View Full Version : D&D: Arcano-Tech: The Wilds IC

2011-06-21, 04:13 PM
"There is one rule in this world, whether Tiarna birthed or Wilds born. Knowledge is power.
Use it well."
-Lord-Mage Xanthic c. 335-3rd


The Gods hide in the darkness, primal spirits as ancient as life claw at the forests edge, dragons bay for gold and blood and only the thinnest veil of tyranny and fear holds back the encroaching night. This is your world, and it teeters on the edge.

It is the early days of the sixth age, the year 002-6th, to be precise. And as your eyes flutter open you feel the rain and the winds descend upon you like the hammer of some malevolent primordial. You catch fluttering images of your surroundings, glimpses in a sudden panic. Why are you so scared? Why does your mind pain you so?

An upturned carriage in the Arcanum colours of crimson, gold and black - a large Arcanotech eight legged machine to draw the caravan you see scattered around you - the innards of that machine scattered like glittering stones at your feet - cages, for men, whole cells worth of wagons - empty - the smell of death - fire - chaos - like some ode to the Laughing God.

As you survey the scene you see no bodies but after a few moments through the dying fires, the few that remained fuelled by lit oil, you see others carrying themselves from the wreckage, of varying shapes, sizes and even races. As you search yourself you realise your belongings are missing, some unimportant, some incaluable valuable. Then you realise what you are missing that which is most important, or forgetting to be more accurate. Your Memory.

You have no memory of how you can be with this caravan or where you are. Through the rain little is clear but you are within the deep wilds, beyond the Dawnforge Mountains, far from the Unyielding Forest.

What do you do?

2011-06-21, 04:56 PM
Kiki's nose twitched slightly as she felt a few cold rain drops fall upon it. Perhaps it was merely her genetic nature working up but she never liked getting wet for an extended period of time. Certainly she took baths like any civilized being and kept her shack as clean as possible but that didn't mean she enjoyed getting drenched. As she observed her surroundings, the shifter noted the fact that all she seemed to have were the clothes on her back and a gap in her memory. Worse, it seemed that she was now stranded in the middle of the wilds with no idea of location.

A lesser woman would probably start crying out in fear or curl up into a ball shivering at this moment. The thought of being alone in a group of strangers would make such reactions understandable. However, Kiki simply closed her golden eyes and mouthed quietly to herself, "Lady grant me peace..." She thought that between her hushed tone and the downpour of rain, no one would notice a quick prayer. The belief that she had a gentle power inside of her was the only thing that would keep her from panicking right about now.

After she was finished, she spoke out loud trying to make sure everyone alive heard her, "Is...anyone hurt? Even...even if I do not have my herbs and bandages, I...know of massage techniques and pressure points to relieve pain. Its not much but...I will help if I can."

Kiki was not a fool. She would not even consider using her divine powers in a crowd of strangers. The fact that they were far away from civilization meant little. There would be nothing to stop them from turning her in later. If she could get away with treating wounds through mundane means, she would. She just hoped the situation wouldn't require her gift.

Perception to hear her whisper would normally be DC 15 but I'd like to ask for additional +2 to that due to the rain.

Heal check to examine everyone for injuries: [roll0]

2011-06-21, 05:13 PM

A half-orc rolls over and coughs. He sits up shaking his head looking around at the wreckage. The suddenly he grabs for his belt, but finds the familiar weight of his axe gone. He glances over his shoulder and realizes his shield was gone as well. Panicking he looks at his surroundings hoping to see the gleam of his blade sticking from the ground.

Then a familiar voice whisper in his ear, and he relaxes and regroups. "Protect, protect, protect..." He whisper his mantra mimicking the voice in his ear. He jogs over to any survivors near the fires and helps pull the from the flames.

On his way he sees a shifter trying to help any wounded. He nods and says, "Best if we could get them away from the wreckage, I don't trust the stability of these machines."

2011-06-21, 06:31 PM
((Post a link to this thread and the OOC one in the recruitment thread please.))


There is a sudden jolt of energy as Terresa is brought back into the conscious world, her eyelids fluttering open. She shudders and the first she can think of is warmth, where was she?

She puts her arms close to her body to preserve warmth as her pupil less eyes that now seem the cackle with electric scans her surroundings.
While her other senses were snapping up things too, like how her hand couldn't feel neither her staff nor her pouch of herbs and her ears snapped up the voices of both Karash and Kiki, what she saw took up all her attention.

She was back, back in the wilds, back where she started.

"No, no, no..." It must be another of her nightmares, she had moved past this. She had been in the city again, she was going home.

The human, yes, that what she was, this was just something temporary, takes a few breathes as she slowly realizes it isn't a dream.

"I'm... okay..." Terresa mumbles as she stands, swaying slightly. Unlike Kiki she seems quite ready to cry if such signs could be read at her inhuman face.

2011-06-21, 10:33 PM

The young cat woman was pleased to see that the half-orc with them was willing to help her. They were all strangers but they were now bound by the circumstance around them. Kiki's golden eyes fell upon the 'genasi' woman and Kiki could see plainly that this situation was more troubling for her than anyone else so far. The brown haired healer walked over to her and hazard a small, reassuring smile, "Let's move away from this wagon a bit. I...wish I could say I knew where we were or how to get back to the Unyielding Forest...but we can't give up hope. As long as we remain positive and keep our wits...we can manage. You aren't alone here." She attempted to lead the 'genasi' away from the wreckage and towards one of the larger trees in area to shield them from the rain a bit more.

"I'm called Kiki by the way. What's your name?" Kiki was doing her best to be patient with this woman. She was a very insightful shifter and tried hard to comfort her new ally.

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-21, 10:50 PM

A man, human by the looks of him, lies face-first in the dust. Despite that, a wide black top hat still manages to perch atop his head. Clothed in the manner of a bourgeois member of Tiarna society, with black boots, trousers and vest, a (formerly) white overshirt and a red cravat, he would be rather out of place in the Wilds--but for the scene around him.

"Nnng... nuhh--" he moans unintelligibly, beginning to stir from his unconsciousness. "Nuhh... muhh--"

Whatever he's trying to say in his dream--or more likely nightmare--cuts off there, giving way to waking and coughing and sputtering, and a few choice curses for the dirt in his mouth.

"Cor! When I collar the blighters that did this, they'll wish they'd never been born," he seethes, getting up and wiping the dirt from his tan face and beard as best he could. Finally getting a good look at his surroundings, he realizes he's not alone--and worse, he's unarmed.

"Well. What have we here." The words drip out, less a question than a statement, and from the sour look on his face the sentiment behind it should be quite clear.

