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2011-06-21, 01:40 PM
Hell Team:

You are all imprisoned. There are two to a cell, and a notable absence of manacles or other locks. The air smells heavily of sulfur, and there is hardened lava visible that has come through cracks in the walls. The floor is tiled, and the walls much higher than a human could crawl out of. It is dark, and humid. It is obvious that the cells were out of use before you were put in. In sight, as if to tempt you, or perhaps to test you, your weapons hang from the wall, just out of reach of your cells. If you were released, they would be easily reached. Joran's horse can be heard whinnying occasionally in the distance. You are isolated from prisoners outside of your group of four. Demon guards come by ocassionally to jangle their keys, taunting you to come get your freedom. For what seems like months, demons have been coming daily to take and torture Shien-thietal, throwing him back in his cell with the holy man when they are finished. The rest of you have escaped torture, but are fed unregularly, leaving you feeling weak and bitter.

A demon guard, keys jangling, drops two bowls of slush onto the ground, then kicks one into each cell. With a cruel grimace on his face, he leaves, muttering, "Feh. Human filth."

(For fun, cell assignments are Joran and Egon, Chet and Shien-thietal)

Heaven Team:

The Divine King Malon has called you to his chambers, waiting with a huge, armored angel and Chelsea's father, Albert.

Albert smiles warmly as his daughter approaches, nodding towards the king. "He's got something special to tell you. It's a big day for you." He looks around at the other three. "For all of you."

The king nods. Looking at his face, it springs to mind that he is unaccustomed to smiling. An aurist, the king feels your presence, rather than sees you. "Yes, you four..." He nods towards Chelsea, "It is high time that I allow you to lead a Purging party." He motions towards the others, adding, "Buran, you will make sure nothing happens to the others. Alexandria, use your skills to make short work of your enemies. Jennifer, take what you have learned and vanquish your foes."

He nods, and then adds, "I have heard that the cultists have been making sacrifices to the demons lately, and have been advancing further into Laos. You are to find and defeat whatever cultists you may find, and save any innocents you find in the struggle. Is that clear?"

Not waiting for a response, he motions towards the angel, bidding him to step forward. "Zaras will accompany you. He will step in if things go awry."

The huge angel nods in silent agreement.

The king then looks over the party. "Any questions?"

2011-06-21, 01:49 PM
Joran picks up a small rock and starts scratching a few rough drawings into the tiles on the ground, trying to amuse himself.


"I'd kill for something to drink about now..."

After the guard comes, Joran looks down at the... Stuff... in the bowl rather unamused.


"What do you think is in this crap anyways?"

He asks to no one in particular.

2011-06-21, 01:52 PM

How will we know the cultist when we see them?

Jeniffer looks around at the party and smiles.

2011-06-21, 01:58 PM

How will we know the cultist when we see them?

Jeniffer looks around at the party and smiles.

"They are cowards who fight in large groups, many also dabble in the dark arts. They attire themselves in the colors of Jawisk, Red and Black, making them rather easy to distinguish."

2011-06-21, 02:08 PM
"They are cowards who fight in large groups, many also dabble in the dark arts. They attire themselves in the colors of Jawisk, Red and Black, making them rather easy to distinguish."


Oh okay, thank you

Jeniffer waits a second

Oh right. Then she bows to Albert, the king and the angel.

2011-06-21, 02:16 PM
Hell (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f814BiQAxeE)


Egon smiles weakly, "Nothing worth eating. Even in this burning hole."

2011-06-21, 02:21 PM
Joran tries eating some only to spit it out immediatly.


"No kidding. I think it might actually be getting worse."

He stares down the hallway where his horse can be heard in the distance.

"Know what sounds really tasty about now?"

2011-06-21, 02:35 PM

"Fresh air? I swear what I'd give for one clean breath."

2011-06-21, 02:40 PM

"That too..."

Joran sits for a moment, staring at the bowls of slop. He's hungry, but hunger seems preferable to eating... That... Atleast at the moment.

"I think I might have an idea... Next time one of the guards comes by, I'll nail him in the head with one of the bowls. He'll get angry and want to attack me or kill me or drag me off or something... But he'll have to open the door. Think you could get to your sword fast enough?"

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-21, 02:50 PM

Each time Shien-thietal is returned to the cell, Chet does what little he can to check his condition and to ease his pains. Today preceded by Sadly my staff isn't either in my hand or up their asses, so not much I can do with it save looking at it, which is... really dull.

Chet takes his bowl Ah, like I always say, if you got crap for food, nothing like nose bathed in sulfur. Like making no comdiments. And proceeds to eat it, keeping his tongue pressing his palate at all possible times, trying to at least avoid tasting it as much as is humanly possible.

Speaking of dull things. It's sulfur!.

2011-06-21, 04:33 PM

Egon eyes the distance between them and the weaponry. "Its worth a shot, they seem to want us alive so I doubt things could get much worse if we fail."

2011-06-21, 05:22 PM
"Alexandria, use your skills to make short work of your enemies."

He nods, and then adds, "I have heard that the cultists have been making sacrifices to the demons lately, and have been advancing further into Laos."

Heaven Team:

Alexandria frowns at hearing the name. "I'd appreciate it if you would not call me that. Its Alexander. At least thats what I prefer." She would have snapped at being called it but it was the king. It would end badly. "Don't worry. It would be hard for them to beat me with my skills." She looked around paying only half attention until she heard Laos. "What?" She asked, this being the first she heard of it. She cracked her knuckles loudly as she said, "Those bastards! I'll make them pay for invading my home country."

2011-06-21, 05:24 PM
Joran turns to Chet (I'm assuming it's just bars that we can see through separating the cells and not a solid wall).


"I have no clue how you can stomach that slop. I've had to eat some pretty rancid things in the past and none of it compared to this."

He then turns back to Egon.

"Heh, what could they do to me that would be worse than being stuck in this cell any longer?"

Joran sits in the cell, waiting for the next time a guard passes (one guard, not a group of them or a pair, a single guard).

If one passes, he throws the bowl of slop at the guard's head when he gets close (tell me if it happens, if the bowl hits, and what the guard does regardless of whether or not the bowl hits).

(Also, Harkov, could you please use a darker color? Yellow on white isn't just hard to read, it's also pretty hard on the eyes. Thanks.

Edit: Oh, and Penguinator, this isn't particularly important, but I was wondering how we ended up in these cells in the first place? Just curious really.)

2011-06-21, 06:10 PM

Buran listens without words, nodding when he was given his order from Malon. Shiva sat patiently, waiting for instructions, both of them had to perk up when Malon mentioned cultists. "You mean... The ones from Jawisk? Narf stands inbetween it and Laos, how could they move so subtly?"

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-21, 06:24 PM

Chet turns around with a grimace in his face I can stomach it?. I'm not as well built as you, mister, and I wish to be able to take my chances, shall they present. I help it by thinking it as an act of defiance. But I do hear you, so I'd advice to keep your bowl full.

(Sorry about that, changed to blue, since I can't get a dark yellow because minimum for first part of the colour code has to be at least A0)

2011-06-21, 06:27 PM
(either that or the blue you changed the other post to are fine. Neither hurts the eyes and both are much easier to read. Thank you.)

2011-06-21, 07:20 PM

Shien slumps to his usual position against the edge of the cell, his eyes almost blank and staring. He nods once to Chet, as if in thanks for his aid, but other than that makes no notice of the outside world.

(This is, unfortunantly, sort of how I cast him to be before being released, he might actually get more ... 'interactive' as it were, when that happens.)(EDIT:Oh, and it works well because I'm going to be offline for 24 hours very soon, so Shien can just look dull at everything.)

2011-06-21, 09:39 PM
Heaven Team:

Alexandria frowns at hearing the name. "I'd appreciate it if you would not call me that. Its Alexander. At least thats what I prefer." She would have snapped at being called it but it was the king. It would end badly. "Don't worry. It would be hard for them to beat me with my skills." She looked around paying only half attention until she heard Laos. "What?" She asked, this being the first she heard of it. She cracked her knuckles loudly as she said, "Those bastards! I'll make them pay for invading my home country."

The king was less than amused at the girl's comment. "I will refer to you by your given name. And you will... what are the words? ...Deal with it."


Buran listens without words, nodding when he was given his order from Malon. Shiva sat patiently, waiting for instructions, both of them had to perk up when Malon mentioned cultists. "You mean... The ones from Jawisk? Narf stands inbetween it and Laos, how could they move so subtly?"

The king nodded solemnly. "I thought you might ask that." He paused, as if collecting his thoughts. "It seems that a group called the Saffron Headdress is forming in Narf. This is a group with similar ideals to the cultists, who believe in unclean sorcery and foul spirits. Due to an uneasy alliance between the two groups, the cultists have found it easier to reach through Narf. The Hellriders are working towards exterminating the Saffron Headdress. The Brechian army, however, has been increasing in size, and has drawn ever more attention from the Hellriders. Thus, the cultists have essentially free passage through Narf."

If one passes, he throws the bowl of slop at the guard's head when he gets close (tell me if it happens, if the bowl hits, and what the guard does regardless of whether or not the bowl hits).

Edit: Oh, and Penguinator, this isn't particularly important, but I was wondering how we ended up in these cells in the first place? Just curious really.)

(I've given the backstory as "Hell Team was captured by demons and they plan a daring escape from Hell." In Joran's case, I'm assuming he was with Egon while the demons targeted him, and they just dragged him along. At this point, they're kind of just random inmates, rather than a group.)

Another guard came by, his keys jangling from his belt. "Go on, eat, eat! Stupid humans..."

2011-06-21, 09:55 PM
The king was less than amused at the girl's comment. "I will refer to you by your given name. And you will... what are the words? ...Deal with it."

Alexander rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yea sure. Whatever." She responded looking away.

2011-06-21, 10:01 PM
Alexander rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yea sure. Whatever." She responded looking away.

The king took on an irritated tone. "I do not force you to refer to me as 'Your highness.' You do not force me to refer to you as anything other than your given name. Understand?" He sighed, and then muttered, "If you really wanted to be a male, we have ways to change that."

2011-06-21, 10:06 PM

"Sorry, not hungry. Maybe you'd like some?"

He tosses the bowl full of slop at the guard's head.

2011-06-21, 10:22 PM
The guard dodges the bowl, then glares menacingly. "Why, you!" He reaches his lance through the bars and points it at the bow knight's neck. "Try anything. I dare you."

2011-06-21, 10:23 PM
Joran backs out of the lance's range, picks up, and tosses Egon's uneaten bowl.

2011-06-21, 10:30 PM
The bowl splatters against the guard's shield. "Why, I ought to...!" He reaches for his keys, when another guard comes by.

"What do you think you're doing? That's a valuable prisoner in there!" He claps the first guard on the back. "Boss won't like it if he gets loose. I swear, sometimes I don't think you have a brain at all."

The first demon withdraws his lance. "Yeah.. yeah, I guess you're right..."

The guards leave, not noticing that the clap on the back caused the first guard to drop his keys.

2011-06-21, 10:34 PM

"Not exactly what I had in mind, but..."

Joran first checks to see that no guards are in sight and then (assuming there are none) tries to grab the keys.

2011-06-21, 10:36 PM
(Actually, I used Random to roll whether you hit, both times, and to see the guard's reaction. Roll under 50 meant a hit on the guard's body. (Second roll was 57, so I made it the shield) Roll over 50 for reaction was the guard actually coming into the cell)

The keys are slightly out of Joran's reach, but from the opposing cell, one of the other two may be able to reach it.

2011-06-21, 10:42 PM
(What did I have to get for a headshot? Oh, and I'm attributing those misses to weakness from lack of edible food.)

When Joran can't reach the keys with his arm, he tries using his leg. When that fails, he turns to the next cell over, trying to keep his voice down as to not attract attention.


"One of you two try it. Hurry before the next one comes."

2011-06-21, 10:59 PM
Suddenly, another guard strolled by, noticing the keys on the ground. "Well, we can't have you getting a hold of these, can we?" He picks up the keys, waves tauntingly at Joran, and leaves.

2011-06-21, 11:00 PM
Joran tries to spit in the guard's face as he passes by.

2011-06-21, 11:02 PM
Joran misses fantastically, and the guard remains oblivious, whistling an eerie tune as he passes.

(Roll was a 97)

2011-06-22, 12:48 AM
A young, impressionable looking guard comes to watch over the inmates. Trembling slightly, he leans against the wall, trying to maintain his composure.

2011-06-22, 12:54 AM
(Ok... Round 3 - GO!)

Joran leans against the bars of the cell and glances over to the guard.


"Hey buddy, come a bit closer."

2011-06-22, 12:57 AM
The demon looks around suspiciously, then takes a single step forward. "Yes?"

2011-06-22, 01:02 AM

"Just a bit closer"

Joran checks the two occupied cells... Egon is sitting on the other side of the cell, not paying attention... Shien is slumped against a wall in his own little world... Chet seems to be occupied trying to do what he can for Shien's wounds. Joran speaks in a hushed tone.

"I'm ready to sell these guys out. I'll tell you whatever you want to know, just don't let anyone overhear. Come a bit closer, I'll whisper it to you. You can tell your masters... You can get all the credit... All the glory..."

2011-06-22, 01:05 AM
The demon leans back against the wall, his hand on his lance. "Why should I believe you? They've warned me about you... They say you throw things." He glances nervously at Chet, then adds, "And... and he's a holy man, he could... he could say things at me."

2011-06-22, 01:12 AM
Joran lets out a small laugh.


"You don't know much about holy men, do you? Look at him over there. He doesn't have a staff. He doesn't have a tome. He can't do anything. Hell, if he could, he would've already done it. As for me... Well, what do I have left to throw? A few small pebbles and a handful of dirt. I've got nothing left... I've given up."

Joran turns away from the guard.

"But fine, you don't have to believe me if you don't want. I'll just tell the next guy I see and he can take all of the credit. He could tell your boss and get whatever it is your boss gives the ones who serve him well. Maybe I'll even tell him you were too scared and he'll pass that along... Let your boss know how you failed."

2011-06-22, 01:19 AM

Egon sits with his cape wrapped around him like a blanket, resting himself as he half listens to the vain attempts of his cell mate. The edges of his lips tilt upwards but don't quite reach a grin. For one so cynical Joran was not a man to give up easily, at this point he had tried almost everything. For his part Egon listened and waited. He was going to get out of here alive and for that he would need to strike only at the best opportunity with all the strength and luck he could muster.

2011-06-22, 01:28 AM
(Heh, someone has to do it and I'm the one whose been online.

Also, just to make sure, this guard does have keys hanging at his side, yes?)

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-22, 06:16 AM

Chet had glanced at the arrival of the guard, returning at first to tend to Shien as the other prisoner began to whisper to him. But mid way sitting by the cell door, waiting for the exchange to end and hoping something will happen. He composes what clothing he has on, considering how far would they reach to try drag objects into his cell as to not miss another chance.

2011-06-22, 07:10 AM

Buran quietly repeated the words on the group in Narf. He was worried on the idea of cultist-like creeps giving free passage to the Jawisk cultists to Laos. He hoped his group could take care of them when possible...

2011-06-22, 08:21 AM
Albert noticed his daughter's lack of response. "You're very quiet, girl. It's a great honor to lead a purging party."


The demon took a step forward, then paused and went back. "What's in it for you?"

2011-06-22, 09:06 AM
Joran turns back to face the guard.


"For me? If I'm lucky, they'll just do whatever it is they're planning to do and get it over with."

2011-06-22, 10:51 AM
The demon crosses his arms, and grins maliciously. "Hah! Plan involves keeping you alive, boy."

2011-06-22, 10:57 AM

"Dead. Alive. Doesn't really matter. I'm just tired of being stuck in a cell with Prince Pretty-boy over there and nothing but slop to eat. Whatever it is you're planning, just get it over with."

Joran turns his back on the guard again.

"So... You going to listen to what I have to say or should I stop wasting my time on you?"

2011-06-22, 11:00 AM
"Depends. What could you tell me that I don't already know?"

2011-06-22, 11:06 AM

"You'd be surprised. I had been traveling with Pretty-boy over there for a few months before ending up in this dump. He's the Prince of Bress you know... Knows all sorts of their secrets and plans... But he's pretty naive. Pretty trusting. Not dumb enough that he'd tell you even you put him through whatever you've been doing to Scarface over there, but you wouldn't believe some of the things he's let slip."

Joran smirks.

"And lucky for you, I'm not bound by any of the loyalties he is."

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-22, 11:15 AM

Chet stands by the cell door. When the guard isn't watching tests how far out can reach with his hand, may that be enough he stays put feigning to be exercising his legs, makes one small push motion in another moment when only the guard doesn't look.

2011-06-22, 11:21 AM
Chet's hand doesn't quite reach the guard's keys, and the guard pretends not to notice the priest's vain attempts.

"Feh. Nothing in Bress that Boss hasn't already taken care of. Believe me, we already know everything there is to know about Bress."

2011-06-22, 11:26 AM

"If that's what you like to tell yourself, fine. I'll just pass it along to the next guy. But before you go, tell me your name so I can pass it on and let them know not only what information I have but how you failed to get it when offered on a platter. I've heard demons aren't exactly the forgiving type... I wonder what the punishment for incompetence is."

2011-06-22, 11:30 AM
"Heh. Try again. If you've got anything on those fools in Kleig, that's what we're looking for."

2011-06-22, 11:33 AM

"Not as much, but I may have picked up a few bits of information that your boss might take interest in. What specifically are you looking for?"

2011-06-22, 11:36 AM
"Prince's movements, army size. Routine stuff like that. Planning an invasion, you see."

2011-06-22, 11:41 AM

"Oh, that's all? I was afraid you were after something difficult. For all your supposed knowledge of Bress, you never bothered looking into what they knew about their enemies, did you?"

2011-06-22, 11:45 AM
The demon leader only snickered. "Shows what you know. Bress and Kleig have held an uneasy truce for months."

2011-06-22, 11:53 AM

"On the surface perhaps. If there was one thing I would've thought a demon would understand is that on the whole, humans... especially those in power... are scheming, double-talking creatures who almost never show their true motivations.

They may be allied now, but that only means they have a common enemy threatening enough for them to stop killing eachother until that enemy has been dealt with. Maybe it's Laos... Might be Narf... Could even be here. But mark my words, as soon as they've wiped out whoever it is they're after, they'll turn on eachother and use whatever knowledge they may have gained between now and then to try to destroy eachother."

2011-06-22, 11:59 AM
"Hah. Of course it's here, everyone is against us. Angels, too. Humans are naturally untrusting. Always willing to backstab each other."

2011-06-22, 12:07 PM

"Indeed. That doesn't stop them from uniting temporarily when needed though."

Joran sits down with his back to the bars and picks up a small rock and begins scratching more drawings into the tiled floor as he talks.

"It's funny really... Once one side grows too powerful, the rest... Individually weak and useless against it... have no problem putting aside their current conflicts to topple it. From warlords to nobility, they all do it."

The drawing begins to take shape. It is a rough map of the continent... Rough drawings of wyverns, knights, horsemen and the like.

Joran begins to mumble to himself while he continues scratching his map.

"10,000 horsemen headed south from Bress ... Another 15,000 joining them at ... Main force of ... meeting ..."

2011-06-22, 12:15 PM
A shriek came from the end of the hallway, and the demon suddenly grew nervous. "Aaaaand that's the end of my shift." He started to leave for the other side, when a man with long hair and a cloak appeared from nowhere and ran him through with a dual-bladed sword.

The man held a stoic expression, wiping his blade and snagging the guard's keys. He went a few feet away, letting the horse out of its stall. He came back to the cell, and looked at the inmates. "Yours?" he asked in a gruff monotone, gesturing at the horse.

2011-06-22, 12:18 PM





"... Yes."

2011-06-22, 12:22 PM
The man nodded slowly, then inserted the keys into the cell's lock. "Good." He flung the cell doors open and pointed at the party's weapons. "Go. Quickly."

