View Full Version : Against the Rising Tide IC [PF RHoD]

2011-06-20, 06:33 AM
The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. The town of Drelin's Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin investigating the dreams that have brought all of you to this sleepy hamlet. The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong.


OOC: Roll call! Please make an introductory post, and make a Perception check at the end.

2011-06-20, 07:22 AM
Christof, human magus

Christof crested the hill and surveyed the area. His research had lead him to this place. Where to start?

Turning to the golden hawk on his shoulder, he says, "Horus, please take wing, your eyes are not dimmed by too much reading. I would know what is about."

Christof perception: [roll0] (the +3 is from his familiar bonus

Horus [roll1] he has eyes like a...hawk :smallcool:

2011-06-20, 11:28 AM
Gyndren, Elan Psion

Gyndren makes his way up the hill, surveying the region. "Something here is out of place."

Perception: [roll0]

2011-06-20, 12:10 PM
Kreegon, Human Fighter

Slowing to stop at the top of the hill, Kreegon looks out at the farmhouse.

"Drellin's Ferry, not far now. Christof, is something wrong?" Kreegon gives a puzzling look at his traveling companion. In the few days that he has known Christof, Kreegon has shared his nightmare and found that Christof also shares the same images.


2011-06-20, 12:21 PM

Christof tossed back the dark green hood of his cloak and peered into the distance, shading his eyes and leaning slightly on his smooth ash staff. Horus wheels above in ever widening circles, become difficult to see as he gains altitude.

2011-06-20, 12:34 PM
Cael, Human Cavalier/Hellknight

Cael slowed his mount down to a standstill as they reached the top of the hill, an abandoned farm stands nearby heavy with the weight of time. Something was wrong here, he couldn't put his finger on exactly what was out of place but something just did not feel right.


2011-06-20, 02:52 PM
Alucius, Human Cleric of Pharasma

As he and his newfound travelling companions crest the ridge, Alucius slows and comes to a stop by the others. He quickly scans the treeline, feeling something out of place, something he can't quite put his finger on. Looking around, he notices his allies also becoming unsettled.

"So, you guys feel that too, eh?" Alucius comments, as he begins to loosen the straps holding his morningstar and shield in place.


2011-06-20, 03:02 PM
"I fear there may be more to this than meets the eye," Kreegon states as he activates the magic in his spiked gauntlet, causing it to catch fire.

2011-06-20, 03:54 PM

The golden hawk swoops down and alights on Christof's shoulder, digging his claws into the familiar leather shoulder pad, then turning and reeling off a string of squawks, screeches and beak clicks.

Chirstof quickly turns to survey his companion's readiness, as always grimacing inside at the sight of the mounted hellknight. Surely his kind are more likely to further this coming darkness then stop it? Could it be a threat to even Cheliax? Still, a strong arm and a good blade can prove useful, even if the heart behind them is false, as long as they face the right enemy. Not that I know much more about the rest.
"We must watch backward as well as forward till companions prove true." he whispers to Horus in whistles and clicks.

2011-06-20, 04:08 PM
Coe, Human Rogue/Ranger.

Cole stops short of the others as he catches sight of the farm house. "This place is ill favored," he mumbles to himself, then harshly whispers to the others, "If we can see the house, then whoever's in it may be able to see us. It might be wise to remove ourselves from their view until the magus's bird returns." Even he he says this, Cole loads his crossbow and scans the immediate area for any unusual tracks or other signs of recent activity.

perception check

2011-06-20, 04:39 PM
Yli, xeph wilder

Whistling away Yli walks and as he sees all the commotion he stops.

"So, you're all feeling it as well, are you? I have the same feeling, but I don't think it's a problem. You see, we are over here, and that farmhouse is over there. ...... still, you guys look like you're preparing for a fight. Do you know something I don't?"

Perception [roll0]

2011-06-20, 04:58 PM
Cole turns to Yli and says, "The gut often notices details before the mind, and that we can all feel it demands even greater caution. Also, the last time I ignored such subtle warnings, an even greater omen appeared to chastise me. I'll not make that mistake again."

2011-06-20, 06:44 PM
Cael's sword flew out of its scabbard as his impromptu comrades prepared themselves as well. All of them seemed to be getting the same feeling that he was.

"A deserted farm house in the middle of an area like this, I don't like it this one bit" Cael said to no one in particular.

He had noticed how some of his new allies had glanced uneasily at him. Cael was used to it and didn't care, if they were uncomfortable with him they would learn to deal with his presence in good time.

2011-06-23, 07:51 AM
@Christof only:
While others only hear squawks, clicks, and other bird sounds, you've come to understand Horus' speech. "Goblins in the trees ahead, and a hellhound behind us, Master!" he says.

@Gyndren only:
You glimpse the glint of mail catching sunlight through the brush by the side of the road ahead of you. Through the trees, you see that a band of goblins lies in wait. Additionally, you hear the faint rumbling of a creature breathing in the bushes behind you.

@Coe only:
You glimpse the glint of mail catching sunlight through the brush by the side of the road ahead of you. Through the trees, you see that a band of goblins lies in wait.

A soft breeze blows through the underbrush and rustles the leaves of the trees around you. However, the rustling continues as the breeze subsides. Suddenly, six fierce warriors--tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces--spring out with bows drawn! Behind you, you hear a deep snarling sound and turn to see a large wolf with flames leaping from its snout.


H=Hell Hound

OOC: Initiatives from everyone, please. Feel free to roll either here or in the OOC. We'll begin with a surprise round involving the monsters, Christof, Gyndren, and Coe before moving into regular initiative. For those involved in the surprise round, you are allowed either a standard or move action.

2011-06-23, 08:22 AM

2011-06-23, 08:39 AM

initiative [roll0]

"Goblins ahead, and an infernal hound behind! To arms!" Christof raises his staff in one hand, a cold light traveling from his arm into the wood. There is a whiff of ozone and condensation forms on its surface. Horus alights to keep eye for more threats.

Christof mutters and gestures with his off hand, his stance becoming stronger and more sure.

swift action to imbue the staff with cold and shock enchantments, standard action to cast true strike (+20 to next attack)

"I will bring the hound to heel."
AOO, if needed [roll1]
damage staff [roll2]
shock [roll3]
frost [roll4]
spell stored int. shocking grasp [roll5] (only discharged if hit)

2011-06-23, 08:53 AM
Knowledge check regarding hell hound:

2011-06-23, 11:17 AM
"If I knew nothing of this, it would not be a surprise."
A sapphire aura shimmers into existence around Gyndren.

Standard Action: Manifest Inertial Armor

2011-06-23, 03:33 PM


"Ambushed by goblins," Cole shouts to the group, then more quietly chuckles, "poor buggers." Cole wheels and fires his crossbow at the nearest goblin. Even as the bolt flies towards its target, he drops the crossbow and whips out his swords.

[roll1] to hit vs goblin at R,15
[roll2] damage
[roll3] sneak attack (with surprise attack rogue trick, I should get SA damage even if I lose initiative, unless the goblin has concealment)

dropping the xbow and drawing are both free actions (quick draw feat), so I assume that it's ok.

[roll4] AoO
[roll5] AoO damage

2011-06-23, 06:13 PM

2011-06-24, 06:50 AM
@Stack only:
While you know that the hound is some sort of extraplanar beast, you can't seem to recall any more information about them.

Cole's arrow leaves his bow and seems as if it will fly true. However, its path is diverged by a low-hanging branch, and you can see why the goblins chose their locations--the foliage (dark green squares) provides cover against ranged attacks. Without a sound, each of them releases an arrow, all of them flying directly towards Cole. Firing from the trees instead of into them seems to work, as two of the enemies' arrows find sturdy footholds in Cole's shoulder.

Cole, take 13 damage.

While the goblins attack from the front, the hellhound in the bushes behind you sets a crimson paw out of the bush and barks. A small whooshing cloud of flame emerges from its snout, singeing both Alucius and Yli. As the flames subside, you can see that the creature is gasping for air; it probably won't be able to pull that same trick for some time.

