View Full Version : Roomate drama

Gaius Marius
2011-06-21, 02:24 PM
I just had a thoroughly unpleasant experience.

My (now ex-)roomate never cleans up the living room. He always would leave it as a disgusting mess, where I had to vacuum the coach just to sit on it. Chips/ashes/beer bottle/others would alway be there when I have friends over. It reached embarrassing levels. So I decided not to renew the lease with the dude.

The guy moved out on sunday. I will only move out in 2 weeks. On the morning of Sunday, he took a dump in the toilet and clogged it accidentally with scottowels. We didn't had a... Err.. The Thingy to unclog toilets, but he told me he'd have it cleared before the end of te day. I help him a lil before leaving to join my family for Father's day.

@5, I phone him to ask if he was finished. He said "yup". I specifically asked if the toilet was fixed, he said no, he'll do it tomorrow.

Wait, what?

What am I gonna do? "clear it yourself" no.. Dude, you clean your own crap. "I am not coming back tonight, not my problem"

And when I got back at the appartment, he hadn't cleaned anything. Beer bottles, cigaret botches, ashes, coffee cups... All over the kitchen and the living room. I almost had a breakdown.

I cleaned everything. I knew he'd get back his tv and ps3, so I put them in the corner, but gathered all his garbage around (careful not to break anything). Apparently, he was mad at me for demanding that he clean his own crap, and just wanted to get out. He went out of his way to spread his remaking garbage around, ruining the cleaning I did. He even opened beer bottles and spilled them on the ground.

Hadn't had the heart to clean up again. I am so sick of it. So sick. Plus, he's still got the keys. Plus, he owes me 500$.


2011-06-21, 03:35 PM
Time to face facts and suck it up. You're prolly going to have to clean up this guy's mess.

On the plus side there are plenty of roomate review websites out there that you can slander him on, and if you have mutual friends, you can always get your story out that way.

Sorry to hear you have a crappy roommate. I've been there, and I ended up just calling in professionals to take care of the mess he left. Luckily he failed to get all his belongings out in time, so his television nicely paid for the cleanup effort. As far as the money, there are legal avenues that you can pursue, and you may be able to get him for the cost of the cleanup as well.

2011-06-21, 03:49 PM
My roomate and I didn't get along so well, but at least it wasn't that bad.

Sorry, but Crow's right. You're gonna have to deal with the mess yourself. :smallsigh:

2011-06-21, 04:05 PM
On the plus side there are plenty of roomate review websites out there that you can slander him on, and if you have mutual friends, you can always get your story out that way.
It's only slander if it's not true.

I think there's a chance there might be some legal issue you could hit him with over this if you're willing to take it that far, but even if there is it's probably not worth the effort. Just clean things up, never room with him again, and take it as a lesson for the future - if you ever again decide to room with someone you don't already know will do his share of cleanup, set some ground rules about it up front, preferably in writing and signed. Then if something like this happens again you can wave it at him (use a copy, keep the original out of reach) and, if he's enough of an ******* to be worth it, threaten (or even follow through on) small claims court for contract violation.

2011-06-21, 04:07 PM
Oh... wow. Suddenly my sister's complaints about her roommate don't seem so bad.

You have my deepest sympathies, man.

Don Julio Anejo
2011-06-21, 08:17 PM
Keep his tv and PS3 under the condition that hell get them back after cleaning and returning you the $500. Its not like you like the guy anyway, and frankly I'd have kicked him out long before that.

2011-06-22, 07:20 AM
Yeah. Keep his more prized possessions as collateral. If he is upset about it and wants to throw down, channel your anger young padawan and ask yourself, "What Would (Bob Probert, Darcy Tucker, Joey Kocur, Marty McSorley, Brad McCrimmon, Tie Domi, Pat Verbeek) Do?".

Ursus the Grim
2011-06-22, 07:27 AM
If you want to be more subtle, keep one of the cords to his PS3 or TV so that he has to come back at some point to get them. When he mentions it, point out that he can drop off the money he owes you and if he refuses to, you won't "look for it".

My fiancee and I have had a bad roommate before but we teamed up on her with our other roommate and she was forced to concede.

Yeah. Keep his more prized possessions as collateral. If he is upset about it and wants to throw down, channel your anger young padawan and ask yourself, "What Would (Bob Probert, Darcy Tucker, Joey Kocur, Marty McSorley, Brad McCrimmon, Tie Domi, Pat Verbeek) Do?".

Or you can take a few hits, then call the cops on account of assault. If you know he's coming to throw down, set up video for proof, because you were "scared for your life". You can get your money and then some. Sue the sucker, its the American Way. And even if you aren't American, everyone can use more lawsuits!

Gaius Marius
2011-06-22, 09:40 AM
He already got back his tv and ps3, that's why he made such a mess AGAIN.

But today, I feel much better. Cleaned everything, mopped the floor. The appartment never have been so clean!

