View Full Version : Things you do as a player to get *that* look from your DM

2011-06-21, 04:49 AM
If you have some kind of humor and a little bit of a devious mind you can really troll your DM to the point he actually needs to take story actions to *repair* what you have done. When this happens, you will get *that* look from your DM telling you: Did you really just do that?.

For starters, I have played a female half-elf lesbian bard, with sky high charisma, and hit on the barmaid, next time we were in that tavern the tavern had turned into a self-service bar :smallbiggrin:

another time, I had made a charcter with a few immovable rods and perform dance, my DM just double facepalmed :smalltongue:

P.S. if this thread allready exists, i'm sorry, but the search function was down so I couldn't search any predesessors

Lonely Tylenol
2011-06-21, 04:55 AM
One time I sharted myself.

He had to write me out for the rest of the adventure as I spent the rest of the session on the toilet dealing with explosive vomiting and diarrhea, then passed out from the physical stress the food poisoning put on my body.

Oh, do you mean in-game?...

EDIT: Okay, in the spirit of being a good boy and posting relevant information: I've never done anything, per se (aside from feeding half the party's food to our just-found bag of devouring as a prank), but our druid once brought her Large-sized wolf animal companion to a stealth mission... And left him out in the open... Without roleplaying or even telling anybody that the dog was there. After we snuck past all the guards into the tower (having alerted their suspicion due to my tripping on my own robes while trying to move silently), they fanned out, at which point the DM says, "[playername], did you bring your wolf?" and she said "yes . . . . No . . . Yes."

The entire party is looking at her with a bewildered "what is this?" expression, since we spent that entire day in a metropolis, surveying the area around the tower, and no mention was ever made of her wolf. The DM rubs his brow for a moment, then says, "you begin to feel fear." Dead silence. "Now you begin to feel pain. It hurts."

We had to leap through the tower window, run through the yard, jump the gate, and cause an even bigger distraction than her Large wolf (which took the form of our bardbarian stripping naked, then running, screaming, at the guards, yelling "I HATE GUARDS, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL," then casting Expeditious Retreat and ran in the opposite direction).

It was one of those "what" moments, because the wolf was never mentioned anywhere, and it kinda forced us away from the dungeon we had just spent a great deal of effort sneaking into.

Big Fau
2011-06-21, 04:59 AM
Pretty much any time I use a Polymorph effect elicits a "WTF?" from the DM, but that's because I have 90% of 3.X on my laptop and all he has are Core+Completes (why he lets me use that much material is beyond me).

Not that I use Polymorph stuff that often (I'm content with Body of War).

2011-06-21, 05:00 AM
Mage hands in a tavern. One day I'll grow up.

2011-06-21, 05:15 AM
Mage hands in a tavern. One day I'll grow up.


that si a good one :smallamused:

2011-06-21, 05:17 AM
I personally have never obtained this look from the DM but my brother has. He was playing a 7'1" Human Barbarian that had just been turned into a woman due to some magical shenanigans. He and the other female party members were to distract the guards while the male characters and the gnome (because it would have been creepy) snuck past them and did what we had to do. While roleplaying the distraction he says that he tries to suffocate the guard with his breasts. The DM just looked at him for about fifteen seconds, just a blank stare, then told him to roll a strength check for it. He rolled a natural twenty with a strength score in the mid twenties. Needless to say, nameless guard #2 died a very happy man.

2011-06-21, 05:35 AM
In one campaign a player was away so I was controlling his dwarvern rogue/wizard who was a bit of a nutcase. At one point we'd sat down to have dinner when I realised I hadn't made him do anything crazy. So I asked the DM what we were eating and he said chicken. I then declared the dwarf was using magical electrical jolts to try and bring the chicken back to life (yes, it was already cooked).

2011-06-21, 06:00 AM
Anything I say which starts with "You remember that [thing] which we got, like, seventeen sessions ago..."

I tend to hoard strange equipment, then bring it out much later when everyone's forgotten about it. Cue exploding lobsters, lust-inducing hate mail, and a bag of cheese.

2011-06-21, 06:18 AM
One of our players took over the character of another player for a module (it's complicated). That character, when it was handed off, was a standard, respectable, aged sorceror. When it was handed back, the player borrowing it had gotten him raped by a wererat, turned him into a pedophile (thankfully in desire only - the paladin was NOT going to let him roleplay it!), and gotten him married to a kobold. Also, one of his hands was trapped in a cursed guantlet, giving him a 5% spell failure chance.

Yep. That look. Suffice it to say, the character was quickly retired.

I tend to get that look from the other players more than the DM... DMs usually only have gotten really annoyed by my optimizing one random facet which comes back to repeatedly annoy them. Like my current wizard, with +15 Initiative, or my shadowdancer who could only ever be seen on a natural 1/20 (for some reason no one ever held an action to hit him when he became visible to attack...)

Big Fau
2011-06-21, 06:23 AM
Anything I say which starts with "You remember that [thing] which we got, like, seventeen sessions ago..."

I tend to hoard strange equipment, then bring it out much later when everyone's forgotten about it. Cue exploding lobsters, lust-inducing hate mail, and a bag of cheese.

I actually did that recently with my Bard/Sublime Chord. We had just acquired a +3 Dwarven Waraxe through random treasure (actually random, the DM doesn't prep treasure) two sessions ago. One Glibness later and I managed to bypass a CR 13 encounter (we were level 8, facing off against 4 Fire Giants; why they were protecting the dwarves is beyond me) by telling them we were delivering a dwarven relic.

2011-06-21, 06:23 AM
also, i was playing a dreadpirate, after I hijacked the ship that was supposed to bribe the pirates to leave a nation alone, got the gold, spend it, and bluffed to the pirates that I had had to bring them the gold, but never saw any, i was in charge of leading the ships (all smaller then the navy sent upon us) to a victory against the navy. first battle I hijacked a ship in mint condition thanks to a buddy of mine casting vortex of teeth on it, gave the ship to one of those old captains who lost their ship, they modded it, and shot two ships in the navy the coming battle critting with their bombards on the gunpowder sections, blowing 2 ships up in 1 round. After that I sailed with my own ship (a ironwood hul caraval with ironwood mast and fireproof sails) next to another, rolled a use rope to land next to their captain, quick drew my 2 +1 wounding rapiers (thanks to the stolen gold) and sliced and diced (read critted twice) their captain. After that i make a horrible intimidate roll ( i rolled a 2 i think) on which my DM says: "yeah, don't bother you just made minced meat out of their captain, as long as you don't do that to them,they will obey and follow you" gainng me another ship :) Since I live in Holland, I said as part of a joke, "if this ship gathering keeps continuing, i will rename myself to Michiel de Ruyter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michiel_de_Ruyter) and let my crew call me admiral :smallamused: Since then my DM just gave up on naval battles. Especially after he noticed I and My cohort could sail a bout through a frikkin' tornado. note: that was while I was lvl 9 :smallamused:

sadly de dungeon died before I could challenge the pirate king for the pirate island...

2011-06-21, 06:24 AM
I personally have never obtained this look from the DM but my brother has. He was playing a 7'1" Human Barbarian that had just been turned into a woman due to some magical shenanigans. He and the other female party members were to distract the guards while the male characters and the gnome (because it would have been creepy) snuck past them and did what we had to do. While roleplaying the distraction he says that he tries to suffocate the guard with his breasts. The DM just looked at him for about fifteen seconds, just a blank stare, then told him to roll a strength check for it. He rolled a natural twenty with a strength score in the mid twenties. Needless to say, nameless guard #2 died a very happy man.

I was laughing for many minutes during our break from the world's largest dungeon. My DM stated that "that's one for the record books, and if it's amusing, it's allowed."
I love dnd. <3

2011-06-21, 10:01 AM
Quite often when combat rolls around and something tries to hit my Cleric (whose Base daily AC is 28 and it only goes up from there depending what spells i have running - i could get it to 40 with a bit of effort and some extra spell use)

2011-06-21, 10:20 AM
Me? Nothing. I was born an ancient man with a pile of dust for an inner child.

My players? I would tell, but that would require that I open certain memories I keep repressed for a good reason. Needless to say, they have made me say, with vitriolic intent, "I wish you dead" more than once.

2011-06-21, 10:24 AM
I got that look from the party, the entire party mind you, when I healed the BBEG with a close wounds spell.... let me elaborate.

We were fighting a Necromancer of some sort. I had been paralyzed for 5 rounds... my character is not evil, just very vindictive. The entire time he was held, the only thing he was thinking about was making this man pay for the insult he had dealt me.

The psion tried to kill him, but i had been out of combat so long that the group forgot my turn. I jumped in and said, "I close wounds."

This drew WTF looks from everyone around the table.