Alucius and Yli, take 8 fire damage each. Reflex save (DC 14) for half.


H=Hell Hound

Begin Round 1. Our Before the Monsters group may act. Stack, Bhaakon, and stanleyindraven, you have until Tuesday night to post.

2011-06-24, 08:12 AM

Christof rushes past his allies to strike the beast. He turns his free hand back, shielding himself with his staff as he casts. Lightning arcs from his hand to his staff as its tip lashes out.

move 30' to U24, eating any AOO, spellstrike cast defensivily - shocking grasp, true strike has not been discharged,
staff attack - [roll0] w/ true strike
staff damage [roll1]
shock [roll2]
cold [roll3]
shocking grasp [roll4]
spell stored int. shocking grasp [roll5]

2011-06-24, 08:23 AM
Kreegon looks to the nearest goblin (R15) and rushes into the bushes. He closes in (to S16) and swings his flaming fist against the goblin.

Fire Damage

2011-06-24, 08:33 AM
Horus wheels overhead, surveying the battlefield.

perception [roll0]
also Christof auto-passes defensive casting checks for lvl 1 spells 1d20+8 (feats+trait)+6 (CL)+3(int) vs dc 17

2011-06-24, 03:27 PM

Cursing quietly at his misfortune, moves towards the nearest goblin and launches a melee attack.

move to M20, attack goblin at L19

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] piercing
[roll2] acid

2011-06-27, 08:33 AM
Christof moves in a wide curve around his party members, closing with the hellhound just as his staff connects with the beast's face. It crackles with magical energy as it delivers the killing blow to the hellhound. It whimpers as it crumples to the ground.

Kreegon's charge has a similar effect. While he doesn't have the magic coursing through his veins that Christof does, his sheer strength is enough to freeze the nearest goblin in its tracks. The creature falls quickly beneath Kreegon's attack.

Unfortunately, Cole's attack seems to be slightly weaker than those of his newfound friends. While he makes contact with the closest goblin, the creature stands against the blow. It looks like another such blow may have different results, but for now the creature stands its ground. "Boss!" it shouts toward the farmhouse, "Sodding hummies!" Turning back toward its peers, the goblin shouts, "Fire on the one in the open!"

The goblin steps back from Cole and knocks an arrow. Almost immediately, five arrows fly toward Gyndren. Two of them are deflected by the blue glow surrounding him, but the other three pierce both his protection and his skin.

Gyndren: take 20 damage


H=Hell Hound

OOC: Those in the After the Monsters group may now post their first round actions. Additionally, those in the Before the Monsters group may now post their second round actions.

2011-06-27, 09:02 AM

Seeing Gyndren getting plastered with arrows Yli realises this isn't a joke anymore. Quickly he lifts of the ground (levitate, 20 ft as move action, with my boots of levitation) and blasts two of the goblins near Cole with electricity.

Energy missile (electricity) on the gobbies in row 17&18. Surging for it. Cost 6 pp, Ml 8 ;[roll0]; DC 10 + 2 lvl + 3 augment + 2 electricity + 1 endowment + 6 CHA = DC 24 Reflex for half

2011-06-27, 09:12 AM

Hearing the goblins cry,Christof turns his back on the crackling ruin of the beast and rushes toward the farmhouse to head off any flankers. As he moves he briefly closes his eyes, then stops and sends another arc of lightning into his staff, where it crackles up and down the length. "I will investigate the farmhouse to secure our flank, are any with me?"

Move to O-24, swift action to recall true strike, store int. shocking grasp on the staff

perception [roll0]

Horus senses his concern and swoops low to spy on the farmhouse.

perception [roll1]+14

2011-06-27, 10:16 AM
Gyndren stumbles back as the arrows penetrate his cloak. Falling back, he taps one of his psionic tattoos, causing a surge in his body's healing.

Standard: Tap Body Adj. Tattoo: [roll0]

2011-06-27, 11:02 AM

The battle was going well so far, already the great fiery beast was sent back to the place from which it was spawned.
"I will investigate the farmhouse to secure our flank, are any with me?"

“The others can handle the archers in the treeline, I will join you at the farm house.”

With that said Cael rode his mount close to the entrance of the farmhouse while looking for nearby enemies.

Perception check-- [roll0]
Moved to K-26 from R-23

2011-06-27, 12:23 PM
"I have these beasts," Kreegon shouts as he charges down the next goblin.Kreegon doesn't hesitate to charge on after felling the first goblin. He pushes through the brush to Q13 and repeats his assault.

Attack Roll
Fire Damage

2011-06-27, 12:24 PM

Christof glances at the armored knight with a mix of relief and apprehension. It was certainly better than going toward that house alone, and the knight appeared to be in the same boat as the rest of them.

2011-06-27, 03:46 PM
Bringing his shield to bear on the archers in the trees, Alucius starts to advance down the road.

He shouts, trying to gain the goblins' attention and spare his allies more of their arrows; "Come now, you silly little buggers, is that the best you've got?"

Moves from S-22 to O-18, and then takes a total defense action to raise his AC from 19 to 23.

2011-06-27, 04:48 PM
Cole blinks to clear the after-image of Yli's missiles from his eyes, then charges off after the nearest remaining goblin on his side of the trail, his sword crackling with electricity.

Cole charges the nearest surviving goblin on his side of the road (ending up at F15 or--if the H17 goblin survived Yli's blast--I18).

[roll0] charge attack roll (+2 hit, -2 AC for Cole)
[roll1] piercing
[roll2] electricity
[roll3] SA from scouts' charge

2011-06-28, 06:42 AM
Begin Round 2

The tide of the battle quickly turns to that of a massacre. The energy sailing forth from Yli is enough to bring two goblins to the ground in an instant with nothing but a quick flash and the smell of scorched flesh as electricity sizzles through them. Gyndren falls back behind his comrades, heals, and his tattoo fades from sight. Kreegon and Cole charge at goblins on opposite sides of the road, splintering branches and vines in their way. Almost instantaneously, they drop two more goblins beneath their mighty blades. While Alucius tries to draw the attacks of the remaining goblin, the creature is too afraid to fight. It turns tail and runs toward the southwest, shouting all the while.

Meanwhile, Christof and Cael sense no activity coming from the farmhouse. However, Horus and Cael both notice soft plumes of smoke rising from the chimney. If there are more goblins in the house or elsewhere in the woods, they aren't making a sound.


H=Hell Hound

OOC: Those in the After the Monsters group may now post their second round actions. Additionally, those in the Before the Monsters group may now post their third round actions. Either way, you have until Thursday morning to post.

2011-06-28, 07:20 AM

Horus climbs higher to keep an eye on the road, circling above Christof.
gaining max altitude, above 0-24
perception [roll0]

Christof calls out to the others, "Do enemies remain? If not, lets see who's at home." he takes up position near the broken stone fence in front of the door, ready to support Cael. A shimmer of light dances around him, leaving the faint after-image of an ethereal shield.

move to k-25, cast shield

2011-06-28, 07:21 AM
Kreegon will take a brief look around before meeting with Christof and Cael near the farm house. (Makes it to P19) "Last one fled through the woods," Kreegon shouts as he breaks through the brush.

2011-06-28, 01:42 PM
Hearing that the last of the goblins have fled, Alucius lowers his shield and warily begins to walk back to the group. "Bah! Those little devils weren't much of a fight! Anyone got more'n a scratch?" Alucius asks, looking amongst his allies for any wounds.

While waiting for responses, he moves towards the cottage, as that seems to be where most people are headed.

Move from O-18 to Q-22

2011-06-28, 01:59 PM
Seeing all the goblins dead puts Yli's troubles to rest. He moves back to the ground and to Cael.

"Soo, they died pretty quickly huh, you guys still look pretty tence though. What's up?"

2011-06-28, 02:52 PM
Christof gestures to the smoke rising from the stack, "Someone is at home. The presence of our attackers implies that the original tenants are either not here, or wish they weren't. We must proceed cautiously."

