View Full Version : Sending off 3.5 by Letting the Players go Insane

Angry Bob
2011-06-21, 09:18 PM
I've had some trouble with D&D 3.5, and decided that I don't want to deal with it in a serious campaign. Even the one I'm running right now is extremely tongue-in-cheek about how much stronger the PCs are than the world around them, even with the numerous houserules I've implemented to try to approach a semblance of balance.

So once my current 3.5 campaign is finished, I want to send off 3.5 by blowing up my setting. That's where this 3-4 session "campaign" idea comes in.

The details:

The game would be D&D 3.5 with Dragon Magazine and online supplements, with no 3rd party, homebrew, or Pathfinder, and errata on a case by case basis, usually using whichever option makes the character stronger.

The characters would probably begin around level 30, using gestalt.

The only real houserules would be:
1: Anything that generates an infinite or arbitrarily high value is banned(No Pun-Pun or omniscificer)
2: Beholder Mage is banned
3: Obvious typos(CA Vigilante, anyone?) would be fixed.
4: Custom epic spells(Ones already put together in books are fine) are disallowed.

The "campaign" would essentially consist of me throwing the players against the most preposterous monsters and traps I can draw up. It would presumably end when the players ran out of contingent resurrections and their enemies overwhelmed them, which will conveniently be at the exact moment the great wheel fractures into shards too small to support a coherent reality.

So, what I want to know from the playground is the following:

1a: What degree of preposterousness is required to actually threaten the players at this level? I've read the 206 demiliches story, but I hope I don't need quite that level of absurdity.
1b: What specific threats do your recommend?
2: What other specific things should be banned on the grounds that they trivialize all encounters, even super high level ones?
3: Are there any houserules you recommend to accomodate for the fact that the world is disintegrating? I've thinking in convenience terms, rather than metaphysical, for instance giving them the "Secret of Creation" to make item creation take minutes instead of days. Eleven days is an eternity when the multiverse will be irreversibly destroyed in eight.

2011-06-21, 09:22 PM
A single 20th level wizard, properly optimized, if you're only using the crappy Epic spells in the book.

2011-06-21, 09:58 PM
i alos suggest tossing in 2 HECATONCHEIRES as well as the wizard. maybe have him a three headed sirrush as a pet.

2011-06-21, 10:08 PM
i alos suggest tossing in 2 HECATONCHEIRES as well as the wizard. maybe have him a three headed sirrush as a pet.

There was a competition on the old Wizards CharOp boards to make level 20, non-Gestalt builds that could single-handedly take down a Hecatonchieres. It was surprisingly easy. My favourite was Tleilaxu_Ghola's build that used Unstable Location and Anticipate Teleport to teleport in, charge the 'Chieres, then teleport several miles away in the same turn, but there were lots of ways to go about it.

The trick with high-level PCs is to make them think about what option will get them out of this. Full casters are a great way to do this, as they have huge amounts of flexibility themselves, so they can respond to PCs' actions meaningfully. Giant monsters, while awesome, are often lacking in responsiveness.

2011-06-22, 12:09 PM
gestalt lvl 30 wizard//archivist any spell out there he can cast :smallsmile: and a few of em are bound to blow the world up :) (also, (divine) metamagic feats :smallwink: )