After sorting it out, They allowed me to take my turn, but the looks still lingered.
I had a Quickened SumMon VI, and cast it to bring forth a Gargantuan Fiendish Centapede. +27 to grapple, before the Augmented Summoning. LOL!!! I love giant vermin.

2011-06-21, 10:46 AM
We were walking through a crypt (3-person party of lvl 7s, adventure was built for 4 lvl 10s). I was a warblade 7 with dual flaming kukris +1. (inspired by resident evil)

At the beginning I let my companions do the fighting, but when we got to the BBEG, he used a fear effect that I used a counter to, but the others failed. He attacked and hurt one of my companions, so I used burning blade, and because I was in punishing stance, I was doing 50+ damage each hit. I hit three times, did 150+ damage. The creature had some sort of resistance, but my magical weapons cut right through it and my DM just shut the adventure down.

2011-06-21, 11:28 AM
While it isn't 3.5, my character (Dragonborn Sorcerer) in my 4e campaign used to be the guy for wacky things as I used to buy every remotely low level wondrous item whenever I had the money for it.

Situations included:

Inside a Volcano:
GM: The room is filled with lava, there are large stones that you can most likely jump to and from but they don't appear too stable, there are also firey birds flying around the room and you can see something swimming beneath the surface.
Me: I have this Pouch of frozen passage *makes instant bridge along one of the walls*

After a portal:
GM: The Room in front of you as cold as the rest but you can see that the floor is sheathed in ice.
*Room was slippery with icicles on the ceiling*
Me: I have this Aldron's Fire Box *melts ice on the floor*

Party enters a spiral corridor and along the way there are various non-functioning deathtraps. We get to the McGuffin we need and the traps spring to life and 2 golems come at us. This happens on some PLane where everything is kind of made of flesh.
Me: The wall is made of a fleshy material right?
GM: Yes
Me: Everyone, cut through the wall.

My character has a gelatinous cube familiar/companion (via a feat because i thought it'd be cute). One of its abilities is to be effectively invisible (see-through) and being able to eat 1 pound of organic material per round (no idea where that goes though).
While in a wooden colosseum where an old friend was being fought to death, I sent my cubey across the arena (he nearly got trampled twice) and had him eat the support pillars of the colosseum right below where the big bad for that quest was.
After that, a fight commenced and my sorcerer then set fire to the rest.

In the same quest I got myself control of a teleporting tower and used it as a billboard (as it being under my control meant I could freely modify its looks on the outside).

Less inventive (but the GM groaned at it anyway) was recently when fighting some angels. I killed some and had a completely overpowered item (Kartan's void ring) that allowed me to make free action attacks whenever i kill something. However killing the minions meant the non-minion angels gated in more. I ended up killing 13 minions in one turn and damaging the non-minions substantially.

2011-06-21, 12:36 PM
Anything I say which starts with "You remember that [thing] which we got, like, seventeen sessions ago..."

I tend to hoard strange equipment, then bring it out much later when everyone's forgotten about it. Cue exploding lobsters, lust-inducing hate mail, and a bag of cheese.

This tends to be me. My current group tends to play really powerful characters, but I don't like really powerful characters and go for the versatile ones instead. The ones that rarely make any large contribution to the party but when they do it's absolutely awesome.

Put simply my DM gives me that look if I do one of two things:
1) Declare "I've got an idea!"
2) Look at my character sheet and smile (generally followed by 1)

My characters normally end up doing that thing where they have a plan that will either annihilate all their problems in a second or get everyone killed. Best example so far was using a Siege Hammer (homebrew item we got, once per day basically knocks down a wall) on the floor while some super undead guy was about to slaughter us. I did this on the second floor of a fortress, and took down half the fortress in the process. We managed to escape the rubble.

Of course the best way I've found to get that look from my DM is to declare the following: "Tree" :smalltongue:

2011-06-21, 12:56 PM
Anything I say which starts with "You remember that [thing] which we got, like, seventeen sessions ago..."

I tend to hoard strange equipment, then bring it out much later when everyone's forgotten about it. Cue exploding lobsters, lust-inducing hate mail, and a bag of cheese.

Me too. Part of it is because I am always saving expendable items for that perfect time to use them, which usually never arrives. But sometimes...

3-4 years into a 5 year campaign, my level 12-14ish party has been tasked with recovering some artifact from Menzoberranzan in the Underdark of Faerun. This was our most terrifying adventure, and during its climax, we were invading the local Academy of Lolth (Arach-Tinilith) somewhat stealthily, but we evidently failed at stealth. As we made our way deeper into the tiered stone acadamy, a giant, terrifying, stone spidergollem came at us when we entered a room. My sorceress had a sudden inspiration, reached into her haversack, and pulled out the 2 year old scroll of shatterfloor. Moments later, the floor gave way under the giant stone gollem encounter, and several hundred tons of rock (floor and gollem) went crashing down on the drow priestesses below, ensuring lots more chaos to mask our continued infiltration.

Later on, we encountered the gollem again anyway, as we were headed deeper into the academy, but the satisfaction it gave me on delaying this obviously planned out, big encounter was immense. (Also, my DM informs me the gollem had been somewhat damaged by the fall.)

(Funny thing - had I been a wizard, i couldn't have done that. I'd have scribed the scroll into my spellbook when I'd acquired it, then promptly forgotten about it because it seems like a useless spell most of the time, and never had it available when this situation finally arose.)

2011-06-21, 02:05 PM
While I've never gotten the look, I've given the look on several occasions... Probably because I'm very rarely the player in D&D. >_> Regardless...

Most memorable time I gave the look was when the party was facing off with a few soldiers and a 7th level Wizard.

The group at the time was around 8th level and composed of a Fighter, Cleric, Wizard/Swift Blade, Illusionist spec Wizard and a paladin.

The group's doing pretty well in battle, with the fighter, paladin and cleric all gathered around fighting off the soldiers when the evil wizard manages to get off his Scorching Ray at the illusionist..

Both rays crit. Wizard dies immediately from 16d6 damage.

Being the rational team player the Wizard/Swiftblade of the party is, he immediately draws fourth his customized wand of Fireball, points it in the center of the melee going on and fires.

"Don't do that, you'll hit us! Aim over there if you want to hit them and not us!" complained the rest of the group.

"I wasn't aiming at them," came the reply. Queue that look from everybody at the table.

Ah...betrayals. So wonderful. Unless you're the DM and weren't warned in advance. Then it's annoying to have to ab lib what you weren't expecting. >_>

2011-06-22, 04:14 AM
My entire group gets *that* look with such regularity our DM's face got stuck that way.

Warlock sold our unconcious priest to demons

Sorceror spammed Rod of Wonders until we ended up with a blue lounge rhino .Luckily the whole hotel was clear from a stinking cloud he had realeased seconds earlier. Did I mention there was a horde of butterflies in the lobby?

Upon encountering a sleeping vampire, our Rouge shook him and yelled 'Wake up!'

Tiefling warlock gains natural flight by using alter self

Cleric preached to a succubus.

Monk(me!) rode an assault tree into a kraken from 100 feet in the air and got away scott free with a combination of monk speed, slowfall and a natural 20 on balance.

2011-06-22, 07:03 AM
The first time I used :

Flick of the wrist + Cloak of weaponry + Sneak attack + Staggering Strike = DC 40 something

My DM was none too happy when I was able to stagger Just about everything in a combat --- keep in mind this was a low powered game ... I felt bad

__________________________________________________ __________

There was also that time i purposely failed a will save that forced me to have sex with another PC ...

2011-06-22, 07:33 AM
Most of the DM's that I game with either:
1- have never run a game over ~7th level or
2 -don't like magic users and so don't know anything about them.

So essentially anytime I do anything with magic I get that look. The first time that I cast grease under a raging minotaur barbarian... yeah, that was a look of hatred. The list goes on - pretty much anything that is considered middling optimization for a caster gets me the look.

2011-06-22, 09:58 AM
I've come up with a few PC concepts that elicit that look from my DM, most notably a D&D version of the Swedish Chef and a mime spellcaster.

2011-06-22, 12:51 PM
I've come up with a few PC concepts that elicit that look from my DM, most notably a D&D version of the Swedish Chef and a mime spellcaster.
I lol'd

Also, I'm curretly working on a character for my roommate. he plays toehoe a lot, and he wants to play marissa, so naturally he wanted a gestalt sorc/wildmage//spellthief :smallamused:

2011-06-22, 12:51 PM
My entire group gets *that* look with such regularity our DM's face got stuck that way.

Warlock sold our unconcious priest to demons

Sorceror spammed Rod of Wonders until we ended up with a blue lounge rhino .Luckily the whole hotel was clear from a stinking cloud he had realeased seconds earlier. Did I mention there was a horde of butterflies in the lobby?

Upon encountering a sleeping vampire, our Rouge shook him and yelled 'Wake up!'

Tiefling warlock gains natural flight by using alter self

Cleric preached to a succubus.