2011-06-28, 03:22 PM
Hearing that the rest of their enemies were dispatched put a smile on his face, not that anyone could see it though.

“Do enemies remain? If not, lets see who's at home."

“Yes lets, I will head in first. I would like one of you to follow me inside as quickly as possible. Don't want to be by myself if something were to go terribly awry.”

Cael was saying this as he dismounted his horse and told it to stay where it was.

2011-06-28, 03:25 PM
"I'd prefer not to walk into the lion's den; we should make it come to us." Cole says as he strides back towards to cottage. "I'll climb the roof and plug the chimney with my cloak, that should smoke out anything alive in there.." Cole removes the cloak from his traveler's outfit and wets it with his waterskin as he moves to climb the farmhouse.

move to D20, climb to roof
[roll0] climb check

2011-06-28, 04:12 PM
"There is no need to remain unsure."
Gyndren steps forward, and stares at the farm house.

Manifests Clairvoyant Sense, directed at within the farmhouse.

2011-06-28, 07:43 PM
to Cael, "I will back you, but let us await the outcomes of our companion's stratagems."

2011-06-29, 06:19 AM
Begin Round 3

As the others make defensive preparations, Cole scurries up the side of the farmhouse to the roof. Though his foot slips at first, he is able to maintain a hold on the wall by climbing up the corner. Meanwhile, Gyndren begins to get a hazy picture of the inside of the farmhouse.

Which room of the farmhouse are you manifesting the power on: E21-H25 or E25-G26?


H=Hell Hound

Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 3 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 4 actions. Finally, Perception checks from everyone, please.

2011-06-29, 07:00 AM
above O-24, moving to K-25 perception [roll0]

perception [roll1]

2011-06-29, 07:05 AM
Kreegon moves to M23, keeping an eye out for any movement from the foliage.

2011-06-29, 07:06 AM
(it did not work in the first post, so i had to do a second post)

2011-06-29, 07:42 AM
Gyndren manifests in the larger room

2011-06-29, 09:28 AM
Yli readies to blast anything dangerous looking that comes out of the house.

2011-06-29, 11:23 AM
Perception Check

2011-06-29, 01:07 PM
Forgot, perception [roll0]

2011-06-29, 01:49 PM
"There is at least one hobgoblin and one hellhound inside the house."

2011-06-29, 04:12 PM
Cole picks his way across the roof and drapes his dampened cloak over the smoking chimney, then gingerly moves to help ambush whatever exits the cottage's door.

move to F27, or as close to it as possible, climb down
[roll0] acrobatics check (if necessary)
[roll1] climb check (if necessary)
[roll2] perception check

2011-06-29, 04:33 PM
Alucius centers himself and brings forth divine power, ready to strike fear into whatever might come out of the cottage.

Ready casting: "Doom" on whatever exits the building. DC 15 Will save or become shaken for 6 minutes.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-07-01, 06:52 AM
Begin Round 4

@Christof & Kreegon:
You hear a faint cough coming from inside the farmhouse. Christof, it is actually Horus that hears this cough, but he relays the information to you.

As Cole skitters across the roof, the farmhouse begins to fill up with smoke. However, it doesn't yet seem to be enough to draw out the goblin Gyndren has warned you about. As Cole descends to the grass on the Eastern side of the house, the sound of paws on hardwood emerges from the front room. Another hell hound emerges from the doorway in the North and breathes fire on Christof and Cael, unfazed by Alucius' spell.

Triggers readied actions from Yli and Alucius. Saves vs Doom.
Christof and Cael, take 7 fire damage each (Reflex DC 14 for half)

Please roll whatever blasting attack you are using. In the future, please indicate what power you'll be using when you declare your readied action.


H=Hell Hound

Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 4 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 5 actions. Finally, Perception checks from everyone again, please.

2011-07-01, 07:08 AM

reflex save [roll0]

Turning to try and shield himself from the flame, Christof snaps back and moves over the pile of rubble, again muttering and gesturing as the end of his staff reaches out to his assailant.

Move to J-25 (assuming difficult terrain, but passable without check, since the hound could breath over it,
attack [roll1]
staff damage [roll2]
shocking grasp [roll3]
stored int shock grasp (only discharge on hit) [roll4]
shock enhancement [roll5]
cold enhancement [roll6]

2011-07-01, 08:19 AM
Kreegon moves to I23 (are there windows?)

2011-07-01, 08:50 AM
Yli let's fly his emotions as he unleashes a stream of electricity into the hellhound.

Energy missile (electricity) on hellhound. Surging for it. Cost 6 pp, Ml 8 ;[roll0]; DC 24 Reflex for half [roll1], 1-3 means I enervate.

2011-07-01, 08:57 AM
Hoping to drop the hound before anything else emerges from the building, Cole hastens to attack.

Move to H26, quickdraw short swords, and attack hell hound
[roll0] attack
[roll1] piercing
[roll2] electric

[roll3] perception

2011-07-01, 11:22 PM
The Hell hound's fire singed his armor as Cael walked up to the Hell Hound and brought down his sword upon it.

Ok I hope I did this right
Move to I-26
1st Attack Roll: [roll0]
Second Attack Roll:[roll1]
Damage Roll 1: [roll2]
Damage Roll 2: [roll3]
Perception Check: [roll4]
Reflex Roll: [roll5]

2011-07-05, 11:13 PM
Alucius carefully moves towards the house, keeping wary of the hobgoblin and whatever else might lie within the building.

Moves from Q-22 to J-24

2011-07-06, 08:06 AM
Gyndren moves up, and blasts the hound.


USE energy ray(electricity) on the Hell hound
ATTACK: [roll0]

2011-07-06, 08:19 AM
Begin Round 5

Christof and Cole both swing at the air, attempting to gut the hell hound. Yli and Cael are more successful, though. Yli's psionic blast tears a hole in the side of the creature, who lets out a faint whimper, and Cael finishes the beast easily with a deft swing of his blade. Alucius and Kreegon move closer to the farmhouse. As the building fills with smoke, everyone hears a soft cough coming from within. However, nobody emerges.

Suddenly, six goblins appear on the path to the West. Seeing the adventurers, they spread out into the trees where their fallen comrades once were. They let a volley of arrows fly towards Gyndren, but only one manages to connect. He responds with an energy ray of his own, but it flies wide and cracks a large chunk of bark off of a nearby tree.

Gyndren: take 8 damage.



Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 5 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 6 actions. Finally, Perception checks from everyone again, please.

2011-07-06, 08:43 AM
Kreegon will move to take cover in the brush. (Move to I19)

2011-07-06, 09:17 AM
I'm not playing pin-cushion against today, thanks Cole sidles up against the wall of the cottage, placing solid stone between himself and the archers, and prepares to skewer the next opponent to come out the door.

move to H25, ready an action to attack the next enemy to come into range of Cole's short sword.
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] piercing
[roll2] electricity

[roll3] perception

2011-07-06, 09:22 AM
[roll0] confirm crit
[roll1] bonus damage

2011-07-06, 09:27 AM
"More gobbies, huh. Hope they like electricity then."

"Go ahead and comb out the house. I'll hold back these gobbies."

And again Yli let's loose a stream of electricity, aimed at the nearest three goblins. (hitting all three)

Energy missile (electricity) on hellhound. Surging for it. Cost 6 pp, Ml 8 ;[roll0]; DC 24 Reflex for half [roll1], 1-3 means I enervate.

Perception [roll2]

2011-07-06, 11:18 AM

Feeling more pain from his shameful miss than the hounds flames, Christof steps back over the ruined wall and moves into cover.

"Bah, let us see if these creatures can aim blind," a glittering cloud streaming from his hand toward the far assailants.

move to K-22, with Horus following, cast glitterdust on K-6 (will save vs DC 16 or blinded for 6 rounds, 10 ft spread, highlights invisible)

perception [roll0]
Horus [roll1]

45 HP, 3 SP, 21 AC, partial cover

2011-07-06, 07:32 PM
Seeing that the group was under attack again by goblins attacking from the woods Cael decided to go mount his horse.