2011-06-22, 12:31 PM
Egon's eyes snap open at the sounds of battle coming from the outside world. With a swift motion he rises to his feet shifting his stance to move quickly. As the stranger appears Egon's eyes brighten but still he says nothing waiting to see this newcomers intent.


"... Yes."

The man nodded slowly, then inserted the keys into the cell's lock. "Good." He flung the cell doors open and pointed at the party's weapons. "Go. Quickly"

Egon bows his head slightly as he steps through the cell door. "We are in your debt."

2011-06-22, 12:32 PM
The man nodded, then waited for the group to grab their weapons. He led them to a staircase, then gestured upwards. "Go." He then left as quickly as he came.

(Don't worry, he'll become more important later :smalltongue:)

2011-06-22, 12:34 PM
Joran stands in silence for a few moments... Not quite sure what to make of the whole situation. After a few awkward seconds, he looks at his horse, which actually appears to have gotten a little fatter.


"Oh, so they fed you."

He then grabs his weapons and mounts his horse, following the man.

2011-06-22, 12:39 PM
Up the stairs was what appeared to be a throne room. The party made their way to the throne, a small group of guards taking notice and positions.

One frantically shouted, "Guards! Guards! Escape! Help!"

It would only be a matter of time before more guards came...

Hell Team: Map 1: Escape!

Objective: Defeat all enemies


(I'll put the stats up in a moment, I have them all in a document, it might take a minute. Pick one of the blue squares in front of the throne. Also, for the record, this is the only map that's a blatant copy of something else. It was the first I made, over a year ago.:smallredface:)

Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 20/20 XP 0/100
(-) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 1

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 8
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-8 45% Hit- 107
Spd-8 40% Avoid- 17
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-5 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)

Iron Sword (50/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 16/16 XP 0/100
(-) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (0/30)

Heal: (40/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 19/19 XP 0/100
(-) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 7/7
Str-4 40% Critical- 7/2
Mag-4 40% Hit- 110/105
Skl-5 50% Avoid- 16/16
Spd-7 50% Damage- 6/8
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-3 30%
Res-4 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)
Wind (E): (0/20)

Slim Sword: (35/35) (e)
Wind: (40/40)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 20/20 XP 0/100
(-) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (0/30)

Iron Bow: (50/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Soldier 1: HP 21/21
(L14) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-21 Attack Speed- 4
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-4 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 2: HP 20/20
(P14) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-20 Attack Speed- 4
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-4 Hit- 106
Spd-4 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 1: HP 19/19
(J15) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-6 Critical- 3
Skl-6 Hit- 95
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 2: HP 19/19
(I4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 15
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

(I didn't realize that Soldier three wasn't on the map... I'll add him in the update, he's right in front of the door, so he won't be a problem for a while.)

2011-06-22, 12:42 PM
(Is it safe to say the winged ones on L14 and P14 are fliers and thus weak to bow attacks? If so, I'm thinking I'll start on O10.)

2011-06-22, 12:45 PM
(Is it safe to say the winged ones on L14 and P14 are fliers and thus weak to bow attacks? If so, I'm thinking I'll start on O10.)

No. They're soldier-base. Demons and Angels have wings, but don't have the flying ability or the ability to move freely over terrain.

2011-06-22, 12:48 PM
(Doh! Well... The starting position thing stays... Though if they were fliers, that would be convenient... Heh)

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-22, 12:49 PM

Chet first shook Shien a bit to wake him up and tried to help/drag him up and to the weapons. He holds his temptation to express his gratitude, as the demon is now a corpse and quickly follows the man's instructions.

He would end in K-10

2011-06-22, 12:53 PM
"Right, if we are to get out of here we need to stay together." He gives a slight nod to the two who had occupied the opposite cell. "I am Egon of Bress, and this is Joran of many words. You're companion seems to be of ill health but I see you carry a staff. Are you a healer then?" Egon lowers his head again. "It is an honor to meet you here, for I fear your abilities may be sorely needed in this place."


After words had been exchanged Egon motioned that they should begin moving.

"Right, stay together and keep low. Try and stay behind me." After what seems an age of twisting through different passage ways Egon stumbles into an emtpy throne room.

"Guards! Guards! Escape! Help!"

A quiet sadness and cold anger shows through his eyes. "I knew it would come to this." with deadly grace he drew his sword. "Stay calm and face them one at a time. I swear to you on my blade, we are all getting out of here alive."

Egon Starts at M10

2011-06-22, 01:09 PM
Joran will start at O10. On the first turn, he will move to O13, attack Soldier 2 with his Iron Bow, and move back to E11.

(Suggestion: Mark which weapon is currently equipped. Right now this won't make much of a difference since most of us only have one weapon... And you could argue that since we just escaped, we haven't actually equipped them yet even if they are in our inventories... but it will make things easier in the future.

Also, what inventory system are we using? 5/6 items total? 4 weapons, 4 non-weapons?

Edit: Also, the stat block says there is a Soldier 3 on E12, but he isn't shown on the map. He seems to be stronger and better equipped than the rest... Is he the boss?)

2011-06-22, 01:19 PM
(Suggestion: Mark which weapon is currently equipped. Right now this won't make much of a difference since most of us only have one weapon... And you could argue that since we just escaped, we haven't actually equipped them yet even if they are in our inventories... but it will make things easier in the future.

Also, what inventory system are we using? 5/6 items total? 4 weapons, 4 non-weapons?

Edit: Also, the stat block says there is a Soldier 3 on E12, but he isn't shown on the map. He seems to be stronger and better equipped than the rest... Is he the boss?)

Let's go with 6 inventory slots. There will probably never be a time that 4 item slots will be filled.

@Admiral: It's probably not the best idea for Chet to end in K10, and that's not a starting spot.

As for the soldier, see the amendment at the bottom of the post. He isn't the boss, though. The others are essentially leveling fodder.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-22, 01:29 PM
Ah, ok, didn't notice the blue outlines.

Chet would start at P-9 and move to Q-10, unless his temmates leave a hole, in which case he'd move just to Q-9.

2011-06-22, 01:59 PM
(suggestion, number npcs ala summoner's game. Makes things so much easier.)

Plan time:
Egon moves from M10 to N12
Joran moves from O10 to N10
Shien moves from L9 to M9
Chet moves from P9 to O9

Enemy phase: The soldiers bash themselves against Egon, Egon returns the favor by whacking them. Shaman is out of range. Next turn Egon attacks again and gets healed, Joran and Chet do their best to finish/ contain them and the lich attacks. Reason for this strategy is that Egon can't attack this turn without risking all three enemies taking him out. So its best to hold back and then punish them for moving in.

2011-06-22, 02:08 PM
(My plan idea from OOC Recruitment thread.

Joran does as I said to weaken Soldier 2. No counterattack.

Shien starts at N9.

Chet starts at L9, moves to O9, shoves Shien to M9.

Shien moves to M13 and attacks Soldier 1 with magic. No counterattack.

Egon starts at M10, moves to M14. Egon probably shouldn't attack unless he can kill Soldier 1 and is confident in his chances.


On the enemy phase, Shamalich 1 can reach both Egon and Shien. He deals more damage (12) to Egon and Egon cannot counter where Shien can, so Egon is the likely target. Both soldiers are in range of Egon and deal 3 damage. Even if both (and Shamalich 1) hit, Egon survives. Further, while Soldier 1 is going to attack Egon (he cannot reach anyone else), Joran is likely Soldier 2's target due to no counterattacks.


On the next turn, Egon will need healing, but the soldiers should be weak enough to take out and Shamalich 1 isn't really threatening alone.

However, if we must play it safe, then I will follow your suggestion... And also offer to start further back at P9 to allow someone else a starting position closer to the action.

Barring reinforcements, I believe the main group should take the left passage while Joran takes advantage of his higher movement to take a detour down the right.)

2011-06-22, 03:40 PM
[crap, major computer problems, sorry.]


Chelsea was visibly nervous throughout the exchange, kneeling before the king, the angel, and her father from the start. She only raised her head to glare at Alexandria once or twice during her rudeness, but it was a subtle motion that could barely be seen.

She flinched when addressed by her father. "M-my apologizes, Sir Albert, and your lordship. I was just overwhelmed that I was chosen for this honor..." The huntress lowered her head a little further. "Thank you, your highness, for granting me this duty. I swear I shall not fail my mission."

2011-06-22, 05:23 PM

Buran turned to obviously nervous Chelsea. Buran by comparison was a much calmer, careful man. "It will all go fine; I have the utmost respect you will lead us triumphantly," Buran stated to comfort her. Shiva, his hellbeast, walked up to Chelsea and gave her a nod of confidence.

I think this is the part where you pet Shiva :smalltongue:

2011-06-22, 06:25 PM
I like the defensive because we can clean both soldiers next turn and no one takes a hit from the shaman until later.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-22, 06:28 PM
Yeah, I think I'm too for the defensive tactic for the start.

(And this is when I go to bed).

2011-06-22, 06:31 PM
(Very well, but I would suggest altering the plan so that Chet ends at N10 and Joran at O9. No point in having the healer lag behind if hes just as safe a bit closer to the center of the action.)

2011-06-22, 06:43 PM
Yeah, makes sense.

2011-06-22, 06:50 PM

Chelsea relaxed slightly from Buran's reassurance. The blue haired girl's forced neutrality gave way to a small smile, if only for a second. Shiva's approach set her on alert for a split second, but its reassuring nod earned it a soft stroke from the hunter's hand.

In the back of her mind, she wondered if Siegfried would get along with the hound. She hoped so; the dog was normally good around strangers thanks to their constant traveling. Chelsea remained bowed, with most of her attention on the King, the Angel, and her fa- Sir Albert, she corrected herself, but some awareness spared for her soon to be companions.

2011-06-22, 08:21 PM
"I'm sure you'll be fine." Albert nodded towards the others, adding, "Take care of yourselves."

The King "looked" towards his knight, with a slight curve of his lip, rendering his expression unreadable. "Yes... Although she is your daughter, whether she has your skill for commanding is yet to be truly tested." He felt the dog's presence, and added, "She does seem to have your talent for raising animals."

He nodded, "Well, girl, this will prove your mettle. Report to me after any activity." He looked over the group again, stopping to pose one last question. "Anything else?"

(With that, I'm leaving the computer for who knows how long. There's a line...)

2011-06-22, 08:42 PM

His eyes, dull so far, flick up at the appearance of the swordsman who freed them, his eyes widening just slightly as he stands to his feet. He almost stumbles as he stands free, finally free, his eyes suddenly closed as he breathes in the fresh air of freedom. Not that it was much fresher than that in the cages, just that he was free.

With that he hurries as fast as he is able with the others, grabbing his weaponry and a moving with his 'companions'. "Shien-Thietal of the Bloody Crow." He replies, the mercenaries band not an unknown force in the lands. "I am at your service." Despite all this, his voice and expression remained neutral.

As the guard calls out for help, and Egon submits his oath, Shien merely draws his sword from it's sheathe, marvelling at finally weilding steel again. It would be death or victory this time, he would not go back to his cell leaving his former companions unavenged.(Start at L9)

(Egon's our best tank in this group, Joran's pretty good against physical attackers too though, so I agree with the defensive plan. Shien should do well against magic for the moment, even if he is at a disadvantage in the magic circle.

Also I thought Shien only started with one weapon? Or have I got that wrong? Probably...

Also, something to note, Shien is going to be a somewhat weird build to play with, Considering his average Strength, HP, Magic, Skill and Speed. He should keep pretty average on all those without going super, he may end up with a bit of defense/resistance/luck, but later on he'll not really have too much of that, so while he's sort of a magic destroyer ATM, he'll really struggle to do anything of the sort later on. Considering the rest of our group, only Chet really will do well against magic from our starting group, haven't checked our recruits yet though.)

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-23, 05:57 AM
If Chet is in time to change idea, then he moves to N10 instead.

2011-06-23, 10:49 AM
Hell Team Turn 1:
Player characters assume their positions.

Enemy Phase:
Soldier 1 moves to M12 and attacks Egon!
Shaman 4 attacks Gerard!
{table]http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9938/spritedemonsoldierattac.png|Soldier 2 attacks Prince Egon and deals 3 damage!|Egon Counterattacks for 8 damage! Egon attacks again for 8 damage!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Prince Egon gains 12 experience.

Soldier 2 moves to N13 and attacks Egon!
{table]http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9938/spritedemonsoldierattac.png|Soldier 2 attacks Prince Egon and deals 3 damage!|Egon Counterattacks for 8 damage! Egon attacks again and misses!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Prince Egon gains 12 experience.

Lich 1 moves to M14.

Another pair of guards arrives from the stairs.

“What’s this noise? Ah? Ah! Call for help! Get the boss!”

Soldier 4 arrives on N16.

Lich 4 arrives on P16.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 14/20 XP 24/100
(-) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 1

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 8
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-8 45% Hit- 107
Spd-8 40% Avoid- 17
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-5 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (4/30)

Iron Sword (47/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 16/16 XP 0/100
(N10) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (0/30)

Heal: (40/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 19/19 XP 0/100
(M19) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 7/7
Str-4 40% Critical- 7/2
Mag-4 40% Hit- 110/105
Skl-5 50% Avoid- 16/16
Spd-7 50% Damage- 6/8
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-3 30%
Res-4 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)
Wind (E): (0/20)

Slim Sword: (35/35) (e)
Wind: (40/40)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 20/20 XP 0/100
(O9) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (0/30)

Iron Bow: (50/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Soldier 1: HP 5/21
(M12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-21 Attack Speed- 4
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-4 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 2: HP 12/20
(N13) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-20 Attack Speed- 4
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-4 Hit- 106
Spd-4 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 1: HP 19/19
(M14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-6 Critical- 3
Skl-6 Hit- 95
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 2: HP 19/19
(I4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 15
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 4: HP 20/20
(N16) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-20 Attack Speed- 4
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-4 Hit- 106
Spd-4 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-6 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 4: HP 18/18
(P16) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-18 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3


"If there are no questions, then the time for action is now." The king nodded at Zaras, and watched as the angel led the group out of the throne room. "Buran, you will ensure there are no accidents," the king called as the group made their way out.

After the group had left, the king turned to Albert. "You see what I have to work with, here?"

"Remember, old friend, they are only children."

"Yes... Yes, I suppose you are right. Zaras will take care of them."

Albert sighed, then added, "Zaras will take care of us."

"That may well be, but for now, we are led to believe that his intentions are sincere."

(Okay, so I just realized that the King speaks in royal blue :smalltongue:)


The party left the castle, moving towards a small village. They heard sounds of fighting, and cries of pain. There came into view the tell-tale red and black... This was an attack by the cultists!

Zaras looked over the grisly scene. "This is where you kids come in. I'll stay back, and step in if anything bad comes your way."

The cultist leader surveys the scene, appearing blank.


Heaven Team Map 1: Innocence

Objective: Defeat all enemies
Secondary Objective: Rescue all Civilians


(Pick an orange space. The enemies will have numbers next map. Stats coming)

Heaven Team:
Chelsea: (Usershadow) HP 21/21
(-) Bows 4 Move 8 Con Ambush
Hunter Lord, Level 1

HP-21 75% Attack Speed- 7
Str-8 65% Critical- 3
Skl-7 55% Hit- 100
Spd-7 65% Avoid- 15
Luck-1 30% Damage- 14
Def-3 35% Critical Avoid 1
Res-1 25%

Supports: Light Affinity
Alexandria Calanine (0/25)
Jennifer (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (0/30)

Iron Bow (50/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Alexandria Calanine: (Ravena) HP 20/20
(-) Lances 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Lance Cavalier, Level 1

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 55% Critical- 3
Skl-6 45% Hit- 99
Spd-7 50% Avoid- 16
Luck-2 20% Damage- 13
Def-6 40% Critical Avoid
Res-0 20%

Supports: Fire Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Jennifer (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Lances (D): (0/30)

Iron Lance (50/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Jennifer: (Illven) HP 20/20
(-) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-20 60% Attack Speed- 6/7
Str-5 45% Critical- 2/2
Mag-6 45% Hit- 99/99
Skl-4 35% Avoid- 13/15
Spd-7 50% Damage- 10/11
Luck-1 20% Critical Avoid 1
Def-3 30%
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (E): (0/20)
Fire (D): (0/30)

Iron Sword (50/50) (e)
Fire (40/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Buran: (Starsign) HP 15/15
(-) Staves 6 Move 6 Con Hell-Mounted
Troubadour, Level 1

HP-15 45% Attack Speed- 8
Mag-4 50% Critical- -
Skl-5 40% Hit- -
Spd-8 50% Avoid- 24
Luck-8 65% Heal- 14
Def-4 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-4 40%

Supports: Light Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Jennifer (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (0/30)

Heal (40/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Brandis (Boss) HP 24/24
(I16-Forest) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Shaman, Level 5 Luna

HP-24 Attack Speed- 8
Mag-10 Critical- 9
Skl-8 Hit- 95
Spd-8 Avoid- 20(40)
Luck-4 Damage- 18
Def-3/4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 1 HP 20/20
(I6) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 2 HP 20/20
(C6) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-7 Avoid- 18
Luck-4 Damage- 10
Def-1 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 3 HP 19/19
(E9) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 4 HP 19/19
(H11) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 5 HP 20/20
(F13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 6 HP 24/24
(J13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 4 Flux

HP-24 Attack Speed- 9
Mag-8 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-9 Avoid- 22
Luck-4 Damage- 14
Def-4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 7 HP 19/19
(B14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Archer 1 HP 19/19
(K9) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-4 Critical- 4
Skl-8 Hit- 103
Spd-5 Avoid- 12
Luck-2 Damage- 10
Def-4 Critical Avoid 2

Archer 2 HP 20/20
(D11) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Str-5 Critical- 3
Skl-7 Hit- 102
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Myrmidon 1 HP 21/21
(K4) Swords 4 Move 8 Con
Level 3 Iron Sword

HP-21 Attack Speed- 8
Str-5 Critical- 3
Skl-7 Hit- 107
Spd-8 Avoid- 19
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Myrmidon 2 HP 18/18
(K15) Swords 4 Move 8 Con
Level 4 Iron Blade

HP-18 Attack Speed- 8
Str-8 Critical- 5
Skl-11 Hit- 95
Spd-13 Avoid- 19
Luck-3 Damage- 17
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Fighter 1 HP 26/26
(E4) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 3 Hand Axe

HP-26 Attack Speed- 2
Str-6 Critical- 1
Skl-3 Hit- 73
Spd-4 Avoid- 6
Luck-2 Damage- 14
Def-3 Critical Avoid 2

Fighter 2 HP 26/26
(A8) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 3 Iron Axe

HP-26 Attack Speed- 3
Str-7 Critical- 1
Skl-2 Hit- 88
Spd-3 Avoid- 10
Luck-4 Damage- 15
Def-3 Critical Avoid 2

Fighter 3 HP 31/31
(G15) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 4 Steel Axe, Hand Axe

HP-31 Attack Speed- 0/2
Str-11 Critical- 1/1
Skl-3 Hit- 84/74
Spd-4 Avoid- 3/7
Luck-3 Damage- 22/19
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Man (NPC) HP 27/27
(B16-Forest) Unknown 3 Move 7 Con
Civilian, Level 4 Unarmed, Elixir

HP-27 Attack Speed- 4
Str-5 Critical- -
Skl-3 Hit- -
Spd-4 Avoid- 11(31)
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-5/6 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Woman (NPC) HP 23/23
(I4) Unknown 3 Move 4 Con
Civilian, Level 3 Unarmed, Elixir

HP-23 Attack Speed- 5
Str-2 Critical- -
Skl-2 Hit- -
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

2011-06-23, 11:38 AM
Rough plan...

