View Full Version : New Campaign, New Troubles

2011-06-21, 11:41 AM
Today I'm joining a 5th level campaign with the following Party:

Half-Orc Paladin
Drow Wizard
Half-Elf Rogue
Ratling Barbarian
Lythari Moon Elf Ranger
Human Fighter

Yes, I realize it's a big group. And yes, optimization is moderate (The Fighter is essentially our Power Attack Guy, the Ranger is our skillmonkey, the Barbarian is our Secondary Melee, the Rogue is the Party Face, the Wizard is our Autoturret, and the Paladin is our Healer/Tank)

I'm thinking of playing a:

Changeling Factotum or Savant (DMC) [To me, they both have the "Jack of All Trades" feel]
I'm probably heading into a "Jack of All Trades, Master of None" Type of direction, ending with me taking levels in Chameleon and Possibly Master of Masks

How do I accomplish this without gimping myself?

2011-06-21, 12:05 PM
I really, really want to like the Master of Masks PrC, but it's mechanically awful. It's a one or (at most) two-level dip, and it's best to take as early on as you can. The power level is really unfortunately low. The two most common entry classes are Rogue and Bard; the skill list doesn't synergize with Rogue, and it doesn't advance Bard's spellcasting. The minor abilities you pick up after the first mask don't make up for the loss.

The best reason to take it is to get the "all weapon proficiency" Gladiator mask at level 1. The Chameleon version (Combat Focus) is better in some ways, worse in others. It has a better Competence bonus to attack. However, Combat Focus only grants Martial weapon proficiency, whereas Gladiator Mask grants all proficiencies and is always on (as long as you're wearing the mask, which is basically going to be always). No reason you can't have both, but if you aren't planning on using exotic weapons or thwacking things when in Arcane Focus, it seems like a wasted level to me.

2011-06-21, 12:08 PM
I really, really want to like the Master of Masks PrC, but it's mechanically awful. It's a one or (at most) two-level dip, and it's best to take as early on as you can. The power level is really unfortunately low. The two most common entry classes are Rogue and Bard; the skill list doesn't synergize with Rogue, and it doesn't advance Bard's spellcasting. The minor abilities you pick up after the first mask don't make up for the loss.

The best reason to take it is to get the "all weapon proficiency" Gladiator mask at level 1. The Chameleon version (Combat Focus) is better in some ways, worse in others. It has a better Competence bonus to attack. However, Combat Focus only grants Martial weapon proficiency, whereas Gladiator Mask grants all proficiencies and is always on (as long as you're wearing the mask, which is basically going to be always). No reason you can't have both, but if you aren't planning on using exotic weapons or thwacking things when in Arcane Focus, it seems like a wasted level to me.

Basically, I want to be the "If you need it, I can do it," not "ZOMG! Imma GAWD"

2011-06-21, 12:17 PM
Have you considered a Binder instead of factotum? They're a pretty versatile class and with changling you can really have fun re-inventing yourself every morning. Plus all their abilities are Su, so no need to worry about concentration checks or spell resistance etc (if you're using some of the more castery vestiges)
(You may need to ask your DM if you can access Zceryl from http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718 as she's the best vestige of the lot. Psuedonatural template, telepathy+mindsight, summon monster Su ability, daze ray. She rocks).

I have a soft spot for changling binders after reading Crystal Cantrips in silverclawshift's campaign journals.

Link to the latest binder thread here on GitP to maybe lure yo uto the dark side. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203703
Also http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197133&highlight=binders+hipster+clerics is worth reading after for a nice laugh :)

2011-06-21, 12:24 PM
Have you considered a Binder instead of factotum? They're a pretty versatile class and with changling you can really have fun re-inventing yourself every morning. Plus all their abilities are Su, so no need to worry about concentration checks or spell resistance etc (if you're using some of the more castery vestiges)
(You may need to ask your DM if you can access Zceryl from http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718 as she's the best vestige of the lot. Psuedonatural template, telepathy+mindsight, summon monster Su ability, daze ray. She rocks).