Move to K-26

Roll for fast mount

Roll for perception

2011-07-11, 09:41 AM
Feeling that the group was more than capable of dealing with another few goblins, three of them having already been scorched by Yli's lightning, Alucius decides to investigate the house.

Move from J-22 to F-26. Total defense action raises my AC from 19 to 23.

2011-07-16, 09:36 PM
Gyndren carefully considers his options. He decides for now to bide his time.

MOVE to k27

2011-07-18, 09:18 AM
Begin Round 6

Yli drops three of the goblins in the trees with ease, causing the other three to gasp in fear. They barely have time to react before Christof moves forward and casts a spell. One of them is blinded by the sparkling bits that fill the air, but the other two remain unharmed. Enraged, all three goblins open fire on Yli before scattering amongst the trees. The blind goblin lodges his arrow into a nearby tree and stays in place, cursing and feeling around for enemies. Even one of the goblins that can see misses by a longshot. However, the third goblin's arrow finds its mark; the projectile digs deep into the xeph's thigh.

Yli: take 10 damage.

As Alucius enters the farmhouse, he realizes that the smoke has gotten very thick. While he can't quite see them, he hears the sound of goblins in the farmhouse, and sputters as he tries to breathe despite the nauseating flames. Suddenly, he sees the glint of a dagger stabbing towards him, but the goblin misses. Cole sees the back of the creature in the doorway, and is able to stab into the creature's thick skin. It lets out a howl of pain, but remains standing.

Alucis: Fortitude save (DC 15) or be nauseated until leaving the farmhouse.


G=Goblins (purple one is blinded)

Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 6 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 7 actions.

2011-07-18, 09:29 AM
Move to I14. Kreegon pushes through the trees and back onto the road trying to close distance, now he must scout for more of the green fiends or his powerful travel mates will be too hurt to assist.

2011-07-18, 09:40 AM
Christof advances toward the goblins through the cover provided by the trees, then his forms blurs and divides. His place is now crowded with illusory duplicates.
Move to L-19, cast mirror image [roll0]

Horus sweep overhead, keeping a sharp watch for any more goblins.
move to K-11, perception [roll1]

2011-07-18, 09:48 AM
"Aaahh!!, blast you!!"

Mind thrust on the one that hit Ily
DC 19 will save or [roll0] damage.
Surging for it. Cost 1 pp, [roll1], 1-3 means I enervate.

2011-07-18, 09:32 PM
Cole attempts to finish off the goblin near the door.

[roll0] main hand
[roll1] main hand damage
[roll2] off hand
[roll3] off hand damage

2011-07-19, 05:47 PM
Fort Save:


2011-07-19, 05:52 PM
Coughing, Alucius quickly exits the farmhouse and moves outside towards the back of the house to catch his breath.

Withdraw action from F-26 to H-27

2011-07-19, 07:17 PM
Cael pushes up through his allies to check for more enemies.

Perception check: [roll0]

Move to K-26.

2011-07-24, 10:08 PM
Gyndren thinks carefully, and decides on a course of action. He steps forward, and extends a crystalline rod towards Alucius.

USE: Vigor Dorje, one charge. Alucius gains 5 temp. HP

2011-08-03, 06:30 AM
Begin Round 7

You're too far away to use Mind Thrust, as it's a close range power. Furthermore, a normal move would not bring you within range. You could move within range if you wanted to use one of your Xeph bursts for the day. I've done that for the sake of speed, but if you want to go back and edit your post, you may.
You cannot use the withdraw action, since being nauseated reduces you to one move action per turn. Even if you could withdraw, you must still pass through G25 to leave the farmhouse, which is also threatened by the goblin.

Yli bursts forward with unnatural speed and meets the closest goblin with a menacing stare. It drops its bow, clutches its skull in pain, and falls to the ground...dead. The blinded goblin keeps an arrow nocked and spins around feverishly, hoping to hear nearby opponents. The last goblin in the trees silently lets an arrow fly towards Yli, then retreats into the woods to the West (top of the map). The arrow careens safely past the wilder.

Meanwhile, at the farmhouse, the smoke is becoming too thick to bear. Alucius tries to leave the building, but the goblin is blocking most of the doorway, and the cleric must still move through the reach of the creature's blades in order to escape. The goblin smirks and sticks out a blade as the cleric runs past, tearing a gash in his side. The goblin must also escape the smoke itself, and takes a step outside of the house. It attempts to stab Alucius again, but misses wildly.

Alucius, take 24 damage. You are no longer nauseated. At the start of your turn, take another 3 damage from your bleeding wound. Continue to take this every round until you make a DC 15 Heal check or apply any effect that heals HP damage.


G=Goblins (purple one is blinded)

Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 7 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 8 actions.

2011-08-03, 07:05 AM
Christof continues westward, then launches a spray of acid toward the blinded goblin. "We have them on the run, let us finish them off quickly!"
move to K-14, acid splash (max range) at goblin, ranged touch [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Horus swoops down toward the blinded goblin, holy light coruscating of his talons as they lash out.

move to J-6, smite evil on goblin, charge attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3] (-2 base, +6 for levels (assuming paladin level = HD for smite)

2011-08-03, 07:16 AM
Kreegon will push to I8 with first move and then double move to get to I7 to be adjacent with the goblin, and then look around for any others in the immediate area.


2011-08-03, 07:53 AM
Gyndren focuses on the goblin attacking Alucius. Gazing through time and space, he takes a moment of great pain and transposes it on the goblin here and now.

Manifests Recall Agony
PP Spent: 5 (DC 17 for half)
Damage: [roll0]

2011-08-03, 10:05 AM
@DM Excellent choice, I should have done this myself. :smallbiggrin:

Ily sees the goblins running. "Good, that'd better be the last of them."

Body adjustment 5 pp, ml 7 Heal [roll0] hp.
Surging for it. [roll1], 1-3 means I enervate.

2011-08-03, 03:10 PM
Cole uses both his swords to attack the goblin as it emerges from the smoky gloom.

[roll]1d20+9[roll] main hand
[roll]2d6+3[roll] main hand
[roll]1d20+9[roll] off hand
[roll0] off hand

2011-08-03, 03:12 PM
lets try that again
[roll0] main hand
[roll1] main hand
[roll2] off hand

2011-08-03, 03:14 PM
confirm criticals
[roll0] main
[roll1] off
[roll2] main crit damage
[roll3] off crit damage

2011-08-03, 08:54 PM
((Forgot the perception check))


2011-08-04, 03:55 AM
Always forget that. [roll0] .... with good reason.

2011-08-04, 06:52 PM
Cael's allies had would make quick work of the goblin that ran out of the smoking building, but others must be near by.

Perception check: 1d20

2011-08-04, 06:54 PM
Lets try this again


2011-08-05, 06:39 AM
Begin Round 8

Your proximity to the creature and keen eyes allows you to spot a marking on the shoulder pad of the goblin's armor--a dripping red hand, stamped in either paint or blood.

As Kreegon draws near and Christof singes the creature's arm with a drop of acid, the blinded goblin becomes even more tense. "I can hear you, hummies!" it shouts, waving its bow in a wild arc. "Don't follow, or I'll pop you!" With that, the goblin speeds off into the woods to the West, fumbling through the trees as it goes (top of map, withdraw action to avoid AoO).

At the farmhouse, Gyndren finds the remaining goblin to be more strong-willed than the others--perhaps a leader. It is resilient against his powers, only taking some of the damage. However, swords cut all flesh the same, and Cole finds this to be especially true as he stabs into the goblin twice. One blow simply catches the goblin's shoulder, but another digs deeply into its ribcage. The creature howls out in pain, yet remains standing despite all of it. Alucius, too, joins the fray by bringing his morningstar down on the creature's head. You all hear the sound of chanting coming from somewhere within the smoky farmhouse, and the goblin's wounds begin to close almost immediately. The creature smiles and takes a lunging step towards the path before attacking Alucius with two blades of its own. One dagger tears at the cleric's arm, but smoke gets in the goblins eyes and causes the second blade to miss, if just barely.