I have an ace up my sleeve about the money, however. If he isn't forthcoming about paying me back, I'll deal a very, very low blow. See, we are (were?) childhood friends. So his mother knows me.

"hello Mrs. X, sorry to come and bother you, but I need to talk to you about Y. I need to talk about it to someone close, 'cause I don't want to have anything to do with him due to the way he treated me, but I don't think his friends are a good influence.

Your son has a compulsive gambling problem, I know he lost over 10K$ in the last year alone. I lent him 700$ recently because he told me he needed to be sure to pay his rent, but on the same night he lost 2000$ playing poker. I was hoping he would listen to you more than he would listen to me. Also, since he will be living with you for at least a week, I want to warn you not to lend him any money."

Yhea, low blow. I know. Who said having the "nice kid" reputation was a liability? :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-22, 09:47 AM
Do it, and do it soon. It's a limited time offer and not only is it a low blow but it might actually result in the guy getting some help.

2011-06-22, 09:52 AM
He's really going to hate you if you do that, you know. Be sure you're willing to accept the possibility of permanently breaking any friendship with him before going through with it. He might forgive you eventually if he gets over his gambling problem and matures, but don't bet on it.

2011-06-22, 09:54 AM
That isn't a low blow, that's a "for your own good" thing. Don't wait, do it now.

Ursus the Grim
2011-06-22, 09:57 AM
He already got back his tv and ps3, that's why he made such a mess AGAIN.

But today, I feel much better. Cleaned everything, mopped the floor. The appartment never have been so clean!

I have an ace up my sleeve about the money, however. If he isn't forthcoming about paying me back, I'll deal a very, very low blow. See, we are (were?) childhood friends. So his mother knows me.

"hello Mrs. X, sorry to come and bother you, but I need to talk to you about Y. I need to talk about it to someone close, 'cause I don't want to have anything to do with him due to the way he treated me, but I don't think his friends are a good influence.

Your son has a compulsive gambling problem, I know he lost over 10K$ in the last year alone. I lent him 700$ recently because he told me he needed to be sure to pay his rent, but on the same night he lost 2000$ playing poker. I was hoping he would listen to you more than he would listen to me. Also, since he will be living with you for at least a week, I want to warn you not to lend him any money."

Yhea, low blow. I know. Who said having the "nice kid" reputation was a liability? :smallbiggrin:

Ah, thats good. Feeling better is always better.

But wait, does he actually HAVE a gambling problem? You'll be on thin ice if he's already complained about you, so if there's no grounds to the gambling problem, don't try it. If he actually has one, his parents probably have a clue.

If he does, go for it.

2011-06-22, 10:07 AM
Given that the guy sounds like a scumbag, I would hardly call it a "low blow". I'd call that "comeuppance". Don't hold anything back, and to be frank, I hope you took pictures of the devastation he left. That's a lesson I learned back with my first few roommates. If stuff gets destroyed, take pictures. I'm not sure if you're American, but at least 'round this side of the pond, $500 qualifies for small claims court. If you really want a low blow, consider how easily you can take him to court, present your case, and sue for the $500 and court costs. The thing with taking him to court is, if/when you win, it goes on his credit report.

Think about just how many things become difficult when your credit score takes a hit.

It's a long list. :smallamused:

That, I would call a "low blow".

Gaius Marius
2011-06-22, 11:16 AM
He has a gambling problem. The figures I gave were real. Many times in the past year he'd tell me he went to the casino and lost X$. Usually in the triple, sometimes the quadruple digits.

But I know this guy to a level I never wanted to. Cleaning his crap, that's something that is long-term horrible.

2011-06-22, 11:35 AM
Yeah this guy pretty much sounds like someone who isn't worth having as a friend anyways. A real piece.

Don't hold back.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-06-22, 01:40 PM
What Crow said. Also, if you tell his mother, he might actually be able to fix the gambling problem, so not only are you getting revenge, you're doing a good deed! kinda

Asta Kask
2011-06-22, 02:23 PM
Do it unless he has a penchant for being violent.

2011-06-22, 02:33 PM
I just had a thoroughly unpleasant experience.

My (now ex-)roomate never cleans up the living room. He always would leave it as a disgusting mess, where I had to vacuum the coach just to sit on it. Chips/ashes/beer bottle/others would alway be there when I have friends over. It reached embarrassing levels. So I decided not to renew the lease with the dude.

The guy moved out on sunday. I will only move out in 2 weeks. On the morning of Sunday, he took a dump in the toilet and clogged it accidentally with scottowels. We didn't had a... Err.. The Thingy to unclog toilets, but he told me he'd have it cleared before the end of te day. I help him a lil before leaving to join my family for Father's day.

@5, I phone him to ask if he was finished. He said "yup". I specifically asked if the toilet was fixed, he said no, he'll do it tomorrow.

Wait, what?