I have a soft spot for changling binders after reading Crystal Cantrips in silverclawshift's campaign journals.

Link to the latest binder thread here on GitP to maybe lure yo uto the dark side. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203703
Also http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197133&highlight=binders+hipster+clerics is worth reading after for a nice laugh :)

Played a Binder. Not a huge fan. My gripe lies in the group: DM banned Tome of Magic, stating it was the worst D&D book ever written

2011-06-21, 12:27 PM
Pity, i rather love the class. Hmm, how about a bard instead? they tend to be versatile (though neither me nor my players have played one, so i'm not 100% sure if it'd be what you're after)

2011-06-21, 12:38 PM
Pity, i rather love the class. Hmm, how about a bard instead? they tend to be versatile (though neither me nor my players have played one, so i'm not 100% sure if it'd be what you're after)

I'm looking for a character who as a kid was in every High School club, was on the Sports Teams, and got Straight A's while having a social life. As an adult, he learned to mimic many jobs and is the "Ultimate Actor," the man who is everything, but not all at one time.

2011-06-21, 12:47 PM
Basically, I want to be the "If you need it, I can do it," not "ZOMG! Imma GAWD"

I'm not talking about god-level power, I'm talking about basic competence. Master of Masks doesn't satisfy "I can do it," other than the weapon proficiency. Even if you take all ten levels of it, all you get is a handful of 1/day spell-like abilities (at the cost of 6 actual levels of spells known, if you are a caster) and some competence bonuses to skills (which you probably could have exceeded by regular skill point progression, if you were a Rogue).

If a character isn't already a Rogue, it doesn't actually give trapfinding. If a character isn't already a Cleric, it doesn't let him turn undead. It doesn't give Bardic Music, or Rage. It doesn't let you Track things. It doesn't help with Use Magic Device, and the spells it does grant aren't that spectacular and don't qualify the character for much of anything.

2011-06-21, 12:53 PM
I'm not talking about god-level power, I'm talking about basic competence. Master of Masks doesn't satisfy "I can do it," other than the weapon proficiency. Even if you take all ten levels of it, all you get is a handful of 1/day spell-like abilities (at the cost of 6 actual levels of spells known, if you are a caster) and some competence bonuses to skills (which you probably could have exceeded by regular skill point progression, if you were a Rogue).

If a character isn't already a Rogue, it doesn't actually give trapfinding. If a character isn't already a Cleric, it doesn't let him turn undead. It doesn't give Bardic Music, or Rage. It doesn't let you Track things. It doesn't help with Use Magic Device, and the spells it does grant aren't that spectacular and don't qualify the character for much of anything.

So the "I'm the Ultimate Actor and I am a Jack of All Trades" idea is defunct?

2011-06-21, 01:03 PM
So the "I'm the Ultimate Actor and I am a Jack of All Trades" idea is defunct?

If you take all the levels in Master of Masks? Yes.

There are other classes and PrCs that do what you want, much much better. Chameleon (like you mentioned in the initial post) is an excellent option, as is Factotum. There is absolutely no reason you can't take max ranks in Bluff, Disguise, and Perform (acting) as a Factotum, and still be an awesome Factotum. Bluff and Disguise are also Chameleon skills. I'm just trying to get across that Master of Masks (for more than one level, two max) will gimp you.

2011-06-21, 01:07 PM
If you take all the levels in Master of Masks? Yes.

There are other classes and PrCs that do what you want, much much better. Chameleon (like you mentioned in the initial post) is an excellent option, as is Factotum. There is absolutely no reason you can't take max ranks in Bluff, Disguise, and Perform (acting) as a Factotum, and still be an awesome Factotum. Bluff and Disguise are also Chameleon skills. I'm just trying to get across that Master of Masks (for more than one level, two max) will gimp you.

No Master of Masks. Got it.

So What do I take for the last 5 levels? We are required to take 2+ PrCs