Alucius, take 7 damage.


G=Goblins (purple one is blinded)

Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 8 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 9 actions.

2011-08-05, 06:44 AM
Ily starts moving back in the direction of the farmhouse.

2011-08-05, 07:07 AM
Christof lets the goblin flee, "There is no gain in pursuit, I should see how the others fair. This whole ambush has been...strange." He heads southward, back to the path.

double move to O-24

Horus climbs back into the sky, talons red.

15' up, 30 ft south to I-12

Did you forgot his smite attack on the goblin? That should have hurt him pretty bad.

2011-08-05, 08:21 AM
Gyndren considers the goblin, and decides that if an attack of the mind will not suffice, he will attack the body. A humming sound is heard, building until a bolt of energy shoots forth from Gyndren at the goblin.

Manifests Energy Ray (electricity)
Spends 2 PP
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-08-05, 08:35 AM
Kreegon will follow a few steps after the retreating goblin before searching around for the bodies of the downed ambushers. "I will make sure we do not end up with a third surprise out here," he calls back to his companions.

2011-08-05, 03:20 PM
"Heal this," mutters Cole, as he again hacks at the goblin outside the farm house.

5ft step to I26
[roll0] main
[roll1] off
[roll2] main
[roll3] off

2011-08-09, 09:03 PM
Damn goblins getting healed when they should be dying. This will not be allowed.

Cael rides up to the goblin that is outside and strikes it with his sword.

attack roll

damage roll

2011-08-10, 07:57 AM
Begin Round 9

Kreegon sees the bodies of fallen goblins everywhere, though they don't seem to be holding anything more than some small leather armor and a few mundane bows. He scans the treelike for the approach of more goblins, but doesn't see any--the second wave were likely the only reinforcements. Yli moves back towards the house, and Kreegon begins to wonder if he should follow suit.

Back at the farmhouse, Gyndren's bolt of electricity sails past the goblin, making a loud cracking sound as it tears into the farmhouse instead. Cole's blows also miss the foul creature, who laughs and spits blood from his mouth. "If all humans are like you, we have nothing to worry abUH--" The monster's words are cut short by a well-placed blow from Cael. While the blow seems to send the goblin reeling, once again a disembodied chant rings out and the goblin's wounds begin to heal. Cole and Alucius think the sound is coming from in between them, but when he turns it is clear that nothing is there.

Alucius takes a step away from the fray to heal himself. The goblin takes one quick step in pursuit of Alucius and stabs at the cleric with both of its blades, but both of its blows also miss.

Alucius, heal 19 HP and remove one 3rd-level spell from your list (swapped a spell for Cure Serious Wounds).

Spellcraft DC 17 to open:
The disembodied chant is clearly a casting of Cure Moderate Wounds, perhaps coming from an unseen caster.



Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 9 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 10 actions.

2011-08-10, 08:09 AM
Spellcraft [roll0]

Christof rushes forward to aid his allies.

"It's casting a healing spell! It may be invisible. I can reveal it, but those nearby may be blinded." New companions may not take well to temporary blindness in the midst of the fray.

Move to J-25, will swift action to recover glitterdust, then cast on H-27 if the others consent

2011-08-10, 08:58 AM
Kreegon will step back into the open (e6) and look up the road to see if any others flee, then back toward his companions to which he will approach (e9).

2011-08-10, 11:16 AM
Yli moves further back to the house, taking post at M24.

Yli wasn't moved on the map yet.

2011-08-11, 01:01 AM
Cole steps forward to strike the damnable healing goblin once again, daring the spellcaster to reveal himself with an attack.

move to h27, attack visible goblin

2011-08-11, 12:13 PM
Gyndren readies himself to strike the casting goblin with energy as soon as Christof's spell takes effect.

Energy Ray (electricity) (3 PP Spent)
Attack: [roll0] (+3 vs opponent in metal armor)
Damage [roll1]

EDIT: Attack should be 17, 20 vs armor

2011-08-11, 12:53 PM
Christof briefly closes his eyes in concentration, then mutters arcane words while casting another cloud of dust forward. The cloud shines briefly, expanding and multiplying as it flys, settling on everything in the area,

swift action burns 2 spell pool to recover glitterdust, cast, 10 ft spread, on H-11. Will DC 15 vs blindness, reveals invisible, 6 rounds

2011-08-22, 08:21 AM
Begin Round 10

Both goblins fight off the blinding flash of glitterdust; unfortunately Cole, Cael, and Alucius aren't so lucky. Kreegon and Yli move closer to the farmhouse, but seem apprehensive to join the fray. Cole takes a swipe at the bladebearing goblin, but the glitterdust has thrown him off and he misses horribly. The spell did have a positive effect, however--it reveals a second goblin standing behind Alucius and clutching a holy symbol.

Knowledge: Religion DC 10 to open:
It is a holy symbol of Tiamat.

Cael feels around for any foes, but finding none decides to take a defensive stance (total defense). Alucius, on the other hand, decides to take what little action he can; the cleric casts a spell upon himself to heal his wounds. However, he is unable to maintain the necessary concentration, and his casting allows both goblins to lash out at him. The cleric misses, but the bladebearer's dagger finds its mark.

The goblins, unaffected by the glitterdust, continue their assault on Alucius. The one with two blades digs the second one into the cleric's soft flesh, while the now-visible caster clunks him over the head with a morningstar. With a wry, satisfied smirk, the caster disappears again in a puff of smoke, this time replaced by two identical images. Both step back from the fray and grin widely.

Cole, Cael, and Alucius: you are blinded for 6 rounds.
Alucius: Heal 16 damage, but then take 39 damage. Additionally, you will take 3 damage at the start of your turn every turn until you make a DC 15 Heal check or any effect that heals HP damage.



Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 10 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 11 actions.

2011-08-22, 08:32 AM
Kreegon will push through the brush to E19 (if possible) trying to get back to the melee.

2011-08-22, 08:45 AM
That...could have went better. Christof rushes ahead to help the group recover from the hindrance of his spells unfortunate effects. He nears the first goblin and lashes out with his staff, energy crackling down it's length.

move to I-27, spell strike shocking grasp
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
shocking grasp [roll2] electric
spell storing (if hits) [roll3] electric
enhancement expired (1 minute = 10 rounds)

2011-08-22, 10:52 AM
Ily moves even closer, to L26 and uses his surging blast on one of the casters images. Ranged touch attack [roll0]; [roll1] force damage

2011-08-22, 04:24 PM
Blinded, Cole take a stumbling step backwards, then feels his way along the building and away from the goblins.

5ft step to H26, move to K24
[roll0] acrobatics check to avoid falling prone

2011-08-24, 06:07 PM
Gyndren whips out a violet crystal, pointing it at the goblin with the holy symbol. It hums, glows, and a shard of crystal emerges, propelling itself towards the target.

Crystal Shard
Touch Attack: [roll0]

2011-08-25, 08:04 AM
Begin Round 11

Kreegon draws closer to the fighting and takes up position in the trees behind the farmhouse. On the other side of the building, Christof drops the goblin bladebearer with one magic-infused blow. Yli's power zaps through an image of the goblin caster that flickers and disappears, but Gyndren's crystal shard cuts the shoulder of the real caster. Cole withdraws carefully from the fight, unaware that the only foe threatening him has fallen. Cael, similarly unaware, maintains a defensive position while Alucius continues to heal his wounds.

Alucius, heal 15 damage.

The caster seems distraught at the death of his leader and turns tail, disappearing around the back of the farmhouse at breakneck speed. However, he is unaware of Kreegon's position until he is upon the fighter; the creature continues past Kreegon, clearly intent on escaping.

Kreegon, you are entitled to an attack of opportunity.