Egon moves to M11, attacks Soldier 1 (two attacks, if either hits the soldier dies)
Chet moves to M10, heals Egon
Shien moves to N11, attacks Soldier 2 with magic (one attack, 5 damage on a hit)
Joran moves to N12, attacks Soldier 2, moves back to N10 (one attack, 8 damage on a hit, soldier 2 dies provided both Shien and Joran hit)

If all goes well, both Soldiers 1 and 2 are dead and we stay out of range of Shamalich 4.

On the enemy phase, Shamalich 1 can hit any of us, but will take a counterattack from Shien (1-2 range weapon) or Joran (can't move close enough to attack from 1 range). Chet has high res, so he really doesn't need to worry too much about magic, so Egon is the likely target. Shien will take a hit from Soldier 4... He's the only target in range so it'll be him. If for some reason, both the Shamalich and Soldier team up on Shien (unlikely, but if it happens, Shien takes 12 damage total, which is easily survivable)

2011-06-23, 11:46 AM
Sounds good to me. Got to say I do enjoy being able to take a hit.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-23, 12:02 PM

Chet would look at the exchange of blows with some anxiety, observing the rest with some nervous and with the intent of trying to keep behind his comrades but trying to be there to keep them alive.


It should be no problem taking out the two soldiers who attacked Egon this turn and probably the mage, too.

Chet can take two soldiers or one mage. Maybe one mage and one soldier. That makes a need to take out the two soldiers in the least regarding Chet. Also I don't think Egon can take two Litches.

Going out to take the three would put Joran in great peril, I think (EgonvsS2, ShienvsS1, JoranvsL1->below Egon), he'd need one litch to miss or he's toast if they concentrate on him.

So what I propose is to keep them from placing more than two on anyone, thusly (assuming Shien has magic item):

Egon to move M11 and finish Soldier 1.
Shien to N11 and attack Soldier 2 with magic.
Jeron to M12 and attack Soldier 2, hopefully finishing him.
Chet to M10 and heals Egon

(Heh, I posted before seeing The Summoner's post.)

2011-06-23, 12:07 PM
Its nice that you both agree. :smalltongue:

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-23, 12:22 PM
I'll note The Summoner has swapped Chet and Egon's final positions (Egon can't attack soldier 1 from there), still his final proposed position for Joran would be the right one: N12 would leave him exposed to both litches and the remaining soldier.So yes, Joran should retreat to N10.

This way leaves with potential to leave Egon to face one litch, which he can take, and Shien one litch and one soldier. Could he take both?. My answer in the worst case is: yes (way to tempt a critical).

Joran in M12 would be a possibility, as that would expose him to one soldier and one litch, which he should be able to take, too.

So I think the plan is solid as it is. Chet will have the chance to earn a bit XP healing Chien.

But I've not calculated possibilities regarding next turn situation.

2011-06-23, 01:09 PM
You both said I should end in M11... but next turn we'll have one wounded soldier and two shamalichs facing us. Egon can finish the soldier, and the other two should be able to take care of one lich so everyone just needs to be able to take one flux hit.

2011-06-23, 01:23 PM
I tried to post this earlier (before Xondoure's post), but was getting forum errors. Heres what I was going to say.

Next situation is easy enough... One Soldier and two Shamaliches survive. The Soldier is largely non-threatening, but atleast one of the Shamaliches has to die. If either Egon or Shien can survive a counterattack, they can take the first attack against the Shamalich before being healed and if not, Joran can do it and then run out of enemy range. It shouldn't take more than two hits to get rid of him.

Also, the Soldier could probably go down as well after taking the damage from Shien's counterattack, but that is less important so I'm really not going to worry about it until turn 3.

Edit: Suggestion for Penguinator. Give PC map sprites a "glow" that is color coded based on team. You gave the boss of Heaven team's map a red one... It helps highlight the PC's if you give them their own color. I've also started changing the glow to gray on my maps if I do a partial update and a character has already taken his/her actions for the turn.

2011-06-23, 02:38 PM
Heaven Team:

Alexandria looks at the scene with disgust. "Those bastards. Attacking innocent people like this! No shame, no honor. It will be a great honor to be able to strike these man down with my lance." She waited for her lord to attack the sword user before she charged at him. "You bastards don't deserve to live. That this!"

Spawn at J1, wait for usershadow to attack first then move to J4 and attack K4

2011-06-23, 03:28 PM
Heaven Team


A sneer of hatred loomed over Chelsea's face, her sentiments mirroring that of the red-clad knight. "Our priority is to rescue the civilians. Move them to safety, and strike down those who would stop or pursue you."

Deftly nocking an arrow, she took aim at the sword-wielding cultist and let it fly straight for his chest. It felt somewhat surreal firing at another person, but her run-ins with countless bandits had helped her overcome any hesitation she might have had.

The bodies littering the ground certainly helped. She nocked another arrow in preparation of the next target.

Spawn at I2, move to K2 and attack K4

2011-06-23, 03:34 PM

Buran, now mounted upon Shiva, looks in terror at the cultists. He sighs, "Wonderful way to start. Everyone please don't go running wild- Alexandria!" He was already upset of her apparent madness upon the situation. "Oh brother... I suppose we should hurry and rescue who we can Shiva." As he got into position he called out, "Jennifer! Get that civilian, I'll come to get her to safety!"

Spawn at G2, moves to I1, grabs the civilian from Jennifer and then canto to I1

2011-06-23, 03:37 PM

Buran, now mounted upon Shiva, looks in terror at the cultists. He sighs, "Wonderful way to start. Everyone please don't go running wild- Alexandria!"

Alexandria glared daggers at the mounted healer after he called her that name. "Don't call me that name! Its Alexander. Remember it."

2011-06-23, 04:37 PM
Edit: Suggestion for Penguinator. Give PC map sprites a "glow" that is color coded based on team. You gave the boss of Heaven team's map a red one... It helps highlight the PC's if you give them their own color. I've also started changing the glow to gray on my maps if I do a partial update and a character has already taken his/her actions for the turn.

I'm going to say this now, since almost everything that gets suggested is a reflection of what TheSummoner does. This game isn't supposed to be a carbon copy of TheSummoner's game. It's its own game. In fact, most games on the forum don't look anything like Summoner's game. I'm pretty sure you can tell the difference between custom PC sprites and NPCs.

2011-06-23, 05:59 PM

Yeah, yeah okay Buran, get the civilian. No Danielle getting the civilian will not involve burning down the forest, yes I know you want to, but we're not doing that today.

Jeniffer eventually reaches the lady.

Hey miss, my name's Jeniffer and I'll be your friendly neighborhood deus ex mechina today. This here is Buran and he'll be your knight in shining armor, with a noticeable lack of shining armor.

Hey Buran she calls out to him You ever intend to get a suit of armor. I'm sure Horsey-girl can set you up if you want one.

Spawns at H1, move to I3, and rescues the civilian and wait

2011-06-23, 06:46 PM

I'm sure Horsey-girl can set you up if you want one.

Alexandria sneered at the spellsword. "No, I can't set him up with armor. And could you not refer to me as Horsey-girl? Refer to me by Alexander, or atleast Alex."

2011-06-23, 06:48 PM
Alexandria sneered at the spellsword. "No, I can't set him up with armor. And could you not refer to me as Horsey-girl? Refer to me by Alexander, or atleast Alex."


But.. But the king guy referred to you by a different name and you yelled at him. I'm not going to be able to remember what you want me to call you. So horsey girl it is!

2011-06-23, 06:51 PM
The huge angel stood off to the side, administering a vulnerary to a civilian who wasn't quite dead. "If I were you, I'd be more worried about the guy with the axe than what people were calling me, Horsey-girl."

Notice: Be more careful. Enemies are not as stupid as they may appear. I was going to have the Fighter attack Alexandria, but I didn't want to kill her on the first turn.

2011-06-23, 07:54 PM
I don't plan to constantly update for just one team, but this is all I had time for right now, and bladescape isn't in, anyway.

Heaven Team: Turn 1

Chelsea moves to K2 and attacks Myrmidon 1!
{table]http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/509/spritechelseaattacking.png|Chelsea attacks Myrmidon 1 and deals 12 damage!|Myrmidon 1 Cannot counter!|http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/2213/spritejawiskmyrmidondef.png[/table]
Chelsea gains 12 experience.

Alexandria moves to J4 and attacks Myrmidon 1!
{table]http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/789/spritealexandriaattacks.png|Alexandria attacks Myrmidon 1 and deals 12 damage!|http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/2213/spritejawiskmyrmidondef.png[/table]
Myrmidon 1 is slain! Alexandria gains 34 experience.

Buran moves to I3 and rescues Civilian Woman, then Cantos to I1.

Jennifer moves to I3 and equips Fire.

Civilian Phase:

Civilian Man waits.

Enemy Phase:
Archer 1 moves to J9 attacks Snag for 10 damage! Snag is at 10 Hp.

Cultist 7 attacks Civilian Man!
{table]http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6206/spritecultistattacking.png|Cultist 7 Attacks Civilian Man! Miss!|Civilian Man Cannot counter!|http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/148/spritecivilianman.png[/table]

Cultist 1 moves to J6 and attacks Alexandria!
{table]http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6206/spritecultistattacking.png|Cultist 1 Attacks Alexandria and deals 12 damage!|Alexandria Cannot counter!|http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/4953/spritealexandriadefendi.png[/table]
Alexandria gains 1 experience.

Fighter 1 moves to H4 and attacks Jennifer!
{table]http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/313/spritejawiskfighteratta.png|Fighter 1 Attacks Jennifer and deals 9 damage!|Jennifer counters for 11 damage! Jennifer counters again for 11 damage!|http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/764/spritejenifferbattle.png
Jennifer gains 12 experience.

(His hit chance was 25. He rolled a 19.)

All other enemies move to their respective spots.


Heaven Team:
Chelsea: (Usershadow) HP 21/21 XP 12/100
(K2-) Bows 4 Move 8 Con Ambush
Hunter Lord, Level 1

HP-21 75% Attack Speed- 7
Str-8 65% Critical- 3
Skl-7 55% Hit- 100
Spd-7 65% Avoid- 15
Luck-1 30% Damage- 14
Def-3 35% Critical Avoid 1
Res-1 25%

Supports: Light Affinity
Alexandria Calanine (0/25)
Jennifer (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (1/30)

Iron Bow (49/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Alexandria Calanine: (Ravena) HP 8/20 XP 35/100
(J4-) Lances 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Lance Cavalier, Level 1

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 55% Critical- 3
Skl-6 45% Hit- 99
Spd-7 50% Avoid- 16
Luck-2 20% Damage- 13
Def-6 40% Critical Avoid
Res-0 20%

Supports: Fire Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Jennifer (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Lances (D): (1/30)

Iron Lance (49/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Jennifer: (Illven) HP 11/20 XP 12/100
(13-Forest) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-20 60% Attack Speed- 6/7
Str-5 45% Critical- 2/2
Mag-6 45% Hit- 99/99
Skl-4 35% Avoid- 13/15(35)
Spd-7 50% Damage- 10/11
Luck-1 20% Critical Avoid 1
Def-3(4) 30%
Res-2(3) 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (E): (0/20)
Fire (D): (2/30)

Iron Sword (50/50)
Fire (38/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Buran: (Starsign) HP 15/15 XP 0/100 Carrying Civilian Woman
(I1-) Staves 6 Move 6 Con Hell-Mounted
Troubadour, Level 1

HP-15 45% Attack Speed- 8
Mag-4 50% Critical- -
Skl-5(2) 40% Hit- -
Spd-8(4) 50% Avoid- 24(16)
Luck-8 65% Heal- 14
Def-4 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-4 40%

Supports: Light Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Jennifer (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (0/30)

Heal (40/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Brandis (Boss) HP 24/24
(I16-Forest) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Shaman, Level 5 Luna

HP-24 Attack Speed- 8
Mag-10 Critical- 9
Skl-8 Hit- 95
Spd-8 Avoid- 20(40)
Luck-4 Damage- 18
Def-3/4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 1 HP 20/20
(J6) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 2 HP 20/20
(E4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-7 Avoid- 18
Luck-4 Damage- 10
Def-1 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 3 HP 19/19
(E9) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 4 HP 19/19
(H11) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 5 HP 20/20
(F13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 6 HP 24/24
(J13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 4 Flux

HP-24 Attack Speed- 9
Mag-8 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-9 Avoid- 22
Luck-4 Damage- 14
Def-4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 7 HP 19/19
(B14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Archer 1 HP 19/19
(K9) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-4 Critical- 4
Skl-8 Hit- 103
Spd-5 Avoid- 12
Luck-2 Damage- 10
Def-4 Critical Avoid 2

Archer 2 HP 20/20
(D11) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Str-5 Critical- 3
Skl-7 Hit- 102
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Myrmidon 2 HP 18/18
(K15) Swords 4 Move 8 Con
Level 4 Iron Blade

HP-18 Attack Speed- 8
Str-8 Critical- 5
Skl-11 Hit- 95
Spd-13 Avoid- 19
Luck-3 Damage- 17
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Fighter 1 HP 4/26
(H4) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 3 Hand Axe

HP-26 Attack Speed- 2
Str-6 Critical- 1
Skl-3 Hit- 73
Spd-4 Avoid- 6
Luck-2 Damage- 14
Def-3 Critical Avoid 2

Fighter 2 HP 26/26
(D7) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 3 Iron Axe

HP-26 Attack Speed- 3
Str-7 Critical- 1
Skl-2 Hit- 88
Spd-3 Avoid- 10
Luck-4 Damage- 15
Def-3 Critical Avoid 2

Fighter 3 HP 31/31
(G15) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 4 Steel Axe, Hand Axe

HP-31 Attack Speed- 0/2
Str-11 Critical- 1/1
Skl-3 Hit- 84/74
Spd-4 Avoid- 3/7
Luck-3 Damage- 22/19
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Man (NPC) HP 27/27
(B16-Forest) Unknown 3 Move 7 Con
Civilian, Level 4 Unarmed, Elixir

HP-27 Attack Speed- 4
Str-5 Critical- -
Skl-3 Hit- -
Spd-4 Avoid- 11(31)
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-5/6 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Woman (NPC) HP 23/23
(Carried by Buran) Unknown 3 Move 4 Con
Civilian, Level 3 Unarmed, Elixir

HP-23 Attack Speed- 5
Str-2 Critical- -
Skl-2 Hit- -
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

2011-06-23, 08:00 PM
Sorry 'bout that, you all seem to be up when I'm in bed.



Shien dashed forwards, his hands finding that odd book that had called to him... A tome of magic. It seemed so familiar to his touch, even though he knew he had never touched one afore this day.

It did not change the speed with which Shien opened the book and called forth it's power to aid in this escape...

(Move to N11, attack Soldier 2, as per the plan.)

2011-06-23, 11:14 PM
Hell Team: Turn 2:

Prince Egon moves to M11 and attacks Soldier 1!
{table]http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/6307/spriteprinceegonattacks.png|Prince Egon attacks Soldier 1 and deals 8 damage!|http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/1628/spritedemonsoldierdefen.png[/table]
Soldier 1 is slain! Prince Egon gains 34 experience.

Chet moves to M10 and heals Egon!
{table]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3806/spritechethealing.png|Chet heals Prince Egon for 15 hp!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Chet gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Egon!

Shien-thietal moves to N11 and attacks Soldier 2 with Wind!
{table]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/96/spriteshienthietalattac.png|Shien-thietal attacks Soldier 2 and deals 5 damage!|Soldier 2 cannot counter!|http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/1628/spritedemonsoldierdefen.png[/table]
Shien-thietal gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Egon!

Joran moves to N12 and attacks Soldier 2!
{table]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8255/spritejoranattacks.png|Joran attacks Soldier 2 and deals 6 damage!|Soldier 2 cannot counter!|http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/1628/spritedemonsoldierdefen.png[/table]
Joran gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Shien-thietal! Joran Cantos to N10.
(Forgive me for asking, but how does 11 damage - 5 def yield 8 damage on a hit?)

Enemy Phase:

Soldier 2 moves to O10 and attacks Joran!
{table]http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9938/spritedemonsoldierattac.png|Soldier 2 attacks Joran and deals 2 damage!|Joran Cannot Counter!|http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/5957/spritejorandefends.png
Joran gains 1 experience. +1 Support with Chet! +1 Support with Shien-thietal!

Lich 1 moves to M12 and attacks Chet!
{table]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/716/spritelichattacks.png|Lich 1 attacks Chet and deals 7 damage!|Chet Cannot Counter!|http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/731/spriteadmiralbattle.png
Chet gains 1 experience. +1 Support with Egon! +1 Support with Joran!

Lich 2 moves to O12 and attacks Shien-thietal!
{table]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/716/spritelichattacks.png|Lich 4 attacks Shien-thietal and deals 9 damage!|Shien-thietal counters for 3 damage!|http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/7846/spritebladescapebattle.png[/table]
Shien-thietal gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Egon! +1 Support with Joran!

Soldier 4 moves to N12 and attacks Shien-thietal!
{table]http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9938/spritedemonsoldierattac.png|Soldier 4 attacks Shien-thietal and deals 4 damage!|Shien-thietal counters for 6 damage!|http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/7846/spritebladescapebattle.png[/table]
Shien-thietal gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Egon! +1 Support with Joran!

As more reinforcements arrive, the situation begins to appear hopeless...

Lich 5 arrives on V8.

Lich 6 arrives on U10.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 20/20 XP 58/100
(-) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 1

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 8
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-8 45% Hit- 107
Spd-8 40% Avoid- 17
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-5 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Shien-thietal (3/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (5/30)

Iron Sword (46/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 9/16 XP 12/100
(N10) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (2/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (2/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (1/30)

Heal: (39/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 6/19 XP 36/100
(M19) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 7/7
Str-4 40% Critical- 7/2
Mag-4 40% Hit- 110/105
Skl-5 50% Avoid- 16/16
Spd-7 50% Damage- 6/8
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-3 30%
Res-4 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (3/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)
Wind (E): (3/20)

Slim Sword: (35/35)
Wind: (37/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 18/20 XP 13/100
(O9) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Shien-thietal (3/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (1/30)

Iron Bow: (49/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Soldier 2: HP 1/20
(N13) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-20 Attack Speed- 4
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-4 Hit- 106
Spd-4 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 1: HP 19/19
(M14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-6 Critical- 3
Skl-6 Hit- 95
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 2: HP 19/19
(I4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 15
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 4: HP 14/20
(N16) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-20 Attack Speed- 4
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-4 Hit- 106
Spd-4 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-6 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 4: HP 15/18
(P16) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-18 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 5: HP 19/19
(V8) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 17
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 6: HP 19/19
(U10) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-5 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

2011-06-24, 01:33 AM
OOC: (Is shoving aloud in this game?) Scratch that.

Egon attacks Shaman 1. If shaman one deals damage Chet heals Egon, if shaman 1 does not Chet uses a vulnary. Shien moves to L10 and rescues Chet if Chet does not use a vulnerary. Joran moves to N11 and attacks shaman 1, Joran retreats to N10.

Result: Shaman 1 is down, Joran and Egon at 18 and 20 hp have just enough to whether a hit from all three remaining enemies, and the only one that can reach Shien is soldier 2. If chet heals he too can take a hit from soldier 2 and shaman 2 and survive, if not Shien needs the boost. The risk is if we miss once this battle is over. Which in the video game is where we'd flcik the reset button, in this one we'll just have to live with the consequences.http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7978/spriteprinceegonportrai.png
"Shien! Get back and look after Chet, neither of you can fight like this."

Egon's eyes burn as he turns to face his captors. "Perhaps I should have clarified, when I said everyone was making it out of here alive I meant my team!" with a savage swing Egon sent his blade crashing into the lich. "Joran help me send this bastard out of hell!"

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 06:59 AM
Penguinator, I think you've mixed lich 4 and Shien's resistances and in the combat the lich should have taken 4 damage and Shien 8 instead of 3 and 9? (not that it really matters).

It doesn't matter what movements I think, there's always one who can be killed, so I guess I'll go with whatever you decide.