2011-06-22, 02:36 AM
You don't notice any injuries that are more than a few cuts and bruises.

Will post full reply asap.

2011-06-22, 05:14 AM

Terresa turns to the words of comfort and immediately tries to hide her face with her hands, hide the tears. It had been an almost natural reaction she had picked up when someone talked to her. She never wanted to be seen like this.

She knew it was childish and she honestly had stopped doing it. But right now she felt like a child again, back in the wilds.

But she needed to be strong now, she wipes the tears away and follows Kiki's comforting voice away from the broken caravan. She wouldn't resort back to her old habits again no matter how much it hurt.

As they get to the tree she meet's the shifters eyes, realizing they weren't human. This woman, this 'Kiki', was an abomination. Like me an inner voice added which she immediately silenced.
Well, at least she couldn't judge her, they were both freaks.

"Terresa, just Terresa." She didn't like to use her family name unless nessecary, it didn't feel right in this condition. Why would an abomination care about that anyway?

"Do you know what happened?" Terresa then asks, sniffing a bit.
She doesn't dare to look at Marius however, the man looked human, he would probably think her a freak once he saw her, best to keep a low profile with him.

2011-06-22, 07:55 AM

A somewhat sorrowful expression cross the cat woman's face as her ears curled inward slightly, "I wish I did. Everything from how I got here to this moment is blur. I certainly don't remember joining up with an arcanum caravan..." Her eyes briefly glanced at the empty human sized cages near the debris. Even if she didn't say it, clearly she was wondering if she even had a choice in that regard. Her pensive look was short lived and she returned her focus to Terresa, "For now, I think we should see what we can salvage and try to get our bearings."

Kiki's right ear perked a little as she caught the well dressed human's tone. Her brownish shirt and pants might as well have been rags in comparison. Her cat tail bristled slightly. It was clear as day that he was part of the arcanum. A part of her was worried that he would start trying to take control of the situation or worse try to exploit it. Unconsciously she began to shift her position so that she remained between Terresa and the top hat wearing gentleman. After pondering what to do for a moment, she decided to turn and face him. She did her best to keep herself calm, "Are you injured." She returned a statement with a statement. Kiki already knew the answer was 'not life-threateningly so'. Kiki wasn't being rude, simply guarded.

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-22, 08:47 AM

He looks at each of the abominations with a stern gaze, sizing them up to see if they could have been capable of an attack of this magnitude and merely left behind as presumed dead. He had to admit he had his doubts though, they looked too callow, especially the weeping female creature--he's seen that pathetic act before numerous times, but this seemed natural--though the half-breed does look dangerous. Plus, from the look of the caravan, they were probably captured and being transported and....

Wait, why couldn't he remember either? That's... strange, and rather disconcerting.

Well, he wasn't about to let his own short-term memory loss affect their perception of him. The cat-girl's statement brought him back to the present moment.

"Hardly, but what's it to you," he snarks, again not really a question. "So, you don't remember anything at all? What about where you came from, or what you were doing before you got here?"

2011-06-22, 09:53 AM
As the group begins to get their bearings Marius is the first to notice what appears to be a young girl, early teens or younger, pulling what appears to be a large secure chest out of the rubble.

She looks over at Karash "Karash, it's the prisoners equipment case, I sealed our stuff in here to make sure the raiders didn't get it, help me out over here."

You notice she bears the symbol of the Red Hand Mercenary group and has the distinctive features of an elf.

"Marius, you want to tell me where Magistrate Valorum went during all this?!" She shouts over.

2011-06-22, 10:42 AM

Terresa follows the shifters glance at the cages, it had seemed impossible before but the way she looked at them she started to put pieces together.

She barely heard Kiki talking, her head heavy with thoughts, she had been taken as some kind of abomination slave wasn't she? Like some kind of animal.

Absentmindedly she just nods in confirmation that she had understood what the abomination has said, salvage. Yes, she needed her staff and her other things. She needed to get back to the city again. She had swallowed this kind of pain before and moved on, she could do it. All over again.

Slowly her legs start to obey her as she attempts to find her items again, not paying attention to Marius, Karash, Kiki or even the elven woman too much. In her state she needed to keep her mind focused on one single thing. Doing things made it easier to distract herself from her current situation.

Looking around for anything important to salvage in a single-minded fashion. Perception [roll0]
Trying to determinate what kind of tracks there are around them, if they are animal or otherwise. Nature [roll1]
Trying to see if this could have been caused by magical force or otherwise and what could have caused the Arcanotech machine to be destroyed. Acrana [roll2]

2011-06-22, 11:19 AM
The tracks seem to be from several humanoids, perhaps several dozen or more, of varying shapes and sizes.

While you notice the burn marks of arcano-tech weaponry there is little else to denote super-technological involvement. Though you begin to remember hearing of an illegal device raiders used to extract recent memories to be sold like a narcotic on the black market.

Teresa finds some basic supplies to help them traveling through the woods but little else as she is a little disoriented.

2011-06-22, 01:54 PM

The case pops out of the wreckage with an pained grunt. Yes, a grunt. Moments later a loose piece of metal slides aside and sinks into the mud. "Gah!... Uh!", muffled noises spat out of a man trapped underneath. "You know.. It's probably my stuff too. A please would have been nice and an appology gracefully accepted now." Out of the rubble, a hand, an arm, another and a 36 year old face along with a raised eyebrow and a bloody ear. The man lets one hand back into the mess and draws a wide, pinstripe trilby hat, places it by his side and drags the rest of himself out.

"Mister Marcel Amnes," Anounces his presence with a smile and a wince and a brief survey of the cuts on his ankle. "From under there, It was pretty hard to hear, that is presuming you were talking, of course." He puts on his hat and looks at the girl. "But I did catch some of you shouting. With good reason, I must say." He looks at Marius.

2011-06-22, 02:30 PM

Karash smiles glad to see one of his own among the chaos, though he is thoroughly embarrassed not to know her name. He hurries over lifts the chest for her."Right, good thinking..." He says racking his brain trying to remember what they were doing out here.

It was just another job though, right? Maybe a little bit further from home then normal, but still just a job. He carries the chest to where the elf girl wants and starts to open intent on retrieving the equipment.

"So these raiders... where are they know?" He asks here, hoping he was right that this was caused by marauding bandits.