Those in the After the Monsters group may post their Round 11 actions. Also, those in the Before the Monsters group may post their Round 12 actions.

2011-08-25, 08:20 AM
"He is dangerous. Do not let him get away." Christof follows his own advice and rushes past the farmhouse and into the woods, getting just close enough to let free a dart of acid at the fleeing goblin.

move to I-18, acid splash at goblin,
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
miss chance [roll2]

2011-08-25, 08:21 AM
Kreegon will swing at the goblin as it passes.

Crit Damage

If the Hit is not sufficient to drop the goblin, Kreegon will pursue.

2011-08-25, 09:19 AM
Yli will hold his action.

2011-08-26, 01:43 AM
Still blinded, Cole is content to let the others handle things.

2011-08-26, 05:51 AM
The final goblin falls beneath Kreegon's attack, unconscious but still alive. Kreegon notices that, much like the dead leader, this goblin bears an emblem on his shield--the same bloody hand that you've all been seeing in your dreams. Black smoke continues to billow out of the farmhouse, but it seems for now that everything is calm and safe. An old sign back by the path points to the West and indicates that Drellin's Ferry is about 5 miles to the West.

Everyone: award yourselves 600 XP each.

OOC: We are now out of initiative. From here on out, we'll be running the campaign with the 5 players still posting actively. If Cael or Alucius return, they are free to jump in at any time, but for now their characters are in the magic bubble of Not Being There.

2011-08-26, 06:35 AM
Cole wait patiently for Christof's spell to wear off, then retrieves his crossbow from the road and his cloak from the chimney. Thinking it might take the smoke some minutes to dissipate, he ponders the unconscious goblin.

"Does anyone have the means to wake him up. I think we all have some questions," he says to the others, as he binds the creature with his hemp rope.

escape artist DC is 20+CMB of the creature binding, so 27.

2011-08-26, 07:05 AM
"Here, let me help."

Yli looks angry as he steps up to the goblin and slaps him in the face.

2011-08-26, 07:22 AM
Kreegon watches Cole as he binds the goblin caster. "I would assume that a simple healing would keep him alive and probably awake, always works in the pits," he says as the fire around his hands dissipates.

2011-08-26, 07:24 AM
"Could someone help me get all the bodies here, in one spot. Makes it a lot easier to search them."

Yli then proceeds to drag the bodies to in front of the house.

2011-08-26, 07:35 AM
"Indeed, I will help with the furthest ones first," Kreegon says as he trails off into the woods to bring back the dead.

2011-08-26, 08:24 AM
"I shall help as well." Fortunately I prepared prestidigitation today. The scavenging or corpses is bad enough without the smell.

As Christof walks off to aid in the carrion collection, Horus returns to his accustomed perch on his shoulder, eying the goblins with the hint of hunger.

Will cast prestidigitation repeatedly to clean up anyone who needs it and reduce the mess from stripping the bodies.

2011-08-26, 08:31 AM
"Anyone have a shovel," Kreegon calls out as he begins to retrieve the bodies.

2011-08-28, 07:05 AM
You all bring the bodies to the front of the farmhouse with little trouble. The casting goblin is still unconscious, though it seems Kreegon's words are wise--even a minor healing spell would probably be enough to revive the goblin. The cloud of smoke within the farmhouse dissipates and looks like it can safely be entered again. As you search through the bodies of the goblins, you find the following:

Heavy Steel Shield
2 scrolls
3 potions
Masterwork heavy mace
2 short swords
Studded leather armor
6 Chainmail shirts
6 heavy steel shields
Composite Longbow (+2 STR to use) with 20 arrows x6

The skies darken, and rain begins to fall. Do you take shelter in the farmhouse, or press on towards Drellin's Ferry?

2011-08-28, 09:21 AM
"I say we stay here and travel again when the weather permits," Kreegon offers as he starts putting the chain shirts in the house.

2011-08-28, 12:08 PM
"I am for pressing on. This ambush only deepens my concern. I would know what has called us all here. However, I will abide by the will of the group, whichever way the vote falls. We seem to be bound together. Our enemies, whomever they may be, are stronger than any of us individually, if this battle is any indication." He leans on his staff, somewhat weary from the fight.

2011-08-28, 12:37 PM
"I agree that whatever we do, we should stay together. However, I believe that patience is best exercised. Better that we arrive strong than vulnerable."

2011-08-28, 03:53 PM
"I don't like rain much, so I'd rather stay here and wait out the rain. I'll follow the groups decision though.

Can someone identify these potions and scrolls? I'm sure I can use the scrolls, but I don't like using them blindly."

2011-08-29, 12:31 AM
"I don't minding walking in the rain, but I want a look in the farmhouse and a talk with goblin before we leave." Having said his piece, Cole enters the cottage.

[roll0] perception, if necessary

2011-08-29, 08:14 AM
Even the pervasive scent of smoke can do little to cover the unmistakable stench of death as you enter the farmhouse. Against the west wall are five bodies: a farmer, a merchant, and three muscular men. In the main room of the farmhouse, the marauding goblins have set up a crude campsite. Dirty bedrolls surround a banked cooking fire. The rain is beginning to fall harder outside; while the scene may be morbid, it's a better shelter than any other.

2011-08-29, 09:40 AM
"I have discerned the natures of the potions and scrolls. The scrolls appear to be a divine weapon enhancement and a summoning spell, while the potions are minor restoratives."

Spiritual Weapon and Summon Monster III, potions all Cure Light Wounds

"I lack the faculty to efficiently utilize either scroll, but would like to hold on to one of the potions."

Alucius should probably get the scrolls, neither are magus spells. Potions to anyone who can't heal?

2011-08-29, 10:11 AM
Yli quickly takes shelter in the farmhouse, as the rain increases.

"Can anyone use these scrolls? Otherwise, I'll have a go. I have a knack for anything magical."

2011-08-29, 01:53 PM
"I have little knowledge of arcane power," Gyndren says.

He looks around. "How shall we dispose of the dead?"

2011-08-29, 02:06 PM
"If we wait here, bury the farmers, burn the goblins. If we head to Drellin's ferry, we can give a few coin to a local to have them take care of the matter. They would likely know who these poor souls were, so could give a better account of themselves in the service.

"Either way I have no qualms about getting wet." He shoots a disdainful glance toward Yli. Though Horus might object. At least I've kept him from eating the goblin's eyeballs. He can be a bit spiteful sometimes.

2011-08-29, 05:10 PM
"I'd rather brave the rain than spend more time than I need to in this charnal house." Says Cole, "but first I'm going to ask that goblin about the symbol on its armor if I have force one of these potions down his throat."

2011-08-29, 06:23 PM
"I've stayed in worse," Kreegon says as he finishes putting the armor and weapons in the house. He stops to think, then procedes to pull the humans outside, beside the goblins.

2011-09-06, 08:06 AM
As Kreegon moves the corpses outside, he hears a faint moan from the unconscious goblin.

"WoooOOooo...Hey, what's the deal here?" the goblin says as it regains consciousness, "Leaving me out in the wet to catch my death? Who are you and why did you attack our base?"

2011-09-06, 08:25 AM
"Hmm, I am Kreegon, and it was your base that attacked us," Kreegon will then lift the goblin and throw him into the main room of the small house.

2011-09-06, 08:55 AM
Christof crosses over to the now conscious goblin. "If it is your practice to murder farmers and ambush travelers, then you have little reason to ask such questions. Who do you work for and why are you here?"

He holds his staff out in one hand, vertically with one end resting on the ground. Horus eyes the goblin with cocked head.

2011-09-06, 02:51 PM
Yli watches on as the scene plays out. Having no interest being part of it, but of course waiting for results.

2011-09-06, 03:12 PM
Gyndren also chooses only to listen, having little patience with such creatures.

2011-09-06, 07:16 PM
Cole waits for the goblin's response as well.