Also, I'm thinking perhaps it would be better follow heaven's team and do these plans over the OOC? Just a question.

My best plan so far is:

Shien to O11, attacks Soldier 1.
Egon to N11, attacks soldier 4, hopes to get both hits.
Joran rescues Egon, runs to K9
Chet to O10, heals Shien, then hopes for the best

But I'll check along yours as I think I've not figured it right and may be msising the elements that make it true that we can all survive that way.

Yep, I had represented shien's final position wrongly, as it is we all survive this way. So I agree with the plan, one small addendum, though:

If Egon's not hurt, I propose instead, Shien to N9, Chet to M9 and heals Shien. That way, Shien could take soldier + lich, Chet could take a lich and Chet would get some XP.


With hopelessness starting to creep in his face, Chet keeps closely behind Egon, staff prepared to be activated on him. He calls out to Shien Shien! Pull back now, you need some healing!

2011-06-24, 08:32 AM
Ok... threat assessment time...

Both Soldiers deal 7 damage - their target's Def.
Both Shamaliches deal 12 damage - their target's Res.

Soldier 2 is an easy kill. None of the others are particularly easy. Egon can double the soldiers, but no one else can double anything else. Egon and Joran working together could take out either Shamalich assuming both hit.

Chet can survive another magicing, so provided that we keep him out of melee range, there is no need to rescue him of have him vulnerary yet. I think killing these guys as soon as possible is our best chance at surviving. Depending on whether or not these new reinforcements move, we can either heal on our way through, or heal up while we wait for them to come to us... Or better yet move a bit off to the side where there is no immediate threat of more reinforcements and heal up there...

Edit: How about...

Shien to N9, unequips weapons M9, vulnerary (HP: 16)
In either order... Egon attacks Shamalich 1 and Joran moves to N11, attacks Shamalich 1, and moves back to N10.
Chet heals either Egon or Joran (whoever attacked first and took the counter)

Enemy phase.

Chet is in range of the shaman, but can survive the attack.
Egon and Joran are in range of all three. Egon will be at 20 HP either way and can take up to 12+3+3 damage assuming all hits. Survivable. Joran will be at either 18 or 20 and can take 10+2+2. Survivable.
Shien will be at 16 and will be in range the surviving Shamalich and one of the two soldiers (he needs to be unarmed or he could kill Soldier 2 and open him up to the other soldier). Without weapons equipped (no triangle),Soldier 2. He will take a maximum of 8+4+1(triangle) damage. Survivable.

All of this hinges on the ability to unequip weapons in this game. Verdict Penguinator? I see no notes on that in the changes, but I saw some questioning on whether or not you could shove so I felt better to ask.

Edit 2: Actually no... Even if Shien cannot unequip his weapons, he can temporarily hand them over to Joran and get the same effect. Trading is a free action afterall.

As for who should get the kill between Egon and Joran... My biased opinion says Joran for two main reasons. 1) Egon currently has more exp. 2) Bow wielders are sometimes more difficult to give exp to than others due to their difficulty counterattacking.

Edit 3: Ah damn... Wait a minute... L8-P8... Can the enemy get there? That might complicate things... Ok... That would expose Shien to the second soldier... Which he can't survive... Move Shien to M9, not N9, and if he has to trade his stuff, trade it to Chet. That should protect him. Soldier 4 can't reach him that way. And he can actually keep his weapons that way... He'd might potentially take one more damage from the triangle if attacked, but he would also contribute to the damage. I'm imagining Joran will be the damage sponge this time though... Just because lack of counters...

2011-06-24, 09:03 AM

Okay, I honestly had no better thoughts then Xondure did. Originally. I was, just before, faced with a similar situation in one of my FE games, and got a character killed, restart the map etc. etc.

Anyways, then I realised a way I could've done it without losing a character, and a similar version can be used here.

Shien moves to N9, kills Soldier 2.
Joran steps to the right to O10, shoots Shamalich 4.(This is the key point, if he misses, the plan bungles, but 83% is a good likelyhood, I've not really thought about it but this plan on the other side would work better as then Joran would have 87% against Shamalich 1.) Canter's to Q9.

Egon moves to O11, kills Shamalich 4.
Chet moves onto the throne on N8, heal Shien.

The Soldier can only hit Shien or Egon, and the Shamalich can hit anyone but Joran, everyone can take all possible hits, barring an unlikely crit.

What do you think?


"I will stand with you. I can do this." He replies to the other two.

2011-06-24, 09:18 AM
(I have an idea. My spoiler has been edited. Tell me what you think.)

Joran readies his arrow. He doesn't know how effective it will be against a creature lacking flesh or organs, but there isn't time to worry about such things.


"Out of hell? We'd just have to deal with him again once we make it out of here."

Joran lets the arrow fly.

"No. Let's leave them here. Beaten and broken."

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 09:33 AM
The Summoner's plan is basically the one to go if shamalich successfully counters whoever attacked first.

bladescape's would have been mine had I not thought the throne square as unusable.

Since there'd still be two enemies to deal next turn, having Chet end in row #8 wouldn't cause him to lag behind.

So I hold no preference for either

2011-06-24, 09:35 AM
Essentially with my plan, I didn't want anyone to rescue Chet. Someone rescues Chet and we lose his healing for a turn. We lose his healing and we open the door to bad things potentially happening.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 09:52 AM
Uh, right that, better than first.

2011-06-24, 10:10 AM
[spoiler]Penguinator, I think you've mixed lich 4 and Shien's resistances and in the combat the lich should have taken 4 damage and Shien 8 instead of 3 and 9? (not that it really matters).

Blame the weapon triangle. Dark>Anima, so Shien-thietal takes one more damage and deals one less.

In response to other questions: I haven't played any FE games where you can unequip, so I'm going to say no on that. As Summoner noted, weapons can be traded away, so that's covered.

Shoving is allowed.

This ended up being a lot more difficult than I intended...

2011-06-24, 10:28 AM
Blame the weapon triangle. Dark>Anima, so Shien-thietal takes one more damage and deals one less.

In response to other questions: I haven't played any FE games where you can unequip, so I'm going to say no on that. As Summoner noted, weapons can be traded away, so that's covered.

Shoving is allowed.

This ended up being a lot more difficult than I intended...

(In PoR and RD you could unequip. Essentially it just meant you could have usable weapons in your inventory, but wouldn't counter with them if attacked. In this case, we were just lucky enough to be in a position where 1) the guy we needed to be unable to counterattack was in position where he could just trade his stuff away and 2) he didn't actually need to unequip, since as I kept looking at the plan, I found a better position for him.

And yeah, I'm not joking when I say these games take effort to run... Or did you mean the map itself ended up more difficult than you were originally aiming for?)

2011-06-24, 10:44 AM
(In PoR and RD you could unequip. Essentially it just meant you could have usable weapons in your inventory, but wouldn't counter with them if attacked. In this case, we were just lucky enough to be in a position where 1) the guy we needed to be unable to counterattack was in position where he could just trade his stuff away and 2) he didn't actually need to unequip, since as I kept looking at the plan, I found a better position for him.

And yeah, I'm not joking when I say these games take effort to run... Or did you mean the map itself ended up more difficult than you were originally aiming for?)

I haven't played any that aren't handheld, so my experience with FE games is fairly limited... But... yeah, I'm going to leave unequipping out of the rules.

No, I meant the maps. Heaven team could have lost a character. Granted, placement could have probably been better, but I'll not delve into that.

The enemies started with minimum stats for their class then got lousy level ups. They're technically inferior to your characters, I didn't think it would be this hard.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 10:54 AM
Ah, ok, sorry. I don't know why I had the idea we weren't using weapons triangle. I think I got mixed with a post of someone saying it was too hard for him and that memory took the place of the rules post.

P.S. - It may be hard, but I'm loving it :D

2011-06-24, 10:58 AM
Ah, ok, sorry. I don't know why I had the idea we weren't using weapons triangle. I think I got mixed with a post of someone saying it was too hard for him and that memory took the place of the rules post.

P.S. - It may be hard, but I'm loving it :D

Anima inner triangle is out, weapons triangle and magic triangle are not.

...So, can I get a summary of the actual plan, or have we settled on one, yet?

2011-06-24, 11:05 AM
I haven't played any that aren't handheld, so my experience with FE games is fairly limited... But... yeah, I'm going to leave unequipping out of the rules.

It's cool, I was just explaining how it worked since you said you didn't know.

No, I meant the maps. Heaven team could have lost a character. Granted, placement could have probably been better, but I'll not delve into that.

The enemies started with minimum stats for their class then got lousy level ups. They're technically inferior to your characters, I didn't think it would be this hard.

Map balance comes with time. I haven't been watching Heaven's map and planning (just their RP really), but atleast in the Hell map case, a good part of it was the number of enemies coming in right at the start. The enemies on the map are individually weak... Much weaker than a level 3 PC and a bit weaker than even a level 1, but in numbers they can still be threatening... Especially before we have had a chance to turn into one man armies.

Still, I welcome the challenge. Whether by design or underestimating the enemy you've thrown at us, this last turn took more thought than most whole maps in the REAL games just to find a safe move.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 11:07 AM
Considering the no unequip, I lean to favour bladescape's plan.

2011-06-24, 11:30 AM
Unequip proved unnecessary for mine. My initial plan called for it, but I saw a better option for one of the moves as I kept looking....

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 11:40 AM
Ah, missed your last edit. Still I lean to bladescape's, because it leaves more enemies dead next turn. If I'm not wrong The Summoner's doesn't reduce the chances of leaving the lich alive. In fact, there's 2% more chances of lich 1 evading than lich 4 doing that. And shien's likelihood to kill soldier 2 is good.

So from now on we edit spoilers?

2011-06-24, 03:21 PM
I was only spoilering because I had OOC and IC in the same post... From OOC thread as everyone seems to have missed it.

I have no problem discussing strategy here, it had just become a habbit from the last game but the switch is easily made and would make it easier to find the maps.

Plans so far:
Summoner's is basically mine if I wasn't an idiot and hadn't seen some way of keeping Chet in the fight (I blame the lateness of the hour when I wrote up the plan) Bladescape's leaves more dead though. However I think we should flip it for that extra hit chance since we can't afford a miss and shaman 4 already has taken damage making him an easier target on subsequent turns. Thoughts?

Edit: Plus then the rp still works. :smalltongue:

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 04:21 PM
I didn't miss it, just had nothing to comment. As I understand it you're saying bladescape's plan is prefered?. Which is also my opinion.

2011-06-24, 04:27 PM
Mostly just saying we should switch it. Egon Stays where he is and Joran ends at K9. Lich 1 gets attacked instead of lich 4.

2011-06-24, 04:29 PM
If we're going with bladescape's plan, I have no objections (regardless of whether we do it as stated or swap to the left side instead). Seems like everyone would survive it and that's really my only concern at the moment.

2011-06-24, 04:36 PM
I'm starting the update in around 20 minutes, so... verdict?

2011-06-24, 04:43 PM
Bladescape's flipped.

2011-06-24, 04:47 PM
Shien moves to N9, kills Soldier 2.
Joran steps wherever, shoots Shamalich 1. Cantos to K9.
Egon kills Shamalich 1.
Chet moves onto the throne on N8, heal Shien.

So, this?

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 04:48 PM
Flipping it makes sense, as that way the lich left for next turn can be killed by Shien and Egon, not only by Egon and Joran as the other. And we only lose 2% per attack in chances to hit. I think that's all there is to it.

So I'm for accepting the flipped version.

Yep, that would be it Penguinator.

P.S. - If one of them misses tell us if the die roll fell within the 2% difference between the two liches. Just to know what sunova can luck (and dice) be.

2011-06-24, 05:02 PM
Actually Lich 1 has two less avoid than lich 4, so this option is better all around.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 05:11 PM
Ok, so I swapped that stat. Good, then flipping beats original without a doubt.

2011-06-24, 06:12 PM
Turn 3:

Shien-thietal moves to N9 and attacks Soldier 2 with Wind!
{table]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/96/spriteshienthietalattac.png|Shien-thietal attacks Soldier 2 and deals 5 damage!|http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/1628/spritedemonsoldierdefen.png[/table]
Soldier 2 is slain! Shien-thietal gains 34 experience. +1 Support with Joran!

Chet moves to N8 and heals Shien-thietal!
{table]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3806/spritechethealing.png|Chet heals Shien-thietal for 15 hp!|http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/7846/spritebladescapebattle.png[/table]
Chet gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Shien-thietal!

Joran moves to M10 and attacks Lich 1!
{table]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8255/spritejoranattacks.png|Joran attacks Lich 1 and deals 10 damage!|Lich 1 counters for 10 damage!|http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2505/spritelichdefends.png[/table]
Joran gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Egon! Joran cantos to K9.

Prince Egon attacks Lich 1!
{table]http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/6307/spriteprinceegonattacks.png|Prince Egon attacks Lich 1 and deals 13 damage!|http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2505/spritelichdefends.png[/table]
Lich 1 is slain! Prince Egon gains 34 experience.

Enemy Phase:
Soldier 4 moves to N11 and attacks Prince Egon!
{table]http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9938/spritedemonsoldierattac.png|Soldier 4 attacks Prince Egon and deals 3 damage!|Egon Counterattacks for 7 damage! Egon attacks again and deals another 7 damage!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Soldier 4 is slain! Prince Egon gains 34 experience!

Level Up!

Prince Egon reaches Level 2!
+1 Hp!
+1 Skl!
+1 Spd!
+1 Def!

(He rolled within five for all his other stats. It‘s depressing, I know. :smalltongue:)

Lich 4 moves to M13 and attacks Prince Egon!
{table]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/716/spritelichattacks.png|Lich 4 attacks Prince Egon and deals 12 damage!|Prince Egon Cannot Counter!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Prince Egon gains 1 experience.

Lich 2 moves to I8.

A young man in a ragged purple cloak appears from the stairs, carrying a heavy sack. “Ledge? Leeedge? Where are you?” He looks around a moment, then seems scared. “O-okay, I-I’ll get out of here myself!”

Diggs appears on N19.

Chet heals 2 Hp.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 5/21 XP 27/100
(M11) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 2

HP-21 70% Attack Speed- 9
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-9 45% Hit- 109
Spd-9 40% Avoid- 19
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-6 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Shien-thietal (3/25)
Joran Halbrook (1/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (8/30)

Iron Sword (43/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 11/16 XP 23/100
(N8-Throne) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22(42)
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1(3) 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5(7) 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (2/25)
Shien-thietal (1/25)
Joran Halbrook (2/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (2/30)

Heal: (38/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 19/19 XP 70/100
(N9) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 7/7
Str-4 40% Critical- 7/2
Mag-4 40% Hit- 110/105
Skl-5 50% Avoid- 16/16
Spd-7 50% Damage- 6/8
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-3 30%
Res-4 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (1/25)
Joran Halbrook (4/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)
Wind (E): (4/20)

Slim Sword: (35/35)
Wind: (36/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 8/20 XP 25/100
(K9) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (1/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Shien-thietal (4/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (2/30)

Iron Bow: (48/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Diggs: (NPC) HP 25/25
(N19) Unknown 6 Move 8 Con Steal, Pick Locks, Quick Draw
Treasure Hunter, Level 7 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-25 Attack Speed- 16
Str-7 Critical- -
Skl-9 Hit- -
Spd-16 Avoid- 42
Luck-10 Damage- -
Def-3 Critical Avoid 10

Lich 2: HP 19/19
(I8) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 15
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 4: HP 15/18
(P16) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-18 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 5: HP 19/19
(V8-Pillar) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 17(37)
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-2(3) Critical Avoid 5

Lich 6: HP 19/19
(U10) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-5 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

A note about Diggs, he’s true neutral, meaning he sees no reason to help you, but enemies will attack him. He’s effectively treated the same as a green unit, as attacking him will yield no benefit. He’s also a non-combative unit, with a specialized class: Treasure Hunter. He’s essentially a thief with better stats, having Pick and Steal as abilities. He also has the ability Quick Draw, a unique ability which allows him to immediately use the first weapon he obtains on a map. Unless he gets a weapon, he won’t fight, and even then, will only attack enemies unless you attack him.

2011-06-24, 06:25 PM
(Yay thinly veiled Star Wars/Final Fantasy references!)

Ok... Here are our options as I see them...

We could heal Egon and have him attack Shamalich 4 to weaken and then Joran to kill. The disadvantage here is that if there's a miss, it can be fatal.

We could have Shien attack to weaken and then let Egon kill. This is safer, but it gives the experience to the people who currently need it least.

We could have Shien attack, then Joran (who would have to be healed first), and then Egon, allowing the most total experience gain, but presenting similar risk as option 1.

Hit chances are good all around, but not guaranteed. Still... The worst hit chance is Joran's, at 83%, and that's a risk I can live with. If we go with the first option, I would suggest...

Chet heals Egon from N11.
Egon attacks from N13.
Shien moves to M12 (for support points).
Joran attacks from M13.

Edit: Are we doing HP gains for thrones in this game? Or are we limiting it specifically to objective spaces and non-objective thrones are nothing special?

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 06:31 PM

Chet grins with relief, cheering to the success of the combat so far. Yes! We'll win! Have at them


Is that a man I see there?

I think this should be pretty easy.

Shien to M12 attacks the lich.
Chet to N11 heals Egon
Egon to N13 attacks lich.
Joran to M13 uses vulnerary.

Though if we consider XP of each and Joran feels bold, Egon could attack first after being healed and then Joran try to finish the lich and Shien just move as much as he may. Joran + Shien can't kill the shaman, unless Chet goes L9 heals Joran, Joran and Shien attack first and Egon finishes; but that would possibly cause Chet to lag behind. However, if there's no reinforcements, I think it's not so bad, and Chet can catch up by fulling his whole range while the others move three at a time. Plus Egon might wish to talk to the newcomer.

Edit: The Summoner one of M13 above is wrong since Joran would be in an occupied spot.

2011-06-24, 06:36 PM
If we go the safe route and let Shien and Egon handle Shamalich 4, I see no need for Joran to waste a vulnerary. We can just have Chet heal him on the next turn.

Also, I wouldn't be particularly worried about Chet lagging behind. So long as we have him use a staff every turn where it is possible (even if he's just using it to use it without the team gaining anything from it), we're doing everything we can to get him experience without exposing him to unnecessary risk. If the others gain experience faster, there isn't much we can do about it.

Minor bit, but if we do go the safe route, Joran should move to M13 BEFORE the attacking comes to maximize support points.

Edit: I only put M13 once in my plan... Maybe you were misreading where I said N13 or M12...?

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-24, 06:39 PM
Whoops. Yes, right. And vulneraries have only three uses, it's better to keep them for when they're really needed.

And agreed about the order, I still forget to think about supports and restrict my thought to the combat proper.

Edit: Yup, saw 13 in M12.

2011-06-24, 06:40 PM
Edit: Are we doing HP gains for thrones in this game? Or are we limiting it specifically to objective spaces and non-objective thrones are nothing special?

There's Hp gain for thrones. I was trying to figure out exactly where it would fit in in the terrain data. It's probably getting its own section.

2011-06-24, 06:41 PM
Ha foolish soldier! Egon should attack first from N13 after being healed. Shien or Joran can take it from there. Unless we want to go for most possible xp but that would mostly go towards Eg, whose already got a level on the others.

Edit: So shouldn't Chet be at 11?

2011-06-24, 06:42 PM
Edit: So shouldn't Chet be at 11?

Hp? No, the gain is at the start of the next turn.

2011-06-24, 06:47 PM
But he was on the throne at the end of the last turn. So he should've gained 10% (or was it 20? lemme double check... Nope, 10%, but it does restore condition in add +20 avoid, +2 Def, and +5 Res, if you go strictly by GBA without alterations, which I did not realize. Cool.) of his total HP at the beginning of THIS one.

2011-06-24, 06:48 PM
...Isn't it the next turn? So that means at the beginning of Hell team's next round it'll go up before he moves?

