View Full Version : Ninja/assassin (/rogue/druid) 3.5

Draconi Redfir
2011-06-22, 12:31 AM
So as it is i have a 9th level Rogue/Druid/Assasin in my 2.5 game, (4/4/1 respectively) And i recently got in a grapple-fight with a ninja NPC and got out of it with some new ninja clothes for the sake of looking cool.

That got me thinking of takeing some levels in ninja myself, but is there even a ninja presteige class? if so would it blend very well with an assasin?

2011-06-22, 01:39 AM
There are a couple - Ghost-Faced Killer and Shadow Sun Ninja are both pretty ninja-y - but Assassin comes awfully close to *being* the ninja PrC by choosing the appropriate spells.

I guess I'm wondering what you think a "ninja" PrC would do. Aside from being really sneaky, backstabbing people and having them die, I'm not sure what the essential "ninja" properties might be.