2011-09-07, 01:05 PM
The goblin howls in pain as the muscular fighter picks up the wounded creature and throws it into a corner of the farmhouse. Raising its head and glancing back over its shoulder at Kreegon. Its eyes are filled with equal parts loathing and fear as Christof begins to interrogate the goblin.

Christof crosses over to the now conscious goblin. "If it is your practice to murder farmers and ambush travelers, then you have little reason to ask such questions. Who do you work for and why are you here?"

The goblin laughs, a sad affair given his lack of strength. Halfway through, the laugh breaks into a wet cough as he spits a drop of blood onto the ground. His eyes dart from one member of the party to another, but finally settle on Christof.

"Farmers and travelers? More like spies and reinforcements. We're privy to your tricks. Tell me, if you're simply peaceful travelers, who fired first--my men or yours?" He smirks, confident that he knows the answer before it is given. Rather than waiting for a response, he continues. "Travelers stop politely at a military checkpoint and are allowed to continue on their way. Enemy combatants fire first and ask questions later. The lot of you just caused an unprovoked massacre and may have started a war. You're monsters, and I won't be answering any of your questions." The goblin crosses his arms in defiance and turns his gaze the the nearest wall, exposing his neck. "Do what you came for," he grimaces.

Sense Motive DC 20 to open:
While the goblin is putting on a brave face, his emotions are heightened from the recent fight and his subsequent interactions with you. Whether it would be best to take a more diplomatic approach or to act on the fear still swimming in his eyes is up to you.

2011-09-07, 01:38 PM
"Checkpoints are marked. Guards announce themselves. You are trying to start something, not us, though I know not what." He scowls and turns away from the pitiful creature, unwilling to waste further time sifting its lies.

sense motive [roll0]

2011-09-08, 06:56 AM
Kreegon will continue bringing in any stray equipment.

2011-09-08, 06:27 PM
Cole steps forward, drawing his short sword and whispering the command to activate the blade's electrical current. "Don't be hasty, goblin. We're stuck here until the rain lets up with only you for entertainment." Cole deliberately waves his sword over the goblin's proffered neck, letting bright, but harmless, arcs of electricity dance between blade and flesh. "Unless you'd rather pass the time with conversation."

intimidate: [roll0]

2011-09-12, 08:05 PM
The goblin can't help but chuckle a little. "I'm a magician, too, friend," he says with a grin. "It'll take more than a few sparks to shock me. If you want to know more about my boss, I can always take you to him...as my prisoners. Will you surrender now, or must you drown in the inevitable wave of change to come?"

2011-09-12, 08:10 PM
Christof looks around to his new-found companions. "Let us finish this and be away to the ferry. This one is of no use, but too dangerous to leave. We could see if there are any authorities there who would take him, perhaps to stand for the fates of the farmers who's house this is."

2011-09-12, 08:14 PM
"I do tire of such useless words, cut the tongue from his mouth and break his fingers, no casting then. Then he can lead us to this leader of his," Kreegon grunts out as he slumps next to the wall.

2011-09-13, 07:48 AM
"I guess we won't be getting anything out of him." Says Cole, sheathing his blade. "There are too many bodies to bury, lets just drag them in here with our friend and let this cottage serve as their pyre."

2011-09-13, 09:28 AM
Christof nods to Cole and begins helping with the body transport. An inauspicious beginning to my investigation. How many more farmers will we find murdered before we find this 'boss'?

2011-09-15, 06:50 AM
The goblin looks taken aback. "Cut the tongue from my mouth and break my fingers? Leave me hogtied in a burning building, the only exit blocked by the bodies of my fallen comrades? You certainly ARE enemy combatants!" His tough facade falls, and the goblin begins to weep as he pleads for his life. "But enemy combatants need spies and informants of their own, no? Allow me to live and I'll help you! Yes, we can work together. A life among humans is better than no life at all, now isn't it?"

2011-09-15, 06:56 AM
Once the bodies are inside, Christof addresses the others. "I'll not have this creature, evil though he is, burned alive. I wish to take him to Drellin's Ferry to be turned over to the authorities. If you must kill him, though, do so quickly. I will have no part in killing prisoners. I am no goblin." He gives a pointed glare to their prisoner.

2011-09-15, 07:17 AM
"I merely suggested keeping him from his magics, all men and beast beg in fear of death. Goblin, what is your name and who do you follow," Kreegon says in a stern voice. "Speak now or truly suffer with no more threats."

2011-09-15, 07:45 AM
"Straighttooth!" The goblin practically shouts, "My name is Straighttooth and I am a warrior of the Hand. Now untie me...please!"

2011-09-15, 08:04 AM
"No, no untying yet. I have fought many opponents, some have been goblins. I know that you can prove formiddable with magic. First I want to know that you will help and be no neusance to me and my companions, then, they must agree to untie you," Kreegon continues.

2011-09-15, 08:30 AM
"Bind his hands and hold the rope. If he tries to cast, he dies. Even if he can cast a spell with no warning, we would still have a hold of him."

2011-09-16, 10:27 PM
"Tie him up and drag him along then, but, rain or no, I'd rather not stay here any longer than necessary."

2011-09-16, 11:32 PM
"We are leaving then? Very well."

2011-09-19, 07:08 AM
"As it must be," Kreegon says as he hoists the goblin to his feet.

2011-09-19, 08:46 PM
Straighttooth grunts as Kreegon pulls the goblin to his feet. "Before we are off," he says, "may we pause so I can pray for my fallen comrades? You have my word, no spells will be cast. Just allow me this one ounce of dignity for my brothers. You can even leave my hands tied. Allow me one prayer, and I will lead you to the Ferry town myself."

Sense Motive DC 20 to open:
While he may not like you, Straighttooth is being honest. There is a sense of pleading in his words, as if a simple prayer for his kin is of the utmost importance to him. It is clear that his zeal is borne of faith.

2011-09-19, 09:08 PM
sense motive [roll0]

Christof's countenance softens. Perhaps there is more to this one than blood and mischief...but perhaps not. Who can read that face? Still, does not the cruelest brute feel something for his fellows?

Christof shrugs, holding his staff at the ready. "Say your prayer and let us be gone. I have little patience for further delays, but even those such as you may receive some peace."

He glances to the sky as Horus preens. I would feel better if you were taking wing to warn us of danger.

2011-09-19, 09:41 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

Gyndren studies the goblin.
"I have seen many things, and I do not see any lie in this creature. At least, not about this."

2011-09-20, 06:24 AM
Straighttooth nods vigorously, tears rolling down his mottled green cheeks. "Yes sirs, yes sirs," he says, "off in a flash. Just a quick prayer." With that, he clenches his eyes tightly and begins to pray in his mother tongue:

Goblin speakers only:
"Dearest Rainbow Mother, please forgive me for the path I am about to follow. Know that I do not intend this as a betrayal, but as a way to stop the bloodshed sooner. I pray that your servant Straighttooth can be a voice of peace to both peoples, human and goblin, so that this war may ebb.

I commend Uth-Lar into your hands and ask that you forgive his foolish pride. I pray for Gnash, that you would provide for his younglings in his absence, especially with their mother gone. I seek redemption for Uruk; though he was not a faithful goblin, may you smile upon him with mercy in the afterlife. For Oduk, I ask that you comfort his mother when she hears the news. For the others who I did not know as well, I pray that they too would find their way to the afterlife.

In the name of the Five Colors,

He tucks a holy symbol back into his chestplate, and a faint smile crosses his face for the first time all day. Looking to the group, he wipes a tear from his eye. "Thank you for that--it is as I hoped; both sides still have souls. I shall lead you to Drellin's, and hopefully we can end this war before any more good goblins have to die. Come, follow me."

Knowledge (Religion) DC 10 to open:
The goblin's holy symbol is that of Tiamat.

Knowledge (Religion) DC 15 to open:
The goblin's holy symbol is that of Tiamat. Also known as The Rainbow Mother or She of the Five Colors, Tiamat is an evil dragon with five heads, each of a different color. She is often revered as a deity, but usually only among fellow dragons, kobolds, and other reptilian creatures. Other races rarely follow Tiamat; it is certainly odd to see a goblin so devoted to her. She is thought to be the one who blessed dragons with their magical prowess, and as such controls the flow of all magic in the world.