What am I gonna do? "clear it yourself" no.. Dude, you clean your own crap. "I am not coming back tonight, not my problem"

And when I got back at the appartment, he hadn't cleaned anything. Beer bottles, cigaret botches, ashes, coffee cups... All over the kitchen and the living room. I almost had a breakdown.

I cleaned everything. I knew he'd get back his tv and ps3, so I put them in the corner, but gathered all his garbage around (careful not to break anything). Apparently, he was mad at me for demanding that he clean his own crap, and just wanted to get out. He went out of his way to spread his remaking garbage around, ruining the cleaning I did. He even opened beer bottles and spilled them on the ground.

Hadn't had the heart to clean up again. I am so sick of it. So sick. Plus, he's still got the keys. Plus, he owes me 500$.


You are TOO kind and calm.

Even I would have dragged his TV and PS3 to the pawn shop and gotten as much of my $500 back as I could. Then I would be waiting with a bat in case he wanted to make something of it.

Or, if it was obvious he would get it back, I would have soaked them in water and let them dry. Then duck it again. Make sure they never work again.

2011-06-22, 02:38 PM
He already got back his tv and ps3, that's why he made such a mess AGAIN.

But today, I feel much better. Cleaned everything, mopped the floor. The appartment never have been so clean!

I have an ace up my sleeve about the money, however. If he isn't forthcoming about paying me back, I'll deal a very, very low blow. See, we are (were?) childhood friends. So his mother knows me.

"hello Mrs. X, sorry to come and bother you, but I need to talk to you about Y. I need to talk about it to someone close, 'cause I don't want to have anything to do with him due to the way he treated me, but I don't think his friends are a good influence.

Your son has a compulsive gambling problem, I know he lost over 10K$ in the last year alone. I lent him 700$ recently because he told me he needed to be sure to pay his rent, but on the same night he lost 2000$ playing poker. I was hoping he would listen to you more than he would listen to me. Also, since he will be living with you for at least a week, I want to warn you not to lend him any money."

Yhea, low blow. I know. Who said having the "nice kid" reputation was a liability? :smallbiggrin:

You know, someone like that probably comes from low-level parents who would not care.

Asta Kask
2011-06-22, 02:55 PM
I think he wouldn't have said this unless he knew she would care.

2011-06-22, 03:04 PM
Yeah, tell his mother about his gaming problem if he won't pay up. Not only is it an effective threat, but it's also for his own good.

2011-06-22, 03:04 PM
He's really going to hate you if you do that, you know. Be sure you're willing to accept the possibility of permanently breaking any friendship with him before going through with it. He might forgive you eventually if he gets over his gambling problem and matures, but don't bet on it.

I wouldn't have to think twice whether I want to be friends with someone like this ever again.
I can tolerate people who don't do the usual amount of cleaning to keep the dust at bay, I'm kind of lazy myself...but chips and ashes and all that...that's too much.

2011-06-22, 05:33 PM
What with this gambling problem, it seems like telling his mother about it would be the right thing to do, not just a way to get your money back. They have counseling for that sort of thing.

2011-06-23, 02:19 AM
Wow. Your best plan for revenge only goes as far as telling his mom he's a gambler? You're a better man than I, Griddley. I would have done considerably worse. Considerably.

Gaius Marius
2011-06-23, 08:30 AM
Wow. Your best plan for revenge only goes as far as telling his mom he's a gambler? You're a better man than I, Griddley. I would have done considerably worse. Considerably.

Key word : "Best" plan for revenge. The one I believe has the best chances of success while I'll wash my hands of everything else (won't be the first time washing is involved).

If I wanted to do the most vicious plan for revenge, I'd find cow crap and shove it in his car.

Asta Kask
2011-06-23, 08:43 AM
Just take all the cigarettes and crap and dump it in his bed.

Combat Reflexes
2011-06-24, 04:02 AM
Just take all the cigarettes and crap and dump it in his bed.

Best plan award!
Just make sure your bed is safe, otherwise you might be the one sleeping in the cigarettes/spilled beer/crap. Unless you use the bat, of course.

Gaius Marius
2011-06-24, 01:25 PM
In case you haven't noticed when I wrote my OP: he moved out already

2011-06-24, 01:33 PM
Key word : "Best" plan for revenge. The one I believe has the best chances of success while I'll wash my hands of everything else (won't be the first time washing is involved).

If I wanted to do the most vicious plan for revenge, I'd find cow crap and shove it in his car.

Just take all the cigarettes and crap and dump it in his bed.

Considering what you've said Gaius, those "mostvicious" plans would improve his cleaniness. So see, here would be the more vicious plan.

Don't just tell his mom. Tell all his friends. All his family. All the people he works with. Stalk him and find out where he intends to work next and tell them. Continue this untill he no longer is capable of living.

This is why revenge is bad. And why just telling his Mom is both the right thing to do while still being satisfying.