Oh and if you want to throttle me for this I totally understand but... could you make the outlines green? The fill tool should make it pretty easy and orange looks weird to me.
*scrapes and bows singing the praises of the almighty Penguinator*

2011-06-24, 07:08 PM
But he was on the throne at the end of the last turn. So he should've gained 10% (or was it 20? lemme double check... Nope, 10%, but it does restore condition in add +20 avoid, +2 Def, and +5 Res, if you go strictly by GBA without alterations, which I did not realize. Cool.) of his total HP at the beginning of THIS one.

Yeah, I'm not sure about details at the moment, but I doubt he's getting attacked on it for the moment, so it's another thing to look into.

...Isn't it the next turn? So that means at the beginning of Hell team's next round it'll go up before he moves?

Oh and if you want to throttle me for this I totally understand but... could you make the outlines green? The fill tool should make it pretty easy and orange looks weird to me.
*scrapes and bows singing the praises of the almighty Penguinator*

I realized that he probably should have gained the Hp now for sake of simplicity almost immediately after I posted. I'll fix it now.

Yeah, I thought it looked weird. Green would look a lot like the floor, though... ...Red? I want a "Hell-ish" color.

2011-06-24, 07:10 PM
(Oh, I know most of that wasn't relevent, I was posting it both for convenience and because I found it interesting. My game doesn't really deal with thrones as the GBA games do, so I didn't have that memorized.

As for the glow... I didn't have a problem with the current color, but... Red is an enemy color so I wouldn't go with that... Maybe a ligher shade of the current orangeish...?)

2011-06-24, 07:10 PM
Well a lighter green would stand out, but if you want to stay with more hell like tones I suggest purple. As red is well, the enemy.

I say this at the risk of becoming Barney the dinosaur.

2011-06-24, 07:14 PM
(Purple might be cool... It is the cliche color for magical darkness, so you could call that the hell association. Maybe the lightest shade on that treasure hunter's portrait?)

2011-06-24, 07:20 PM
(Oh, I know most of that wasn't relevent, I was posting it both for convenience and because I found it interesting. My game doesn't really deal with thrones as the GBA games do, so I didn't have that memorized.

As for the glow... I didn't have a problem with the current color, but... Red is an enemy color so I wouldn't go with that... Maybe a ligher shade of the current orangeish...?)

A lot of the enemies end up on thrones on this, so I guess I'll go with 20% Heal and 2 Def/Res.

Well a lighter green would stand out, but if you want to stay with more hell like tones I suggest purple. As red is well, the enemy.

I say this at the risk of becoming Barney the dinosaur.

Yeah, I wasn't big on Red... most of the enemies in this game aren't actually red, as you'll see in about map four.

At this point, I've got a darker orange. If that fails, I'll go purple.

2011-06-24, 07:41 PM
A lot of the enemies end up on thrones on this, so I guess I'll go with 20% Heal and 2 Def/Res.

Any avoid? Doesn't matter at this point, but it would be nice to know. Also, I totally agree on keeping the Def and Res bonuses the same (and 5 being too high... I wonder why they did that in the GBA games).

2011-06-24, 08:58 PM
(No time to stratagize or RP right now, but I think I said that my plan would work better if reversed. And hooray! We got out of that one and we're all still in one piece!)

2011-06-24, 09:15 PM
You did indeed make a note of it.

2011-06-24, 10:18 PM
Heaven Team:

Alexandria ignored the pain, she had worse, she wasn't dead... yet. She charged to the shaman. "Prepare to die you disgusting bastard!"

Alexandria to K6 and attack Shaman

2011-06-25, 12:15 AM
Any avoid? Doesn't matter at this point, but it would be nice to know. Also, I totally agree on keeping the Def and Res bonuses the same (and 5 being too high... I wonder why they did that in the GBA games).

Yeah, 20 avoid. It's "showed" in his stats.

2011-06-25, 10:48 AM
Okay, this isn't going to happen often, but since I forgot the Fighter had a hand axe and Jennifer's move was basically wasted last turn (as Buran could have picked up the civilian and canto'd to I1 from any starting spot) I'm offering to retcon Jennifer's move as having equipped the fire tome last turn, meaning she would have countered (twice) against the fighter.

2011-06-25, 12:26 PM
Okay, this isn't going to happen often, but since I forgot the Fighter had a hand axe and Jennifer's move was basically wasted last turn (as Buran could have picked up the civilian and canto'd to I1 from any starting spot) I'm offering to retcon Jennifer's move as having equipped the fire tome last turn, meaning she would have countered (twice) against the fighter.

Woot! Yay!

2011-06-25, 12:49 PM
Woot! Yay!

It's been changed in the update. Planning should be easier now.

2011-06-25, 12:53 PM
It's been changed in the update. Planning should be easier now.

We owe you. Big time :smalltongue:

2011-06-25, 01:17 PM
It's been changed in the update. Planning should be easier now.

Thankyou Penguinator :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-25, 03:33 PM
I'd like to do an update later, so if you can post a plan, Heaven Team, and settle on which plan to take, Hell Team, it would be appreciated. :smallsmile:

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-25, 03:40 PM
I would go with the Joran finishes demon, as per The Summoner:

Chet heals Egon from N11.
Egon attacks from N13.
Shien moves to M12 (for support points).
Joran attacks from M13.

2011-06-25, 03:56 PM
I'm fine with either plan.

2011-06-25, 07:40 PM
(That sounds like a good plan to me, I'm fine with anything getting Joran the experience though. Although there probably should be a condition in there, if Joran actually misses, Shien finishes it so it can't kill Joran.)

2011-06-26, 05:54 AM
If Joran misses, Joran dies. Period. Egon and Joran are both so weak that a single hit from the Shaman would be fatal. If Egon is attacking first, Egon has to get the heal because whoever attacks first WILL take a counterattack barring a lucky dodge. The second attacker must hit and kill the Shaman, otherwise the Shaman will counter and kill the attacker, once again, barring a lucky dodge.

If EGON misses, Joran will not attack (and move him as FAR away from any enemy's attack range as possible), and Shien attacking would not help any, as Shien and Joran are not able to kill the Shaman without help from Egon. Together, Shien and Joran barely fall short of being able to kill the Shaman, so if Egon misses, Joran needs to get away or hes a corpse. Shien can take a hit, and should stand between the Shaman and Joran if this is the case.

2011-06-26, 09:39 AM
Hell Team: Turn 4:

Chet moves to N11 and heals Prince Egon!
{table]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3806/spritechethealing.png|Chet heals Prince Egon for 15 hp!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Chet gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Prince Egon!

Prince Egon moves to N13 and attacks Lich 4!
{table]http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/6307/spriteprinceegonattacks.png|Prince Egon attacks Lich 4 and deals 12 damage!|Lich 4 counters and deals 12 damage!|http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2505/spritelichdefends.png[/table]
Prince Egon gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Chet!

Joran moves to M13.

Shien-thietal moves to O12 and attacks Lich 4 with Slim Sword!
{table]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/96/spriteshienthietalattac.png|Shien-thietal attacks Lich 4 and deals 4 damage!|http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2505/spritelichdefends.png[/table]
Lich 4 is slain! Shien-thietal gains 34 experience! +1 Support with Joran!

Level Up!

Shien-thietal reaches level 2!
+1 Mag!
+1 Skl!
+1 Spd!
+1 Def!
+1 Res!

(Strength roll was a 41.)

Other Phase:

Diggs moves to L15.

Enemy Phase:

Lich 2 moves to I12.

More guards pour out from the other side of the map, with a strange lad with them...


Gerald arrives on J2.

Soldier 5 arrives on I1.

Soldier 6 arrives on K1.

Soldier 7 arrives on L2.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 8/21 XP 38/100
(N13) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 2

HP-21 70% Attack Speed- 9
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-9 45% Hit- 109
Spd-9 40% Avoid- 19
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-6 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (4/25)
Shien-thietal (3/25)
Joran Halbrook (1/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (9/30)

Iron Sword (42/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 11/16 XP 34/100
(N11-) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (4/25)
Shien-thietal (1/25)
Joran Halbrook (2/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (3/30)

Heal: (37/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 19/19 XP 4/100
(M12) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 2

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 8/8
Str-4 40% Critical- 8/3
Mag-5 40% Hit- 114/109
Skl-6 50% Avoid- 18/18
Spd-8 50% Damage- 6/9
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-4 30%
Res-5 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (1/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (1/30)
Wind (E): (4/20)

Slim Sword: (34/35) (e)
Wind: (36/40)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 8/20 XP 25/100
(M13) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (1/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Shien-thietal (5/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (2/30)

Iron Bow: (48/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Diggs: (NPC) HP 25/25
(N19) Unknown 6 Move 8 Con Steal, Pick Locks, Quick Draw
Treasure Hunter, Level 7 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-25 Attack Speed- 16
Str-7 Critical- -
Skl-9 Hit- -
Spd-16 Avoid- 42
Luck-10 Damage- -
Def-3 Critical Avoid 10

Gerald Henderson: (Kuzon) HP 18/18
(J2) Swords 5 Move 8 Con Pick Lock, Mug
Thief, Level 1

HP-18 50% Attack Speed- 9
Str-4 50% Critical- 3
Skl-7 65% Hit- 107
Spd-9 70% Avoid- 21
Luck-3 40% Damage- 9
Def-3 25% Critical Avoid 3
Res-1 10%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)

Iron Sword: (50/50)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Lich 2: HP 19/19
(I12) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 15
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 5: HP 19/19
(V8-Pillar) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 17(37)
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-2(3) Critical Avoid 5

Lich 6: HP 19/19
(U10) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-5 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 5: HP 22/22
(I1) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 6: HP 22/22
(K1) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 7: HP 21/21
(L2) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-21 Attack Speed- 5
Str-5 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 109
Spd-5 Avoid- 14
Luck-4 Damage- 8
Def-6 Critical Avoid 4

(I'm... going to assume you can figure out why I had Shien-thietal attack instead of Joran. And it isn't for the level.

Is the darker orange any better, or should I go with purple?)

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-26, 09:54 AM
(edited spolier)

Let me guess, the roll was a miss for Joran and a hit for Shien, so you saved Joran's butt.

I think this is a no brainer:
Egon to L14, talk to neutral.
Chet to M14, heals Joran
Shien to K14.
Joran to I 14 attacks lich.

Except that Joran can turn to the right to R14 as that was the plan o action. I don't know why I always see the stairs to the rigth as a wall (well, I know why: I have not played these FE games, so I'm not acustomed to the graphics).

Then Egon talks to Diggs from M15 so the lich can't get to him.
So it ends:

Egon to M15, talk to neutral.
Chet to M14, heals Joran
Shien to K14.
Joran to R14.


Let me get my staff on that burn, Joran. Definitely not a demon he adds referring to Diggs, speaking to Egon.

2011-06-26, 01:11 PM
If that were the case, you'll hear no complaints from me. Or maybe he just likes me too much and didn't want to risk it.

If you want to head down the right path and take out the enemies there, I have a plan I feel might be more effecient.

Chet will heal Joran.
Joran will talk to Diggs and end on M14.
Assuming Diggs will listen to us if we tell him to do something, Egon and Shien will move closer to the enemy shamaliches to the right.
If Diggs will not listen, one of them should rescue him to keep the suicidal NPC with no weapons from running up to the enemy to say hi.

If Diggs listens, he will be told to move to the right and generally be ordered just to stay away from enemy fire and maybe occasionally draw fire if needed. If not, he will be held by Egon or Shien so he will have no say in the matter.

On the enemy phase, Shamalich 2 will be lured to K14 and attack Joran.

Assuming a hit on Joran's counter, another hit on the next turn will kill the Shaman. Even if Joran misses, he can move either out of enemy range or at the maximum enemy range and then get healed to try the lure and counter tactic again.

2011-06-26, 01:23 PM
As the lord and all around nice guy I think Egon stands the best chance at talking to the thief. So he should move to M15 and talk to the thief, trying to convince him to stick with us and stay out of the fray. If he does not comply Joran will grab him from L14 before moving to M14 (end of Lich's range) Shien will take him from N14 Chet will heal from M13.

If he does comply and agree to get out of the liches range Joran will move straight to M14, Chet heals from N14, and Shien moves to O14.

If later he tries to steal from us... well we'll either deal with him or take turns carrying him until Gerald joins and can steal it back.

2011-06-26, 01:33 PM
My mistake... For some reason I thought if anyone would talk to him, they would have to move into the enemy's range. Yeah... You can talk if you prefer, but if you move to talk to him, it'll keep you from getting as far to the right as possible (assuming we are going that way)

However, if Joran rescues Diggs, he'll have his skill and speed halved while carrying him. Not a very good thing if you're expecting him to do any fighting. If Joran rescues him, Joran is getting out of that Shaman's range. Period.

2011-06-26, 01:39 PM
My mistake... For some reason I thought if anyone would talk to him, they would have to move into the enemy's range. Yeah... You can talk if you prefer, but if you move to talk to him, it'll keep you from getting as far to the right as possible (assuming we are going that way)

However, if Joran rescues Diggs, he'll have his skill and speed halved while carrying him. Not a very good thing if you're expecting him to do any fighting. If Joran rescues him, Joran is getting out of that Shaman's range. Period.

Thats why Shien takes him before the shaman attacks. If we have to carry him we'll just keep juggling him around so we don't fight at a disadvantage.

2011-06-26, 01:43 PM
Ugh, I am really off it today... I've been up all night three of the last four days and I guess it's starting to take it's toll on my brain. Sorry about that...

Can Shien take him? I'm not seeing any weight stats, so I'm not sure how we're doing rescues, but if it's Con based, well... Look at Shien's Con.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-26, 01:44 PM
I'm not saying I want to go to the right side, but that originally you spoke about Joran taking the guys to the right and the rest of us go to the left, I thought it had been an accepted plan, hence the second part of the post. If I misinterpreted or my head is making up the acceptance,I'd say all go left, then up and once the big group is taken the force could be divided and one or two go left and the rest to the shamaliches right.

So the question would be, what we want to do? Right, left? Stick together or separate at what point?.

I vote for going left and separate only once the group has been dealt with.

2011-06-26, 01:52 PM
Originally was before the enemies had reinforcements to the right and the guy to the left was moving towards us alone, without any support. Joran can handle a single shaman easily. Three... not so much.

As for why I originally suggested the main group go left instead of right when there was no difference ebtween the enemy selection at the time... Joran has more movement per turn and the right path is longer. That plan was good when it was made, but map factors have changed and plans need to be adapted as they do.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-26, 01:55 PM
ok, I thought Joran right could still be feasible, if not clearly.

Then all left and scratch my Joran goes right.

2011-06-26, 01:59 PM
Oh, I wouldn't put it past Joran to pull it off... He'd either need Chet to come with to heal him or to burn through Vulneraries like delicious candy and fully abuse his superior movement and canto to do it... and it would take far too long to be effecient... But I bet you I could do it if I had to =P

2011-06-26, 02:13 PM
Yeah Shien's con is abismal... Well you can move out of range, the shaman will approach and then we'll smack him down. I say we head to the right though, sure its the longer, more dangerous path but it also grants more experience.

2011-06-26, 03:28 PM
[spoiler]If that were the case, you'll hear no complaints from me. Or maybe he just likes me too much and didn't want to risk it.

Joran rolled a 90. That's what would have happened. I'd rather not have a death on the first map.

Can Shien take him? I'm not seeing any weight stats, so I'm not sure how we're doing rescues, but if it's Con based, well... Look at Shien's Con.

It's Con based, so I'm afraid Shien isn't very useful for rescues.

Yeah Shien's con is abismal... Well you can move out of range, the shaman will approach and then we'll smack him down. I say we head to the right though, sure its the longer, more dangerous path but it also grants more experience.

As posted with the map when it started, objective is "Defeat all enemies." Either way, you're taking the Liches on.

2011-06-26, 04:35 PM
I repeat,

no complaints


Ok... So can you clarify for us, since this does affect our planning. If one of us asks Diggs to do something (in this case, something as stay out of harm's way), and we don't do anything stupid like attack him first, will he comply?

2011-06-26, 04:37 PM
Ok... So can you clarify for us, since this does affect our planning. If one of us asks Diggs to do something (in this case, something as stay out of harm's way), and we don't do anything stupid like attack him first, will he comply?

Yes. If you haven't figured by now, Ledge is the gruff man who sprang you.

2011-06-26, 04:41 PM
Yeah, I thought it might be something like that. Again, Yay Star Wars/Final Fantasy references!

Ok... So...

Chet heals Joran.
Shien moves as far to the right side of the map as he can.
Egon either does the same as Shien or if he prefers, talks to Diggs from M15 where it's safe and tells Diggs to move to the right and out of enemy range.
Joran talks to Diggs if Egon didn't (requesting the same) and ends at M14 regardless.

Sound about right?

2011-06-26, 04:41 PM
Right then, Egon to M15 talk, Joran to M14, Chet to N14 heal, Shien to O14.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-26, 04:58 PM
Sounds right.

2011-06-26, 05:00 PM
Turn 2:

Chelsea moves to K5 and attacks Cultist 1!
{table]http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/509/spritechelseaattacking.png|Chelsea attacks Cultist 1 and deals 13 damage!|Cultist 1 counters but misses!|http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2478/spritecultistdefending.png[/table]
Chelsea gains 12 experience.

Alexandria moves to K6 and attacks Cultist 1!
{table]http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/789/spritealexandriaattacks.png|Alexandria attacks Cultist 1 and deals 12 damage!|http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2478/spritecultistdefending.png[/table]
Cultist 1 is slain! Alexandria gains 34 experience. +1 Support with Chelsea!

Buran moves to I2 and heals Jennifer!
{table]http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1282/spriteburanhealing.png|Buran heals Jennifer for 14 Hp!|http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/764/spritejenifferbattle.png
Buran gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Jennifer!

Buran cantos to I1.

Jennifer attacks Fighter 1 with Fire!
{table]http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/4056/spritejenifferattacking.png|Jennifer attacks Fighter 1 and deals 11 damage!|http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6793/spritejawiskfighterdefe.png
Fighter 1 is slain! Jennifer gains 34 experience.

Other Phase:

Civilian Man waits.

Enemy Phase:

Cultist 7 attacks Civilian Man!
{table]http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6206/spritecultistattacking.png|Cultist 7 Attacks Civilian Man and deals 9 damage!|Civilian Man Cannot counter!|http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/148/spritecivilianman.png[/table]

Cultist 2 moves to H4 and attacks Jennifer!
{table]http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6206/spritecultistattacking.png|Cultist 2 Attacks Jennifer and deals 9 damage!|Jennifer counters for 6 damage!|http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/764/spritejenifferbattle.png

Fighter 2 moves to E4.

Archer 1 attacks Snag for 10 damage! A bridge has formed!

Cultist 4 moves to I9.