Monk(me!) rode an assault tree into a kraken from 100 feet in the air and got away scott free with a combination of monk speed, slowfall and a natural 20 on balance.

Hey! That's not fair! I was a human warlock with Fiendish Ancestory!

To add to this

We were taken on a ship to to collect a piece of treasure, in the end it was me and captain facing each other one-on-one as the ship burned down around us....

When I tell the DM then (My 5th level) Warlock has enough DR to go swimming in lava.

Whenever anyone says the words "Rod of Wonder"

2011-06-22, 01:01 PM
Ask for a Deck of Many Things.

If it doesn't make your DM smack you the first time, it certainly will the second time.

2011-06-22, 01:28 PM
Me and my barbarian compadre were in a hotel room, and he was keeping watch while sitting in a chair. Suddenly a cloaked figure showed up on the balcony. My pal said "I go tap Dolarun(my dude) on the shoulder," to which the DM responded

"Ok, as soon as you stand up--"

"I didn't stand up, I just nudged over there."

"...so you just squat and sidestep over to the bed?" For dramatic effect he did just that to demonstrate what the barbarian would be doing.


"Alright then. The figure is now laughing on the balcony because of what he just saw..."

A few encounters later, the guy who played the barbarian misspoke and said "Wait, can i make a squat check?" The DM laughed for literally 90 seconds.

2011-06-22, 01:36 PM
Me: So the door is a non-stop, repeating enchanted non trap (so it can't be disabled by rogues) that uses maze at will on anyone that goes near it?
DM: Yes.
Me: We're taking the south wall of this building.
DM: :smallconfused::smalleek::smallannoyed::smallfrown : (in that order)

2011-06-22, 03:01 PM
I have a tendency to ruin trap-based dungeons through either brute force or common sense, thus garnering "the look." All the doors in the dungeon are trapped? Adamantine weapon +space next to wall. Pressure plates? Flight Speed. Solid walls? incorporeability. Lava? Fire resistance.

Jeffers Bradley
2011-06-22, 07:07 PM
As a DM, I relish getting that kind of look, because it generally means something amazing, or amazingly stupid has happened.
Amazingly Stupid
I've had my wizard lure a Megapede off a floating Island, just for it to crash into the ocean, creating a 100ft tidal wave and wiping out the coastal area nearby.
During a one-vs-one fight between a scythe wielding knight and my Wizard, the knight swung his Vorpal Scythe at my Wizard, the Wizard had cast backbiter on the weapon, the weapon turned on him, and cut his own head off.
Both Amazing, and Amazingly stupid. (And me being a little bit mean)
Right if anyone has played the prewritten advenure, white plume mountain, they should know that down one of the corridors, there is a revolving tunnel slathered in oil, on the opposite end is an arrow slit. Behind that arrow slit is a wereperson with a flaming crossbow bolt waiting. So my rogue and wizard head to the tunnel, my rogue tumbles through like a boss. However, my wizard gets a natural one on his balance check, thus falls in the tunnel. The arrow is fired and the tunnel goes on fire, the wizard is also on fire. The rogue bursts into the place and starts killing dudes, however he is later forced out into the hallway and thrown into the flaming tube. Now I'd like to point out that between the intial falling over and the rogue being tossed back in, the Wizard has spent about 12 rounds trying to get out of this tunnel. Just as the flames disappear, the werewizard pulls out a scroll of burning hands, and sets the tunnel on fire again. By this stage the Rogue is on -3hp, and the Wizard is about to go to -5, in his last breath he teleports them back to the church in the nearby town. This is how the conversation went.
Wizard: I teleport us back to the Church.
Me: Okay, where in the church?
Wizard: I suppose inside, because they might not see us outside.
Me: Okay, so where inside?
Wizard: Let's say... the altar.
Me: Okay, as you teleport to the altar, your flaming bodies ignite the cloth hanging around the altar, as the priests drag your body out of the church, the building collapses in on itself, killing 82 commoners who were inside.
Wizard: Oh my god...
Me: Oh, and that diseased water you were swimming in yesterday kicked in, you're both blind.
Wizard: Well it can't get any wor-
Me: And the Gold Dragon who runs this town, who you've already pissed off earlier takes x magical items off both of you to pay for the damage.
Wizard: ...Well at least it can't get any wo-
Me: The dragon, no longer wanting to deal with you, teleports you back to your alchemy shop. Or, the smouldering ruins of your alchemy shop, the guy you paid to fix it took your money and ran.

So after a grand adventure my rogue and wizard were on 1hp, blind, poor, and stuck back at the start of the adventure away from my Cleric and Ranger. Oh and the wizard was covered in vomit, because he does that whenver he's teleported.

2011-06-22, 09:40 PM
I was opening a door, and the DM told me to roll 6d6 vs dex to avoid the trap. To everyone's surprise, I made it (I have 21 dex, so it was about a 50/50 shot anyways), and the DM tells my sister to roll 6d6 for her pet goblin (only about 14 dex). He fails, and is wearing metal armor so he would take double damage on something like 5d6 with the goblin only having about 8 hit points. The entire party (DM included) tells me I should go back and retcon the event and flub the save so the goblin isn't killed. Of course, I stack non-metal armor and the DM only rolled average, so I walk away with just a scratch, but it irritated me to no end. To this day, every time I make a save they have me double check to make sure nobody is behind me that can't make the save himself.

2011-06-22, 09:55 PM
Hey! That's not fair! I was a human warlock with Fiendish Ancestory!

To add to this

We were taken on a ship to to collect a piece of treasure, in the end it was me and captain facing each other one-on-one as the ship burned down around us....

When I tell the DM then (My 5th level) Warlock has enough DR to go swimming in lava.

Whenever anyone says the words "Rod of Wonder"

lol Hi and welcome to gitp

2011-06-22, 09:59 PM
When I tell the DM then (My 5th level) Warlock has enough DR to go swimming in lava.

Now would be a bad time to mention that DR doesn't stack and doesn't prevent energy damage, like lava. I'm guessing you meant Energy Resistance, which does.

That's a ton of Energy Resistance though, how the heck did you stack enough to survive 20d6 per round at level 5?

2011-06-22, 10:05 PM
Now would be a bad time to mention that DR doesn't stack and doesn't prevent energy damage, like lava. I'm guessing you meant Energy Resistance, which does.

That's a ton of Energy Resistance though, how the heck did you stack enough to survive 20d6 per round at level 5?

Rule of cool. He used lava to set himself on fire in order to scare the beejesus out of a bunch of slavers. Technically a pact between raptorans and air elementals means he can't fly till he finishes the walk of 4 winds(whatever that is) but he now flies everywhere with endless laserbeams and DR. Whenever he takes flight I can hear the superman theme playing.

2011-06-23, 06:05 AM
That's a ton of Energy Resistance though, how the heck did you stack enough to survive 20d6 per round at level 5?

An immunity or resistance to fire serves as an immunity to lava or magma. However, a creature immune to fire might still drown if completely immersed in lava.

Since it's immunity/resistance, fire resistance 1 serves as immunity to lava.

2011-06-23, 08:48 AM
We have a fairly large party having 8 characters this particular session with our only wizard not present. We are trying to enter a building that has an anti-magic field surrounding the entrances. After one of the party does a recon/scouting mission of the entire outside of the building as a fly, he enters to see where to best teleport us with our magical items. Half the party put their armor and magical items into a bag of holding and walked passed the guards, the rest of us to be teleported. The DM asks what spot are we being teleported to. We all expect the spellcaster to say some obscure, remote place so the fighters can put back on their armor and get their weapons ready. He tells the DM “right in the middle of the rotunda”. DM: “you really want to do that?”. PC: “Yes”. Talk about a WTF moment. We pop in and the locals freak drawing the attention of the guards. Our fighters had no time to get their armor on. Short story, we all get captured except the rogue who uses his ring of invisibility to remain loose.

So, next session, the spellcaster whose fault it was getting captured was not present. The rogue springs everyone from their cells and everyone escapes…except the spellcaster, who the party left in prison to ponder his mistakes.

The DM had to add two sessions on to an already long campaign when he didn’t have to.

2011-06-23, 09:03 AM
The one I remember first was not too long ago, when trapped in an arctic region I suggested making a submarine out of ice. Half a session and 3 rulebooks later, it did work. The look came when at that moment I realized out loud I had some variety of long distance teleportation on my spell list, put there quite a few sessions ago. Environmental effects had made it not come into play yet, but the DM forgot to place those in this specific region. Long story short: we spent half a sessions doing skill rolls for what turned out to be a mighty fine ice sculpture.

2011-06-23, 01:37 PM
I got the look for resurrecting a PC that my DM had wanted to kill. He had drown, and my level one sorcerer used shocking grasp as a defibrillator to bring him back.