2011-06-22, 05:21 PM

When the elf emerged from the wreckage and spoke out for help, the cat woman merely perked her right ear in her direction. For the moment, it seemed like she wasn't going to back down from the arcanum agent's gaze. However, the next response was enough to shake her from her target. She turned to face the elf directly and cried out in shock, "An arcanum magistrate was here?!" She couldn't believe her ears when she heard that. What would such a noble figure be doing out here...and that only made her worry about the situation on a whole, she muttered outloud not really caring if anyone listened, "...what kind of a mess have I gotten myself into." She rubbed her forehead briefly trying to force herself to remember but for all her effort, it was fruitless.

At the very least, she had some new information now. The elven woman had spoken the names of the half-orc, Karash, and the agent, Marcius. It was obvious now that Karash and maybe the elf were prisoners as well as another human, Marcel. One thing was for certain though, if her equipment was in that chest too, she was brought here against her will. She also wondered if perhaps her secret gift had been exposed to prompt her capture.

For the moment though, she shifted her attention to the second human. While decently dressed, he didn't seem nearly as stern as Marcius. Furthermore, she noticed the cut on his ankle. Her tone softened greatly as she moved closer to him, "Here...let me look at that. I have some knowledge in tending wounds. My name's Kiki by the way." She would use whatever medical supplies she could find to bandage his wound...even if she was forced to rip off a piece of her own clothing to do it.

Perception to find medical supplies: [roll0]

Doubt I need it buy Heal check to wrap wound: [roll1]

2011-06-22, 06:09 PM
Marcel extends his ankle while sitting upright on a slab of metal in acceptance of the help. "Much appreciated, Kiki." He smiles at her. This band of strangers are clearly in the same stick. This could turn out... profitable. He looks back at Marius expectantly.

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-22, 06:46 PM

To Marius, this whole thing is getting more and more unusual. Who is this girl, and who does she think she is talking to me like that? he thinks, his indignation rising. He ignores, for the time being, that this "Kiki" neglected to answer him.

"Do not presume to speak with such familiarity to me, child," Marius cautions the elven girl. "Now how is it that you know of me, or of Magistrate Valorum for that matter?"

Not finished with just that, he turns to the newly discovered human, but given that this one's an admitted prisoner Marius isn't about to pay him courtesy.

"And I dare say, sirrah, I've been given good enough cause for shouting already, I don't particularly need more. Now, since we're all properly introduced, would someone mind telling me what in blue blazes is going on here?"

Am I able to recall anything of a Magistrate Valorum?

2011-06-22, 07:08 PM

As she finished looking around, she finds... a human?

Terresa instinctively avoids Marcel, he reminded her too much of what she had been before.
It seemed like more and more people emerged though which meant she really couldn't attempt to hide any longer. Besides someone had said something about a magistrate? Maybe, possibly she or he would understand she wasn't an abomination.

Maybe they could undo this.

"I'm Terrese." She speaks up, trying to not show any signs of fear, "If there is a magistrate it's very important that I get to talk to him." She states, keeping herself from looking down at the ground again. She could do this. Maybe there was a chance after all.

2011-06-23, 03:54 AM
He is an older, higher ranked Magistrate of some renown and normally deals with security to and from settlements in the wild. As in the few farms, prisons, mines etc that the Arcanum control outside the city that are required to support it, but that does not explain why you are in the open wilds as these settlements have rail lines directly to them from the city.

The girl looked up at Karash with an annoyance that obviously wasn't directed at him as she pulled open the chest to reveal everyone's equipment "From I can tell the raiders fled north, maybe towards the DawnForge Mountains but I can't be sure. I. . ."

She stops exasperated "They took all your recent memories to sell didn't they?!"

Taking plate armor from the chest she began to motion to those present "Marius here is a Magistrate, him and Valorum were in charge of this little endeavor. Marcel is Lambda Syndicate but I have no idea why he's here, the rest were Arcanum prisoners for one reason or another and you and I were part of a security detail they hired on, Karash. So does anyone have a plan that doesn't involve the six of us dying in the Wilds?"

She leaves the chest open for everyone to take their equipment as Kiki bandaged up Marcel's ankle.

2011-06-23, 05:38 AM

Even she was having a difficult time keeping herself calm when the elven woman revealed everything. The fact that she was a prisoner was not as much of a shock as it should of been. She just wish she could remember how she was caught so she could avoid repeating the same mistakes. She was quick to retrieve her own equipment and put a rather worn hide armor with a small hole in the back for her tail around her body. Despite having access to all the other weapons of her 'companions', she only took what belonged to her. It might have seemed odd to use a hand crossbow in the age of pistols but she preferred the simplistic weapon and it was quieter and far easier to maintain. Aside from taking a dagger, a small wooden shield, a ragged looking ritual book and an oddly carved piece of wood (her holy symbol), she backed off from the chest, "I only took what was mine. I have no intention of taking more than that."

As she organized her items she continued to speak to the group. Even if she was talking to everyone, her eyes noticeably fell upon Marius on more than one occasion, "Prisoner or not...now is not the time to dwell on that. We are all lost in the wild and if we waste time fighting each other, we will all die. At the very least, we should agree to work together...as equals until we reach civilization again." While waiting for responses, she eyed the nearest trees and tried to figure out which way was north. She figured it would help later on when they finally decided on a destination. However, the fog and the rain was making the task difficult. She silently wondered if the raiders also took her sense of direction with them when they stole her memories....

Nature Check to determine general direction (North, South, East, West):[roll0]

2011-06-23, 06:32 AM

So it was confirmed, she had been a prisoner. Not treated better then some animal at a zoo. If she hadn't been in this time of situation. She might have gone down to cry again right there, but that was the old her, she was stronger now.

Terresa nods at in agreement to Kiki plan, working together made sense and she needed some of these members for more then just that. Returning to civilization was just one part of her journey after all.

She quietly goes to grab her gear once the shifter finished speaking, she was no thief either, she hadn't sunk that low yet. It was her staff, or rather her fathers old staff. Once it have been enchanted but the overcharge seemed to have another effect at things already infused with magic. Then it was her books and the herbs she had managed to collect during her last trip. Finally she finds the equipment and supplies she had bought in the last town. Luckily she had planned for the future and now it all seemed even more important.

Once she have her gear however she appears to stand waiting for Marius to grab his.

Once he's done that she will attempt to get his attention, "Excuse me? Sir?" Hopefully he wouldn't react like the guards had...

2011-06-23, 07:52 AM

As Terresa draws her equipment, the thief in merchant's clothing explains himself a little...
(toward the elf at first) "Listen, love, I'm sure everyone imagines it'd be better to know im Lambda than not but that's an irritating disservice you've done me... No harm done, hopefully. For the rest of you, I appreciate that you might consider my words dirt cheap and to ease the discomfort I'll take my gear last."