Heaven Team:
Chelsea: (Usershadow) HP 21/21 XP 24/100
(K5-) Bows 4 Move 8 Con Ambush
Hunter Lord, Level 1

HP-21 75% Attack Speed- 7
Str-8 65% Critical- 3
Skl-7 55% Hit- 100
Spd-7 65% Avoid- 15
Luck-1 30% Damage- 14
Def-3 35% Critical Avoid 1
Res-1 25%

Supports: Light Affinity
Alexandria Calanine (1/25)
Jennifer (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (2/30)

Iron Bow (48/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Alexandria Calanine: (Ravena) HP 8/20 XP 69/100
(K6-) Lances 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Lance Cavalier, Level 1

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 55% Critical- 3
Skl-6 45% Hit- 99
Spd-7 50% Avoid- 16
Luck-2 20% Damage- 13
Def-6 40% Critical Avoid
Res-0 20%

Supports: Fire Affinity
Chelsea (1/25)
Jennifer (0/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Lances (D): (2/30)

Iron Lance (48/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Jennifer: (Illven) HP 11/20 XP 46/100
(13-Forest) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-20 60% Attack Speed- 6/7
Str-5 45% Critical- 2/2
Mag-6 45% Hit- 99/99
Skl-4 35% Avoid- 13/15(35)
Spd-7 50% Damage- 10/11
Luck-1 20% Critical Avoid 1
Def-3(4) 30%
Res-2(3) 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Buran (1/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (E): (0/20)
Fire (D): (3/30)

Iron Sword (50/50)
Fire (37/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Buran: (Starsign) HP 15/15 XP 11/100 Carrying Civilian Woman
(I1-) Staves 6 Move 6 Con Hell-Mounted
Troubadour, Level 1

HP-15 45% Attack Speed- 8
Mag-4 50% Critical- -
Skl-5(2) 40% Hit- -
Spd-8(4) 50% Avoid- 24(16)
Luck-8 65% Heal- 14
Def-4 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-4 40%

Supports: Light Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Jennifer (1/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (1/30)

Heal (39/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Brandis (Boss) HP 24/24
(I16-Forest) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Shaman, Level 5 Luna

HP-24 Attack Speed- 8
Mag-10 Critical- 9
Skl-8 Hit- 95
Spd-8 Avoid- 20(40)
Luck-4 Damage- 18
Def-3/4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 2 HP 14/20
(H4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-7 Avoid- 18
Luck-4 Damage- 10
Def-1 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 3 HP 19/19
(E9) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 4 HP 19/19
(I9) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 5 HP 20/20
(F13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 6 HP 24/24
(J13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 4 Flux

HP-24 Attack Speed- 9
Mag-8 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-9 Avoid- 22
Luck-4 Damage- 14
Def-4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 7 HP 19/19
(B14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Archer 1 HP 19/19
(K9) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-4 Critical- 4
Skl-8 Hit- 103
Spd-5 Avoid- 12
Luck-2 Damage- 10
Def-4 Critical Avoid 2

Archer 2 HP 20/20
(D11) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Str-5 Critical- 3
Skl-7 Hit- 102
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Myrmidon 2 HP 18/18
(K15) Swords 4 Move 8 Con
Level 4 Iron Blade

HP-18 Attack Speed- 8
Str-8 Critical- 5
Skl-11 Hit- 95
Spd-13 Avoid- 19
Luck-3 Damage- 17
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Fighter 2 HP 26/26
(E4) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 3 Iron Axe

HP-26 Attack Speed- 3
Str-7 Critical- 1
Skl-2 Hit- 88
Spd-3 Avoid- 10
Luck-4 Damage- 15
Def-3 Critical Avoid 2

Fighter 3 HP 31/31
(G15) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 4 Steel Axe, Hand Axe

HP-31 Attack Speed- 0/2
Str-11 Critical- 1/1
Skl-3 Hit- 84/74
Spd-4 Avoid- 3/7
Luck-3 Damage- 22/19
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Man (NPC) HP 18/27
(B16-Forest) Unknown 3 Move 7 Con
Civilian, Level 4 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-27 Attack Speed- 4
Str-5 Critical- -
Skl-3 Hit- -
Spd-4 Avoid- 11(31)
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-5/6 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Woman (NPC) HP 23/23
(Carried by Buran) Unknown 3 Move 4 Con
Civilian, Level 3 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-23 Attack Speed- 5
Str-2 Critical- -
Skl-2 Hit- -
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

I just realized I totally forgot to throw the Civilian Man back on the map. Oh, well.

2011-06-26, 05:11 PM
Right then, Egon to M15 talk, Joran to M14, Chet to N14 heal, Shien to O14.

Have Egon say something to Diggs while I start the update.

2011-06-26, 05:24 PM
Hmmm well Egon's trusting but he's not a complete idiot, so I guess the cautious approach.

"You... don't look like a demon."

2011-06-26, 06:05 PM
Turn 5:

Prince Egon moves to M15 and talks to Diggs!

“O-oh... Hi! I didn’t see you there. No, I’m not a demon. I’m a... Nah, never mind. Ledge and I came here for treasure! ...Well, I came for treasure... Actually, Ledge and I came to help prisoners. Only, Ledge is taking longer than he said he would, and I can’t fight without a weapon... ...Yeah, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get out of here... I was going to try poking that guy around the corner in the eyes, then run past him. ...Then I noticed that he doesn’t have eyes... ...Can you help me out? Here, I’ll give you something, like... Like a present! I sure don’t need it.”

Diggs gives Egon a Speedwing!

“Do-don’t look at me like that! I.. I found it! ...yeah...”

Joran moves to M14.

Shien-thietal moves to O14.

Chet moves to N14 and heals Joran!
{table]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3806/spritechethealing.png|Chet heals Joran for 15 hp!|http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/5957/spritejorandefends.png[/table]
Chet gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Joran! +1 Support with Shien-thietal!

Other Phase:

Diggs moves to N15.

Enemy Phase:

Lich 2 moves to K14 and attacks Joran!
{table]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/716/spritelichattacks.png|Lich 2 attacks Joran and deals 9 damage!|Joran counters for 10 damage!|http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/5957/spritejorandefends.png
Joran gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Egon! +1 Support with Chet!

(Roll was the exact number Joran needed to hit)

Gerald moves to I6.

Soldier 5 moves to I5.

Soldier 6 moves to I3.

Soldier 7 moves to J4.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 8/21 XP 38/100
(M15) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 2

HP-21 70% Attack Speed- 9
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-9 45% Hit- 109
Spd-9 40% Avoid- 19
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-6 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (4/25)
Shien-thietal (3/25)
Joran Halbrook (2/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (9/30)

Iron Sword (42/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 11/16 XP 45/100
(N14) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (4/25)
Shien-thietal (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (4/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (4/30)

Heal: (36/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 19/19 XP 4/100
(O14) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 2

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 8/8
Str-4 40% Critical- 8/3
Mag-5 40% Hit- 114/109
Skl-6 50% Avoid- 18/18
Spd-8 50% Damage- 6/9
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-4 30%
Res-5 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (1/30)
Wind (E): (4/20)

Slim Sword: (34/35) (e)
Wind: (36/40)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 11/20 XP 37/100
(M14) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (1/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Shien-thietal (5/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (3/30)

Iron Bow: (47/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Diggs: (NPC) HP 25/25
(N15) Unknown 6 Move 8 Con Steal, Pick Locks, Quick Draw
Treasure Hunter, Level 7 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-25 Attack Speed- 16
Str-7 Critical- -
Skl-9 Hit- -
Spd-16 Avoid- 42
Luck-10 Damage- -
Def-3 Critical Avoid 10

Gerald Henderson: (Kuzon) HP 18/18
(I6) Swords 5 Move 8 Con Pick Lock, Mug
Thief, Level 1

HP-18 50% Attack Speed- 9
Str-4 50% Critical- 3
Skl-7 65% Hit- 107
Spd-9 70% Avoid- 21
Luck-3 40% Damage- 9
Def-3 25% Critical Avoid 3
Res-1 10%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)

Iron Sword: (50/50)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Lich 2: HP 9/19
(K14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 15
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 5: HP 19/19
(V8-Pillar) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 17(37)
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-2(3) Critical Avoid 5

Lich 6: HP 19/19
(U10) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-5 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 5: HP 22/22
(I5) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 6: HP 22/22
(I3) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 7: HP 21/21
(J4) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-21 Attack Speed- 5
Str-5 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 109
Spd-5 Avoid- 14
Luck-4 Damage- 8
Def-6 Critical Avoid 4

2011-06-26, 06:18 PM
"Your companion, is he the quiet brooding type with pale green hair?"

2011-06-26, 06:27 PM
"Your companion, is he the quiet brooding type with pale green hair?"

"Oh, so you're the ones he came to help?" He looked over Egon, then nodded. "That must make you the Bressian Prince! Didn't know I was talking to a Princey."

2011-06-26, 06:33 PM
(Damn, my rolls have been sucking all around... Couldn't hit the guards with a bowl of slop to save my life... Failed miserably at an attempt to spit one one of them... Was saved from death only by the mercy of the Penguinator, and now just barely managed a hit...

Naturally this means that I have already used all of my bad rolls and will be critting everything in the near future.)

Joran gives Diggs an unamused look.


"Well... Even if it's only some trinket, I guess we've already taken your payment. Just try to stay out of the way and we'll do what we can to keep you in one piece."

Joran takes a shot at Shamalich 2.

"If you can't fight, what can you do? And what does this friend of yours... Edge or Wedge or something like that... look like?" (I guess Egon already took care of this part while I was still typing.)

Joran attacks Shamalich 2. If he hits, he will move to I13. If he misses, please stop the update so we can decide what to do... Probably have someone else take out Shamalich 2, and have Joran move to I14, but that would necessitate someone else changing their move.

Ok, so here's my thought... On the left we have a new recruit and three hostiles coming in. On the right, we have three Shamaliches. Gerald both has more movement than his current allies and is also using it to his fullest, so he will begin to outpace them in time.

If you want, Joran can take the left path and end one turn just our of Gerald's range. Then on the next turn, recruit Gerald and the two of us can fall back to the main group (who would probably be going for the Shamaliches if we do this). Since both Joran and Gerald have higher movement than the Soldiers, the enemies currently on the map would pose no threat.

Or, if you prefer we can just all go Right, start mopping up the Shamaliches, and let our new friend come to us on his own.

2011-06-26, 06:34 PM
"I see, in that case I would be honored to help you find him. Well met..?"

EditOOC: Best to just head right and let Gerald outpace the others. I can't tell if he's on our side or their side at the moment. He has the glow but he's moving on their phase. It is very confusing.

2011-06-26, 06:40 PM
(He's in their stat block. I think it's safe to count him among the enemy until we've recruited him.

Anyways, I could literally have him recruited next turn. With zero risk. The only reason I could see for not doing it is if you feel you need my support with the Shamaliches... And even then the two of us would catch up pretty quick.)

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-26, 06:49 PM

We're five now!. This is beginning to look prettier. I can't wait to have them smell better too.

Okay. So your plan would go:

Joran attacks shamalich.

A) If he hits:

Joran canto to K14.
Chet to J14, heals Joran.
Egon to Q15
Shien-tietal to S14, equips wind (so shamalich 6 attacks him, he counters and start the work on him).

B) If he misses:

Joran canto to Q14.
Chet to O14 heals Joran.
Shien and Egon could attack the shamalich in that order. Shien with magic from 2 squares (M14) and Egon from L14.

Chet then would heal Shien next turn.

2011-06-26, 06:51 PM
Joran gives Diggs an unamused look.

"If you can't fight, what can you do?"

"I said I can't fight without a weapon." He gives a winning grin, and adds, "As soon as I get one in my hands, it's a different story. I'm good at getting weapons into my hands."

Fixed Lich hp. I had it right in my stuff... :smalltongue:

"I see, in that case I would be honored to help you find him. Well met..?"

EditOOC: Best to just head right and let Gerald outpace the others. I can't tell if he's on our side or their side at the moment. He has the glow but he's moving on their phase. It is very confusing.

"Oh, he'll be along in a moment. I trust Ledge. I've known him for... Oh... couple hundred years now."

Sorry, I know Jalnir had the "I'm a recruit" glow on the map where he joined, and I figured Gerald might as well get the PC glow. Yeah, he's an enemy, for now.

2011-06-26, 06:56 PM
Oh.. that was Egon fishing for a name (as I don't believe Diggs gave it yet) but yeah, more interesting this way...

"I'm sorry did you just say a couple hundred years?"

2011-06-26, 06:56 PM
(Just a note, when I did it with Jalnir, his was red... Denoting both "PC" and "enemy." That said, I had absolutly no confusion with the way you did it.)

2011-06-26, 06:57 PM
(Just a note, when I did it with Jalnir, his was red... Denoting both "PC" and "enemy." That said, I had absolutly no confusion with the way you did it.)

...Ah. ...It's been a long time. I'll keep that in mind for next time.

2011-06-26, 07:01 PM
Oh.. that was Egon fishing for a name (as I don't believe Diggs gave it yet) but yeah, more interesting this way...

"I'm sorry did you just say a couple hundred years?"

Diggs gives the prince an incredulous look. "Did I say that?" He shakes his head. "Ledge and I go waaaay back." He stops and considers something for a moment, then adds, "Name's Diggs, by the way."

2011-06-26, 07:11 PM
"Good to have you along Diggs."

2011-06-26, 09:14 PM

Shien's sword, now drawn, glitters in the light as it slides through his opponent, rushing with his customary silence as the others address the latest encountered person, who is the second non-demon they've seen.

Okay, I'm alright with the current plan.

I'm glad I have a silent character as well, since I'm off during the time when the most posts come in. x.x

2011-06-27, 06:03 PM
I hate to ask again... there are multiple different things listed. I have Joran's move, but where is everybody else going? (Exact spots, please. :smallsmile:)

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-27, 06:11 PM
Looking at the planning posts, it should be this:

Egon Q15
Shien R15
Chet Q14, heals Egon

2011-06-27, 07:01 PM
Hell Team: Turn 6:

Joran attacks Lich 2!
{table]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8255/spritejoranattacks.png|Joran attacks Lich 2 and deals 10 damage!|http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2505/spritelichdefends.png[/table]
Lich 2 is slain! Joran gains 34 experience. +1 Support with Chet! +1 Support with Prince Egon! Joran Cantos to I13.

Shien-thietal moves to R15.

Egon moves to Q15.

Chet moves to Q14 and heals Prince Egon!
{table]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3806/spritechethealing.png|Chet heals Prince Egon for 15 hp!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Chet gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Prince Egon!

Other Phase:

Diggs moves to Q16.

Enemy Phase:

Gerald moves to I11.

Soldier 5 moves to I9.

Soldier 6 moves to I7.

Soldier 7 moves to I6.

Cultist 5 moves to U11.

Cultist 6 moves to U14.

Another set of guards arrives on the scene, calling, “We’ll hold ‘em off until the boss arrives!”

Soldier 8 arrives on A3.

Soldier 9 arrives on B4.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 21/21 XP 38/100
(Q15) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 2

HP-21 70% Attack Speed- 9
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-9 45% Hit- 109
Spd-9 40% Avoid- 19
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-6 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (5/25)
Shien-thietal (3/25)
Joran Halbrook (3/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (9/30)

Iron Sword (42/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 11/16 XP 56/100
(Q14) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (5/25)
Shien-thietal (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (5/30)

Heal: (35/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 19/19 XP 4/100
(R15) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 2

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 8/8
Str-4 40% Critical- 8/3
Mag-5 40% Hit- 114/109
Skl-6 50% Avoid- 18/18
Spd-8 50% Damage- 6/9
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-4 30%
Res-5 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (1/30)
Wind (E): (4/20)

Slim Sword: (34/35) (e)
Wind: (36/40)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 11/20 XP 74/100
(I13) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (5/25)
Shien-thietal (5/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (4/30)

Iron Bow: (46/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Diggs: (NPC) HP 25/25
(Q16) Unknown 6 Move 8 Con Steal, Pick Locks, Quick Draw
Treasure Hunter, Level 7 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-25 Attack Speed- 16
Str-7 Critical- -
Skl-9 Hit- -
Spd-16 Avoid- 42
Luck-10 Damage- -
Def-3 Critical Avoid 10

Gerald Henderson: (Kuzon) HP 18/18
(I11) Swords 5 Move 8 Con Pick Lock, Mug
Thief, Level 1

HP-18 50% Attack Speed- 9
Str-4 50% Critical- 3
Skl-7 65% Hit- 107
Spd-9 70% Avoid- 21
Luck-3 40% Damage- 9
Def-3 25% Critical Avoid 3
Res-1 10%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)

Iron Sword: (50/50)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 5: HP 19/19
(U11) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 17
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 5

Lich 6: HP 19/19
(U14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-5 Avoid- 11
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 5: HP 22/22
(I9) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 6: HP 22/22
(I7) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 7: HP 21/21
(I6) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-21 Attack Speed- 5
Str-5 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 109
Spd-5 Avoid- 14
Luck-4 Damage- 8
Def-6 Critical Avoid 4

Soldier 8: HP 25/25
(A3) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Iron Lance

HP-25 Attack Speed- 5
Str-6 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 96
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 13
Def-6 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 9: HP 23/23
(B4) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Iron Lance

HP-23 Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 Critical- 3
Skl-6 Hit- 101
Spd-7 Avoid- 18
Luck-4 Damage- 13
Def-5 Critical Avoid 4

2011-06-27, 07:32 PM
(Ok, now let's hear that recruitment music!)

Joran moves to I12, bow ready, and talks to Gerald.


"A kid? They keep us under lock and key for ages and when we finally break free they send a damn kid after us. Just get the hell out of here, I've got no interest in killing children."

Joran then moves to... Lets say J14 if my team is ok with me taking my time and sniping these soldiers on the way back or L14 if they'd just prefer I rejoin the main group as quickly as possible.

2011-06-27, 07:49 PM
Like this? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmO2DyBf2rE)

2011-06-27, 08:06 PM
That one was close, but I was imagining something more like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-iR7tLSPj0#t=15) myself.

2011-06-27, 09:19 PM
i was more thinking this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0mviCdgoeI&feature=relmfu)

http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
"Hold!" ((i'll be using sandy brown for post color, i suppose it fits.))

2011-06-27, 09:38 PM
(Considering the exchange that I sense coming on, I think that one might be best suited, atleast to this recruitment.)

*blank stare*



You're seriously going to try this?"

2011-06-27, 09:43 PM
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
Gerald pauses for a few seconds, before lowering his arms with a shrug, "Okay then, my jobs done."

2011-06-27, 09:55 PM

"... What the hell is with this kid...

Just get out of my way, kid."

2011-06-27, 10:01 PM
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
He considers for a moment, "Sure thing." He leans against the wall, giving Joran enough room to pass.

2011-06-27, 11:17 PM
Zaras looked up from his work to shout, "You kids sure don't say much... scared stiff on the battlefield, I suppose?"

2011-06-28, 12:21 AM
Zaras looked up from his work to shout, "You kids sure don't say much... scared stiff on the battlefield, I suppose?"

Alexandria shrugged at the angle. "Not scared, just waiting for the order on who to attack. Figured its better for me to stay quite until then."

2011-06-28, 12:43 AM
So Egon moves to U15 and sends Lich 6 out of this world. Shien moves to U16 and attacks Lich 6 if he still dares to draw unbreath. Chet moves to T15 and heals Egon. Joran and Gerald play catch up/take their time, up to them really.

2011-06-28, 01:04 AM
Well... Joran and Gerald could take out the left half fairly safely... Love that extra movement...

All we'd have to do is have Joran hit and run until they're weak enough for Gerald to pick them off. Gerald will be open to atleast one attack on the following enemy phase, but overall it will be more time consuming than dangerous...

And we'd eventually work our ways back to the main group anyways, so if we haven't killed them by then, the whole group should have no trouble.

2011-06-28, 03:32 AM
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
"So, why are you guys escaping anyway? 'place is pretty comfortable once you get to know it."

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-28, 06:20 AM
I'm with Xondoure's plan, which includes accepting The Summoner's idea for Joran and the new recruit

2011-06-28, 06:41 AM
Same as Harkov

2011-06-28, 10:52 AM

Danielle, I can feel you want out, just a-little longer, I'll be fine still then. Oh thanks Buran that helps alot. Sorry Danielle looks like you'll have to wait alot longer. Oh don't be mad at me, blame Buran.

Jeniffer waits for Buran to heal her, then moves to F3 and attacks the fighter with Fire.

2011-06-28, 11:45 AM

"Kid, you've got a messed up definition of comfortable. The food sucks, there's nothing to drink, and most people prefer freedom to being locked in a small cell. Besides, I'd rather not stick around long enough to find out what they were planning to do with us."

2011-06-28, 12:03 PM

Buran took action with a sigh as Shiva ran up to Jennifer, "If you would please, stop getting hit. I'd rather you not suffer some sort of split personality disorder; we're in a rocky enough issue as it is." he was worried for the woman he was carrying, but he had no time to safely drop her at the moment.