I also got it for showing my DM the plan for a character who, by level 20, added his Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha to his AC, thanks to liberal application of the 'x stat to y bonus' page. Add to that the bonuses from VoP and he could hardly ever be touched.

2011-06-23, 02:35 PM
I got the look for resurrecting a PC that my DM had wanted to kill. He had drown, and my level one sorcerer used shocking grasp as a defibrillator to bring him back.

I also got it for showing my DM the plan for a character who, by level 20, added his Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha to his AC, thanks to liberal application of the 'x stat to y bonus' page. Add to that the bonuses from VoP and he could hardly ever be touched.

ehm.. you know that stat x to y means stat modifier right? if you have the ab scores for such a MAD thing, it would be quite funny :)

also, +1 for the defibrilator :smallamused:

2011-06-23, 02:49 PM
The time when we were facing an army of Hobgoblins (300) that we were meant to sneak past, the look we got when we debated just cutting our way through them was priceless:smallsmile:

So, that was shot down by our DM the Summoner (It was PF) started counting up the kills-That was last game, we're currently at 60, and we're planning on taking over the fort and using it as a base for our secret order.

Back to the D&D game, the monk After defeating a roper(something tentically anyway) took one of the arms and asked if he could use it as an improvised weapon, that dealt poison, he then expands this into collecting heads, he currently has three construct heads- One huge, one large, one medium-In a sort of Russian Dolls affair

When after capturing a gnome who captured people and sold them to slavers, decided to tie him up and tried to sell him to the slavers in question.

The fact that one player has had two clerics- Both of them team killed ( It's nothing against the player-its just bad luck on his part)

2011-06-23, 03:52 PM
I got the look for resurrecting a PC that my DM had wanted to kill. He had drown, and my level one sorcerer used shocking grasp as a defibrillator to bring him back.

Okay, I'm not actually medically trained, so take this with a grain of salt... but that wouldn't really be enough. A drowned person is first and foremost suffering from respiratory arrest -- in other words, he can't breathe. You would also need to give him artificial respiration (which generally means mouth-to-mouth). In fact, I am rather certain a defibrillator would not even be used in all cases; if you get to them fast enough, they might not suffer from cardiac arrest yet.

2011-06-23, 06:11 PM
Okay, I'm not actually medically trained, so take this with a grain of salt... but that wouldn't really be enough. A drowned person is first and foremost suffering from respiratory arrest -- in other words, he can't breathe. You would also need to give him artificial respiration (which generally means mouth-to-mouth). In fact, I am rather certain a defibrillator would not even be used in all cases; if you get to them fast enough, they might not suffer from cardiac arrest yet.

You are correct, but Shocking Grasp is not a defibrillator. A defibrillator is used to deliver a specific electrical discharge on a specific area, aimed in a specific way and meant to produce a specific effect. Shocking Grasp is raw electrical damage. If you used it to emulate a defibrillator exactly, you'd be right, it wouldn't bring him back life, because there would still be water in his lungs, and CPR would need to be administered. However, if you simply shocked him with Shocking Grasp, it's possible that, in addition to producing the effect of a defibrillator, it might also stimulate respiratory muscles, thereby allowing fresh air to enter the lungs.

That's the DM's call, however.

2011-06-23, 07:10 PM
ehm.. you know that stat x to y means stat modifier right? if you have the ab scores for such a MAD thing, it would be quite funny :)

Yes, that was with just the modifiers. :smallamused:


Okay, I'm not actually medically trained, so take this with a grain of salt... but that wouldn't really be enough. A drowned person is first and foremost suffering from respiratory arrest -- in other words, he can't breathe. You would also need to give him artificial respiration (which generally means mouth-to-mouth). In fact, I am rather certain a defibrillator would not even be used in all cases; if you get to them fast enough, they might not suffer from cardiac arrest yet.

D*** it, Szar! Now we need a defibrillator for all the catgirls! :smallsigh:

2011-06-23, 07:16 PM
Easier to just boost Cha and add it half a dozen times.

2011-06-23, 07:19 PM
Easier to just boost Cha and add it half a dozen times.

True, its easier, but when you tell your DM that you have an AC of 53 stark naked, and then have to give the long list of modifiers you add, the look you get is so much more satisfying. :smallamused:

2011-06-23, 07:30 PM
You'd still have to list out each individual addition of Cha to AC. :smalltongue:

2011-06-23, 07:43 PM
It was the final battle of the campaign. The party is 18th level. We are in, what for this world, is Hell. Hordes of demons and devils and yuggoloths and other ice cream flavors are bearing down on us, being lead by an Elder Titan. My Warlock's turn comes up un the first round, and he casts Word of Changing(Baleful Polymorph) on the Elder Titan.
DM: He has Spell Resistance
Me: Somehow I don't think I'll break through it with Arcane Mastery. I'll roll.
*rattle-rattle-rattle* *clacketyclack* ahhh, a 19...that breaks through SR...45. What do I need.
DM: :smallannoyed: 45. O.K. What's the save DC?
Me: 28
DM: He'll only fail on a one.
Me:(anticipating a smackdown from the Titan) Remember, I'm flying 65' above him.
DM: Yeah, I know, you're always flying *rattlr-rattle-rattle* *clacketyckack* [Heavy Sigh] What do you turn him into.
Everybody: *Stunned silence*
Me: A lamb.
Other Player: Wow! So roll his will save. See if we're facing a small, fluffy Elder Titan.
DM: *rattle-rattle-rattle* *clacketyclack* :smallmad: I am retiring this d20.
It only took a few more minutes to mop up the evil hoards. We had a lot more time to roll up the new characters for the new game!:smallcool:

2011-06-23, 09:47 PM
I've seen that look many times, and frankly, I love it. :smalltongue: usually means they are creative. or it's horrible and I can't believe it. Here's a few, and more to come as I DM more.

First time I ever played, our party came across two kobolds. Our rogue snuck up next to them, and fought one, while the other came toward us. We fight ours, but one player isn't as into fighting. Our monk looks through his skills... "I wanna ride him!" DM looks amused, and shrugs. Soon enough, our monk was soon riding a kobold.
When we tie up the kobold, he complains about the riding thing, so I bluff him and say we are professional halfling riders (he was poorly disguised as a halfling). He believed us.

Just as we realize that they are friends, and we're supposed to be with him, we untie our kobold. Our rogue? Walking back with the scalp of the other kobold. Our kobold sees it, and freaks out. I try to diplomacy/bluff him to stay with us. Doesn't work. Our kobold runs, and the rogue one shots him.


With the campaign I'm running now, there are two groups, each going on the same adventures. One group is good, and helpful, and follows the adventure. The other... doesn't.

DM : "You walk into town, and two women greet you."
Player : "are they pretty?"
DM (shrugs) : "Sure"
Player : "I wanna tell them if they don't **** with me, the world will end."
DM : "Uhh... o..k.. roll me a bluff check."
First check fails, second is very good.
DM : "... you're successful"
The rest of the group comes into town.
Another player : "I want to tell them if they don't...."
DM : - _ -

Then, they all separate and do stuff. one person sits on top of a church tower, other people do unimportant stuff. One player says.
"I wanna look for hobos! I'm gonna make my own personal army."
DM : "uhhh... sure. But you have to convince him to join you."
Player : "Sure, I'll use the wine we stole from that cart."
DM : "... uhh, that makes sense. go ahead."
The other players convinced me to roll a d4 to see if he could get more hobos. Now, our druid has 3 hobos following him, and getting paid in wine.

At the end of the adventure, this group decided to find the devil their own way.
Rogue : "I plant bombs all around the town. If we blow up the whole town, we're gonna hit the devil."
Ranger : "I help him, and then we leave to the north of the town so we don't blow up."
DM (sighs) : "Ok, whatever. you can try that. give me a roll."
*players roll*
DM : 0.0 "No."
Ranger : "C'mon, you gotta give us this, we rolled two natural 20's"
... they did. and so the town blew up.

2011-06-23, 10:10 PM
Worst look i ever got was when we started out quest in a bar at level one me being a cat folk bard decided it was n my best interest the piss off the local level 7 guards. Th dm wanting to punish me sends the guard affter me i roll natural 17-20 3 times in a row the first gets me out of the gards graps the second was to let me taunt him agian and make a exit were i rode my sword like a snowbored down the paved streets till i got to the city gate... he had it in for me ever sence.

2011-06-23, 10:16 PM
Long story short: We killed everyone in the town because we pissed off the mayor. After the gaurds were dying the people made a militia. The DM just wanted us dead. We were all less than 15 HP and one guy was unconscious, but we all lived.

2011-06-23, 10:25 PM
one time i was playing the same catfolk bard as mention in my previous post on this tread the party enters a small rundown city the dm explanes this isent the poor part of the city the hole city is poor. most are scared and sick. and you mr bard with 20 charima are like a cute boy band in prison. My reponse i hide in the wizards backpack. hes ugly they wont rape him.