The rain is unrelenting as you head out, but Straighttooth takes you down a trail that runs just along the road. The trees provide some cover from the storm, and you travel in relative ease. The trek takes a few hours, and it is just before nightfall once you reach the crest of a hill and see the city of Drellin's Ferry. The road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

A group of armed townsfolk--three in leather, one in mail--stand guard at the nearest gate. The lot of them are clearly jittery: these are not the tired usual guards, but some with newly heightened orders. Scanning the treeline, the one in mail spies your group and shouts, "Ho there, goblin sighting! State your business in Drellin's Ferry or we shall consider you all enemy insurgents."

2011-09-20, 07:13 AM
know religion [roll0]

A goblin who worships Tiamat? Stranger and stranger. Have to think about this more...later, now to the ferry.

As they walk, he whispers to the others. "He bears Tiamat's holy symbol. I fear this "boss" may be a dragon, or in one's employ. Matters are grave indeed."

Upon reaching the village and being challenged, Christof calls out, holding his hands in plain view. "Hold, friends. This goblin is our captive. We have been ambushed at an outlying farm by goblins and other creatures, all of which were killed or fled, except this one whom we captured. We seek entry as friends and allies."

Horus stays at his perch, cursing the rain silently.

2011-09-20, 07:55 AM
"We mean no harm to Drellin's Ferry, only seeking shelter and answers," Kreegon calls out as he puts a hand on Straighttooth.

Does he actually have straight teeth? Compared to other goblins.

2011-09-23, 12:51 AM
As the others shout to the guards, Cole gives the Goblin's bindings a strong yank, making it clear that he's securely bound and no friend to the travelers.

2011-09-29, 04:09 PM
Yes, Straighttooth does in fact have straight teeth. :smallbiggrin:

The guard frowns at the travelers. "Very well," he says gruffly, "we always welcome civilian reinforcement. If you are seeking entrance to town, the enemy combatant must be secured in our prison."

Straighttooth's eyes go wide at the guard's mention of prison. "No, no!" he pleads, "you must work out another way! Those that guard the prison would surely kill me at hopes of a promotion. Even if they failed, the human prisoners would slay me on sight alone." A tear begins to roll down his eyes, and it is plain to see that his fear is genuine.

2011-09-29, 06:08 PM
Christoff nods, turning to his companions. "I say we leave him to justice here. Where ever we may be bound, we cannot bring him, nor can we offend these good folks. Our investigation leads through this town. His fate is the one he chose for joining brigands and murderers."

2011-09-30, 07:06 AM
"Not much justice if he sees to die for nothing. I think we should take him to the magister or mayor, whatever they have in this town for a ruling on his usefulness," Kreegon says as he looks at the green skinned sobber.

2011-10-01, 01:38 AM
Such interesting ideas on 'justice'.

2011-10-07, 08:53 PM
Cole beins trudging forward, dragging the bound goblin along. Ignoring the goblin's pleas, he calls to the guard, "best warn the warden that he's a caster, so that he'll be gagged and bound instead of left alone in a cell."

2011-10-10, 09:04 AM
Two guards rush down to take the goblin captive, carrying materials to bind and gag him. "Our thanks for the intel, citizen," the captain calls down from his place on the wall. "The gates of Drellin's Ferry are open to all of you as supporters of the cause. Enter quickly; there may be more goblin attacks afoot."

The rusty gates of the city begin to creak open as Straighttooth is taken by the guards into a door set into the city walls. He tries to say something to you, but a muzzled "Hmmph" is all that comes out. The guards themselves pause and salute you all as you enter the town.

Award yourselves 100 XP each.

The rustic borough of Drellin's Ferry lies immediately in front of you as you enter the town. There are plenty of businesses along the dirt roads: cartographers, blacksmiths, merchants, and of course...taverns. The sun is beginning to set, but the town is still very much alive.

If you wish to do any shopping or exploration, please state so now. If nothing is posted within 48 hours, I will assume that you settle into an inn for the night and I will forward the story on Thursday.

2011-10-10, 10:31 AM
Christof nods to the guards as they enter, before approaching them. "May I ask who we ought speak to for more information regarding the events in this area? We have been drawn here separately, but for an apparent common cause, and would know more."

Christof would like to talk to a mayor or guard captain to inquire about goblin raids and dragon cults in the area, as well as the banner that haunts his dreams.

2011-10-10, 11:21 AM
Gyndren pauses to observe anything unusual. He is looking for any indication of a psionic adept, so that he may acquire additional equipment.

2011-10-15, 07:13 AM
Tired from the road and pained by his wounds, Cole can't wait to find a passable inn and collapse into something resembling a bed.

2011-10-15, 07:44 AM
Along the way, Gyndren finds The Crystal Castle, a shop whose sign is framed with crystals of various shapes and sizes. He ducks in for a moment, finding a treasure trove of psionic items.

OOC: Maquise, please PM me any requests for what you wanted to purchase in the shop.

The town guard nods. "I'll make sure Norro Wiston knows you seek an audience. He's the Town Speaker, and as such he's quite busy. I can probably schedule an appointment tomorrow morning. For the mean time, let's find you a place to stay."

He directs you to the Green Apple, a cheap inn catering mostly to locals. The owner is a dwarven woman named Tharrma who spits on the ground and demands that you find a way to clean your hands after the guard indicates your interaction with a goblin earlier in the day. Still, she's more than happy to collect her fee (1 gp per person).

"Now, we'll get you to the Old Toll House in the morning--that's where the Speaker's office is. Try to catch some shuteye, and do be sure to make yourselves presentable to Speaker Wiston. Good night, all." With a salute, the guard closes the door and leaves.

You're just settling into your rooms when a knock comes at the door. Outside in the hallway stand a atall, balding man of about fifty and a capable-looking swordswoman. "Sorry to trouble you, travelers, but I'd like a few minutes of your time," the man says. "My name is Norro Wiston, and this is our guard captain, Soranna." The woman travelling with him does not move, but remains on high alert, a hand constantly on the hilt of her sword. It seems she is ready to unsheathe the weapon at the first sign of goblins.

"Our town is under attack," the man continues. "Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands now for several days. They've attacked and killed innocent people in the outlying homestead, and they've been waylaying travelers like yourselves along the Dawn Way."

The woman suddenly interjects into the conversation."Waylaying? Norro, they've created a tactical chokepoint. Listen, we've had some trouble with them before--a quick raid here or there, nothing we couldn't quell--but this? This is different? They're disciplined, and they've mobilized. My intel tells me that there's a large, aggressive tribe moving down from the Wyrmsmokes, itching for a war. Frankly, I think all the peoples of the Vale can stand against them...but not all the people of this town. If they take the Dawn Way, they could easily sack Drellin's Ferry." She grows grimly silent, clearly thinking about that possibility.

Norro chimes back in: "Beyond the immediate threat to our homes, the Dawn Way is our lifeblood. If the goblins make that road impassable to the West, trade won't come this way. If trade doesn't come this way, revenues will plummet and we'll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the raiders from our town, but we've got to keep that road open. Can you help us do it?"

2011-10-15, 07:18 PM
Augustin thanks the guard. "I will surely be there for the meeting."

To Norro and Soranna: "I will lend any aid that I am able, though I can not speak for the others. Please tell me more, though I request that oyu do so over a hot meal. The day has been taxing."

2011-10-17, 02:51 PM
As Ily sits down he realises how tired he is. A good night rest is just what he needs. .... Until the man and woman enter. He listens patiently before speaking.

"I suppose we can help out, as my friend here indicated. Though you will have to give us more information to work with. I would also like to know what armsmen or other aid you can lend us for this purpose."

2011-10-17, 02:58 PM
Kreegon will locate the nearest inn and get a room.