To Marius: "Now we know what side of the court we're on, what say we call time-out and pull down the net? Strip away the Spinball metaphor there and I'm saying we could do with forgetting agendas from in the 'Tir since we're clearly outside it." He grins and gestures widely to his rainy, wild surroundings. (He clearly expects no answer).

Looking at Kiki and considering the straight-forward approach to this situation she's adopted, he smiles. "We're all way out of the kennel but I think we'll be fine... Any votes against finding these bandits asap? Excuse the ego but those memories of mine are most likely rather more than a dime a dozen..."

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-23, 08:56 AM

"Cor! Now THAT is good cause for shouting," Marius fumes at the dire information the elven girl had given, but he quickly reasserts control of his emotions. "Presuming I believe you of course--which, I suppose I have little reason not to at this point, considering the facts appear to match the story you're telling. Though I am curious as to how you managed to avoid their memory theft."

Marcel was right to not expect an answer from Marius, whose eyes narrow at the self-admitted Lambda and regard him with evident caution, but his mouth says nothing. And Marius merely rolls his eyes at Kiki's "equality" statement, but not finding himself in any position to argue he lets it go and begins rummaging through the equipment chest.

"Well! My belongings are here, including my backpack, packed in the manner I always do for such excursions." He takes that, a heavy black leather overcoat, and a black steel rod topped with a blue crystal--that last one brings a rare smile to his face. "It seems you're telling the truth, Miss...?"

He turns around, expecting to address the elven girl again, but this time he's met with the unexpected sight of that weeping girl. "What--" he was about to raise his voice at her, but now that he could get a good look at the strange being that she is, his curiosity takes over. "What manner of creature are you?"

Even though what the elf says seems to check out, I'd like to roll Insight against her. [roll0]
And Arcana to determine whether I've ever seen or heard of what Terresa's race is. [roll1]

2011-06-23, 09:08 AM

Karash reaches in and pulls out a roughly sewed set of hide armor, along with a brutal battle axe and a heavy wooden shield with the symbol of the crimson hand printed across its front. "That's better," he says pulling on the armor and attaching the axe to his belt.

Talking to the elf Karash says "So just another job then, good." He glances over at the shifter with a rather apologetic look on his face, then looking back at the elf he says "Though I think those raiders stole your name from my head along with my memories..."

During this Karash tries to orient himself

Find general Direction
Nature Check

2011-06-23, 10:25 AM

Kiki was glad to see that majority of the group seemed to tolerate the idea of working together. She was a little worried about what would happen when they finally reached civilization again, but that was a thought that could wait. It took a good deal of willpower to stop herself from laughing a little when Marcel dramatically gestured to the wilds to hammer the idea home. When the charismatic man spoke his own opinion, she thought hard on it, "...As much as I would like to just get out of the wilds as soon as possible...I have no arguments against getting our memories back. Mine probably aren't worth anything...but I can see why yours would be. Besides, I think you might not be the only one worried about that..."

Her gaze focused on Marcius before silently hinting that it was also in his best interest to do that too. The shifter woman wasn't surprised by Marcius' silence. She figured he would have the hardest time accepting that they had bigger problems than two vocal abominations and a member of the Lambda syndicate running 'free'. A part of her was concerned when Terresa tried to get his attention but she figured he wouldn't try anything at this juncture.

Kiki did notice the apologetic look Karash gave her. It seemed that he was hired to be one of her jailors. Still, Kiki gave a small smile in return and quietly mouthed, "It's okay". She understood all too well that there was nothing personal between them. Getting angry at him would be the same as striking a messenger for delivering bad news. The Lady of Gold would never permit that kind of abuse and she would try to emulate that ideal. The half-orc didn't have a superiority complex and that alone made it easy for Kiki to forgive him. If it wasn't for his tone, she might have even been a bit more friendly to Marcius despite his allegiances.

For now, the thought of bandit hunting was on the table, "These raiders...they must be skilled to do this much damage. If we go after them, we shouldn't do this lightly."

2011-06-23, 02:38 PM

For a moment it would seem Terresa would say no words at all, barely able to keep herself looking at the ground. But finally she seems to gather some courage and and looks Marius in the eyes. "I uh... I'm human sir. Or was." She starts. "My full name is Terresa Clarke, my family works within the Arcanum, the house Drai'ocht to be specific. I'm sure you heard of them." This was her only chance to explain herself so she attempts to take it all at once without pause. "I had an accident sir and I need to get back to the city so they can undo this. I belong as much here as you do really... please sir?" Terresa looks hopefully at the magistrate.

2011-06-23, 02:58 PM

Once the half-orc finishes equiping himself, Marcel hops down from his seat and takes from the box the silvery grey flute, the spotless shortsword and the old but doubtlessly serviceable pistol. After carefully placing them in his jacket and on his belt, he hastily puts the rest away. (only his stuff, if there's anything left im forgetting)

{note}When Marius answers, Marcel does the following. Untill then, behave as though he hasn't.

He stretches his back a bit and fixes his hat.

"All right boys and girls, the Dawnforge Mountains. That's where we're headed." He strolls around the party members looking for any objection and more subtly assessing dispositions. "Lets say these bandits are naught but keeping our memories safe for us to walk up and retrieve them peacefully. The wilds are still... wild. We're not defenseless but my vote is for a passive attitude should be come across any threats. Our ammunition is limited and our luck probably no different. Back to these bandits, they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt."
He gestures to the half-orc, "We could stab them."
He gestures to the genasi, "We could fry them"
He gestures to himself, "We could chat them out of what's ours." - "I say we do them all in that order. And if anyone's against being indiscriminate, do speak up."

He stands about 5 yards from the party in an arbitrary direction. "I've got a light but I'd get lost in my garden, never mind the wilds. Who's taking point with me? We can talk on the road."

How much daylight do we have left and if it's dark already, I'm lighting my lantern.

2011-06-24, 09:54 AM
It's just before Dawn.

Karash is able to Discern North towards the DawnForge Mountains.

The Elf is more battle scarred than any child you'd seen but otherwise of average appearance. She seems to be on the up and up.

The only creatures like Teresa you've ever seen is the latest most cutting edge stable soldier abominations to be inducted into the Legio Abominable.

The Elf girl nods at Marcel's speech and begins to make preparations to depart. After a few minutes she has her equipment and supplies and is ready to head out. She says as a passing remark to Marius "though as advanced as a human's my age my brain is still developing enough to make it difficult to extract stable merchantable memories, most likely they didn't wish to risk breaking their apparatus," then turning back to Karash with a friendly smile "And I'm Aínye, your partner from the Red Hands since we took this job."

