View Full Version : A question on knowledge devotion stacking

King Atticus
2011-06-21, 08:16 PM
I have what is probably a stupid question. I'm putting together a factotum and looking to utilize the Knowledge Devotion -> Collector of Stories route to get benefits on attacks above and beyond the other factotum goodies. My question is would you consider the Veteran Knowledge Feat from Heroes of Battle able to stack with this. It says You gain a +5 bonus on Knowledge checks made to gain a strategic advantage.

Am I oversimplifying what "to gain a strategic advantage" means or is this almost exactly what this feat is for.

Sorry if this should be selfexplanatory, I sometimes swing and miss on the obvious questions. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-21, 08:43 PM
I'm pretty sure the feat is intending to refer specifically to the mass combat option, by which you gain an edge in an upcoming army fight. Especially since it gives you a direct page reference to those mechanics in the actual feat rules text.. makes it pretty clear what the intent and RAW is, really. If it isn't part of the Strategic Advantages section of Heroes of Battle, the feat doesn't apply. (Personally, I'd let it slide, because it's a stupidly weak feat as is and you ought to get something useful for your feat choice. But RAW? No.)

King Atticus
2011-06-21, 10:01 PM
Thanks brutha, I was away from my books so I didn't have the full text. You're absolutely right and even if it did it's not worth givin up a FoI to get it. I appreciat the response.