Heal Jennifer then canto to K1

2011-06-28, 01:12 PM
Turn 3:

Buran moves to I2 and heals Jennifer!
{table]http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1282/spriteburanhealing.png|Buran heals Jennifer for 14 Hp!|http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/764/spritejenifferbattle.png
Buran gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Jennifer! Buran cantos to H2.

Chelsea moves to G5 and attacks Cultist 2!
{table]http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/509/spritechelseaattacking.png|Chelsea attacks Cultist 2 and deals 13 damage!|Cultist 2 counters for 9 damage!|http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2478/spritecultistdefending.png[/table]
Chelsea gains 12 experience.

(This is the only place she can attack from and be out of both the archer‘s and the cultist‘s range, as she can‘t reach I3 due to forests costing 2 move.)

Alexandria moves to I4 and attacks Cultist 2!
{table]http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/789/spritealexandriaattacks.png|Alexandria attacks Cultist 2 and deals 12 damage!|http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2478/spritecultistdefending.png[/table]
Cultist 2 is slain! Alexandria gains 34 experience. +1 Support with Jennifer! Alexandria Cantos to H4.

Alexandria reaches level 2!
+1 Str!
+1 Spd!
+1 Luck! (Exact roll needed)
+1 Def! (Also exact roll needed)

(Again, only place to put her out of everything’s range, as she can’t reach the forest, costing 3 move for mounted units)

Jennifer moves to G4 and attacks Fighter 2 with Fire!
{table]http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/4056/spritejenifferattacking.png|Jennifer attacks Fighter 2 and deals 10 damage!|Fighter 2 cannot counter!|Jennifer attacks again for 10 damage!|http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6793/spritejawiskfighterdefe.png
Jennifer gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Chelsea! +1 Support with Alexandria!

(If she had moved to F3, either Chelsea or Alexandria would have been killed by the Fighter)

Other Phase:

Civilian Man waits.

Enemy Phase:

Cultist 7 attacks Civilian Man!
{table]http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6206/spritecultistattacking.png|Cultist 7 Attacks Civilian Man and deals 9 damage!|Civilian Man Cannot counter!|http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/148/spritecivilianman.png[/table]

Fighter 2 moves to G3 and attacks Jennifer!
{table]http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/313/spritejawiskfighteratta.png|Fighter 1 Attacks Jennifer and deals 12 damage!|Jennifer counters for 10 damage!|http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/764/spritejenifferbattle.png
Fighter 2 is slain! Jennifer gains 34 experience! +1 Support with Chelsea! +1 Support with Alexandria!
Danielle is unleashed!

Archer 1 moves to J5.

Cultist 4 moves to J6.


Heaven Team:
Chelsea: (Usershadow) HP 12/21 XP 36/100
(G5-) Bows 4 Move 8 Con Ambush
Hunter Lord, Level 1

HP-21 75% Attack Speed- 7
Str-8 65% Critical- 3
Skl-7 55% Hit- 100
Spd-7 65% Avoid- 15
Luck-1 30% Damage- 14
Def-3 35% Critical Avoid 1
Res-1 25%

Supports: Light Affinity
Alexandria Calanine (1/25)
Jennifer (2/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (3/30)

Iron Bow (47/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Alexandria Calanine: (Ravena) HP 8/20 XP 3/100
(H4-) Lances 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Lance Cavalier, Level 1

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 8
Str-7 55% Critical- 3
Skl-6 45% Hit- 100
Spd-8 50% Avoid- 19
Luck-3 20% Damage- 14
Def-7 40% Critical Avoid- 3
Res-0 20%

Supports: Fire Affinity
Chelsea (1/25)
Jennifer (3/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Lances (D): (3/30)

Iron Lance (47/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Jennifer: (Illven) HP 8/20 XP 92/100
(G4-) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-20 60% Attack Speed- 6/7
Str-5 45% Critical- 2/2
Mag-6 45% Hit- 99/99
Skl-4 35% Avoid- 13/15
Spd-7 50% Damage- 10/11
Luck-1 20% Critical Avoid 1
Def-3 30%
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Chelsea (2/25)
Alexandria (3/25)
Buran (2/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (E): (0/20)
Fire (D): (6/30)

Iron Sword (50/50)
Fire (34/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Buran: (Starsign) HP 15/15 XP 22/100 Carrying Civilian Woman
(H2-Forest) Staves 6 Move 6 Con Hell-Mounted
Troubadour, Level 1

HP-15 45% Attack Speed- 8
Mag-4 50% Critical- -
Skl-5(2) 40% Hit- -
Spd-8(4) 50% Avoid- 24(36)
Luck-8 65% Heal- 14
Def-4(5) 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-4(5) 40%

Supports: Light Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Jennifer (2/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (2/30)

Heal (38/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Brandis (Boss) HP 24/24
(I16-Forest) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Shaman, Level 5 Luna

HP-24 Attack Speed- 8
Mag-10 Critical- 9
Skl-8 Hit- 95
Spd-8 Avoid- 20(40)
Luck-4 Damage- 18
Def-3/4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 3 HP 19/19
(E9) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-6 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 12
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 4 HP 19/19
(J6) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 5 HP 20/20
(F13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 6 HP 24/24
(J13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 4 Flux

HP-24 Attack Speed- 9
Mag-8 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-9 Avoid- 22
Luck-4 Damage- 14
Def-4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 7 HP 19/19
(B14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Archer 1 HP 19/19
(J5) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-4 Critical- 4
Skl-8 Hit- 103
Spd-5 Avoid- 12
Luck-2 Damage- 10
Def-4 Critical Avoid 2

Archer 2 HP 20/20
(D11) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Str-5 Critical- 3
Skl-7 Hit- 102
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Myrmidon 2 HP 18/18
(K15) Swords 4 Move 8 Con
Level 4 Iron Blade

HP-18 Attack Speed- 8
Str-8 Critical- 5
Skl-11 Hit- 95
Spd-13 Avoid- 19
Luck-3 Damage- 17
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Fighter 3 HP 31/31
(G15) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 4 Steel Axe, Hand Axe

HP-31 Attack Speed- 0/2
Str-11 Critical- 1/1
Skl-3 Hit- 84/74
Spd-4 Avoid- 3/7
Luck-3 Damage- 22/19
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Man (NPC) HP 9/27
(B16-Forest) Unknown 3 Move 7 Con
Civilian, Level 4 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-27 Attack Speed- 4
Str-5 Critical- -
Skl-3 Hit- -
Spd-4 Avoid- 11(31)
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-5/6 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Woman (NPC) HP 23/23
(Carried by Buran) Unknown 3 Move 4 Con
Civilian, Level 3 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-23 Attack Speed- 5
Str-2 Critical- -
Skl-2 Hit- -
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

2011-06-28, 01:54 PM
Turn 3:
Danielle is unleashed!

That is amazing


Oh god, god that hurts, oh Danielle help!

I'll kill you all, how dare you harm my noble visage. Let me at them Chelsea. Now!

2011-06-28, 02:02 PM
Hell Team: Turn 7:

Joran moves to I12 and recruits Gerald! +10 Support with Gerald! Joran Cantos to J14.

Gerald moves to K14. (Didn’t see spot specified)

Prince Egon moves to U15 and attacks Lich 6!

Egon flashes a winning smile, then cleaves the Lich cleanly in half.

{table]http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/6307/spriteprinceegonattacks.png|Prince Egon attacks Lich 6 and critically hits for 36 damage!|http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2505/spritelichdefends.png[/table]
Lich 6 is slain! Egon gains 32 experience.

(Natural 1. Impressive.)

Chet moves to T15.

Shien-thietal moves to U16.

Other Phase:

Diggs moves to T16.

Enemy Phase:

Lich 5 moves to U13 and is blinded by the sheer awesomeness of the Prince, totally blowing his attack.

{table]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/716/spritelichattacks.png|Lich 4 attacks Prince Egon! Miss!|Prince Egon Cannot Counter!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Prince Egon gains 1 experience. +1 Support with Chet! +1 Support with Shien-thietal!

(Followed by a natural 100. That‘s just not natural.)

Lich 3 moves to S8.

Soldier 5 moves to I13.

Soldier 6 moves to I11.

Soldier 7 moves to I10.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 21/21 XP 71/100
(U15) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 2

HP-21 70% Attack Speed- 9
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-9 45% Hit- 109
Spd-9 40% Avoid- 19
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-6 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (6/25)
Shien-thietal (4/25)
Joran Halbrook (3/25)
Gerald Henderson (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (10/30)

Iron Sword (41/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 11/16 XP 56/100
(T15) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (6/25)
Shien-thietal (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)
Gerald Henderson (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (5/30)

Heal: (35/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 19/19 XP 4/100
(U16) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 2

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 8/8
Str-4 40% Critical- 8/3
Mag-5 40% Hit- 114/109
Skl-6 50% Avoid- 18/18
Spd-8 50% Damage- 6/9
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-4 30%
Res-5 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (4/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)
Gerald Henderson (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (1/30)
Wind (E): (4/20)

Slim Sword: (34/35) (e)
Wind: (36/40)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 11/20 XP 71/100
(J14) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (5/25)
Shien-thietal (5/25)
Gerald Henderson (10/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (4/30)

Iron Bow: (46/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Gerald Henderson: (Kuzon) HP 18/18
(K14) Swords 5 Move 8 Con Pick Lock, Mug
Thief, Level 1

HP-18 50% Attack Speed- 9
Str-4 50% Critical- 3
Skl-7 65% Hit- 107
Spd-9 70% Avoid- 21
Luck-3 40% Damage- 9
Def-3 25% Critical Avoid 3
Res-1 10%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (10/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (0/30)

Iron Sword: (50/50)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Diggs: (NPC) HP 25/25
(Q16) Unknown 6 Move 8 Con Steal, Pick Locks, Quick Draw
Treasure Hunter, Level 7 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-25 Attack Speed- 16
Str-7 Critical- -
Skl-9 Hit- -
Spd-16 Avoid- 42
Luck-10 Damage- -
Def-3 Critical Avoid 10


Lich 3: HP 17/17
(S8) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 5: HP 19/19
(U13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 17
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 5: HP 22/22
(I13) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 6: HP 22/22
(I11) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 7: HP 21/21
(I10) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-21 Attack Speed- 5
Str-5 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 109
Spd-5 Avoid- 14
Luck-4 Damage- 8
Def-6 Critical Avoid 4

Soldier 8: HP 25/25
(A3) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Iron Lance

HP-25 Attack Speed- 5
Str-6 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 96
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 13
Def-6 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 9: HP 23/23
(B4) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Iron Lance

HP-23 Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 Critical- 3
Skl-6 Hit- 101
Spd-7 Avoid- 18
Luck-4 Damage- 13
Def-5 Critical Avoid 4

2011-06-28, 02:09 PM
That is amazing


Oh god, god that hurts, oh Danielle help!

I'll kill you all, how dare you harm my noble visage. Let me at them Chelsea. Now!

Alexandria gave a blank stare for a brief moment then said, "You know, I should ask whats wrong, but that would have to imply I cared enough to, and I just don't."

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-28, 02:18 PM
Joran can attack soldier 5 where stands and canto to O15 to be healed.
Gerald to I14, attack soldier 5.
Egon moves U14 and waits¹.
Shien moves to U15 and attacks lich 5
Chet runs to P15 and heals Joran.

¹Has one attack (if I'm not wrong) and can't take two demon-rays.


Oh my god!. That was gross!. But beats a hit the other way no doubt. Keep up the good job and shout if you need my staff's services. He looks back to see how are things in the rider's side. You know, one coming this way, better don't take too long finishing this one.

2011-06-28, 02:24 PM
Joran eyes the soldiers as they draw closer, but are unable to reach him with their lances.


"Just a pack of fools with no sense of self-preservation."

Joran attacks Soldier 5 and moves to N14 (Unless Kuzon wants to try the blockade strategy, in which case he stays where he is).

(Ok... so looking at these soldier's stats... Joran deals 6 damage per attack to Soldier 5 and doesn't double... So I'm probably not going to be able to finish any of them off by the time we merge back into the main group. Gerald would deal a mere 4 and is just barely too slow to double, so there isn't much to gain from exposing him to damage unless Kuzon really wants some experience.)

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-28, 02:31 PM
If I'm not messing the coordinates, he can get in reach of Chet's healing and return to fight his group in full health, so I don't see why not (well, there's why if Xondoure and planescape change plan to something that requires Chet's healing for them being more urgent). Else, Chet stays and heals Shien, if the other two's movements are retained as in my plan.

Gerald inflicts 4 and Joran 6. Gerald takes 4, can withstand three attacks, four if he has 17+HP. And Joran can help him outpace them to get his healing later.

2011-06-28, 02:41 PM
You're correct. I must've been looking at the wrong stats somewhere and got the numbers jumbled...

I see no reason to worry about Joran at the moment. As you said, he can easily outpase the soldiers and he won't take much damage from them even if he does need to serve as a meat wall for whatever reason.

If Kuzon wants, we could put Gerald at I14 (whether it would be preferrable to attack now or not I haven't considered yet) and work on picking off the soldiers while they're all stuck in one nice narrow passage, otherwise it'll be hit and run as we draw the lot of them towards the main group. If we go that route, Joran doesn't have to move away... Or could move to get healing but stay in range to come back next turn or something.

2011-06-28, 02:47 PM
slash (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkQXQLPrCqo&feature=related)
"This is going to be easier than I thought."

OOC: Egon attacks lich 5 from U14
Shien moves to S14 and equips wind
Chet heals Egon if the lich hit. If the lich missed again Joran canto's into range after attacking so Chet doesn't go a turn without xp.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-28, 03:04 PM
T14 is walkable? My plan was done with the assumption it isn't. If it is then yes, Egon and Shien attack, Chet heals, Gerald can block the pathway, attacking as I think he can, and Joran shooting from behind without need to go to Chet.

And yep, the healing Joran was merely on account of getting XP to become a bishop sooner better than later.

2011-06-28, 03:10 PM
Mkay, well if Joran can get in range and still be able to attack on the next turn, I'm fine with taking a small detour to get you some experience for healing.

Lets see... Soldier 5 has 22 HP. If Gerald attacks this turn and we assume all hits...

Joran attacks for 6, Gerald for 4. Soldier counters for 4. (Soldier: 12/22, Gerald: 14/18)
Soldier attacks for 4, Gerald counters for 4 (Soldier: 8/22, Gerald: 10/18)
Joran attacks for 6, Gerald attacks and kills soldier. (Gerald 10/18).

Yeah... I'm thinking Gerald should attack if we go with operation thiefblocade.

2011-06-28, 03:13 PM
T14 is walkable?

No, it isn't.

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-28, 03:19 PM
Ah, Shien walks to S14 and equips wind, was representing a different move. Ok, no prob then.

So, yes, Joran can stay, unless the shamalich doesn't hurt Egon, in which case the move to heal can be done. And Gerald doesn't attack. Sounds about right.

2011-06-28, 03:21 PM
Nah, Gerald still attacks. Joran can move to P14, get healed, and on the next turn move back and still attack without interrupting the flow of things if need be.

2011-06-28, 03:22 PM
"Kid, you've got a messed up definition of comfortable. The food sucks, there's nothing to drink, and most people prefer freedom to being locked in a small cell. Besides, I'd rather not stick around long enough to find out what they were planning to do with us."
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
"'thought you guys were gonna be transferred--I hear the palace has much better accommodations."

2011-06-28, 03:23 PM
Weapon Triangle. Gerald takes 5 damage a hit, and only deals 3.

2011-06-28, 03:32 PM
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
"'thought you guys were gonna be transferred--i hear the palace has much better accommodations."


"Palace? What about this palace? Tell me everything you know."

Weapon Triangle. Gerald takes 5 damage a hit, and only deals 3.

Damn, that does complicate things a bit, doesn't it...

Ok, once again, assuming hits.

Joran deals 6, Gerald for 3, Soldier counters for 5. (Soldier: 13/22 Gerald: 13/18)
Soldier for 5, Gerald counters for 3. (Soldier: 10/22 Gerald: 8/18)
Soldier can't die this phase... BAD.

Joran deals 6, Gerald does nothing. (Soldier: 16/22, Gerald: 18/18)
Soldier for 5, Gerald for 3. (Soldier: 13/22, Gerald: 13/18)
Joran for 6, Gerald for 3, Soldier for 5 (Soldier: 4/22, Gerald: 8/18)
Soldier for 5, Gerald for 3 (Soldier: 1/22, Gerald: 3/18)

Ok, if Gerald waits this turn, that is slightly better... But it is still riskier than I initially thought... Gerald COULD attack the next turn, but a miss is death (and Joran would need to become a meat wall afterwards, which is fine). Alternatively, both could just run for it and Joran could take the killing shot on the way out.

The triangle makes the thiefwall plan a little less favorable, but I'll let Kuzon decide since he has the most to gain (or lose) from it.

2011-06-28, 03:34 PM

"Palace? What about this palace? Tell me everything you know."

Yes, do tell. This is news to me.

2011-06-28, 03:43 PM
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
Gerald shrugs, "Dunno much, just something I heard the boss mumbling about. You guys are pretty important I guess."

2011-06-28, 04:00 PM

"Well, what do you know? Whose this boss and what did he want us for?"

2011-06-28, 04:08 PM
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/76/15/28/gerald10.png (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=612&u=12761528)
"Nothing much. The warden's higher-ups seem to be pulling the strings in this--I just follow orders."

2011-06-28, 06:00 PM
((Shien can blockade either of the Shamalich's, potentially for two turns if I choose not to attack. Either way, Xondure's plan sounds fine to me.))


"I'll take the incoming one." Shien adds, moving to block the path of the new opponent while the other's take care of the other Lich. "You won't pass me... Not this time."

Admiral Harkov
2011-06-28, 06:01 PM
I'm for Xon's plan and then what kuzon and summoner decide.

2011-06-28, 06:08 PM
Oh, and I should mention: I'm going to be away for 24 hours very soon... Just so you guys knew why I wont be online.)

2011-06-29, 03:11 PM
Heaven Team: Turn 4:

Jennifer/Danielle moves to D3 and visits the village!

Inside the village, a man attempts to sleep. He rolls from side to side, trying to shake off his latest vision. The same, armored woman once again appeared to him, this time with a longer prophesy than normal.

"Monk who has the second sight,
Seek the lord of holy light.
She will lead you with her might
To set the land to what is right.

"A man who rides a beast of Hell,
Heals to make his allies well.
And then a girl of sword and spell,
Who within another dwells.

"A manly knight who may seem odd,
Hides behind a strange façade.
Not warriors, yet, but will be best,
You are to aid them in your quest.

"A man who wishes just to die,
A brother who will break and cry,
A third whose power is most high,
You must defeat, or at least try.

"Beware the angel, armor bright,
His power comes not from the light.
Instead, he gains a different might,
But you must go, the time is right.

"Heed our warnings, but beware,
We’re not the only spirits here.
Be careful whose voices you trust,
For one mistake, and all is dust."

The man woke roughly, blinking his unseeing eyes, then realized a woman's presence in the gateway of the village.


(Mike appears on D4)

Alexandria moves to G1.

Chelsea moves to F2.

Buran moves to F1 and heals Alexandria!
{table]http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1282/spriteburanhealing.png|Buran heals Alexandria for 14 Hp!|http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/4953/spritealexandriadefendi.png[/table]
Buran gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Alexandria! +1 Support with Chelsea!

Other Phase:

Civilian Man uses Elixir! Health is restored.

Enemy Phase:

Cultist 7 attacks Civilian Man!
{table]http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6206/spritecultistattacking.png|Cultist 7 Attacks Civilian Man! Miss!|Civilian Man Cannot counter!|http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/148/spritecivilianman.png[/table]

Cultist 3 moves to E5 and attacks Mike!