2011-06-24, 04:42 PM

The half-orc nods and smiles, "Good. It's nice to meet you again, Aínye." She may seem young, but he assures himself that the Red Hand would not partner some one weak with him. There must be something special out her.

He looks to the imposing mountains in the distance, then looks at Marcel. "Well if your set on going after them, then I'll assume its my job to keep you safe... and if I get my memories back as well... then that's just a bonus." He lifts his shield "I'll take the point. Anything that out there will have to go through me first."

What kind of equipment is Aínye wearing? I mean is she more of a fighter looking type, rouge type, or caster type?

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-24, 11:20 PM

The magistrate spends a painfully long moment silently considering this strange abomination's story, trying his best to keep a neutral expression when the names of both House Drai'ocht and Terresa Clarke are mentioned, but Marius really just isn't one to feign ignorance.

"Hmm. Yes, that story's not unknown to me, but from what I heard 'round the House it had a different ending." He pauses, and for the first time there's a hint of something other than scorn in Marius' eyes--is it sadness? "Terresa Clarke is dead, along with her genius, but apparently and regrettably careless, father. So, from where I stand I can see two possibilities: either you are lying, having heard of that terrible accident, and are trying to craft an identity for yourself, or you're telling the truth, in which case..." here he lowers his voice to nearly a whisper, "...perhaps it would have been better if the story I heard was the truth. The Arcanum, you must know, is in the business of studying abominations."

But then he shakes his head and it's back to the old Marius.

"But that's unimportant now. Not only do I have to get my memory back, I must find Magistrate Valorum--and as far as you lot're concerned, he's your meal ticket back to civilization. If that means we track down these blighters and flay the souls from their corpses along the way, well that's merely a bonus."

Marius' use of the word "we" is notable, but even at that he still eyes Marcel with much distrust.

2011-06-25, 06:59 AM

Marius and everyone else for that matter could easily tell how she is getting increasingly nervous as the magistrate is talking. As he's finished she finally speaks up, "It wasn't his fault, it was the rebels, they blew it up. He managed to teleport us out but something got wrong and we ended up in the wilds instead, looking like this. He died but this is his staff, I swear." She explains shortly, the she couldn't remember the details that clearly, everything had been in a haze. All she could really remember is that one minute she had been looking forward to seeing a groundbreaking experiment and the next she had been in the wilds, her father trying to comfort her with his dying words.

But even though the emotions of that moment had been dulled after three years they started to return a bit now being back to the place she left.

Terresa shows Marius the once enchanted staff which still was good enough for focusing arcane energy. It's horribly worn however after used to wander the wilds for three years so it isn't really much proof.

"See sir? I'm not lying, my family must want me back. You can study me all you want if you just can make me turn back to normal... I can tell you all their names if you like." There is a strong hint of desperation in her voice.

((However, not wanting this discussion to dominate what's going on we could try to move along. Maybe they are walking as they speak?))

2011-06-25, 08:00 AM

As group order was being sorted out, Kiki seemed to stay close to the middle of the group as often as possible. She knew that she wasn't a melee fighter so the front ranks were already ruled out. Her hand crossbow suggested she was more suited for ranged combat anyway.

As the group walked, the shifter's ears twitched constantly on top of her head. While she readily admitted that she wasn't the most perceptive person in the world, her cat ears weren't just for show either. She was listening in on the conversation between Marcius and Terresa. Kiki wasn't doing this to be rude but because she was worried about how Marcius would react to her. Truthfully, it was a little hard not to listen in, especially when Terresa began to show signs of desperation. Most people dismissed the cat woman as a simple-minded creature incapable of complex thought or deduction. It helped her avoid a great deal of scrutiny in the past. She knew when people were being truthful or trying to decieve her. The changes in tone were noticeable if you listened for them.

Terresa's story was either a wonderfully created lie or the truth. Regardless, Kiki pitied her, If she is telling a lie to get into the city...it is a shame that she hates herself so much that she has to resort to this. If she is telling the truth...what a horrible tragedy to be separated from one's family. I feel for Terresa either way. For the time being, Kiki decided to remain quiet and follow the group north towards the Dawnforge Mountains.

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-25, 10:12 AM

Listening patiently to her story as they walked, it was becoming clear to Marius that the girl wasn't going to give up--and he had to admit that it was a curious mystery, especially if it was a criminal act that had caused the explosion and not mere carelessness. There were a lot of problems of course: she could've stolen the staff off another dead magus or purchased it from the black market, and her memory gaps certainly didn't help her case either, so there was much room for skepticism, but her mention of the rebellion's involvement is intriguing.

"I see. Again, your story clashes with the reality I know, which leaves out any mention of rebels." Here he looks doubtful, but it's not clear whether he's doubting her version or the version he'd been told. "Very well, I shall make you a deal--and you should know I'm not one for bargaining with abominations. If you acquit yourself well out here in the Wilds, if you prove loyal and law-abiding in this lawless environ, when we return to the City I promise I will call for a full investigation, both into who you are and who or what turned you into this. I can do no more than that. Is it agreed?"

2011-06-25, 10:44 AM

For a moment it almost looks like Terresa is going to hug Marius but she manages to keep herself relative calm and just nods eagerly. "Yes, of course. Thank you very much sir, I will obey every order and law." She says with with a content smile and takes a deep bow before the magistrate as gracefully as she can muster.

"Is there anything I can help with now mister Marius? I can do some magic if we need a camp later on." Terresa then asks as they are starting to move out.

2011-06-25, 11:50 AM

Over his shoulder to Terresa "If the alternative is doing it by hand, I'm not going to stop you."

Marcel, much like the others spends a lot of the walk trying to piece together what went wrong precisely and what's missing from his schedule. He's outside the city, now, with nothing on his to-do list. These things are both fairly new to this man of business... He's sure that there'll someone out there looking for him by the end of the day if not already. The chances of them being amiable if they do catch up with him are slim to none. Keeping up appearances is everything, you can have a 20 year old career in those streets but you'll never find the ice gets any thicker under your feet...

More broadly directed, "Excuse me, by the way, if I don't get too involved in sharing tales of life but as you can imagine, the closest thing to honor in my lines of business is loyalty... No substitute at all..." He clears his throat. "So, what'll be the first thing you do when you get back home? Or, if it applies, to you're origional form."

2011-06-25, 12:13 PM

The scholar glances nervously at the bard, a few things going though her head, was it okay for her to speak with him? Marius seemed to disapprove of this man after all.