2011-06-23, 10:42 PM
Suggest that animals with natural weapons can crit.

2011-06-23, 11:44 PM
I made a warblade charger and began one-shotting things at level 6. Of course, I in turn gave that look (coupled with one of incredulous disbelief) back when another PC was introduced: A Minotaur (with a RIDICULOUSLY BROKEN brilliantgameologists monster class) Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian/fighter with two DnDWiki Traits that increased his size category by two and stacked with the Growth feature from the monster class and with, of course, a custom made ring to shrink said Minotaur to medium size. As we were level 11, he was normally gargantuan and was also a charger.

The first time I introduced Shrink Item to the table, giving an off-duty guard the shrunken contents of a barrel of ale along with his normal tankard.

When my Binder/KotSS proved to be increasingly difficult to kill and magically knew how to fly the gnomish skyship and wiped out the entire room of homebrewed chaotic psionic aberrations that happened to be the first encounter.

When I trapped the party rogue under a Wall of Ectoplasm and wrapped up the party barbarian with Ectoplasmic Cocoon to keep them from killing the last remaining members of my characters tribe. In their defense, the tribemates did "shoot" first, but Blues tend to be suspicious of raging dwarves and purple-pants wearing rogues.

2011-06-24, 12:07 AM
I jumped on the kraken that was attacking our boat - that prompted the look from everyone at the table, followed by some high-fives, then boos as I failed to stay on it and nearly drowned some 200ft from the boat. Yeah, I got the look from the DM when I started, then that other, devious look, as he told me I was 200ft away in the ocean in full plate.

In our Star Wars campaign, my character killed three people within the first minutes of the campaign, looking for a speeder bike (which he got) or a spaceship, as he walked out of the tavern.

2011-06-24, 12:45 AM
You are correct, but Shocking Grasp is not a defibrillator. A defibrillator is used to deliver a specific electrical discharge on a specific area, aimed in a specific way and meant to produce a specific effect. Shocking Grasp is raw electrical damage. If you used it to emulate a defibrillator exactly, you'd be right, it wouldn't bring him back life, because there would still be water in his lungs, and CPR would need to be administered. However, if you simply shocked him with Shocking Grasp, it's possible that, in addition to producing the effect of a defibrillator, it might also stimulate respiratory muscles, thereby allowing fresh air to enter the lungs.

That's the DM's call, however.

Actually a defibrilator doesn't work how most people think is does anyway. Generally people think electrical jolt = heart start back up (maybe). That isn't true, defibrilators are used to fix certain erratic heartbeats (ie. fibrilation). If your heart has stopped you can only try something like CPR and hope whatever stopped the heart isn't preventing it from starting up again. Drowning victims have a chance of being revived with CPR - but as you say the main problem is that the victim probably has their lungs full of water. You need to empty them out first. There is a chance they have stopped breathing but their heart is still going also.

2011-06-24, 12:50 AM
Actually a defibrilator doesn't work how most people think is does anyway. Generally people think electrical jolt = heart start back up (maybe). That isn't true, defibrilators are used to fix certain erratic heartbeats (ie. fibrilation). If your heart has stopped you can only try something like CPR and hope whatever stopped the heart isn't preventing it from starting up again. Drowning victims have a chance of being revived with CPR - but as you say the main problem is that the victim probably has their lungs full of water. You need to empty them out first. There is a chance they have stopped breathing but their heart is still going also.

A defibrillator "resets" a wild/erratic/uncoordinated electrical conduction in the heart, which is responsible for a wild/erratic/uncoordinated heartbeat. Usually, the heart will start fibrillating before stopping altogether. It is not unthinkable that a drowned person might be fibrillating when it was rescued. A heart that has stopped beating is very hard, if not outright impossible, to get started again.

2011-06-24, 01:00 AM
My personal favorites in my D&D career:

Playing my dwarven cleric, first session of the campaign, I bull rush one of two orcs (level 3 barbarians) that are guarding a group of slaves. Given the look due to the readiness of my companians (they werent) and the fact that i am the only healer... Wearing padded leather and weilding a holy symbol and a short spear. I complete my rush successfully, but am dropped from 14hp to -4. This would have been fine if the campaign hadn't had to wait for me to stabilize at -8 and find a way to keep me around for 8 days of recovery before I could full heal... Wasted lots of time because I was the little healer that could bull rush :smallbiggrin:

Me: I use create water in the dragon's mouth!
Dm: ... *does some keyboard clicking* alright... That could work for his fire breath :smallconfused:
Me: Does 14gallons of water in his mouth do anything else useful? Maybe cost him a round of gagging? :smalltongue:
Dm: Well, it stops the fire breath if nothing else. *rolls dice* *swears* ...He drowned. Go get your loot.

2011-06-24, 01:07 AM
Suggest that animals with natural weapons can crit.

They can.
It's like suggesting that a wizard may cast spells.

Edit: Or is that the look you are referring to?

2011-06-24, 01:53 AM
The only occaison I got "that" look, was from a 2.0 mod we ran at GenCon.

It was a mod about the Necromancers from LOTR and we were clearing out caves for our base. We were given a gem that could be used to summon "something big" (that was about all we were told). A few armies of dwarves and lots of turn undeads later, we figured we needed to use the gem or we were facing a tpk. One ritual later (me and the other warlock were the one that performed the ritual, everyone else was out of the room) a greater ice devil appeared. He demanded that we give him a sacrifice, thinking quickly, and slightly panicked, I said:

"Well the Necromancer in the hallway there has his 7 year old daughter with him, you can take her"

Even though none of the other characters were out of the room, OOC they heard that I had just offered a 7 year old girl to a devil, who was the daughter of a fellow party member. I got "that" look. :smallamused:

2011-06-24, 02:04 AM
The DM in our high lvl evil campaign sent a "Cthulhusaurs Rex" after us when we were hiding out in a city. My wizard telepathically made a deal with the monster and my diplomacy check passed.

Five minutes later (in game time) I rode the thing through the city and charged the castle.

Colossal (maybe gargantuan, don't remember for sure) tentacle faced T-Rex charging a castle = charging leap attack pounce with 8 tentacle attacks (DM gave the abilities for it if i remember.)

No more castle.

2011-06-24, 07:25 AM
They can.
It's like suggesting that a wizard may cast spells.

Edit: Or is that the look you are referring to?

Indeed, I know that, but his home internet is crappy and he feels that they shouldn't for some reason, and I only know of where it covers it in the SRD so I've never been able to go like "page 188, MM, there, yo." So whenever we bring it up, since I forget which of the other members of the group that DM have that rule, he gives me *that* look.

2011-06-24, 08:16 AM
Oh, i just remebmered a funny one, we were with the party in a woods, with 3 characters having survival. WE need a place to stay for the night, so we decide to roll suvival to make camp. We all roll 20 on survival, and with the ranks, and decisions on who's helping who, The DM looks at us with the notion: "OK... You just created a palace out of moss with running water, a shower and 3 master bedrooms including a kitchen making chef worthy food. In short, You'll survive the night" Upon which I say in character: "Tonight we'll dine like kings!"

the reverse happened inthe same campain:

The night after we come across a halfling village all 3 losing in our respective games during the party (those halflings party 364 days a year) I lose in storytelling whle I roll 19 with max ranks in perform, our lawful good battle cleric (palladin without the lay on hands) loses in a drinking match and the third I don't remebmer. We all rolled really high, and we still lost. We were liek, wtf is this community...

2011-06-24, 09:26 AM
Actually a defibrilator doesn't work how most people think is does anyway. Generally people think electrical jolt = heart start back up (maybe). That isn't true, defibrilators are used to fix certain erratic heartbeats (ie. fibrilation). If your heart has stopped you can only try something like CPR and hope whatever stopped the heart isn't preventing it from starting up again. Drowning victims have a chance of being revived with CPR - but as you say the main problem is that the victim probably has their lungs full of water. You need to empty them out first. There is a chance they have stopped breathing but their heart is still going also.

Who ever said that I hadn't emptied his lungs? :smallconfused:

2011-06-24, 10:43 AM
Now would be a bad time to mention that DR doesn't stack and doesn't prevent energy damage, like lava. I'm guessing you meant Energy Resistance, which does.

That's a ton of Energy Resistance though, how the heck did you stack enough to survive 20d6 per round at level 5?

Well, poor wording on my part, I've got heritage feats that give me fire and acid resitance per feat(For the lava)

On the DR, Different Kind of DR stack (IIRC)
So I have DR 1/Cold Iron
DR 3/Lawful(I think it was lawful, might have been good though)
DR 3/Bludgeoning
DR 1/-
Although I'm not sure I had them all at 5th level, the game is on hiatus for the summer, so the guy is retired.....Our last game had me fighting my succubus ex-girlfriend in an ariel battle with rod of wonders.