Mike remains unfazed, the angel in his head telling him exactly where to strike this interloper. In a moment not unlike Artur’s recruitment, Mike calls to the heavens to aid him against this enemy.

{table]http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6206/spritecultistattacking.png|Cultist 3 Attacks Mike! Miss!|Mike counters and critically hits for 21 damage!|http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5118/spritemikebattle.png[/table]
Cultist 3 is slain! Mike gains 34 experience. +1 Support with Jennifer!

(Natural 1. Good way to start.)

Archer 1 moves to I3.

Archer 2 moves to D8.

Cultist 4 moves to H4.

Cultist 5 moves to E10.


Heaven Team:
Chelsea: (Usershadow) HP 12/21 XP 36/100
(F2-) Bows 4 Move 8 Con Ambush
Hunter Lord, Level 1

HP-21 75% Attack Speed- 7
Str-8 65% Critical- 3
Skl-7 55% Hit- 100
Spd-7 65% Avoid- 15
Luck-1 30% Damage- 14
Def-3 35% Critical Avoid 1
Res-1 25%

Supports: Light Affinity
Alexandria Calanine (1/25)
Jennifer (2/25)
Buran (1/25)
Mike (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (3/30)

Iron Bow (47/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Alexandria Calanine: (Ravena) HP 20/20 XP 3/100
(H4-) Lances 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Lance Cavalier, Level 2

HP-20 70% Attack Speed- 8
Str-7 55% Critical- 3
Skl-6 45% Hit- 100
Spd-8 50% Avoid- 19
Luck-3 20% Damage- 14
Def-7 40% Critical Avoid- 3
Res-0 20%

Supports: Fire Affinity
Chelsea (1/25)
Jennifer (3/25)
Buran (1/25)
Mike (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Lances (D): (3/30)

Iron Lance (47/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Jennifer: (Illven) HP 8/20 XP 92/100
(D3-Village) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 1

HP-20 60% Attack Speed- 6/7
Str-5 45% Critical- 2/2
Mag-6 45% Hit- 99/99
Skl-4 35% Avoid- 13/15(25)
Spd-7 50% Damage- 10/11
Luck-1 20% Critical Avoid 1
Def-3 30%
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Chelsea (2/25)
Alexandria (3/25)
Buran (2/25)
Mike (11/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (E): (0/20)
Fire (D): (6/30)

Iron Sword (50/50)
Fire (34/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Buran: (Starsign) HP 15/15 XP 33/100 Carrying Civilian Woman
(F1-Forest) Staves 6 Move 6 Con Hell-Mounted
Troubadour, Level 1

HP-15 45% Attack Speed- 8
Mag-4 50% Critical- -
Skl-5(2) 40% Hit- -
Spd-8(4) 50% Avoid- 24(36)
Luck-8 65% Heal- 14
Def-4(5) 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-4(5) 40%

Supports: Light Affinity
Chelsea (1/25)
Alexandria (1/25)
Jennifer (2/25)
Mike (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (3/30)

Heal (37/40) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Mike: (Rising Phoenix) HP 16/16 XP 34/100
(D4-) Light 4 Move 8 Con
Monk, Level 1

HP-16 45% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-7 60% Critical- 8
Skl-6 50% Hit- 116
Spd-7 50% Avoid- 18
Luck-4 40% Damage- 10
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 4
Res-5 50%

Supports: Light Affinity
Chelsea (0/25)
Alexandria (0/25)
Jennifer (11/25)
Buran (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Light (D): (1/30)

Light (39/40)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Brandis (Boss) HP 24/24
(I16-Forest) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Shaman, Level 5 Luna

HP-24 Attack Speed- 8
Mag-10 Critical- 9
Skl-8 Hit- 95
Spd-8 Avoid- 20(40)
Luck-4 Damage- 18
Def-3/4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 4 HP 19/19
(H4) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 5 HP 20/20
(E10) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-20 Attack Speed- 5
Mag-4 Critical- 2
Skl-5 Hit- 93
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 10
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

Cultist 6 HP 24/24
(J13) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 4 Flux

HP-24 Attack Speed- 9
Mag-8 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 92
Spd-9 Avoid- 22
Luck-4 Damage- 14
Def-4 Critical Avoid 4

Cultist 7 HP 19/19
(B14) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Archer 1 HP 19/19
(I3-Forest) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-19 Attack Speed- 5
Str-4 Critical- 4
Skl-8 Hit- 103
Spd-5 Avoid- 12(32)
Luck-2 Damage- 10
Def-4(5) Critical Avoid 2

Archer 2 HP 20/20
(D8) Bows 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Iron Bow

HP-20 Attack Speed- 7
Str-5 Critical- 3
Skl-7 Hit- 102
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Myrmidon 2 HP 18/18
(K15) Swords 4 Move 8 Con
Level 4 Iron Blade

HP-18 Attack Speed- 8
Str-8 Critical- 5
Skl-11 Hit- 95
Spd-13 Avoid- 19
Luck-3 Damage- 17
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Fighter 3 HP 31/31
(G15) Axes 4 Move 10 Con
Level 4 Steel Axe, Hand Axe

HP-31 Attack Speed- 0/2
Str-11 Critical- 1/1
Skl-3 Hit- 84/74
Spd-4 Avoid- 3/7
Luck-3 Damage- 22/19
Def-3 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Man (NPC) HP 27/27
(B16-Forest) Unknown 3 Move 7 Con
Civilian, Level 4 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-27 Attack Speed- 4
Str-5 Critical- -
Skl-3 Hit- -
Spd-4 Avoid- 11(31)
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-5/6 Critical Avoid 3

Civilian Woman (NPC) HP 23/23
(Carried by Buran) Unknown 3 Move 4 Con
Civilian, Level 3 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-23 Attack Speed- 5
Str-2 Critical- -
Skl-2 Hit- -
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- -
Def-2 Critical Avoid 3

2011-06-29, 03:34 PM
To Danielle visiting the village.


I'm here, give me all of you're stuff, and I'll think about not burning you down.

In response to Mike appearing next to her.

Great, is that the best this village has to offer, a blind Holy guy. Fine, listen holy guy, you take my orders now!

2011-06-29, 06:15 PM

Chelsea's head snapped up towards her companion, mildly annoyed. "Danielle, we're here to protect them, not extort them or strong arm them into helping." She didn't bother pointing out she was in charge of the outfit, though that was because she hadn't really done much to lead.

She turned her head to Mike with a friendly smile, nocking another arrow and lowering herself to the ground in preparation to strike her next target. "Not that I don't appreciate the assistance, mind. Thank you for dealing with that Shaman. I am Chelsea, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

The blue haired girl turned her focus back onto the enemy, falling silent again. Her vulnerary jiggled lightly in her pouch, and a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek.

Go with whichever plan is agreed upon.

[Yikes, this thread is moving _FAST_.]

2011-06-29, 06:27 PM
Alexandria nods thanks to Buran. "Thankyou Buran, that should help." She turned to Danielle and the blind man. "As long as he can fight it doesn't matter if he can see or not."

2011-06-29, 06:37 PM

Buran continues his mending as he calls out to Danielle. "Jeni- I mean Danielle! You aren't the leader of this group. These people have enough troubles, don't go making it unnecessarily more difficult for them." As he continued, he turned to the blind man. "...I don't think that he need his eyes to see..."

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-29, 10:11 PM

The young monk rises from sleep, his forehead and blindfold moist with sweat.

They're near he says under his breath. Perhaps it can be fended off...

Outside he can hear the familiar to him arcane words mingle with foreign moans, screams and clashes of steel. It frightens him. He takes a deep breath, then another and begins to empty his mind of sound, of fear. They've almost completely vanished when there's a knock on his door.

"Brother Mike" says the gruff voice of the farmer who had been taking care of him these last few days "The 'lady' you spoke of is here. Danielle wasn't it?" he sounded cross.

He was lying again and he hated it. He had never met this woman nor any of her companions, yet he had said that they were his acquaintances. Their voices, however, their personalities, their deaths were all very familiar to him.

"Thank you farmer George" he said with a fake smile "Please excuse her rudeness, she's a very troubled soul. She has grains of kindness, I've... witnessed them." he gets out of bed and briskly washes his face "I will be leaving now. Thank you for everything you've done for me, I...I am afraid that I have nothing to give in return."

"A prayer for the crops will do just fine lad"

"Farmer George, I'd love too, but actions are precious- "

"Go help your friends then" says George interrupting him "Just remember us when the worthless bodies of those demon worshipers fertilize the land! Now go!"

"Thank you! Please pass on my gratitude to the rest of your village. May the Light of the Heavens always shine down upon you"

To Danielle visiting the village.


I'm here, give me all of you're stuff, and I'll think about not burning you down.

In response to Mike appearing next to her.

Great, is that the best this village has to offer, a blind Holy guy. Fine, listen holy guy, you take my orders now!


George leads Mike to Danielle, immediately he can sense the struggle within her, her voice identical to how he heard her in his sleep.

"Here she is" says George in an irked tone

"Thank you, I'll take it from here. You should return to your village and bar the doors-"

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Interrupts the farmer and rushes back in.

"It is good to meet you Danielle. I am, however, not the best, neither am I the worse. I simply 'am' and my name is Mike. And I am afraid that I am not holy either. Holy implies that one has not sinned and I have sinned plenty. I've lied, I've stolen..."

His words trail off as he turns to face the cultist approaching him. He could sense his agonized energies, the flailing of his soul. With one swift motion Mike pulls out the worn Light tome he had stolen from his church and opened it. The pages shined bright as they turned stopping at a random page. Words flooded Mike's mind, he tore the page and held it high. Instantly it started burning with pure white flame.

"[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Those who lie in fear
Of the eternal hope,
The hungriest beast of all
Shall prey upon
Leaving nothing
But emptied husks.

There is nothing
In Darkness nor in Light
And now you too
Nothing have become.
Rest long
Oh child
That is flesh and bone"

A bright light erupts under the cultists robes, pure white flames fly out of his eyes and mouth. But he doesn't scream or resist, he simply burns, and in the end only his unscathed robes fall to the ground.

Mike acknowledged the death. It was exactly as he had seen. He turns back to Danielle and calmly adds:

"...and now I have killed. I am afraid, Danielle that you have no qualities that would encourage me to follow your orders. You are no strategist."


She turned her head to Mike with a friendly smile, nocking another arrow and lowering herself to the ground in preparation to strike her next target. [Color="Blue"]"Not that I don't appreciate the assistance, mind. Thank you for dealing with that Shaman. I am Chelsea, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

The blue haired girl turned her focus back onto the enemy, falling silent again. Her vulnerary jiggled lightly in her pouch, and a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek.


"Your orders, however, I will follow Chelsea ." Says Mike acknowledging Chelsea's words "I do not envy the task set ahead of you, but I will aid you in whatever way I can. And please, never thank anyone for death. It is a saddening action that eats away at your soul. Oh and my name's Mike, plain and simple"


Buran continues his mending as he calls out to Danielle. "Jeni- I mean Danielle! You aren't the leader of this group. These people have enough troubles, don't go making it unnecessarily more difficult for them." As he continued, he turned to the blind man. "...I don't think that he need his eyes to see..."


"Indeed I do not, kind hearted Buran, but I wish I still did. I miss the colors of day and the relative emptiness of night. And before I forget my name's Mike"


Move to G3 and attack archer with Light (This is Illven's plan right?)

2011-06-29, 10:42 PM

It is good to meet you Danielle. I am, however, not the best, neither am I the worse. I simply 'am' and my name is Mike. And I am afraid that I am not holy either. Holy implies that one has not sinned and I have sinned plenty. I've lied, I've stolen..."

and now I have killed. And I am afraid, Danielle that you have qualities that would encourage me to follow your orders. You are no strategist."

Move to G3 and attack archer with Light (This is Illven's plan right?)


Oh you'll listen to silent girl, but not someone as awesome as me? You have a very warped sense of priorities mister. Remind me why I'm not setting your village on fire. Yes Jeniffer I know you don't want me to, I don't really care though. Okay, okay sure you'll be accused, but you have four character witnesses. Fine I won't burn it down.... Or our allies, jeez ruin all my fun.

Yes that is the plan. Danielle moves to G3 and equips Fire.

Rising Phoenix
2011-06-29, 10:57 PM

Oh you'll listen to silent girl, but not someone as awesome as me? You have a very warped sense of priorities mister. Remind me why I'm not setting your village on fire. Yes Jeniffer I know you don't want me to, I don't really care though. Okay, okay sure you'll be accused, but you have four character witnesses. Fine I won't burn it down.... Or our allies, jeez ruin all my fun.


"I am listening to you Danielle, that's the only thing I can do. However, I will agree with you like I do with Jennifer only if I find your suggestions suitable."

2011-06-29, 11:04 PM
Hell Team: Turn 8:

Prince Egon moves to U14 and attacks Lich 5!
{table]http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/6307/spriteprinceegonattacks.png|Prince Egon attacks Lich 5 and deals 12 damage!|Lich 5 counters and deals 11 damage!|http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2505/spritelichdefends.png[/table]
Prince Egon gains 11 experience.

Chet moves to U15 and heals Prince Egon!
{table]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3806/spritechethealing.png|Chet heals Prince Egon for 15 hp!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Chet gains 11 experience. +1 Support with Prince Egon!

Shien-thietal moves to S14 and equips Wind.

Joran attacks Soldier 5!
{table]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8255/spritejoranattacks.png|Joran attacks Soldier 5 and deals 6 damage!|Soldier 5 cannot counter!|http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/1628/spritedemonsoldierdefen.png[/table]
Joran gains 12 experience. +1 Support with Gerald!

Gerald moves to I14.

Other Phase:

Diggs Waits.

Enemy Phase:

Soldier 5 attacks Gerald!

“This is what I think of traitors!” he shouts, slamming his lance into the thief’s unprotected flesh.

{table]http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9938/spritedemonsoldierattac.png|Soldier 5 attacks Gerald and critically hits for 15 damage!|Gerald Counterattacks for 3 damage!|http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/1484/spritegeralddefending.png[/table]
Gerald gains 12 experience and a flesh wound. +1 Support with Joran!

Lich 3 moves to S12 and attacks Shien-thietal!
{table]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/716/spritelichattacks.png|Lich 3 attacks Shien-thietal and deals 8 damage!|Shien-thietal counters for 5 damage!|http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/7846/spritebladescapebattle.png[/table]
Shien-thietal gains 11 experience.

Lich 5 moves to U12 and attacks Prince Egon!
{table]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/716/spritelichattacks.png|Lich 5 attacks Prince Egon and deals 11 damage!|Prince Egon Cannot Counter!|http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2663/spriteprinceegonbattle.png[/table]
Prince Egon gains 1 experience. +1 Support with Chet!

Soldier 7 moves to I12.


Hell Team:

Prince Egon: (Xondoure) HP 10/21 XP 82/100
(U15) Swords 4 Move 9 Con
Mercenary Lord, Level 2

HP-21 70% Attack Speed- 9
Str-7 45% Critical- 4
Skl-9 45% Hit- 109
Spd-9 40% Avoid- 19
Luck-1 35% Damage- 14
Def-6 45% Critical Avoid 1
Res-0 20%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Chet Stamsou (8/25)
Shien-thietal (4/25)
Joran Halbrook (3/25)
Gerald Henderson (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (11/30)

Iron Sword (40/50) (e)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Chet Stamsou: (Admiral Harkov) HP 11/16 XP 67/100
(T15) Staves 4 Move 6 Con
Priest, Level 1

HP-16 55% Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 50% Critical- -
Skl-4 30% Hit- -
Spd-7 45% Avoid- 22
Luck-8 60% Heal- 15
Def-1 10% Critical Avoid 8
Res-5 60%

Supports: Light Affinity
Prince Egon (8/25)
Shien-thietal (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)
Gerald Henderson (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Staves (D): (6/30)

Heal: (34/40) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Shien-thietal: (bladescape) HP 11/19 XP 15/100
(U16) Anima, Swords 4 Move 6 Con
Spellsword, Level 2

HP-19 50% Attack Speed- 8/8
Str-4 40% Critical- 8/3
Mag-5 40% Hit- 114/109
Skl-6 50% Avoid- 18/18
Spd-8 50% Damage- 6/9
Luck-2 25% Critical Avoid 2
Def-4 30%
Res-5 25%

Supports: Wind Affinity
Prince Egon (4/25)
Chet Stamsou (2/25)
Joran Halbrook (5/25)
Gerald Henderson (0/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (1/30)
Wind (E): (5/20)

Slim Sword: (34/35) (e)
Wind: (35/40)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Joran Halbrook: (TheSummoner) HP 11/20 XP 82/100
(J14) Bows 6 Move 11 Con Mounted
Bow Knight, Level 1

HP-20 55% Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 45% Critical- 3
Skl-5 55% Hit- 98
Spd-6 55% Avoid- 17
Luck-3 35% Damage- 11
Def-5 30% Critical Avoid 3
Res-2 25%

Supports: Dark Affinity
Prince Egon (3/25)
Chet Stamsou (5/25)
Shien-thietal (5/25)
Gerald Henderson (11/25)

Weapon EXP:
Bows (D): (5/30)

Iron Bow: (45/50) (e)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Gerald Henderson: (Kuzon) HP 3/18 XP 12/100
(I14) Swords 5 Move 8 Con Pick Lock, Mug
Thief, Level 1

HP-18 50% Attack Speed- 9
Str-4 50% Critical- 3
Skl-7 65% Hit- 107
Spd-9 70% Avoid- 21
Luck-3 40% Damage- 9
Def-3 25% Critical Avoid 3
Res-1 10%

Supports: Earth Affinity
Prince Egon (0/25)
Chet Stamsou (0/25)
Shien-thietal (0/25)
Joran Halbrook (11/25)

Weapon EXP:
Swords (D): (1/30)

Iron Sword: (49/50)
Vulnerary: (3/3)

Diggs: (NPC) HP 25/25
(T16) Unknown 6 Move 8 Con Steal, Pick Locks, Quick Draw
Treasure Hunter, Level 7 Unarmed, Elixir (3/3)

HP-25 Attack Speed- 16
Str-7 Critical- -
Skl-9 Hit- -
Spd-16 Avoid- 42
Luck-10 Damage- -
Def-3 Critical Avoid 10


Lich 3: HP 12/17
(S12) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-17 Attack Speed- 7
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 91
Spd-7 Avoid- 17
Luck-3 Damage- 11
Def-1 Critical Avoid 3

Lich 5: HP 7/19
(U12) Dark 4 Move 7 Con
Level 3 Flux

HP-19 Attack Speed- 6
Mag-5 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 93
Spd-6 Avoid- 17
Luck-5 Damage- 11
Def-2 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 3: HP 26/26
(E12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Javelin, Steel Lance, Door Key

HP-26 Attack Speed- 4/2
Str-3 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 83/93
Spd-6 Avoid- 13/9
Luck-5 Damage- 9/13
Def-9 Critical Avoid 5

Soldier 5: HP 13/22
(I13) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 6: HP 22/22
(I11) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-22 Attack Speed- 6
Str-4 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 108
Spd-6 Avoid- 15
Luck-3 Damage- 7
Def-5 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 7: HP 21/21
(I12) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 3 Slim Lance

HP-21 Attack Speed- 5
Str-5 Critical- 7
Skl-5 Hit- 109
Spd-5 Avoid- 14
Luck-4 Damage- 8
Def-6 Critical Avoid 4

Soldier 8: HP 25/25
(A3) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Iron Lance

HP-25 Attack Speed- 5
Str-6 Critical- 2
Skl-4 Hit- 96
Spd-5 Avoid- 13
Luck-3 Damage- 13
Def-6 Critical Avoid 3

Soldier 9: HP 23/23
(B4) Lances 4 Move 9 Con
Level 4 Iron Lance

HP-23 Attack Speed- 7
Str-6 Critical- 3
Skl-6 Hit- 101
Spd-7 Avoid- 18
Luck-4 Damage- 13
Def-5 Critical Avoid 4