"Eh, meet my family again I guess, I haven't really thought about it otherwise. Possibly finish my degree and become a real magistrate some day..." She continues, looking away into the distance.


Dacia Brabant
2011-06-25, 12:32 PM

"Er, yes, that, uh, that would be fine," the magistrate repliesto Terresa's offer, trying not to look embarassed at her reaction. Just what have I gotten myself into? Curse my damnable curiosity! he thought. "But just stay vigilant, dangers may lurk anywhere in the Wilds--a few of them right in plain sight."

He made no effort concealing who that last remark was intended for.

Marius will stay roughly in the middle of the pack by the way. I'd suggest having a good spotter in the front and the back.

2011-06-25, 02:34 PM

The female shifter was honestly surprised by how Marius treated Terresa. She had fully expected him to either dismiss her completely or simply laugh in her face like she believed every other Arcanum agent would. It wasn't an ironclad promise to help and he could still change his mind at a moment's notice. Still, Kiki felt she misjudged him a little. Naturally when he made his comment about trouble in plain sight, she figured he referred to Marcel and herself. She couldn't really hold that against him, We...haven't really given him reason to trust at all. I suppose...I could start with that a bit...

Kiki took a deep breath and focused her thoughts, "Magistrate Marius...if I remember right, you asked a few questions I didn't answer." Her tone was not quite as guarded as it was before. Her voice was calm and almost respectful, "I was made in the city but like many abominations, wound up in the Shanty Ring. I survived by treating the injured there. Unless it was obvious they didn't have a copper to their name or they were dying on my doorstep, adults had to pay for treatment. Children were always free. It was something that I was good at and still am. I don't remember how I got here but I do remember that I was trying to expand...to aid those who might actually face danger on jobs. This isn't exactly what I had in mind though."

She briefly glanced at Marius hoping that he could see she meant her next words, "I'm not a skilled fighter but I know how to keep wounded people alive. My words might not mean much, but I wouldn't forgive myself if I let anyone die out here when I could do something about it."

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-25, 04:33 PM

At first regarding Kiki with a heavy dose of skepticism, Marius' expression grows more amused (but not in a comforting way) as the hybrid cat-woman describes her profession.

"Well then, as a favor to you, Kiki, for freely answering my questions, I must tell you that I respect you for what you do--for striving to keep alive those who suffer in misery, those whose dreary existence would be better off ended, or never having existed in the first place. And to earn money from it even! That's truly more fortitude than I can claim. No wonder you should wish to return to civilization."

Was he backhandedly (or genuinely?) complimenting her, or was he provoking her to see if she'll live up to the idealism in that last assertion of hers? Probably both.

2011-06-25, 06:22 PM

A small frown formed on Kiki's face as she heard the back-handed compliment. She didn't appreciate the mocking of her profession and it showed. However, just as quickly as the frown appeared, it quickly faded. The cat woman closed her eyes and gently rested her left hand on her right shoulder. She briefly rubbed the spot and tense feeling relaxed a bit, I know...you and I know better than that. I don't have to answer anymore...but I want to.

She let out a deep breath and replied in a calm manner, "...I thank you for your opinion, but I must ask, do you know anyone who has never felt any form of pain in their lives? I don't. Life is filled with misery, pain and sadness...no one can avoid that and the only difference is how much a person deals with at once." Her tone softened greatly as she briefly thought about her own pain but the reassuring feeling inside her gave her the courage to continue speaking, "However, life is also filled with hope, love and promise. It is what keeps those in the Shanty Ring from just laying down and dying regardless of how much the Arcanum would like that. We all have something we wish to live for. One's existence is only dreary if they believe it is."

With that, she gave a wry smile of her own, "I find part of my existence in my work. As much as I would love to treat everyone for free, would you trust a starving, sickly medic to help you? When you are down, you don't want someone to suffer with you. You want someone to help you stand on your own feet. Still, I'm not starving right now so guess I will just have to do what I love and actually help everyone here for free." By now any hint of anger at the previous compliment was all but forgotten. Her tail wagged back and forth as she finished, "If you have a different opinion, by all means share. I am all ears and we do have a long trip ahead." She looked like she was expecting him to tear apart her speech. She was very good at arguing when it counted. It was among the many things her mistress trained her in. The cat woman was a social creature at heart and even with this new setting, that didn't change. Kiki was finding her stride now and she would enjoy a subtle verbal battle.

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-25, 11:08 PM

Marius doesn't drop his cruel look of amusement throughout her reply, except at the very end when she mentions the lengthy road ahead.

"Cor, long trip indeed. That, surgeon, is the unkindest cut of all. Very well then, since all our sufferings are to be prolonged, I shall take the time to educate you in just how mistaken you are." He clears his throat and reclaims his serious composure.

"Of course everyone feels pain, beginning right from birth until the moment of death. Not even the highest councilors and mightiest magistrates are immune from that curse. I said 'misery' and 'dreary' for a reason. Those of the Shanty Ring, indeed all those who wallow in the muck, are born for it. If they were truly creatures of will, they would take up their duty to the Magistratum and thereby take meaning for their otherwise meaningless lives." Pride begins to show in his eyes here, but then he scowls.

"But they don't, so whatever meaning they may have is what's forced onto them. A few are able to be made into arms and shields, some are better used as ammunition, more serve as tools, but most are simply slag that don't even know that they're spent. Shields need mending, weapons and tools need repair, but trying to fix slag? Giving it false hope so it believes something that isn't true and wishes for what will never be? Rubbish! The Arcanum is never so vicious."

With that Marius gives a look of self-satisfaction, as though the argument is over, the battle won before it's begun. Q.E.D.

2011-06-26, 01:36 AM

Karash comes to an abrupt halt as the two behind bicker away. "Damn civilians! How do you except to fight an entire camp of bandits together when you cannot stop fighting each other! Have you noticed that we're not in the Shanty Ring anymore? This is not some debating hall of the Arcanum!" He turns dramatically wave his axe at the surrounding trees, "This is the Wilds! The only thing that matters out here is surviving! Not what you think the damn meaning of life is! Just surviving. And it is my job to make sure you all do that... Survive."

He turns and begins walking again, "No discipline! You all best put your differences aside if you want to get out of this with both your memories and your lives. You've probably alerted every living thing within 10 mile of our presence with all that arguing."