2011-06-24, 04:50 PM
I don't get "the look" very often but when I do its because I've gotten stuck in a loop and break out/think laterally. Sometimes, I'll stick with a plan when its clear that its, shall we say suboptimal... to the scenario created. Case in point. Through circumstances best left out, my stock level 13 sorc called Bob (the joke was he was a temp, he looked like the wizard from the old D&D cartoon from the 80's - green robe and pointy hat) was going to use an extended Cloud Kill to clear the area around an artifact altar so our rogue could activate the plot point and we could succeed on our glorious quest. So invisible, I rode my invisible TRex (don't ask, yes things had already gotten out of hand) through the horde of savages, up to the altar, then dropped the cloud kill. The pygmie savages weren't really a threat (1/2 CR, maybe a whole 1 CR individually), except for the fact that there were hundreds if not thousands of them and they could form mob templates. The plan was the little savages would see a poison cloud killing their people and run. Nope, they just start running into the cloud and auto deading (no save for low HD creatures) Well, this is regrettable, but fortunes of war keh seraserah, etc. Except the rogue can't figure out the altar activation, and neither can I. The DM says the pygs are still running at the cloud, I'm frustrated because they aren't disuaded by the whoelsale slaughter, clearly there was something the DM was trying to tell me that I'm missing that will allow me to break the little bastards morale but I'm not getting and I'm just getting more frustrated, so I figure "hey I'll kill the pygs leaders, chief or witchdoctor or whatever" so I run Reggie the TRex through the cloud (forgetting that cloud kill auto CON sucks creatures with more than a set number of HD) get even more frustrated, and nuke the pygs war chief and Reggie eats the shaman. Still the pygs keep charging, I figure maybe they think they can outlast the effect, so I'll show them that's not an option so I run back through cloud (CON hit - more frustration) drop another cloud kill just before the new one is wearing off; still they keep coming and dieing. I figure, maybe the DM wants a little theatrics, so I activate the magic effect of my saddle and enlarge the TRex, and Enlarge my self, drop Tongues, and begin screaming in the pyg's language something about destroying their bones and eating their souls and being the doom their mothers warned them about (I think I was standing on my chair in the middle of the living room bellowing this out). Well, at this point I kind of snapped and decided to just kill my way out, so I cast fly on the TRex, and began strafing the little guys: dropped every blaster spell I had, expended all the remaining charges on a wand of fireballs, dropped my last cloud kill on their little wicker and reed village. Just this apocalyptic, genocidal wasteland filled with piles of dead little savages with a flying dinosaur and dweeb in cheezy wizard costume flying around screaming. And the whole time the DM was just staring at me, depressed. All because I just couldn't get it through my thick head that this wasn't intended as a combat scenario.

I do get them from my players when I DM because I tend to use puns on my cursed items ex: Hate Mail (cause enemies to attack the wearer), Can of Whoop Ass (generates a completly random magical blaster effect), Skeleton Key (summons skeletons), Boots are Made for Walking (ban travel by any other means than walking), BreatPlate of HEAVY Fortification (when it prevents a crit effect the armors weight increases by a multiple of 10).

2011-06-24, 04:51 PM
My buddy and I kind of Tag Team for stuff like this, My buddy will spend the entire time throwing physics that would apply in real life that are not accounted for in DnD into DnD (Stuff similar to but not exactly the Peasant Railgun) to humorous ends such as calculating the force of gravity on a downward charge from a pegasus mount using a lance... Yeah... stuff died.

And then I'm more the sit in the corner quietly, often times if our characters are put into a situation that's less than favourable for us my character will constantly "Ready Actions" not really doing anything with them all having ridiculous triggers that occasionally come true like "When the Lich turns into a Butterfly I hit it with my hand" that happened after the rest of the party weren't getting anywhere. But normally what it is is that I'm scheming out of character for something random, spontaneous and most often insane to do. The most recent example is with my Wildshape Ranger/Master of Many Forms who turned into a Dire Puma, then spent a bunch of turns climbing to the top of a building. Only to pull out my buddy's gravity mechanics as they Flying pounced off of the church steeple to kill the bad guy.

2011-06-24, 05:21 PM
Well, poor wording on my part, I've got heritage feats that give me fire and acid resitance per feat(For the lava)

On the DR, Different Kind of DR stack (IIRC)
So I have DR 1/Cold Iron
DR 3/Lawful(I think it was lawful, might have been good though)
DR 3/Bludgeoning
DR 1/-
Although I'm not sure I had them all at 5th level, the game is on hiatus for the summer, so the guy is retired.....Our last game had me fighting my succubus ex-girlfriend in an ariel battle with rod of wonders.

'fraid not. You take the highest, they don't stack. Also, as noted, DR doesn't apply to energy damage, so none of those DR's listed would help against lava.

2011-06-24, 05:32 PM
I played a Beguiler Beguiler once in a campaign. Enough said. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-24, 07:07 PM
'fraid not. You take the highest, they don't stack. Also, as noted, DR doesn't apply to energy damage, so none of those DR's listed would help against lava.

He said he had fire resistance also through heritage feats.

2011-06-24, 07:58 PM
I had some great Druid shenanigans during out last Pathfinder game.

Because orisons/cantrips don't get used up when cast in Pathfinder, a mid-level druid can create obscene amounts of water. Enough to flood areas. Or annoying villages.

The other was wild shaping into a T-Rex as soon as I was able and rolling two nat 20's in a row to break down a heavily guarded library door and then eat the annoying librarian. The best part was the stunned look on the DM's face. It was henceforth known as "Plan T." :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-24, 08:44 PM
. . . then eat the annoying librarian.

Librarians don't get eaten, they only make you think that they get eaten. It's amazing what they find in books.

(seriously, don't mess with librarians. they help me get any Dragon Magazine article I need for free)

2011-06-24, 11:01 PM
'fraid not. You take the highest, they don't stack. Also, as noted, DR doesn't apply to energy damage, so none of those DR's listed would help against lava.

<Checks Srd>
oops,My bad....maybe<Checks pathfinder srd>Nope can't blame that

*mutters about reading things correctly in future*

2011-06-25, 02:20 AM
My DM in a campaign that never really got off the ground (which saddened me, as I never get to be a player) was running the premade adventure that featured a riddle and an Ettin. My Warlock Changeling, who was named Dox had previously mentioned to the town leader who was tasking us to find this ettin and stop it's rain of terror (more like stumbling around yelling) that our group did in fact have a name. It was "Dox and his lackeys". DM and players all had the :smallconfused: face.

Anyway, we found out where the Ettin was making its lair, and set off. The scout player mentioned how he wish he could find a Dire Owl and tame it. So the DM gets a smirk on his face, and has one swoop in to attack the party. In a town.

I had activated the Spider Walk Invocation earlier, so I climbed the nearest building and used hide (it was night), and held action for whenever the bird came back down. Owl did, in fact come back, so I leaped from the building and grabbed hold of that sucker.

I manage to win a series of checks, a lot in fact, and managed to get it under control. And then started flying it TOWARDS the Ettin's lair. The Scout had actually managed to get on with me, and we helped each other with checks. He sadly failed a strength check, and fell to his death.

Dox never being the coward, carried on alone. While the rest of the party looked on with the "What the hell are you doing?" look. I arrived at the Ettin's lair, with it standing outside yelling at me. I forced the Dire Owl (the DM, at this point, had just decided Rule of Cool was in effect) to fly INTO the Ettin on a suicide run. Just before it crashed into it I leaped off (aced that jump check, still got hurt from the fall though) but not before yelling "Hey, Ettin! You've got ./puts my actual sunglasses on/ A tweet!" :smallcool:

The force of the impact on the Ettin severely injured it, and also the large size of the bird caused part of the ruined fort to collapse.

2011-06-25, 02:39 AM
Indeed, I know that, but his home internet is crappy and he feels that they shouldn't for some reason, and I only know of where it covers it in the SRD so I've never been able to go like "page 188, MM, there, yo." So whenever we bring it up, since I forget which of the other members of the group that DM have that rule, he gives me *that* look.

Page 312 of the 3.5 MM left hand column. Third paragraph after the heading "Natural Weapons".

2011-06-25, 02:49 AM
We had been planeshifted to fight a devil that was about 8 CR above our level (I'm not sure why the DM sent this at us, probably because of a plot point). The party was unconcious and I was losing 2 life a turn. I couldn't damage the devil so it says "I'm going to sit here until you fall unconcious."

What was I to do but heal myself (I was a cleric). After a DC 25 caster level check to heal the infernal bleeding (lv 10 at the time) the DM just looks at me. "Well now mister healy person, just how are you going to get off this plane?"

I told him I'll wait until I prepare spells tomorrow and cast plane shift back to our plane. Using a grappling hook that I happened to have in my pack as a focus.

