth.
just think, we've a chance to take out several key characters of the enemys force. This could be our chance to become known in this struggle, does that prospect not excite the rest of you, This could be the first step to becoming great champions.

"Scouts were sent, and from their not returning me can guess the position."

2011-06-21, 01:21 PM
Caerias nods in concession to the man, then turns to the others. "Well, then, we're simply wasting time and letting them get farther away. Does anyone have anything to do before we leave? No? Excellent." He nods to the commander. "I truely do not want to chase them through the woods any further than we have to, though difficult terrain has never been much of a bother for me. Point us in the right direction and let us be off, sir."

2011-06-22, 12:31 PM
Caerias nods in concession to the man, then turns to the others. "Well, then, we're simply wasting time and letting them get farther away. Does anyone have anything to do before we leave? No? Excellent." He nods to the commander. "I truely do not want to chase them through the woods any further than we have to, though difficult terrain has never been much of a bother for me. Point us in the right direction and let us be off, sir."

the man in the corner takes out a map and draws a line from the camp to the last place scouts were sent.

2011-06-22, 01:10 PM
"Well then, it seems we have a target and a destination. Let's be off then, try to get in as much travelling before night falls on us." Taking the lead, Aron exits the tent and gives a sharp whistle. An archway made of pure cloud flows up from the ground and through its beaming gates rides a tall white horse, clad in armour and glowing with a holy energy all of its own. Aron mounts it effortlessly, with a practised technique that says quite clearly that such a maneuver is as natural to him as breathing. His steed, Alteisen, paws at the ground a little, confirming its footing.

I have a horsey! It's okay if everyone else doesn't. I won't run ahead of you ;p

2011-06-22, 03:23 PM
Caerias follows the paladin, exiting the tent deftly and quickly, raising his hood as he does. He watches the holy knight call forth his steed, and he smiles when he does. He holds out his hand to the horse, allowing it to catch his sent, and he speaks to it in a calm voice. "You are lovely, horse, and if what I've heard about paladins is correct you're smarter than some soldiers I know. It's good to meet you. I look forward to fighting beside you." He give the horse a small bow, with only a trace of a grin on his face.

He looks up to Aron, and the grin broadens. "I learned how to crush stone with my bare hands from a paladin, and his mount was similar to your own. If you are anything like he was in combat, Aron, then we will work well together. That said, the fastest route to the escapee's is a straight line, and that's going to take us through some woods and other difficult terrain."

He glances down at himself, then to the mighty horse, and then to the rest of the group. "I volunteer my services as a scout for the group; I hate going slowly, you see, and a little reconnaissance is never bad. The earlier scouts may have been killed, but that's because a typical scout is encumbered by things like brambles and briers. I promise that I will make no moves without you all at my side. Does that sound good to you all?"

2011-06-22, 04:55 PM
Aron pats Alt's neck with a gloved hand. "Difficult terrain and woodlands has never bothered him much, he's used to such things; I've run him hard over the years and he's always exceeded expectations. Can't say I'm the best swordsman in the land, but my magics more than make up for it. As for your scouting, feel free. I'm no scout from my perch up here, though I do make quite the attractive target."

Speaking of difficult terrain, are there any extra disadvantages for travelling on horseback in difficult terrain as opposed to on foot? I can't see anything, but I could easily be missing something.

2011-06-22, 05:07 PM
fancy trick, I too see no burning reason to disagree with a suitible scout, scouting out safe routes. cheerfully chimes in nasim as he follows them out. Patting the beast he comments tis a fine specimin perhapse one day I shall have a fine animal such as this to help me. As for my own movement abilities I've great over small distances, yet over distances I remain average

2011-06-24, 03:24 PM
" Very well then. We should get going... "

The inside of the tent made him feel really confined even with the grass under his feet

2011-06-24, 09:42 PM
" Very well then. We should get going... "

The inside of the tent made him feel really confined even with the grass under his feet

The two men see you out of the tent, and you head west by north west. The travel is long, but you make good time despite going slowly to avoid enemy patrols.

2011-06-24, 11:43 PM
Once the group has arrived near the general area to which they were sent, Caerias turns to the others, speaking quietly. "Now I must ask you to let me work my magic; not the literal kind, sadly, but the difficult kind. I am going to be gone for a little while. I cannot say how long, but if I have not returned by morning then I am dead. Please stay down, stay alert, and stay quiet." If no one objects, he slips away into the night, his stance light and swift. He moves quickly despite the darkness, his speed barely checked by the blackness and not at all hindered by the trees and debris of the forest.

He's using Step of the Wind and has the Blind-Fight feat. Woo, scouting.

He'll circle around them in a spiral pattern for about a mile, moving as quickly as he can without making too much noise. He'll be listening and watching for anything suspicious.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2011-06-25, 07:56 AM
Aron watches the young scout slip away into the undergrowth and disappear out of sight. "Well, I suppose there's not much for us to do but wait until we hear back." Though he said that, he still held himself alert, eyes scanning the area and fixing on any movement that may be suspicious and not just the wind or wild animals.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Am too bulky to be a sneaky scout, but Aron's got quite the set of eyes and ears on him :smallwink:

2011-06-26, 11:07 PM
Aron watches the young scout slip away into the undergrowth and disappear out of sight. "Well, I suppose there's not much for us to do but wait until we hear back." Though he said that, he still held himself alert, eyes scanning the area and fixing on any movement that may be suspicious and not just the wind or wild animals.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Am too bulky to be a sneaky scout, but Aron's got quite the set of eyes and ears on him :smallwink:

There's nothing out of the ordinary in the surroundings.

2011-06-26, 11:40 PM
seeing the scout run off into the woods leaving the rest of them behind. nasim mentions to the rest.

there are two assassin types we are hunting right? would they employ invisibility at all do you think? Let me know if any of you spot, or hear something and I'll clear the invisibility issue for you.

and he will continuously ready an action to cast see invisible on anyone who says the detect something.