2011-06-26, 02:17 AM

The shifter didn't look like she was going to back down from the argument and even her expression said she had much more to say on it. However, she was snapped out of it when Karash began berating her and Marius about the merits of arguing in the middle of the Wilds. The cat woman realized quickly that he was right. Her tail stopped swaying and her ears dipped a little. She lowered her head towards the half-orc and in an apologetic tone finished, "I...I'm sorry Karash...everyone. You're right. This isn't the time for this." Although Kiki was passionate about her work and her beliefs, there was no reason to rush the former by attracting every monster within several miles. They certainly wouldn't be interested in the latter.

With that, she glanced at Marius, "We just have to agree to disagree and focus on more important matters. I'll try to listen out for anything out of the ordinary." Kiki moved closer to the back of the group and began twitching her ears again. She was actively listening to the sound of the Wilds. To be fair, she had never been out this far before. She was more used to the Shanty Ring and the Unyielding Forest. Despite that, she thought she had a good handle on what would sound normal and what sounded like a hungry growl.

Kiki is taking 10 on her perception check because she is taking her time to get used to the sounds: 15.

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-26, 09:23 AM

The magistrate looks like he was about to bite back at both of them, but instead he just shrugs and lets it go, which is as close to him saying "You're right of course" as anyone's likely to get (in truth he agreed completely).

"And I'll take the rear guard, in case you miss anything out of the ordinary," is his final retort before shutting his mouth and focusing his energy for any threats that appear.

There's not much point in me doing spotting with a +2, but I would like to ready Dire Radiance against a hostile creature coming within 5 squares of him that he can see.

2011-06-26, 10:12 AM
After about an hours walk through the forests of the wilds you come upon a large clearing at the base of a hill. Looking down at the clearing you see it is ringed by hastily prepared huts of varying size, the larger ones having fires outside them for warmth. A dozen or so wild elves are scattered around the camp, a large riding spider rests near the largest hut. The whole camp seems to ring a large odd looking red wood tree. You don't notice any Arcano-tech.

Aínye wears plate armor.

2011-06-26, 11:35 AM

The cat woman kept her head down and her voice low when she noticed fires coming from down at the bottom of the hill. A look of uncertainty crossed her face as she could see they were clearly outnumbered. Still, there didn't seem to be any arcano-tech nearby. The possibility of this being a simple tribe of wild elves who had nothing to do with the raid was there. Quietly she began to voice her opinion, "I don't see any arcano-tech, so I doubt these elves are with the raiders. I'm not saying its not possible, I just don't see the evidence. Even so, whose to say they'll be friendly towards us. At the very least, they might have seen something. I don't mind going down there to try to talk with them. I do know elven...or we could just move on." For now, it seemed Kiki was satisfied with putting options out there. She wasn't settling on an actual choice yet.

Kiki turned her golden eyes to Ainye and asked quietly, "Ainye, did you get a good look at the raiders? Could you spot them from a distance?" It seemed like she was relying on Ainye's memory to identify whether or not the elves here were part of the raid.

2011-06-26, 11:57 AM

Karash shakes his head, "We're outsiders to them... I doubt they would very friendly to us" He glances over at their elf companion, "Ainye probably has the best chance of communicating with them, but... sending in someone alone might be as good as offering them a sacrifice."

Karash eyes the red tree in the middle trying to see if he recognizes it.

Nature Check: [roll0] on Identifying the tree

2011-06-26, 12:36 PM

Smiling widely, as contact with those who did not know his origin always turned out entertaining or exciting in the past. "Ah, dáh meag anláh cófada an shearctain, meag galár leráh agim cun cur na brógs sheo inaim go eeha." He pauses, smiling still.
"For those of you wondering, i said if the day was the lenght of the week, i'd have enough to say to them to distract them til night."

"May I?" He says hopefully with pride, his left foot turned, ready to walk ahead.

2011-06-26, 01:10 PM

"I... I don't mind." The scholar says with a shrug having been mostly quiet during all this time.

She hadn't cared much of the discussion and didn't want to risk displease Marius in some way so she just kept her mouth shut, only breaking the silence if asked something.

Nature: Trying to figure how far away they are from the city while they were walking. She have been somewhere in the area before after all. [roll0]

2011-06-26, 03:49 PM

The half-orc rolls his eyes at the human's arrogance "You won't be talking long after they feed you to their cavalry." He says waving at the riding spider. "These aren't the slave elves that are forced to listen to your ramblings, they're wild."

He shifts his weight thinking, "But still the tracks lead here, and if they're not the bandits they most likely saw them past... So we should investigate."

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-26, 03:50 PM

"That I believe," Marius replies to Marcel in perfect Elven. He drops the snark though and, switching back to Common, becomes more wary than at any point in their travels. "I...do not believe, however, that they will react well to me. Much as I'd rather observe what you tell them, Lambda, I'll stay back so as not to cause a riot right from the start. I'll trust Aínye not to let you do anything foolish."

While it's heavily implied that his caution is due to his position and status in the Arcanum, what's unspoken is that he's also concerned these wild elves would see through to his dual nature.

2011-06-26, 04:27 PM

"Is there anything I can do for you mister Marius?" The scholar asks the magistrate, she have seemed very concerned about his well being ever since he made that promise. "I'm not very good at talking with people, but I do have a number of rituals for situations like this. Like creating a drowsing rod..."

2011-06-26, 04:35 PM

As the group discussed their options it seemed that there was a general conclusion in place, "I agree that its a bit too dangerous to go alone. Two or three should be fine though. So...Marcel will go to try to talk to them with Ainye as back up unless she doesn't want to do it. I can still tag along too but I worry if more than two will make things better or worse. If you want me there, I will follow your lead Marcel." While it was clear that she was a tad too honest for distractions and misdirection, she was a rather decent speaker from her brief argument with Marius. If nothing else, she was more perceptive than she looked.

She frowned a bit as she eyed the camp once more, "If push comes to shove, we might have to run. I would rather flee from them then fight all of them in their camp...We might not outrun the spider and whoever rides it but one or two foes are better than twelve."

Dacia Brabant
2011-06-26, 05:52 PM

Marius scratches his sidewhiskers, looking somewhat uncomfortable with all this unaccustomed attention.

"Me? Uh, I'm fine. I have plenty of water, but I uh, well, that is, we will need to replenish our stores at some point, I'm sure. That's, um, that's good to know. For now though, just stay ready."

2011-06-26, 06:30 PM

"Well, it can find other things that water, but if you say so sir. I will be ready."

She then turns to Kiki whom also have earned her trust somewhat beside being an abomination. "Do you think I should go as well? I have fought a few battles in the wilds but those were mostly against wild animals. I don't like the idea of killing actual people even if they are... uh, never mind that."