Moral of the story: We all gained a level because I healed myself.

2011-06-26, 06:53 PM
We killed a CR12 Umbral dragon, with our level nine party (in pathfinder). And then, my wizard cast animate dead on it. The DM was, apparently, flabbergasted that I made sure I had a valuable enough onyx to actually raise it (apparently thinking I wouldn't have spent the wealth on that component). I have a zombie dragon now. Given our past history, I was able to convince the party paladin that this was fine; I'm controlling it, and in death it is helping our cause. He's Puff the Zombie Dragon. Yeah, I got that look.

Captain Caveman
2011-06-26, 10:09 PM
One of my favorite looks I ever got from my DM was when during one adventure he gave us a Bag of Holding IV completely filled with sand. I was given the bag as I was usually the pack mule of the party as the tank. About a month and a half later during a session we were trying to escape after stealing something from the BBEG's library. We were climbing out of a window onto the roof from a 10x10 room. I was the last one out I ended my turn by saying, "I stick the Bag of Holding in and turn it inside out." Everyone laughed then asked what I had in there. The look on their faces when I told them "sand" was amazing. The entire room was filled with sand barricading the door and preventing anyone from following us. We then took a leisurely stroll to safety.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-26, 10:21 PM
The only occaison I got "that" look, was from a 2.0 mod we ran at GenCon.

It was a mod about the Necromancers from LOTR and we were clearing out caves for our base. We were given a gem that could be used to summon "something big" (that was about all we were told). A few armies of dwarves and lots of turn undeads later, we figured we needed to use the gem or we were facing a tpk. One ritual later (me and the other warlock were the one that performed the ritual, everyone else was out of the room) a greater ice devil appeared. He demanded that we give him a sacrifice, thinking quickly, and slightly panicked, I said:

"Well the Necromancer in the hallway there has his 7 year old daughter with him, you can take her"

Even though none of the other characters were out of the room, OOC they heard that I had just offered a 7 year old girl to a devil, who was the daughter of a fellow party member. I got "that" look. :smallamused:

You find that amusing? In a nonevil campaign? :smallmad:

2011-06-27, 02:36 AM
In a group that is blissfully unaware of even moderate optimization I get the look quite frequently. Pretty much when I can do anything as a spell caster (because they are so weak).

The most recent was pretty fun. Dragonfire inspiration + Girallon's blessing + Haste + BBEG = That look.

2011-06-27, 07:54 PM
the groups i've played with tend to be pretty adept with optimization. so the look is rarely earned by doing something ridiculously OP, but rather by doing something unexpectedly dastardly with a completely mundane object.

While being chased by the city guard (halfling rogue/sorcerer) i manage to just barely expeditious retreat myself into a 20 foot lead. so i ducked through a door. "you're standing in the store room of a tavern there are several kegs of something that smells strong and a few broken barstools." i informed the DM that i hold the door shut when the guards check it. he of course laughs at this idea, then i smile, laugh is quickly replaced by *the look*. i told him i grab the first chunk of wedge like broken stool i see and wedge it under the door for all i'm worth then slink away.

and the most underestimated PHB item ever: small steel mirror. look around corner, see ambush, walk away.

2011-06-27, 08:09 PM
One of my favorite looks I ever got from my DM was when during one adventure he gave us a Bag of Holding IV completely filled with sand. I was given the bag as I was usually the pack mule of the party as the tank. About a month and a half later during a session we were trying to escape after stealing something from the BBEG's library. We were climbing out of a window onto the roof from a 10x10 room. I was the last one out I ended my turn by saying, "I stick the Bag of Holding in and turn it inside out." Everyone laughed then asked what I had in there. The look on their faces when I told them "sand" was amazing. The entire room was filled with sand barricading the door and preventing anyone from following us. We then took a leisurely stroll to safety.

ummm by physics (i know i know) that much sand wouldn't just barricade and fill the room. that much sand instantaneously manifesting in a 10x10 room would literally make it explode and violently at that. (i only argue this point as this is something i've used on more than one occasion)

2011-06-28, 12:09 AM
If you have some kind of humor and a little bit of a devious mind you can really troll your DM to the point he actually needs to take story actions to *repair* what you have done. When this happens, you will get *that* look from your DM telling you: Did you really just do that?.
Well I've half-trolled a DM after he one shotted my fully healed half-troll with an exploding pineapple. This led to quite a strong phobia:
Ally gives routine report to commander, shows pineapple: my half-troll runs out of the tent screaming
Same ally starts tossing me mangos from a giant mango tree: I say "Oh $#*$&" and dodge
Consoling a scared ally: "It's okay, I'm afraid of tropical fruit"
We expend the last of the pineapples, among other resources, to help win a fight against an overconfident foe: I say, "Ah but he did not know... the Power of the Pineapple"
We got some custom magic items so I got a staff that included the spell "Protection from Weaponized Horticulture". Immediately afterwards, well after all the blank stares, the DM had us run into tomatoes from the Far Realms and the ally's exploding pineapple farm was bearing fruit. I had fire seeds as a domain spell and was planning to use the two spells together with kamikaze tactics, but alas I had to leave town IRL.

2011-06-28, 12:49 AM
I recently was assigned to put out a fire burning a town down (I was a chaotic neutral wilder who loves fire). I acted like I was going to put out the fire, and then turned and cast energy bolt through a row of houses.

I wasn't chaotic neutral after that.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-06-29, 11:10 PM
I recently was assigned to put out a fire burning a town down (I was a chaotic neutral wilder who loves fire). I acted like I was going to put out the fire, and then turned and cast energy bolt through a row of houses.

I wasn't chaotic neutral after that.

Why would you be chaotic neutral after that?

2011-06-29, 11:12 PM
Maybe it was an evil town? Still, he'd earn himself an evil act towards an evil alignment with that, though he'd probably need at least one more before/after to actually change alignment, if I were to make the call.

2011-06-29, 11:31 PM
So I'm playing the party Wizard, we're level 5 and find ourselves in an Earth Node, waiting the 8 hours for the manifestation to occur and whisk us away to a sister node when the ambush encounter is activated and we're under assault by giant flying cockroaches. Our Cleric, Samurai, and Rogue are very busy dealing with swarms of lesser cockroaches and the flying cockroaches are just wreaking havoc with flyby attacks. I ask if there are any small outcroppings I can Dimension Door up to (Thank you War Wizards Cloak!) and voila, there are a few. So I proceed to Door up to the ledge, take a net out of our Bag of Holding and gave it a toss, much to the chagrin of the rogue who happened to be under one of the cockroaches and gets stuck in a net with an angry bug... but it gets better.

By this point I'm out of useful spells so I ready an action to make a leaping grapple if the other flying roach comes into range and I wait. And wait. And wait. Then it happens. The roach comes just within range, I make a successful jump check, I win the grapple with my crap grapple mod, and I ride the wing of the now listing cockroach to the ground with a resounding thud. This earned me a :smallmad: from our DM.

2011-06-30, 12:31 AM
Got a lucky roll and Polymorphed a Druid's animal companion into a cuddly bunny rabbit and kept it as a temporary pet. By "temporary," I mean about five minutes, as after we were ambushed by Deureger, I handed the bunny to my thrown-weapon specialized Barbarian friend and politely asked him to hurl said bunny at our enemies. My pal agreed, and we both giggled in delight as I used a prepared Readied Action to Trueform that Bunny Back into a bear.

Aside from doing 3d6 falling damage to the dwarves and the bear, we got to watch in amusement as the two parties tore each other up.

2011-06-30, 05:19 AM
Got a lucky roll and Polymorphed a Druid's animal companion into a cuddly bunny rabbit and kept it as a temporary pet. By "temporary," I mean about five minutes, as after we were ambushed by Deureger, I handed the bunny to my thrown-weapon specialized Barbarian friend and politely asked him to hurl said bunny at our enemies. My pal agreed, and we both giggled in delight as I used a prepared Readied Action to Trueform that Bunny Back into a bear.

Aside from doing 3d6 falling damage to the dwarves and the bear, we got to watch in amusement as the two parties tore each other up.

lol, i suppose it went something liek this for the enemy?

"Oh look they throw a cute little bunny rabbit at us! what's net, cottonballs?"
*bunny trueforms*
"Oh holy mother of -, a frakkin bear!"

Othniel Edden
2011-06-30, 05:26 AM
I got in trouble for using "when in doubt set it on fire" for a paladin I had the worshiped Pelor. He just really hates undead...and fleas.... life isn't easy when you are a 600 lbs minotaur trying to follow the righteous path.

2011-06-30, 12:43 PM
I have a tendency to ruin trap-based dungeons through either brute force or common sense, thus garnering "the look." All the doors in the dungeon are trapped? Adamantine weapon +space next to wall. ...
I got *that* look from my DM when my Rogue/Shadowdancer character grappled another PC who was attacking the wall near a dungeon door (impatient with my "take 20" choice for Search in that situation). I successfully started the grapple and used my high skill modifier to Hide while attacking my fellow PC. So, even though we were grappling and the other character knew I was in the same square, he couldn't attack me in turn; "attack a square" isn't on the list of grappling options.
You can’t attack an opponent that has total concealment, though you can attack into a square that you think he occupies. A successful attack into a square occupied by an enemy with total concealment has a 50% miss chance (instead of the normal 20% miss chance for an opponent with concealment). Anyway, this went on for a while, with my Rogue dealing nonlethal damage to the other PC. Nobody wanted to attack the whole square, since I'd devoted a considerable portion of my character resources to gaining a high AC, and a lot of rolls attacking the square could miss me and hit the other PC. Eventually (about 3 rounds) I did enough nonlethal sneak attack that the other PC was knocked out, and I moved away. I then suggested the Cleric cast a spell (Guidance of the Avatar) to boost the Ranger's Listen check. Sure enough, she heard water flowing on the other side of that wall. It seems nobody else ever puts ranks into Knowledge (Dungeoneering). :smallsigh: But with Education and Knowledge Devotion I'd maximized that skill, so my Rogue knew better.

2011-06-30, 01:21 PM
We were supposed to run away from the terrasque, not kill it. 4 Iron wall spells and 1 decanter of endless water later, we had it dead. And since you can't be resistant to starvation or drowning (unless you can explicitly breathe water) it was outright dead, not in that "I need to be wished away" dead.

2011-06-30, 01:51 PM
One time we were sort of having a mini one off, we took a portal to an unknown land. Turned out to be Earth BUT in the RenFaire. We laughed our butts off once we figured it out OOC. (everyone kept telling us we had such authentic looking costumes).

So anyways, in character the King invites us over because of our "costumes" he presents his knights, saying they are very good warriors. I suggest a challenge of skill (knowing this would be deadly to level 1s...) and start firing my bow at the knights, saying, if they are such fine warriors they'd be able to block my arrows (muahahaha, i was range specialized, and these knights were considered level 1 at most, i was like level 12, lol).

I wanted the cops to come secretley...to take their firearms lol. But my DM gave me that look and fixed things fast. So instead I shot fruit :(

We were about level 6. We steamrolled everything. I was playing a crusader who was like the ultimate tank for that level (nothing could touch him)....he felt we needed to retreat at least once. In fairness he gave us plenty of time...he sent an entire army marching our way, lol. First came goblins in a large squadron. Boom fireball, dead. Then came trolls...6 of them. And then a small army of (I forget the type, but way way above our level) giants. It was in a hilly forest so we didnt notice them all right away.

Well the problem was my crusader (it was a purposeful roleplay fault) was literally made of devil's stone and knew no fear. So he faced off against them...Another player roleplaying a really really stupid (like 5 int, 6 wis) loyal type fighter of course stood and fought with me. The two caster types hid. Needless to say the trolls tore my non tank friend up in 1 round. And the smart caster types went weeee, *fly* "Later!". The DM just looked at us two that stayed behind :P

2011-06-30, 01:59 PM
We were supposed to run away from the terrasque, not kill it. 4 Iron wall spells and 1 decanter of endless water later, we had it dead. And since you can't be resistant to starvation or drowning (unless you can explicitly breathe water) it was outright dead, not in that "I need to be wished away" dead.

I still don't think that works (I know most do by RAW). Maybe you don't stay conscious. But you wouldn't die either.

2011-07-01, 08:37 PM
I usually get that look when i DM... usually when i do things like have dragons fight intellegently or have spell casters use greater invisibility... but my favorite *that Look* Moment came during an epic dragonslayer campaign i am running. (I also gave one of the PCs that look in the same encounter)...

Set up: the PCs are level 27 and consist of a Stone Giant Hulking Hurler, An Egoist Psion, a Chaos Monk (PrC from a dragon mag), and a wizard... all optimized to kill great wyrms.
After ripping through a few powerful dragons they encountered a Great wyrm Shadow Dragon and a Great Wyrm Fang Dragon with a few fighter levels and full plate.

The Shadow Dragon dropped two 120' areas of darkness and the Fang dragon went melee. The Monk used his boots of flying to fly above the fang and then i informed the PC that as he flew down through the shadows he clearly saw the dragon, surrounded by ten feet of normal area. He then failed at trying to "surf on the back of the dragon while punching the F*** out of it!"
I got that look when the monk realized the dragon's armor emitted a 10 foot anit-magic field. I gave the PC that look when he intentionally declared he wanted the dragon to snatch him in his mouth so the monk could punch him to death from inside. (That plan didn't work so well when the PC realized without his magic hand wrappings he needed a 16 or better (he's a baby) to hit the dragon's AC).

2011-07-01, 10:39 PM
I don't have to go very far, all it's needed is for me to say that in X levels I'll get Permanency and start a business with the Cleric:

We get a wooden box with hinged door and I make Preserve Corpse and Chill Touch permanent, making the first medieval fantasy refrigerator, then we get totally stinkin' rich.

Or some other actually practical stuff with my spells instead of blowing stuff up.

2011-07-01, 11:27 PM
well, my dms tend to be less leinent with what i can do, but to moments i had my dm just stop rthe session in laughter was

once in the sunless citidel, the was a stone of alarm, and i tripped it, my dwarfs solution was to break it with an axe, instead it went though the door, and into the next area, which i then picked up and threw it down the cavran, alerting the entirty of the modual that we were coming.

another time we were invading a large orc camp, and as we were coming slits in their huts started to open and flaming arrows shot out at us, one hit me, so i ran up to the hut and set it on fire with my torch, the cleric, who couldnt resist, used command to force all the orcs running out from it to walk back into it and dance, fun times.

2011-07-02, 05:19 AM
We were supposed to run away from the terrasque, not kill it. 4 Iron wall spells and 1 decanter of endless water later, we had it dead. And since you can't be resistant to starvation or drowning (unless you can explicitly breathe water) it was outright dead, not in that "I need to be wished away" dead.

There is no way this could work.

For one thing, the Tarrasque has low Int, but decent Wisdom. You'd have to somehow trick it into staying in place for four rounds to cast four Walls of Iron around it (unless you had four spellcasters capable of casting it at the same time?) -- and while it might have low reasoning, it can see a trap for what it is. Of course, a time stop spell would do it.

Even if you did manage to catch it, the Tarrasque could survive swimming indefinitely. It doesn't get tired, and the swimming check is DC 20 for *storm weather*. Since this wouldn't be storm weather, it cannot fail the skill check. Ever. Since you're using Walls of Iron, you can't close it to the air. Eventually, the iron rusts from the water and breaks apart.

Even if it did not start swimming for some reason (if your GM ruled that it for some reason couldn't swim at all, for example), it could survive without air for around 8 minutes, which is plenty of time to tear all of the Walls of Iron into pieces.

The maximum Strength DC for a breaching a Wall of Iron in a single attack is 35, assuming you are level 20. Each 5-foot section of the wall has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and 10 hardness. The Tarrasque could break the entire Wall down in a single attack (it has 45 Str, so it needs an 18... if your wall is 5 inches thick). If it attacked a 5-foot section of the 5 inch-thick Wall, it would break through in three rounds on average (averaging everything, that's 35 damage for the bite, so 25, plus 7 for two horns, plus 9 for two claws, plus 11 for the tail slap, total damage in one round: 52. The Wall has maximum 150 hit points.)

Even if the GM ruled it couldn't use it's bite, that's still 27 damage per round, meaning it'd break through in 6 rounds instead of 3.

In other words, you only succeeded because the GM either let you intentionally, or because he didn't think of the situation much.

2011-07-02, 11:07 AM
I build a rastafari monk/drunken master/psionic fist who get's his powers from smoking pot. For improv weapon i use a BIG psicristal bong that, combinated with a druid special weed (really special :smallsmile: ) makes the perfect weapon: the weed recharges my powerpoints, it has reach and trip. So everytime i start a battle everybody smells a sweet scent and start fighting a crazy dopped monk

2011-07-03, 06:33 PM
In one evil campaign, we needed to retrieve a staff of the magi for someone, and found out a cult had it. They were trying to use that and 3 other staffs to summon some demon lord, under their control. When we attacked, we went to a lot of trouble to make a plan since the DM was going on about how tough the fight was going to be. I was a soulknife, So with TWF I threw mind blades all over the place, dropping everyone in the second round, with little help from the other party members. Then we captured and interrogated the leader. He told us about the demon, said it was dangerous to say its name. We ask him to spell it. There's no vowels, so I use bluff (which I had maxed for comedy's sake) and ask him "how do you pronounce that?". He said it, and on a d% roll of 99, the demon appears, and we negotiate our way out of it.