2011-06-27, 12:59 AM

A small smirk barely showed on the cat woman's face as she heard the tail in end of Terresa's comment, If there was any doubt she was human once, that might have killed it. Still, its nothing to get worked over about. She had to admit, she preferred seeing Marius put off-balance by Terresa's presence. It gave her hope that there might be something even the shifter could like about the Arcanum agent. For now, there were other matters to attend to. She replied to the question in a calm manner, "I'm glad you want to help Terresa but I really don't think you should go. If things go badly, we should have three people at least back here to help cover Marcel's escape...maybe four."

Kiki continued to voice her thoughts, "As I said, I don't mind going. If we can get them to talk, I could offer to mend any wounded they have for information. Also...if they aren't friendly...well, my creator made sure I had a self-defense trait. If they cause me to bleed, I'll be able to run much faster than normal. I'd...still rather not go that far...I still feel pain too you know." She thought deeper about reasons why she shouldn't go either, "Potential for pain aside, I'm obviously not an elf and I'm better at ranged attacks. So those are reasons why I shouldn't go."

Kiki's golden eyes fell on Marcel as she finish listing reasons, "Since Marcel is the one in charge of this diplomacy attempt, he should have the final say on whether he wants two or three people with him. I'm sure he's skilled enough to go solo, but its a bit too dangerous."

2011-06-27, 06:14 AM

Looking briefly back and forth between Ainye and Kiki, "I believe I would work better with some company, even if we do appear a little mismatched. An Elf will make for some empathy, also, methinks."

He motions for them to follow by his sides and steps into full view of the Elves.
He moves his pistol's holster to the small of his back. Faining mild surprise and a sigh of relief, the man lifts his hands into the air and speaks "Oh, buiacás léh Diah! Ansheo eed nah slainteórai araibh maid le fanact. Madain diav! Madain! Loer lain vur feicáltai an láh inné! Taimíd a lurg meirleachaí. Táh visneash aguinn le déniv leoh. Ár sun an dltí nadúir-hae, abeir linn!"

Marcel said, for kiki and Marius,: "Oh, thank this forest! Here are the saviors we've been waiting for. Morning! Morning! Tell us your sightings of the last day! We search for bandits. We have dealings to conduct with them. 'For the good of the natural justice' (elven saying), speak with us!"

Behind his back, Marcel holds his right wrist, his hand hovering over the hilt of the gun. His hands will move if the Elves get line of sight of the gun.

Diplomacy check to gain a free, peaceful audience with the Elves:
in OOC, sorry.

2011-06-27, 07:07 AM

The scholar nods, "Okay... I will stay back then." As the shifter start to go through the tactics she seems to listen intensely, not wanting to missing a word as she didn't really want to displease anyone by failing to follow the plan.

Once they leave however she will slip back into the grass attempting to mentally prepare herself for killing someone. She had done the same with animals right? All she needed to was to think the elves as animals, shouldn't be too hard. Then she could unleash her lighting on them...

But maybe just escaping would be better?

2011-06-27, 09:53 AM

Karash frowns at Marcel, not understanding a word. "Ah hell. I'm not letting you two(Kiki and Ainye) walk in there with just this idiot." He stands and attaches his axe to his belt, but keeps his shield out. "The rest of you be ready to attack if things go bad down there"

Karash lets Marcel lead into them into the elf camp.

2011-06-28, 01:21 AM
Once it was decided that Kiki could tag along, she followed in line. The cat woman hung her hand crossbow on her belt and kept her light wooden shield strapped to her left arm. She also made a mental note not to place her hands anywhere near her weapons. They shouldn't question the weapons...if anything, they should know best that the region is full of danger...but I can see why Marcel's pistol would be a bit concerning to them.

While Marcel was busy getting the elves attention and trying to speak to them, the brown haired shifter was working as well. Her golden eyes were observing everything about the elves she could in these precious few moments. The way they composed themselves and their manner of dress...anything that could infer how they lived as a people. However, the one thing she was looking for above all else, how would they likely react to her healing...both the divine and the mundane forms. Even if it meant revealing herself to her allies, they needed this diplomacy attempt to go well. She reasoned that she couldn't afford to hide her secret long in the wilds anyway.

Insight Check to see if using Divine Healing Magic and/or Mundane Medical Practices would impress the wild elves or make them more hostile: [roll0]

2011-07-04, 03:52 PM
You figure that the elves would be unable to tell the difference between Divine and Arcane Magic so it would likely make them hostile.

You can tell little from your surroundings, other that you are in Sudgard, the region to the south of the city.

All Karash can Identify is that the tree is some how mystical.

As the diplomatic group approaches the group a tall, young, scarred man steps forward. His clothes are tribal rags decorated with bones and pieces of polished metal and his hair is dyed red like the markings he bares on his face.

"Ce a bhfuil tu?! Níl chead aon coimhthíochtí bheith anseo! Seo ait naofa! Rith nó beidh to maróidh ar mo claíomh!" the chief shouts. Though Marcel's words prevent them attacking immediately they are still quite hostile. Though the chief tries to intimidate you he does not order his men to ready themselves to attack.

In Common:
"Who are you?! No stranger is allowed to be here! This is a holy place! Run or you'll be killed on my sword!"

2011-07-04, 05:32 PM

Despite the rather clear threat, the cat woman still considered the fact that they weren't attacked immediately as a 'good sign'. It was also obvious to her that any use of magic would likely send the wild elves into a battle frenzy. They probably wouldn't be able to tell divine magic from arcane...which means using any spells would be like saying 'I'm part of the Arcanum here to push you around, what are you going to do about it?!' Which would soon be followed up by the sword through stomach threat... For the time being, she needed to convey that fact to her allies as well as help with the negotiations.

Kiki remained beside Marcel and although it was clear he was leading thier group, she spoke up in support of his previous statement, "Shi tael bai cas. Shi cel solaer shai iari aelor tandros. Si tae cali tysti sor shae. Cali o mael eilia oraes malaes? She seemed to stress the word evil but it was more for her party's benefit than for the chieftan. She was subtly trying to make it clear that any use of magic would be seen as an act of aggression.

Translation: We mean no harm. We are hunting thieves who use evil magic. They may have come this way. Have you seen any other strangers?

Kiki will be using Aid Another to boost Marcel's next diplomacy check. If she hits or beats DC 11, Marcel adds +2 to his next roll.

Diplomacy roll: [roll0]

2011-07-05, 04:22 PM

Karash stands back, watching the pointy objects the elves were wielding wearily. But otherwise he stands his ground, no reason to run yet.

Since he speaks no elven, he relies on translating their actions alone, which seem to shout We don't want you here! He looks over at Marcel expectantly.